Archive for March 11th, 2012

Coincidence or Pattern?

©2012 drkate

Mockingbird as agent of deception

For many people, there are no coincidences, only patterns of actions that betray the larger picture.  I must say that since beginning this blog in August 2009 I have come to see it all as a pattern, with no coincidence; the trouble has been deciphering the pattern, or which pattern is playing.  And how they combine or are separate.

There is a much larger evil that has become evident in the usurpation of the presidency by Hussein-Obama-Soetoro-Soebarkha.  It is not just a usurpation, but it is the culmination of centuries of world domination sought by the privileged few.  And even that large pattern has its umbrella in the works of satan to pollute and destroy God’s children, God’s world.  Confusion reigns as does darkness.

The tip of the spear which sparked my development was the anointment of Obama as pResident of the U.S. in 2009, and all the criminality that led up to it.  As we peeled back the layers of this bad dog, we found the larger sinister forces at work conspiring for world control.  We stumbled across the connections with  the federal reserve; past assassinations, with the World Trade Center attacks in 1993 and 2001; with Carter, Brzezinski, Kissinger, Nixon, the Clintons, the Bush clan–all just investigating the usurpation of the presidency by Hussein-Obama.

As it turns out, the usurpation was planned long ago; the powers that be were just waiting for the moment when Americans would be so dumbed down and exhausted that we would vote for Obama ‘to prove we were not racist’.  In my opinion, they waited too long to install ‘the black guy’, as America had moved past racism a long time ago.  Oh yes the race card worked for a while, but it did not deter true Americans from seeking the truth about Obama-Hussein.  For each time we get close to the full exposure of this agent of terror, something terrifying happens to Americans or America.  To wit:

  • HRC says Obama is not American: out comes the gender and race card, unleashed ferociously, with the lame stream media, obutt supporters, your family and neighbors accusing you of being racist; sadly we find that HRC and Obama collaborated to keep the focus off Obama’s illegitimacy
  • Larry Sinclair on his affair with Obama:   Donald Young is murdered in December 2008;
  • Legitimate American concerns expressed through proper channels are summarily dismissed without so much as a peek at the merits of the case, or alternatively, judges take nothing and rule on everything.
  • Obama in Hawaii to strong arm the HI democrat party:  Granny Dunham dies.
  • The release of the fraudulent electronic version of Obama’s ‘LFBC’:  Bin Ladin is murdered again; The Navy Seals knowledgeable about the so-called Bin Ladin ‘raid’ are taken out when their helicopter crashes;
  • A democrat operative taken out because he saw something about Obama that would blow his cover
  • Breitbart murdered on the day of Sheriff Arpaio’s report

The luciferians behind this destruction never expected Americans to figure this out, and each murder, assassination, worldly diversion is designed to keep us from focusing on the illegality of Obama…the one place where removing the person would expose the whole conspiracy against America and the world.  Our constitution specifies who can be in that office of the president, and we have no legitimate president right now.  The millions in bribes, threats, the sacrificing of our entire worth…has followed his usurpation.  That’s a lot of work, money, and blood invested in keeping the illusion alive.

Satan is the god of confusion and liars.

If any of us on this blog or others that focus on Obama’s destruction and identity are taken out, you know where to look.

March 2012

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Since 8/15/09


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