O’Reilly & Rove Fail to Save Obama

©2011 drkate

From WND:

Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen is defending is his client’s natural-born citizenship, telling Britain’s Daily Mail: “I don’t think anyone’s going to question whether Donald Trump is or was not born in New York.” Cohen pointed out there are hospitals named after Trump’s family in New York, but the only ones named after  Obama are in Africa.

Here’s the video, courtesy Obama Release Your Records:
Notice how O’Reilly feigns incredulity, derision, shock, and laughter asking  whether the issue of Obama’s eligibility was an important subject.  It was not convincing.
Trump doesn’t miss a step.
Outing  Republicans Covering for Obama

the jig is up

All of a sudden, the republican candidates for the Presidency are being forced to ‘come out’, or lets say, are being told to say that they believe Obama.  Tim Pawlenty, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee…you get the drift. All of them are not  ‘playing nice’, they are part of the cover-up.

Witness Karl Rove, who with Donna Brazille, helped elect Obama:

Karl Rove, the former adviser to President George W. Bush, told Bill O’Reilly of Fox News tonight that he thought Trump’s promotion of the eligibility issue could hurt the entrepreneur.

“This is a mistake. It will marginalize him,” Rove said. He claimed the right-wing base of the party is “not in love with the issue,” and added “Barack Obama wants Republicans to fall into this trap.

Yeah, ok, Karl Has-Been Rove.  Trump has exposed Rove and the other republicans for who they really are: professional politicians who care for nothing but themselves, power, and money.  Rove has marginalized conservatives since the day he was born and has his own nasty trail of dirty tricks.
But the expression on his face revealed it all:  they are desperate to cover for Obama because they will go down as co-conspirators in misprision of treason along with the rest of the cabal of the political elite…its because of Those Darn Birthers!

But first, let’s look at the hate rhetoric. Why are the Birthers attacked without mercy? I believe that the answer lies in the consideration of the answer to the question: What if the Birthers are right, and Obama really is not a Natural Born Citizen? Certainly Obama would be required by law to step down. But if it is true that Obama is Constitutionally ineligible, then his authority as president, and all acts he has taken under that authority are nullified. That’s two years of presidential implementations instantly vaporized or reversed, legally.

And every one of those politicos, advisors, senators, congressmen, blog owners (hey Kos, are you out of the country yet for putting up a forged COLB?) will also go down as frauds, legally.  Got misprision of felony?

Michelle Goes to Jail, too

Don’t have to say much more than this.
Wonder if she’ll be proud of ‘her country’ when we bust her for lies, fraud, treason, seize her assets, send her kids to child protective services, and throw her ass in prison? 😛

Usurper breaking into Oval Office

304 Responses to “O’Reilly & Rove Fail to Save Obama”

  1. 1 Pamela Barnett March 30, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    Great commentary Dr. Kate. You are right on regarding these people.. they would sell America for prestige, power and money.

    • 2 True Patriot March 31, 2011 at 5:41 am

      Great article Dr. Kate. Trump made O’Reilly aka O’Leilly look like the phony he is . Trump is exposing all of the traitors who have helped in the cover-up of this dangerous illegal fraud

      Yes, I agree, that Rove behind the scenes, schemed to assist in Obama sliding illegally into our White House. The other method they used was John McLame the traitor. He ran the worst campaign in the history of this country!

      Now the issue is finally out front and those of us who have stood strong and persistent will be the ones history thanks, and those who have called us names to stop us will go down as traitors committing high crimes and treason.

      The only opportunity Trump missed was to further slam O’Reilly when he brought up the newspaper announcement. That was put in the paper 9 days after the birth of this fraud in Kenya.
      Ann Dunham’s Mother or Father put the ad in the Hawaiian Paper to later be used for their Communist agenda.

      This has been planned for a long time, and all Obama has ever been surrounded by was dangerous Communist Marxist thugs. It defines his entire miserable life.

      • 3 SallyAl March 31, 2011 at 9:54 am

        Please, we all have to be together on this. The birth announcements were generated AUTOMATICALLY when whoever it was filed the birth in Hawaii. All births, deaths, marriages and divorces are, or were at that time, listed in all local newspapers generated automatically by the local DOH or whatever the local office is called. Nobody “placed” the ads or announcements. I have 3 children, one of whom was born at home attended by a midwife. I NEVER called the newspaper to announce their births nor did anybody else in my family. They all appeared in our local paper when the birth certificate was registered at the Department of Health in Tacoma, Washington. Ladies, what about your children?

        • 4 drkate March 31, 2011 at 10:38 am

          The problem is that with no evidence of a BC, and the false addresses in the announcement, SOMEONE had to announce this. Hawaii became a state in 1959…there is no record of obama’s birth in any hospital or by any midwife. While I agree this is a minor issue, it raises significant questions in my mind. The grandparents had to have done this to try to get citizenship for their new grandson…remember there is no evidence either that barack and stanley ann were ever married.

    • 5 Paula March 31, 2011 at 5:44 am

      May I just say THANK YOU for you courage and defense of this nation, standing up for the truth and not wavering!

  2. 6 Katie22 March 30, 2011 at 11:12 pm

    In the clip I got an ever so slight and subtle notion that BOR may be finally starting to get a clue. An announcement in a newspaper is what convinced the folks on The Factor that everything was hunky dory? Really?

    The Donald did a great job. BOR just sat there and smirked. Maybe he’s getting a clue. Then again, maybe he is not. Hard to tell. This whole thing is not looking very good for BOR and the No Spin Zone.

    I wonder what Donald’s next move is going to be. He can’t let this issue die at this point.

    • 7 anonymouse March 31, 2011 at 12:40 am

      I like to point out…that there is nor as there ever been, any original newspaper. Not one single original page. Because a microfiche is easy to doctor, but a newspaper page can be carbon dated and analyzed.

      Notice all their “evidence” was pictures or scans or photoshops (called “shooped” pictures).

  3. 8 bdwilcox March 30, 2011 at 11:27 pm

    “and throw her ass in prison?”
    -That’s gotta be one big prison to hold that ass. Gitmo would have to be cleared of the other prisoners just to make room. Let’s face it, when that woman hauls ass, she has to make two trips. From what I hear, each of her butt cheeks has its own zip code. When she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house. To keep the bath tub from overflowing, she can only fill it with an inch of water before she gets in. I mean, her panties are so scary, they’d make an onion cry. Hell, before Obama married her, the tide wouldn’t even take her out.

    OK, I’ll stop now. 🙂

  4. 11 AttilasDaughter March 31, 2011 at 12:12 am

    BOR is a creep, period.

  5. 12 Jan March 31, 2011 at 12:20 am

    BOR was a teacher? What did he teach? It certainly wasn’t the Constitution and he just makes himself look stupid.

    I was a little disappointed with Donald asking who puts an add in the paper when a baby is born? Guess he only reads the Financial Pages.

    Thanks for the post Dr. K.

  6. 13 Voco Indubium March 31, 2011 at 12:28 am

    RE: The GOP’s avoidance of the eligibility issue

    Attn.: Dr Kate

    This comment was written before discovered that you covered this topic. However, more questions should be answered by the GOP.

    WND reports: “Karl Rove, the former adviser to President George W. Bush, told Bill O’Reilly of Fox News tonight that he thought Trump’s promotion of the eligibility issue could hurt the entrepreneur. “This is a mistake. It will marginalize him,” Rove said. He claimed the right-wing base of the party is “not in love with the issue,” and added “Barack Obama wants Republicans to fall into this trap.” “

    What does Rove mean by marginalizing?

    Has the GOP been trapped in the Alinsky-tactics employed by the regime, which says isolate and ridicule your opponents?

    How can the truth hurt the GOP?

    How can the greatest fraud in the US political history committed by the Dems, hurt the GOP?

    Is the GOP afraid to tell the damaging truth about their opponents? Why were the Dems not marginalizing when they demanded that the senate looks at McCain’s bc?

    Why none in the GOP explains this policy to the grass roots?

    Is the GOP blind, not see that the regime can raise $1 B campaign money and no GOP candidate can match that, maybe not even The Donald? So, policy issues are not sufficient to win the White House.

    Does protecting the constitution would hurt the GOP?

    Is there none in the GOP organization who can communicate effectively to the voters what is at stake?

    Don’t they see that they are guilty of helping a constitutional issue to be swept under the rug? How is that going to help the GOP when and if discovered?

    Is the GOP not implicitly underestimating some minority communities by presumably assuming that those voters could not care less about the constitution, they care only about color?

    Does not the GOP see that using policy-issuers alone they will assure the second term for O?

    Michael Savage (radio) said two years ago “ McCain’s job was to throw the election”. Funny exaggeration, one smiled, at that time. Now they repeat the mistake? No more smiling. The GOP is assuring O’s second term.

    Dr Kate, one could go on and on, but who could address this issue better than you?
    You are a very talented communicator. Would you please, if you more or less agree with the above line of thinking, write an article on this issue? I think it would help to bring it into the forefront of discussions and ultimately may even influence the elite GOP policy makers, comfortably sitting in their ivory tower, to change their mind about this issue. There is a lot at stake.

    • 14 anonymouse March 31, 2011 at 12:45 am

      Yes the eligibility issue will throw the election — away from Obama! Don’t you love it when they hurl these 3.5 year too late whinies…”oh you’ll be marginalized” “oh there’s more important issues” “oh you’ll look the fool” “oh it’s just what the dems want you to do!”

      puh leez
      those people need to jump off a cliff
      without the constitution we are a big fat nothing, a zero zip nada rogue dictatorship

      so in essence even if all those damages did occur we have no option but to restore the constitution, or go to extremes beyond if need be

    • 15 sky March 31, 2011 at 3:57 pm

      the truth is to go to the federalist papers first,that the founding father wrote,because the constitution has been chipped away,and laws put in it that go against the federalist papers and what the founding fathers wrote.

      • 16 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 8:46 pm

        The Federalist (Nationalist) Papers were the first of the chipping away at the true federalism put into the constitution. The losers (nationalists) in the constitutional convention immediately put their spin toward a supreme national government into the so-called Federalist Papers. The real federalists were the cats that wrote the Anti-Federalist Papers. Yes, there was plenty of legitimate camouflage (good stuff) in the Federalist Papers to make them seem more reliable than they are. So don’t go over glorifying those papers because there is some significant deception in them.

        • 17 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 8:48 pm

          For a great analysis of the Federalist v the Anti-federalist, see the book “The Illusion of Freedom” by Martyn Babitz.

  7. 19 anonymouse March 31, 2011 at 12:41 am

    Rove shits on the Constitution, plainly.

    • 20 True Patriot March 31, 2011 at 5:51 am

      Rove is a traitor and a disgrace. He has gone from being the so called brilliant architect, to being exposed a a complete traitor to the United States and security of our future generations.

      I remember when he let Scooter Libby take the fall on the Valerie Plame lefty scandal. The main thing is there was no crime committed.

