Archive for the 'illegal income taxes' Category

The Lost Children of the Left

©2016 DrKate

What is destroying America today is the ideological collectivism taught in our schools for the past 100 years, and its push to a New World Order. This push has resulted in the formation of powerful globalist groups such as the 5,000-member Council on Foreign Relations in New York and the 400-member Trilateral Commission in Washington. CFR elites have comprised the bulk of every presidential administration for the past 85 years, along with Trilateral elites since 1973.

One hundred and three years ago, the Federal Reserve was created in the darkening night of Christmas eve 1913.  Although there have been many turning points for our Republic, the Federal Reserve Act was one of the most destructive congressional acts in U.S. history.  In 1916, an amendment to the Constitution brought on the illegal income tax–never ratified by the states.  Those two acts combined have produced more war, more poverty, more death, and more destruction to America and the world than possibly any other act of Congress.  The exponential growth of corruption has brought us to the brink of collapse.

William Ayers American Flag posterAnd then we have the unrepentant, washed up, intellectually and morally bankrupt originators of the current children of the left today, like Bill Ayers.  They have created immoral, illogical, violent zombies, funded by the left, that are just plain anti-American.  But they don’t even know what they are doing or thinking.  The children of the left have now become the Globalist’s army, and their goal is to take American down from within.  They have nearly succeeded in education, social policy, political correctness, moral decay, and have tried mightily to divide us from each other and to destroy our relationship with our Creator God.


The result of this fiasco that has happened while we were asleep?  Shown perfectly here:


Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the rescue of our Nation!  Do not let the left intimidate you!

The Rise

©2015 drkate

Please view this while you can.  Its it story of our time.

And look what happened to the maker of this film!  😯

We face this assault every day, and I bet that each of you is involved in some activity that the government is fighting you on.  It’s local, too…your county commissioners, city officials, state elected officials.  They are the agents of change and destruction.

Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!

Open Thread!


Christmas or Holiday?

©drkate 2014

Gee, we’ve just finished ‘black Friday’ and already the commercial rush for Christmas is on.  Or not.

Or is it the politically correct, cultural Marxist  “holiday rush”?


christmastree holiday tree

Open thread!


The Truth Is

©2014 drkate

h/t  The Reality Zone

Other truths:

Let’s have an open thread on all the truths we have discovered in the last five years.  Load it up here with references, this will be a post for history’s sake!

The Secret: Hold Everybody Up

©2013 drkate

Why just hold one person up?  Why not everyone? ~Eustace Mullins

December 23, 2013 was the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act and creation of the Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor a reserve.  This Act and the Fed have almost single- handedly destroyed the United States.  This video of a lecture by Eustace Mullins is essential history important to every American.

In his Foreword to The Secrets of the Federal Reserve Mullins explains the circumstances by which he came to write his investigation into the origins of the Federal Reserve System:

In 1949, while I was visiting Ezra Pound who was a political prisoner at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. (a Federal institution for the insane), Dr. Pound asked me if I had ever heard of the Federal Reserve System. I replied that I had not, as of the age of 25. He then showed me a ten dollar bill marked “Federal Reserve Note” and asked me if I would do some research at the Library of Congress on the Federal Reserve System which had issued this bill. Pound was unable to go to the Library himself, as he was being held without trial as a political prisoner by the United States government. After he was denied broadcasting time in the U.S., Dr. Pound broadcast from Italy in an effort to persuade people of the United States not to enter World War II. Franklin D. Roosevelt had personally ordered Pound’s indictment…

After telling Pound that he had little interest in such a research project because he was working on a novel,

Pound offered to supplement my income by ten dollars a week for a few weeks. My initial research revealed evidence of an international banking group which had secretly planned the writing of the Federal Reserve Act and Congress’ enactment of the plan into law. These findings confirmed what Pound had long suspected. He said, “You must work on it as a detective story.”

In 1985, Mullins also wrote A Writ for Martyrs, in which he reproduced a large portion of his FBI file, which included a 1959 memo to J. Edgar Hoover from Alex Rosen, which suggested having Mullins forcibly committed for his political views. On this memo is a scribbled note from Hoover, saying the Mullins case was “top priority” and that FBI agents should “see that some action is taken.” It also produced facsimiles of his correspondence with the German and American governments regarding the burning of the German translation of his study of the Federal Reserve.In 1988, Mullins wrote Murder by Injection, where he argued that much of the United States was controlled by the Rockefellers, and that the “medical monopoly” exercised a pernicious influence on American life, intentionally making people sick and deliberately introducing poisons, rather than healing people.

