Archive for the 'natural born citizen' Category

Lyin’ Clinton-Cruz 2020!

©2016 drkate

Two snakes in the grass that deserve each other. But I have to admit that is a ‘catchy’ and truthful campaign title for a couple of the most profound lying politicians in the world!

Good bye to you both!

Oh by the way, Ted, you will never be eligible for the presidency, your senate seat is now at risk and you will have no supreme court appointment.  When you raise your hand to take an oath, who will ever believe you again?

Chris Christie on Lyin’ Ted


Ted Cruz made some powerful enemies last night!


Please use this open thread to document remarks on the distrusTED Cruz!  Already many say it was the longest political suicide note evah.



Confirmed: The Parties vs. America

©2016 drkate

Any questions?

parties v america

Well, if you still have questions about what has been exposed during this election cycle, consider this:

communists and clinton

The left wants America destroyed. Republicans want America destroyed. Democrats want America destroyed, all in the name of globalism. The parties choose the candidates and “vet” them too–that is how we got Obama, and why three constitutionally ineligible republican candidates were allowed to run–Rubio, Jindal, and Cruz.

And look at how the “parties” hide in plain site everwhere:


Our first President recognized the dangers of the parties:

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

And finally, Americans have awaken and are in full revolt against the corruption of these middlemen.  And the middlemen and financiers hate Trump because he has exposed it all… their influence, money-minded decision making against Americans, and their betrayal of the principles which made America that “shining city on the hill”.  The gravy train built on theft from Americans is over.

He may not be perfect, but Trump is the only choice for America!  Trump knows about the false song of globalism,which is destroying us:

Open thread!

Rubber Meets the Road for the RNC/GOPe: Cruz Ineligibility

©2016 drkate

It absolutely does not matter if “obama and the DNC did it”, the RNC/GOP globalists have now been caught running the same scam by running ineligible candidates for president (Cruz, Rubio, Jindal), and it will fail.  Yes, they can run who they want, but

  • can the delegates, who take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, vote to nominate a constitutionally ineligible candidate?
  • Can the RNC place Cruz’s name into nomination?

Cruz knows he’s ineligible for the presidency….and many count on the democrats, particularly Representative Alan Grayson to file a lawsuit against Ted Cruz based on his constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

But remember, the democrats are the party of Obama, who was/is ineligible….anyone think the dems will raise the issue of Obama in their suit against Cruz?  Or will they use it as leverage on a pResident Cruz?  My guess is on the latter–its good leverage on someone you want to control forever.

Natural Born Citizen Basics

  1. NBC is a National Security Safeguard. The natural born citizen clause in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution was designed as a national security safeguard to prevent the foreign takeover of our Nation and military.  It applies only to the president and the vice president.  It is about having a Commander in Chief and President who has sole allegiance to the United States.
  2. Circumstances at Birth determine natural born citizen status.
    1. One must be born on the soil of the United States.  This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for natural born citizen status
    2. One must be born of two citizen parents, those parent citizens being under the jurisdiction of the United States.

About 85% of Americans are natural born citizens and meet this three-legged stool test, shown below for Marco Rubio.  This applies also to Bobby Jindal.


Ted Cruz has only one leg of the three-legged stool:  “Mother a U.S. Citizen”.  Cruz was

  1. Born on Canadian soil, not U.S. soil
  2. Mother was a U.S. citizen subject to the jurisdiction of the United States
  3. Father was a Cuban citizen, subject to the jurisdiction of Cuba, not the United States.

Can’t “make” a Natural Born Citizen through Statute

The essence of natural born is that you don’t need any act of law, or statute to be born with the status of a natural born citizen.  You can become a citizen through a statute, but never a natural born citizen.  Regarding Cruz, all this business about “well his mother was an American citizen” indicates an attempt to statutorily make Cruz a natural born citizen.  But as you can see from the above diagram, having a U.S. mother is only one of the legs of a three-legged stool.

Also, if you were born somewhere else–i.e., Canada–you were not under the jurisdiction of the United States at birth, despite the mother’s citizenship status.  Cruz was born under multiple jurisdictions, and therefore has multiple allegiances

Here’s how you can become a U.S. Citizen:

  • Statutory
  • Naturalization

Again, it is not possible to “make” a natural born citizen out of statutory law.  A dual citizen may not be president.

You know this really should be the end of the story and simple to understand, since so many have been working on this since 2008!  Our experience with Obama shows the damage that a person with no allegiance to America can do.  Now we have the Cruzers, still blindly following “what they’ve been told” to stupidly promote Ted Cruz, and thus the final nail in the coffin of America.


No to the North American Union!

Open thread.


Media Thrilled With Trump’s S.C. Victory!

©2016 drkate


trump wins

Well, I guess the South Carolina firewall failed, and the Trump margin was so big that it overcame the e-fraud, robocalls, and millions of dollars spent by the establishment republicans to stop Trump.  Bush was finally eliminated as a contender, at least up front.

LC believes the next strategy will to be to keep K-sick (for easier pronunciation), Rubio, and Cruz alive.  The hope Cruz will take Texas, K-sick will take Ohio and Michigan, and Rubio taking Florida. And then the brokered convention with Rubio on top and Bush as VP.  Crazy, yes?  But for the establishment, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Meanwhile, and before the work really begins, let’s savor some Trump moments!

Our friends Diamond and Silk with “our man, Donald J. Trump”


diamond and silk

After the win in South Carolina, backstage

Trump family backstage

The Atlanta crowd:



Eric and Donald J. Trump on their way to Nevada!

Eric and the Don

Latest Nevada poll:

NV caucus



Open Thread!


Constitutional Hypocrisy

©2015 drkate

Hypocrisy: a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess

The Canadian, Ted Cruz, running for U.S. President, claims he believes in, supports, and “lives by” the U.S. Constitution.  He says all the right things to make people swoon over him.

Then why is he running for president knowing he doesn’t even meet the basic requirements of Article II Section 5 of the Constitution?  To be eligible for the presidency, Cruz would have to be (a) born in the United States, and (b)born to two American citizens.

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada and only one parent, his mother, was an American citizen.  His father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of little Teddy’s birth.  He believes that you all have forgotten about Obama’s ineligibility and will give him a pass, since he is “such a constitutionalist”.

We all know where a huge blame lies for allowing foreign born agent Obama into the White House, and in large part it is the republicans. They have to run ineligible candidates now because they didn’t do anything about Obama.

I’ll never forget that even Ron Paul said he wouldn’t mention the eligibility issue because ” he didn’t want to get laughed off the floor.”  They acted as if the constitution was irrelevant, or something like a “menu”, and ridiculed, threatened, economically ruined, arrested, and marginalized American citizens who knew Obama was unfit for office.  Those core of people who developed all the legal arguments are still working on this issue, tirelessly.

But don’t forget also the Tea Party (generally) who would not have anything to do with Obama’s eligibility, and still to this day ignore Article II of the Constitution as they back all the ineligibles–  Rubio, Cruz, Jindal –because they sound “conservative”.

It is no mistake that they are running for President…many of them backed by the republican rino elite, putting up a few  constitutionally ineligible “conservatives” to fool the base, to promote Jeb Bush, and to draw the base into its lawless and unconstitutional behavior.

The latest excuse for those who continue to profess they are constitutionalists is “well, we’ve had an ineligible pResident for 2 terms, so the precedent is set.” And that of course ignores the huge damage done to America because of that foreign usurper.  Our military, our health care system, our morals and values, our economy, the hatred of America and Americans—that is what the Founding Fathers wanted to prevent by requiring that a natural born citizen only can hold the office of the president.

That is just like saying the constitution is a menu. And that is my problem with Cruz.  If he was really a constitutionalist and conservative like he says, he would not be running for office.  In fact, his announcement should have said something like:

Although many have asked me, and I give them great thanks, I am not running for the office of the President because I do not meet the constitutional requirements for the office.  Although I am a U.S. citizen now, I was born in Canada.  In addition, only one of my parents was an American citizen at the time of my birth.  As an American, I am committed to continuing to serve America.

Simple.  Unless you want to play the game of “conservative compromise” with all the other politicians.

Scott Walker wants “a conservative voice to rise above Trump” right now, so that’s why he dropped out instead of his poll numbers collapsing overnight after Trump identified the billion-dollar deficit in his state.  So now we know the definition of “conservative” does not include the constitution.  Imagine that.

The time is now for discernment–on and in every level of your life.  That goes for presidential politics  as well as what and how you participate in local or national political work.

Be principled, not political!

Open thread.

Infiltration: THE National Security Hazard

©2015 drkate

Remember the “outrage” over this cover of the New Yorker, how it “just couldn’t be true”?

Muslim in Chief

Muslim in Chief

Look where the U.S. flag is, look whose portrait is over the fireplace in the oval office.

And this photograph continues to show that Obama’s allegiance is with radical islam as he casually shows the muslim gang sign to other diplomats.

Obama muslim gang sign

US Obama Africa Summit

US Obama Africa Summit

So the New Yorker was right  A foreign agent whose allegiance is to our enemy infiltrated the highest office in the land with the full knowledge of the Congress, cabinet, and United States Supreme Court. And the media of course, that goes without saying.  The promise to ‘fundamentally change America’ meant “fundamentally destroy America”.  Terry Lakin caught Obama and exposed the military’s involvement in the cover-up of Obama’s usurpation of office.  Obama jailed and stripped him of his rank and pension because of it.

Such an assault on our country was not recognized by the general population until they began to feel it and see it, and their loved ones killed in war or by false flag events at home.  Although there were plenty of signs:


Our so called “leaders” left us wide open to enemy infiltration of and espionage on our entire government.  And to distract us, they destabilized  the middle east costing thousands of innocent lives.

So now there should be no outrage in exposing the true flag of Obama:

islam infiltrationobama

Who of this bank of candidates below will change this culture of corruption, including finding and firing the muslim infiltrators?  Do the elite think America will take any more assassinations so they can have their way?


No sense putting the democrats up here as all of them will simply carry on the terrorism of the Obama regime.

Open thread.

Eventually, Establishment R’s Will Go Bush

©2015 drkate

…and the rest of us will be bushwhacked once again.  A third ineligible entered the race in Rick Santorum, and I agree, the ineligibles are there as cover for Obama/Soetoro who is literally acting as pResident.  All we need is Jindhal to enter and all the so-called “conservative republicans” or “tea party favorites” will all be ineligible.

See how cleverly that shift has been played?  You can hear them saying

“…you conservatives and tea party people  didn’t really mean it on eligibility, did you?  what about your own guys…?”

All of this is choreographed to produce a ton of candidates, some as above, and others, as below, are all about protecting ultimately Jeb Bush, who I believe is the establishment’s choice.

Here are the eligible (so far) on the republican side:

  • Chris Christy
  • Rand Paul
  • Carly Fiorina
  • Ben Carson
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Scott Walker
  • Rick Perry
  • Jeb Bush

See how much “noise” Cruz, Rubio, and Santorum will add to the mix?  If they are the “true conservatives” they will be associated with ineligible candidates and the “moderates” will win.  I consider Rand a wildcard, just personal opinion.

So consider that it is our duty as Americans to vote, and that the “lesser of two evils” is still evil, that republican-democrat differences are a myth, but that “moderate republicans” are more blatantly democrats…and that until there is a written ballot again the machines will always be suspect.

I’ve prepared the following poll, then, from just the eligibles,  which you should take and look at the results, and then continue reading below.


Ok, so the republican nominees for President and Vice President will fall somewhere with the top two or three, if we leave this poll up long enough. But think about how the establishment republicans will make it fall to Bush?  What help will they get from the democrats?

I assert its time to seriously consider a write-in candidate for President and Vice President.  Remember the bottom line is we are talking about electoral vote, so its tops 13 states that control the electoral vote.  At a senatorial level Lisa Murkowski beat out the tea party favorite and primary winner with a write in ballot.  So we find the right candidates, print out the labels, and get them distributed everywhere.

So I am a dreamer, that is for sure.  But there is no reason on the local level and state level to start using this tool and stop re-electing the cowards and scoundrels.

Especially if the republican choice is Bush with, most likely, the “conservative ineligible”!!!

Open thread.


Obama Grants Amnesty to Himself

©2014 drkate

Under the cover of 5 million other illegal aliens living in this country, Obama granted amnesty to himself on November 20, 2014.

There go all the lawsuits, including Larry Klayman’s lawsuit requesting Obama’s deportation.  And the failure of Sheriff Joe to put his information up front, like he promised, means all of his “work” has been misrepresented and was not put forth in a timely manner.  Whatever he and Zullo “had” doesn’t mean squat now.  Interesting that Sheriff Joe now wants to file a lawsuit on Obama’s executive amnesty, with Larry Klayman, and no mention of Obama’s illegal alien status.  The “Joe” is playing right into the distraction campaign. Like others, this is a cover up the amnesty debacle with some other action that was long overdue.

Forging a selective service card, for example, eliminates any possibility that the forger can hold ANY executive office in the government of the United States.  The proof was there, but all the attorneys focused on hitting individual, low level employees with fraud, gabbing headlines and funding from otherwise sincere people who put their faith in attorneys claiming to have a smoking gun.

And Congress?  Don’t even get me started. Their excuse for not impeaching Obama now of course is a lame one…”have you met Joe Biden?”  That was Trey Gowdy’s line which is another cute trick and deception.

