Archive for the 'Marco Rubio' Category

“We want an American”

©2016 drkate

The war on the American people by the GOP, RNC, and Democrat elite continues, with the latest treachery on the part of the two ineligible candidatesThe very fact that the RNC/GOP let these two run is the damning statement on them all that they do not care one whit for the Constitution.  They would rather run a foreigner with foreign allegiances than an American.  All of the RNC and GOP elite should be removed from their respective positions in the party.

On Ted Cruz:

All of this explains why Senator Ted Cruz has no legal U.S. citizenship documentation of any kind. He is not a “natural born” – “native born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States. Because someone must be one of the three in order to be a legal citizen of the United States, Senator Ted Cruz cannot possibly be a “legal U.S. citizen” of any form.

And on Rubio:

Of course, Senator Marco Rubio is also “ineligible,” as a “native born citizen at birth” by virtue of 14th Amendment “anchor baby” policies only.

The not-so secret pact these two ineligibles demonstrated in their juvenile gang attacks on Donald Trump during a break in the last “debate” is shown by their handshake behind the back of Trump:


cruz rubio handshake


What greater illustration of their treachery…and didn’t they even think about the symbolism of a handshake behind the back?  LOL.   No, they just don’t care and the elite are desperate and that desperation is being exposed by mistakes like this.

How these two ineligibles behave is exactly demonstrating the elite war against Americans, and within the GOP, the GOP elite war on conservatives.  Every GOP President since Ronald Reagan has contributed to the destruction of conservatives and elimination of any “insurgency”.  Despite what the voters are saying and demonstrating, they have dug their heels in and are desperate to defeat Trump by changing the rules and ushering in a brokered convention.  Their brokered convention does not name Rubio, it names Romney.

So the party elite apparently know Cruz cannot be elected and have thrown their hat in with Rubio. according to this excellent article (h/t jj):

Today when we hear Marco Rubio saying: “Donald Trump will not be our party’s nominee, because it would mean the end of the republican party“, Rubio is not being dramatic.  He is simply relaying the same message from the party apparatus as they tell him exactly what needs to be done.

Yesterday, four times -and most notably on the debate stage- RNC Head Reince Preibus said: “the candidates are applying to join the republican party and gain the benefit of the national party apparatus“.   Think about this very carefully.  The key takeaway is the RNC now saying all the candidates are outside the party, and the party will determine who leads it.  The candidates are mere applicants to the group for the position of nominee.

And then came the “endorsement that rocked the political world”: Chris Christie, because Chris Christie knows all the inside information about how the GOPe and RNC planned to control the 2016 nomination process.  As detailed here and here:

It cannot be overstated how significant the concerns of the RNC/GOPe must be.  They must be apoplectic, heck, beyond apoplectic, with a realization that Christie was not who they thought him to be all along.  We can be certain the RNC/GOPe phones and emails are still in full meltdown mode.

Listen to what Christie says and the questions asked:

voters and gopAfter March 15, the RNC rules require that the winner takes all in each state’s primary.  And if the trend continues,  the mask “face” of the GOP will be changed forever.  YOu can already tell even the liberal pundits ask Trump if this is a “hostile” takeover of the GOP.  In a way it is because the GOP has been so hostile to conservatives.  I still think the GOP will try to push Trump out by forcing or suggesting an independent run.  Its not too early to call these GOP hacks and let them know that they are done unless they get on board with Americans.

We want an American to lead our country, not some metro-sexual pansy and patsy for the global elite.  And remember that putting America first right now is nothing short of a spiritual battle that demands our attention, participation, and discernment.  And when you realize that is true, then you know that no one, even Satan, can kill Donald Trump without God’s permission.



Open Thread.

Media Thrilled With Trump’s S.C. Victory!

©2016 drkate


trump wins

Well, I guess the South Carolina firewall failed, and the Trump margin was so big that it overcame the e-fraud, robocalls, and millions of dollars spent by the establishment republicans to stop Trump.  Bush was finally eliminated as a contender, at least up front.

LC believes the next strategy will to be to keep K-sick (for easier pronunciation), Rubio, and Cruz alive.  The hope Cruz will take Texas, K-sick will take Ohio and Michigan, and Rubio taking Florida. And then the brokered convention with Rubio on top and Bush as VP.  Crazy, yes?  But for the establishment, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Meanwhile, and before the work really begins, let’s savor some Trump moments!

