It’s the Constitution!

PART TWO: September 2018

Nine years since the beginning of this blog, it still is about the Constitution! Personally and professionally since that time, I have integrated my work and life even more along the lines of the magnificent document. Its the only document, legal document we have as we face the onslaught of socialism, brought to America more clearly by the usurper Obama, who was never constitutionally qualified to be the president.

Clear as day, and every day, Americans are finding out not only of the corruption of the Obama administration, but also its intentional destruction and weakening of America. This occurred throughout the world, with stories too numerous to cover. All the time deliberately lying and hiding its work to generate domestic chaos under the cover of racism accusations, assault, “anti-fascist” fascists, gangs, imported MS-13.

We are unabashed and unapologetic Americans here, and therefore support President Trump. Politicians have failed our country entirely and its time for a businessman to run our country–which is, yes, a corporation.

We’ve got to straighten out a lot of things to get back to our Constitutional Republic.

PART ONE: September 2009

Welcome!  The photograph in the header is the reflection of a part of the Grand Teton Mountain range in Jackson Lake Reservoir, Wyoming.  I chose this photo, one of my own,  because it shows what I feel–that it is time for the collective reflection of who we are, as Americans and as a Nation.  One can always see the beauty in the rawness and imperfections.  We are only limited by our own imagination.

This blog is about the Constitution of the United States and its Amendments.  We offer a historical perspective, an analysis of what aspects of our Constitution have been and continue to be violated, and practical tools through which we the people can restore our Constitutional Republic.

A major premise of this blog is that the United States is currently in constitutional crisis, primarily based on the following:

  • An Executive who refuses to prove his loyalty to the United States, strongly suspected of having multiple allegiances and ineligible for the office;
  • A Congress that is rushing the United States toward socialism and bankruptcy through it, and the Executive’s, passage of laws which seize the banking, medical, and auto industries using tax-payer funds;
  • A “Federal Reserve” that is neither “federal” nor has a “reserve” that is crushing the American economy;
  • A systematic attack on the fundamental rights of Americans including free speech, freedom of assembly, the right to redress; the right to bear arms; the right to prevent the government from seizing our homes and communities;
  • Foreign policy, rules of engagement, and strategic homeland defense being compromised by the Executive’s words, policies, economic, and defense strategies

With this in mind, I would also  like to focus this blog on how acts of Congress, the President, and the Courts are either consistent with or attempt to change the Constitution, most principally the relationship between the government and the people.  To this end, I will research far and wide and invite readers to find and link constitutional resources for all of our benefit.

As is well known, it is difficult to produce a high-quality, well researched article on the Constitution every day, unless one is blessed with time and the resources to do so.  Like all of you, I also have a full-time job.  Thus while nearly all of the articles in this blog will invoke serious topics and propose serious discussion, I will also intersperse these ‘think pieces’ with sometimes totally off topic and light-hearted subjects which I hope you will enjoy.

In a way, by contributing to this blog, we will continue to build the knowledge base, strategies, historical perspective, and tools for the preservation of a Constitutional Republic, so that people today can use them, and generations to come will know the principles that founded, and that will save, this great nation.

My hopes for this blog are to really be a resource, as follows:

  • A resource on the history and development of the Constitution, with links to the historical documents, analysis, words and works of our Founding Fathers.  Importantly, what do these words, actions and strategies mean for us today?
  • A discussion board for application of these tools to the current constitutional crisis;
  • A resource for understanding how each provision of any Congressional bill, or any executive action, supports or violates the constitution
  • A place to network

So, please join me and others in respectful conversation and exchange of ideas. Any suggestions are welcome.

This is a labor of love for my Country.


84 Responses to “About”

  1. 1 drkate August 17, 2009 at 3:04 pm

    Stand by Our Constitution!

    • 2 jbjd August 18, 2009 at 6:43 pm

      Here is the original performed by Ben E. King, who wrote this for the Drifters. Lucky for him, they turned it down.

    • 4 sky August 24, 2012 at 7:26 am

      Yes americans we need to stand against the corrupt FED.corrupt Rothschilds,JP MORGAN,Dont bank with chase,and the other biggest banks,they have been pulling the strings the corrupt gov.Its time to lower their benefits.and lobbiest,and CEO’s pay.The biggest banks give to people and corporations when they are involved in AMERICAN GREED,PONZI SCHEMS,and DESTROYING JOBS, OFF SHORE,ITS TIME TO CLEAN THIS UP

  2. 5 Proudin NC August 20, 2009 at 6:37 pm

    I look forward to reading your insightful articles, DrKate. Along with many others from TD, I appreciate your efforts!

  3. 7 Al August 26, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    Best wishes, DrKate. Thanks for doing your part to make sense of the challenging times we live in, and for your loyalty to the vision of the Founding Fathers and the sacred document they inspired.

    • 8 drkate August 28, 2009 at 2:05 am

      thank you Al, that means a lot. It may not be the most exciting blog, but I will do my best!

      • 9 butterdezillion April 4, 2011 at 6:25 am

        Dr Kate, I don’t see a way to contact just you, but wanted to send this press release:

        “Donald Trump has been making waves by saying that Obama should disclose his birth certificate. Conversing with him on air last week, Bill O’Reilly said Obama’s Hawaii birth is proven by his birth announcements in the microfilms of 2 Hawaii newspapers in 1961. Trump has said that he knows how easily records can be manipulated because of what he’s seen over the course of his life. New information says Trump is the wiser of the two; the online birth announcement images themselves, together with new information, prove that the claims about where they came from cannot be true, as documented at Somebody lied, and why they lied is a question that deserves an answer.

        You have permission to reprint the entire article at with attribution to Butterdezillion (Nellie Ristvedt).

        Nellie Ristvedt is a mother of 4 who has spent much time investigating Obama’s eligibility, earning from Hawaii an attempt to give her the honorary title of “Vexatious Requester”. She testified before the legislative committee hearing in support of LB654, Nebraska’s eligibility bill.”

        Thank you for all you are doing. We are making progress, one person at a time. =)

        • 10 drkate April 4, 2011 at 6:36 pm

          Butterdezillion, I am honored that you would come here with a comment…I have very high regard for the work you do! I would very much like to cross post this, with attribution to you. Thank you!

          I appreciate your work so much…it has been a life saver for all of us that each of us has a different ways of telling the truth…and yes, its one person at a time I believe. thank you again! i am always reachable at (my blog) at gmail.

      • 11 January 10, 2014 at 5:42 am

        Dr. Kate: Good morning, I am the Michael from Texas who was on DrKate’s Radio on Blogtalk last evening with yourself and Terry Dodd, Red Beckman and Mr. Mullins. When I tried to explain the difference between the “people of the United States” who are “free sovereign and independent” and the “inhabitants of the United States” who are citizens, subjects and slaves, I was told “we knew that 5 years ago.” I am sorry, but with all due respect, your nor Dr. Kate’s websites make any such distinction. I knew at the time it was a put down and I still think that remark was just a put down and not the truth. I ascertain the truthfulness of the statement, I used “Google Advanced Search” on yours and Dr. Kate’s website and the results of that search was nothing to indicate you had any idea of what I was talking about. If you are truly interested in discovering the truth I was attempting to impart last evening, you may certainly contact myself at 210-523-7154 or my email. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the country. The “people of the United States” of which I am one, by political determination, only want the government to provide the “essential governmental duties” owed to us.

        • 12 drkate January 10, 2014 at 9:20 am

          Good day Michael. Yes it is true that many on that program last night know about inhabitants versus people of the US. While this site has not discussed that in detail as you noted, the radio program Walls has many times, and the people who were guests on the show last night have long experience with this concept. We have often discussed the role of the 14th amendment in this. It is why they are doing what they are doing with the boards of review and the Magna Charta. Thank you for listening and please do join us on Thursday evenings at 7 pm mountain. Feel free to post your findings here in this forum.

          Terry Dodd and I were both delegates to the 2009 Continental Congress where this subject was discussed in detail…take a look at the product “Articles of Freedom”

  4. 13 Al August 28, 2009 at 9:55 am

    You’re welcome, DrKate. Your genuine love for your country and the principles it was founded upon trumps excitement. It’s because of folks like you who care/dare to honor and protect our sacred Constitution that allows the rest of us the freedom to find and enjoy excitement as Free men/women. Keep fighting the good fight, DrKate. Cheers to you.

  5. 14 brityank August 30, 2009 at 5:06 pm

    On a light-hearted note – maybe – I give you the following:

    I must admit, I really liked that song and its performance by Sammy Davis Jr. He and te rest of the “Rat Pack” were publicly some of the best artisans of the era. IMHO.

  6. 15 Jim simpson September 29, 2009 at 9:31 am

    Dr. Kate:

    Thanks for linking to my article “Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis.” This article was originally posted on American Thinker, to whom I also contribute regularly.

    Please do me the favor of putting my personal blog in your blogroll:


    Jim Simpson

  7. 17 mary deb hedges November 17, 2009 at 11:50 am

    Dear Dr. Kate,

    I met you on the street corner in front of Walter Reed Medical Center on September 11, 2009. We visited about Jackson Hole and the fact that I accompany my husband to an area Law Enforcement event there every June. I expressed a hope that we could meet then. I have SO enjoyed so much of your website. You have introduced me to excellent information and entertainment! You have energized me to remain involved and to educate myself. THANK YOU. I would like a way to get in touch with you so that I could actually plan a time to meet when we get to beautiful Jackson Hole. Use my email above if you have time and inclination. I will continue to read and learn from you many times a week. I have also shared your website with many. Thank you. md

    • 18 drkate January 27, 2010 at 1:30 pm

      Thank you so much, and yes, I do remember you! 🙂

      When you get closer to Wyoming, please drop me a line and let us do get in touch!

  8. 19 RealityInSeattle December 2, 2009 at 1:16 pm

    Who are you, and what is your doctorate in?

    • 20 drkate January 27, 2010 at 1:32 pm

      Well, can’t disclose everything, you know….lol

      I am a natural resource manager, doctorate in hydrology& watershed management, with a love for the Constitution!

      I am just as surprised as anyone that a hydrologist could have this passion, and also write about it!

  9. 21 Christian Drouin December 3, 2009 at 1:25 pm

    I would like to know why a photograph of mine is being used on your blog without my copyright. It is about Contemplation (the ruins with the Osprey and the sky on fire). Please reply to me soonest.

    Thank you

    Christian Drouin
    Professional photographer PPOC F379

    • 22 drkate December 3, 2009 at 1:48 pm


      I looked for copyright information when I pulled that photograph from a google search for ‘contemplation’. I did not see anything.

      I will immediately remove your photograph from this site.

      FYI, if there is permission needed, I always ask, and if permission given, post the photographers name with the photo.

      My sincere apologies.

  10. 23 christian drouin December 3, 2009 at 1:58 pm

    Dr Kate,

    Don’t worry, as long as you put my name beside the photograph, it is fine with me.

    Kindest regards

    C Drouin

  11. 24 christian drouin December 3, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    Dr Kate,

    Don’t worry about it, as long as you put my name beside the photograph, it is fine with me.

    Kindest regards


  12. 26 Papoose January 27, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    DrKate, the silver lining in this Obamacrypt, as LC coined the term, is that we have found ourselves through people like you. Yes, we have now regenerated and rejuvinated as a People >>> we know what is it is to be American. We’re spot on and if it weren’t for you and the willing Patriots, we wouldn’t even be aware that we are wearing the ruby slippers and yes, Dorothy, its just an empty suit behind the curtain trying to ‘give’ you the stuff you already have. I live up the road from Abolitionist Hall, and yep, there is no place like Home. Drkate People are awakening from the poppy fields because of People like you. Thank you for your Every Effort, Drkate, water, running or still. Baptism. Refreshment. Renewal.

    ~~~~~ because its me and I cannot leave without a song~~~~~
    SOTU 2010~~~~~~ or a little bit of ~ whatever~

    Heeeeeerz’e Barky!

    Radiohead Creep

    • 27 drkate January 27, 2010 at 8:07 pm

      Thank you so much! And me too, discovering myself as a patriot through this writing, and connecting with everyone has been an amazing experience for me. Indeed, life-changing

  13. 28 Papoose January 27, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    Life-changing, Indeed.

  14. 29 Phil Wolf aks USMCvet February 15, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Dr. Kate: Would you be able to be a guest on my BTR program this Wed. between 12:30 and 1pm ?

