Wasserman-Schultz, DNC on Notice

©2011 drkate
Civic Action update at end!

What we have going into 2012 is the experience of the fraud of 2008 and everything we have learned since then about how Article II was breached.  In order for the Democrats to run Obama again in 2012, they are going to have to cheat and commit the same fraud which we have documented fully.

Thus one of the focus areas is to knock Obama off the ballot by confronting officials of the democrat party now before they even start the paper trail of fraud.  Using the fraud statutes of your state it may be possible to to challenge anything suspect submitted by the party to the Secretary of State, whether or not the state has an eligibility statute.

In Arizona, the statute is called the fraudulent scheme and artifice statute. It reads, in pertinent part, that “[a]ny person who, pursuant to a scheme or artifice to defraud, knowingly obtains any benefit by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, promises or material omissions” is guilty of a felony (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-2310(A)).

breaking her oath of office

What will be submitted to your Secretary of State?  Whatever the democrats submit to the State we all know it will be fraudulent, so let’s be ready to challenge them at every step.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz –the new Chair of the DNC–needs to be hounded from day one.  She needs to (1) fail in her mission to breach Article II again, and (2) to lose re-election for Congress while she’s at it.  We don’t need any more progressives to hang around and continue to cost us our country.

I’ve drafted the following letter which I intend to send.  I invite your contributions to make this a strong letter that could also be used as a template for others…thanks in advance!  🙂

Open Letter to Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz:

Dear Congresswoman:

I would normally wish you congratulations on your selection as Chair of the Democratic National Committee, but won’t  this year because you will have to commit fraud once again against the 50 States in order to place  the name  ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ on the 2012 ballot.

The fraud will occur when you authorize the Chair of the Democratic National Convention  to affix their signature to any document that verifies Mr. Obama as constitutionally eligible to serve as President, or alternatively, that does not verify Mr. Obama as meeting the Constitutional requirements for the office yet advances his candidacy anyway.

Please allow me to explain.

In 2008, the DNC sent out two “official” nomination forms to the States for nominees Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden to be put on their ballots.  This may have been the first time in history that two different forms were used:

  • One form was sent to 49 states and merely stated that Barack Obama/Joe Biden had been ‘duly nominated’ for the position of President/Vice President.
  • The other form contained language that Barack Obama/Joe Biden were “legally qualified to serve under the Constitution.” That language was required by State law.

Both of these forms were signed under penalty of perjury by Chair Nancy Pelosi and the Vice Chair of the Convention, and both of these forms are complete fabrications.  The first because it does not verify the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama, and the second because it is a flat out lie.

According to a 2009 memorandum prepared by the Congressional Research Service, no person in Congress, in the judiciary, or the parties had seen any documentation of Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the office at the time of nomination, at the electoral college vote, or when Congress confirmed the electoral college vote on January 8, 2009.

Since that time, the only additional documentation that Barack Obama has produced is a forged birth certificate, which is now the subject of a criminal complaint before the FBI.  But as you know, Mr. Obama could have been born in the Lincoln Bedroom and his dual citizenship would still make him ineligible for the Presidency.

Thus, the hurdle you face is convincing an aware public and state officials that Barack Hussein Obama meets the constitutional requirements for the office when you know that he does not.  How will you word the official nomination form?

Respectfully, it will not be possible for you to  pretend to be ‘stupid’ about this issue when so much is already known about Mr. Obama’s inability to qualify for the office he now occupies .  In fact, you and members of the DNC infrastructure could face multiple fraud charges in several states whether that state has an ‘eligibility requirement’ or not:

Many states  maintain a general criminal statute designed to punish fraud. In Arizona, the statute is called the fraudulent scheme and artifice statute. It reads, in pertinent part, that “[a]ny person who, pursuant to a scheme or artifice to defraud, knowingly obtains any benefit by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, promises or material omissions” is guilty of a felony (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-2310(A)).

I am sure you are aware that an election does not overrule Constitutional requirements for the office of the President.  That Barack Hussein Obama is now occupying that office without ever having proven his eligibility is an error originating in 2008 and does not automatically give him a ‘pass’ for 2012.  An unconstitutional act does not create precedent for another when you have the ability to correct it.   In fact, for our Constitution to remain in tact, this error must not be repeated in 2012.

If overcoming Mr. Obama’s constitutional ineligibility wasn’t enough of a hurdle, you will also have to find a way to overcome Mr. Obama’s use of a stolen social security number and his fraudulent Selective Service Registration using that stolen social security number.  As you are aware the penalties for failing to register include ineligibility for any job in the Executive Branch of government and denial of U.S. citizenship if the man first arrived in the United States before his 26th birthday.

You have a clear choice as you proceed as Chair of the DNC with the information I have presented to you. If you continue the fraud of your predecessors and defeat the Constitution of the United States by breaching Article II, you can tell your grandchildren–from your jail cell– that you had a chance to correct an error and didn’t.

If you instead are loyal to your oath to defend the Constitution, and require proof that the Democrat candidate is Constitutionally eligible for the highest office in our land, you can tell your grandchildren that you saved the country and their future.

My best advice to you is to get another candidate for President.

I will not hesitate to continue to watch your actions, to write about them and notice them in public,  and to ready myself at the state level to challenge the party’s placement of Barack Hussein Obama on the ballot.  I will also work tirelessly for your defeat in your bid for re-election to Congress.

Please consider yourself on notice as we will not allow the Democrats to destroy our country.

Sincerely yours,

Update:  Civic Action

Reader Bill put together this postcard idea which can be used with most any article or key message you want to convey.  Post card templates can be made on your computer; labels can make the job easier; and a stamped postcard makes it immediately to the person’s office.  Here is an example made by Bill for this article:

If you use one of my articles, you can sign your own name and refer back to the blog if you wish.  Bill developed the postcards for Kathleen Gotto’s Citizen Letter which are now available for download over at the site One Nation Under Fraud.