In 1989, Mullins wrote The Rape of Justice, where he argued that the United States legal system was fundamentally corrupt.

When Operation American Spring occurs beginning in May 2013, one of the buildings that should be surrounded is the Federal Reserve on Constitution Avenue.  Members of the Armed Forces will be there.


Open thread.

Questions for a Constitutional Convention

©2013 drkate

Of all the so called ‘Patriot Actions’ the one that is most disturbing to me is the call for a Constitutional Convention.  Over the last several years many have proposed new amendments to the Constitution, including some of the major provisions such as the qualifications for the office of the president, and other amendments that require Congress to follow the same rules as citizens of the United States and a balanced budget amendment.

What we don’t hear, even from the patriots, is the need to eliminate illegal amendments–those not ratified properly by the states– such as the 14th, 16th, and 17th amendments.  Nor do we hear calls for the restoration of the original 13th Amendment, which would have prevented lawyers (titles of nobility such as ‘esquire) to serve in government.  And of course, nobody talks about enforcing the existing constitution, which for example would eliminate the need for a ‘balanced budget amendment’ because Congress would have to stay within its enumerated powers.

So the lawyers and lobbyists across the country are pushing for a Constitutional Convention, glaringly a ‘con’ as in ‘con con’.  Remember this is the same group of people who were barred from serving in government by the original 13th amendment, which ‘disappeared’ from the Constitution  after the war of 1812.  The British burned the White House and the effort was to eliminate the records, research, and proceedings that produced the Declaration of Independence and the first Constitutional Convention which produced the Constitution for the United States.

The lawyers and legal profession, and its gaggle of judges, would go on to essentially ‘gut’ the Constitution’s provisions by developing the Administrative Procedures Act  (APA) and other “legal tools” to prevent we the people from even knowing the strength of the Constitution’s provisions and the protection of our  God-given rights enshrined therein.   The APA essentially makes it impossible to gut excessive agency development, for example, the EPA, and allows a suit only on the grounds that it violates the APA, not the Constitution’s limits on executive power. If the lawyers were barred initially from serving in the government, what are they doing now rewriting the constitution?

What will Disappear in the New Constitution? 

Photo of Ayers taken on September 11, 2001

Photo of Ayers taken on September 11, 2001

You can believe that our founding on God’s law–common law–will be eliminated.  This is the dream of all the marxist dems and all the republicans, now clearly just one part of the cabal that dislikes the American people and disrespects our founding documents, calls our founding fathers ‘terrorists’, and claims that our constitution is fatally flawed.  This propaganda has been spread to the general population through government schools (Common Core, anyone?), and now through our churches which have completed the ‘falling away’ as  2 Thessalonians 2:3 predicted.  And here we have Pastors saying that the American people do not deserve liberty anymore.  We can point fingers at everyone else as to who is responsible for this debacle, but when you point one finger at anyone three point back at you.

If our founding principles disappear, then all we have is a counterfeit.  That suits satan’s purposes just fine.  As long as we don’t remember God, or Jesus the Christ, our the founding principles of common law within the ten commandments, then confusion and lies will reign.  That’s the plan.

Questions for a Constitutional Convention

Is a Constitutional Convention an appropriate tool to renew the foundations of liberty in America?  Here are some questions for consideration that will help you decide!

  1. What will a Constitutional Convention cover?  What rules will limit the scope and coverage of a Constitutional Convention?
  2. How are the delegates to the Constitutional Convention selected?  Who selects them?
  3. What choice do ‘we the people’ have in selecting Convention Delegates and what assurance do the people have that these delegates will be truly representative of the people?
  4. Why are Constitutional Convention proponents mostly lawyers?
  5. Do people know that a Constitutional Convention has as much power as a joint session of Congress?
  6. Will the Constitutional Convention rewrite the constitution?
  7. How can we prevent the Constitutional Convention from rewriting the Constitution?
  8. It is known that the Obama regime has already drafted a new Constitution, its ready to go.  What will prevent Obama’s constitution from replacing our constitution?
  9. The original 13th Amendment prohibited lawyers (anyone who took a title such as “Esquire”) from serving in government.  Why is it that mostly lawyers are promoting a Constitutional Convention, and shouldn’t they be barred from participating?
  10. What provisions, or where is the law, that provides for a state to rescind its call for a Constitutional Convention?
  11. Will a Constitutional Convention be able to rescind or remove the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments, which were not properly ratified by the States?
  12. The Constitution is based on Common Law.  The lawyers have corrupted this and believe the Constitution is ‘case law’.  Will the Constitutional Convention return us to Common Law?
  13. Most attorneys ignored Article II of the constitution  which confirms that Obama is not constitutionally eligible to serve as president, saying it was  ‘a matter of interpretation’.  Who are they to now rewrite the Constitution?
  14. How can a constitutional convention defeat the liberal agenda when the call to revise the constitution is a call from the left, liberal, lawyers???