    Best regards,

  15. 30 Sue and Jacob Wall February 19, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Hi Dr. Kate,
    May I use your image on my business cards? My son and I wrote a book and just had it published. I want to make up business cards to promote it. The title is “How To Get Well Without The Use of Drugs” Please advise asap. Thanks, Sue and Jacob Wall

  16. 32 Papoose March 8, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    Hi Drkate.

    Made reservations for the 14th and 15th on the Capitol in DC. Hope you will be there.



  17. 34 Papoose April 6, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    For my Elders~

    Thanks for sticking to your guns. I’d be there without you.

    What a beautiful banner here at drKates’…

    ~ Its like purple mountain majesty or something ~

  18. 35 mary deb hedges April 21, 2010 at 12:45 am

    Dr. Kate,

    I wanted to be in touch as my husband and I will be in Jackson June 6-12, 2010. Since I arrived home from Washington DC, after September 12, 2009, I have long waited for this opportunity to see you again. Would you have time for an admirer and fellow Patriot? mary deb hedges

  19. 36 Richard Burns May 4, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    i like your blog. I think that shot of the mountains in Jackson Hole real tells a lot about being an American. There beauty, grandness and strong foundation are why the founders dedicated to creating our democracy. I’m particularly concerned with the current rate of government spending. A year ago I started a site dedicated to be a resource for those who might be interested in learning and debating spending issues. is getting some notice now.


  20. 37 Jb May 6, 2010 at 8:09 pm


    Exactly who is ( Dr.Kate) I would like to read some background on the Dr.



  21. 38 KM May 21, 2010 at 6:26 am

    I love your website. I have been reading it for the past several months. However, I am on slow dialup modem so I am unable to download the videos.

    Keep up the good work. I love this country and it’s constitution.

    May God Bless

  22. 39 Abraham Chambers June 19, 2010 at 1:26 pm

    DrKate, the silver lining in this Obamacrypt, as LC coined the term, is that we have found ourselves through people like you. Yes, we have now regenerated and rejuvinated as a People >>> we know what is it is to be American. We’re spot on and if it weren’t for you and the willing Patriots, we wouldn’t even be aware that we are wearing the ruby slippers and yes, Dorothy, its just an empty suit behind the curtain trying to ‘give’ you the stuff you already have. I live up the road from Abolitionist Hall, and yep, there is no place like Home. Drkate People are awakening from the poppy fields because of People like you. Thank you for your Every Effort, Drkate, water, running or still. Baptism. Refreshment. Renewal.

  23. 41 Hallie Roberts July 6, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    I only want to subscribe to this site by email.

  24. 43 Papoose July 13, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    The Bill of Responsibilities.


  25. 44 Papoose July 13, 2010 at 6:59 pm


  26. 45 Papoose July 13, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    The Power of Thoughtfulness?

  27. 46 Papoose July 13, 2010 at 7:16 pm


  28. 47 Papoose July 13, 2010 at 7:24 pm


  29. 48 Papoose July 13, 2010 at 7:31 pm

    With Profound Gratitude

  30. 49 rhcrest July 18, 2010 at 6:38 pm

    Kate, could you email me regarding the discussion tonight? I can’t find your email info on this site. thanks.

  31. 50 Cort Wrotnowski August 2, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    Dear Dr. Kate,

    Is it possible to reach you directly? I am working with a small but growing group which will get involved with Project Usurpathon. But also, we have a couple ideas of our own we are developing for putting direct pressure on officials up for election and on officials (judges, primarily) who are responsible for the deceits and delays we have seen to date.

    For example, we are going to bring more public pressure to Judge Lamberth to get off his high horse over the Civil Procedures for 1946 and hear the presentment by the American Common Law Grand Jury.

    Ideally, we will have all the correct contact information and get the process going. We want to get other blog sites working in tandem too.

    Anyway, please do contact me.

    All the best,
    Cort Wrotnowski
    20 Zygmont La.
    Greenwich, CT
    store: 203-862-8554
    cell 203-918-0957

  32. 51 Danny Vestal September 4, 2010 at 1:35 am

    I have been collecting information on my site toward our shared goal. The U.S. Government is a criminal organization. Washington, DC is the current Nazi Berlin.

    ARREST OBAMA, et al.

  33. 52 Gary Wilmott October 6, 2010 at 8:34 am

    Thanks for all you do! Keep up the great work. Feel free to publish my OPEN LETTER TO SARAH PALIN posted on my blog at

    Keep up your great work! Thank you. – Gary Wilmott

  34. 53 Gary Wilmott October 7, 2010 at 10:39 pm

    Thanks for all your GREAT WORK. Feel free to publish my OPEN LETTER TO SARAH PALIN published on my blog: Thanks. – Gary Wilmott.

    Note: The letter is a challenge for Sarah Palin to take the lead and speak out on behalf of Lt.Col. Lakin. Please check it out and use it if you wish. Spread it around the internet and to your allies.

    Enjoy all your articles and the blog radio broadcast tonight with Mario and Cdr. Kerchner.

    Do you know how Berg’s eligibility protest is going. I want to fly to DC but live in CA. Is it going to be big?…is it well organized? Do you know? My email:
    Thanks again!

  35. 58 Stephen November 26, 2010 at 10:11 am

    Open Letter To Congress

    When you take office as a public servant you swear an oath before God and man. This oath you take is a sacred trust. It is your word and your honor spoken in public for all to bear witness. Your adherence to your oath is the measure of your integrity.

    Your solemn oath of office is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. God has surely taken note of your oath and will judge you according to the integrity of your soul.

    As a natural born citizen of this great nation that I love, I request that you honor your word by protecting and defending Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution you swore before God that you would defend. The aforementioned article has come under attack from within. And as a result, the freedoms to which your oath applied are all at risk of disappearing, including the very Constitution you swore to protect.

    Millions of brave Americans gave their lives for the freedoms that our Constitutional rule of law has provided and has sustained us through the years as the greatest nation the world has ever seen. They also swore the same oath and their honor and integrity are intact without question. Let not their sacrifices be for naught.

    Our brave men and women of the Armed Forces today go into harms way without the assurance that the orders coming down the unified chain of command are legal and lawful because there are lingering questions as to the eligibility of the Commander In Chief to issue them. One brave soldier, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, has tried to get an answer through normal military channels without success. He finally made the distasteful choice to invite his own court martial in order to get an answer to the question to finally put an end to the doubts and concerns of his fellow soldiers in arms. In this action he is doing exactly as he was trained to do.

    Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is an 18 year highly decorated Bronze Star recipient who served tours in Bosnia and Afghanistan. He has the support of three Generals, Army Major General (Ret) Jerry Curry, U.S. Army Major General (Ret) Paul E. Valalley and Air Force Lieutenant General (Ret) Thomas McInerney. General McInerney has submitted to the court an affidavit of support for discovery and a full hearing. In spite of the plea from Three Star Lt. General McInverney, Lakin is being denied due process by Judge Lind who has ruled that Lakin cannot defend himself in any way whatsoever because she will not “embarrass the President” to show his vital records, and prove his eligibility under Article 2 Section 1. As a result of that ruling Lt. Col. Terry Lakin faces years at hard labor because he might expose high treason against the people of the United States of America and the Constitution you swore to protect and defend.

    If ever there was a time for you to honor your oath with right action it is now. And there is an easy answer for your personal concerns about your oath and your integrity. If Obama is truly eligible to hold office and can prove it, your honor and integrity are intact, because you have done your duty to your word and your honor while performing a service to end the lingering doubts as to the lawfulness of orders coming down the unified chain of command. If on the other hand, Obama cannot produce proof of eligibility, then you have exposed and rescued the nation from acts of high treason, and your honor and your integrity will be intact. Either way you come out of it a hero and with your integrity intact. I ask you to be reminded of the courage and bravery of the millions who died to protect and defend our Constitution, and in that, find within yourself the courage to act with the same bravery and conviction of those who paved the way for the very freedoms you enjoy today.

    Remember, if due process can be denied Lt. Col Terry Lakin, it can be denied you also.


    A Natural Born Citizen of the United States of America

  36. 60 Jack Minor January 3, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    Could you please contact me, I would like to talk to you. I was at the kangaroo court with Lakin whose family has long term ties to Greeley. We have been very supportive of him. I heard from another site you have been fired by little Barry’s thugs, is this true?

  37. 61 RacerJim February 2, 2011 at 7:42 am

    The “We the people…” video linked to below has received over 9.5 million hits. 🙂

  38. 62 Papoose February 15, 2011 at 7:52 pm

    A M E R I C A

    on my knees. weeping

  39. 63 Bethanne February 17, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    If ever there was a time for you to honor your oath with right action it is now. And there is an easy answer for your personal concerns about your oath and your integrity. If Obama is truly eligible to hold office and can prove it, your honor and integrity are intact, because you have done your duty to your word and your honor while performing a service to end the lingering doubts as to the lawfulness of orders coming down the unified chain of command. If on the other hand, Obama cannot produce proof of eligibility, then you have exposed and rescued the nation from acts of high treason, and your honor and your integrity will be intact. Either way you come out of it a hero and with your integrity intact. I ask you to be reminded of the courage and bravery of the millions who died to protect and defend our Constitution, and in that, find within yourself the courage to act with the same bravery and conviction of those who paved the way for the very freedoms you enjoy today.

  40. 64 RacerJim April 4, 2011 at 9:16 am

    If ever there was a time for everyone who loves America to fly an American Flag upside down…NOW IS THE TIME!

  41. 65 Outwood April 4, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    Dr. Kate,
    I read your Articles with much support and great interest.
    How do I receive a password to access your ” Patriot’s Ark ” Forum ?

  42. 66 Susan Daniels April 14, 2011 at 4:25 am


    • 67 drkate April 14, 2011 at 10:46 am

      Susan, your interview with the T-Room was terrific. You did not investigate the Ludwig connection or find that name, others have. So please correct us regarding this interview if there is something wrong!

  43. 68 Sidney April 22, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    Keep up the good work. Defense of the Constitution is too big a job to entrust to politicians and there are never enough soldiers for the battle.