Thank you Bill!  🙂

163 Responses to “Wasserman-Schultz, DNC on Notice”

  1. 1 drkate June 10, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    I will be sending a copy of this to every democrat party chair in each state as well, and will probably protest outside the dem office here on occasion with a few clever signs.

    • 2 True Patriot June 10, 2011 at 7:09 pm

      Thanks Dr. Kate This is great and has to be done. Wow we all stay busy 24/7
      with this entire train of corruption and criminals.

      They should all be in jail, not in office.

    • 3 steelhead23 June 11, 2011 at 4:42 pm

      Dr. Kate, A shout out from your friends in PDX – Rich and Kate D. Long time no see. Pardon our use of your blog to say hi. Kevin says hi, too. It is good to see that you are still kickin. Drop us a line sometime – you are missed. Rich

  2. 4 borderraven June 10, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    I live in California “The Orly Taitz State” and feel confident she and Gary Kreep will be on top of it.

    • 5 Debbie G June 10, 2011 at 6:51 pm

      I’m not feeling that confident at all…I wrote them til I was blue in the face…someone help me!!!!
      I’m in Calif. also and feeling really lonely 😦

    • 6 Big Boss Ogg June 11, 2011 at 11:41 pm

      Assume nothing, fellow patriot, make sure that Ms Taitz has this information from your hand!

  3. 7 echofoxtrot June 10, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    Thanks, Dr. Kate.
    Another approach might be the “give them enough rope and they will hang themselves” tactic: let them commit their fraud, then go the cops who can and will pick up a low-level flunky……who will then rat out the higher-ups to save their skins. What do you think?

    • 8 drkate June 10, 2011 at 12:32 pm

      Yes, and I think sending this out is good because they will not pay attention to it…later on we can surely tell them they were warned.

      • 9 heather June 10, 2011 at 5:18 pm

        Dr Kate–awesome letter — strong and to the point! Excellently written. Once again thank you for your love of America and our Constitution.

        • 10 heather June 10, 2011 at 5:28 pm

          Also she is as arrogant and nasty as Pelosi and the rest of these radical communists. Pure nastiness–guess her mother never told her that making nasty faces will freeze her face that way! lol

          Just breaking Trump is telling O’R on fox that his NBC contract expires in 11 months and if the republicans do not put up a strong candidate then he will RUN.

  4. 11 drkate June 10, 2011 at 12:31 pm

    OT a little message 3 little birds

  5. 12 Noway2no June 10, 2011 at 12:39 pm

    The labyrinth that is the legal code is almost impossible for a layman (me) to understand. Is there a way to have an attorney(s) from each state set up a format of letter that will address specifically the issue at hand as it pertains each state?

    I have written letters starting as far back as late 2008 with no result. For this to make an impact it needs to be focused at the exact legal matter vis-à-vis each state’s statutes.

    • 13 drkate June 10, 2011 at 12:44 pm

      Agreed, and there are actually numerous steps to take with the party and the states themselves. For example, the window to challenge the name on the ballot is quite short for some states. I’m working on a guide right now for that.

      This is not meant to be or propose the labyrinth of the legal code…as a letter goes it just puts them on notice. The idea of a legal person taking this up in each state is a good idea.

  6. 15 Stock June 10, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    An excellent letter. You may also want to copy it to Pam Bondi, the new Attorney General so that she is on notice of the potential wrongdoing which may occur and the fact that DWS is on notice.

  7. 16 Stock June 10, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    From the Frequently Asked Question section of the Florida Attorney Generals Web site:

    10. I believe that my local public officals are breaking the law or engaging in unethical behavior what should I do? A: You may take your concerns to your regions State Attorney for alleged illegal behavior. These officials have the authority to prosecute criminal wrongdoing. A list of State Attorneys can be found at http://www.fpaa.state.fl.us/circuit/circuitlist.asp. Ethical complaints about public officials are the responsibility of the Florida Commission on Ethics. The Commission can be reached at 850-488-7864 or www. thics.state.fl.us/

  8. 17 anonymouse June 10, 2011 at 3:59 pm

    Obama is behind all the misochristos (hatred of Christians) and killing of them in Egypt and Iraq and SUDAN. He actively tried to stop the delivery of self defense weapons the southern sudanese had bought, now he’s helping kill more nonmuslims and Christians in Sudan with our own bombs.

  9. 18 Jan June 10, 2011 at 5:10 pm

    MT Sec of St only has to rely on whatever the DNC and RNC send her as being legitimate.
    However, MT has a Fraud Code: 30-5-129. Fraud and forgery. (1) If a presentation is made that appears on its face strictly to comply with the terms and conditions of the letter of credit, but a required document is forged or materially fraudulent, or honor of the presentation would facilitate a material fraud by the beneficiary on the issuer or applicant…and then it lists several specific items.
    I plan to send my request to a Constitutional Attorney here in MT to get his take on this.

    Dr.K, may we copy your letter to send to our Sec. of State?
    Fantastic letter, wonder if Wasserman will have the guts to answer you????

  10. 20 Alex June 10, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    Wowie! That is a fantastic letter. I wonder if these should be sent with a proof of confirmation requested. We could then put in the letters that we are having proof of confirmation so that we can prove they received the information that Barry is not only ineligible, but is commiting Social Security fraud, etc.

    There are a couple of little, tiny things – I would prefer to mention those in an email straight to you, if I could. I know you give out that address sometimes, but if you don’t want to now, that’s o.k.

    BTW, a little birdie told me your birthday is tomorrow, Kate, so this is for you!