We have already won the battle against Satan and his minions; its just now a matter of how many millions will die before Satan is finally thrown in the lake of fire.


lake of fire


With a hat tip to QL, lets have an open thread on the “Lawless pResident”



American Twilight Zone

©2014 drkate

Who needs imagination?


rod sterling


Open thread on all things in the twilight zone!

A Federal Model of Lawlessness

©2014 drkate

I was struck by these words describing our situation in America, with a foreign agent acting as president, and the full capitulation of the government:

So the issue of the Birther forgeries was literally an operation coming from the operatives inside the Obama camp in their hired contractors. Just as Mockingbird was active in the JFK conspiracies, the same back fire was lit in the Birther issue in those forgeries. Inflame an issue with enough ludicrous forgeries, rough up Lt. Col. Terry Lakin for having an Asian wife, and allow the psychotic to act out with full protection of the police state, and the masses will never gell to impeach Obama, as the fight will be turned to how deranged the Patriots are…

Notice how the fundamental constitutional issue of natural born citizenship, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 got marginalized by the intentional creation of the “Birther forgeries” and then ridicule “Birthers’, who were nothing more than Americans who know that the Constitution is supposed to rule.   And we knew from the constitution and a few other places by doing our own research of the unconstitutionality of the man calling himself Obama without ever discussing the birth certificate. Elections had to be stolen, especially in 2012, and will be in 2016 for the same reason.

That basic violation of the Constitution throws a lot out the window, and perhaps that is the basic reason for the lawlessness of this administration and the tumble trickle-down effect on federal, state, and local agencies of government.  At one of the highest level in our government—the Executive–the laws of the United States are not implemented, whole branches of government are ignored or cut-out of decision-making, free speech is ignored or punished, and wholesale assaults on the freedoms which are guaranteed by our Constitution regularly occur with the very foundation of governance undermined and ultimately replaced.

Both the Judiciary and Congress have taken over control of certain areas, and left others alone,  which benefit their financial and political interests.  The common motivator is money and power–things of the human sphere–even if within their system there are fierce internal rivalries. They think they can buy a Stairway to Heaven, or rule the world, or even save themselves from certain change, wayyyyy beyond “global warming”.

…Sound Familiar?

The example set at the federal level is that you can violate the law and get away with it…thinking Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, that Congress won’t pay attention to it or will give it lip service, and that free speech is not respected nor is the public opinion.   For the first time in history the federal government has outwardly declared war on the citizens, at least the ones who call themselves patriots, veterans, Christians, constitutionalists, and… (name your favorite traditional American Organization here…)

Use this thread to check out your state, county, and local level governments and their ability to follow the rule of law.  How are they governed?  Who are they actually governed by?  How are our institutions changing?

How deep does it go?

America Arise!

America Arise!


Open thread, in addition to the request above!




Trouble for Birther Obama

©2014 drkate

obama-texasDoes anyone remember who the original birther was?  Why, it was that great usurper himself, Barry Soetoro Obama.  He, McCatskill and Clinton sponsored Senate Resolution 511 paving the way for the constitutionally-ineligible John McCain to run for President in 2008…and in doing so made sure that McCain could never raise the issue against Obama.  It was a ‘gentleman’s agreement between thieves.

Well, more people keep dying  by Obama’s multi-million dollar effort to buy off or threaten judges, to create the standing barrier against Americans challenging his eligibility, and to continue to wreak havoc on America as only a foreign agent can.  The infamous 2011 forged birth certificate, completed just in time to attempt to nullify Jerome Corsi’s work, had to be covered up again with the re-killing of Osama Bin Ladin.

Obama has a trail of dead people behind him, those who conveniently had to die to cover up the lie of his very existence and identity.  History will not be kind to this man-child, nor to those who stupidly enabled him and defend him still.

And now, the latest death of Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii Department of Health Director, is being exposed as occurring under very suspicious circumstances–in plane sight.  Look at and examine this video and the articles in this blog to quickly catch up to speed on this very deadly game being played by whoever is in the White House.

What do YOU see?

Open thread on the usurper!  😡

Message from America to Obama

©2014 drkate

C’mon Obots,  join the rest of America!  😛

Why is it that the socialists and communists are the most unpopular leaders in history?  😛

A majority of Americans now disapprove of Obama.  😛

Lock him out

Lock him out

Open thread on the usurper in the White House!   😆

Obama Disabilities and the 25th Amendment

©2013 drkate

Gun Runner

Gun Runner

Long before the current manifestations of Obama’s incompetence, debauchery, and danger to America, this blog and a few others pointed out that under the 25th Amendment, Obama is disabled and therefore unable to serve in office.  His principle form of disability in the first instance was, and remains, his ineligibility to hold the office because he is not a natural born citizen.  Article II, Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution requires that the President be born in the United States to two parents who are American citizens.

Obama set the stage for deceit by sponsoring a non-binding resolution (S.R. 535) that proclaimed John McCain eligible for the presidency even though McCain was not eligible because he was born off-base in a civilian hospital in Cologne, Panama.  McCain could not challenge Obama’s eligibility as he himself was ineligible.  And through voter fraud in 2008, the bought media, and the relentless use of race and gender to divide America, Obama coasted through the 12th Amendment procedure in the joint session of Congress to declare himself the pResident.  Not a whimper was heard from any of the so-called constitutionalists or conservatives, and every member of the Senate and House and every Secretary of State of the 50 States refused to do their duty and verify Obama’s eligibility.

Oh, yeah, I forgot…they all said “it wasn’t my job”…

We  all know that we were betrayed by the bench–the judiciary and the high powered attorneys–who twisted and made up reasons why the Constitution would not be followed.  American citizens spent thousands of dollars, risked their lives and livelihoods, were murdered, and were thrown in federal prison for daring to point out this most fundamental disability of the man who calls himself “Barack Hussein Obama”.

The failure of the judiciary and the unlawful lawmakers to follow the Constitution did not deter the investigations of Obama’s disability one iota.  Now we know that:

  • Obama’s birth certificate–produced on the White House website–is a 100% forgery
  • Obama’s Selective Service Registration is also 100% fraudulent
  • There is no evidence that he actually attended Columbia University
  • His real name is Barry Soetoro, and that he lost his law license because he failed to disclose his other names
  • Obama is a muslim and has lied about it consistently
  • Obama is at best a dual citizen (Britain, Indonesia) and never declared U.S. citizenship
  • ….

Yes it is possible to name more than a dozen characteristics of Obama that disable him from serving in any capacity of the federal government.  The penalty for selective service fraud alone is the inability to serve in the executive branch of government.  We know nothing about this guy who claims to be pResident…except that he is a tool of someone else.  He was the ultimate Trojan Candidate, and someone admitted the Trojan Horse.  His skin color and the enabling network became the condom shield through which he began immediately to screw America by fundamentally transforming the greatest country in the world.

Delusions, Narcissism, and Mental Illness



Never having worked a day in his life, the boy wonder began to fiddle while the world burned.  He has shown delight in an agenda that eviscerates our military and that degrades conservatives, and loves to participate in drone killing of women and children.  He has no problem invading other countries, threatening them, letting Americans die, and creating chaos at home and abroad.  He spends money recklessly to flaunt it in America’s face as we continue to spiral economically out of control.  Author John DeMayo notes:

Had a young Barry Soetoro been taught humility—instead of foolish pride—the boy who became King would have known better than to assume all his days would be full of accolades. Then again, maybe he is not capable of knowing the difference.
The serial lying and fraud goes beyond the observed diagnosis of narcissism, it is now bordering on the real possibility that Barack Obama is mentally ill.  Barack Obama is a failure, and now his signature death of America legislation–Obamacare just highlights his total incompetence and yes, continued disability to serve in the office he now occupies.  DeMayo again:
...Obama has never had to face failure in his life. Adversity perhaps, but not failure. President Obama has spent his life running away from his failures by seeking temporary and risky pleasures that fed his fragile ego and gratified his desire to be happy: Exotic travel, drugs, homosexual encounters, Islam. All collide with common man causes and a playboy appetite; all disturbing and conflicted excesses; all difficult for anyone to make sense of..
DeMayo believes Obama is a high-function mentally ill persona who is starting to show himself as all of his failures come forward:
…the high functioning mentally ill, live out on a constant limb, running between depression and excess to an occasional stop on a splintered branch called anxiety. A paramount fear of abandonment guides them to execute direct attacks against the things they wish to preserve and keep most. They are prolific liars and masterful agitators.
fuckerobamaNow, with democrats publicly turning on him, Obama is frightened and angry, and now more dangerous than ever.  He will seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with him before he can move on.  A good example is his purge of military leadership—over 200 officers who have counseled him to drop his war plans for Syria, to stop supporting terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood, and who question everything from his rules of engagement (aka the tie one hand behind our soldiers back plan) to the betrayal at Benghazi.
The problem is, each day that goes on he becomes more dangerous:
Each day this man is allowed to continue to re-invent the laws designed to restrict his behavior, America becomes more dangerous; weaker and more divided. Each day Obama is disappointed becomes another day he attacks those that continue to hold our nation together, even if they are on his team.
Impeachment, Arrest, or the 25th Amendment?
Which brings me back to the 25th Amendment.  Because Congress has been incapacitated–with the National Security Agency probably having every one of them compromised–we can neither expect impeachment or arrest.  The conditions that invoke the 25th Amendment are no less challenging: either the President or a majority of his cabinet must move to replace him. Sections 3 and 4 of the 25th Amendment read:

Section 3.

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4.

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

If the Vice President or any of Obama’s cabinet members expect to have any political future that does not include the gallows or a firing squad–for violating their oath of office and participating in treason against these United States– they might want to think about saving their own faces through this action.  If the republicans or democrats in Congress expect to have a future free of constant shame for having enabled this usurper to ruin America, they might want to save face by moving to remove Obama because he is unable to serve as President.
No, we constitutionalists, patriots and Americans are not going to forget what the political class has done to the once great America, but they can start correcting the error now.  Their final judgment is before God–whether they believe or not–and their destination is the eternal lake of fire.
7.21.08 Blitt Obama.indd

Questions for a Constitutional Convention

©2013 drkate

Of all the so called ‘Patriot Actions’ the one that is most disturbing to me is the call for a Constitutional Convention.  Over the last several years many have proposed new amendments to the Constitution, including some of the major provisions such as the qualifications for the office of the president, and other amendments that require Congress to follow the same rules as citizens of the United States and a balanced budget amendment.

What we don’t hear, even from the patriots, is the need to eliminate illegal amendments–those not ratified properly by the states– such as the 14th, 16th, and 17th amendments.  Nor do we hear calls for the restoration of the original 13th Amendment, which would have prevented lawyers (titles of nobility such as ‘esquire) to serve in government.  And of course, nobody talks about enforcing the existing constitution, which for example would eliminate the need for a ‘balanced budget amendment’ because Congress would have to stay within its enumerated powers.

So the lawyers and lobbyists across the country are pushing for a Constitutional Convention, glaringly a ‘con’ as in ‘con con’.  Remember this is the same group of people who were barred from serving in government by the original 13th amendment, which ‘disappeared’ from the Constitution  after the war of 1812.  The British burned the White House and the effort was to eliminate the records, research, and proceedings that produced the Declaration of Independence and the first Constitutional Convention which produced the Constitution for the United States.

The lawyers and legal profession, and its gaggle of judges, would go on to essentially ‘gut’ the Constitution’s provisions by developing the Administrative Procedures Act  (APA) and other “legal tools” to prevent we the people from even knowing the strength of the Constitution’s provisions and the protection of our  God-given rights enshrined therein.   The APA essentially makes it impossible to gut excessive agency development, for example, the EPA, and allows a suit only on the grounds that it violates the APA, not the Constitution’s limits on executive power. If the lawyers were barred initially from serving in the government, what are they doing now rewriting the constitution?

What will Disappear in the New Constitution? 

Photo of Ayers taken on September 11, 2001

Photo of Ayers taken on September 11, 2001

You can believe that our founding on God’s law–common law–will be eliminated.  This is the dream of all the marxist dems and all the republicans, now clearly just one part of the cabal that dislikes the American people and disrespects our founding documents, calls our founding fathers ‘terrorists’, and claims that our constitution is fatally flawed.  This propaganda has been spread to the general population through government schools (Common Core, anyone?), and now through our churches which have completed the ‘falling away’ as  2 Thessalonians 2:3 predicted.  And here we have Pastors saying that the American people do not deserve liberty anymore.  We can point fingers at everyone else as to who is responsible for this debacle, but when you point one finger at anyone three point back at you.

If our founding principles disappear, then all we have is a counterfeit.  That suits satan’s purposes just fine.  As long as we don’t remember God, or Jesus the Christ, our the founding principles of common law within the ten commandments, then confusion and lies will reign.  That’s the plan.

Questions for a Constitutional Convention

Is a Constitutional Convention an appropriate tool to renew the foundations of liberty in America?  Here are some questions for consideration that will help you decide!