Our friends Diamond and Silk with “our man, Donald J. Trump”


diamond and silk

After the win in South Carolina, backstage

Trump family backstage

The Atlanta crowd:



Eric and Donald J. Trump on their way to Nevada!

Eric and the Don

Latest Nevada poll:

NV caucus



Open Thread!


Cruz Standing on a Lie

©2016 drkate

UpdateSign the Petition to Stop Ted Cruz!

Not so fast, Ted Cruz.

Absolutely nothing can change the fact that you are constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of president or vice president of the United States. And you know that a court would declare you ineligible, so as a chicken you “debate” the issue, pretending to be the canadian-cuban constitutional lawyer.

Every day that Ted Cruz stands for president of the United States he is lying to the American public about his eligibility to stand for the office.  He is arrogantly daring all of us to sue him.  In that, he is just like Obama.



In the lie of Ted Cruz, American votes are stolen.

Hey Rubio.  You’d better watch yourself too. Is that you I see in the background of the album cover?



Open thread.



FOX News, Open Borders, and the GOP Debate

©2016 drkate

Finally, the absolute exposure of the republican collaborators  who would destroy America has occurred—and the facilitation of our destruction by FOX news, in addition to the usual suspects. From this article (h/t Heather):

“What’s wrong over there, something’s wrong,” Trump said of the “games” Roger Ailes and the network are “playing.”

In asking the question of “what’s wrong over there?” Trump has shined a spotlight on one of Washington’s best kept secrets: namely, Fox’s role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda. The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders. Well-concealed from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).

The only people on the debate stage Thursday night are the pro-amnesty, pro-open borders, anti-American candidates:  Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz,  Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, and John Kasich.

Read the full article by Ann Corcoran here.

To add more intrigue and how this is a complete set up for Marco Rubio, the article continues:

While Megyn Kelly made headlines with her heated questioning of Donald Trump, not one of the Fox News anchors asked Rubio in the first Fox News debate about his signature piece of legislation, which Murdoch’s immigration lobbying firm had endorsed. Instead, they lobbed Rubio a series of softballs, such as asking Rubio if he could put God and veterans in the same sentence.

Interestingly, Bill Sammon — FOX News’s vice president of News and Washington managing editor —  is the father of Brooke Sammon, who is Rubio’s press secretary.

I’ve got a new name for the FOX debate:


“We’ll compete with the socialists democrats anytime!”

Open Thread!


©2014 drkate

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~Ephesians 6:12 KJV

Told ya.

The 2016 nominees will be Jebby-boy Bush and Dame Clinton.  All of this other nonsense—Rubio, Cruz, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry—are just the illusion of choice.  Oh and the Dems and Republicans will scream like hell about Bush and Clinton, but in the end the establishment elite of both parties will be satisfied with either.

And if there is a threat of another republican or democrat candidate to either of the establishment picks, especially in the primaries, a libertarian will be thrown out there (again hand-selected) to siphon votes away by telling the masses what they want to hear.

The republicans, of course, have learned nothing.  And the dems, well, they are hopeless anyway.

It’s all theater from here on out.  Don’t waste your money on them, and be prepared to not re-elect anyone.

Remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil.

Game on.

Open thread.


He’s Still Ineligible

©2013 drkate

Though the headlines may have died down on Mr. Obama’s occupancy of the White House, millions of Americans know he is still ineligible to serve as POTUS.  America was warned many times about this imposter, and now wrings its hands in wonder: why doesn’t Mr. Obama even like America?  My first encounter with the breach of Article II was engendered because I could not believe that I was hearing such hatred for America from the Obamas.  And now its all confirmed, despite the deniers who still are rankled under the collar because they know ‘birther Obama’ (h/t LC) is the greatest fraud to have been perpetuated on America.  And he is sewing the seeds of and enabling our destruction.  All foretold.

The benefit of this fiasco is now we can truly see who our Senators and Representatives are….who are sounding articulate but refuse to discuss their own ineligibility (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio anyone?), or the constitutionalists like Ron Paul who also refused to address this issue when he had a chance.  We know Congress actually conspired to prevent this issue from ever seeing the light of day despite tens of millions of inquiries in the last five years.