  44. 70 mikhail kryzhanovsky November 14, 2011 at 12:31 pm


    Operation “Barack Obama” by Mikhail Kryzhanovsky


  45. 71 mikhail kryzhanovsky November 14, 2011 at 12:32 pm
    OPERATION “BARACK OBAMA” or HOW CIA AND KGB KILL USA by Mikhail Kryzhanovsky 30 years of international espionage experience . “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. – George Orwell “A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability”. – Robert Kennedy About the author . USSR foreign passport with US Visa Birth certificate. New York State ID RNC platinum membership card PLATINUM MEMBER Mykhaylo Kryzhanovsky Member number 567192584-Q415 Member Since 2006 This Platinum Card has been issued to the bearer by the Republican National Committee in recognition of an extraordinary level of commitment to the Republican ideals and values. The bearer of this card should be given special considerations by all Republican leaders as one who has provided the lifeblood of our Party over many years. Your exemplary record of loyalty and patriotism proves you are a leader President Bush can trust to fight with him for America’s safety and security. Your proven leadership is just what President Bush and our party need right now. Please accept this honor with my sincere thanks. Ken Mehlman ,Chairman, Republican National Committee Born 1958, Kolomiyya, Ukraine. Chernovtsy State University (languages, military school) KGB Counterintelligence School (counter-espionage, crime investigation, forensic science) KGB Intelligence Institute (espionage) a former KGB counter-espionage secret source “Konstantin” a former KGB counter-espionage officer a former KGB intelligence officer a former KGB “Nabat” anti-terror group sniper a former SBU (Ukrainian Security Service) illegal intelligence officer a former CIA/FBI/US Secret Service “Filament” a former Soviet Communist Party member the author of the White House Special Handbook, Algora, New York, 2007 the author of the US National Security System, 2011 Republican National Committee platinum member unemployed New York There are no more Democrats and Republicans in America – there are Patriots and Communists. There’s no more democracy – if President is a Democrat and both Houses belong to Democrats, the President turns into a dictator. Sorry, I helped Communists, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, to destroy the country. I still have “carte blanche” to kill anybody to keep White House and Congress under CIA control, and CIA wants me back no matter what. There’s war between CIA and KGB for the White House. Sorry, my fellow Americans, you don’t elect your President any more – CIA and KGB take care of it. ================================================================================ Mike Rogers, Chairman U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Committee on Intelligence Dianne Feinstein, Chairman U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Dear Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Rogers, For years your committees’ investigations had nothing to do with professional intelligence and the national security of America. It’s time for a major change – Congress must investigate these cases because each one is a direct threat to our country, its security and its future. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky =============================================================================== Part 1 . OSS Operation “President Roosevelt” Franklin D. Roosevelt “Wild Bill” Donovan, OSS Chief Heinrich Mueller, Gestapo Chief October 1995 At secret CIA headquarters (room 3111, Millenium Hilton, New York) I discussed with CIA agents Gestapo methods. Actually, I wanted to find Gestapo Chief Mueller who disappeared in May, 1945. Не was fully in charge and thus responsible to execute the extermination of the Jews of Europe. The CIA agents got very angry :”We don’t recommend you to do this. Stop it !”I want international Jewish community to ask the White House what does it mean. Note. “The head of the Jewish section of the Gestapo (IVB) , Obersturmannfuerer Eichman , estimated in his report that 2,000,000 Jews had been killed by shooting mainly by the Eintzatz Groups. This did not include the estimated 4,000,000 sent by the Gestapo for extermination in annihilation camps” .The International Military Tribunal , Nurnberg, 1946, Volume II, Chapter XV, p.282” Killing of Jews at Ivangorod and in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. 1942 June 13, 1942 The Office of Strategic Services was established by a Presidential military order issued by President Roosevelt. November 28- December 1, 1943 Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler Otto Scorzeny Maya Mikota Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at Tehran to plan the final strategy for the war against Nazi Germany and its allies, and the chief discussion was centered on the opening of a second front in Western Europe. German intelligence had learned of the conference in mid-October 1943, after breaking a US Navy cod. Hitler wasn’t really interested (why – see Ch. 2)) but he had to approve the “Long Jump” operation headed by SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (Lieutenant Colonel) Otto Scorzeny. KGB first became aware of the plot when Soviet spy Maya Mikota got her German boyfriend SS Sturmbannfuhrer Hans Ulrich von Ortel to tell her the following:” I have to go for a month and I’ll bring you a beautiful Persian carpet – we never made love on the carpet”.Six German radio operators were dropped by parachute and made their way to Tehran, but were eventually found by Soviet agents led by Gevork Vartanian. The operation was called off, Skorzeny himself considered the intelligence coming from Tehran to be inadequate and did not believe the complex scheme could have worked. Roosevelt lived in Soviet Embassy for security reasons and the became friends with Stalin, especially after KGB got a very rare stamp for Roosevelt who was a very serious philatelist. They even talked in private about the possibility of the Soviet-American Peace and Friendship Treaty. American big business which was making big money on World War II and already planning future Cold War against Soviet Union got information about the talks – Roosevelt had to die. 1942 – 1945 Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller was recruited and worked for OSS. At OSS order he planned and executed the operation to poison the US President Franklin Roosevelt. He was last seen in the Führerbunker in Berlin on May 1, 1945, the day after Hitler’s suicide. The CIA’s file on Muller was released under the Freedom of Information. Act in 2001, and documents several unsuccessful attempts by U.S. agencies to find Mueller. The U.S. National Archives commentary on the file concludes: “Though inconclusive on Muller’s ultimate fate, the file is very clear on one point. The CIA and its predecessors (OSS) did not know Muller’s whereabouts at any point after the war. The CIA was never in contact with Mueller.” April 12, 1945 On the afternoon of April 12, Roosevelt said, “I have a terrific pain in the back of my head.” He then slumped forward in his chair, unconscious, and was carried into his bedroom. The president’s attending cardiologist, Dr. Bruenn, diagnosed a massive cerebral hemorrhage (stroke). At 3:35 pm Roosevelt died. Three American presidents – Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy rejected Roosevelt family’s request for autopsy – they knew who killed the President, they knew about Mueller and nobody wanted to be next. June 4, 1961 . During a short brake in Vienna Summit between John Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschhev, Kennedy’s Press Secretary Pier Sallinger, introduced to the President Soviet journalist Valentin Zorin who asked why Kennedy refused the autopsy of Roosevelt’s body. Kennedy got angry: “I’ll OK the autopsy and there might be traces of a poison. It won’t bring Roosevelt back but what people would think about the country where they poison presidents like rats ?” President Ronald Reagan and Valentin Zorin October 12, 2011 Efraim Zuroff, Head Simon Wiesenthal Centre 1 Mendele street Jerusalem, 92147, Israel Dear Mr Zuroff, In May, 2010 I’ve sent you the evidence that Gestapo Chief Mueller worked for CIA and asked you for investigation into the case. I insist on any answer from you, a prominent Nazi hunter. Thank you, Mikhail Kryzhanovsky October 19, 2011 I’ve talked to Melissa Hooper, New York Simon Wiesenthal Office (212-697-1293) on the case. I want to take part in the investigation. Chapter 2. Adolf Hitler was KGB ? Why Obama is next to Stalin and Hitler ? See Ch. 9 1. In May 1940, Germans surrounded 400 000 British troops at the French port of Dunkirk and 200 000 more – at other ports. Hitler ordered to stop Kleist’s Tank Army, ready to slaughter half a million Brits and end up the British empire. He also ordered Göring to stop airstrikes. He saved the enemy, allowing them to flee to Great Britain. No explanation. 2. In 1941, he appointed Goering his successor. No explanation. 3. On June 22, 1941 Hitler attacked on the USSR. On July 1, 1941 he stopped the tank forces at Moscow suburbs and refocused the direction of the main attack to the south. No explanation. 4. In 1942, Hitler began to destroy the German economy – he ordered Martin Bormann to transfer Reichsbank funds to offshore companies. The order was a top secret. 5. On March 19, 1945, Hitler ordered the destruction of German industry, communications and transport (to end the war, of course). Albert Speer, the Minister of Armaments, managed to sabotage the order and Germans kept fighting for a month and a half. 6. Hitler’s fate is unknown: – allegedly committed suicide by taking cyanide – allegedly committed suicide – shot himself – allegedly was shot – allegedly KGB exhumed corpses and identified Hitler and Eva Braun – allegedly their bodies were buried on the territory of the Soviet military base in Magdenburge, East Germany, and in 1970 KGB Chairman Y. Andropov ordered to burn the bodies. Why ? Now, something absolutely impossible -Stalin did not even bother to find Hitler, dead or alive – official order doesn’t even exist ! A smal KGB team arrived from Moscow for 1 (one) day , looked at Führer’s bunker ruins and… left. Hitler was a KGB asset ? ==================================================================================== Part 3. CIA Operation “John Kennedy” September 18, 1947 The National Security Act of 1947 established the CIA. The agency conducts covert operations and paramilitary actions, and exerts foreign political influence through its Special Activities Division. August 5, 1962 Robert Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, John Kennedy CIA agents killed Marilyn Monroe (staged suicide – “acute barbiturate poisoning”) who got information on planned JFK assassination and desperately tried to contact him or his brother, Robert Kennedy. It’s much more simple to kill without any traces on or in the body – use a suppository. November 22, 1963 President John Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy shot. What’s conspiracy? It’s when you ask the government a simple question and nobody wants to answer it. And if you ask the wrong questions you get the wrong answers, as with the Warren Commission. Let’s ask some good questions. Question 1. What would have happened if the snipers missed the target or Kennedy survived, being merely wounded- m sniper is a human being – he makes mistakes. Answer. Kennedy would have won the 1964 Presidential election and then conceivably his brothers, Robert and Edward, would keep the Oval Office until 1984 (count the years for yourself). No war in Vietnam. The CIA would have been shut down. The FBI and Pentagon would have been “cleaned up” and “cleaned out.” Question 2. Why would the CIA, FBI and big business behind them, not to mention others who had their eye on the Oval Office, take such a huge risk? Answer. There was no risk at all and there was no “huge conspiracy – there was a “passive sabotage” operation. CIA Director John McCone, FBI Director Edgar Hoover and Secret Service Director James Rowley made a deal not to touch Lee Harvey Oswald until operation is over. Kennedy, Dulles, McCone Edgar Hoover James Rowley Question 3. Why was Kennedy murdered in public? President Kennedy was a sick man, taking a lot of pills daily. He had Addison’s disease which, in addition to susceptibility to infection can cause weakness, weight loss and low blood pressure; so he was taking cortisone. For his back pain Dr. Max Jacobson injected him (and Jackie) with a mixture of unspecified (!) multivitamins, hormones, steroids, enzymes, and animal organ cells. Kennedy also used cocaine, marijuana, hashish and even LSD, especially during dates with women, including prostitutes —- for many people this was not a secret. There were enough opportunities to stage a death in private. Answer. This had to be a public execution with a very clear message for the next Presidents – “Don’t touch the CIA!” and it worked until now. I want to touch CIA. Question 4. What was the rush? Answer.Kennedy wanted to eliminate CIA. JFK’s assassination was planned by a very professional expert. It might be Gestapo Mueller who, unlike other assassins, had a very good reason to keep his mouth shut. That’s why Congress wants to keep 40,000 documents on JFK case classified for another 20 years. June 5, 1968 Robert Kennedy shot After winning the California primary election for the Democratic nomination for the US President, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy’s murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime. Robert Kennedy promised a full investigation of his brother’s assassination in case he was elected. November, 1980 The Reagan transition team for the CIA reported the following: “The fundamental problem confronting American security is the current dangerous condition of the Central Intelligence Agency. The failure of American intelligence collection has been at the heart of faulty defense planning and misdirected foreign policy.” The team pointed out to the following intelligence failures: – the general and continuing failure to predict the actual size and scope of the Soviet military effort and military sector of the Russian GNP – the consistent gross misstatement of Soviet global objectives – the wholesale failure to understand or attempt to counteract Soviet disinformation and propaganda – the general failure to explain the characteristics of Soviet conventional weapon systems and vessels — for example the new Russian guided missile cruises – the wholesale failure to understand and predict the nature of the so-called wars of national liberation in Africa and Central and South America – the consistent miscalculation regarding the effect of and general apology for massive technology transfer from West to the East – the apparent internal failure of counterintelligence generally. The team went on to observe.”The unhealthy symbiosis between the CIA and the Department of State is the chief underlying cause of the security position of the United States. The next Director of the CIA … will be told repeatedly by virtually everyone in policy positions at the Agency that the CIA is a highly professional, non-political agency that produces ‘objective’ intelligence. Those assertions are arrant nonsense. In part out of mutual drive for individual and corporate self-preservation, the CIA has become an elitist organization which engenders unshakable loyalty among its staff. The National Intelligence Estimate process is itself a bureaucratic game. These failures are of such enormity, that they cannot help but suggest to any objective observer that the agency itself is compromised to an unprecedented extent and that its paralysis is attributable to causes more sinister than incompetence.” 1995 John Kennedy Jr New York “Carlyle” Princess Diana John Kennedy Jr. who said once that his father’s death investigation was the most important thing of his life, approached Princess Diana Spencer for an interview for his “George” magazine . They met at New York Carlyle Hotel where JFK dated Marilyn Monroe – a holy place for John Kennedy Jr. where he would never have “hot sex” and “try cocaine” with Diana . It was a business meeting, an “investigation” meeting. In 1995 CIA wanted me to kill somebody very important – it could be Diana and John Kennedy Jr. August 31, 1997 CIA used my instructions on staged car accidents to kill Princess Diana. Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l’Alma road tunnel in Paris, which also caused the death of her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed. Princess Diana is dead. CIA Director ( in 1997-2004 ) George Tenet Billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed, Dodi’s father, recruited a “mole” inside CIA, somebody who knew the Agency had a file on Diana. He didn’t get it of course through Washington, DC District Court and the mistake was – he had to recruit somebody with straight access to archives. If Diana left a notice on her talks with John Kennedy Jr for her sons, they might be next CIA victims. I can tell Mohammed al-Fayed what’s in Diana’s CIA file for free – surveillance documents, a video tape of the Carlyle Hotel meeting, a plan to stage the car accident, a file on me if I had to do the job. If I have to investigate Diana’s death, I would start with a very simple question. What happened to the driver, the Ritz security chief Henri Paul ? He tried to out-run paparazzi by speeding down a Riverfront Expressway, but lost somehow control of the Mercedes S280 near the entrance to the Alma Tunnel and crashed into a concrete pillar at an estimated speed of 65 to 70 miles per hour. He died on impact of a severed spine and a ruptured aorta. Attention. The tests showed an extraordinary high (not explained until now) level of carbon monoxide in his blood (20.7 %), which should have caused a severe headache, dizziness, confusion and absolute aversion to alcohol. Very heavy smokers can have a level of up to 9% , and Henri Paul wasn’t a heavy smoker. There were no ventilation problems in his apartment, office or car. The gas didn’t appear from inside Mercedes because no other passanger was affected. So, what happened to Henri Paul ? July 16, 1999 CIA killed John Kennedy Jr. in a staged plane crash. Kennedy along with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren were reported missing when the Piper Saratoga II HP he was piloting failed to arrive at its planned destination, the Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. John Kennedy Jr and wife Carolyn A search immediately commenced to locate the trio, ending on July 21 when their bodies were discovered and returned to land. