Archive for the 'presidential eligibility' Category

Lyin’ Clinton-Cruz 2020!

©2016 drkate

Two snakes in the grass that deserve each other. But I have to admit that is a ‘catchy’ and truthful campaign title for a couple of the most profound lying politicians in the world!

Good bye to you both!

Oh by the way, Ted, you will never be eligible for the presidency, your senate seat is now at risk and you will have no supreme court appointment.  When you raise your hand to take an oath, who will ever believe you again?

Chris Christie on Lyin’ Ted


Ted Cruz made some powerful enemies last night!


Please use this open thread to document remarks on the distrusTED Cruz!  Already many say it was the longest political suicide note evah.



Rubber Meets the Road for the RNC/GOPe: Cruz Ineligibility

©2016 drkate

It absolutely does not matter if “obama and the DNC did it”, the RNC/GOP globalists have now been caught running the same scam by running ineligible candidates for president (Cruz, Rubio, Jindal), and it will fail.  Yes, they can run who they want, but

  • can the delegates, who take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, vote to nominate a constitutionally ineligible candidate?
  • Can the RNC place Cruz’s name into nomination?

Cruz knows he’s ineligible for the presidency….and many count on the democrats, particularly Representative Alan Grayson to file a lawsuit against Ted Cruz based on his constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

But remember, the democrats are the party of Obama, who was/is ineligible….anyone think the dems will raise the issue of Obama in their suit against Cruz?  Or will they use it as leverage on a pResident Cruz?  My guess is on the latter–its good leverage on someone you want to control forever.

Natural Born Citizen Basics

  1. NBC is a National Security Safeguard. The natural born citizen clause in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution was designed as a national security safeguard to prevent the foreign takeover of our Nation and military.  It applies only to the president and the vice president.  It is about having a Commander in Chief and President who has sole allegiance to the United States.
  2. Circumstances at Birth determine natural born citizen status.
    1. One must be born on the soil of the United States.  This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for natural born citizen status
    2. One must be born of two citizen parents, those parent citizens being under the jurisdiction of the United States.

About 85% of Americans are natural born citizens and meet this three-legged stool test, shown below for Marco Rubio.  This applies also to Bobby Jindal.


Ted Cruz has only one leg of the three-legged stool:  “Mother a U.S. Citizen”.  Cruz was

  1. Born on Canadian soil, not U.S. soil
  2. Mother was a U.S. citizen subject to the jurisdiction of the United States
  3. Father was a Cuban citizen, subject to the jurisdiction of Cuba, not the United States.

Can’t “make” a Natural Born Citizen through Statute

The essence of natural born is that you don’t need any act of law, or statute to be born with the status of a natural born citizen.  You can become a citizen through a statute, but never a natural born citizen.  Regarding Cruz, all this business about “well his mother was an American citizen” indicates an attempt to statutorily make Cruz a natural born citizen.  But as you can see from the above diagram, having a U.S. mother is only one of the legs of a three-legged stool.

Also, if you were born somewhere else–i.e., Canada–you were not under the jurisdiction of the United States at birth, despite the mother’s citizenship status.  Cruz was born under multiple jurisdictions, and therefore has multiple allegiances

Here’s how you can become a U.S. Citizen:

  • Statutory
  • Naturalization

Again, it is not possible to “make” a natural born citizen out of statutory law.  A dual citizen may not be president.

You know this really should be the end of the story and simple to understand, since so many have been working on this since 2008!  Our experience with Obama shows the damage that a person with no allegiance to America can do.  Now we have the Cruzers, still blindly following “what they’ve been told” to stupidly promote Ted Cruz, and thus the final nail in the coffin of America.


No to the North American Union!

Open thread.


The Lost Children of the Left

©2016 DrKate

What is destroying America today is the ideological collectivism taught in our schools for the past 100 years, and its push to a New World Order. This push has resulted in the formation of powerful globalist groups such as the 5,000-member Council on Foreign Relations in New York and the 400-member Trilateral Commission in Washington. CFR elites have comprised the bulk of every presidential administration for the past 85 years, along with Trilateral elites since 1973.

One hundred and three years ago, the Federal Reserve was created in the darkening night of Christmas eve 1913.  Although there have been many turning points for our Republic, the Federal Reserve Act was one of the most destructive congressional acts in U.S. history.  In 1916, an amendment to the Constitution brought on the illegal income tax–never ratified by the states.  Those two acts combined have produced more war, more poverty, more death, and more destruction to America and the world than possibly any other act of Congress.  The exponential growth of corruption has brought us to the brink of collapse.

William Ayers American Flag posterAnd then we have the unrepentant, washed up, intellectually and morally bankrupt originators of the current children of the left today, like Bill Ayers.  They have created immoral, illogical, violent zombies, funded by the left, that are just plain anti-American.  But they don’t even know what they are doing or thinking.  The children of the left have now become the Globalist’s army, and their goal is to take American down from within.  They have nearly succeeded in education, social policy, political correctness, moral decay, and have tried mightily to divide us from each other and to destroy our relationship with our Creator God.


The result of this fiasco that has happened while we were asleep?  Shown perfectly here:


Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the rescue of our Nation!  Do not let the left intimidate you!