  11. 21 Troy June 10, 2011 at 6:26 pm

    ((((((( Dr. Kate ))))))))

  12. 22 Debbie G June 10, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    o/t but for you tony the weiner man and Bill your idol

  13. 24 Debbie G June 10, 2011 at 6:45 pm

    Ladies…tell em about the real ding a ling!!!!

  14. 26 cynkading June 10, 2011 at 7:15 pm

    Happy Birthday Dr. Kate!!!

    A big thank you for all you do……

    Just one of your quiet lurkers 😉

    • 27 Tenacity June 10, 2011 at 9:10 pm

      Hi cynkading! Saw your comment to Rose today and her response about MMS. I pray she is strengthened.

  15. 28 Drew June 10, 2011 at 7:30 pm

    BOLO:– “Violence- prone anarchists” : “The Sovereign Citizens Movement”

    “The FBI considers them one of the nation’s top domestic terror threats. Their members include cop killers and a convicted Oklahoma City bomber. Estimates suggest there are as many as 300,000 sovereign citizens in the U.S.”

    from: – http://www.ksat.com/news/28189270/detail.html

    Bandera County Sheriff’s Office Issues Domestic Terrorism Warning

    Law Enforcement Agency Concerned Radical Anti-Government Groups May Be Moving Into Area

    Tim Gerber, KSAT 12 News Reporter – San Antonio
    POSTED: Thursday, June 9, 2011

    Watch Tim Gerber’s Report — http://www.ksat.com/video/28190779/index.html

    Read Sheriff’s Office Press Release (PDF) — http://www.ksat.com/download/2011/0610/28190590.pdf

    BANDERA, Texas — The Bandera County Sheriff’s Office issued a warning Thursday to citizens about an anti-government movement known for acts of domestic terrorism.

    The law enforcement agency said followers of The Sovereign Citizens Movement have been known to carry out violent acts, including killing law enforcement officers and other public servants.


    Hicks said followers are often very vocal about their beliefs.

    “They’ve very serious in their beliefs, and very serious when they do go to violence,” Hicks said. “They’ll kill you in a New York minute.”

    Hicks said while a training camp for similar anti-government groups was discovered in Kerr County in the past, there is no evidence any members are currently operating in Bandera County. But Hicks said residents should still be cautious.

    “Don’t be getting into heated arguments with these people, because the potential for violence is there,” Hicks said.

    The FBI considers the Sovereign Citizens Movement one of the nation’s top domestic terror threats. Oklahoma City bombing co-conspirator Terry Nichols was a follower and many believe Jared Loughner, the man who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Ariz., in January, is also a believer.

    Hicks said citizens are urged to report any suspicious activity to the Bandera County Sheriff’s Office or your nearest local law enforcement agency.

  16. 29 Paxson June 10, 2011 at 7:45 pm

    Drew, I didn’t see any evidence of Loughner having the mental acumen to be involved in the “sovereign citizen’s movement “. There are some fairly complex concepts involved that I didn’t take away from that numb skull’s rants. I am not involved with the sovereign’s, but I’ve listened to their perspective a fair amount. I believe that he was a left wing anarchist in the mold of Communists in Europe and anti war anarchists on the streets of San Francisco and elsewhere. THE VERY GROUPS.THAT OBAMA WILL UNLEASH IF HE IS EVER TRULY INVESTIGATED. THE BILL AYER’S OF THE WORLD. I imagine that they are using Loughner to.crack down on true patriots in the TEA Party and other groups who revere the U.S. Constitution.

  17. 30 no-nonsense-nancy June 10, 2011 at 7:47 pm

    Happy, happy birthday, Kate!!! And thank you for all that you do for your country and for all of us!!

    Your letter is very good. I’ll try to use it, too.


  18. 32 tiger 7 June 10, 2011 at 8:00 pm

    The Sarah Palin thing with the Lame Stream Media is forever amazing to me—they follow her bus tour like the rats following the Pied Piper and now they are calling for volunteers to sift through 24000+ of her e-mail messages for tidbits of trash. Don’t they realize she’s playing them like a flute?? Huey Long said many years ago that he didn’t care what his detracters said about him, just as long as they kept him in the news.
    Why do the Liberals waste their energies on Palin—they are scared to death of her and they don’t even know if she will be a candidate ( I don’t think she ever intended to be a candidate) , but they can’t take the chance that she won’t.
    The more time and effort the Lib’s spend on Palin and Weiner, the better—both are thorns in their hide.

    • 33 Troy June 10, 2011 at 8:21 pm

      both are thorns in their hide.
      Nah….Weiner is just a little prick. 😉

      • 34 drkate June 10, 2011 at 8:53 pm

        how unbelievable his name had to be weiner.

        but this does take the heat off obama now, doesn’t it? He doesn’t look too worried as there is another dick running around…

        • 35 heather June 10, 2011 at 9:16 pm

          LOL–yeah really–but you are right it does take the heat off of barry especially now since everyone is calling for congress to intervene in this illegal war with Lybia and since NORWAY is pulling out Aug 1st.!

      • 36 heather June 10, 2011 at 9:19 pm

        Troy–and since Weiner is NOT an attorney he doesn’t stand a chance of defendig himself–like John Roberts or even Bill Clinton! He is nothing but a little man with a big snozzola and arrogant mouth. Serves him right–hmmm I wonder if he is the fall guy!

        • 37 heather June 11, 2011 at 6:13 am

          oopps I meant John Edwards!

          • 38 Papoose June 11, 2011 at 8:48 pm

            John Roberts is correct… first and foremost, with knowledge and aforethought….

            ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope I’m not to late to Celebrate!

            Hope you”re having a great Day and wishing you a Great Year!
            Loveya, P ~ xo

  19. 41 tina June 10, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    happy birthday dr.kate!!!! thankyou for all you do in the good fight!!