With a usurper in office (even if he is a Jinn), our government does not exist…it has no actual authority. Who needs to follow ‘the law’ when those who make them aren’t?  The ‘separation of powers’ is defunct, with each branch of government and its agencies operating outside the Constitution.  While we know the media has been ‘bought’ for a long time, Obama makes it ‘transparent’ that it is fully a state-run propaganda machine.

h/t Birther Report

Open thread!

The Gang of Apes

©2013 drkate

…err,  the Gang of Eight

Here we have the rino neanderthals undoing America on our dime.

Part One

Part Two

Your thoughts?

Open thread

Talk to the Tail

©2012 drkate

Just a note to tell you what I think of the fraudulent election and the continued marxist administration…I offer you an earlier caption contest at drkatesview.  The winning slogan was “talk to the butt”  h/t Logistics Monster…

Talk to the Butt.

Never too late for more captions, however, so consider this a continued open thread in the spirit of the Gadsen Flag!

A Warning to Republicans

©2012 drkate

There are more than enough factors to suggest that Republicans will lose handily to Obama in the upcoming presidential election.  Here are just a few:

  • Your choice of VP nominee.  You’ve got problems.  They are named Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Bobby Jindal.
  1. All signs point to the unconstitutional choice of Marco Rubio–once the darling of the tea party, now a traitor to the constitution for not immediately bowing out of the running due to his non-NBC status.  Marco’s parents were not US citizens when he was born.  If you nominate the ineligible Rubio, how different are you than the usurper Obama?  Rubio supports the NDAA, supports internet crackdowns aka privacy invasion and has been singularly unspectacular in his first two years as a senator. He needs experience and you republicans should stop trying to play the race card by putting in a cuban to get the hispanic vote or to take Florida.  We the people aren’t as stupid as you think.
  2. Jeb Bush.  You really want to ‘bush-whack’ the American people again? “W” lied about the war in Iraq, gave us TARP (the grand cover up of theft), and gave us torture, the Department of Homeland Security, and any number of nefarious and dubious Executive Orders expanding the powers of the president.  Daddy bush, the grand master behind it all, ushered in the NWO, the CIA (formerly the SS), was present at all the political assassinations in the last 30 years, and still controls the game.  Bush Sr and Romney are best buddies.  Who do you think chose Romney for 2012?
  3. Jindal.  His parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born, and he is not a natural born citizen.  What deal did he make with Obama on the Gulf BP oil spill?  How has he compromised his state to ‘get along’?
  • Sweeping Obama’s ineligibility and crimes under the rug.  Your spectacular, intentional failure to address Obama’s ineligibility makes you complicit in the crime.  I suppose you think that just by winning the office you can ‘make this go away’.  On the contrary, we the people will have every right to ignore and arrest you for violating your oath of office.  Any of you republican candidates who fail to address this issue are sealing your fate with millions of us…far better to continue our efforts against the usurper (and the rest of you) because he is fully and completely exposed.  With you chicken republicans, it will be swept under the rug and never be addressed.  Heck you will probably reach into the private sector and pardon Obama of his treason.  Which makes you treasonous.
  • Your position on the NDAA and Homeland Security.  How are we to believe anything you say about the constitution, small government, the rights of the people when you support draconian actions to gleefully kill Americans or detain them indefinately—are you listening John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Michelle Bachman, Mitt Romney?
  • Your failure to tell the truth about income taxes, the FED, and fiat currency. As we face the collapse of the dollar, you discuss play games with the democrats about who gets taxed and how much, swear the FED stabilizes the economy, and continue to deceive Americans who are now waking up, in large part due to Ron Paul’s truth telling.  Never will Gingrich, Santorum, Romney ever talk the truth.  They are willfully ignorant, in fact, taking great advantage of the system.
  • Your position on unconstitutional wars.  Yes, lets keep sending other people’s children to get their legs blown off, while you rape in the profits from the military-industrial complex, give America to the UN, and pound your fist in false righteousness.

How many actually believe Romney will win?  Clearly these guys don’t:

Better watch out. A Gideon strategy may come around and bite you in the butt.

Amendment 12 and January 9, 2013: The Last Line of Defense

©2012 drkate

Collectively, these actions, questions, investigations and research militate for and require the representatives and senators in each state where these actions have been undertaken to raise objections to the electoral college vote count on January 9, 2013.