      Plame was never a secret agent of any kind, and the whole story was cooked up by the radical left to try and bring down part of GW Bush’s Administration. Well since there was no crime committed, because lying Plame was never a secret agent of any kind, why not fight for Libby? Instead of coming to his aide they let him take the fall. Very similar to the way Rove and the rest have aided in the cover up of Obama the Usurping fraud.

      Rove will now go down as a traitor plain and simple. He is a disgrace.

      I was also disappointed in Dennis Miller. He also chimed in to say he thought O was born in the U.S. No Miller he was not.
      If Miller chooses to start down this path the rest of the country will realize he is part of this cover up. I was surprised at Miller, as he is usually pretty good.

    • 21 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 5:04 pm

      and mainly

      because he’s a hungry gopher. a beggar. panting for attention.

      begone, Rove. hushpuppy! lay down.

      he’s creepy and Donna Brazile knows.

  8. 22 Stock March 31, 2011 at 5:37 am

    This issue cant go away-its no “distraction” (Pawlenty-Rove speek)simply because it is the issue-all legality of the actions of government flow from whether or not there is legal authority to govern-the GOP covered it up-so did the media-they thought they were going to slide by like they always have-that whatever they say the law is what it is-that we never would realize that there was only one party in Washington. The “Elites” we ought to get them Jerseys! All Yellow! So that they will finally know that we know who they are!

    • 23 thinkwell April 1, 2011 at 8:08 am

      Right. This is a rule of law issue and is more basic to protecting our ongoing individual sovereignty and freedoms than any of that cowardly political parasite Karl Rove’s self serving nay-saying nonsense.

  9. 24 True Patriot March 31, 2011 at 5:54 am

    Everyone get on twitter. The politicians are reading twitter and this is our chance to add fuel to the fire.

    Also refer them back to Dr. Kate’s site, and keep Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s name out here.

    This is our time to shine. It is time for the fraud to be thrown out and Mrs. Darth Vader and the entourage of thugs and criminals.

  10. 25 Paula March 31, 2011 at 6:04 am

    Mr. Pawlenty must be in the pockets of CNN; giving them waaaayyy to much credit. I mean CNN would NEVER LIE, now, would they? Neither would any of our upstanding news organizations in MSM! I mean, come on, these are the people who have a love of money and would do anything for it along with the power and prestige, so no, they wouldn’t lie, cheat, slander, ridicule, commit treason, perform traitorous acts, sell out to the highest bidder. Oh, no, we the people can never suggest that these MSM organizations would lie to us, or our government for that matter. Please, American citizens, get a clue and turn off your T.V. and start thinking for yourselves! Just the fact that Mr. O’Riley calls his show the no-spin zone SHOUTS out to me that he, in fact, runs a spin-zone. Hypocrisy is at its finest in these powerful organizations such as the “government” (it really can’t be called that), and the MSM. Why? Because they are gods unto themselves and they are led about by the devil, the god of this world.

  11. 26 Paula March 31, 2011 at 6:10 am

    No Bachman! Out of my list of possiblities! Same as Palin…sellouts! The least important issue is Obama’s eligibility, finding out whether or not our government has been usurped at the highest levels. Unbelievable!


  12. 28 workingclass artist March 31, 2011 at 6:24 am

    Michelle Soetero might have a phony SS# too….
    Aaaand Trump brings up Rezo on Laura Igraham radio show last night…
    Keep going Trump! You’ve got my vote!

  13. 29 workingclass artist March 31, 2011 at 6:25 am

    sorry…bad keyboard…Rezko….
    All roads lead to Chicago….

  14. 30 no-nonsense-nancy March 31, 2011 at 6:30 am

    Great article, Dr. Kate. You nailed the creeps. Since I don’t have nor want to have TV I didn’t see the show. Trump is one smart cookie. I think he knows the full meaning of what natural born is, he is just not saying that right now because these fools don’t have a concept of the constitution and wouln’t be able to grasp something as complicated(snark) as Article 2.
    However, we should write to him and educate him as to what natural born entails just in case he really thinks the only requirement is being born in the US.

    I can’t wait to see BO and his cronies in jail!! Maybe we need another usurpathon!!


    • 31 heather March 31, 2011 at 7:47 am

      NNN-ditto and now that he has HIS attorneys working on this, who knows what they will find. Can Trump be threatened by the enemy? Can he be bought off by the enemy? I don’t think so–a man can be rich beyond belief, but he has a small child and 2 grown children who will eventually have kids of their own–will he want them to grow up in a communitist country and free enterprize be a thing of the past?? No I doubt it. Trump is a thinker and analizer and I am sure his family is behind him all the way.

      After all if capitalism goes down, so will he.

      • 32 SallyAl March 31, 2011 at 11:59 am

        I was THRILLED to hear he had his attorneys working on this! I’m so excited! Every day now is brand new. Can’t wait to turn the page.

  15. 33 workingclass artist March 31, 2011 at 6:33 am

    I think I read it on the Daniels affidavit…

  16. 34 workingclass artist March 31, 2011 at 6:35 am

    • 35 Quantum Leap March 31, 2011 at 11:52 am

      Trump says “He’s a disaster. He is not a man who should be president”.

    • 37 heather March 31, 2011 at 12:20 pm

      Awesome interview and he is so right that Bush did give us barry! Matter a fact he is right on everything! Please Trump run for POTUS and win!

  17. 38 workingclass artist March 31, 2011 at 6:47 am

    I hope Trump brings this up too…Shows a pattern of fraud….
    “Or that his wife, Michelle Obama, who is a natural born US citizen, has used at least four false SSNs? One of the four numbers she uses, is 282-88-XXXX. This is the SSN number she uses in the White House and it is likely her original SSN (even though she was using 350-60-XXXX when she lived at 5046 Greenwood Avenue in Chicago in Aug. of 2005, some three years or more before taking up residency in the White House). The earliest records found on the 350-SS number by Ohio private investigator Susan Elizabeth Daniels, who was hired by Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. was dated 2005.”

  18. 39 Katie March 31, 2011 at 6:52 am

    Dr. Kate – if Mark Twain had met you, he’d have revised this quote from ‘man’ to ‘woman’.

    “In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man, hated and scorned. When the cause succeeds, however, the timid join him…for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” – Mark Twain

  19. 40 workingclass artist March 31, 2011 at 6:53 am

    Libya is a pretext to “invade” Israel for humanitarian reasons…That’s why the UN stated the Occupation of Gaza had to end…
    The Usurper has got to be exposed….

  20. 44 True Patriot March 31, 2011 at 7:59 am





    Vote yes we agree with Trump. Obama must release his B.C.

    The Obots are out in force on this poll. So far conservatives have a 73% lead , lets push it to 99% shall we!!!!!!

    Pass this on to everyone you know. and put it on your twitter page.

  21. 48 Patriot35 March 31, 2011 at 10:22 am

    And Greta van Susteren was almost begging for Trump to run as a third party candidate – so as not to involve the Republican Party in this exposure of Obama’s non-eligibility.

    What a twit.

  22. 53 drkate March 31, 2011 at 11:01 am

    Bachman has lost my vote unless she changes her opinion in the next 2 days.

    • 54 RacerJim March 31, 2011 at 11:15 am

      So much for Bachman. Next.

    • 55 JanH March 31, 2011 at 11:19 am

      I am so disappointed by this.

      • 56 drkate March 31, 2011 at 11:32 am

        See how Rove marginalizes us and conservatives? This was a ‘required’ statement from anyone seeking the republican nomination for president…and Rove is making it very clear that NONE of the candidates will address this. So he is trying to divide the patriots, which of course assures an Obama win.

        Rove is working for the enemy of our republic. And Rove is a little petty tyrant enemy himself.

        • 57 Paula March 31, 2011 at 12:07 pm

          Good observations; I agree. Never have trusted this guy. The good ‘ol GOP ain’t so good, now, is it? I just wish the conservatives in this country would wake up to this fact! It’s all about the money, power, and & prestige…not about the love of country and good governance.

      • 58 gaetano April 24, 2011 at 3:50 am

        How could she say that she believes in getting things done? And that the birth certificate is not the most important thing to worry about right now. Dam it, lady, have you also been told to shut up by the government? What the hell is going on when no one cares if Obama is a userper, and his pissing in our faces? You just lost my vote.

  23. 59 Rosemary Woodhouse March 31, 2011 at 11:10 am

    One of the great scams of all time…actually, THE greatest scam of all time!

    • 60 hockeyfan530 March 31, 2011 at 11:13 am

      what makes this worse is that it’s a scam that has been uncovered as a scam. People know but they ignore. I wonder how these “doubters” feel about rules in sports? I guess those should be ignored as well.

      • 61 RacerJim March 31, 2011 at 11:25 am

        Absolutely. Actually, it’s a scam that has been in plain sight from the get-go. People knew but they denied — either due to political bias, reverse racism, or both. I don’t wonder how the “deniers” will feel when the shoe is on the other foot.

    • 62 RacerJim March 31, 2011 at 11:18 am

      Indeed it is THE greatest scam of all time! Also THE most dangerous scam of all time for freedom loving people all over the world!

  24. 63 Born in Illinois March 31, 2011 at 11:29 am

    I don’t know if anyone has commented on this yet but Rahm Emanuel’s brother is Trump’s Hollywood agent (and good friend) and Trump donated to Rahm’s Chicago mayoral race. If you believe the WH Insider, Rahm is working against Obama, Jarrett etc now. Has Rahm supplied Trump with information? Surely he knows something and it could explain why Trump is coming out with both barrels. I love it. Trump speaks for so many of us.

    • 64 Paula March 31, 2011 at 12:11 pm

      Whoa! How true is this? Players…all of them. Why would Emanuel be against Obama, now?

    • 66 SallyAl March 31, 2011 at 12:12 pm

      I just commemted on another blog that I think Trump knows something. He is not stupid and he would not continue to push the issue, dribbling out a little more info each time unless he knew something. I am damn near 100% convinced of this. I think the end is in sight. I also thought about the Insider but did not make the Emanuel connection. Good find.

      • 67 hockeyfan530 March 31, 2011 at 12:25 pm

        i agree Sally i just wanted to point out there are really simple explanations for the announcements that don’t involve barry being born in Hawaii. My example was just one of the many “non-legal” possibilities that blows a hole in the talking points agains “birthers”

        • 68 SallyAl March 31, 2011 at 12:39 pm

          Sorry Hockeyfan. I just get so frustrated with most people thinking the parents or grandparents placed the announcement with the thought in mind that he may run for pres someday. Humble apologies. 😉

          • 69 drkate March 31, 2011 at 12:40 pm

            i don’t think it was about running for president at all. i think it was just to try to get US citizenship for him.

            • 70 RacerJim April 1, 2011 at 8:43 am

              Keep It Simple Stupid. But Obots are too stupid to keep it simple.

              • 71 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 8:45 am

                there IS no newspaper (which can be carbon dated and verified)…just a forged microfiche

            • 72 thinkwell April 1, 2011 at 9:14 am

              Yep, regardless of where baby Barry was really born, one very plausible scenario is that grandma “phoned in” the announcements of a birth to “Mr. and Mrs. Obama” with no more motivation than to avoid the stigma of her slut daughter having dropped a bastard. This could have even been more of a motivating factor than avoiding the hassle, expense and red tape of having to get whatever-his-real-name-was naturalized (something that most likely would have been allowed in any case).