  20. 45 Rosemary Woodhouse June 10, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    Enjoy your birthday, Kate!

  21. 48 heather June 10, 2011 at 8:44 pm


    yep–rick perry being groomed—do not vote for him. if he gets in we are right were we are today–different day–same dictatorship.

    • 49 drkate June 10, 2011 at 8:57 pm

      My problem: we will have a choice between two bilderberg candidates.

      A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Obama. Trump will jump in to make sure Obama wins. What’s our strategy?

      • 50 heather June 10, 2011 at 9:14 pm

        Hope that Santorim wins — the people have to push for him. I am very much for Santorim. — at this point anyway–or until he says or does something off the wall, which I don’t foresee — he is a true American.

        I posted on the previous thread that O’R interviewed Trump via phone today and Trump said that if the republicans didn’t put a winner that he had plenty of time to jump in because his NBC contract is up in 11 months–so dont count him out yet. He is dead serious about running but for the next 11 months he is taking NBCs money first.

  22. 53 heather June 10, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    Happy Birthday again Dr Kate!

    • 55 Tenacity June 11, 2011 at 7:08 am

      This is malarkey. Elenin is nothing more than a small comet. There is a lot of misinformation out there on Planet X or dwarf star. Those that have associated a 2.5 Jupiter mass with the Elenin trajectory are lying to people. Elenin has been observed and it is a small comet. Go listen to James McCanny’s weekly radio show for May 5th and 12th to get the straight story and some other interesting information. http://jmccsci.com

      Regarding Planet X or possible dwarf star. There is an unknown gravitational force within our solar system and it is possibly a dwarf star that crosses the planetary orbits in a comet-like orbit. Note I said possibly. The data is inconclusive and the historic recorded writings and descriptions may or may not apply to this unidentified gravitational force. Associating that force with Elenin is a farce.

  23. 56 drkate June 10, 2011 at 9:57 pm

    Obama is one giant distraction. We should be stopping this:

    • 57 Quantum Leap June 10, 2011 at 10:04 pm

      It seems like they have stepped up the spraying. We don’t have sun anymore.
      There is white gunk in the raindrops.It dries like cake batter. Food shortage by design? No sun no food in garden.

      • 58 heather June 11, 2011 at 6:05 am

        QL–white skys here too–the minute the sky turns blue they reappear and start spraying again–there is no letup. Haven’t seen the gunk you are discribing yet though. But my gardens are not doing well this year.

        Dr Kate–those loops are here too and so apparent to the eye–I wonder if we turn this over to the EPA if they can stop this.

        Also who is paying for this, how much is it. My neighbor the air traffic controller said everytime he mentions these to his higher up, they correct him and refer to them as contrails! Ha-imagine that — that means they know what they are!

        • 59 Tenacity June 11, 2011 at 7:17 am

          Be aware that a lot is going on in our solar system. A comet hit the sun the second week of may and created a huge explosion/flare. 3 days ago there was a large solar flare. This has been impacting higher than normal winds globally. We are also passing through some energy belt or cloud. Couple Operation Cloverleaf, HAARP, increased solar activity, energy cloud and whatever the unidentified gravitational force is and we have some strange conditions. It would be helpful if our government wasn’t lying to us and making things worse instead of better.

          • 60 JanH June 11, 2011 at 8:10 am

            It would be helpful if our government wasn’t lying to us and making things worse instead of better.

            But that is the whole point.

            And on a related note, I begin to get a little annoyed with conservative commentators who keep referring to Obama’s policies as “failed.” The are not failed. They are doing exactly what they are intended to do.

            • 61 Tenacity June 11, 2011 at 10:11 am

              JanH, you are now singing out of my songbook. Bingo!

            • 62 heather June 11, 2011 at 4:47 pm

              Well Jan, that and those that say he doesn’t have a clue–of course he does, he is being taught and trained daily–he knows exactly what he is doing–and that is the destruction of America.

            • 63 Rosemary Woodhouse June 11, 2011 at 8:28 pm

              Exactly! This is why I can’t buy into the rumors that the Marxists a.k.a. Dems want him out. He has accomplished all of their goals in record speed. If he is re-elected, there is no doubt as to whom he really is. Pray as if your life depends upon it. Because it does.

        • 64 Quantum Leap June 11, 2011 at 10:57 am

          I’m done. I’m going to purchase a tiny greenhouse. We’ve always had a garden when I was a kid and I have always had a garden. I’m not putting up with this as I think this is the way it will be every year. The plants are in shock. White sky 10-20 degress colder than normal daily so far….. Not putting up with it.

          God bless the Swiss as they try and stop this tyranny of the world and all it entails by the few handfuls of tycoons trying to enslave the world’s people under the radar.

          Lucifer is down for the count.

          • 65 heather June 11, 2011 at 3:52 pm

            QL–yeah the Swiss–a tiny country taking them all on—and the US doing nothing to take them down.

            AJ-has the entire set of videos from the arrive, to meetings, and everything in between.

            Good luck Switzerland! Take them down.

      • 67 sky June 11, 2011 at 9:39 am

        Congress discover admin. Major betrayal of obama patriotactionnetwork

      • 68 heather June 11, 2011 at 7:08 pm

        QL–I was just out working in my gardens and I noticed some white spots on my clover leaves, they looked like milk spots dried on them–is this the same? This is the first year I have seen white spots just soaked right into the leaves. Same on my nasturturam leaves.

      • 69 Papoose June 11, 2011 at 9:31 pm

        crime against humanity and all living things…

        yep sticky raindrops… obliterating the sunshine… incessantly

        Who is in charge of this project?

        Is this the secret — blackmail?

  24. 70 Quantum Leap June 10, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    Grab your fav bev and check out this meltdown. Keep praying. It’s working.