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the plane had crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha’s Vineyard and the probable cause was pilot error: “Kennedy’s failure to maintain control of the airplane during a descent over water at night, which was a result of spatial disorientation.” Kennedy was not qualified to fly a plane by “instruments only,” though the crash occurred in conditions not legally requiring it. Their ashes were scattered from the Navy ship off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. ===================================================================================== Part 4. KGB Operation “Bill Clinton” December 31, 1969 Bill Clinton and Hillary, 1975 Yuri Andropov, KGB Chief , 1967-1982 Oxford student and anti-war activist Bill Clinton came to Moscow through Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland for 5-days vacation at expensive “National” Hotel. The only person he knew in Moscow was Anik “Nikki” Alexis, a daughter of a French diplomat . Clinton recalls, “One night I took a bus out to Lumumba University to have dinner with Nikki” .On the bus back home, Clinton says, there was only one other passenger, Oleg Rakito, who “spoke better English than I did” and “asked me lots of questions and told me he worked for the government, virtually admitting he was assigned to keep an eye on me”. The story is all fake. First, foreigners who can afford “National” don’t use public transportation on January -30 C night. Second, KGB officer might reveal his identity to a foreigner if he’s recruiting him only. Third, Bill Clinton was recruited, otherwise he would have left Moscow immediately and in panic. Instead, he enjoyed the rest of his vacation and went to Czechoslovakia, another socialist country. In 1969 Bill Clinton was 23 , perfect age – KGB tried to recruit young foreigners (students of Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Oxford) between ages 21-26 because: a) you brainwash them much easier and faster than adults b) you build their careers the way you want Bill Clinton shared the story with Hillary, of course. KGB, not Hillary Clinton, made Bill Clinton Arkansas Governor and then – US President. Governor Bill Clinton used drugs and was a sex maniac. Genifer Flowers tоld Sean Hannity’s WABC talk radio show: “He smoked marijuana in my presence and and offered me to snort cocaine if I wanted to”. Two Arkansas state troopers will swear under oath that they have seen Clinton ”under the influence” of drugs when he was governor. Sharlene Wilson, a bartender, told a federal grand jury she saw Clinton and his younger brother ”snort” cocaine together in 1979. Jack McCoy, a Democratic state representative and Clinton supporter, told the Sunday Telegraph that he could ”remember going into the governor’s conference room once and it reeked of marijuana.” Historian Roger Morris quotes several law enforcement officials who say they had seen and knew of Clinton’s drug use. I wouldn’t blame Clinton for that – I worked with around 100 secret sources during my counter-espionage and espionage KGB career and for most of them alcohol, drugs and sex were just the “tools” to releave the stress and fear. Bill Clinton was and is scared to death that sooner or later some “mole” inside Russian intelligence might point finger at him. —————————————————————————————————————————————- KGB instructions, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky Recruitment of a secret source (agent) Recruit a small number of well-informed people. Do not recruit: – psychos – volunteers (unless it’s a “mole” or other government employee who brings you top secret information right away. In a counter-intelligence set-up, a “volunteer” will try to get information about you, telling the minimum about himself) – persons with low educational and intellectual level – people under 30 or over 70, unless it’s a VIP – mafia members – people who are happy with their lives and careers The best formula when you recruit is a mix of money and ideology (brainwashing). Recruitment Pyramid Priority recruitment candidates in the USA: President The White House staff The Cabinet and federal agencies The US Congress Big corporations Big scientific institutions Local politicians VIP world (celebrities — big media, show biz, big sport) Working with а secret sources. 1. Do not tell the agent about problems and mistakes of the agency, about your personal problems, about other agents, about his own file and compromising information you have on him. 2. Don’t show him any classified documents — you might provoke him to sell the information to somebody else. 3. Don’t trust your agents too much; they can use you to compromise their personal enemies. 4. Never criticize the source — be an adviser. Don’t talk straight if he avoids cooperation or brings you garbage — just reduce or stop payments, or get rid of him. 5. You lose the agent if you don’t pay him for a job well done, ask him to “produce” fake information or if you don’t care about his personal security and his personal problems (health, career). And — never give poison to your agent for security reasons. 6.Teach your agent to: – follow security rules while talking to people, working with the documents and especially meeting the officer (some foreign agencies practice open contacts with many people, hoping that the meeting with the agent won’t attract much attention — I don’t recommend that) – always stay calm in stressful situations – always keep discipline and come in time – use analytic abilities working with people and documents — ask yourself as many questions as you can Checking the source You can never be sure you are not working with a “double agent,” even if he brings you top secret stuff. Besides, agents are human beings and they make mistakes — they forget about security, spend too much money, talk too much and ask extra questions; if arrested they may not play the hero but will tell everything. Anyway, you can check your source: a. by fake arrest followed by severe interrogation. b. through provocation (tell him you know about his “double game” and watch his behavior after the meeting (it’s good to have a listening device or a camera in his house). c. by making an analysis of all the information and documents he delivers and comparing it with information from other sources. d. through other agents. e. through your “mole” in counter-intelligence (if you’re lucky). f. through technical devices (reading the mail, listening to the phone, secret searching his house and office, watching him through hidden cameras, trying surveillance in the street). Agent termination (one-way ticket) It doesn’t happen often but you have to know some special situations when you have to terminate the agent: 1. He knows too much (talks too much) and is ready to betray you. 2. VIP agent (politician) is under suspicion and you can’t help him for political reasons (diplomatic, international scandal, etc.) – in such a case an accident could be staged. It happens that the agent is too close to President. 3. Agent was involved in special operations (murders) and is dangerous as a witness. 4. Agent is trying to blackmail you. 5. You need to press (blackmail) other agents. ——————————————————————————————————————————- July 20, 1993 Russians killed Vincent Foster, a Deputy White House Counsel (staged suicide, a gunshot in the mouth) who got information about Bill Clinton’s Russian connections from his lover Hillary Clinton. Vincent Foster and Hillary Clinton Foster tried to blackmail Bill Clinton – no re-election , Vincent Foster will run for President in 1994 with full support of the Democratic party. Big mistake. Bill Clinton tried to move America towards socialism through health care reform plan. His effort ultimately died, though Obama finished the job. Much more important – in 1997 Russia, totalitarian, 100% corrupted country with dying economy and dictator Boris Yeltsin (“Czar Boris”) on top, joined the G7, a group of seven major industrialized democracies USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Japan). It was all KGB source Bill Clinton’s huge effort which had no explanation at all – now you have it. How and how much Russians paid Bill Clinton ? In 1993 Vice President Gore and Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin signed a 20-year $12 billion deal under which Russia would ship its weapons-grade uranium to the United States. Bill Clinton in his over 1,000-page memoir My Life (2004) wrote actually nothing about this “deal of a century.” Look, “In the afternoon [April, 3, 1993] we [Clinton and Russian President Yeltsin] agreed on a way to institutionalize cooperation, with a commission headed by Vice President Gore and Russian Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin. Clinton and Yeltsin The idea was developed by Strobe [Talbott] and Georgi Mamedov, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, and it worked better than any of us could have imagined, thanks largely to the consistent and concentrated efforts made over the years by Al Gore and his Russian counterparts in working through a host of difficult, contentious problems” [p. 507]. “On January 30 [1996], Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin of Russia came to the White House for his sixth meeting with Al Gore. After they finished their commission business, Chernomyrdin came to see me to brief me on events in Russia and Yeltsin’s prospects for reelection” [p. 697]. That’s it. Questions: What idea was “developed” by Talbot? What extremely secret commission was “headed by Gore and Chernomyrdin”? Why Clinton was so happy that “it worked better than any of us could have imagined”? What “commission business” did Al Gore and his partner finish on January 30, 1996? Answers. At their summit meeting in Vancouver, in April 1993, President Clinton and President Yeltsin created the U.S.–Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation. Since then it has become known as the Gore–Chernomyrdin Commission (GCC), after its co-chairmen US Vice President Al Gore and Russian Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin. The Commission’s original mandate was to support cooperation between the United States and Russia in the areas of space, energy and high technology. In fact it was a ruse to mask work on a non-proliferation agreement to convert highly enriched uranium (HEU) taken from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads into low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel to be sold to customers in the USA and worldwide through the USEC (United States Enrichment Company). USEC was created in 1993 as a government corporation with the mission to restructure the US government’s uranium enrichment operation and to prepare it for sale to the private sector. Attention. On April 26, 1996 Bill Clinton signed into law the USEC Privatization Act. The HEU Agreement required the United States to purchase through USEC 500 metric tons, $12 billion worth, of HEU. Dead Russians. Three Russian statesmen tried to investigate the Clinton- Yeltsin deal – Ruvim Nureyev, Lev Rokhlin, Yuri Shchekotchikhin. All of them are dead. 1. Ruvim Nureyev. The Russia Chief Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, who strongly opposed the deal, was found dead on the railroad tracks in June 1996. The incident was described as a suicide. 2. Lev Rokhlin. The Russian State Duma Deputy Lieutenant General Lev Rokhlin was a politician of rare honesty and bravity. In 1998 Rokhlin started his own official Clinton-Yeltsin deal investigation. Lev Maximov, the Nuclear Technologies Institute Director, who helped Rokhlin to obtain the documents, received death threats. General Lev Roklhin On July 3, 1998 Rokhlin was shot three times and killed in his house while he was sleeping. His wife, Tamara Rokhlina, was arrested and testified that she killed him “for reasons of personal enmity.” She later recanted her testimony, saying she incriminated herself under threat. Rokhlin’s bodyguard, who was there that night, testified that he heard no gunshots (the killers used a silencer). Within days three more dead bodies were found in the vicinity of the Rokhlin household and were cremated before they could be identified. In November 2000, Rokhlina was convicted of murder and sentenced to 8 years in prison, but the Supreme Court overturned the verdict and ordered a new trial. On October 2, 1998 the US Congress, taking into account that Lev Rokhlin was a former Russian State Duma Defense Committee Chairman, asked President Clinton to “urge the Russia Government to promptly and thoroughly investigate” the case. Of course, Bill Clinton was smart enough not to dig his own grave, and just ignored this RESOLUTION Expressing sympathy to the family and collegues of Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin, and expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that President of the United States should urge the Russia Government to promptly and thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin and to provide a full accounting of the circumstances as soon as practible, but no later than November 1999. Whereas Lev Rokhlin assumed the chairmanship of the Defense Committee of the Duma and was the highest-ranking elected official in the Duma working on Defense issues… Whereas Lev Rokhlin became involved in investigation of illegal arms from Russia to Armenia and other nations. Wheras in October 1997, Lev Rokhlin advocated the resignation of President Yeltsyn. Whereas attempts were made for 6 months to remove Lev Rokhlin from his Committee chairmanship. Whereas on July 3,1998, Lev Rokhlin was stripped of the chairmanship of the Defense Committee, but maintained his position as a member of Duma. Whereas on July 3,1998, Lev Rokhlin was shot in the head three times and killed. Whereas members of Lev Rokhlin’s family have stated that Rokhlin’s wife, Tamara Pavlovna Rokhlina, was physically abused and was threatened with death unless she accepted responsibility for Lev Rokhlin’s murder. Whereas Lev Rokhlin’s bodyguard, who was in the home the night of the murder, claimed that he heard no gunshots. Whereas three bodies were cremated by the Moscow government authorities before they could be identified. Whereas any inability of Russia to provide a full accounting of the circumstances surrounding the death of Lev Rokhlin would raise serious questions about the existence of a stable democratic system in Russia: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That – (1)The House of representatives expresses sympathy to the family and collegues of Lev Rokhlin and : (2)it is the senmse of the House of Representatives that the President of the United States should urge the Russian Government – (A)to promptly and thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Lev Rokhlin; (B) to provide a full accounting of circumstances as soon as practible, but not later than November,1999 3. Yuri Shchekotchikhin, a famous Russian reporter and corruption fighter, was elected to the Russian State Duma where he served as National Security Committee Deputy. Yuri Shchekotchikhin After Rokhlin was murdered in 1998, Shchekotchikhin continued his investigation and concentrated his efforts in two directions: first, he tried to obtain the #1 Gore–Chernomyrdin Agreement (September 2, 1993), but President Yeltsin and then President Putin denied the requests. Second, he started a full-scale investigation into the Atomic Ministry corruption and — against Atomic Minister Adamov in person (again, see file 4). On June 16, 2003, he lost consciousness and was taken to the Central (Kremlin) Hospital. He was pronounced dead after lying still unconscious for 12 days. (The official diagnosis — a flu). All medical records are still classified, but experts insist he was poisoned by thallium or cadmium. Eugene Adamov and Clintons. Professor Adamov was in 1986-1998 a Director of the NIKIET (a secret Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering). Eugene Adamov Lanny Breuer He was secretly involved in the Gore–Chernomyrdin deal as chief expert on the Russian side (even Russian Defense Minister Rodionov knew nothing about it). In 1994 he opened the consulting and management company “Omeka, Ltd.” registered in Pennsylvania (by the end of 1999 the company had assets valued of $5,080,000) by his wife. In 1996 he signed a forged contract between NIKIET and “Omeka,” and opened other companies and banking accounts in Monaco, Switzerland and France to start money laundering the stolen funds the US Department of Energy provided Russia to improve safety at Russian nuclear facilities. On May 2, 2005 Adamov was arrested in Bern, Switzerland, and was charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States and to transfer stolen money and securities ($9 million), money laundering and tax evasion. US prosecutors demanded his extradition to the United States, but Russia did the same, asking to send Adamov back home where he would be faced a trial. Swiss authorities asked Adamov if he was willing to accept simplified extradition to the United States. He rejected that and Washington had to file a formal extradition request. The battle began. A money laundering blew up into an international scandal. The American government’s insistence looked strange until Bill Clinton appeared on the stage on October 5, 2005 to save Adamov from 60 years in jail. He didn’t show up himself. Somebody hired a lawyer – Lanny Breuer, a nice young fellow from the Washington, DC based “Covington & Burling.” Breuer had worked as a special Counsel to President Clinton in 1997-1999 and represented him in the presidential impeachment hearings and trial. This was not a battle between Russia and USA – it was a battle between the Republicans and Democrats for the Oval Office in 2008. Russians and their asset Bill Clinton had to win this struggle no matter what — if Adamov was extradited to America, he would “sing” everything on that Clinton-Yeltsin deal and share his federal cell with Bill Clinton. Meanwhile President Bush, a Republican, needed victory to remove the Clintons from the political arena forever. Clinton won – on December 18, 2005 the Swiss Supreme Court overturned a previous ruling by the Justice Ministry, which had said that Adamov must first face the US courts. On December 30, 2005 Adamov was extradited from Switzerland to Russia, thus opening the door to the Big Presidential Game for Hillary Clinton. She lost in 2008. What price will the Russians ask Hillary Clinton to pay for Adamov’s silence, if she’s elected the US President in 2012 ? How much Russians paid to Bill Clinton after the 1993 “deal” was signed ? ==================================================================================== Part 5. SBU Operation “Kremlin” September 1991- June 1992 My KGB intelligence officer career came to an end when USSR collapsed in 1991. Next 2 years ,as SBU (Ukrainian Security) illegal spy under cover of political analyst, I worked in Moscow (operation “Kremlin”). My job was to get into Russian President Boris Yeltsin “inner circle” and influence his decisions, extremely anti-Ukrainian at the time. I met people who knew Yeltsin well, like Russian Parliament Constitutional Committee Chairman Rumyantsev and one of Yeltsin’s photographers, who asked me to work for him. In February 1992 , I could kill Yeltsin if ordered so by Ukrainian President Kravchuk. L. Kravchuk President of Ukraine B. Yeltsin(l.) and his successor V. Putin .Stechkin 9 mm automatic pistol SVD sniper rifle Weapons I shot as Nabat anti-terror group sniper As a former KGB “Nabat” (anti-terror) group sniper I knew perfectly well how they protected Yeltsin. Besides, in 1986 I joined A. Gromyko, Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet (actually, the USSR President), security team during his visit to Gorky city and it was a big experience too. I was working alone, though you have to send three groups for operation like this one : surveillance (with optics and radios), action (includes snipers, explosives technicians or staged accidents specialists), and security (these people neutralize bodyguards, witnesses and other people who could interrupt the action; they complete the action if the action group fails; and they can neutralize the action group later, if planned so; they “cover” the safe retreat of action group and “cut” the chase. Operation was in progress until there was a leak and Yeltsin got information about it. In 1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual espionage. President Kravchuk ordered to kill me as a witness of his dirty politics. I moved to Poland and then, in 1995, to USA. CIA decided to copy “Kremlin” in Wahington, DC. Sniper Code by M.Kryzhanovsky 1. Don’t watch the target instead of your aiming point. 2. Don’t jerk at the moment your weapon fires . 3. Apply wind as needed. 4. Never fire from the edge of a wood line – you should fire from a position inside the wood line (in the shade of shadows). 5. Do not cause overhead movement of trees, bushes or tall grasses by rubbing against them, move very slowly. 6. Do not use trails, roads or footpaths, avoid built-up and populated areas and areas of heavy enemy guerrilla activity. 7. Your position :maximum fields of fire and observation of the target area, concealment from enemy observation, covered routes into and out of the position, located no closer than 300 meters from the target area, a natural or man-made obstacle between the position and the target area. Place yourself under logs in a deadfall area, tunnels bored from one side of a knoll to the other, swamps, deep shadows, inside rubble piles. Avoid positions close to isolated objects, at bends or ends of roads, trails or streams, in populated areas, unless it’s required. 8. Do not fire from one position. 9. Don’t stay in places with heavy traffic! 10. Key target – enemy sniper. 11. Train yourself to shoot while you stand, sit, lie, walk, run, jump, fall down; shoot at voices, shoot in a dark room, different weather and distance, day and night; shoot one object and a group; use one gun, two guns, gun and submachine gun (some doctrines train a sniper to breathe deeply before shooting, then hold their lungs empty while he lines up and takes his shot; other go further, teaching a sniper to shoot between heartbeats to minimize barrel motion) 12. At distances over 300 m attempt body shots, aiming at the chest; at lesser distances attempt head shots (the most effective range is 300 to 600 meters). 