  1. What will a Constitutional Convention cover?  What rules will limit the scope and coverage of a Constitutional Convention?
  2. How are the delegates to the Constitutional Convention selected?  Who selects them?
  3. What choice do ‘we the people’ have in selecting Convention Delegates and what assurance do the people have that these delegates will be truly representative of the people?
  4. Why are Constitutional Convention proponents mostly lawyers?
  5. Do people know that a Constitutional Convention has as much power as a joint session of Congress?
  6. Will the Constitutional Convention rewrite the constitution?
  7. How can we prevent the Constitutional Convention from rewriting the Constitution?
  8. It is known that the Obama regime has already drafted a new Constitution, its ready to go.  What will prevent Obama’s constitution from replacing our constitution?
  9. The original 13th Amendment prohibited lawyers (anyone who took a title such as “Esquire”) from serving in government.  Why is it that mostly lawyers are promoting a Constitutional Convention, and shouldn’t they be barred from participating?
  10. What provisions, or where is the law, that provides for a state to rescind its call for a Constitutional Convention?
  11. Will a Constitutional Convention be able to rescind or remove the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments, which were not properly ratified by the States?
  12. The Constitution is based on Common Law.  The lawyers have corrupted this and believe the Constitution is ‘case law’.  Will the Constitutional Convention return us to Common Law?
  13. Most attorneys ignored Article II of the constitution  which confirms that Obama is not constitutionally eligible to serve as president, saying it was  ‘a matter of interpretation’.  Who are they to now rewrite the Constitution?
  14. How can a constitutional convention defeat the liberal agenda when the call to revise the constitution is a call from the left, liberal, lawyers???

What is going on in your part of the country on a Constitutional Convention?  Where do citizens, legislators, Pastors, and attorneys stand on this issue in your state?

April Fools

©2013 drkate

Faker in Chief

Faker in Chief

Obama is so desperate to hang onto power that his false flags are openly broadcast and evident to all but the most obtuse.  A cold-blooded killer, he has no worries about setting them up to murder Americans.  You can bet when he’s involved, he will go to a ‘memorial service’ at the site.  Think Gabby Giffords (Judge John Roll’s murder), Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston. Think Andrew Breitbart, too, although Obama’s memorial would have been too obvious, and the dozens of people murdered during this regime’s reign.

The falseness of these events where Americans are murdered is shown by all the actors that show up to pretend they were gravely wounded–like the guy who faked losing his legs at the Boston Marathon, identified as a faker through videos of his actual loss of limbs in Afghanistan and his putting on a prosthetic at the site of the bombing in Boston.  Do you actually think that a man with both his legs blown off would be conscious and holding a tourniquet on his own leg?

And like magic, the media go on a feeding frenzy pointing out the suspect who was never involved in the plot in the first place, pointing away from the obvious involvement of  Obama’s hit squad–Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Naps Napolitano, Blackwater security, and dozens of other ‘lessor players’.  Of course, Obama is just using CIA assets who have been brainwashed in the MKUltra program, or hit with a drug like scopolomine.

An article posted here over a year ago identified the hallmarks of a false flag:

  • Staging events, or having staged against him—blamed on fake Tea Party, muslims, other candidate’s supporters, or others– that directly threaten or injure him or his family, solely to win a sympathy vote or ‘guilt’ vote.  Remember his trip to see his ‘dying grandmother’ in the fall of 2008.  Obama is willing to kill those around him or even injure himself in order to gain an edge on abject rejection in 2012.
  • Staging the “OWS” movement
  • Allowing/inviting/staging/provoking an attack against the American homeland
  • Creating new tensions in the middle east or other parts of the world
  • Causing agencies of the US (TSA, BATF, FBI, military, CIA) to become aggressive in limiting Americans’ movement, possessions, access to power, water or food
  • Price manipulation
  • Communications disruption
  • Creating a fake third party of democrats

And we add to the list

  • Broadcasting false flag events in advance, like Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing
  • Lying about false flags that went awry, i.e. Benghazi

Here is something possibly scheduled for April 28–a facebook posting on a nuclear event in Lost Angeles.  Now that this is out the city will be changed or the event scheduled for another time:

Do some digging on this please!  😯

What should our focus be on now?

  • Benghazi cover up
  • 2012 Election theft
  • Obamacare failure–and the republicans’ continued funding of Obamacare despite their feigned outrage for it
  • Obama’s continued lack of eligibility
  • Treason
  • (what ever happened to) Gunrunner
  • new aid to the Syrian rebels as Assad accuses the US of backing Al Queda in Syria
  • Continued bankruptcy of America by the federal reserve

…and the list goes on…

The mockingbird media–even the ones who are supposedly ‘exposing’ all of this, have their own agenda too.  Is it to stifle revolt, or to incite premature revolt of the American people?  Think carefully about who you trust right now.

The false flaggers will answer to God, and it won’t be pretty.  Got your place in the lake of fire yet?

Spiritual wickedness in high places, indeed.

Open Thread.

Court Rules Natural Born Citizenship Required for Presidency

©2012 drkate

Abdul Karim Hassan is a naturalized citizen who wishes to run for the Presidency of the United States. This even though the Constitution says “[n]o person except a natural born Citizen . . . shall be eligible to the Office of President.” Hassan v Scott Gessler,  Colorado SoS

Business Insider reported on September 5, 2012, Abdul Karim Hassan’s series of lawsuits claiming his right to run for the Presidency have been denied in the Second, Third, and now Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.  A similar ruling was issued September 28, 2012 for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

The significance of these rulings cannot be underestimated as they affirm that the natural born citizen clause of Article II of the U.S. Constitution has not been trumped, abrogated, or implicitly repealed by the Equal Protection guarantee of the Fifth Amendment nor the citizenship clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.  These arguments are the same ones used by Obama’s lawyers in fending off the legitimate challenges to Barack Obama’s candidacy and presidency; by the secretaries of state to refute ballot challenges, and by the media, pundits, Congress and the academics to cover up the usurpation of the presidency by Obama/Soetoro.  Of course, the corrupt SCOTUS hears nothing, sees nothing, and says nothing.

Obama and his supporters, the Congressional eligibility deniers, and the media have been soundly defeated and Obama is still ineligible to hold or run for the office he seeks.  What is more interesting is that the legal rulings lend support to the charges of misprision of felony that all members of Congress, and all the secretaries of state face in contributing to the overthrow of the White House.

This article briefly reviews the history of this case and its rulings.

The FEC Filing 

Presidential Candidate Abdul Hassan ruled ineligible as he is not a natural born citizen

Hassan, a Guyana-born naturalized American citizen, filed papers with the Federal Election Commission to run for the presidency.  Astoundingly, the FEC ruled in September 2011 that Hassan could file papers and raise money to run for president of the United States:

But the agency also told the prospective candidate, Abdul Hassan, that his campaign may not receive federal matching funds because he was not born in America. However, the agency’s decision stopped short of addressing the constitutional issue of whether someone born outside the United States can be president.

Importantly, the FEC made clear that it was outside it’s jurisdiction to decide the constitutional merits of Mr. Hassan’s candidacy, saying that vetting was up to the States:

“This does not mean that he can go and say ‘look the FEC has said that I am a candidate, give me money, I’m official,’” said Republican Commissioner Donald McGahn. “That is not what we do here; we don’t certify you as a candidate. That’s what the states do.” (emphasis added)

Democratic FEC Commissioners had ‘trepidation’ in issuing this unanimous opinion because of how it might be perceived.  They attempted to qualify and explain their rationale:

“By saying that it is okay — it does give the impression that we don’t see a problem,” said Democratic Commissioner Steven Walther. “I think that we really need to be cognizant of how this could be misconstrued.”

To address this problem, one of the final sections added to approved opinion states:

“Notwithstanding this conclusion, the Commission expresses no opinion on Mr. Hassan’s potential liability arising out of his proposed activities under any other Federal or State law, including any laws concerning fraudulent misrepresentation. Any such issues are outside the Commission’s jurisdiction.”

“For us this is really all about what we are empowered to decide and what we are not empowered to decide,” said Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub. “Nobody is saying that it is fine and nobody is saying it’s okay for this guy to be going out and raising funds.’

Ballot Access Denied in Colorado, New Hampshire

Hassan then proceeded to set up a website and attempted to get on the ballot in New Hampshire and Colorado.  When denied access by both Secretaries of State of each state, he sued.  He has filed five lawsuits which argued that:

… the Constitution’s natural-born-citizen requirement is a vestige of our less noble past, before we decided that discrimination based on national origin is a grievous wrong. (He points in his briefs to Dred Scott v. Sandford.)The lawsuits say the Constitution’s admonition that “[n]o person  except a natural born Citizen . . . shall be eligible to the Office of President” violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Hassan’s lawsuits have already been denied in the First and Second U.S. court of appeals. And the Tenth Circuit rounded out the trio on Tuesday when it too shut down Hassan’s case.

Complaint Against the FEC’s Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act

Hassan initiated other lawsuits aimed at the natural born citizen requirement based on these assumptions, and filed against the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act  (26 U.S.C. §§ 9001-9013) which provides public funding to Presidential nominees of major or minor political parties after the FEC issued an advisory opinion that Hassan did not qualify for any matching funding because he was not a natural born citizen.  Hassan argues that the Presidential Campaign Fund Act is:

(1) unconstitutional and invalid, and (2) the natural born citizen clause of the Constitution1 is irreconcilable with, and has been“trumped, abrogated and implicitly repealed” by, the Equal Protection guarantee of the Fifth Amendment and the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Now this is where it gets interesting.  The FEC as defendant submitted a motion to dismiss the case based on the same premises that have been used to try to defeat challenges to Obama’s eligibility.  That is,

Pending before the Court is Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss for lack of jurisdiction under Rule 12(b)(1), or in the alternative, for failure to state a claim under Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. (emphasis added)

The FEC also argued that Defendant argued that this Court should deny Plaintiff’s Application because

the Complaint fails to present an Article III case or controversy, and alternatively, because it does not present a substantial constitutional question. (emphasis added)

The government moved to dismiss the case–using the same arguments it has used to dismiss other cases against Obama–(1) failure to present a claim upon which relief can be granted, (2) lack of jurisdiction, (3) failing to present an Article III case or controversy, and (4) failure to present a substantial constitutional question.

The one argument missing from the government’s defense?  STANDING.

American Jurisprudence and Constitutional Legal Thinking

The DC circuit court dismissed Abdul Hassan’s case. The judge’s ruling denying Abdul Hassans suit against the FEC is illustrative for the process the Judge followed in making its conclusions.  As opposed to ducking jurisdiction and ducking its Article III responsibility to hear cases involving constitutional questions, the court determined:

Because subject matter jurisdiction focuses on the court’s power to hear the claim, however, the court must give the plaintiff’s factual allegations closer scrutiny when resolving a Rule 12(b)(1) motion than would be required for a Rule 12(b)(6) motion. Macharia v. United States, 334 F.3d 61, 67-68 (D.C. Cir. 2003). Thus, to determine whether it has jurisdiction over a claim, the court may consider materials outside the pleadings where necessary to resolve disputed jurisdictional facts. Herbert v. Nat’l Acad. of Scis., 974 F.2d 192, 197 (D.C. Cir. 1992). (emphasis added)

Regarding FRCP Rule 12 (b), the court determined:

A court need not, however, “accept inferences drawn by plaintiffs if such inferences are unsupported by the facts set out in the complaint. Nor must the court accept legal conclusions cast in the form of factual allegations.” Id. In addition,“[t]hreadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of action, supported by mere conclusory statements, do not suffice.” (emphasis added)

In other words, the Court actually took on the issue, was legally entitled to review additional information, and ruled it did not have to accept inferences or ‘legal conclusions cast in the form of factual allegations’.  Every one of the Obama challenge cases was thrown out first, on standing, and second, using the measly excuses such as failure to present a case, lack of Article III jurisdiction, or the ‘political question’.

Article II Still Stands

I hope everyone who has been involved in the eligibility movement can appreciate the significance of these rulings for the Constitution, the requirements of the Presidency, and all the work we have accomplished over the last several years.  It is critical to inform your friends who are skeptical of the ‘birthers’ or disappointed in the perceived failure of the 100+ cases challenging Obama that several courts have affirmed the natural born citizen requirement of the presidency–that it still stands, and that we are right and always have been on this issue.

Significantly the FEC believes the States are responsible for the determination of eligibility, just as the Article II Superpac, the Obama Ballot Challenge, the extensive legal work of many scholars, and manymany others have indicated.  The 2009 Continental Congress recommended vetting laws at the state level were required, and the Article II Superpac will continue its efforts after this election and into 2013 to ensure a vetting process is in place at multiple levels, to make sure the usurpation of the White House by an unknown, unvetted foreign national never happens again.

Please donate to the Article II Superpac to ensure its efforts continue through and beyond the 2012 election.  The national security of our Nation is at stake.

Voices Without a Vote

h/t Article II Superpac, Obama Release Your Records 

Voices Without A Vote” is a short ad featuring the generation of kids who will be inheriting the Obama mess in years to come. It is very well done with a powerful message any and all should hear prior to November 6. It’s already been viewed by 300,785 people. Let’s help it get to a million by passing it onto our networks.

On January 5, 2012, Dean Haskins, Director of the former Birther Summit, wrote an article titled “Update on New Lawsuit Filed Against Hawaii Department of Health on Behalf of Virginia Sunahara’s Brother, Duncan Sunahara.” This week Article II Super PAC ran an ad in the Washington Times Weekly and Daily to draw people’s attention to Hawaii’s Deputy Attorney General, Jill Nagamine, using, some suggest abusing, her power by blocking the Sunahara family from securing baby Virginia’s original Hawai’ian long-form birth certificate and by extension ALL Hawai’an’s original birth records. Why the State of Hawaii is fighting this extremely simple request spending thousands of taxpayer’s funds is beyond our ability to even make a guess. Rather, we find it disturbing that the brother of a baby who died over 50 years ago can’t secure her original birth certificate. Think about that…hhhmmm….50 years ago.