  25. 71 madeleine7 June 10, 2011 at 11:52 pm

    Happy Birthday, Dr. Kate. To-day, 11th June, is festivity of Saint Barnabas, the Disciple. It was on the 11th June 1485, that my town, Marbella , was conquered from the Muslim Arabs ( who had been here since 711) by the King Ferninand and Queen Isabella. Since then , it has always been a Holiday. So , here´s raising a glass of sherry to you!!!

  26. 74 Alex June 11, 2011 at 3:47 am

    This is a birth-er day present, of sorts-Rush lumping himself in with us Constitutionalists. :-J

    Every day is a birther day, until Obama is gone, but only today is your birthday!

    (I can see it now – t-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, etc., that say “Happy Birther Day!” The value will be explaining it to the curious and trumpeting it to the world…)

  27. 75 Rene June 11, 2011 at 5:16 am

    Ode to Dr.Kate

    There was a patriot named Dr.Kate
    Whom many patriots came to love and appreciate
    She spent a lot of her time trying to educate
    The citizens and people of the United States
    About the Usurper in the White House before it’s to late
    She is now a bit older but make no mistake
    She will see it to the end cause that’s what makes.
    A woman with courage we can’t call her a flake
    All the best cause we know she has what it takes..
    Although you are older
    We hope you’ll get bolder.


    From a friend in Canada

    • 76 Jan June 11, 2011 at 5:11 pm

      What a great tribute. We all love and appreciate Dr. Kate. You put it so well.

      Dr. K, I hope you had a great birthday!!!!!

    • 77 drkate June 11, 2011 at 5:16 pm

      Rene, thank you so much for this. yes older, and no choice but to be bolder!

      thank you for your contributions here and your wishes,


  28. 78 aprilnovember811 June 11, 2011 at 6:14 am

    Obama is committing Treason. Obama’s missile secrets betrayal http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/06/obamas_missile_secrets_betrayal.html#disqus_thread

  29. 80 Katie June 11, 2011 at 7:22 am

    Happy Birthday to our favorite Liberty Belle 🙂 !!!

    • 81 Katie June 11, 2011 at 7:59 am

      This day in history was posted over at BigGovernment.com – how fitting that Dr. Kate’s birthday is today.

      “Today, in 1776, the Continental Congress appointed a “Committee of Five” to draft a declaration on independence. The wheels were set in motion.”

      Let history repeat itself!!

  30. 83 JanH June 11, 2011 at 8:12 am

    Happy birthday, Dr. Kate!

    I hope you are enjoying your day. 🙂

  31. 84 jrCarolinas June 11, 2011 at 9:10 am

    Have a wonderful birthday Kate. Hope all your wishes on this day come true.

  32. 85 usapatriots-shout June 11, 2011 at 10:06 am

    Dr. Kate I would like your permission to publish this precise letter on other web sites where I frequently post. I will also email it to key people so they can bring it to their people.

    • 86 drkate June 11, 2011 at 10:09 am

      USA Patriots…go ahead with a link back to this blog. Also. “Bill” has created post cards of this letter that can be downloaded at the ‘onenationunderfraud’ website over on the blogroll.

      Thank you!

  33. 87 attilasdaughter June 11, 2011 at 10:10 am

    A happy happy birthday Dr. Kate!!!!!!!
    Enjoy Yourself and take it easy,

  34. 88 FiddlerBob June 11, 2011 at 10:39 am

    I might be worthwhile to indicate a cc of your letter to all of the sheriffs, police departments, election officials, elected local, state and federal officials, the FBI, and any area military * or militia, and news media. Wasserman-Shultz would have reason to believe that at least one among that group might take action.

    I’ll be working on similar action in my area.

    * (Too bad the Honduran military is booked for the season. They’re actually serious about their constitution and their oath to protect it.)

    Thanks for all you do and Happy Birthday.

  35. 91 uguesswhat June 11, 2011 at 10:58 am

    The Obama thieves already at work to steal the 2012 election.


  36. 92 Quantum Leap June 11, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Go shopping for your B’day. Buy yourself an outfit. It’ll make you feel good. Swim, barbecue and party.

    Why is there no news about JAPAN? There are 3 complete reactor meltdowns and the ground is liquifying but I don’t hear a peep about it.

      • 94 heather June 11, 2011 at 4:36 pm

        Not only exploitation but extortion in the highest to the Japanese people and their country. Just because Japan refused to join to “big boys” they in turn get raided with WMD courtesy of the red, white and blue. What has our country turned into? After Pearl Harbor Japan vowed, with a treaty to never use WMD again against the US. But these NWO thugs with their power hungry greed want every single countries resource for their pockets and the world doesn’t work this way.

        Sooner or later someone or something will rain down devastation on these thugs and it can’t happen soon enough. They are all so disgustingly dangerous.

      • 95 heather June 11, 2011 at 4:57 pm


        “White Dragon society and its allies” —– who are these people? Are they on our side?

    • 96 heather June 11, 2011 at 12:26 pm

      All I read the other day QL-was that the island is uninhabitable. Isn’t nice that one country can destroy another one to point of genocide. that is exactly what haarp did to Japan….and possibly others as well.

      Talk about WMD—-I think we have them all. And I am ashamed to say this.

    • 98 Tenacity June 11, 2011 at 11:32 am

      Here is the letter from Clifton Hodges, attorney for Michael Cottrell who is an associate of Leo Wanta. http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/56983508?access_key=key-yacphdh389hl5n7q7xn

    • 99 drkate June 11, 2011 at 1:33 pm

      So, I am beginning not to believe this at all. This is the constant harping of the White Hat report, the failed efforts, the letters we have no idea reached anyone. This now feels like a huge scam and Wanta or whatever his name is has no intention of releasing anything. What is the truth? I don’t see it here.