              Attributing the motivation for grandma’s fraud to scheming for the Obama bastard’s future usurpation is completely ridiculous and is just a laughable piece of regime-stream media straw-man propaganda that even a child could see through (maybe this is what Obama meant by his promise for “transparency”).

              It also seems increasingly likely that the birth announcements might be completely contemporaneous fabrications that have only recently been inserted into the microfilm records. The two Hawaiian newspapers were only archived locally and in about a half a dozen other libraries around the country so it’s not unthinkable that Obama’s minions could have hit them all. Researchers butterdezillion and Ladysforest have documented otherwise inexplicable anomalies on all these films that strongly point to this conclusion. Obama’s machine is certainly arrogant, unscrupulous and lawless enough to believe they could get away with something like this.

    • 73 JanH March 31, 2011 at 3:17 pm

      If you believe the WH Insider, Rahm is working against Obama, Jarrett etc now. Has Rahm supplied Trump with information? Surely he knows something and it could explain why Trump is coming out with both barrels.

      THAT is an interesting idea!

  25. 74 Quantum Leap March 31, 2011 at 11:38 am

    I guess he resonates with my issues. He gets my vote.

  26. 75 drkate March 31, 2011 at 11:42 am

    Trumping and thumping MSNBC

    • 76 hockeyfan530 March 31, 2011 at 12:12 pm

      Everything Donald is saying is accurate. But i think he could have buried them further with some of the other info we all know. Or just say there are several ways that the newspaper could have published the announcements and not all of them requires Obama to be born in Hawaii. One of the most obvious is the grandparents posted it because barry’s mom was in kenya. Happens all the time. Proud granparents publish in their local paper for a child born outside of their city. Happens all the time…so if those announcements are your BEST evidence that proves he wasn’t born in Hawaii!

      • 77 SallyAl March 31, 2011 at 12:20 pm

        AARGH!!! Read my post near the top of this thread re:announcements. 3rd post down.

        • 78 hockeyfan530 March 31, 2011 at 12:37 pm

          i agree Sally i just wanted to point out there are really simple explanations for the announcements that don’t involve barry being born in Hawaii. My example was just one of the many “non-legal” possibilities that blows a hole in the talking points agains “birthers”

          • 79 anonymouse March 31, 2011 at 3:21 pm

            What announcement? What newspaper?

            Let’s be accurate. There is digital picture of a possible microfiche. Microfiche’s are phots, photos are shooped.

            Until there’s a carbon dated newspaper page, there’s really nothing.

    • 81 heather March 31, 2011 at 12:40 pm

      These are the types we are dealing with–laughy, giddy, afraid to speak up–of course – watch that clip again and again, see their faces, watch their expressions, and even THEY were leary of interrupting the DONALD!! ahahah the jokes on them!

      Go Trump! And for those who thought about Pawlenty, screw him, he is a out of closet obot!

    • 82 bdwilcox March 31, 2011 at 1:23 pm

      What a little conniving wench Savannah is. Listen to her try to manipulate him and get him to drop the issue, all the while belittling him and us:

      “…Well, let’s just start right there. If you want to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, do you think this issue of the president’s birth is the most serious issue facing the country that you could use your considerable profile and popularity to raise, or does it feed into the perception that this is just kind of a sideshow?”

      “Well, well, wait a minute, Mr. Trump, but you are a sophisticated consumer of media. You know that if you brace this issue that is going to catch headlines. You could downplay it. You could, you could end this right now if you wanted to.”

      Thanks for the offer Savannah, but Trump basically told her where she could stick her offer.

      • 83 JanH March 31, 2011 at 3:20 pm

        You could, you could end this right now if you wanted to.

        So could Obama.

        • 84 bdwilcox March 31, 2011 at 7:16 pm

          “So could Obama.”


          • 85 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 7:31 pm

            “So could Obama”

            he’s obligated.

            • 86 drkate March 31, 2011 at 7:56 pm

              Alan Keyes on Obama’s eligibility

              • 87 Jan March 31, 2011 at 10:05 pm

                What a bunch of COWARDS we have in Congress.
                Allowing our country to be totally taken over by a dictator and they sit there like lumps. We need to take their salaries away.
                Is there any way to force a mass recall on all of them?

                Let’s do a class action suit against all of Congress/Senate for failure to do their duty.

              • 88 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:40 am

                Oh come one. Why beat a dead horse with a stick. The white haired dude is right. To be a ‘natural born citizen’ you must have been born on US soil to 2 American citizens. (either natural born or naturalized) Case closed. You learn that in kindergarten. At least they USED to teach that.
                An anchor baby may be a citizen. Back during Ellis Island’s immigration, the children (anchor babies so to speak) were ‘naturalized’ and the grand children were ‘natural born’. It INSURED allegiance to USA. It was kindergarten course- work.

                It’s really very simple, so now what?
                If you have not provided a REQUIRED VALID birth certificate and social security, and PROVEN your citizenship, then you are deemed ineligible until validly proven with a HARD COPY OF THE ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE and social security card. HE HAS NOT DONE THAT. He has provided an electronic copy of a ‘certificate of live birth’ that was bought online for $19.95 by one of his Obots who sent it viral in the fall of 2008. (TD must still remember seeing the site it was purchased from-her ‘search partner’ found it long ago) ELECTRONIC COPIES ARE NOT VALID DOCUMENTS FOR ID AND PROOF OF SOC SEC in any casefor any reason! Period.

                It’s simple. It’s easy. DRAW THE LINE AND SETTLE IT!

                YOU HAVE A STRANGE MAN/CHILD IN THE OVAL OFFICE WHO CARES VERY LITTLE FOR AMERICA AND HER PEOPLE. He CONSTANTLY subverts the very constitution he SWORE TO UPHOLD. (or did he flub the oath too?) He is being run by a gangster mob of a variety of groups and persons. He’ll sign anything, say anything, go along with anything that his handlers tell him to do, as long as he can get his nut perks.

                A man who is devoid of integrity, who lies to everyone to get his ‘perks’ (power, money, sex, drugs, booze, food, trips, plane rides, adoration)is a hollow yellow belly outlaw. This man thinks we are a democracy with mob rule but he needs to man up and realize pretty quick that USA is the land of LAWS-a Republic. BITE ME!

                He will NEVER step up to the plate and COME CLEAN. Now is the time to force his hand. USA does not want a liar for a president much less an illegal one. 91% of the CITIZENS OF USA do not believe he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. 😡

                It’s been three years that he has ignored this grave issue. He needs to be FORCED to prove it or step down. Making jokes about it will NOT make it go away.

                Blacks won’t care when he gets the boot because they say he is “playing to the white man”. They SUDDENLY 😯 realize he’s HALF WHITE! Their petty attachment to the shade of a person’s pigment is hilarious. 😆

        • 89 RacerJim April 1, 2011 at 8:59 am

          So SHOULD Obama.

      • 90 RacerJim April 1, 2011 at 9:31 am

        Well, Savannah, let’s do indeed just start right there. If you, or anyone else, want to be taken seriously as a professional journalist/reporter, don’t you think the issue of whether or not the President of the United States is eligible to be President is the most serious issue facing the country that you could use your considerable wherewithal and public exposure to raise, or does it feed into your perception that “birthers” are nothing but radical right-wing racists?

        Well, well, wait a second, Savannah, but you are a professional journalist/reporter of the news. You know that if you brace this issue that is going to catch headlines. You could headline it. No, you should headline it if you are the professional journalist/reporter you want us to take you for.

        Have a nice day Savannaah. Have another Big ObamaAid

  27. 91 bdwilcox March 31, 2011 at 12:12 pm

    Dump the Gump, Hire the Trump.

  28. 93 drkate March 31, 2011 at 12:34 pm


    • 94 anonymouse March 31, 2011 at 3:35 pm

      Since the CRS admits no vetting, that’s a failure of the 20th amendment. Obama is not president.

      But what’s wrong with this video, is that it allows Obama as eligible with an alien father. Decidedly not on the side of truth.

      • 95 sky March 31, 2011 at 7:30 pm

        Obama Discovers New Rights For Terrorist Artical 75 Of Additional Protocol To 1949 Geneva Convention artical patriotactionnetwork

      • 96 anonymouse March 31, 2011 at 11:41 pm

        Dr. Kate, a few months ago, Jay Inslee’s representative screamed at me to “prove it” that Obama was never vetted… Told me I needed to scour every last page of the Congressional Record before I dare make such an accusation. And goddamn if that bastard wasn’t reading the talking points right off the damn CRS sheet that says crystal clear he was never vetted by Congress!

        I think whoever put together the CRS sheet was a dip-brain like most of Ofraud’s regime.

  29. 97 Voco Indubium March 31, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    RE: “drkate

    Totally agreed. they think they can still win by avoiding this issue…which makes me think the republicans don’t want to win…they want to keep the game going.”

    Agree. But What game? I don’t fully understand their (GOP’s) thinking. Do they really want to loose the White House in 2012?

    I still think it would be good to dwell in more detail on this issue, as I suggested in my comments above. The GOP elite should be questioned in detail (see my questions above) – who would be better to do that than the master communicator DrKate?

    • 98 drkate March 31, 2011 at 12:43 pm

      Voco, thank you so much for your confidence, and the earlier post. But if I’ve been writing about this for nearly 3 years, and the republicans aren’t listening, then there is nothing more I can do.

      The republican-democrat paradigm is a false one. They are really the same. Why do you think none of the republicans are talking about this? Of course it would mean that they didn’t have to ‘defund’ obamacare, it would be dead. Same with everything else.

      So I think they are just lying so they both can stay ‘in the game’ of their power plays, careers, money, power, nothing more. Half of them probably have never read the constitution. They are in fact, a RIVAL government.

      • 99 heather March 31, 2011 at 12:46 pm

        DR Kate-Touche’ well said! But I for one think you should give Donald a call–remember his numbers are posted and he’s asking for calls!

        I already emailed him a 2 wks ago and gave him a ton of info in writing so he wouldn’t forget—he needs direct phone calls now–he needs to know exactly what we the people have been up against, he needs to know that both parties are dirty.

      • 100 sky March 31, 2011 at 6:16 pm

        we all need to see what the federalist papers say and to go by what it says.please post make copies,put on signs.The main thing we need to do is get rid of the fed,and get rid of the arab league UN.

        • 101 drkate March 31, 2011 at 6:19 pm

          The federalist papers are on the blog roll…and yes, end the fed, US out of the UN. The arab league can go pound sand.

          • 102 sky March 31, 2011 at 8:38 pm

            Mission objective of the evil muslim world patriotactionnetwork

            • 103 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 8:56 pm

              I repeat:
              The Federalist (Nationalist) Papers were the first of the chipping away at the true federalism put into the constitution. The losers (nationalists) in the constitutional convention immediately put their spin toward a supreme national government into the so-called Federalist Papers. The real federalists were the cats that wrote the Anti-Federalist Papers. Yes, there was plenty of legitimate camouflage (good stuff) in the Federalist Papers to make them seem more reliable than they are. So don’t go over glorifying those papers because there is some significant deception in them.