13. Shoot from flanks and rear. 14. Never approach the body until you shoot it several times . Careful: the object could be wearing a bulletproof vest 15. It’s important to get to the place, but it’s more important to get out alive 16. Remember – in hot weather bullets travel higher, in cold — lower – a silencer reduces the maximum effective range of the weapon. 17. For moving targets, the point of aim is in front of the target ( it’s called “Leading” the target, where the amount of lead depends on the speed and angle of the target’s movement. For this technique, holding over is the preferred method. 18. The key to sniping is consistency. ==================================================================================== Part 6. KGB Operation “John Deutch” John Deutch Deutch was born in Belgium to a Russian father and he was the only Russian CIA Director. He got some jobs with top secrets access:positions : 1977-1980 The US Department of Energy: Director of Energy Research Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Technology Under Secretary 1980-1981 President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight Commission 1983 President’s Commission on Strategic Forces 1985-1989 The White House Science Council 1990-1993 The President’s Intelligence Advisory Board 1993-1994 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology Deputy Defense Secretary 1995-1996 Director of Central Intelligence 1996 The President’s Commission on Aviation Safety and Security 1998-1999 Chairman of the Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction He was appointed by President Clinton and stayed in Langley in 1995-1996. He ordered my recruitment , he is a Russian “mole,” and he’s safe because Bill Clinton obstructed the investigation and pardoned this enemy of state in 2001. 3 signs are enough to triangulate a “mole” and here they are for Mr. Deutch: 1. Two days after Deutch retired from the CIA, on December 16, 1996, technical personnel discovered at his house highly classified information stored on his unclassified computer, loaded from his agency computer. He refused to explain why he violated strict security rules. First, Director of Central Intelligence doesn’t need highly classified data on his home computer, because he is a bureaucrat, not an analyst. Second, here we have a trick – the Internet-connected computer is accessible by anyone with some technical knowledge and you don’t have to send anything — Russians will read secret information right from your home computer. 2. In 1997 the CIA began a formal security investigation. It was determined that his computer was often connected to Internet with no security, and that Deutch was known to leave memory cards with classified data lying in his car. Deutch used his influence to stop further investigation and the CIA took no action until 1999, when it suspended his security clearances. He admitted finally the security breach and merely apologized. 3. In 1999 the Defense Department started its own investigation, and it appeared that in 1993 Deutch, as Defense Undersecretary, used unsecured computers at home and his America Online (!) account to access classified defense information. As Deputy Defense Secretary, he declined departmental requests in 1994 to allow security systems to be installed in his residence. 4. In 2000 Senator Charles Grassley asked the Justice Department to look into the case. There was no investigation. US Senator Chuck Grassley In 2001 President Clinton, KGB secret source, pardoned Deutch. There were no comments. Since 2000 deutch is MIT Professor and Director for Citigroup. Very good. ——————————————————————————————————————————————- KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky “Moles” A “mole” is a spy inside the government, recruited or “installed” most often within the special services, by an outside government/agency. The 3 most dangerous things a “mole” can do: 1. Calculate President’s plans and decisions judging by information he’s asking for. 2. Manipulate information being sent to President, and thus influence global political decisions 3. Paralyze to some extent the government (if he’s CIA or FBI Director) Methods to detect a “mole” A. Index cards (special file) — never use computers to save this information! Prepare a file on each officer and mark there the signs of a “mole” — has or spends too much money, asks too many extra questions; uses professional skills to check for physical and technical surveillance; has discreet contacts with foreigners; discreet copying of top secret documents; attempts to get a job in most secret departments; talks with close friends and family members about the possibility of making money as a “mole”; behavior deviations — extra suspiciousness, excitement, depression, drugs or alcohol addiction. Three signs are enough to start an investigation — the “triangulation” principle. B. Use provocation. If a prospective “mole” is looking for a contact with the enemy and is ready to betray, and you have exact information, organize such a “meeting” for him. Do not arrest the person right away — play along, as he may give you connections to other people who are ready to betray. There’s one more provocation method: you supply the suspects with “highly classified information” and just watch what they do. C. Use “filter” or “narrowing the circle.” Include all the officers you suspect in a “circle” and narrow it until one name is left as the most likely suspect. D. Make a “model” of a “mole,” judging by information you have on him. E. Recruit an insider. Recruit a “mole” inside your enemy’s intelligence service and he’ll help you to find the one inside yours (it’s called “grabbing the other end of a thread”). F. “Triangulation” (see above). What to do if you detect a “mole” – assess the damage – restrict his access to classified information and start “feeding” him with fake data – stop all operations he was involved in and create the illusion they are still in progress – bring home officers and agents who work abroad and had contacts with him and those to whose files he had access – start 24/7 surveillance if you’ve decided to play the game and look into his contacts – arrest the “mole” discreetly (if you want to continue the game) How to Cover Your “Mole” There are special methods to cover your own “mole” and a “switch” is the most effective — it’s when you “switch” counterintelligence to other, innocent persons who work with the “mole.” You can try information “leaks” through a “double agent” — it looks like you receive top secret information through another traitor or by breaking the electronic security systems. Or you can try information “leak” through publications in big newspapers — it looks like information is not secret and is known to many people or there’s another “mole.” Identifying Spies If a spy is an intelligence officer working abroad under “cover” (diplomat, businessman, reporter) you can identify him by: – following the careers of all diplomats who work at your enemy’s embassies all over the world – recruiting a “mole” inside the intelligence service (or inside the station) – setting up your agent for recruitment by the enemy’s station – watching foreigners who try to make discreet contacts with native citizens with access to secrets – making a model of a spy (professional behavior, attempts to detect surveillance, attempts to recruit sources or just get any classified information during normal meetings, “throwing away” money trying to get access to government employees, military and scientific circles) – using secret surveillance and listening devices inside the station and practicing secret searches If a spy is an intelligence officer working in your country under “cover” of a native citizen (or he is recruited by a native citizen) you identify him by making a model (contacts with identified spies — that’s often the only sign which points out a spy, and that’s why surveillance is very important in getting information from a “mole”). =================================================================================== Part 7. CIA/FBI “Millenium Hilton” Conspiracy September 1, 1995 I was recruited at “Millennium Hilton”, NYC as CIA “Filament” by CIA agents Bill and Joe .I also met Frank from FBI National Security Division and had to work for two agencies. Next was a joint CIA-FBI conspiracy. They decided to “copy” “Kremlin” operation I had to spy on the U.S. Congress and work with Congress Librarian James Billington who knew me as a political scientist through his Moscow office, and could introduce to Senators and Representatives. James Billington and Bill Clinton I had to influence the White House and created “The Professional” system – special instructions for Bill Clinton on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations. Since 2009 Obama is using “The Professional” too. ————————————————————————————————————————————————- KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky How to Manage the White House Be strong. Be attractive.Be logical. All you have to do during your first term is to take care of the second one. The 2nd term’s agenda is to set your place in the world’s history. 1st year. You have enough public support to start big initiatives. 2nd year. Develop your initiatives. 3rd year. Go, go public preparing your re-election. Presidents often lose voters during this period. 4th year. All-politics year. Try to achieve important international agreement (a treaty) for the historic record. Win re-election. Divide your day into hours and minutes : 30% of your weekly hours go to senior White House staff, 10% — to Cabinet, 5% — to Congress members, 5% — to foreign leaders. No matter what, even if it’s a war time, sleep one hour during the day to give your brain a break, and finish your day at 6 P.M. After 6 P.M. do not read any documents, do not take any phone calls, do not talk to anybody but family members and close friends. .And – eat whatever you want, but you must know that the more calories you have to digest, the slower you think. Remember : 1. You are a national image (a national ideal based on pseudo-facts), a symbol of national unity, national continuity and the symbol of federal government. Leadership is the first quality Americans look for in you – they want a President who is steadfast in his convictions. 2. The power to control the federal budget is your top prerogative. 3. Whom are you going to be: – utopist (ideas manipulator) – manager (Government and Congress manipulator) – challenger (reformer) 4. Any problem turns into a political one if it threatens your power. 5. Use your legal right to press the nation and illegal ones to press the world to eliminate problems. 4. Once you’re in politics, you are a hostage of your status and you must sacrifice privacy in return for power. 6. Never play alone. 7. All your decisions are risk taking ones (any decision brings a problem). You may ask advice before you make a decision, but don’t listen to anybody afterwards. You are not paid for the quantity of your work but for leadership and ultimate decision making. 8. Correct political mistakes fast before they become political scandals. 10. Never blame previous Presidents for the problems they left for you – that’s a sign of weakness. 11. Get rid of a White House tradition to deal with problems only if they “knock at the door.” White House Staff tricks 1. Fight for access (influence) to President or to people with direct access (aiming to get a better position if President is re-elected). 2. Isolate government from the President. 3. Influence = relationship with the President. 4. Get a table in the West Wing. You are nobody if you are stuck in the White House basement and see the President by appointment only. 5. Before you send a document to the President, have to look at it and ask yourself if it’s too immoral or too radical. 6. Never say “no” aloud to anybody. 7. Remain anonymous with conflicts. 8. Never bring bad news to the President – let it be some idiot, not you. 9. Never say “That’s impossible,” no matter what the President is asking you to do. 10. Disappear (and find an excuse later) if the President is in a bad mood. 11. Never ague with the President if there’s somebody else present. 12. Learn how the President likes to do business (talking, giving orders, writing the documents and taking notes, managing official and non-official meetings) and his habits (food, drinks, cigarettes, favorite sport, movies, show business stars, writers, politicians; attitude to women) and try to copy him — the President has to feel comfortable with you. 13. Fight anybody who’s trying to do your job to be closer to the President. 14. Avoid taking on risky tasks controlled by the President in person (if necessary, try to “delegate” it to somebody else). 15. Avoid being associated with any failures. 16. Don’t say anything President doesn’t want to hear. 17. Use “Smith’s Principle”: if it can be understood by Congress, it’s not finished yet. 18. Write memorandums not to inform the reader, but to protect the writer. 19. No matter what subject is under discussion, employ the language of sports and war: say “breakthrough” instead of “progress” , never speak of compromise, consider “adopting a fallback position.” 20. Every public appearance in with the President is an investment in your career after the White House. 21. Minimize the number of rivals. 22. Gain independence according to how much the President needs you. 23. Before asking the President for some personal favor, make him believe he’s going to get some (political) profit out of it. 24. Tell the President what he can do and help him try to do it, and never tell him what he shouldn’t do. 25. Avoid giving any personal gifts to the President if you are not Chief of Staff. Every public appearance in with the President is an investment in your career after the White House. There is an open power struggle between national security staff members and domestic policy staff and between those who develop new policies and initiatives versus budget staff. How to Manage the Staff Adopt a dominant management style: 1. Pyramidal, structured as hierarchy with you at the top, followed by the Chief of Staff and other key assistants. I strongly recommend this one – it insures a clear chain of command and provides precise channels of information going up and directives going down. 2. Circular, when you are surrounded by advisers, all of whom have equal access to the Oval Office. That means chaos (JFK style). All your assistants are political assistants and everyone will try to play a policy-maker. But a good thing is that all of them were not elected and are responsible to you only. Thus you can: – reform your staff freely as there’s not even a word about it in the US Constitution – interchange key figures if domestic crisis is approaching – if you don’t agree with the staff on important issues, go to polls for back-up. (The best employee is the one you can blackmail. Besides, a very good “pusher” for your people is their deep understanding that they have to work together to help the President stay in office next term — if the President leaves, everybody leaves) – use “the carrot and the stick” – use “pulling by pushing” — give an important job without publicity to those who become too popular – do as little reading as you can — you have staff for that – do as little writing as you can — same reason – involve yourself personally in your staff and Cabinet jobs as little as you can — same reason – make no minor decisions — same reason – send back any intelligence or other report if it’s more than one sheet of paper Technology of Mind Manipulation (MM) 1) Create a steadfast American collective will-power: “We want to live forever in the America we live in now” – through the media. 2) Don’t ask people to change their views and beliefs – they have only to change the object of their aggression – “Now we understand who are America’s enemies! (the previous President, Republicans). 3) Get people accustomed to accept facts but believe only in the “right” comments – any common sense has to be “switched off.” This way you create “mass artificial schizophrenia” — people lose the ability to connect statements and facts (notions) and just believe. Besides, by extreme exaggeration of the enemy’s negative qualities you can install the national schizophrenic fear (of “international terrorism”) and people have to accept you, the US President, as a savior. Plus, no matter what, repeat your major statements until people start accepting them without thinking. 4) Divide the nation into “good Americans”(patriots) and “bad Americans”(the “minority). Make it clear : it’s much better and more comfortable to be “good” than “bad.” “We aren’t watching good Americans who support the President. The surveillance is for bad Americans and we make their lives and careers uncomfortable. We have to do that because enemies of America may be using them.” This method is called artificial social selection and its ultimate goal is a total regulation and standardization of the nation. 5) For successful MM, use the combined efforts of popular Democratic American writers, TV and radio anchors, talented publicists and columnists, business and show business celebrities, politicians. Thus, step by step you create the “industry of correct political behavior and correct American thinking.” 6) Use a combination: statement + image. It reduces the effort needed to understand your message and makes people comfortable with you. 7) Shift all popular TV shows to prime time – Americans don’t have to think about politics after they come home. ———————————————————————————————————————————————– Like James Bond in Hollywood movies, I had a unique CIA status, “carte blanche” (“stay in USA as long as you want and do whatever you think is necessary” which means also a “license to kill”) and understood that control over the White House and the U.S. Congress, not national security, was the CIA/FBI top priority. Besides, they were interested in effective interrogation, tortures and murders methods – I gave them instructions and that was a big help in Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan. I visited Washington, DC , met people there and estimated the White House and U.S. Congress security. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- KGB instructions Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky Special influence Tortures Torture is a category of methods of interrogation designed to shock, hurt and humiliate the object and get information or to make him do something (if used for blackmail). Points to remember: -ongoing torture decreases pain sensitivity -people with strong will power take torture as a test -resistance to torture is often a form of hysterics after arrest -the object could take himself as a martyr if you torture him too much -torture could damage object’s psyche and you won’t be able to work with him (that’s why we keep terrorists in Guantanamo Bay without trial – we turn them into idiots) -people usually trust “after torture information” more than voluntary confessions -there are different types of torture and professionals often combine them Techniques of psychological torture include: – fake execution – complete isolation (“wall therapy”) – daylight deprivation – forcible narcotics addiction. Here you can use depressants, stimulants, opiates or hallucinogens (psychodelics): depressants (alcohol, barbiturates, antianxiety drugs with effects of euphoria, tension reduction, disinhibition, muscle relaxation, drowsiness; stimulants (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine (crystal meth) – euphoria, exhilaration, high physical and mental energy, reduced appetite, perceptions of power , and sociability; hallucinogens with effects of euphoria, hallucinations, distorted perceptions and sensations -making the object observe others being tortured (such as family members) -abuse of object’s national, religious feelings or political views The effects of psychological torture are: anxiety, depression, fear, psychosis, difficulty concentrating, communication disabilities, insomnia, impaired memory, headaches, hallucinations, sexual disturbances, destruction of self-image, inability to socialize Techniques of physical tortur
  46. 72 mikhail kryzhanovsky November 14, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    OPERATION “BARACK OBAMA” by Mikhail Kryzhanovsky . Part 2