      • 100 Tenacity June 11, 2011 at 3:03 pm

        Kate, Happy B-Day btw, It turns out that Wanta, without authorization, used the asset of the trust that I have discussed with you. Now this does two things, it shows that Wanta used some less than ethical means to raise these monies in the first place, but it also verifies that he is real. I have verified via other sources that these letters have been delivered. Here is the one that followed the one posted above. http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/56969846?access_key=key-ffdzhkoknbtoonkigwd

        • 101 heather June 11, 2011 at 7:28 pm

          Chris Story said the money was being held up by the Bush Sr and Barbara, the bookkeeper and the Obamas and the Clintons–is this why all of a sudden Hillary wants to job as the head of the world bank? So she can cop it before it can actually be released?

          I so wouldn not put anything past her or them.

      • 102 Drew June 11, 2011 at 3:17 pm

        I agree… The Wanta scam — sounds like the Nesara scam; the Hatonn- Ekkers- Dove- GAIA ‘Phoenix Project’ cult, etc… (it’s endless).

        How can anyone believe a thing any of them say?

        Are they all run by the same infernal operation?

        e.g. … NESARA – A Bad Joke … by Joel Skousen


        • 103 Tenacity June 11, 2011 at 5:36 pm

          The Wanta situation started under the Reagan administration with him as an ambassador. That much is of public record. The other scams that you mention have not involved federal court. The monies Wanta has had control of have been held in trust for the American people and has been acknowledged in federal court.

          This story has been under a media blackout because the power elite have been doing everything they could to steal these monies. This is likely what cost Vince Foster his life.

          Ekkers fraudulently used the same trust instrument that Wanta initially made use of, but they were just scammers and not working in an official government capacity as Wanta was. Ekkers was just out to rip people off…petty thieves. Wanta amassed a great amount of money and assets playing the international currency game with the intent of crashing the USSR economy.

          • 104 heather June 11, 2011 at 7:02 pm

            Ten–this is what Christopher Story was investigating (worldreports.org) prior to his sudden suicide (yeah right). He had busted the entire story wide open and followed the money trail to the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas (to include Michelle mother and both daughters). The money was supposed to be released to America sometime last yr and then his death… This money was put there through the Reagan administration because he knew that America would be on the brink of devastation one day.

            Here we are–where is our money.

            Glad to see you post this-thanks.

            • 105 Tenacity June 12, 2011 at 10:15 am

              Heather, I cannot speak to Reagan’s motives. Reagan was very close to the Vatican, closer than other Presidents. Making use of the trust instrument/Peruvian gold debenture that did not belong to them, as it represented a debt owed by the U.S. Treasury and was not in their possession, was dishonest and a crime. Thus the gain from that operation may be owed to the trust in payment of the Treasury debt. That would be a good thing because the true beneficiary of the trust has offered to pay the national debt on behalf of the people, freeing the people from the Luciferian banking cartel.

              Christopher Story, if he is in fact dead, oscillated in his perspective of Wanta. He started out thinking Wanta as somewhat righteous, then reported him as being a farce & not to be trusted, then came back around to seeing him with reasonable integrity. So looking at Story’s writings will leave one confused unless you see the whole chronology. The long and the short of it is that the money does exist and we need to do what we can to keep it from the hands of the Luciferian elite. They have already stolen part of it and are licking their chops to get at the rest. That money could do a huge amount of good, but, like the rest of our production, will likely be stolen and used against us. Prayer and fasting must accompany all of our other efforts, for our success rides upon divine providence.

              • 106 drkate June 12, 2011 at 10:53 am

                Thanks Ten. And as always, what do “we need to do to keep it from the Luciferian elite?”. No one seems to know, so we keep publishing these endless stories of what is supposed to happen.

      • 107 Rosemary Woodhouse June 11, 2011 at 8:36 pm

        I opined quite some time ago that these stories were nonsense. As you well know disinfo abounds to obscure that which is true. Please be careful.

  37. 109 heather June 11, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    Please laugh—everyone!

    • 110 Katie June 11, 2011 at 12:53 pm

      Heather – I DID! Out loud!! (And it felt so strange because I don’t laugh much these days.)

      THANK YOU for that little reprieve. (Dogs rule!)

      And in return, I give you this heartwarming and joyful little interlude…Meet Maria the goose! Something that will bring smiles to all of you! I promise ~ This is great!!! 🙂


      • 111 drkate June 11, 2011 at 1:28 pm

        Oh that was great!

      • 112 heather June 11, 2011 at 3:47 pm


        How absolutely adorable-that goose mated with that guy! Animals are so very smart–I have had them all. Back in 1987 I got a yellow front amazon parrot, a blue and gold macaw, and a mulucan cockatoo all 2 months old–and hand fed each one of them all day and night! They were awesome, they sang, danced, whistled, talked and fought and argued with each other. My house sounded like a rain forest from the screeching. We had them for 20 yrs and after awhile I just could not take the constant daily cage cleaning and as bonded as we were I had to find them homes, which I did. They were so well trained to go potty only in their cages! So birds will bond and mate with humans.

        Now I have an 11 yr old female boxer, a 9 yr old male bichon and my newest addition is a rescued kitty–seal point siamese-female and I think adopted animals are much more appreciative of a good home than most others. And the best part about this adoption is that all 3 get along so well—and I trained the cat to be a dog because I have always had dogs–and so now she thinks shes a dog! So funny!

        Thanks for that video–and of course Katie had to make fun saying it was strange. I must say how strange she is! All about Katie!

    • 113 drkate June 11, 2011 at 1:28 pm

      😀 loved it!

    • 114 JanH June 11, 2011 at 7:08 pm

      That was mean.


