Archive for October 7th, 2009

Choose Liberty!

©2009 drkate

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense was probably one of the most important ‘pamphlets’ to be published  in the 1770’s, and had more impact on compelling the American people to revolt against the British than all of the scholarly, learned papers produced during the days leading up to the American Revolution. The pamphlet spoke to people, it made sense, and it inspired them to take the courageous step to break from Britain’s rule.

More than 233 years later, Thomas Paine’s words resonate, reminding us of our liberties , our responsibilities, and why tyranny is at our doorstep now.

And if you want to see the signs of tyranny which look particularly familiar today, with schoolkids singing ‘praise Obama’ songs, take a look at this 1942 U.S. Army film:

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October 2009

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Since 8/15/09


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