What is going on in your part of the country on a Constitutional Convention?  Where do citizens, legislators, Pastors, and attorneys stand on this issue in your state?

Guns, Oil, and Drugs

©2013 drkate

The World on the NWO Chessboard

The World on the NWO Chessboard

Forget anything you hear about the democrats or republicans, or the current ‘leaders’ of the U.S. government, spreading ‘democracy’ around the world.  It’s all a hoax as we were hijacked a long time ago and have been supporting a false god…counterfeit god known as the elite’s quest for money and control based on Guns, Oil, and Drugs.

The illegality of three plants–coca, cannabis,and the opium poppy–creates the worlds largest black marketplace of over one trillion dollars annually of untaxed cash dollars, supplying the ‘shadow masters’ with funds to corrupt financial and civil institutions, to acquire industries, own media, buy governments, fund terrorism, and bankroll wars.

The treasure of American blood has been coldly wasted to fight wars over drugs–Vietnam, Kosovo, Afghanistan to name just a few–where the financiers of war play both sides of the coin.  Gun and missile running, perfected on the American side by G.H. W. Bush, Eric Holder, the Clintons, the Obamas…with invaluable assistance from the CIA serve to make money and  destroy civilizations. These are the boys and girls who succumbed to the temptations offered by Satan.

…the behind the scenes collaboration between governments, intelligence agencies, big business, drug traffickers, and ‘terrorists’ has lined the pockets of the elite on one hand, while on the other profoundly contributing to the destruction of sovereign nation-states in favor of more efficient economic units, but without such messy things as the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.  Dealing their cards from the darkness, the Shadow Masters create ‘reality’, inventing the good guys and the bad buys, playing a rigged game for power, profit, and our future.~Shadow Masters

Listen to this incredible interview, in two parts:

Part 2:


Open Thread.

“Rumblings of Dictatorship”

©2013 drkate

And there’s Benghazi, Breitbart, Aaron Swartz, and other knowers; Sandy Hook, Aurora, and Clackamas; election theft, martial law the so called fiscal cliff, and gun control…chemtrails, flouride, and the flu…

Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

What are your plans for 2013?

…Open Thread…

Letters to the IRS, No. 5

©2012 drkate

Would it surprise you to know that the second major plank of the communist takeover of any society is to develop a heavy progressive income tax? In the United States, this has manifested as the illegal Sixteenth Amendment, the Social Security Act of 1936, Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933, and various state ‘income’ taxes.  While most Americans assume that communism is dead, it by far remains a serious threat to our Constitution especially since Obama, his cohorts, and 80 members of Congress are openly declared and visibly acting communists.

In this post, we continue our series called “Letters to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)”–a series of letters to a hypothetical IRS agent– with a look at letter number 5.  The purpose of these letters is to give the taxpayer some comprehension of the mentality of anyone who would be a tax collector…and to give the taxpayer some legal ammunition to use against the unlawful collection of income taxes and the search and seizure of property committed by the thugs from the IRS.

What we have covered so far:

  • In letter No. 1, the stage was set for the confrontation of an IRS agent who determines he/she must search your records; a search from which you are protected under the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution.  This letter was concluded in a session of Revolution Radio, which carried Red Beckman–the author of the letters–and Terry Dodd in an interesting and informative discussion. 
  • Letter no. 2 continued the ‘therapy’ for the IRS agent and discussed  the research that determined the Sixteenth Amendment was unconstitutional, not only because it was never ratified, but it was never a bill, only a resolution, and congress as well as the state legislatures suspended their rules to consider the resolution!  This letter was presented in a further discussion on Revolution Radio, and included a fun discussion of ‘how to have fun with an IRS Audit’ and some interesting historical notes.
  • Letters 3 and 4 were presented on Revolution Radio on Wednesday April 11, and once again we were joined by Red Beckman and Terry Dodd.  Of considerable interest and fact is that by our consent, individuals, churches and the public generally accepted this illegal income tax.  Our Republic is supposed to function by consent of the governed, and all laws of government are subject to our petit and Grand Jury votes.  When you point one finger at government, three point back at yourself.  It is essential that we understand what has happened as no movement forward will occur unless we the people realize that we failed the Constitution, it did not fail us.  An interesting story from I Kings 12 was presented as evidence for what happens when the people realize they’ve been had.