    Techniques of physical torture include:
    -food, water, sleep deprivation
    -damage to vital body organs (brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, private parts) plus electric shock. The brain is particularly dependent on a continuous and stable supply of oxygen and glucose.
    -face deformation
    -water cure ( the torturer pours water down the throat of the subject to inflict the terror of drowning. In another variation, the subject is tied or held don in a chair, his face is covered with a cloth or plastic sheet, and water is poured slowly or quickly over his face to encourage him to talk
    The effects of physical torture are: extreme (unbearable) pain, hypertension, fatigue, cardio-pulmonary and other disorders, brain atrophy.

    Special psychology
    1. KGB used “brainwashing” in 4 ways:
    a) “prophylactics”, which is a conversation/interrogation at KGB field office. After officer gets a “signal” from agent about the ‘object”, he starts the “file of operative check (DOP)” or “operative development” DOR – means the object is a big enemy). He has 12 months to make a decision what to do to the object – “prophylactics” and behavior modification (followed by possible recruitment) or jail.
    b) through agents (objects close friends, neighbors, family members) and “KGB trusted people” (they are not recruited like agents , they are being used for object’s profiling). These guys talk to the object, trying to make “positive” influence, get him out of organized anti-government group
    c) in a mental clinic where doctors (they are usually KGB trusted people) prove the object that his behavior is not normal, it’s anti -social
    If all this doesn’t work, object will be arrested , convicted and modification will continue –
    d) in jail, through assets