This post will look far off into the future, and assumes for the moment that none of the legal and proper efforts Constitutionalists have undertaken since 2008 to have Barrack Obama Soetoro investigated and removed from office based on his lack of constitutional eligibility will have worked. We have created letter-writing campaigns, demonstrations, multiple lawsuits, ballot challenges, treason charges and trials, and citizen grand jury investigations.  History will record the efforts of American patriots to fight this injustice done to our country, and the world already knows of our efforts and knows that Obama is a usurper.  Obama has used tax dollars, drugs, weapons, or CIA threats to bribe Kenya, Indonesia, Pakistan, the muslim community, individual states, and so many others to keep silent about his illegality.  He is a legend–in name only–and history and God will judge all of those complicit as traitorous individuals not worthy of the spit on a street corner.

While we have been able to fully expose Obama/Soetoro and the network of criminals inside and outside of government who have enabled this usurpation, our efforts to have action taken on behalf of our Country and American citizens have been thwarted by the media, the judiciary, the Congress, law enforcement, the military, and the legion of insaneobots paid to harass Americans.  Assuming Obama and the democrats/republicans, in concert with the media will rig the 2012 presidential election and put Obama in the office again,  our last line of defense will be the counting and certification of the electoral college votes by a joint session of Congress on January 9, 2013.

Amendment 12:  Choosing the President

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;

The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.

The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

Appointment of the Electors.  States appoint the electors and the number of electors is based on the number of house and Senate seats in each state.  48 States and the District of Columbia “appoint” their Electors on a winner-take-all basis (that is, the presidential/vice-presidential ticket with the plurality of the Statewide vote [= most votes from the State] is intended to get all that jurisdiction’s Electors). In each of the two remaining States, Maine and Nebraska, the presidential/vice-presidential ticket that receives the plurality of the vote in each Congressional District is intended to get the vote of the 1 “district” Elector from that CD, while the presidential/vice-presidential ticket receiving the most votes Statewide is intended to get the votes of 2 “at-large” Electors from the State. The candidate that wins the popular vote in the other 48 states receives all of that state’s electoral college votesThis site describes the number of electoral votes in each state.

In most states, electoral college members are required to vote for the person who won the popular vote in the state, and in some cases there are financial and other penalties involved if one doesn’t follow that rule.  In 2008 there were attempts to file lawsuits at that point in time to prevent the vote for Obama, but the courts ruled that ‘the process had to be completed’ before any lawsuit on the merits could be filed (cough, cough).

Challenging the Vote in the Joint Session of Congress

The next point in time that we have to challenge the vote for Obama is on January 9, 2013, during a joint session of Congress to count the electoral college votes as specified in the Twelveth Amendment.

A few times in history this electoral vote counting was challenged by members of the House and Senate.  In 2000, while then VP Gore was presiding over the joint session of Congress, the vote was challenged by democrats, the black congressional caucus, and a few Senators based on the Florida recount debacle, where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Bush by taking away the State’s presumed jurisdiction over the vote count.  The objection was based on a possible fraudulent vote count.

In 2008, there were several reasons why the vote could have been challenged, including:

  • Obama’s lack of constitutional eligibility
  • The Democrat’s Rules and Bylaws theft of votes from HRC
  • Voter intimidation and caucus fraud
  • Illegal foreign campaign contributions
  • The insufficiency of Obama’s ballot access (forged signatures, for which Indiana democrats have recently been punished)
  • Voter machine tampering
  • Shutting down the Democrat’s convention without fully voting
  • Suspicious deaths of key HRC supporters

Former Speaker of the House of Lies

But no one challenged the electoral college vote, in fact I heard Nancy Pelosi was so drunk with power that she rushed the vote improperly, aided and abetted by VP Dick Cheney, without the requisite analysis of citizenship status or calling for objections.  All those who could have challenged this vote were too afraid to do so, and yes that includes Ron Paul.  They made a calculation that their paychecks and perks were more important than defending the Constitution from all enemies, domestic and foreign.

Every member of Congress, and every Senator on January 8, 2009, violated their oath of office and failed to protect America.  They will be held accountable in this lifetime, or clearly when they stand before their maker and try to explain away their treason.

The 2013 Scenario

As of this date, there have been millions of letters written to Congress, no less than 100 lawsuits that have never been heard on the merits, a dozen ballot challenges, a law enforcement investigation, citizen petitions to investigate, proven fraudulent ballot access in 2008 by Obama, proven voter intimidation, and public opinion polls that continue to demonstrate that most Americans do not believe Obama and want his status investigated.