If you missed Monday’s Tea Party Power Hour radio show be sure to check out the podcast by clicking . Monday’s guest was Paul Kengor, Ph.D. author of “The Communist – Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor”


**Help the Article II Superpac get these ads into newspapers in the swing states and in front of the electoral college**

Donate Donate Donate Donate

Obama Against America

©2012 drkate

Now that the fraudulent “Arab Spring” has turned into openly whipped up rage and hatred against America and the West, our liberals are still in denial. Their power, their privileges, their huge vanity is at stake. That is why they are desperately trying to fool millions of Americans for the next two months. Expect two solid months of Big Lies. ~Denial is Now National Suicide

The Racist-in-Chief

Obama’s hatred of America was so clear from the beginning that people like me began writing about him trying to understand why he hated the U.S., when for all intents and purposes, he has benefited greatly from all the United States has to offer–education, opportunity, scholarships, book offers…he and his Wookie beard wife both received law degrees from prestigious universities, only to give them up before being forced to lose them over lies and fraud.  His campaign was hateful then and is now, with racist, bigoted, elitist core themes, skullduggery, and thuggish tactics that bring to mind the Chicago Mob on cocaine and steroids.

He never was eligible for the presidency, he never won that election.  He stole his identity, money, forged his papers, and paid off the media with illegal foreign funds and then turned around and stole more money from Americans to pay his debt off and enslave us.  And here are his voters, his people, his media, trying to justify murder and mayhem around the world.  What kind of sick minds do these obots have to continue to lie about the child-demon calling himself Obama?  American Thinker is right:  their tender egos and huge vanity is at stake so much so that they would trade their children’s lives just to be around this thug-stooge.
And now we face Obama’s true self having come out as a gay, muslim psychopath intent upon ruining America.  It’s all out in the open now, as are his legion of useful idiots who continue to lie and cheat their way in academia, the media, Hollywood, and government, spewing a toxic brew of leftist ideology sprinkled with hatred, lust, lies, and deception.  They follow these blogs and spam them, take on fake identities,  and putting on the whole suit of satan, care not one whit for humanity and flaunt their Godlessness.
Igniting the World to Win an Election: False Flags from Here Until November
The recent flare-up in the middle east was predictable and planned.  From the so-called anti-islam film made by a government informant and Obama donor, spread by the lying national and international media, to the placement of a gay ambassador in a muslim country, to the fake demonstrations, to the failure of the State Department and Department of Defense to defend Americans and America is like a sick script against (a) America, (b) the First Amendment, (c) Christians, and even (d) gays.  Imagine the headlines in the Arab world as America enforces Sharia instead of defending its Embassies:
Obama compares his voters to the Ambassador killed in Libya; laughs or lies about Christians, doesn’t attend his national security briefings–why should he? Mommy Jarrett attends for him as he is not in charge…purposely enraging and insulting any normal American.  It is war on his grounds, and he digs it.
In the meantime, he covers for the FED enslaving Americans forever.
Pay attention.  This is an opening salvo to more false flags designed to intimidate and enrage Americans, and the only way we can counter this is to talk about it.  WARNING–no one is kidding here.  Lame Cherry didn’t speak about a nuke in New York for nothing.
In 2012, its Obama Against America. And he will blame you–America–for his woes.

Blaming others is what liberals do best. It is a sign of desperation, of the breakdown of an ideology that is no longer believed even by its own priesthood. Liberals live near panic because their beliefs are crumbling. Let’s give them a little push. The life you save may be your country’s.

DNC Takes Off Without Obama

©2012 drkate

As the DNC takes off without Obama, the empty chair

Article II activists are busy letting everyone know that the Democrats have a problem, and so will every secretary of state if they certify Obama as eligible to be placed on their state’s ballot. Misprision of Felony is in everyone’s future, notwithstanding the poor job the judiciary did in ‘protecting’ Obama by violating the law.

The Article II SuperPac sent its CPD letter out early this week, followed by another terrific full page ad in the Washington Times. Meanwhile, attorney Larry Klayman sent a letter to Bob Bauer–Obama’s forger in chief–warning him of certifying Obama as eligible when there is no proof that he is…suggesting that charges of election fraud are forthcoming. And the Patriot’s Union has a great initiative underway that everyone can participate in…

And while you’re at it letting everyone know about Obama’s Achilles Heel, take a moment to caption this photo!

Open thread!  🙂

Arizona v. U.S.– Caption Contest

©2012 drkate

Read the SCOTUS decision in Arizona v. United States here.

Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is a victory for the rule of law. It is also a victory for the 10th Amendment and all Americans who believe in the inherent right and responsibility of states to defend their citizens. After more than two years of legal challenges, the heart of SB 1070 can now be implemented in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.” ~ Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Look at those red ears of  THE #1 illegal immigrant in the U.S.!  Will somebody please tell the Secret Service to speed when they are in Arizona, especially when in Maricopa County???  Multiple-occupant identity check, please.  😛

Caption Contest and Open Thread! 🙂

DNC Commits Nation-wide Election Fraud

©2012 drkate

The fundamental election fraud committed by the Democratic Party and the Democratic National Convention in 2008  is  documented in the nomination papers submitted to every Secretary of State.  In 2008 Nancy Pelosi swore that Obama met the constitutional requirements for the Presidency when he did not.   After the nomination convention, then-Chair of the DNC  Pelosi certified to the States that Obama was duly nominated the office as specified by the Democratic Party with the exception of Hawaii, where Nancy Pelosi swore that that Obama was constitutionally eligible–i.e., a natural born citizen.

Mouthpiece of 2012 democrat fraud

The Democrats will  commit the same kind of fraud in 2012 after the nomination of Barack Obama when Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in her private capacity as Chair of the DNC, a private club, certifies to every state that Obama is constitutionally qualified for the Presidency. This will happen in early September, and at that point  DWS commits the same fraud as Pelosi did in 2008  on the SoS of your state, which is a prosecutable crime.  Follow the paperwork.

Next up in the Obama ballot challenges is Florida’s case Voeltz v. Obama set for hearings on June 18 on the defendants move to dismiss the case.  Voeltz advances the ballot challenges on an important front challenging the authority of the Democratic Party to defraud the citizens of Florida by fraudulently advancing Obama’s name on the ballot.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been subpoenaed to appear.

The proceedings will be carried live on WND TV beginning at 9 AM eastern. Well said from The Steady Drip:

The Voeltz v Obama case is finally getting its first day in court Monday, June 18. Like all such cases, it challenges the right of the man who calls himself “Barack Hussein Obama” to be on the state ballot, because he hasn’t established that he is a natural born Citizen. The U.S. Constitution and Florida law require that, although they don’t specify how that is to be verified.


Florida is a must-win “swing state” for “Obama.” If he is not on the ballot, he simply cannot win. If he is successfully challenged here, or even nearly-successfully, it will create a host of problems in other states. Win or lose, millions will learn that they have been lied to– by the Democrats, Republicans, media, causing mass revulsion and rejection of Obama and any Democrats foolish enough to be closely identified with him.

Win or lose, these ballot challenges are important for the public education and the attention it provides.  The more the courts ignore the issue and the media fail to cover Obama’s lack of Constitutional eligibility, the more they are exposed as complicit and demonstrate their unworthiness to hold any position of public trust.  The more attention raised in key states the more each of those states’ Senators and Congressmen have cover for are obligated to object to the certification of electoral votes come the joint session of Congress on January 9, 2013.

Of political parties or factions George Washington warned, citing in his farewell address :

However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Corruption is an equal opportunity player in today’s charade of the republicans v democrats. As the “old democratic party” witnessed its hijack  in 2008 by the extreme left and other interests, so too are the GOP rank and file witnessing and challenging the republican establishment’s  hijack of binding delegates to the establishment choice at the Republican Convention. How far will the establishment republicans go?

It will be a fatal blow to the republicans if they choose a constitutionally ineligible candidate for the Vice Presidency…both parties are then officially dead adverse to the Constitution.  None of the information or evidence on Obama is going away,  and options for  prosecuting Obama while he is in and after he is out of office still exist, with more information developed every day.  There are no more rugs to sweep this under. That is why we can continue to expect many false flags this summer from the Obama regime.

The more Obama/Soetoro is exposed and his criminal activities revealed, the more desperate the diversion tactics will become.  The murders already completed have already rather blatantly revealed their hand and identity; any more will just confirm the information and further expose the network.

Lock him out, lock him up

“Admit the Horse”–A Political Thriller

©2012 drkate

“Set against the background of epic dislocation in the financial markets and a supine media, ADMIT THE HORSE is a political thriller about a dark-horse political candidate whose meteoric rise to the pinnacle of power is engineered amidst illegal campaign contributions, voter fraud, and murder –”

😯 My eyes popped open when I read the jacket description of this recently published book written by Paula Abeles, a host of the popular Sins of Omission BTR show at No Quarter.  Readers here  know that the iniquity of the assault upon our beloved America would also make a great novel…that would unfortunately be based on the truth. 😯

Based upon actual documented events during the 2008 presidential election, the author provides a riveting written documentary of  key threads of what we witnessed in the ‘election’ of 2008, and what has since been confirmed as we move toward the 2012 election.  The book makes good reading and is a page-turnerRevolution Radio recently hosted author Paula Abeles and the archive of the show is HERE.

This book gives me a sense of gratitude for the understanding of the thing we called it back then.  Those of us who love liberty knew that one candidate had the protection and assistance of something far greater than the man himself, and these pages have certainly discussed what those powers might be.  There was indeed a Trojan Horse at the door.  In novel style, Abeles describes how the horse was admitted. The characters include:

…a detective, retired DEA Investigator, an idealistic venture capitalist, an African-American congresswoman, and a suburban mom volunteering for his opponent.

Join us on Revolution Radio for an exciting discussion and review of this book, and the implications of our tasks going forward in 2012.  Please post any questions you might have for the author in comments! 🙂

This thread is dedicated to the remembrance of those events and people, and to the remedy which will make America renew and be anew in God’s eyes as we have answered that call.  Then, Open Thread !

Democrats Cut Your Losses

©2012 drkate

We told you.

Democrats cannot get around the fraud they will commit on the entire Nation if once again they put forth Obama as their nominee.

  • First,they will have to falsify documents, pay off the news media, order every judge in the land to keep quiet or else, threaten lawyers, cause civil war if they have to, distract by having to admit Obama is gay and muslim, play games with money, and make unholy promises and alliances to once again fool people into voting for him.
  • Second, they will have to convince 17 million republicans to stay home and flip another 10 million votes in order to steal the election as there is a palpable groundswell of millions who despise the usurper and those who put him there.
  • Third, every single politician that aligns themselves with Obama will suffer the consequences…aka, it still runs downhill no matter what color it is
  • Their fraudulent perpetration of Obama on America ensures the destruction of America, and the democrats’ role in bringing it about

PSST Democrats…throw Obama under the bus now and get another candidate.

Now we find more obvious proof of Obama’s deception all along:  ‘born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii”.  In true Mockingbird fashion, this shifts the discussion again to place of birth. Lest you believe the White House denial that Obama never saw this, or that his agent was exaggerating to make his story look exotic, take a look at this interview with Jack Cashill (h/t Troy)

So, did he lie about being born in Kenya or being born in Hawaii?  Will he pull a ‘gee, my mommy never told me’ trick?  Did he simply forget to change his name? Will Hawaii produce anything available for forensic examination? And what about this theory?

What is a self-respecting self-delusioned democrat to do?

The more perplexing question is, will this finally awaken Americans to  alarm, thought or action?

Throw the Usurper Out!

Obama is the worst of those who take advantage of everything America has to offer–including scholarships to good schools, preferential placement in key positions due to affirmative action and not merit, walking inside the halls of political power…and turned around and bit the hand that fed him.  He is shameless in his denigration of America.

Open Thread!

On the 11th Anniversary of Osama Bin Ladin’s Death, Obama vows to end the war in Afghanistan, again.

©2012 drkate

Since most of the world knows that Osama Bin Ladin was already dead before Obama killed him again, and his death kept a secret for some ‘future use’  when needed by a politician, it behooves us to discuss the significance of his death and its use by the politicos who love sending other people’s children off to war to get their legs blown off. (h/t SLA)

Let’s revisit why we know Bin Ladin was already dead by the time Obama claimed to kill his corpse again.  First, George W Bush gave it away in 2004 when he suddenly switched from “Wanted, Dead or Alive” to “I’m really not that concerned about Osama anymore”.

Zbig creating Osama Bin Ladin

Notice his body language, the blinking eyes, the failure to make eye contact, and the twisted mouth…all indicators that he is lying.  And, if Bush wasn’t that concerned about him anymore, why did he keep our soldiers in Afghanistan fighting and dying for nothing?  Bin Ladin was used as a pretext for passing the Patriot Act, the war in Iraq, and the development of the Department of Homeland Security and expansion of the government’s spying powers.  These wars were an excuse the drain the U.S. treasury of taxpayer dollars, too,necessitating more government borrowing and spending.    All this time, Bush and Congress kept up the foreign aid to those who supported our enemies.