    Another strategy – implantation of new ideas in a group.
    The process is: isolation from outside world (“information vacuum”) — sleep and food limitation (very effective) — “bombing” with slogans – ideological aggression – achieving the result (brain is loaded). The object is now ready to brainwash newcomers.
    2. “Behavior modification” (by placing into a group). The process is: initial contact — introduction to a group — mutual interests — mutual activity–mutual ideas — control and prevention of any negative contacts outside the group. No rush, no pressure.
    3. Special psychotherapy methods: talk + drugs + blondes + alcohol (used for recruitment)
    Attention: An alcoholic is more impulsive, untrustful and unreliable; he demonstrates a poverty of ideas and incapacity for attention. He usually has serious personality maladjustments. He’s immature, insecure, oversensitive and anxious. Without alcohol he’s unable to meet and enjoy people socially, and suffers from marked feeling of inferiority. Besides, alcoholics suffer from vitamin B1 deficiency, which leads to anatomic changes in the central nervous system and heart with symptoms like anorexia, fatigability, and sleep disturbances. Other common symptoms are irritability, poor memory, inability to concentrate, heart pain.
    4. “Transfer” (the object is placed in a regular hospital and then he’s transferred to a mental health clinic or jail). In jail you can use such methods an accelerated work schedule (to exhaust the object), turning him into a number to traumatize his psyche, physical punishment or a threat of punishment to keep the object tense and depressed; senseless labor to destroy his personality. Remember: the lower the intellectual level of the object, the more aggressive he is and more sensitive to incentive or punishment.
    You can actually re-organize any object’s behavior by combining rewards and punishments, exposing him to feared situations and teaching him an instinct of a total (political) obedience.
    Punishing the object:
    – punishment approach means causing suffering to change the object’s behavior
    – when object isn’t afraid, punishment is less effective
    – object might coerced into temporary compliance, that’s why he has to be under permanent surveillance after punishment
    – present object with choices
    – don’t threaten, explain the threat and the reward instead
    – never lose your patience – in such a way you, behavior modifier, show your power and get respect from the object

    Used to force a person to do something (or stop the action) against his will; it’s used also for recruitment. Blackmail methods include:
    1. Leaking “dirt” on the object through media
    2. Creating problems in his personal life and career
    3. Straight blackmail (threatening to make public certain compromising facts about him)
    4. Placing weapons, drugs, secret documents in object’s house or office, followed by search and arrest
    5. Accusations of rape (robbery) (use hookers for that)
    6. Blackmail by pressing family members. Careful, object may commit suicide after intense blackmail, especially if he is an intellectual
    Regular .Shooting, explosives or poison (cyanides, curare). Use a sniper or a “mouse” car (loaded with explosives and parked on the object’s route) if access to the object is impossible because of high security. Anyway, the murder is obvious and investigation is inevitable.
    General scheme. The best thing to do is to recruit or “ install” somebody with access to the object’s security system and get information on his schedule (plus health and habits), places where he likes to relax. Get access to his phone and e-mail. Then prepare the plan and train three groups: surveillance (with optics and radios), action (includes snipers, explosives technicians or staged accidents specialists), and security (these people neutralize bodyguards, witnesses and other people who could interrupt the action; they complete the action if the action group fails; and they can neutralize the action group later, if planned so; they “cover” the safe retreat of action group and “cut” the chase).
    Complex .Staged accidents (suicides, catastrophes, drowning or fall, robbery or rape followed by murder, technical accident (fire, electricity, gas); drugs, weapons, poison, explosives misuse. Staged natural death (stroke, heart attack, chronic illness).
    CIA also had “a very important job up to my “high professional skills as a sniper” but I didn’t want to kill politicians and become Lee Oswald #2. They’ve pressed me very hard in return.
    Bill Clinton was the target. CIA wanted me “to stay close to him” – that’s why I wrote a handbook for him. In 1995-1997 he dated Monica Lewinsky in the White House and Hillary Clinton was there, in the White House at least on two occasions. She knew about the dates, she was a power , she overreacted and asked John Deutch for a “favor”. I’ve refused to do “a big job” and Bill Clinton has to say “Thank you very much, Mike, for saving my life”. In 2000 Bill pardoned John Deutch whom he completely ignored before – Russians asked him to do this and Hillary did the same. She was scared Deutch might talk about a “favor’ in case there was some serious investigation about his “security problems”.
    June 21, 2001
    Three months before 9/11 tragedy happened, I warned President George W. Bush and the US Senate, including Senator Hillary Clinton, on CIA anti-American activity, national security collapse and my personal situation.

    US President George Bush US Senator Hillary Clinton, 2001-2009

    Hillary Clinton refused to mess with CIA. I had to blackmail her and remind her that I helped Bill Clinton to win re-elections and saved his life. Hillary was scared to death and answered me in a year – finally, she helped my family only. Later she said :”KGB agent has no soul” – you may think it was about Russian leader Putin, but it was actually about me.
    Now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has to take some responsibility for the deaths of 3,000 innocent victims -why not ?

    September 2002
    White House sent a request to the Dept. of Justice, where FBI Director R. Mueller blocked it because I was a “joint” CIA-FBI project. Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D) Office explained to me that “American national security is not Senator’s business”.

    Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY): “National security is not my business!”


    KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional” by M. Kryzhanovsky

    The US Congress Management
    1. A Congressional session is a waste of federal time and money — you don’t need debates because Congressional staffers can do all the technical work and they can negotiate between themselves and balance positions. Senators and Congressmen don’t even have to come to Washington — they can vote from their local offices. So these people can spend their time helping thousands of constituents.
    2. The President is dependent on Congressional cooperation to carry out the executive responsibilities of the Office because Congress has to authorize government programs, establish administrative agencies to implement the problems and funds to finance them.
    3. It’s important if President belongs to the party with a majority in the House and Senate. But if your party loses the majority in Congress, you have to work out new political strategy yourself.
    4. President’s prestige (popular support or political capital) affects Congressional response to his politics.
    5. Influence in Congress is courted only for long periods of service; a Senator with 30 years in office (like Edward Kennedy) has considerably more power than a Senator in his first or second term.This causes the electorate to increasingly favor incumbents, as dislodging one’s Congressman or Senator after 30 years, even if the candidate or his party have become unpopular, can be viewed as hurting one’s district financially. It is often thought that a freshman would be less able to bring home federal money for his state or district.
    6. For most Senators, the Senate is a platform for Presidential election campaign. Senators who openly express presidential ambitions are better able to gain media exposure and to establish careers as spokespersons for large national constituencies.
    7. The first act of a newly elected Representative is to maneuver for election to the Senate. Why? First, they enjoy their position, power and money for six years non-stop. Second, there are only a hundred Senators and the publicity is much, much greater. But Representatives have a much better chance to be re-elected.
    8. Congress rejects two thirds of President’s proposals.
    9. Senators are always looking for a BBD (bigger, better deal) and often shift from one committee to another (a good choice is those dealing with taxes, budget, energy, commerce).
    10. Bills to benefit big business move smoothly. (Congress doesn’t like the poor — they don’t contribute, sorry). To gain majority support for big business legislation members have a special trick — log rolling, when factions combine efforts.
    11. Senators don’t depend on the people — they depend on the media.
    12. If a Senator is blocking the President’s proposal, he wants to get the President’s attention.
    13. When Senators want to bury issues , they create committees.
    14. The Senate is a small structure and personal relations between Senators are extremely important.
    15. Senators have no incentive to study the details of most pieces of legislation and their decision is simplified by quickly checking how key colleagues have voted or intend to vote.
    16.To have power a Senator has to object: much of the Senate work is done by unanimous consent and if you object you’ll be approached for sure by some influential people including other Senators, Secretaries, President’s aides or the President himself. They’ll try to press, blackmail or buy you — and that means you’ve got a piece of the power pie.
    17. Senators avoid responsibility in economic policy.
    18. Congress loves the military because military contracts are very lucrative for Congressional districts.
    19. Senior Senators teach “newcomers” to vote against any reform which is a threat to their stability.
    20. A Senator has real influence on legislation only if he has professional staff in charge of the projects.
    21. Senators are afraid to vote against a defense budget increase because then they may be accused of a lack of patriotism.
    22. Republicans and Democrats are not really enemies, here, though both sides are always looking for a “traitor” or “insider” in the other camp.
    23. The President must have “insiders” in the Senate , because the other party could prepare secretly and then launch officially some investigation against you or the members of your Administration.
    24. A legislator does exactly what his voters want him to do — stealing federal money from other states and districts, because for him the most important thing is numbers — polls in his state showing how many people approve his activity. His donors watch these numbers too and estimate their investment and the necessity to support re-election.
    25. Every member of Congress has a so-called “split personality” — a “Hill style” while working on Capitol Hill and a “home style” while back in the state or district with the voters.
    26. A Senator makes a decision only after thinking about what it means in terms of the re-election money that will come to him or to his opponents. His voting decisions depend on his party membership, constituency pressures, state and regional loyalty ideology, interest groups’ influence. His stubbornness comes from the fact that he doesn’t want to be seen by his constituents as a “rubber stamp” for President’s decisions, especially when the bill in question benefits a Senator’s state. (And the hidden problem is — you want to move fast, especially during the first year while your personal popularity is high — but for the Congress speed is not important).
    27. Sooner or later every member of Congress starts playing the “pork barrel” game. It’s nothing else but a diversion of federal funds to projects and places not out of national need but to enhance a member’s chances of re-election in his district (military projects, federal buildings, highways construction projects). So be ready for a “Christmas gift” when these fellows add pork barrel amendments to appropriations bills you are about to sign. They often wait until late in each session to pass critical spending bills, which narrows your range of possible responses because a veto may not be feasible if Congress has adjourned and the funds needed to run the federal government are contained in the legislation.
    28. In Congress a small percentage of bills (about 500 out of 10,000) actually become law because many bills are introduced merely to get favorable press. The strategy is especially effective if the legislation is “tied” to the headlines of the day (mass murders, natural disasters, ethnic riots etc.).
    29. In the Senate it’s easier for a minority to block the bill than for a majority to pass it: a 60-vote majority is needed to force a final vote on the bill, while only 41 votes are needed to continue debate and delay a vote.
    30. The minority can hold the majority responsible as the party in power for whatever legislation does or does not emerge from the Senate. But both parties prefer to be the party in power in the Senate – all Senate legislation begins in the committees, whose membership and chairmanship are controlled by the party in power. Besides, each chairman has power in terms of controlling the committee budgets and deciding which hearings will be held and which legislation he will allow to be released to the Senate floor for a vote. He can also “lock up the bill” in committee until it dies. Perfect!

    June 8, 2010

    US Office of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzerald (his predecessor, Ken Starr, brought Bill Clinton to impeachment):
    “Mr. Kryzhanovsky, You allege that Mr. Leon Panetta violated the Hatch Act through his role in the “Millennium Hilton” operation. We reviewed this matter, and as explained below, we are closing our file without further action. The Hatch Act prohibits government employees from engaging in political activity while on duty. Your allegation that Mr. Panetta is involved in a CIA-FBI conspiracy, which you call the “Millennium Hilton” operation, even if true, is not activity that falls within the prohibitions of the Hatch Act. Therefore , we are closing the above referenced file. Erica S. Hamrick”

    Patrick Fitzerald
    February 6, 2011
    “Mr. Kryzhanovsky: The New York City Commission on Human Rights does not have jurisdiction over the agencies you take issue with.Talk to Attorney General, the CIA , The US Congress. Cliff Mulqueen, Deputy Commissioner/General Counsel, New York City Commission on Human Rights”.
    President Obama and Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary keep silence.

    CIA is pressing me non-stop, so the following CIA Directors were involved in the conspiracy: John Deutch (1995-1996), George Tenet (1997-2004), Porter Goss (2004-2006), Gen. Michael Hayden (2006-2009), Leon Panetta (2009-2011), Michael Morell (acting), Gen. David Petraeus ( taking Office September 6, 2011).