Collectively, these actions, questions, investigations and research militate for and require the representatives and senators in each state where these actions have been undertaken to raise objections to the electoral college vote count on January 9, 2013.

The scoundrels known as our Senators and Congressmen, including the so-called ‘tea party favorites’, have one last chance to meet their oath of office, and of course, they want ‘cover’ for doing the right thing.  So here is, and hear, your cover, boys and girls:
  • Each state in which there has been a ballot challenge, petition, grand jury investigation, lawsuit, and letter writing campaign regarding Obama’s lack of eligibility needs to assemble a packet for each of their Congressmen and Senators requiring that they raise an objection to the electoral college count on January 9, 2013.  This effort must begin now, and make it clear that they will either be recalled, boycotted, or publically shamed if they fail to do so.  For new ‘tea party’ or other candidates (like John Dennis in California, trying to defeat Pelosi), pledges that they will raise an objection–regardless of the effect on their political career–must be secured, and if not, do not support them financially.  They only need to listen to their constituents to have enough ‘cover‘ reason to do so–it is the right thing to do.  We are talking New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Arizona, California, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Georgia, New York…to name a few.
  • Any state that can demonstrate voter fraud in 2012, including the caucuses, should require its congressional delegation to challenge the electoral college vote for their state
  • The State legislatures should be petitioned to send a directive to their congressional delegate to challenge the vote, based on the request of the public
  • A scientifically-sound poll should be commissioned in each state asking the direct question to the public whether they would support a challenge to the electoral college vote in 2013 if Obama is ‘re-elected’ to office.
  • Plans should be made to shut the Congress down in January–preventing their leaving their offices–until this issue is addressed.  Similar plans should be made for each congressional and senatorial office in each state.
  • A national strike should be considered in lieu of the Congress taking any action.

Remember that the Twelveth Amendment provides a legal, constitutional procedure to select the President and Vice President should the presidential candidate fail to meet the qualifications of the office.

Lock him out, lock him up

Rushing the False Flag IRAN

©2012 drkate

Here is a map showing the U.S. military bases surrounding Iran (h/t Jan):

Who is threatening who?

Yet the drumbeat of war with Iran escalates daily. Do you think with all the drones in the sky, all the surveillance, all the Patriot Missile batteries, and all the CIA spies hired killers there that anyone in Iran goes to the bathroom in privacy?

And if you were Iran in this situation, wouldn’t you think about NOT antagonizing everyone around you?

I do not support the maniac mullahs and Armadinijad  imadinajacket.  They are foolishly playing right into the hands of the globalists who would like nothing more than to shed blood and resources—only to get the oil and gems and minerals in the mountains of Iran–and destroy America while they’re at it.

So my question is, who is threatening who?  And how do we sift through the obvious drooling media, the military, and the brat Obutt so falsely afraid of Iran?  They are ginning up the drums of war trying to make the American public afraid.  And they will trigger this so quickly that there ‘won’t be time’ to go to Congress to formally declare war, heck, McCain and Lieberman will probably invoke NDAA–Obama already has–regarding the ‘threat from Iran’.

Why a False Flag Now?

Obama, the banksters, globalists, and the political elite are being exposed every single day.  Mockingbird operations have shown their true call and colors, with everything from the wickedness of the Federal Reserve, to the unconstitutional 16th amendment, to the daily assaults on the constitution now in full color on our television screens every single night.

  • The American economy is crashing taxpayer funds are being funneled off-shore and a distraction is needed to complete the mission
  • People are fed up with and abhor Obama, and continue to openly challenge him
  • Obama’s funders are not coming through, and he will have to flip MORE than 30 million votes to break even with the generic republican
  • Romney does not look like a winner; Gingrich and Santorum cannot win the nomination; a brokered convention with a significant Ron Paul influence is likely
  • Ron Paul is winning all the delegates to the convention
  • Rubio is ineligible and the political elite have been busted
  • GHW Bush Sr is losing his mind and power
  • Pelosi is a fraud, is pre-alzheimers, and will lose her marbles seat in the fall
  • The Tea Party is in disarray
  • The American people are waking up

Incoming!  Heads Up!