  38. 115 drkate June 11, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Here she is, a true idiot

    • 116 Katie June 11, 2011 at 2:03 pm

      Robert Gibbs long lost twin?

      Didn’t think there could be two people that incompetent and stoooooooooopid.

      What am I saying? This regime is full of it!!!

    • 119 Quantum Leap June 11, 2011 at 2:08 pm

      I CAN’T WATCH HER. She lies so much she makes zero sense. Can someone tell her to go wash her hair. How can she chair the DNC if she doesn’t even know how to take care of herself (hair) ❓
      Come on Democrats PansyCrats. You can do better than this can’t you?

      (a PansyCrat is a NEO socialistic facist communist……)

      • 120 Tenacity June 11, 2011 at 3:14 pm

        Remember the joke about satan’s sister? You know..’you don’t scare me. I’ve been married to your sister for xx years.’ Well that’s what Schultz makes me think of. She is one sick demented person…the epitome of evil…possessed, literally. As Jesus said, Mark 9:29 “And he said unto them, This kind can by no other means come forth, but by prayer and fasting.”

        Time for an exorcism.

    • 121 heather June 11, 2011 at 4:40 pm

      First of all, her hair always looked so dirty! Second she only repeats what she hears, she has no brain of her own…..She’s a younger version of Pelosi.

  39. 122 no-nonsense-nancy June 11, 2011 at 2:07 pm

    Kate, I hope you are having a great day! Are you spending it with your mom?

  40. 123 Quantum Leap June 11, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    Before I forget.


    Pansycrats are ready and set to infiltrate the TEA PARTY and blogs.
    They pose as the GOPers
    They are easy to spot by their use of language. They will claim to be a Republican and any number of things designed to fool you and to sway your thinking.
    Advice: At the first sign of an infiltraitor PansyCrat, cut off all dialogue and ban them. Alert those around you at TEA PARTY events that a PansyCrat is in attendance and posing as a T Partier and if possible have them removed. They may try and lie and say they are not a PansyCrat but the slightest inkling is enough to discontinue all contact with them.

    Guilty until proven innocent.

    Be on the look out for them and never let your guard down to these obvious liars.

    • 124 drkate June 11, 2011 at 2:19 pm

      I also think there have been some ‘sleeper’ infiltrators who are among us now. You can recognize them by their diversions, advancing new theories, or claiming bravado somehow. They are different than the ones who are just ego driven, and there are lots of those too.

      • 125 heather June 11, 2011 at 4:52 pm

        Well then we need to fight fire with fire–who cares who is offended by our conservative and constitution beliefs–rain on them before they rain on us–or eat them before they eat us.

        Remember we will always know the difference.

  41. 126 Quantum Leap June 11, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    In the meantime, infiltrate the PansyCrats like I will be doing again. Don’t forget that they are paid to say and believe what they do, so no matter how insulting you are to them, they don’t care because they do not have any beliefs, except the ones they are told to have for a paycheck. They LOVE to confuse and play mind games. They get their shits and giggles and commoraderie from it. Do not answer any PansyCrats questions about policy or ‘belief systems’ ………Cut them off! ❗ disengage all contact with PansyCrats right as soon as you suspect their true identity

  42. 127 Paxson June 11, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    Dr. Kate, Wasserman Schultz IS a complete moron, on top of that she’s a liar. All one needs to do is listen to her to know this. She is willing to say anything at the time to “win” a debate. She has made multiple gaffes recently as the chair of the DNC that if it were Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann, the LMM would still be ridiculing them. Yet the dumbkopf keeps getting a pass as do the rest of them. Our country is doomed until our media starts doing their collective jobs again.

  43. 129 Drew June 11, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    from –

    The Ultimate Legal Defence:

    “Just read an article the other day about a guy who has a unique defence. He claims the Queen of England has violated he coronation oath. The oath says she will only enforce Gods law (the first five books of the Bible). She violated this with her very first decree. This makes her illegitimately on the throne. That also makes B.A.R.(British Accredited Registry) illegitimate. This also means no Judge can here this case, as it is a challenge to his/her legitimacy, and he/she must exclude themselves from cases he/she has a vested interest in. This would force a jury trial, putting the judicial system on trial. That was my understanding anyway I’ll post link if I can find it again.”

    — EndtheFED&IMF – 6/11/2011 11:59:31 AM

  44. 130 JinAlabama June 11, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    Happy birthday drkate. Kick off your shoes, grab some nice scented candles and bubble bath and a Michael Bolton Love Songs CD and relax. You deserve it. Thank you for your true patriotism and boldness. Love you and all you do for us.

  45. 133 Jan June 11, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    Wasserman just called for weiner to resign.

    It is a crying shame the news will spend so much time on this creep instead of going after obat

    • 134 bill June 11, 2011 at 8:06 pm

      Jan,Just my opinion but this is exactly what the artful dodgers want,anything and everything possible to take the minds off the criminal fraud we have sitting in our
      White House.I firmly believe ,if we stay focused,we can end this treason.cheers

  46. 135 JinAlabama June 11, 2011 at 6:32 pm

    OT but what is up with this

    Rare, Aggressive Fungus Strikes Joplin Tornado Victims


    Wonder what kind of disease a doctor has not seen is infecting these poor people. I don’t know if anything like that has happened to the victims in my state but it would not surprise me.

  47. 138 Stock June 11, 2011 at 7:03 pm

    Happy B-day Dr. Kate-

    Thanks again for all you do.

    On another note-Tenacity-great idea-an exorcism for DWS

  48. 139 heather June 11, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    Weiner (foxnews) is asking for a leave of absense to “seek treatment”…..for his sex scandal…fire this creep-he has NO business in any leadership role what so ever. He is a sexual pervert, offender and I bet he could be dangerous when it comes right down to not getting his own way with any female.