    Part 8. CIA operation “9/11”

    June 21, 2001
    I’ve sent a letter to the following US Senators on America’s national security collapse and CIA anti-American activity:

    Richard Shelby ,Jeff Sessions (R),Ted Stevens (R),Frank Murkowski (R) ,Lisa Murkowski (R),John McCain (R), 2008 presidential election candidate, Jon Kyl (R),Tim Hutchinson (R), Blanche Lincoln (D), Dianne Feinstein (D), Barbara Boxer (D), Ben Campbell (R), Wayne Allard (R), Christopher Dodd (D), Joseph Lieberman (D), Joe Biden (D), the US Vice President since 2009, Tom Carper (D), Bob Graham (D), Bill Nelson (D), Max Cleland (D), Zell Miller (D),Daniel Inouye (D), Daniel Akaka (D), Larry Craig (R), Mike Crapo (R), Richard Durbin (D), Peter Fitzgerald (R), Richard Lugar (R),Evan Bayh (D), Chuck Grassley ®, Tom Harkin (D), Sam Brownback (R), Pat Roberts (R), Mitch McConnell (R), Jim Bunning (R), John Breaux (D), Mary Landrieu (D), Olympia Snowe (R), Susan Collins (R), Paul Sarbanes (D), Barbara Mikulski (D), Ted Kennedy (D), John Kerry (D), 2004 presidential election candidate, Carl Levin (D),Debbie Stabenow (D), Paul Wellstone (D), Mark Dayton (D), Thad Cochran (R), Trent Lott (R), Kit Bond (R),Jean Carnahan (D)
    ,Max Baucus (D), Conrad Burns (R), Chuck Hagel (R), Ben Nelson (D), Harry Reid (D),John Ensign (R), Bob Smith (R),
    Judd Gregg (R), Robert Torricelli (D), Jon Corzine (D), Pete Domenici (R), Jeff Bingaman (D), Charles Schumer (D),
    Hillary Clinton (D), US Secretary of State since 2009, Jesse Helms (R), John Edwards (D), Kent Conrad (D), Byron Dorgan (D), Mike DeWine (R), George Voinovich (R), Don Nickles (R), James Inhofe (R), Ron Wyden (D), Gordon Smith (R), Arlen Specter (R), Rick Santorum (R), Jack Reed (D), Lincoln Chafee (R), Strom Thurmond (R),Ernest Hollings (D), Tom Daschle (D), Tim Johnson (D), Fred Thompson (R), Bill Frist (R), Phil Gramm (R) , Kay Bailey Hutchison (R), Orrin Hatch (R), Robert Bennett (R), Patrick Leahy (D), John Warner (R), George Allen (R),Patty Murray (D), Maria Cantwell (D), Robert Byrd (D), Jay Rockefeller (D), Herbert Kohl (D), Russ Feingold (D), Craig Thomas (R).
    Michael Enzi (R)
    Nobody wanted to get a bullet from CIA sniper, right Mr. Joe Biden ?Senator Hillary Clinton was the only one who responded under pressure.

    Obamna and VP Joe Biden, a former US Senator Obama and Senator John Kerry

    Still in the office:
    Daniel Akaka (D – HI), Max Baucus (D – MT), Jeff Bingaman(D – NM) , Barbara Boxer (D – CA), Maria Cantwell, (D – WA), Thomas Carper, (D – DE), thad Cochran,(R – MS), Susan Collins, (R – ME), Kent Conrad, (D – ND), Mike Crapo, (R – ID), Richard Durbin, (D – IL), Michael Enzi, (R – WY), Dianne Feinstein (D – CA),Chuck Grassley (R – IA), Tom Harkin (D – IA), Orrin Hatcch (R – UT), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R – TX), James Inhofe (R – OK), Daniel Inouye
    (D – HI), Tim Johnson (D – SD), John Kerry (D – MA), Herb Kohl,(D – WI), Jon Kyl, (R -AZ), Mary Landrieu (D – LA),Patrick Leahy (D – VT), Carl Levin (D – MI), Joseph Lieberman (ID – CT), Richard Lugar (R – IN), John
    McCain (R – AZ), Mitch McConnell (R – KY), Barbara Mikulski (D – MD), Patty Murray (D – WA),Ben Nelson (D – NE) , Bill Nelson, (D – FL), Rand Paul (R – KY), Jack Reed (D – RI), Harry Reid (D – NV), Pat Roberts (R – KS),
    John Rockefeller (D – WV), Chuck Schumer (D – NY), Jeff Sessions (R – AL), Richard Shelby (R – AL),Olympia Snowe, (R – ME), Debbie Stabenow (D – MI), Ron Wyden (D – OR).

    I can tell how I would plan special operation like this one. I’m sure the CIA followed the same scheme (and used their own satellites for technical support).
    1. Objectives.
    al-Qaeda to be blamed, Iraq to be invaded, oil to be taken.
    2. Preparation.
    CIA undercover explained to bin-Laden unusual plan to attack America. The plan approved, terrorists sent to USA.
    Another group of terrorists, no links to al-Qaeda, was allowed to pack Twin Towers with explosives. Right after the terrorists were killed, their bodies burnt.
    3. Action.
    September 11, 2001
    19 al-Qaeda terrorists boarded 4 jets.

    Right after that they were secretly arrested, taken away and killed. Their bodies burnt.
    8 a.m. EDT. American airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board, took of from Boston’s Logan international Airport to Los Angeles.
    8:14 a.m. United airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, took off from Logan to Los Angeles.
    8:21 a.m. American Airlines flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board, took off from Washington Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles.
    8:41 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, took off from Newark International Airport for San Francisco.
    After 4 jets took off, their pilots were ordered emergency landing one of the military bases where crews and passengers boarded another jet packed with explosives. It exploded in the air and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Two other empty jets , guided by autopilots, with explosives crashed into Twin Towers:
    Cruise missile hit Pentagon.
    Osama bin-Laden was sure he did it.

    After bin-Laden’s death al-Qaeda has to prove its strength one more time and attack two more American symbols – Capitol or the White House. Wait.

  47. 73 Sean December 5, 2011 at 9:11 am

    Hi Dr. Kate,

    I’m the Tea Party editor at Before It’s News. Our site is a People Powered news platform with over 4,000,000 visits a month and growing fast.

    We would be honored if we could republish rss feed of Dr. Kate’s View in our Tea Party category. Our readers need to read what American patriots like you have to say.

    Syndicating to Before It’s News is a terrific way to spread the word and grow your audience. If you are interested in syndicating with us, please contact me at

    sean [at] beforeitsnews [dot] com

    Thank you

  48. 74 Randy Pollock May 27, 2012 at 3:42 am

    Love your blog, Doc… The British Nationality Act of 1948 was in effect in ’61, resolving dual citizenship claims
    — As I understand the provisions, Ann Dunham was under 21 at the time, so Barry assumes the UK citizenship of his father, regardless of place of birth.

    • 75 drkate May 27, 2012 at 10:09 am

      So born a brit. Not legit!

      Thank you. BNA was cited for that reason, he was born with his father’s citizenship. EVen tho Kenya became independent he never lost his british citizenship.

      SAD was underage, and in a foreign birth, she was unable to transmit her citizenship.

      He is still a dual citizen…Indonesia, Britain, and either Kenyan or US

  49. 76 Susan Daniels May 27, 2012 at 10:34 am

    Ann Dunham was seventeen when Obama was born. She did not turn eighteen until three months later.

  50. 77 Mikhail Kryzhanovsky August 23, 2012 at 8:06 pm

    Note from drkate: Welcome to Dr Kates view! I have published this comment but have no personal knowledge of the statements and encourage every reader to check the information out for themselves.

    Mike Rogers, Chairman
    U.S. House Committee on Intelligence
    133 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515

    August 24, 2012

    Hillary Clinton and CIA planned to kill Bill Clinton in 1995

    Dear Mr. Rogers,

    Let’s start with John Deutch, a former CIA Director.
    John Deutch was born in Belgium to a Russian father and he was the only Russian CIA Director.
    He was appointed by President Clinton and stayed in Langley in 1995-1996. He ordered my recruitment , he is a Russian “mole,” and he’s safe because Bill Clinton pardoned this enemy of state.

    3 signs are enough to triangulate a “mole” and here they are for Mr. Deutch:
    1. Two days after Deutch retired from the CIA, on December 16, 1996, technical personnel discovered at his house highly classified information stored on his unclassified computer, loaded from his agency computer. He refused to explain why he violated strict security rules.
    First, Director of Central Intelligence doesn’t need highly classified data on his home computer, because he is a bureaucrat, not an analyst.
    Second, here we have a trick – the Internet-connected computer is accessible by anyone with some technical knowledge and you don’t have to send anything.
    2. In 1997 the CIA began a formal security investigation. It was determined that his computer was often connected to Internet with no security, and that Deutch was known to leave memory cards with classified data lying in his car. Deutch used his influence to stop further investigation and the CIA took no action until 1999, when it suspended his security clearances. He admitted finally the security breach and merely apologized.
    3. In 1999 the Defense Department started its own investigation, and it appeared that in 1993 Deutch, as Defense Undersecretary, used unsecured computers at home and his America Online (!) account to access classified defense information. As Deputy Defense Secretary, he declined departmental requests in 1994 to allow security systems to be installed in his residence.
    4. In 2000 Senator Charles Grassley asked the Justice Department to look into the case. There was no investigation.
    Since 2000 Deutch is MIT Professor and Director for Citigroup. In 2001 Bill Clinton pardoned John Deutch, case was closed.
    On September 1, 1995 I was recruited at “Millennium Hilton”, NYC as CIA “Filament” .I also met Frank from FBI National Security Division and had to work for two agencies. Next was a joint CIA-FBI conspiracy. I had to spy on the U.S. Congress and work with Congress Librarian James Billington who knew me as a political scientist through his Moscow office, and could introduce to Senators and Representatives.
    I had to get inside the White House and created “The Professional” system – special instructions for Bill Clinton on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations. Since 2009 Obama is using “The Professional” too.
    Like James Bond , I had a unique CIA status, “carte blanche” – “stay in USA as long as you want and do whatever you think is necessary” which means also a “license to kill”. I understood that control over the White House and the U.S. Congress, not national security, was the CIA/FBI top priority.
    CIA also had “a very important job up to my “high professional skills as a sniper” but I didn’t want to kill politicians and become Lee Oswald #2. They’ve pressed me very hard in return. President Bill Clinton was the target – CIA wanted me “to stay close to him” – that’s why I wrote a handbook for him. In 1995-1997 he dated Monica Lewinsky in the White House and Hillary Clinton was there, in the White House at least on two occasions. She knew about the dates, she overreacted and asked CIA DIrector John Deutch for a “favor”. I’ve refused to do “a big job” and Bill Clinton has to say “Thank you very much, Mike, for saving my life”. In 2000 Bill pardoned John Deutch whom he completely ignored before because Hillary Clinton asked him to do so. She was scared Deutch might talk about a “favor” in case there was some serious investigation about his “security problems”.
    In 2001 I’ve asked Senator Hillary Clinton to help me fight CIA which kept pressing me – I couldn’t get my family here. I’ve asked Lus Mendes, Hillary Clinton’s Immigration Dept Chief to tell her boss that I’ve saved Bill Clinton’s life by refusing to work for CIA. After that Hillary Clinton wrote to me 2 letters promising help.
    In 2010 I met Secret Service agents who said I’m still CIA “Filament” and Secret Service wanted me to work for them too. Very interesting.

    I ask you, Mr. Rogers, to investigate this case.

    Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
    a former KGB intelligence officer
    a former CIA/FBI “Filament”
    New York

  51. 78 Mikhail Kryzhanovsky August 23, 2012 at 8:14 pm

  52. 81 coastx October 8, 2012 at 7:11 am

    Britain’s Repatriation Agenda Since 1800:


    Democratic Party and Progressivism
    Bohemian Grove
    Skull and Bones
    The Mormon Church
    Proliferation of UK Inspired SSOs
    Reconstruction Amendments
    New Deal
    Redaction of the Law of Immanent Domain
    Anti-Terrorism (Occult Rendition) Legislation 1974- 2011

    All mitigated on the debauchery pledge giving unchecked access to drugs, money and sex to those who have been willing to proxy legislation for the UK in abeyance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights; Every one of these who has participated having lined their own pockets with resources all the while setting aside the trust of people who put them in office; All under threat of death in perpetuity for redaction, which is why they never show remorse for their crimes.

    Americans have been bought off distracted by the same perks politicians have been helping themselves to for decades, just the public version of this has been cut with food products loaded with mind numbing chemicals, regular pay checks and an endless stream of sex bait and mindless entertainment, all pressing itself into the mainstream from every direction, and very little of this meaningful to government principled liberty AND freedom.

    Progressives are clever with humanitarianism and democratic process, but those of us who know better understand the illusion of single party parliamentary deception where you are conned to believe some feature of alternative government is your salvation when in reality every time they present one of their fantasies and we allow this we are further displaced from freedom and liberty.

  53. 82 coastx October 24, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    Doc, you okay out there?

  54. 83 veryconcernedcitizen42 May 30, 2013 at 4:10 pm

    I’m a late arrival but I wish to add my sentiment to all the points made with special emphasis concerning the lead-in song, “Stand By Me” which in my humble opinion is one of the finest visual renditions I have ever had the privilege of seeing or hearing. God Bless our Republic and all who are working to protect her.

  1. 1 Threshold Constitutional Issues: Article II Appointments « drkatesview Trackback on August 20, 2009 at 3:02 am
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