Archive for February 13th, 2010

Obama’s Marxism, Democrats’ Socialism

©2010 drkate

(Updated with video at end)

The timing was right for the events of the 2008 election, in which the Constitution was blatantly violated by installing  non-natural born citizen and possible non-citizen Obama into the White House.

First, a Gallup Poll highlighted by Gateway Pundit indicates that 52% of democrats have a ‘favorable view of socialism’ .  The poll indicates a fairly successful attempt at subverting the viewpoint of a significant number of Americans in the last four decades, at least.  Click the box to go directly to the poll.

This leaning led in great part to the ascendancy of Obama as the democrats’ only candidate, where, as Pastor Manning recently said, he was successful in telling everyone, even the Clinton machine, to ‘shut up and sit down’.

Continue reading ‘Obama’s Marxism, Democrats’ Socialism’

Stand UP

©2010 drkate

How refreshing it would be if we had Senators and Representatives speak the truth to power, and calling out power for the lie that it is.  Daniel Hannan, speaking below, is the author of “The Plan: Twelve Months to Renew Britain”.

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February 2010

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