              For a great analysis of the Federalist v the Anti-federalist, see the book “The Illusion of Freedom” by Martyn Babitz.

  30. 104 JJ March 31, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    Did you get that off your shoulders…BDwilcox???

    • 105 bdwilcox March 31, 2011 at 1:10 pm

      Not really. People seem to gravitate to slogans such as “I Like Ike” and “Tippy Canoe and Tyler, too.” (kind of like the first sound bites, I guess) Orly Taitz has, “Jail the Zero, not the Hero” for Lakin. And Obama already has: “We’re here, we’re queer…” So I figured people would want one for the Donald as well.

      “Dump the Gump, Hire the Trump.” It ain’t poetry, but she’ll do for now.

  31. 108 ARMY D.A.V. March 31, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    From The Desk Of Donald Trump 3/31/11

  32. 109 magnetrak March 31, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    At first I was concerned about the single issue of birth in the US, without consideration of all the others relating to Natural Born Citizen. After reading the comments, I believe that Trump is prepared for the last minute long form or whatever is in the cards from the other side. I’d also like to make certain that both Trump’s parents are citizens, since I saw a reference somewhere about a mother from another country.

    • 110 drkate March 31, 2011 at 12:58 pm

      See the website ‘the birthers’. Trumps mother became a naturalized US citizen in 1942. Trump was born in 1946. He is a natural born citizen. The key is that both parents must be US citizens at the time of the child’s birth.

      • 111 SallyAl March 31, 2011 at 1:19 pm

        He has also released her naturalization card.

        • 112 magnetrak March 31, 2011 at 5:25 pm

          Thanks. I knew ya’ll would have it covered. This is an incredible web site!

          • 113 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 5:34 pm

            Isn’t it?

            Yes, we inherit our natural born citizenship. Its conferred.

            Its a birthright; not a Pass Go and Collect $200 bonus because you are in a protected class, including illegal and

            (Reverse Discrimination is Discrimination, nonetheless.)

            If the children do not get a grip on this fundamental prerequisite for the Presidency/ Commander In Chief/ they will live in bondage as will their children. Its Here.

  33. 114 charlesmountain March 31, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    Arguments in a lawsuit on Barack Obama’s eligibility that has been percolating through the federal court system in California since the 2008 election will be heard at the appellate level in just a few weeks.
    Read more: 9th Circuit Court to hear eligibility questions http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=281301#ixzz1ID2XNjoz

    And now the end is near…..Hello Interim President John Boehner!

  34. 116 JJ March 31, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    Well, Paula, that makes two of us who see through Palin…it would take real courage for any minority to come out of the closet and profess to be a birther.

  35. 117 JJ March 31, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    Sincerely, I thought for months these complicit with the fraud and illegal (s)election were threatened with blackmail or their lives; now, I just think they’re stupid.
    However, why would they all want to be on the ‘wrong’ side of this when it comes to light?? I just don’t get it.
    Explain for me, anyone, with any logic….PUH–LEEZE!!

  36. 118 aprilnovember811 March 31, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    I think what Rove is really saying is it could hurt him and others. They have been complicit by their silence. They are all CYA for each other. They are petrified because they know fingers will be pointed at them asking, “Why didn’t you investigate this when it first came up, or why did you let him do this to the country.”

    I swear these people live in a fantasy world. Do they not see his taking men and women to war, where they could be killed? Oh that’s right, they don’t want to have to answer to the mom and dad, or husband or wife, or children who died during Obama’s time in the White House, right Karl? How will you answer them when they say, “My family member died under an impostor.”

    Keep it up Mr. Trump. Ignore Karl Rove. Mr. Rove is a has been. He has worn out his welcome with the people of this country. We don’t need him or want him.

    Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
    —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  37. 119 Rosemary Woodhouse March 31, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    drkate March 31, 2011 at 10:38 am

    The problem is that with no evidence of a BC, and the false addresses in the announcement, SOMEONE had to announce this. Hawaii became a state in 1959…there is no record of obama’s birth in any hospital or by any midwife. While I agree this is a minor issue, it raises significant questions in my mind. The grandparents had to have done this to try to get citizenship for their new grandson…remember there is no evidence either that barack and stanley ann were ever married.

    Has the divorce decree been verified?

    • 120 drkate March 31, 2011 at 6:10 pm

      well, we’ve seen one, but there is no marriage decree. So, what does that mean?

      also, the false address in the newspaper announcement…micro fiche…also look at Ladyforest research–something is definitely not right

      • 121 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 6:57 pm

        how can you get married in America to some foreigner who is already married with children?

        ludicrous. i guess the c i a didn’t do such a hot job.

        • 122 drkate March 31, 2011 at 7:00 pm

          that’s right…the whole thing stinks and they messed it up. must have assigned obama himself to cover it up lol

    • 124 heather March 31, 2011 at 3:31 pm

      I don’t need any teacher, politician, or anyone else to teach my kids the rules of life. How dare he and how dare these teachers think they have the “right” to teach their views and opinions to our kids. That starts at home. Same as this disgusting sex education that they think is their right to shove at our kids.

  38. 125 JJ March 31, 2011 at 4:16 pm

    ~~~There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: Soap, Ballot, Jury, and Ammo. Please use in that order.~~~

    Any others confused which one we’re on now???

  39. 126 ARMY D.A.V. March 31, 2011 at 4:32 pm

    Note to Trump.

    Stop playing this old media game . Put your money where your mouth is . Offer a reward of forty million dollars for the Hawaiian BC . end game .

    If you don’t , your fired .

    • 127 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 5:10 pm

      oooooo oooo and please send Papoose a measly $25 G because she’s cute and smart and well, just look at her ^^^

      hiya Army DAV!

    • 129 anonymouse March 31, 2011 at 5:16 pm

      someone already did offer $25million for it a long time ago
      (lift carpet, sweep)


      • 130 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 5:20 pm

        Great Read! May 1, 2009 Linda Bently

        ~ snip~
        And, according to campaign finance reports, his Political Action Committee Obama for America has paid $1,066,691.90 to the Perkins Coie law firm between 16 October 2008 and 30 March 2009 to fight every legal challenge requesting proof of his constitutional eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States.

        It is uncontested that Obama’s father was a Kenyan citizen and a British subject at the time of Obama’s birth.

        Obama’s citizenship status is further clouded by his family’s move to Indonesia after his mother’s second marriage to Indonesian citizen Lolo Soetoro, who adopted Obama and changed his name to Barry Soetoro.

        There is no evidence Obama changed his name back to Barack Obama or regained his U.S. citizenship upon returning to the United States.

        During a campaign stop in San Francisco, Obama spoke about his trip to Pakistan in 1981, but has since refused to answer questions regarding the passport he used, since Americans were prohibited from traveling to Pakistan at the time…

        • 131 RacerJim April 1, 2011 at 10:01 am

          A couple months before the 2008 election Federal District Court Judge David O. Carter, a retired Marine, proclaimed he would hear an elibility case against Obama based upon the evidence, but reversed himself and dismissed the case due to lack of standing two days after the Court system appointed a law clerk to him…a law clerk from Perkins Cole.

      • 132 ARMY D.A.V. March 31, 2011 at 6:32 pm

        Alright make it 500 million .

  40. 134 Ken March 31, 2011 at 4:33 pm

    Countdown until Obama leaves Office
    660 Days, 16 Hours, 27 Minutes, 32 Seconds.

  41. 138 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 4:50 pm

    Aryes & barkboy Fail to Save Arne Duncan.

    This is for you, drKate, enjoy


    busted. bwhahahahahaha

  42. 139 no-nonsense-nancy March 31, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    SSS….Obama gets transparency award in a secret, undisclosed meeting!! Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy!


  43. 141 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 5:26 pm

    have to beat QL for 100

    Here’s to you Patriots

    “None but Ourselves”

  44. 142 Jan March 31, 2011 at 5:49 pm


    Trump got him good tonight, see more of the good stuff tomorrow night.

    • 143 heather March 31, 2011 at 6:14 pm

      Nothing annoys me more than BOR asking questions and refusing to let the person answer them. His comstant harping while the answer is being given is so tacky and shows complete ignorance on OR’s part.

      Did you notice how Trump continued to talk over and above bill–that’s exactly the right way to handle OR. Great answers from Trump and he is so right on.

  45. 145 Papoose March 31, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    Trump, an American Patriot, 21st Century


  46. 146 Ken March 31, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    quote above
    that the newspaper could have published the announcements and not all of them requires Obama to be born in Hawaii. One of the most obvious is the grandparents posted it because barry’s mom was in kenya. end quote





    You can see the forgery with your own eyes. get educated.

    • 147 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 1:07 am

      exactly, it’s all faked microfilm

    • 148 hockeyfan530 April 1, 2011 at 9:09 am

      oh for heavens sake ken lighten up. I was merely stating that there are many reasons why an announcement could be in the paper and it proves nothing. At this point Donald doesn’t have proof that these were forged. So when argueing with someone you only use facts you KNOW to be true. Ergo, since he doesn’t know it’s forged he can prove them wrong by giving an example of an instance where barry wasn’t born in hawaii, hence the announcement CANNOT be proof of Hawaiian birth

  47. 149 Debbie G March 31, 2011 at 10:10 pm

    I can’t stand the sight or sound of Rove or Or rielly for that matter..sorry if I offend anyone….wtf do they think they are fooling? NOT ME!

    • 152 sky March 31, 2011 at 10:50 pm

      patriotactionnetwork right side of page to view all,then to artical Mission & Objective Of Evil Mulism World #4 video very interesting

    • 153 Paula April 1, 2011 at 6:14 am

      Well, well, singing a somewhat different tune. I respect Mr. Cain and listened to him on occasion, as did my husband (more than me) and we would/might vote for him if he runs, but when a Mr. Swenson called into his show about the elgibility issue, Mr. Cain wanted to shut him up about it on a couple of occasions and said that issue was too deep for most of the population to comprehend, and note that the discussion was about following the Constitution! Also, when my husband brought it up as a caller, he refused to go there. A bit disturbing to me, but he’s still in my list of possibilites, because he has acknowledged the people’s right to question and doesn’t belittle or say it is not important. However, he does seem to sing the Republican song that says we need to focus on Obama’s policies and stop them.

      When are these people ever going to acknowledge that the way to STOP OBAMA is by standing on the LAW OF THE LAND, THE CONSTITUTION, which declares him a usurper! Then every last one of his socialistic/sharia compliant, traitorous acts would be NULL & VOID.

      • 154 heather April 1, 2011 at 6:19 am

        And Paula, Cain could not explain the fair tax to a caller a few months ago–he botched it up completely and for someone as close to Boortz should have first hand knowledge of this.

        After all it’s Boortz that is pushing this fair tax since he helped write the books.