Since Al Queda was created by the CIA and was still useful as a bogeyman,  remember in 2004 Bush had to release another fake tape of Bin Ladin threating America in order to ‘win’ the election against John Kerry–himself cheating against Bush while being outed as a totally false Vietnam medal-winner.  I remember many suggesting the ‘American Al Queda’ actually looked like Karl Rove…certainly it was a Karl Rove scheme aided and abetted by Osama’s creators, the CIA.  The new bogeyman was Saddam Hussein…as America moved money and soldiers to Iraq and forgot about Afghanistan.

Here are the coalition deaths by year in Afghanistan.  Notice the number of deaths have increased dramatically since Bush said ‘he didn’t care about Osama’, and even more dramatically since Obama took office.

Year US UK Other Total
2001 12 0 0 12
2002 49 3 18 70
2003 48 0 10 58
2004 52 1 7 60
2005 99 1 31 131
2006 98 39 54 191
2007 117 42 73 232
2008 155 51 89 295
2009 317 108 96 521
2010 499 103 109 711
2011 418 46 102 566
2012 93 16 31 140
Total 1957 410 620 2987

The number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq since 2003 is 4,480…in 2003 486 soldiers lost their lives and in 2007, 904 lost their lives. Bush and Cheney lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the United States spent billions and lost hundreds of millions of dollars there.

So much for the anti-war left.

2007 Bhutto Video

Before she was murdered, Benazir Bhutto also asserted that Bin Ladin was  killed in 2003 and buried in an unmarked grave:

Is this one of the reasons she was murdered?

The Hoax, Again.

Flagging in the polls and forced to release a hastily forged birth certificate, Obama had no choice to play the Osama card.  He probably needed permission from daddy Bush to do so, who was hoping to save it for use by Jebbie Bush as a ploy to steal the 2012 election.  But the story, matched by an already-in-waiting ‘public demonstration’ of gleeful murder in front of the White House that evening, was another hoax.  To wit:

Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for political gain and to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily manipulated in the run up to the 2012 election. Here are ten facts that prove the Bin Laden fable is a contrived hoax….

1) Before last Sunday’s raid, every intelligence analyst, geopolitical commentator or head of state worth their salt was on record as stating that Osama Bin Laden was already dead, and that he probably died many years ago, from veteran CIA officer Robert Baer, to former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to former FBI head of counterterrorism Dale Watson. In addition, back in 2002 Alex Jones was told directly by two separate high level sources that Bin Laden was already dead and that his death would be announced at the most politically opportune moment. Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under five different Presidents, serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under the Nixon, Ford and Carter, told the Alex Jones Show last week that Bin Laden died of marfan syndrome shortly after he was visited by CIA physicians at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001.

2) The official narrative of how the raid unfolded completely collapsed within days of its announcement. First there had been a 40 minute shootout, then there was no shootout and just one man was armed, first Bin Laden was armed then he was not, first Bin Laden used his wife as a human shield and then he did not. First the compound was described as a “$1 million dollar mansion” then it turned out to be a rubbish-strewn dilapidated compound that was worth less than a quarter of that. Almost every single aspect of the official narrative has changed since Obama first described the raid last Sunday as the White House struggles to keep its story straight.

3) The alleged body of Bin Laden was hastily dumped in the sea to prevent any proper procedure of identification. The White House claimed this was in accordance with normal Islamic burial rituals, however numerous Muslim scholars all over the globe disputed this claim, pointing out that Muslims can only be buried at sea if they die at sea. While the White House claimed that Bin Laden’s death on May 1st was proven by DNA and facial recognition evidence, such proof was never released for public scrutiny and the Obama administration refused to release photos of Bin Laden’s dead body, suggesting a cover-up.

4) Despite the fact that the White House released “situation room” photos which purported to show Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest of Obama’s security staff watching the raid which killed Bin Laden live, it was later admitted by CIA director Leon Panetta that Obama could not have seen the raid because the live feed was cut off before the Navy SEALS entered the compound. The photos were described by many as having “historical significance,” forming a “captivating” record of Obama’s greatest success and being the “defining moment” of his Presidency. One image showed Hillary Clinton with her hand over her mouth as if witnessing an anxious or crucial moment in the raid. Media reports at the time claimed that the photos represented the moment when “The leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.” However, the photos were staged as a PR stunt for public consumption, nobody in the photos ever saw Bin Laden killed live, nor did they see the Navy SEALS even enter the compound.

5) As even mainstream journalists began to cast suspicion on the official narrative behind the raid, the media reported that Al-Qaeda itself had confirmed every detail of Obama’s address the the nation. However, the conduit for such a claim was in fact an organization called SITE, which is a notorious Pentagon propaganda front run by the daughter of an Israeli spy that has been caught on numerous occasions releasing fake cartoonish “Al-Qaeda” videos at the most politically expedient times for both the Bush and Obama administrations. The SITE organization is nothing more than a contractor for the U.S. government, receiving some $500,000 a year annually from Uncle Sam, and yet the corporate media instantly swallowed and regurgitated the claim that “Al-Qaeda” had confirmed the official story after SITE directed them to an anonymous posting on an Islamic website.

6) Almost every single neighbor that lived near the alleged Bin Laden compound in Abbottabad that was interviewed by news reporters said with absolute certainty that they had never seen Bin Laden and that they knew of no evidence whatsoever to suggest he lived there. Since the town is a staging ground for the Pakistani military, which has a training facility situated virtually a stone’s throw away from the alleged Bin Laden compound, residents were required to show ID when they moved into the area. Pakistani troops and anti-terror police in the town refused to confirm that Bin Laden had lived in the house. Barack Obama himself admitted to 60 Minutes that the White House was only 55/45 sure that Osama lived there before the raid and this uncertainty prompted concerns that the US Navy SEALS sent in could have targeted a “prince from Dubai” or some other individual that was not Bin Laden.

7) The videos released by the White House this past weekend which purport to show Osama Bin Laden making Al-Qaeda tapes in October-November 2010 are almost identical to footage first released by Pentagon front group SITE nearly four years ago. Remember, a May 2010 Washington Post story reported how the CIA had admitted to making fake Bin Laden videos. Despite the White House’s insistence that the footage of Bin Laden is recent, he looks younger and healthier than tapes released almost a decade ago, having apparently dyed his beard black. A separate video that purports to show Bin Laden in his compound flicking through satellite TV channels depicts a much older looking man with a gray beard. Analysts have pointed out that the man has different shaped ears to real Osama pictures from back in 2001. A doctor has also pointed out the fact that the man in the tapes released Saturday has no problem moving his left arm, whereas video from 2001 clearly illustrates how Bin Laden was unable to move his left upper extremity because of a permanent injury probably related to damage to the peripheral nerves. Why the cameraman would film the back of Bin Laden’s head as he watches television is also dubious. Residents in the town of Abbottabad claim the man in the “television” video is not Osama, with one individual claiming that the man labeled by the White House as being Bin Laden is actually his neighbor, a man named Akhbar Han.

The Navy Seals who accomplished the raid on someone in Pakistan were murdered to hide the evidence, just as the body was dropped into the ocean.

The Usurper’s Re-Election Strategy

After safely instigating black on white murderous rampages across the country, and his OWS spring assault, Obama sneaks into Afghanistan to both brag about Bin Ladin’s death and to announce an ‘end to the Afghanistan war’.  Obama releases a commercial trying to reap the credit for whatever operation was used to kill Bin Ladin’s corpse..Romney crys ‘foul’–when they all know Osama was already dead.  (note: Betcha Mitt wanted to use Osama for himself, or save it when he was in political trouble.  Sorry mittens, that card has been played.)  This after months of Obama trashing our soldiers, tying their hands behind their backs so they can’t win the war, and despising America in the usual fashion.  Obama tries to claim credit as ‘the most important moment in my lifetime’ for killing Bin Ladin’s corpse.

Now Obama “pledges‘ (wink wink oink oink) to end the war in Afghanistan, already having promised that in 2008…he was against the war before he was for it.

Political Advantages of Keeping Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

There are many reasons Obama, Bush and Congress have betrayed and killed Americans in these so called ‘wars’, which were never legal wars.  In fact, too many reasons to list here…but I can think of a few:

  • Oil, oil, and oil, including pipelines
  • Drugs, guns, and smuggling of both
  • Killing American soldiers, wounding thousands, and killing the morale of the troops (remember the conviction of Lakin at Christmas-time 2010?)
  • Impoverishing America and wearing America’s spirit down
  • Distraction from the assault on the home front by Obama’s brownshirts (OWS, IRS, BATF, TSA, CIA, FBI)
  • The permanent ruination of the American economy and socialist take-over of industries
  • The geo-engineering attack on America, including floods, earthquakes, HAARP, chemtrails, and tornados
  • The development of the police state.
  • The NDAA–keep the wars going so all the provisions of NDAA, including the detention of Americans, are ‘in effect in time of war’
  • Military false-flag exercises with Chinese and Russian troops
  • Theft of the 2012 election and republican collaboration to that effect

Well Mr. Usurper, we are not fooled and see right through your transparent effort to boost your flagging, failing self and your utter stupidity in blowing wide open the NWO plans for our demise.  And Dick Morris, by the way, is trying to convince republicans to stay home and not vote because ‘obama will lose in a landslide’.  Yeah right… we know you are covering because Obama has to flip 30-40 million votes to win, which when he does, you republicans can blame it on the people staying home and not voting.  Yawn.  🙄

Obama’s hit list is a mile long and growing every day.  He just wants to chalk up all of America in his column, and plans on a second term to do us in.  We wait your next move, but you won’t know ours.

A Warning to Republicans

©2012 drkate

There are more than enough factors to suggest that Republicans will lose handily to Obama in the upcoming presidential election.  Here are just a few:

  • Your choice of VP nominee.  You’ve got problems.  They are named Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Bobby Jindal.
  1. All signs point to the unconstitutional choice of Marco Rubio–once the darling of the tea party, now a traitor to the constitution for not immediately bowing out of the running due to his non-NBC status.  Marco’s parents were not US citizens when he was born.  If you nominate the ineligible Rubio, how different are you than the usurper Obama?  Rubio supports the NDAA, supports internet crackdowns aka privacy invasion and has been singularly unspectacular in his first two years as a senator. He needs experience and you republicans should stop trying to play the race card by putting in a cuban to get the hispanic vote or to take Florida.  We the people aren’t as stupid as you think.
  2. Jeb Bush.  You really want to ‘bush-whack’ the American people again? “W” lied about the war in Iraq, gave us TARP (the grand cover up of theft), and gave us torture, the Department of Homeland Security, and any number of nefarious and dubious Executive Orders expanding the powers of the president.  Daddy bush, the grand master behind it all, ushered in the NWO, the CIA (formerly the SS), was present at all the political assassinations in the last 30 years, and still controls the game.  Bush Sr and Romney are best buddies.  Who do you think chose Romney for 2012?
  3. Jindal.  His parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born, and he is not a natural born citizen.  What deal did he make with Obama on the Gulf BP oil spill?  How has he compromised his state to ‘get along’?
  • Sweeping Obama’s ineligibility and crimes under the rug.  Your spectacular, intentional failure to address Obama’s ineligibility makes you complicit in the crime.  I suppose you think that just by winning the office you can ‘make this go away’.  On the contrary, we the people will have every right to ignore and arrest you for violating your oath of office.  Any of you republican candidates who fail to address this issue are sealing your fate with millions of us…far better to continue our efforts against the usurper (and the rest of you) because he is fully and completely exposed.  With you chicken republicans, it will be swept under the rug and never be addressed.  Heck you will probably reach into the private sector and pardon Obama of his treason.  Which makes you treasonous.
  • Your position on the NDAA and Homeland Security.  How are we to believe anything you say about the constitution, small government, the rights of the people when you support draconian actions to gleefully kill Americans or detain them indefinately—are you listening John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Michelle Bachman, Mitt Romney?
  • Your failure to tell the truth about income taxes, the FED, and fiat currency. As we face the collapse of the dollar, you discuss play games with the democrats about who gets taxed and how much, swear the FED stabilizes the economy, and continue to deceive Americans who are now waking up, in large part due to Ron Paul’s truth telling.  Never will Gingrich, Santorum, Romney ever talk the truth.  They are willfully ignorant, in fact, taking great advantage of the system.
  • Your position on unconstitutional wars.  Yes, lets keep sending other people’s children to get their legs blown off, while you rape in the profits from the military-industrial complex, give America to the UN, and pound your fist in false righteousness.

How many actually believe Romney will win?  Clearly these guys don’t:

Better watch out. A Gideon strategy may come around and bite you in the butt.

What don’t they want us to see?

©2012 drkate

The race card is a distraction.  And it looks like they’ve succeeded, again.

Cruising the internet in the last few days there are hundreds of articles on Trayvon Martin case, interracial violence, the history of racial relations in the United States,and the general level of violence existing in America.  This blog also took the time to discuss black-on-black violence.

If there was one article that knocked me back out of this focus on race, it was American Thinker’s article on Obama and the End of the Progressive Era, spurring conversations with friends reminding me of the distractions the left always provides to hide their true agenda.  While everyone is talking about the race card failing, and it being worn out, it actually has successfully diverted our attention again.

So what don’t they want us to focus on?

  • Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation of the illegality of Obama…the first law enforcement investigation to prove what we’ve known for a long time–that everything about Obama is fake.  The Arizona legislature is still holding up the eligibility bill, and our attention has been taken away from existing Arizona law (A.R.S. 16 311(B)) which requires Obama to submit a notarized form swearing he meets the qualifications of the office for which he is running…to wit, on December 13, 2007, Obama signed a form which falsely swore he was a natural born citizen.  Governor Jan Brewer was then the AZ Secretary of State.  The citizen petition that will bypass Governor Brewer has been signed by more than 1,000 people, and is headed to the Secretary of State and the AG, but the AG is now under criminal investigation.
  • Related to Obama’s lack of eligibility, several Indiana democrats were charged with voter fraud that occurred in 2008, where they forged hundreds of signatures to get Obama on the ballot.  Yes, the forging was ‘equal’ in that they did this for Clinton and Edwards, but you know who the real forging was for–Obama.  Just like the passport case.
  • Again related to Obama’s lack of constitutional eligibility, the document proving he was born in Kenya and came to the United States as an infant in August 1961 was uncovered in the Boston Public Library by the Daily Pen.
  • The ‘FED’ bought 61% of the U.S. Debt, in otherwords, WE bought the debt created by the politicians.  This is Bernacke’s  ‘quantitative easing installment no 3’ (QE 3).  This guarantees that illegal income taxes and other taxes will have to rise, further enslaving Americans…i.e, gas prices, electricity, food–all inflation based because ‘we’ bought the debt created by the politicians.
  • The SCOTUS discussion of Obamacare, where it was fairly clear that the Justices have a problem with the lack of constitutionality of the entire bill, particularly the mandate.  Obama’s reversal of his attack on Clinton’s health care plan and Obama’s threatening the Supreme Court on ‘judicial activism’ or overturning a ‘democratically passed’ bill by the supermajority left in Congress–and against the will of the American people
  • Obama’s threat to the Supreme Court over Obamacare
  • The pressure on Syria and the now funding and arming of the Syrian muslim brotherhood rebels
  • The Muslim Brotherhood running its financier candidate for President in Egypt, despite promises not to run a candidate, and the ‘shock’ of the Obama administration which armed and trained them
  • The civil war in Libya and the US involvement in Kaddafi’s murder
  • Obama’s ‘hot mic’ treason confession to the Russian president, which further masks Obama’s intent to steal the 2012 election
  • The fact of Republicans once again making a deal so that they run a nobody who (a) has no chance to beat Obama, or is (b) exactly the same as Obama, still controlled by the FED and international financiers, giving Americans once again the choice between the ‘lesser of two evils’
  • Obama accusing the republicans of that which he is a proponent of–social darwinism (that was bold)

The Anti-Christ Exposed

Don’t forget that all of this is trying to hide the fact that ‘anti-christ’ thinking has been exposed–in the luciferian bankers and politicians, the ‘left’, the muslims, the ‘progressives’, and all those lying wonders we have been warned about.  It may not be one individual at all, but a whole way of being mastered by multiple entities and individuals.  Which means we are completely vulnerable to deception by great ‘lying wonders’ produced by all of them–earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, even UFO’s–a Nazi technology.

All roads still lead back to Rome, the Jesuits, and the luciferian army which is having a field day with our confusion.  It is intentional.

Keep your eyes and ears wide open lest we fall to the temptation of minutiae which means nothing in the larger scale of things.  We ARE in the end-times, keep your focus on the true God.

What else are we missing and not supposed to see?

Coincidence or Pattern?

©2012 drkate

Mockingbird as agent of deception

For many people, there are no coincidences, only patterns of actions that betray the larger picture.  I must say that since beginning this blog in August 2009 I have come to see it all as a pattern, with no coincidence; the trouble has been deciphering the pattern, or which pattern is playing.  And how they combine or are separate.

There is a much larger evil that has become evident in the usurpation of the presidency by Hussein-Obama-Soetoro-Soebarkha.  It is not just a usurpation, but it is the culmination of centuries of world domination sought by the privileged few.  And even that large pattern has its umbrella in the works of satan to pollute and destroy God’s children, God’s world.  Confusion reigns as does darkness.

The tip of the spear which sparked my development was the anointment of Obama as pResident of the U.S. in 2009, and all the criminality that led up to it.  As we peeled back the layers of this bad dog, we found the larger sinister forces at work conspiring for world control.  We stumbled across the connections with  the federal reserve; past assassinations, with the World Trade Center attacks in 1993 and 2001; with Carter, Brzezinski, Kissinger, Nixon, the Clintons, the Bush clan–all just investigating the usurpation of the presidency by Hussein-Obama.

As it turns out, the usurpation was planned long ago; the powers that be were just waiting for the moment when Americans would be so dumbed down and exhausted that we would vote for Obama ‘to prove we were not racist’.  In my opinion, they waited too long to install ‘the black guy’, as America had moved past racism a long time ago.  Oh yes the race card worked for a while, but it did not deter true Americans from seeking the truth about Obama-Hussein.  For each time we get close to the full exposure of this agent of terror, something terrifying happens to Americans or America.  To wit:

  • HRC says Obama is not American: out comes the gender and race card, unleashed ferociously, with the lame stream media, obutt supporters, your family and neighbors accusing you of being racist; sadly we find that HRC and Obama collaborated to keep the focus off Obama’s illegitimacy
  • Larry Sinclair on his affair with Obama:   Donald Young is murdered in December 2008;
  • Legitimate American concerns expressed through proper channels are summarily dismissed without so much as a peek at the merits of the case, or alternatively, judges take nothing and rule on everything.
  • Obama in Hawaii to strong arm the HI democrat party:  Granny Dunham dies.
  • The release of the fraudulent electronic version of Obama’s ‘LFBC’:  Bin Ladin is murdered again; The Navy Seals knowledgeable about the so-called Bin Ladin ‘raid’ are taken out when their helicopter crashes;
  • A democrat operative taken out because he saw something about Obama that would blow his cover
  • Breitbart murdered on the day of Sheriff Arpaio’s report

The luciferians behind this destruction never expected Americans to figure this out, and each murder, assassination, worldly diversion is designed to keep us from focusing on the illegality of Obama…the one place where removing the person would expose the whole conspiracy against America and the world.  Our constitution specifies who can be in that office of the president, and we have no legitimate president right now.  The millions in bribes, threats, the sacrificing of our entire worth…has followed his usurpation.  That’s a lot of work, money, and blood invested in keeping the illusion alive.

Satan is the god of confusion and liars.

If any of us on this blog or others that focus on Obama’s destruction and identity are taken out, you know where to look.

Carnival Barky

©2012 drkate

The Chief Carnival Barker, Barrack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka Obama talks about what a distraction it is to focus on the fact that he has no legal identity in the United States.  So much of a distraction it prevents him from completely annihilating our country as quickly as he wants to.

This classic video was re-released by the White House on March 1, 2012, the day Sheriff Joe Arapio’s law enforcement investigation proved what Carnival Barky has been afraid of all along:

  • Obama cannot prove he was born in the United States because he can’t produce documents to prove it. Hence, we do not know his legal identity, nor can we say he ws born in the United States…

Hence, Obama’s nominating petition in each and every state is defective

  • Obama was not born to citizen parents

Hence, Obama has not proven he is an Article II ‘natural born citizen’ because he has not proven place of birth and citizen parents.

  • Obama is not eligible for the office of the president

Lock him out, lock him up

In each and every county, and in each and every state, the papers that the Democrats are putting forward–and Obama is signing–that proffer him as the candidate of the Party are defective.  The Democrats are committing fraud in each state right now. These are very simple points to hammer on, and now you have law enforcement to back you up.  What about the Sheriffs in your county…do they have the courage to stand up for the Constitution and to actually live their oath of office?

Head on down to your local democrat party office with a few signs letting them know you know they are committing fraud.  Write a few letters to the editor with these simple facts.  Put out a flyer or postcard, a poster or road sign: its time to challenge them on every single corner of every street in this nation.  If you can’t do that, support the Obama Ballot Challenge and the educational efforts of the Article II SuperPac. Yes, its been a long road, and yes, we’re asking again for your support.

Mouthpiece of 2012 democrat fraud

Create the record so that all of history and time, and our Creator will know, that we opposed the usurpation of the United States Constitution by the jackals, jackasses, and carnival barkers of the left wing sociopathic communist new world order odors of the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Update on Arizona Ballot Challenge

Plaintiff in the Pima County Ballot Challenge, Kenneth Allen, submitted a brief in opposition to the Arizona Democrat party’s motion to dismiss his challenge that is sure to make headlines and has already made the democrats steaming mad…so mad they have moved to strike the brief itself.  While it is expected that the judge in the case will dismiss it as all others before him, it is worth reviewing the standard democrat arguments and Plaintiff Allen’s challenges to them so as to ‘try your hand’ at using these arguments yourself.

Plaintiff Allen’s introduction to his argument opposing defendant AZDems motion to dismiss:

Comes now Plaintiff Kenneth L. Allen in opposition to Defendant Arizona Democratic Party (“the Party”) Motion to Dismiss on the grounds that Defendant cannot guarantee to the Plaintiff nor the citizens of Pima County that it will not commit fraud as it certifies that candidate Barack H. Obama is constitutionally eligible for the office of President of the United States. 

Typically, the democrats cite disparagingly the “49 cases that have been dismissed resolving forever the discussion the Obama’s eligibility:

Exhibit A (listing 49 federal cases and 3S state cases rejecting arguments made by “birthers” in one form or another. Motion to Dismiss, Az Democrats

Plaintiff Allen’s response:

VII. Defendants Erroneously Rely on Case Law that is Irrelevant to this Complaint.

Defendants, in a footnote (fn3 p 2), erroneously claim that candidate Obama’s eligibility for president has been addressed already by a series of cases across the country, cases which have never argued the merits of candidate Obama’s status as a natural born citizen, and cases which have never addressed specifically a ballot challenge. Defendants compare apples to oranges. Contrary to Defendants haughty claim, there is no legal authority or court in the country that has ruled on or definitively stated that candidate Obama meets the constitutional qualifications for the presidency

Defendants proffer Obama’s birth certificate released by the White House as proof positive of Obama’s birth in the United States, making it a central part of the case.   Plaintiff Allen’s response:

VIII. Defendants “Make Up” a Definition of Natural Born Citizen that Conflicts with Existing Case Law, cannot be supported by the facts and Cite No legal authority for their Definition.

While erroneously relying on case law that does not address the merits of the definition of natural born citizen, Defendants make up a definition by stating that candidate Obama is a ‘natural born citizen’ because he was born in the United States (Hawaii) to an American citizen mother, that is, a single citizen parent (Defendants at 2, 1-7). Defendants proffer Exhibit A, a purported copy of candidate Obama’s birth certificate, as proof of his birth in the United States.

Plaintiff asks this Court to take judicial notice of the March 1, 2012 findings of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio which state that there is probable cause that the Hawaii birth certificate proffered as evidence that candidate Obama was born in the United States to a U.S. citizen mother is a forgery and thus a fraudulent document . Defendants cannot definitively state that candidate Obama was born anywhere in the United States, which is just one of the characteristics of a natural born citizen.

Defendants also erroneously interpret Minor v Happersett and include the Fourteenth Amendment as necessary to the discussion of the term natural born citizen (fn6 p 5). The Fourteenth Amendment is not relevant to the discussion of natural born citizen as it concerns only the requirements to be a citizen of the United States; did not refer to or modify Article II; and never once mentions ‘natural born citizen’.

The purported Birth Certificate of candidate Obama (Exhibit (A) has been proven to be fraudulent through investigation of Sheriff Joe Arapaio. Because the defendants have brought the argument about the birth certificate here they should provide all documents for inspection and have made this issue relevant in this case.

The Arizona Democrats step in the pile big time…making up out of thin air their own definition of natural born citizen, and relying on fraudulent documents to do so.  They also erroneously try to use the case of Wong Kim Ark–long a standard bulwark of the flat-earth eligibility deniers–and the Fourteenth Amendment to argue for the illegitimate Carnival Barky:

XII.  Defendants Erroneously suggest the Fourteenth Amendment grants ‘natural born citizen’ status to candidate Obama.

 Defendant erroneously focuses on the case of Wong Kim Ark (69 U.S. 649 (1898)) and the term ‘citizen’, failing to recognize that the case is completely separate from and did not decide that Wong Kim Ark was a ‘natural born citizen’.  Wong Kim Ark became a citizen, not a  natural born citizen, of the United States.[1] Defendants also claim that candidate Obama is a natural born citizen based on his birth in the United States, a statement that is now without merit in light of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arapio’s report (id note 2). 

[1] Wong Kim Ark’s children would be natural born citizens of the United States if Wong Kim Ark married an American citizen.

Finishing the party off in grand style, Plaintiff Allen reasonably concludes:

Because Defendant cannot prove that candidate Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States as required by the Constitution, and cannot prove he was born in the United States,  this case should proceed on the merits of the questions initially asked of this Court. Absent this case, Defendant is likely to commit fraud on this Plaintiff, the citizens of Pima County, state and county officials of Arizona, and the citizens of Arizona by failing to conclusively validate the Party’s candidate for the president.

It is important to note for this case, as probably in others, the Democrats argue that they have exclusive privilege to select their candidate for president–irrespective of whether that candidate is eligible or not.  In this case, the Democrats argued that even with that right, the Plaintiff should bring in all other counties in Arizona to the dispute.  Challenging their authority, the Plaintiff retorts:

IX. Defendants claim a right to choose the Party’s candidate—irrespective of qualifications—to place on the Arizona ballot.