    • 140 Troy June 11, 2011 at 7:31 pm

      “seek treatment”???

      I didn’t know that being a little immature lying jackass was an ailment for which “help” could be sought…..The only “treatment” that will help that little prick is to take Tango lessons with Wassermann Schultz out in the middle of a crowded freeway. ..effer!!!

      • 141 heather June 11, 2011 at 8:45 pm

        lmao—-just posting what is reported!! Yeah BS–treatment, just another way to keep his job, after all he is not a lawyer and has never held another job just a civil servant with a huge paycheck, and a leased car and an expense account all charged to us!

        btw-did you know that these “civil servants” have office expense accounts and charge whatever they want–including a sizeable auto lease and also rents and mortgages on 2nd homes in DC—-so why can’t they creeps telecommute or meet once a month…..let them all stay in their own districts and we could save millions this way. They certainly have no need to live 4 days a week in DC. Where in the constitution does it say we have to provide for their livihood—.

  49. 142 Troy June 11, 2011 at 7:51 pm

    Here is some clever “civic action”
    President’s newest scandal becomes laughing matter
    Obama’s potentially fake name, alias takes to Facebook to spoof its owner
    Posted: June 11, 2011
    1:25 am Eastern

    By Drew Zahn
    © 2011 WND

    Screenshot from Harrison J. Bounel’s Facebook page

    A potentially false name tied to Barack Obama’s Social Security number has become the object of a Facebook spoof.

    Using the name “Harrison J. Bounel” – a suspected Obama alias, based on official records – a Facebook user has created a social media page lampooning the sitting president.

    The Bounel name appeared earlier this year after a debt collector discovered a Harrison J. Bounel listed under the same address and using the same Social Security number as Obama.

    Shortly thereafter, satirist Peggy Knutson of Oklahoma City created the “Harrison J. Bounel” Facebook page, which makes all sorts of digs at the president’s past, politics and policies.

    Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in the nation’s history, in “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President.”

    Facebook’s “info” page on Bounel, for example, includes the following:

    •Under family, the page lists Stanley Ann Dunham as the mother and the father as “???”

    •Bounel’s employer is listed as George Soros, and his job is listed as “puppet.” Under job description, the page reads, “The Muslim Brotherhood (the Bros for short) and I are cutting that uppity Israel down to size – 1967 size.”

    •Among “people who inspire” Bounel are Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers and Mao Zedong.

    •Bounel’s favorite games are listed as politics and charades.

    •His favorite quotations are listed: “‘We are the Ones we have been waiting for.’ – Me; ‘I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.’ – Me; ‘I won.’ – Me, again.”
    (Story continues below)
    Read more: President’s newest scandal becomes laughing matter http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=309793#ixzz1P1h8VHcI

  50. 146 anonymouse June 11, 2011 at 8:02 pm

    Good grief he looks geriatric!!

    There is NO WAY THIS GUY IS 49

  51. 149 Papoose June 11, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    Bahmann / West 2012

  52. 150 uguesswhat June 11, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    That cocaine sure is eating up Obumer’s face!!

  53. 153 Grace June 11, 2011 at 9:58 pm

    Thank you, Dr. Kate, for all you do. I read daily, but don’t post often. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! May the Lord bless you and encourage you as you have been a blessing to all of us! Happy, happy birthday!

  54. 154 Drew June 11, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    White House: Transparency Behind Closed Doors? — May 16, 2011

    “I think there are discussions, even about transparency and developing rules about transparency that we need to be able to have quietly and behind closed doors.” — Daniel Gordon, White House staff

    • 155 bill June 12, 2011 at 2:45 am

      Ah Yes Drew,”Transparency Behind Closed Doors” Now that is the ticket ! Definitely one of the most absurd statements I have ever heard.Thanks for posting.cheers

  55. 156 Joe Goldner June 12, 2011 at 12:40 pm

    We need to get rid of Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2012. She has thrown her constituents under the bus for political gain. She has failed her constituents in supporting Obama first on Obamacare which threw the seniors over the cliff and then she supported Obama on Israel which threw the Jewish community over the cliff. We need someone who will stand up and efeat these policies, someone who will work hard for his constituents and will fight for true conservative, constitutional principles. that person is Joe Goldner the only true conservative running for congress in district 20!

  1. 1 Here It Comes Folks: Charles Schumer Creates Tyranny Bill S.679 ~ This Bill Constructively Violates The Constitution By Eliminating Congress As We Know It And Giving Dictatorial Powers To The President. « Political Vel Craft Trackback on June 11, 2011 at 4:05 pm
  2. 2 STOP S.679 ~ Charles Schumer Dismantles U.S. Constitution For Dictatorial Powers With Bill S.679. « Political Vel Craft Trackback on June 27, 2011 at 1:18 pm
  3. 3 STOP S.679 ~ Charles Schumer Dismantles U.S. Constitution For Dictatorial Powers With Bill S.679. « Political Vel Craft Trackback on August 15, 2011 at 10:17 pm
  4. 4 STOP S.679 ~ Charles Schumer Dismantles U.S. Constitution For Dictatorial Powers With Bill S.679. | Political Vel Craft Trackback on August 25, 2011 at 8:53 am
  5. 5 Dr Kate on Sheriff Joe « bobsbox Trackback on September 29, 2011 at 12:14 pm
  6. 6 Food For Sheeple: Sen. Charlie Schumer, D-N.Y. ~ Democrats Can Gain Senate seats in 2012 ~ But The Lost Democrat Seat He Held For 18 Years Doesn’t Count. So He Passes S.B. 679! | Political Vel Craft Trackback on December 1, 2011 at 12:39 pm
  7. 7 FRAUDOCRATS « bobsbox Trackback on February 25, 2012 at 5:06 am
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