    • 156 heather April 1, 2011 at 6:16 am

      But why can’t all of these so called BIG people get it—it is not called a citizen of America—it is A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN WITH BOTH PARENTS BORN ON AMERICAN SOIL. What is so difficult to understand about this. Is this rocket science?

  48. 157 Debbie G March 31, 2011 at 10:40 pm

    Dr kate..Bob and I just donated …please check…We Love ya Gal 🙂

  49. 159 Voco Indubium April 1, 2011 at 12:25 am

    RE: “drkate
    …remember there is no evidence either that barack and stanley ann were ever married. ”

    You mean it is possible the O Sr and Stanley Ann were never officially married?

    The marriage records are open to the public in HI, I assume. Has it been checked?

    So the only “evidence” to the marriage is the newspaper ads and O’s book?

    Is an official marriage legal in the USA to an already married man ?

  50. 160 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 1:09 am

    What I don’t get is the resistance to the transition that many people have, which we all made early on, that Obama was not incompetent, he was just the enemy within. “Embrace the evil” I always say, it explains everything.

  51. 162 no-nonsense-nancy April 1, 2011 at 1:52 am

    I’m beginning to think he wasn’t “born” anywhere. I think he was a test tube baby. Can a test baby be natural born? Don’t mind me. It’s 5 AM and I’m not asleep yet! Goodnight.

    • 163 Toots April 1, 2011 at 8:12 am

      Ya think? Perhaps he’s been cloned in one of those deep, dark secretive levels of Area 51…..ooops! There’s nothing secret THERE, is there?? Look into his eyes (dare ya!)….do you see any resemblance to a human soul? I don’t….and I’m through looking at this evil usurper.

    • 164 drkate April 1, 2011 at 12:03 pm

      roflmao. Since its ‘test tube’, it is not part of ‘natural law’, so no! 😀

  52. 165 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 3:16 am

    President Trump. Our next JFK.
    Don’t tread on him.


    More polls.

    Trump Vs. Obama
    Who would you favor in the 2012 Presidential Election?

    Donald J. Trump (93%, 52,080 Votes)
    Barack Obama (7%, 3,810 Votes)
    Total Voters: 55,892
    Should Donald Trump enter the 2012 presidential race?

    Yes (67%, 19,583 Votes)
    No (33%, 9,522 Votes)
    Total Voters: 29,09
    Would you vote for Donald Trump in 2012?

    Yes (66%, 19,562 Votes)
    No (34%, 10,005 Votes)
    Total Voters: 29,567

    It’s cold outside, so where’s the global warming?-Donald Trump 😆

  53. 167 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 3:22 am


    Should Donald Trump Run For President?
    Are you one of the many frustrated Americans sick and tired of hearing the same old mundane political campaign promises? Empty promises echo across the nation every four years; stringing us along as we wait for something good to finally happen. Well it is finally here, and it is real. It is DONALD J. TRUMP. We need to convince Donald Trump to run for President in 2012 and end all of the old rhetoric occurring in Washington. This campaign will sweep a nation ready for “real” change and improve the lives of each and every American citizen. Trump has the knowledge, the resources, the power and the experience needed to re-shape our ailing nation; restoring our hope. Under his guidance, The United States of America will once again be the land of opportunity, prosperity and strength!

    Join me in creating a grass roots movement designed to save the greatest Republic in the world. Our country is heading down a dangerous path. I ask you to help me urge Donald Trump to throw his hat into the political ring. Our elected officials are mortgaging away our future by spending money that we do not have and in the process, creating unsustainable deficits. We need to stop the bleeding now and Donald Trump will help to heal our economic wounds. We cannot afford to allow foreign countries to take advantage of us, improve their economies and leave our citizens without jobs. Donald Trump will even out the playing field and develop a legitimate plan to reign in our massive trade deficits.

    Vote Now And Join The Movement!

    • 168 heather April 1, 2011 at 6:02 am

      Love hearing Trump talk “off the cuff so to speak” without teleprompters and the ums, ers, ahs. Here’s a man, a CEO of a billion dollar empire who talks simple and easy for all to understand without words like, investments=tax increases etc.

      barry must be feeling “the pain” of the hatred of we the people especially with someone like Donald Trump coming out against him and this is a win for us!

      Trump gets my vote!

      • 169 Paula April 1, 2011 at 6:52 am

        I do, too. I like what he has to say without a tele. If he runs, he’s high on my list, unless something comes up about him that would steer me otherwise.

        I just wonder why all of a sudden he’s come up with the eligibility issue. Friends w/Rahm Emanuel…trustworthy? Rumors, yes, but I’d like to know more, before I say yes, all the way to Trump. I’ve got my “antenna” up:o)

        I’ll have to see how all this is played out, because this may be a ploy, a checkmate if you will, to get O elected again, by dividing the I’s, the R’s, & the D’s. Will enough of the American people vote for the man who is trumping O’s eligibility? He’ll sure have the votes of the ones who have been doubting O’s eligibility, for the most part, and if he can’t get the RNC nomination since they will not address this issue because of their traitorous acts, will he run as an Independent or how about a Constitutionalist, and if he does, will he be able to win?

        If I had the choice between a Dem, a Progressive Dem, a Republican, or Trump, I think I would have to vote for Trump

  54. 171 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 3:25 am

    Michael Cohen says there’s a “fervent desire” for Donald Trump to run in 2012.

  55. 173 RichT April 1, 2011 at 3:32 am

    Who is the real President????


    With the news that Obama signed an intelligence finding to support the rebels in Libya weeks ago, two pretty serious questions emerge:

    1. Did intelligence on the rebels already reveal their Islamist elements? Or if, as Hillary Clinton tried to claim, the ideological composition of the rebels isn’t clear, then how could the administration form an opinion that helping them is in our, or Libya’s, interest?

    2. Did the administration in fact help create the insurgency, which led to the supposed “humanitarian crisis” that became the pretext for the military action?

    Bumbling is one thing. This doesn’t look like that. It looks like it has a purpose, but not one that’s connected to any recognizable American interest.

    Is this some post-American exercise in which the U.S. military is being used as a mercenary force to achieve a goal that actually contradicts American interests? I heard the occasionally reliable Michael Scheuer, the former CIA Qaeda specialist, say yesterday that giving air support to the rebels in Libya was the equivalent of giving air support to the Taliban in Afghanistan.

    If that’s even close to the truth, then who is this president?

    • 174 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 3:49 am

      It’s a mess as usual. He and his admin created a crisis in Libya )prolly with Gadaffi’s consent), then obatshet declares war kinetic military intervention under humanitarian pretense installing rebels whom he now wants to bomb.
      He’s a total mess. “He’s a disaster” as Trump says.

      All the while Yemen knocked out their leader only to install a weaker leader who was ousted and has now been seized by the Islamo-fascists. They are ordering women to stay indoors and if they have to go out, that they be accompanied by a male relative. Yemen is now sharia. Can you say Jimmah Catah’s Iran?

      f8ckin Od8ckhead.

    • 175 AttilasDaughter April 1, 2011 at 11:55 am

      In the NWO the US is the police force and military, China is the factory, Africa are the resources….. Something like that.
      Those people don’t think in national terms.

  56. 176 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 3:36 am

    Got ideas?

  57. 177 Toots April 1, 2011 at 7:49 am

    Fellow Americans, we must take some personal responsibility in endeavoring to support the fire that Trump has ignited…just a few minutes of your time is all that’s required to read and distribute the following letter http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/03/30/open-letter-to-roger-ailes-president-of-fox-news-channel/ written by Sharon Rondeau – editor of the Post&Email. It sends a resounding and factual message! Pray that we still have a chance to be heard and take our country back in a civil and lawful manner. Godspeed.

  58. 178 usapatriots-shout April 1, 2011 at 8:03 am

    From O’reilley to O’SLYLY

    When the issue of Barry’s eligibility came forward in August of 2008 after Phil Berg filed his birth place case in the courts, I became so excited because I thought it would hit the news and Sotoero would be defeated because he would have been exposed as the fraud he is.

    I started watching main stream news constantly. The silence baffled me. That is when I started watching Fox news. I truly believed that here was a news channel that would take advantage of being the first to present the greatest hoax story in American history. I watched and watched and waited and waited. The silence was painful. Even more painful that the revealing silence was to hear Orielley pompously state Fox investigated it. He saw the documentation. This story wasn’t getting any legs. What was so pitiful is that the documentation he claimed he saw were those puny birth announcements he accepted at face. That is when I renamed Oreilley O’SLYLY.

    I have posted many comments about Oreilley, Beck, Colter, the blond attorney bimbos who only say what they are given permission to say about this, and stated that Fox news is either complicit in the Obama’s legitimacy cover up or their TV hosts are forbidden to objectively cover the subject because of Prince Al Alweed who owns a percentage of Fox news with Murdoch.

    If The Donald persists in his demand for the birth certificate while campaigning it will expose the fact that Fox news–like the rest of MSM is –for whatever reason–one of the coconspirator’s in this disgraceful Sotoero cover up and thus traitors to the very country from whom they enjoy an enviable income.

    If Beck does get his own TV Station and then does an outstanding exposure on Steve Dunham’s background, the conflict of facts, and all the evidence that leads Obama to Mombasa Kenya–then I will forgive Glen for failing to have done so when he was with Fox. It will also convince me that the people on Fox news have been edited, censored and intimidated into silence and to support Obama. That won’t change the fact they placed their greedy careers above loyalty to their country and they all swim in the same cess pool and the rest of the Judas’ who sold out for 30 pieces.

    • 179 Toots April 1, 2011 at 8:51 am

      I became an EX-Faux News supporter after they made light of and trashed our heroic Lt. Col. Terry Lakin over his “birther” stance, who is now doing time at Ft. Leavenworth, completely stripped of his entitlements and honor after serving 18 years in the U.S. Military. Prior to that, I was a stauch – albeit wary, fan of Glenn Beck. He too, has shown his true color….as in yellow. Paid-for controlled opposition. The globalists always fund both sides of the war, so why should we be surprised?

      • 180 aprilnovember811 April 1, 2011 at 11:11 am

        They are all covering for each other now. This is why until Trump they ridiculed everyone. It’s not only that they think they are smarter than anyone without a camera shoved in their face or a microphone, they fear what will happen when the truth is exposed.

        I can predict what will happen. No one will watch them. They will be thrown to the trash heap because they were complicit.

        How about the family member of a soldier who died under an impostor. How do you explain to them, I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but my pc wouldn’t allow me to value your family members life enough to risk my big fat salary.

        They don’t deserve a big fat salary. I though Mark Levin was going to call someone a “birther” the other night. I haven’t listened to him since.

  59. 181 ARMY D.A.V. April 1, 2011 at 8:54 am

    Trump VS Obama ??????…….


    Dr. Kate , Why would the DNC put barrie on the ballot when they know Trump is going to challenge him for his records ?.

    • 182 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 8:59 am

      (just me) I think they have to or they acknowledge their own crimes.

      • 183 ARMY D.A.V. April 1, 2011 at 9:44 am

        Trump could demand all his records and they would have to produce them , immediately , even the one he was going to paste to his forehead .