 Defendants ask this Court to dismiss this ballot challenge because it has the right to choose the Party’s candidate whether it has proof of the candidate’s eligibility or not. By stating this, the Party represents that it is representing candidate Obama’s efforts to secure a place on the Arizona ballot. Plaintiff opposes Defendant’s motion to dismiss because Plaintiff does not believe that the Party has a right to defraud the citizens of Arizona by putting forth a candidate that does not meet the qualifications of the office sought.  Defendants have offered no proof of candidate Obama’s constitutional qualifications for the office, rely on patently fraudulent documentation (fn 5 p 5), and demonstrate disrespect of the Plaintiff and the voters of Arizona who have a right to vote for a constitutionally eligible candidate.  Defendants also demonstrate spurious disrespect for Constitution of the United States (fn 3, 4 p 2).

What the Plaintiff is pointing out to all of us is how much information we have already and that we don’t need to be lawyers to start taking them on.  This is a citizen complaint, written by ordinary citizens. Get copies of these documents from the Obama Ballot Challenge site, there is a lot of good material to use in your own letters and documents.  You will be well-versed in how the democrats use smoke and mirrors to deceive, and how to break them into so many shards of glass.

Rise America

Eligibility Cold Case Posse Report-Open Thread

©2012 drkate

The long-awaited report by Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Obutt’s lack of eligibility will be broadcast live for your viewing on Thursday, March 1, 2012 beginning at 3 pm EST.  World Net Daily will be offering a free copy of the report, sign up below!



Phoenix, Ariz – Article II Super PAC is joining World Net Daily (WND) and the Western Center for Journalism to live stream the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse Investigative Report of Barack H. Obama initiated following a request from Tea Party members from Surprise, Arizona. The Maricopa County Cold Case Posse is made up of retired career law enforcement officials, legal professionals and skilled investigators.

The seven month long investigative report will be released to the public on March 1, 2012 and Vattelevision, Article II Super PAC’s multi-media team, will be working with WND to bring it “live” to the citizens throughout America and the world.

WND will be providing an Executive Summary of the report and to be certain to receive it we encourage people to go to WND and sign up.

Helen Tansey, Director of Article II Super PAC said “We are thrilled to be joining WND, America’s leading independent news source who has stayed on top of this story and kept all of us readers informed since the investigation first launched.”

Tansey went onto say “no official source ever vetted Obama prior to the 2008 election, but just a mere political party. Well, that’s not good enough. The people deserve to know those who are seeking access to our ballots meet the qualifications laid out under Article II of the US Constitution, and for the first time an official law enforcement entity is doing what should have been done long ago.”

 The time of the press conference on March 1, 2012 will be announced by WND when finalized.

The live-stream can be watched live online at WND, Western Center for Journalism and Article II Super PAC.

Live-stream can be accessed at the front-page and here,


The WND TV live-streaming event is also made possible through the support of the Western Center for Journalism and Article II Super PAC.

Open thread!

Democrats as Agents of Fraud

©2012 drkate

Misprision of Felony:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. Title 18 U.S.C. § 4

Reporting on the Obama Ballot Challenges across the nation and in Arizona specifically, in each and every instance the Democrat Party has been served with summons’ and complaints by the various elector-plaintiffs who have challenged Obama’s right to be on their state’s ballot.  And in each and every state; in every town and city where the Democrats operate, they are actively perpetuating fraud upon the citizens of their state by falsely pushing Obama’s name  onto the ballot.

For the record, Obama is not a natural born citizen due to his father’s citizenship and foreign allegiance, and is at best a dual citizen; Obama has also failed to prove conclusively that he was born in the United States. Finally, Obama has failed to provide evidence of his repatriation to the United States or evidence of a legal name change after his adoption by an Indonesian citizen.  His legal identity as Barack Hussein Obama is what his hat-hangs on.

In 2008,

  • DNC Chair and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi lied to each state by stating Obama was ‘constitutionally qualified’ for the position of president.
  • Obama himself knowingly falsely swore in Arizona to be a ‘natural born citizen’, affixing his personal signature to a document which was required for him to be on the 2008 ballot in Arizona.  Perjury or false swearing is recognized as a crime in Arizona and other states

The state of Arizona accepted as true the false sworn statements by Obama and thereafter placed his name on the ballots.  He was then elected President.  The voters in Arizona were directly defrauded by Obama’s false affirmations.

When Obama  swore he was eligible, he lied.  He didn’t swear that he might be eligible or that there was a good chance he would be found eligible.  He swore that he was – in fact – eligible. Obama’s certain affirmations under oath and penalty of perjury are false.  He could not have been certain and he should not have sworn that he was.   He’s guilty of false swearing despite whatever definition of natural-born citizen comes down the pike.

  • The Hawaii Democrat party went against its own rules and certified Obama as constitutionally eligible to appear on their ballot…a mysterious visit to Granny Dunham, her death, and the appointment of the HI Democrat Party Chair as Lt. Governor in 2010 followed.

Current DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Shultz promises to do the same to the American people–knowingly falsely certify Obama as constitutionally qualified for the party’s nomination.  Swimming in bribery money or drowning in threats to life and limb, all the democrats who work for Obama and place him on the ballot, produce and distribute literature on his behalf are committing a crime.

And they should be told about it.  Send them all a copy of Title 18 Section 4.  And advise them to quit their jobs before they are all finally ensnared in conspiracy to defraud along with the chief Obutt and his repulsive ‘wife’–herself no stranger to false ids and social security numbers…Guadelupe and Harrison Bonnel, anyone?

Oh how the Democrats scream and yell when they are served with legal papers summoning their presence in a lawsuit challenging their Obutt’s name on the ballot.  They run away, block your car from exiting the parking lot, or throw the papers on the floor.  But there is no way they–the Democrat party’s subdivisions, officers and employees– will be able to avoid criminal charges for their participation in one of the greatest thefts and scams in United States history, second only to the FED and the Sixteenth Amendment.

In Pima County, Arizona, plaintiff Ken Allen recently filed a ballot challenge pursuant to Arizona regulations.  The Democrat party was served, along with county officials and a status conference held on February 23, 2011.  The Judge in the case was ‘not certain’ he had jurisdiction but when presented with evidence that he had, quickly granted leave to the plaintiff to file an amended complaint by March 1, 2012.  The Democrat party, Pima County Attorney, Barack Hussein Obama, and others will be served and trial strategy is being planned.  Remember, Obama has already lied to Arizonans once before, and we know he will do it again if the Democrats are complicit in submitting fraudulent documentation to the Arizona Secretary of State.

In the meantime ballot challenges in Pennsylvania, Florida, California, Indiana, Alaska, Illinois, Georgia, and several other states are continuing.  In Georgia, plaintiff’s attorney has submitted a motion to suspend the Georgia primary election based on the egregious, arbitrary and capricious actions of Georgia’s SoS and “Judge” Malihi.  Don’t forget that Georgia got two nuclear plants in exchange for the Judge and State officials’ betrayal of their citizens.

Why the Militia?

©2012 drkate

After the Georgia court’s decision, why not the militia?

Malihi is a traitor and has blatantly violated his OATH OF OFFICE, if you ever signed one. I call for his resignation from the bench. You are unworthy sir and have betrayed our constitution, our republic and the PEOPLE who are your employers. You are a de facto government agent, incapable of making an impartial finding of fact or determination of law…a disgrace. When a man is incapable of putting his own personal interest, even under duress, beneath that of his oath of office, then he must recuse or resign. You fail to do the first and now it is time you did the latter. (~h/t reader Tenacity)

As reader Troy points out, however, Malihi left the door wide open for the case to go up to the U.S. Supreme Court, knowingly or not.  When it gets before SCOTUS, we do expect them to rule in the Obutt’s favor, because to do otherwise would convict Chief Justice Roberts of treason for knowingly swearing in a usurper.  That will be our signal.

In 1789, Thomas Jefferson warned that the judiciary, if given too much power, might ruin our Republic and destroy our rights:

“…the Federal Judiciary: an irresponsible body, working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one…it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we are separated…”

Like Judge Carter, Judge Malihi woke up one recent morning with a bloody horse’s head in his bed, and decided to save his life and his paycheck instead of uphold the law and rule properly in favor of the Constitution for the united States of America.  The state and citizens of Georgia were unmercifully threatened…and promised nuclear power plants (aka union jobs)….if….

Waking up to corruption in America is nothing new, and after years of battling the most corrupt administration in our history, led by a usurper, we find the judiciary, and the 99% of attorneys and law schools in this country, are corrupt to the core…intent upon destroying our republic.  Appeals of course are possible, and I suppose if the GA Secretary of State has not found a horse head yet in his bed, he could ignore Malihi’s  administrative ruling…but this is the power of a usurper and his accomplices to ruin our country.

If the source of your wealth and power has been a gullible public, you will not want someone interfering with your racket.  Politicians are criminals who use deceit and deception to separate great numbers of people from their money and power.  Bureaucrats are people who trade in their conscience for the security of a paycheck and benefits  Beneficiaries of government are those who trade their votes for goodies promised by the politicians.  The major media are the communicators who lie for a living.

The Militia is a Constitutional Defense ForceA well regulated Militia is necessary to the security of a free State.

The Militia are a threat to Obama and all those who gave us this $14 trillion dollar debt, over one hundred thousand dead in no-win Korean, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the terrorist IHS, DHS, Department of Justice and the attacks of 911. Thinking Americans know those who believe political propaganda are the most dangerous people in the world.


At various show times over the next few weeks, drkates Revolution Radio will be reading excerpts from Red Beckman’s “Why the Militia”.  These shows will likely be recorded at odd hours–due to my schedule–but will be available as archived material for your review.

With Red Beckman’s permission, Drkatesview is also pleased to offer “Why the Militia” at special discounted rates.  A reader suggested that each of us adopt our local sheriffs and give them a copy of this book.  If you are interested in purchasing a copy, kindly let me know in the comments or email me at Purchase prices are based on the number of books you buy, and range from $4-$8 plus postage.

In the meantime, lets use this thread to discuss some pro-active actions we can take at our state levels to begin to start nullifying unlawful federal actions.  Georgia’s ‘lack of courage is not enough to stop any of us in our tracks.  We true Patriots love America too much to let her fall by the hands of tyrants. Think strategy!

Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed: for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~Joshua 1:9

Wire Fraud in the Land of Obama

©2012 drkate

Title 18 U.S.C. § 1343 provides, in part:

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Write-in Presidential candidate Montgomery Blair Sibley asserts that by knowingly submitting a forged  certificate of live birth and ‘long form birth certificate’ on line to the American public,

the “scheme” that President Obama appears to have intended is to obtain a job that he is not eligible to hold given his lack of “natural born Citizen” status. See, e.g., United States v. Granberry, 908 F.2d 278, 279 (8th Cir. 1990)

Initially, it is well-settled that the “use of the Internet for transmission of images or messages satisfies the requirement of interstate commerce.” See, e.g., United States v. Carroll, 105 F.3d 740, 742 (1st Cir. 1997). Moreover, to seek to obtain public money – here the salary of the President of the United States – has been recognized as satisfying the “money” element of §1343. See, e.g., Pasquantino v. United States, 544 U.S. 349, 356-57 (2005) (recognizing that money in the public treasury is the government’s “money” for purposes of the mail fraud statute.) 

Candidate Sibley submitted a  certified petition for Writs Quo Warranto and Mandamus to  the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, requesting a jury trial,  setting forth outcomes (a) that Obama be ousted from office and/or prevented from being placed on the ballot for the 2012 presidential election, (b) a directive to the U.S. Attorney to comply with 18 U.S.C. § 3332 and reveal to the Grand Jury the alleged offense of Obama, with the right of Sibley to inform in writing each and every one of the jurors of the offenses of Obama and other criminal acts of federal actors in the District of Columbia.

As with other cases of Quo Warranto  seeking to compel proof of natural born citizenship, the politically-influenced Department of Justice has refused to forward any case or respond to it, just like Jablonski’s  contemptuous and ill-fated attempt to go around the judiciary to quash any action against Obama.

However, Candidate Sibley will not go away quietly, and in a press release issued January 31, 2012 takes the following action:

WASHINGTON D.C. – Coming on the heels of the sworn testimony taken in the Georgia Administrative Law hearing at which expert witnesses testified under oath as to the indications of forgery in Barack Obama’s putative certificates of live birth, POTUS Write-In Candidate Montgomery Blair Sibley has this day amended his Quo Warranto lawsuit pending in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to demand that the Court enforce 18 U.S.C. §3332.That section requires, upon request of a citizen, that the United States Attorney present information concerning such an alleged offense to the grand jury.

On January 12, 2012, Sibley made such a request. In so much as the United States Attorney has refused to acknowledge the request, Sibley has moved for a writ of mandamus from the Court to compel U.S. Attorney Machen, Jr., to comply with §3332.

Though several individuals have requested state police and/or the F.B.I. to investigate Obama’s putative COLBs, this is the first instance where an individual has invoked 18 U.S.C. §3332 to removed the matter from the discretion of the politically-influenced Department of Justice. Instead, Sibley is taking the allegations of Obama’s wire fraud directly to a federal Grand Jury which has the unfettered power to indict Obama if it finds “there is sufficient evidence of probable cause to justify bringing the accused to trial.”