Ah, no…our enemies are right in front of us–within–right here, right now.  Remember Cicero’s words:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

Establishment Republicans Betray America

©2012 drkate

So the establishment whinos–i mean Rinos–along with daddy Bush, the Tea Party and Freedomworks, are setting up America for another FAIL–i.e., either electing Romney the fool, or re-electing the usurper Obama.

Let’s play this again:

Playing around with Newt Gingrich, Sick Rantorum, and Herman Cain is just a game.  We will get the ineligible Rubio as Vice President, the muslim-judge- appointing failure of Chris Christie, or Jebby-boy Bush in a ‘brokered convention’ of establishment whinos, dressed up as the tea party.

If you are going to be for America, you need to be for the Constitution, not ‘conservatives’.  Are there any more ‘conservatives’, anyway?  If I hear one more person comparing who supports Gingrich vs Romney as to ‘who is the conservative’, when they all cite the traitors to America, well then all I can do is shake my head.

We deserve the leaderless traitors if we can’t even have to courage to see the truth and act on it.

What are your plans–personally, politically, in your community– for defeating the establishment republicans (i.e., the obamacrats)?

Romney, Rubio, and Rove Busted!

©2012 drkate

First, let us remind ourselves why Romney will lose to Obama (h/t Troy):

Romney, through his hairball Karl Rove, has been coughing at threatening everyone that Romney will win and he will choose the constitutionally ineligible Marco Rubio as his Vice President.  This is the same Karl Rove who helped elect the constitutionally ineligible Obama by conspiring with Donna Brat-zille in 2008.  These elitists care nothing about America, the Constitution, or liberty so to hell with running anyone that is constitutionally fit for the job.

But the ‘tea party darling‘ Marco Rubio has stepped in it BIG TIME, for his co-sponsorship along with the demoncrats of the two internet-killing acts, the Protect IP Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)…oh, but now backtracks as if he was a champion of the internet:

I have decided to withdraw my support for the Protect IP Act. Furthermore, I encourage Senator Reid to abandon his plan to rush the bill to the floor,” Rubio posted on his Facebook page.

Rubio’s change of heart comes as a bit of surprise as he was co-sponsor of the bill.

🙄 😆
To make matters even clearer, Rubio favors the indefinite detention of American Citizens by defending his vote for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  Rubio, along with Romney, vigorously defend giving the president the authority to both kill and detain American citizens with much fanfare.
But no amount of ‘sweet-talking’ or ‘elite-speak’ can defend either of these two politicians, so eager to betray America they can hardly wait. Salivating, even.  The RNC and GOP have some ‘splaining to do–as they fall into the trash bin of history just like the other liars, clowns, rubes, and wannabe kings.
The GOP wants Obama to win, which means they want America to lose.
Whose side are you on?

Questions for Marco Rubio

©2011 drkate

This essay is written to clarify the questions regarding Senator Marco Rubio’s constitutional eligibility for the office of Vice President or President.  During this study, it has become apparent how important the citizenship of the parents is to determining whether the child is a natural born citizen and why this remains a national security issue at its core.

Natural Born Citizen?

We understand that in the 235 years of our Nation’s history, the definition of ‘natural born citizen’ as used in our Constitution has not changed.  From this it is paramount that both parents must be citizens and have no foreign allegiance when the child is born in order for that child to be the Constitutional Article II natural born citizen.  On the surface then, Marco Rubio is not a natural born citizen because his parents were not American citizens at the time of his birth but naturalized four years later.

One would think this is the end of the story.  Not.

Rubio’s supporters, including republicans who don’t think about Article II, obots still trying to justify Obama’s existence, and the Tea Party, will want to bury Rubio’s natural born citizen issue first and foremost, perpetuating or covering up the constitutional crisis we are in with the usurper Obama. This will be done either for expediency to defeat Obama or continuing to cover for Obama, but it perpetuates a disservice to our Constitution.

For those who would like to take an analytical approach, examining the real questions of citizenship instead of glossing over them, this article is for you. The analysis reveals that in order for Marco Rubio to stand for either President or Vice President, he would need a SCOTUS ruling to determine if his citizenship at birth was undivided and unalienable.  Without this ruling, he would be another constitutionally ineligible candidate, no matter how much you like him.

Continue reading ‘Questions for Marco Rubio’

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  • An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later.

RSS Atlas Shrugs

  • An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later.

RSS American Spectator

  • An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later.
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