        • 184 heather April 1, 2011 at 10:12 am

          ARMY–Trumps lawyers, as he said are working on this. He has a whole staff, probably more experienced than any of the obots team and more smarts in their pinkies than any of the thugs in DC and they will find what Trump is looking for.

          What a gift to We The People!

          The DNC only has barry, there isn’t any one of them (except soros) evil enough to lead–they can only follow!

          I think the DNC thinks Trump is playing with them and won’t run, and that he will eventually stop interviewing — ha got news for them–Trump doesn’t strike me as a quitter by any means.

          And besides Trump can look at you, the camera, the people, and still concentrate on his conversation with heming and hawing and ers, ums, and the teleprompter and never lose a beat!

          • 185 heather April 1, 2011 at 10:14 am

            oops typo–add the word NO hemming and hawing and ers, ums, and the teleprompter and never lose a beat!

    • 186 drkate April 1, 2011 at 11:57 am

      Because they think he can avoid it, imho. They plan to ignore it as much as they can, OR, they have already stolen the 2012 election…jmho

  60. 189 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 9:00 am

    Kucinich: “Arrogant Violation of the Constitution”
    (well isn’t that Ofraud in a nutshell?)

    • 190 aprilnovember811 April 1, 2011 at 11:14 am

      This guy voted for unconstitutional health care seizure didn’t he? He wouldn’t know the Constitution if it came up and bit him. You have helped your impostor president, or should I say illegal resident all along Kucinich. A little late isn’t it?

      • 191 heather April 1, 2011 at 11:35 am

        Ditto–but let me add-he doesn’t give a hoot one way or another about the constitution, he’s just ticked because no one told him barry was invading Lybia without consulting them, notice how quiet the dems have become now? No talk that I can find about impeaching barry for declaring war without congressional approval – just another distraction from the dems that will lead to something bigger – another false flag—who’s next on their hate list I wonder? Where will the next EQ be?

  61. 192 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 9:00 am

    14th amendment: Citizen or citizen?

  62. 193 Ken April 1, 2011 at 9:48 am

    Today I signed up to work for Trump for President. IF you vote for Trump tell them it was because you talked to Ken and I told you to vote for him. If I can convince enough people maybe they will pay my gas money. hahaha.

    Seriously I did sign up to work for him. But I am sure there are a lot of Ken’s in every state.

    Please join with me and support Trump. He is supporting us so it is important for us to support him.

    I am a NBC. both my parents were citizens. Rats a$$ if I will allow some foreign born marxist communist to destroy my beloved America. Please join with me in this Patriotic fight.

    If you are worried that someone better might come along. Then work for Trump now and jump ship later. I think hell will freeze over before any of the other candidates will stand up there with the same courage and success in shooting down the Obots.

    Right now I support those who support me and a Patriotic America and the Constitution.


    God Bless America.

  63. 196 AttilasDaughter April 1, 2011 at 11:28 am

    • 197 ARMY D.A.V. April 1, 2011 at 11:58 am

      They’re all waiting on Trump . Ronnie Paul always defends the Constitution as long as everyone promises not to laugh or tease him.

  64. 198 A Crazy Old Coot April 1, 2011 at 11:46 am


    How to Restore the Republic

    How to Restore the Republic Share 0diggs
    by Jedi Pauly & Theresa Cao

    Is every member of the 112th Congress guilty of conspiracy to commit treason by allowing a constitutionally ineligible person to occupy the presidency?
    (Apr. 1, 2011) — Greetings, readers of The Post & Email news. I bring you a report from the front in our continuing struggle against the unlawful tyranny that the unlawful U.S. Congress and Obama have foisted upon the American People.

    I am happy to report that “Madam Speaker” Theresa Cao and I have recently formed an alliance to work together in the ongoing efforts on behalf of the American People to expose the illegitimate usurper Obama and the unlawful foreign government that is the 112th Congress, in order that we all may restore our lawful government of We the People.

    Read the rest at the above link.

  65. 200 ARMY D.A.V. April 1, 2011 at 12:03 pm

    He’s hired: Donald Trump to join ‘Fox and Friends’ on Mondays
    The ‘birther’ issue seems unlikely to vanish as a Republican talking point anytime soon now that Donald Trump has been hired to hold forth on ‘Fox and Friends’ each week


    • 201 heather April 1, 2011 at 12:09 pm

      EEKK–Gretchen Williams is an obot lover — note the faces she made when she watched the first interview TRUMP VS the view group! She wasn’t pleased and it showed!

    • 202 SallyAl April 1, 2011 at 12:20 pm

      I heard that this morning and thought Uh oh, no more birth certificate stuff. Is that the only way they could find to shut him up? Sick, just sick.

    • 203 Jan April 1, 2011 at 10:14 pm

      I’m not sure about FOX hiring Trump. He may have agreed to appear on the program, but according to Trump, he cannot sign any contracts until the end of May, which is why he can’t announce a run until June.
      Maybe I mis-understood.

  66. 204 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    I like everything about Trump. I like the way he thinks. I like everything except his stance on Nuclear power.

    • 205 ARMY D.A.V. April 1, 2011 at 12:26 pm

      Even his hairdo ?.

      • 206 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:34 pm

        Yes, and his scowl suits me fine. He’s a Gemini. It’s what we need badly. Don’t mess with Gemini’s. They all possess eyes behind their head and can out-think and out-work ANYONE. They invented multi-tasking and multi talented. 😆 They are masters at communicating and they have COURAGE.

  67. 207 heather April 1, 2011 at 12:18 pm


    So much for islam being a religion of peace! And when will our judges realize that sharia law is right inside that book called the Koran. These US fed judges are questioning allowing this in America? I think not, its time we the people demand these judges stand down!

    fox news reports. Massacre at Koran-Burning Protest

    • 208 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 12:25 pm

      Actually Sharia is a cleric-interpretation, and this is an important point because whenever a muslim screams that it’s their religion (sharia) it’s NOT. Neither sharia or veiling is in the koran.
      Then there’s the fact that as Italy deemed, Islam is not a religion, it’s a totalitarian fascistic perverted violent political ideology.

      • 209 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:39 pm

        YEAH MY GRANDMA ESCAPED MUSCOLINI WHEN SHE WAS A KID. ‘Hopped the boat to America with her mom and sisters. She hated him for having to leave her country to gain freedom in USA. She talked about him all the time.

        • 210 anonymouse April 1, 2011 at 7:25 pm

          Ahso, very interesting…No wonder they’d recognize that right off the bat.

          I can remember as a kid my dad SO upset that the gov’t went off the gold standard, he railed on and on and on about “goddamn funny money the government is printing up”…I can still see how upset he was, the gov’t had betrayed them…

          I think that is why I was always less likely to believe them anyway, and why you see fascism so fast like the Italians.

          The dishonorable legacy of the left is that they created intellectual militants.

          The left tries to badly to disown its past of slavery, kkk, nazism, fascism, communism, jim crow, segregation, tokenism, and tries to pin their nasties on conservatives, but even the black community is waking up and making them own it. Alas, more intellectual militants created.

          Thinking comes before doing.

        • 211 RacerJim April 2, 2011 at 7:18 am

          And my maternal grandmother escaped from Prussia when she was a teen-ager. Hopped a boat to America alone and gained her freedom in the USA via Ellis Island. I don’t remember Nanna ever talking about Hitler…the scowl on her face anytime anyone mentioned his name said everything.

  68. 212 Alain April 1, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    I don’t like Trump. I don’t like his womanizing. I don’t like him cheating in business. I don’t like his closeness to Soros. I don’t like his support for universal health care. I don’t like his support of abortion. I don’t like him giving big money to Harry Reid, Charley Rangel and Rahm Emanuel and I hate that he doesn’t believe in two-citizen parents. I understand that his own children are not eligible for the Presidency but that is just selfish.

    • 213 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:40 pm

      😯 sources please.

    • 214 drkate April 1, 2011 at 12:41 pm

      I am not sure he doesn’t believe in two citizen parents. I think it is part of his strategy to out the dimms and republicans. The womanizing is pretty clear, the cheating in business I would need to see some links, and he just called Obamacare a disaster.

  69. 215 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    dk has asked you for sources to your posts a few times. Please provide them.

    This is an outrageous claim.

    Sources? tap tap…I’m waiting.

  70. 216 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:46 pm

    Can someone verify Trumps stance on the obama deathscare bill?
    I sincerely doubt these claims made above.

    Maybe Heather knows.

    • 217 heather April 1, 2011 at 1:15 pm

      QL–Trump told OR that everyone should have ACCESS to affordable HC–and that he pays big bucks for his employees. He NEVER said anything about obamacare during these interviews that I heard. He did say, that he is pro-life, totally anti abortion. Cheating in business? He is a savy bizman, and we the people are NOT on the end of it so please explain this cheating. Womanizer, how many men and women in the US divorce and remarry? Not sure about the voting eligibility of his children–Ivanka-their mother I believe is either a NBC or a naturalized citizen. Depends on their birthdate vs Ivanka’s citizenship dates–like Trumps mother–almost like all of our grandparents–QL–you said your grandmother came over from Italy and I am sure she became a naturalize citizen–as did my grandfather who came here from Germany—my mother is a NBC and my father being English, is a NBC–even though their parents or grandparents came from Europe, most who immigrated here came through Ellis Island and stayed quarrentined there for 30 days then had to live with a sponsor – get jobs, and studied for their citizenship tests.

    • 218 Paula April 1, 2011 at 1:21 pm

      In one of his interviews posted ^^, he talked about Obamacare being a disaster for this country. He said that Obama should send it directly to the SCOTUS for Constitutionality instead of all these lower court cases over it and wasting our money.

  71. 219 Alain April 1, 2011 at 12:49 pm


    Trump contributions. And there is currenly a huge RICO suit by Mr. Relkin with Trump and Soros conniving. I don’t know how to link. Sorry.

    I work near Mar-A-Lago. Everyone here knows he is the lowest pond scum there is.

    • 220 drkate April 1, 2011 at 1:03 pm

      Alain, you did just provide a link!

      I think we need to see the links for all of your accusations. Thanks!

      • 221 DABIG April 1, 2011 at 8:02 pm

        Well drkate while “Alain” is at his Tea Party meeting I thought I’d post what else I found at his link:

        “Your body belongs to Obama!

        Obama and our Progressive Leadership has worked very hard the last 50 years to provide a safe and sanitary enviroment for human development. They have cleaned up the air, the water, and the earth. The planet is healing at a extraordinary rate, thanks to Obama.
        Your body is the property of the State. Your usefulness to the collective is determined by your ability to produce more that you consume. To meet the goals required you must keep yourself fit and healthy. Eating properly, meaning fruit and vegetables and fiber, and abstaining from Pork, Tobacco, Alcohol, and illicit drugs is vital to success of the Collective.
        The mind must also be cleansed of selfish ideas, and devoted to the success of Obama and the State. Embracing Islam and complete adherance to the teachings of Obama and the Prophet Muhammed will be your light and guide to Paradise.
        Consequences for abusing your body, and becoming a burden to others, will be severe and ruthless.”