Citing not only the evidence attached to the First Amended Complaint, Sibley also now has required the assigned Judge – John D. Bates – to take judicial notice of the proceedings in the Georgia Administrative Law matter. In that Georgia case, two expert document examiners testified under oath on January 27, 2012, that the certificates of live birth released by Obama appear to be forgeries.

The ball is now in the Court of the Honorable John D. Bates who must decide whether to enforce the law or allow the questions of: (i) Obama’s eligibility to be President and (ii) his alleged criminal behavior to be shielded from determination by his judicial inaction on these questions.

The battery of lawyers Obama must hire now have to fight fires on all fronts, including the ballot challenges being taken in six (6) more states against Obama, are costing taxpayers and Obama a fortune…the ill-gotten gains of Obama’s entire life of lies.

Obama leads Dems over a waterfall

Georgia on My Mind: Full Faith and Credit

©2012 drkate

Obama is going to have to flip more than 30 million votes to cheat his way back into the pResidency.

The stunning victory of the Constitutionalists over Barack Obama/Soetoro/Soebarkah in Georgia on January 26 was also a victory for the judicial system and the rule of law.  No doubt the pressure on Georgia officials is significant so it is important to remind them of the support that exists for their courage.


Defiant Obama–nothing new, of course–blows it by not showing up, but when has he ever showed up even through his lawyers?  He has dismissed all of us as just so much toilet paper, and his attack on the judiciary, the people, and the states will not stop with this positive ruling.

The Obama ballot challenge and the Article II SuperPac have had a considerable impact in beginning the process of outright removal of his name from the ballot and has the additional very important impact of raising awareness and doubt about Obama in the electorate.  Rather demoralizing for the Obots, Congress, and the media to have spent their wad, ‘credibility‘, and resources defending a fake, fraud, liar, and criminal, don’t you agree? They will stay home, not vote, and ‘blame it on Bush’.

Its time now to go on the offense and cripple Obama in the states he needs to “win” the election.  Some 130 electoral college votes are needed in the states of Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, Ohio, and New York in order for Obama to give the appearance of  have(ing) a chance of winning the 2012 election.  Given the Georgia ruling, our next step is…get prepared…use the Constitution: (h/t slcraignbc)

U.S. Constitution Article IV Section 1.

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.


In General

Article IV, Sec. 1, has had its principal operation in relation to judgments. Embraced within the relevant discussions are two principal classes of judgments. First, those in which the judgment involved was offered as a basis of proceedings for its own enforcement outside the State where rendered, as for example, when an action for debt is brought in the courts of State B on a judgment for money damages rendered in State A; second, those in which the judgment involved was offered, in conformance with the principle of res judicata, in defense in a new or collateral proceeding growing out of the same facts as the original suit, as for example, when a decree of divorce granted in State A is offered as barring a suit for divorce by the other party to the marriage in the courts of State B.

The English courts and the different state courts in the United States, while recognizing “foreign judgments in personam” which were reducible to money terms as affording a basis for actions in debt, originally accorded them generally only the status of prima facie evidence in support thereof, so that the merits of the original controversy could always be opened. When offered in defense, on the other hand, “foreign judgments in personam” were regarded as conclusive upon everybody on the theory that, as stated by Chief Justice Marshall, “it is a proceeding in rem, to which all the world are parties.”

The Obama ballot challenge must move now to these states as a new State Challenge Campaign, and those readers here in those states I would hope would immediately contact the Obama Ballot Challenge and the Article II SuperPac to initiate proceedings:

A State District Court filing of a Show Cause Order asking why the State of (x) should not honor the State of Georgia’s determination under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution, addressed to the State Gov., Atty Gen., SoS , and State Election Commission/Board/Agency as Respondents is a logical next step. (h/t slcraignbc).

Already ballot challenges in Illinois and Alabama are underway, for  30 more electoral votes.  If we raise enough awareness and enough challenges to make our state officials pay attention, Obama is going to have to flip more than 30 million votes to win the election.

The knowing liar

And don’t forget Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse and the report due out in February.  The justice department and individuals have threatened the Sheriff with removal and death, and are finally being held accountable.  I doubt that Arizona will have an easy time of putting him back on the ballot, notwithstanding Governor Brewer’s lack of courage and membership in the usurper’s’ ‘council of governors‘.

We will not forget that everything Obama has signed as an illegal occupant of the White House has no effect in law.  Think of the tens of thousands of people, including our soldiers, that have died under this illegality.

Section 2 of Article 4 states, in part:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

How correct it would be to have the charges against Obama in any state lead to the arrest and detainment of Obama?  Would it stop his endless campaigning?

No Enthusiasm for the Usurper

Obama has already lost the youth vote to Ron Paul.  There is no enthusiasm for the Obutt or Moose-hell anymore.  Oh, and they’ll have to arrest the OWS people first before they declare martial law, as the Patriots will be at home keeping our power dry.  And there is nothing more ugly than the left scorned.  We told you Obots, you’re the first ones to be detained under martial law.

Get out of Our White House

Obama’s Libelous Punt Fails

©2012 drkate

…Anything you and your client place in the record in response to the challenge will be beneficial to my review of the initial decision; however, if you and your client choose to suspend your participation in the OSAH proceedings, please understand that you do so at your own peril.~ Brian Kemp, GA Secretary of State, to Obama’s “attorney” Jablonski

Employing the arrogance and stupidity that is the hallmark of the Obama regime, Jablonski the attorney submitted a last minute libelous letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp which completely misrepresents the entire case history of the challenges to Obama’s constitutional eligibility to hold the office he now occupies.  Contrary to this so-called lawyer’s assertions, no court has even considered the facts of the case, preferring to arbitrarily rule that plaintiffs have ‘no standing’.

This is to advise you of serious problems that have developed in the conduct of the hearings pending before the Office of State Administrative Hearings. At issue in these hearings are challenges that allege that President Obama is not eligible to hold or run for re-election to his office, on the now wholly discredited theory that he does not meet the citizenship requirements. As you know, such allegations have been the subject of numerous judicial proceedings around the country, all of which have concluded that they were baseless and, in some instances – including in the State of Georgia – that those bringing the challenges have engaged in sanctionable abuse of our legal process. (emphasis added)

The ‘theory’ of Obama’s ineligibility has never been discredited.  In fact, by rule, because Obama’s attorneys  responded to each case by never submitting anything contrary to what all plaintiffs have presented, Obama has admitted he is ineligible to hold the office of the president.  By never challenging the facts, the facts must be accepted as true.

Here are Jablonski’s ‘legalpolitical desperate illegitimate ‘concerns’:

  1. It is well established that there is no legitimate issue here—a conclusion validated time and again by courts around the country. Um, what planet are you on? Did you too go to Harvard Law School?
  2. The State of Hawaii produced official records documenting birth there. No, they didn’t.
  3. [the pResident] made documents available to the general public by placing them on his website. You mean those forged, photo-shopped, no raised embossed seal pieces of trash paper, made available only to one reporter?
  4. Even if a state were to require its election officials for the first time ever to receive a ‘birth certificate’ as a requirement for a federal candidate’s ballot placement, a document certified by another state, such as a ‘short form’ birth certificate, or the certified long form, would be required to be accepted by all states under the ‘full faith and credit’ clause of the United States Constitution.” Maskell, “Qualifications for President and the “Natural Born” Citizenship Eligibility Requirement,” Congressional Research Service (November 14, 2011).  Oh, the discredited and blatant incompetent liar named Jack the constitutional ripper Maskell?
  5. The Secretary of State should withdraw the hearing request as being improvidently issued. You mean politically uncomfortable but legally correct hearing?
  6. Your duty is determined by the statutory requirement that the Executive Committee of a political party name presidential preference primary candidates. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-193. So the political party is in charge of determining eligibility, and as has been proven, can lie about it to every state?
  7.  Consequently, the attempt to hold hearings on qualifications which you may not enforce is ultra vires. A state can most certainly decide if a political party has lied and enforce the Constitution’s requirements, as stipulated in Georgia’s statutes!
  8. …we will, of course, suspend further participation in these proceedings, including the hearing scheduled for January 26… Go ahead and do so at your own peril.

Jablonski should be sanctioned. An Order to Show Cause Why Jablonski should not be held in contempt of Court and charged with undue influence on a public official would be appropriate.  In addition, a complaint should be filed with the Bar Association for blatant misrepresentation of facts and libel. (h/t Tenacity).

Remember that Occupy Wall Street began with Obama’s OCCUPY THE WHITE HOUSE.

Get out of Our White House, and our Country!

Put Up or Stand Down, Mr. Obama

Letter to the Editor reprinted with permission

January 23, 2012

Dear Editor,

The nation appears to be catching on to the fact that they were duped by the Democrat National Convention (DNC), through dissembling and deceit, nominating a candidate that was not eligible to be on the 2008 presidential ballot. The forces that worked to keep the fraud concealed are now using the entire power of all branches of the federal government to keep a never-vetted and unqualified putative president in office by whatever means necessary.

There are 9 types of citizen in the United States. “U.S. Citizen” and “Natural Born Citizen” do not equate yet liberal propagandists “dumb-downed” Americans through the decades to believe both types of citizenships are the same. It has been a deliberate plan to marginalize and/or silence the Article II, Section 2.5 Constitutionalists by calling them “birthers” and “racists.” The majority of Americans believe one only needs to be born in the United States to run for president. This misconception is the handiwork of anti-American entities who have worked diligently to shred the Constitution and usher in a different form of government.

All eyes and ears will be focused on an Atlanta courtroom on January 26, 2012 to see if Barack Hussein Obama will appear as a private citizen and prove his eligibility to be on the state ballot as compelled by subpoenas issued by Administrative Judge Michael Malihi. Obama’s counsel in Atlanta, Michael Jablonski, filed a Motion to Dismiss attorney Orly Taitz’s challenge to Obama’s eligibility to be on the GA ballot and for the first time in three years a judge denied an Obama request/motion in a court of law and the case moved forward. Then Obama’s counsel filed a request to quash the subpoena compelling Obama to attend the hearing complaining that [His] duties as president of the United States would be interrupted and that the subpoena was, “on its face, unreasonable.” Ironically, the motion was filed the day after Obama sang a solo at a fundraiser at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem. Again, request DENIED.

Contrary to popular opinion Obama’s eligibility to be president has never been heard on merit in a court of law. Until now all lawsuits filed against Obama had been dismissed for “no standing” or “wrong jurisdiction.” The decisions came from federal judges under the auspices of Eric Holder’s Justice department and Elena Kagan, Obama’s pre-election counsel and now, of course, sitting Supreme Court Justice.

There are many of us ‘birthers’ living in fear because we never fell for what we knew was brainwashing and propaganda being fed to the American people for generations. But we ‘birthers’ never forgot the words of a letter dated 25 July 1787 from John Jay to General George Washington as the Constitution was being drafted: “Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolved on, any but a natural born Citizen.”

On January 26th, 2012, will Obama again defy the will of the American people and maintain his status quo of living above the law or will we, the Article II Constitutionalists, have our day in court? Judge Malihi will consider the Supreme Court ruling in Minor vs. Happersett establishing the definition of ‘natural born Citizen’ as born in the United States of parents who are themselves United States citizens. The ruling is binding precedent as to the Constitutional definition of a natural born Citizen. Constitutional attorney, Mario Apuzzo at in my opinion has the most consistent and well-documented papers on the eligibility issue where I suggest is the place to go to for back up.

Obama is also compelled to produce his historic documents including but not limited to his birth certificate, adoption papers and Indonesian school records. Should he not comply with the subpoena to appear or present his papers he will lose anyway because his name will not be put on the GA State ballot and the plaintiffs in the three cases to be heard will submit evidence of Obama’s deception and fraud not the least of which is lying on his application to the Illinois Bar. In the space asking for other names used by the applicant Obama entered “none.” Add to this his use of a CT social security number that was never issued to him and fails the E-Verify check. Intriguingly, the social security number is shared by a Harrison J. Bounell from CT, long since deceased but at one time a roomer/tenant in a home owned by the Robinson family. Now that’s just too speculative, too coincidental to be Michelle Robinson Obama’s CT relatives.

But then there’s the selective service record that ties to the social security number but is so fraught with anomalies that taken with the recent problems of a suspicious “Frankenstein” document posted on the website on April 27, 2011, the whole business reeks of ineptitude or is it deliberate subversive activity.

I for one will be all eyes and ears on Jan. 26. A decision one way or another will help me in my plan to form a coalition of Oklahoma Ballot Challengers to take our case to the Oklahoma House of Representatives. We have been rebuffed by gatekeeper, “Fran” on the election board [who says we have to be a presidential candidate from Oklahoma to file a complaint] and by the Attorney General’s office who will only take cases from the FBI and the FBI that says, “Its beensettled” and by our own Sen. Tom Coburn who says “Its a non-issue” to Sen. James Inhofe who says “Its a non issue” but co-sponsored a bill to change the definition of natural born Citizen to mean born anywhere as long as one parent is a citizen. Thank God and the wisdom of our founding fathers the bill failed as did the other eight or so attempts in congress between 2004-2008 during Obama’s rise to political power.

Respectfully submitted,

Miki Booth
Former Congressional Candidate D2-OK

May 2024

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