FOX News, Open Borders, and the GOP Debate

©2016 drkate

Finally, the absolute exposure of the republican collaborators  who would destroy America has occurred—and the facilitation of our destruction by FOX news, in addition to the usual suspects. From this article (h/t Heather):

“What’s wrong over there, something’s wrong,” Trump said of the “games” Roger Ailes and the network are “playing.”

In asking the question of “what’s wrong over there?” Trump has shined a spotlight on one of Washington’s best kept secrets: namely, Fox’s role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda. The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders. Well-concealed from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).

The only people on the debate stage Thursday night are the pro-amnesty, pro-open borders, anti-American candidates:  Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz,  Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, and John Kasich.

Read the full article by Ann Corcoran here.

To add more intrigue and how this is a complete set up for Marco Rubio, the article continues:

While Megyn Kelly made headlines with her heated questioning of Donald Trump, not one of the Fox News anchors asked Rubio in the first Fox News debate about his signature piece of legislation, which Murdoch’s immigration lobbying firm had endorsed. Instead, they lobbed Rubio a series of softballs, such as asking Rubio if he could put God and veterans in the same sentence.

Interestingly, Bill Sammon — FOX News’s vice president of News and Washington managing editor —  is the father of Brooke Sammon, who is Rubio’s press secretary.

I’ve got a new name for the FOX debate:


“We’ll compete with the socialists democrats anytime!”

Open Thread!

Political Party Follies

©2015 drkate

One of the major ways in which Obama was able to usurp the presidency of the United States is through the actions of the political parties, republican and democrat.  The parties have been given the authority by us and our self-serving Congress to identify, vet, and place candidates for the highest office of the land.  That America has had Obama, and now the republicans run three ineligibles–Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal –proves that both the democrat and republican parties obviously don’t operate by the Constitution.

Political parties were viewed as a scourge to liberty by our Founders, something to be avoided.  The existence of political parties…

… serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.  ~George Washington Farewell Address

We certainly know that voting just by political party does absolutely nothing for the well being of America or Americans.  We know that both parties, and their constitutionally-ineligible stealth presidential candidates, are all for immigration and amnesty and will ultimately lose to Hillary Clinton.  The architects behind Cruz want the North American Union, Rubio already looks like he’s walking to the tune of someone else, and Bush is left twisting in the wind.

But recent challenges to Cruz and Rubio’s eligibility for the New Hampshire ballot, filed appropriately in state court, were thrown out because of the lack of jurisdiction, because the political parties choose the candidates who get on the ballot.

The political parties in America have no constitutionally-derived authority to have any say over the proper vetting of a presidential candidate, or who that candidate is.  Once again, WE have let them get away with this as obviously politicians cannot be trusted to “self-police” or actually follow the law.

Ours is a moral failing, coming from the rejection of God and our founding principles.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, time to get prepared.

Open Thread!


©2015 drkate

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.  ~John F. Kennedy

voters and gop

The one-party “two party” system is over.  Millions abandon the GOP and the Dems, finally having seen the deceit, lies, and propaganda of “republicans vs democrats”.

Its time to be an American.  No retreat, no regrets, no surrender.

Open thread!

Eventually, Establishment R’s Will Go Bush

©2015 drkate

…and the rest of us will be bushwhacked once again.  A third ineligible entered the race in Rick Santorum, and I agree, the ineligibles are there as cover for Obama/Soetoro who is literally acting as pResident.  All we need is Jindhal to enter and all the so-called “conservative republicans” or “tea party favorites” will all be ineligible.

See how cleverly that shift has been played?  You can hear them saying

“…you conservatives and tea party people  didn’t really mean it on eligibility, did you?  what about your own guys…?”

All of this is choreographed to produce a ton of candidates, some as above, and others, as below, are all about protecting ultimately Jeb Bush, who I believe is the establishment’s choice.

Here are the eligible (so far) on the republican side:

  • Chris Christy
  • Rand Paul
  • Carly Fiorina
  • Ben Carson
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Scott Walker
  • Rick Perry
  • Jeb Bush

See how much “noise” Cruz, Rubio, and Santorum will add to the mix?  If they are the “true conservatives” they will be associated with ineligible candidates and the “moderates” will win.  I consider Rand a wildcard, just personal opinion.

So consider that it is our duty as Americans to vote, and that the “lesser of two evils” is still evil, that republican-democrat differences are a myth, but that “moderate republicans” are more blatantly democrats…and that until there is a written ballot again the machines will always be suspect.

I’ve prepared the following poll, then, from just the eligibles,  which you should take and look at the results, and then continue reading below.


Ok, so the republican nominees for President and Vice President will fall somewhere with the top two or three, if we leave this poll up long enough. But think about how the establishment republicans will make it fall to Bush?  What help will they get from the democrats?

I assert its time to seriously consider a write-in candidate for President and Vice President.  Remember the bottom line is we are talking about electoral vote, so its tops 13 states that control the electoral vote.  At a senatorial level Lisa Murkowski beat out the tea party favorite and primary winner with a write in ballot.  So we find the right candidates, print out the labels, and get them distributed everywhere.

So I am a dreamer, that is for sure.  But there is no reason on the local level and state level to start using this tool and stop re-electing the cowards and scoundrels.

Especially if the republican choice is Bush with, most likely, the “conservative ineligible”!!!

Open thread.


May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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