        The above was under “The Obama Forum” at this link:

        Hope this helps 🙂

    • 222 sky April 1, 2011 at 5:23 pm

      patriotactionnetwork go to the search address bar type in vatican laurnering law hit banks click view all if not on front page. to the vatican artical

  72. 223 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:50 pm

    Mar 30, 2011 · On abortion: “As you know, I am pro-life,” Trump said. “I used to not be pro-life; I’ve become pro-life,”

  73. 224 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    You mean he is this kind of “cheater”? JEEBUS. I’m in no mood to deal with this nonsensical BS. source your stuff next time.

    Trump: I ‘screwed’ Gadhafi
    By: CNN Political Producer Alexander Mooney

    (CNN) – Donald Trump, whose flirtations with a presidential bid continue, says he has special experience dealing with Libyan leader Moammer Gadhafi.

    Speaking on Fox News Monday, Trump says he has more of a track record than anyone in the Republican presidential field when it comes to dealing with foreign leaders and dignitaries: “I sell them real estate for tremendous amounts of money. I mean, I’ve dealt with everybody.”

    Trump, who has said he will decide on a presidential bid by June, said he is particularly happy with the fact he “screwed” Gadhafi on a past real estate deal.

    “I rented him a piece of land. He paid me more for one night than the land was worth for two years, and then I didn’t let him use the land,” Trump boasted. “That’s what we should be doing. I don’t want to use the word ‘screwed’, but I screwed him.”

  74. 225 itooktheredpill April 1, 2011 at 12:59 pm

    On his Pawlenty for President Exploratory Committee web site, Tim Pawlenty has a page for people to enter their comments to finish the following sentence: The Next President Should…

    Here’s what I wrote on Tim Pawlenty’s site:

    The Next President Should… Support and Defend the Constitution and the Rule of Law!

    Supporting and defending the Constitution and the Rule of Law

    makes one a “Constitutional Republican”, not a “birther”.

    When one combines the legal requirements of…


    1) Article II Section 1 of the United States Constitution

    2) Section 3 of the 20th Amendment to the United States Constitution

    3) The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986:

    “All employees, citizens and noncitizens, hired after November 6, 1986 and working in the United States must complete a Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification.”


    … then one sees that Obama and Biden are legally required to produce hard copy documentation of not only their eligibility to work in the United states but also their eligibility to hold the office of President.

    And Congress has the legal responsibility to ensure that the President and Vice President have qualified.

    A Constitutional Republican expects those who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and the Rule of Law to ACTUALLY DO SO.

    I will not support a primary candidate who does not support and defend the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

    Is the President above the law? Obama was legally required to submit an I-9 form with acceptable hard copy documentation. Did he do so? Shouldn’t you care whether or not he did so? Don’t let the Alinsky media intimidate you. Stand up for the Constitution and the Rule of Law, or don’t even think of running for President!

    • 226 thinkwell April 1, 2011 at 10:43 pm

      Hello ITTRP,

      Great comment you left on the website of one of the all-too-many useless political ticks sucking blood from the sleeping giant that is the USA.

      I have been following your posts since before whatever-his-real-name-is was first elected. You have always been one of the good guys and one of the pioneering pathfinders to clarity about the nbC issue. Thanks for your dedication and perseverance.

      Hopefully the tide is finally turning. Keep the faith.

      • 227 itooktheredpill April 4, 2011 at 6:07 am


        Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate that. We need to all keep the faith until members of Congress begin supporting and defending Article II Section 1, Section 3 of the 20th Amendment, and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

        Step 1 is verifying the “Obama birth narrative”… seeing the original, certified, hard copy vital records to determine the truth of Soetoro/Obama’s birth.

        Setp 2 is reacting to the outcome of that verification…

        If the “Obama birth narrative” is 100% true, then he is a usurper because he does not meet the Natural Law definition of “natural born citizen”.

        George Washington, John Jay, and the Natural Law Definition of “Natural Born Citizen”

        A usurper should be immediately removed from office, all of the usurped actions (including Obamacare) stricken from the record, and the usurper and sent to Gitmo .

        If the “Obama birth narrative” is not 100% true, then he is guilty of forgery, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc., so even if he is a natural born citizen of the United States, he would still be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, and should be impeached, convicted, removed from office, and sent to Gitmo.

    • 229 RacerJim April 2, 2011 at 7:30 am

      Call me a radical right-wing racist. Go ahead. Sticks and stones may slow me down a bit but names will never stop me from telling the truth.

  75. 230 Alain April 1, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    Quantum Leap, I have posted and nothing is showing up! Maybe I am linking wrong.

  76. 232 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 1:07 pm

    Trump is probably worth more than George Soros – think about the political implications of that for a minute. Perhaps you misconstured a comment said at foggy bottom- “Soros rather have Trump than Romney.’ It’s just a muse. It has no real meaning.

    Soros is for SOBama.

    • 233 heather April 1, 2011 at 1:21 pm

      QL–right Soros is for barry-barry said this while campaigning. When the so called banks fell in 9-08 he announced on tv in front of McCain, that he, barry was “consulting with his top financial people, soros and buffett and volker, and drug down McCain because he didn’t site who he was consulting with. So soros, buffett and volker are all in barrys pockets and visa versa!

      He never once said Trumps name–ever–so Trump is no ones pocket! He is his own man—just because people socialize together does not mean they are “tight”–I know this from my own personal experience.

      • 234 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 8:47 pm

        You have a good memory Heather. That’s right. They may have “rubbed elbows” a time or two but hey, the rich mingle in the same circles.

    • 235 heather April 1, 2011 at 1:42 pm

      QL–Romney is not my pick…I believe he will be another barry clinton/bush…he is not his own man. Trump is his own man.

      Romney knows his healthcare in MA is a total disaster and just as bad as obamacare.

      • 236 RacerJim April 2, 2011 at 8:50 am

        Unless/until Romney makes it as clear as clear can be made that “RomneyCare” has proven to be One Big Ass Mistake he won’t be the pick of very many conservatives.

  77. 237 Alain April 1, 2011 at 1:07 pm

    So Quantum Leap will stop scolding me I am typing out the links. Maybe he will stop hating on me now.

    http://www.davidrelkinlaw.com will give you info on the RICO. I can’t type out the long links without being sure of getting something wrong. Sorry.


    • 238 drkate April 1, 2011 at 1:13 pm

      Alain…sorry your comments have been in moderation…! 😳 Now all should be clear!

    • 239 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 9:06 pm

      Thank You Alain! 😀 I hadn’t realized you may be computer challenged thus the link oversight. You can cut and paste links to save time from typing.

      However, I am taking all the news with a grain of salt. NYTIMES is hardly reputable. In business there is always someone with a jealous streak that likes to slander others publicly in print. OR they target the business person who “has the goods” on them. Like a kid they lash out and report bogus claims because they are scared the person will report their unethical conduct. But hate and jealousy can and do play a huge part for slander. (slander = saying something about others that IS NOT TRUE)

      As voters, we can usually tell if someone is shucking and jiving.

      That would be a welcome switch for 91% of the voters to have a leader who loves USA.

      • 240 RacerJim April 2, 2011 at 8:58 am

        Unless/until I’m given substantive reason to believe otherwise I also believe Trump wants to be POTUS out of pure unadulterated love/patriotism for his country. That would be a most welcome about-face from the current occupant of that office, to the most deserved anguish of 9% of Kool-Aid impaired voters.

  78. 241 Alain April 1, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    As for cheating just look at what used to be called Trump university. Being sued in several states and called a fraud by the Better Business Bureau and New York State. I truly feel that Trump is a Soros or Obama plant designed to take our eyes off the real heros of this fight.

    Since Trump showed up we never hear about the real heros. Lakin, Fitzpatrick, Orly, Dr Kate, Lucas Smith, Carl Swensson, Pamela Barnett, Allen Keys, Mario Apuzzo. It is all Trump and that is what the obots want.


    • 242 RacerJim April 2, 2011 at 9:07 am

      Lakin, Fitzpatrick, Taitz, DrKate, Smith, Swensson, Barnett, Keys, Apuzzo, etc., etc. definitely are the real heros but Trump is getting far more traction with the masses about the very same core issue during just this past week than all of those heros combined have during the past three years. For some reason I doubt that’s what the Obots want.

      • 243 drkate April 2, 2011 at 11:45 am

        And I appreciate so much a new voice that can bring attention to this terrible constitutional crisis!

  79. 244 Alain April 1, 2011 at 1:18 pm

    Thanks Dr. Kate. I would do more but there is a Tea Party meeting tonight and I have to finish my signs. There are so many Fools for the Obama’s April Fools one!

  80. 245 aj April 1, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    I have the same sentiment as itookthepill, Go Ahead, Call Us Crazy. Is it not more intelligent to ask for proof and truth than to live your life like a squid? Ruyard Kipling’s poem “IF” gives me some comfort…”If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you….
    I just don’t care what the elitist say anymore. They are morons.
    drkate is the greatest!!

  81. 246 RichT April 1, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    April Fools a Bitch for ATF & DoJ LMAO~!!!!!!!


    FLASH! Rep. Issa Subpoenas Gunwalker Scandal Documents From ATF! “A show down on Capitol Hill seems to be getting closer.”

  82. 247 RichT April 1, 2011 at 2:43 pm

    April Fools is a Bitch for DoJ & ATF with their Gunwalker woes


    FLASH! Rep. Issa Subpoenas Gunwalker Scandal Documents From ATF! “A show down on Capitol Hill seems to be getting closer.”

  83. 248 RichT April 1, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    Am I in moderation????

    Just posted 2x’s & it’s not showing.

  84. 250 RichT April 1, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    April Fools a Bitch for DoJ & ATF with their Gunwalker woes…


    FLASH! Rep. Issa Subpoenas Gunwalker Scandal Documents From ATF! “A show down on Capitol Hill seems to be getting closer.”

  85. 254 DABIG April 1, 2011 at 4:30 pm

    Am I missing something here? People are bashing, obot style, the man who is outing Barry? What’s wrong with this picture?

    • 255 drkate April 1, 2011 at 4:36 pm

      Only one is bashing, DABIG…look at the last few posts and you will find how 99% of people here are positive about Trump. I have just signed on to help him. The questioner of Trump is putting up links to support his statements…so far I haven’t seen anything to support the claims.

      • 256 heather April 1, 2011 at 6:23 pm

        Awesome Dr Kate! We really need to make sure that we do everything we can to get Trump nominated and not allow another EC and voting fraud to take place. Not this time!


      • 257 DABIG April 1, 2011 at 7:02 pm

        drkate, thanks for pointing that out, I see now. I’ve checked also, nothing so far either. Take care and bless.

    • 258 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 8:28 pm


  86. 259 Jan April 1, 2011 at 4:35 pm


    Lucas Smith Comes to Theresa Cao’s Defense on Obama’s Eligibility
    by Sharon Rondeau

    Lucas Smith Comes to Theresa Cao’s Defense on Obama’s Eligibility

  87. 264 eddie h. April 1, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    trump has gone silent for a couple days. i am concerned that he may back down. i have messaged him and suggested that the candidate who stands up and takes on the obama eligibility will be the next potus and c. i. c.

    • 265 Paula April 1, 2011 at 7:16 pm

      No, he hasn’t gone silent. There were posts from his interviews yesterday; not sure about today, but I do know he was on Michael Savage tonight.

      • 266 eddie h. April 1, 2011 at 9:04 pm

        paula — but did trump talk about obama eligibility on michael savage show or other less important subjects?

        • 267 Paula April 2, 2011 at 5:49 am

          Oh, I see; you were specifically talking about his bringing up eligibility. Hmmmm, can’t say for sure, because my husband who found Savage on the radio, again (the first time in over a year) only caught the tail end of his interview, and my husband did not hear him say anything about it:o(

  88. 268 AttilasDaughter April 1, 2011 at 6:07 pm

    Obama’s first 2012 campaign ad 😉

  89. 271 ARMY D.A.V. April 1, 2011 at 6:09 pm


    Is he constitutionally qualified ( YES )( check )

    Has he ever taken the oath of office ( NO ) ( check )


    I’m more concerned about how do we survive until then .

    • 272 Papoose April 1, 2011 at 7:13 pm

      Me, too. We’ve been usurped. People sworn to uphold, protect and defend Our USA! Constitution are saying it’s silly and a waste of space.

      in their pipe dreams.

      First and Foremost: Eligibility or Effoff.

  90. 274 Paula April 1, 2011 at 7:18 pm

    Have you seen the new poll on http://www.shouldtrumprun.com

    Who would you favor in the 2012 Presidential Election?

    Donald J. Trump (93%, 52,921 Votes)
    Barack Obama (7%, 3,845 Votes)
    Total Voters: 56,768

  91. 277 Voco Indubium April 1, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    RE: “ drkate
    ….The republican-democrat paradigm is a false one. They are really the same. Why do you think none of the republicans are talking about this? Of course it would mean that they didn’t have to ‘defund’ obamacare, it would be dead. Same with everything else. So I think they are just lying so they both can stay ‘in the game’ of their power plays, careers, money, power, nothing more. Half of them probably have never read the constitution. …“

    Agree that the GOP is not less selfish or less motivated by power and money that the Dems.

    However, the members of the party that controls more branches of government and institutions than the other party will be able to enjoy more power and more money. Presently, the Dems control: the Senate, the media, pretty much the Judiciary Branch and the Executive Branch. The GOP only controls the House, half of the Legislative Branch. That’s it. Why don’t they want to control the Executive Branch? They would have more power they could make more money.

    In other words, I agree with you that there is no substantial ideological difference between the GOP and the Dems. However, there is competition for power and money.

    The eligibility issue is an opportunity to the GOP to control the Executive Branch. This opportunity was provided by the carelessness by the Dems. The Dems made a major mistake. So as competitor for power, why does not the GOP take advantage of their opponent mistake and obtain control of the Executive Branch? The Dems would do it in a New York minute.

    In my opinion, it is a misconception of the situation by the GOP. The GOP believes that they can get the White House on policy-issues alone. We both agree, I think, that they can not. They need the eligibility issue to win. Where you and I disagree is that you think they don’t even want to get it. I respect your opinion but, using the above line of thought, why not, they know that it would result in more power and more money?

    • 278 drkate April 1, 2011 at 8:53 pm

      Look at who they are putting up! Look at the weakness of this! Failure to initiate investigations! Seriously, these people are not our friends. they all need to go. Why do you think they let obama win in the first place–putting up lame McCain, rove working with brazille, the media. do some reading on this, because it is too clear in my mind to stop and repeat every little piece of evidence we have that this is so.

      • 279 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 9:45 pm

        Perhaps its because his family, like the Scherffs (Bushes), have a made up history making him one of the Paper Clip boys.

          • 281 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 10:00 pm

            Did you note the bloodline connection?

            • 282 heather April 1, 2011 at 10:36 pm

              Yes–I have read the entire family history on the bushes and wow–how we got snowed–could it be their lies and cover ups from we the people is why they think we are stupid? They keep getting over on us because they are such good deceiving liars and they campaign on lies, only to turn around and do what they want and continue yr after yr to screw us.

        • 283 Jan April 1, 2011 at 11:05 pm

          Hi Ten, Jan Tana here. That article was great, it mentioned a second article to follow the next month. I tried searching archives and come up empty handed. Do you have a link to the second article? Are there more than two?

          • 284 Sallyal April 2, 2011 at 12:37 pm

            There are links at giveusliberty1776.blogspot.com for a series of articles by this guy. Scary stuff.

  92. 285 Papoose April 1, 2011 at 8:04 pm

    The GOP is in on it. They have been.

    They are all in it together.

    • 286 DABIG April 1, 2011 at 8:17 pm

      100% correct.

    • 287 heather April 1, 2011 at 8:52 pm

      Papoose–of course they are–why do you think Rove is so worried about Trump!!!

      Did you see OR tonight w/Trump? No savy bizman lays their cards on the table until the time is right and Trump has it all together. I vote Trump.

      Beck is an idiot — when he becomes as rich, famous, powerful and respected as Trump then he can laugh–but his laughter was freightening tonight–almost like, if Trump wins Beck losses.

      • 288 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 9:37 pm

        Beck will be out of a JOB when ‘The Don’ trumps the punk-in- chief.
        Beck will not have any dramatic news to report.

        I’m glad The Donald can’t disclose his run until his Apprentice Show contract is done in June. It keeps the bistards on their toes.

        Don’t forget you are dealing with the shrewdest sign in the zodiac…Gemini = Trump. Don’t let their popular personality and sense of fairness fool you. If they want, they can just about read people’s minds and they are BORN leaders. We need this type now. We can’t wait.

        I wonder what Trump would say about Hillary’s comment on the rebels?

        “We want to help the Libyan rebels but we do not know who they are?

        {{{{{{Heads exploding}}}}}}}

  93. 291 ARMY D.A.V. April 1, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    Voco Indubium

    They have no power , they have no money , they are government employees illegally occupying our property .

    Their authority comes from the Constitution not the barrel of a gun . the money is hot , it belongs to ” We the People “.

    Outside looking in ……

  94. 292 DABIG April 1, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    Alain’s Trump sources also had this on the site:

    “Your body belongs to Obama!

    Obama and our Progressive Leadership has worked very hard the last 50 years to provide a safe and sanitary enviroment for human development. They have cleaned up the air, the water, and the earth. The planet is healing at a extraordinary rate, thanks to Obama.
    Your body is the property of the State. Your usefulness to the collective is determined by your ability to produce more that you consume. To meet the goals required you must keep yourself fit and healthy. Eating properly, meaning fruit and vegetables and fiber, and abstaining from Pork, Tobacco, Alcohol, and illicit drugs is vital to success of the Collective.
    The mind must also be cleansed of selfish ideas, and devoted to the success of Obama and the State. Embracing Islam and complete adherance to the teachings of Obama and the Prophet Muhammed will be your light and guide to Paradise.
    Consequences for abusing your body, and becoming a burden to others, will be severe and ruthless.”

    The above was under “The Obama Forum” at this link:

    Alain, I would suspect this site has an agenda, and I’d highly question their reliability. If you look over the site you’ll also notice they have an article by a “Mark Levin” asking the “Christian warriors” to kill Ron Paul!!! The site is obviously not monitored or is a Progressive’s idea of a joke. Always be cognizant of your sources. Due diligence is a must, good luck buddy:

    • 293 Quantum Leap April 1, 2011 at 9:48 pm

      😆 Slap my leg…… ROTFLMAO.

      😳 Most of us have been guilty of reposting bogus radical lefty progressive stuff least once mistaking it for the ‘truth’. It has that usual obot ring to it and
      was suspect from the getgo.

      {thumbs up}

  95. 294 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    “To be honest with you, I want him to have a birth certificate,” Trump said on Fox News, “because [otherwise] that would mean that his presidency was, I guess you’d have to say, illegal. You have to be born in the United States.”
    From http://dedicatedtopreserveusaconstitution.blogspot.com/

    Here is a decent article:

    My $0.02 worth is that Trump is an opportunist. He has tried to get traction as a serious candidate for POTUS for many years. The eligibility issue is providing that traction and a lot of free publicity. You don’t come back from bankruptcy like he has without very strong ties to the banking community. The banking community is our enemy…no question about that…the international bankers are THE problem start to finish. This means we had better take a close look behind the curtain before jumping on the Trump wagon.

    • 296 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 10:21 pm

      More proof that the Tea Parties have been infiltrated. This is not a fluke, but the norm across the country.

  96. 297 Tenacity April 1, 2011 at 10:08 pm

    “To be honest with you, I want him to have a birth certificate,” Trump said on Fox News, “because [otherwise] that would mean that his presidency was, I guess you’d have to say, illegal. You have to be born in the United States.”
    From http: // dedicatedtopreserveusaconstitution.blogspot. com/

    Here is a decent article:

    My $0.02 worth is that Trump is an opportunist. He has tried to get traction as a serious candidate for POTUS for many years. The eligibility issue is providing that traction and a lot of free publicity. You don’t come back from bankruptcy like he has without very strong ties to the banking community. The banking community is our enemy…no question about that…the international bankers are THE problem start to finish. This means we had better take a close look behind the curtain before jumping on the Trump wagon.

  97. 298 Jon April 11, 2011 at 1:29 pm

    Rove is an Obama protector, when he came out with his latest book he concluded that Obzama’s father was an immigrant to the USA to gloss over the eligibility issue. I expect Fox gives him direction to keep his job. Can’t forget that Rove and Bush tried to push immigration reform without success.

  98. 300 gaetano April 24, 2011 at 4:20 am

    The real question here is, IS OUR COMPLETE GOVERNMENT IN ON THIS COVER UP AND WHY? If only 1/3 of all these so called facts are true, then Something is going on. Has our government been overthrown by our own government? Does that not scare anyone? Why do even republicans try to keep mute about this ? This has to be answered one way or the other. People should not beg for the answer. We Americans need to demand it, or just take over Washington and throw everyone out. Yes, that means war. It is seeming to me that there is no other choice.WTF

  99. 301 anonymouse April 24, 2011 at 5:53 am

    Rove only likes weak competitors fraught with their own liabilities which give openings to be attacked, like McCain (questionable NBCship, old, frail), Mitt (expatratriated father, not NBC, cannot speak against Obacare because of his own disastrous healthcare program), Rubio (not NBC), Jindal (not even a Citizen), Ahnold (not NBC), Palin (a woman, frankly, unfortunately, but that did not seem to work out too well for him)…

  1. 1 | NwoDaily.com Trackback on March 31, 2011 at 11:04 am
  2. 2 Dr. Kate talks truth about Rove and O’Reilly « The Radio Patriot Trackback on April 1, 2011 at 6:46 am
  3. 3 Ground Obama! « drkatesview Trackback on April 8, 2011 at 12:36 am
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