In letter no. 5, the therapy continues for the IRS agent, who should be at this point seriously considering turning in his badge.  Don’t steal my apples!

Dear Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Dr. I.R.S. Agent:

It is time for another session of therapy and another dose of medicine.  The effort and time which I have invested in your behalf should indicate my continued concern for you.

One of the surprises in this process is your inability to recognize how crazy IRS agents have become.  The IRS would like to blame fellows like myself for the growth of the tax protest movement.  I don’t have to recruit taxpayers to become tax protestors!  You, as an IRS agent, will enlist more tax resisters than I ever could.  How do you think I got involved?  It was agents just like yourself who were crazy enough to think I would be terrorized when they came around.  When that first happened, I didn’t know my history too well, but there was one thing for sure, the IRS had punched my mad button.  I’ve been mad ever since and the more I get informed, the angrier I get.

If you were not psychotic, you would mix some common sense with a little history and discover how foolish you have been.  This great Nation was founded by a tax protest which became a Freedom Movement.  We had men who protested the taxes King George levied against them.  The tax collectors for the king lashed back.  The tax collectors were determined to show the people who was the master and they used some very harsh and cruel actions to enforce their demands.  As the government of King George attempted to intimidate the people, more and more recognized the danger and joined the tax protest.  As the tax protestors researched history, they learned the nature and danger of bad government.  At some point, the tax protest became a Freedom movement and a political force.

Today in these United States of America, there is a political force which is dedicated to freedom and it was IRS agents who recruited the men and women who are involved.  King George and his tax collectors had a mental problem back in the seventeen seventies.  They too had a mental disability and they did not have the capacity to learn a lesson from history.  The Freedom Movement is now a political force because our government now consumes over half of the wealth created by the people.  Our founding fathers objected and fought a revolution against the King when the tax rate hit fourteen percent.  History tells us no Nation has survived when the people lose more than one-third to government.  Your learning disability has robbed you of common sense which should tell you how precarious your position is.  The tax protestors you have recruited are now dedicated to freedom and they will not back off or disappear until they have won back the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for.

You, as an IRS agent, represent the forces that would destroy the freedom guaranteed to ‘we the people’ by the Constitution of the United States of America.  There are other forces which are involved, but we do not have as close a contact with them.  The Supreme Court Judges are not out meeting the taxpayers as you do, but they are as guilty as you of committing crimes against the taxpayer.  When I was a small boy of five years, I was playing with a group of larger boys who game me their permission to pick some apples that were inside the fence.  I then gave the larger boys some apples because they were so kind to give me permission to go through the hole in the fence and pick the apples.

We fellows had a real good thing going for us until my mother caught me eating an apple and she asked me where it came from.  I quite well remember the lesson I learned from that experience.  The fellows who gave me permission to go through the fence had no authority to give that permission.

You IR$ agents are the little fellow who has been given permission by the Supreme Court to steal my rights and freedoms.  When I went through the fence and stole the apples, it was my decision to go through the fence.  I made some mental adjustments because I wanted the apples.  The paycheck you get as an IRS agent has helped you make the mental adjustments to excuse and justify your theft of wealth from the people.  The pain I suffered as my conscience was bruised by my mental gymnastics is the same as you have experienced.  When my mother confronted me with authority, my mental weakness was exposed and now it is time for you to be confronted with authority.

The larger boys had no authority to give me permission to go through the fence to steal apples.  The fence, nor the apples, were their property.  You IRS agents love to recite Supreme Court decisions as your authority.  The Supreme Court has supposedly given permission to IRS agents to search and seize my private papers and records. These black-robed big boys have given you permission to go through my fence onto my property to steal my apples. You have been eating my apples and of course the Supreme Court is now eating my apples too. It isn’t me who has exposed your theft.  My mother was the authority that exposed my weakness.  The people found out about my theft of their apples when I was sent by my mother to confess.  The Freedom Movement is the force which has exposed the same of the IRS and the Supreme Court.  Where did the black-robed boys get the authority to give you permission to go through my fence to steal my apples?  The answer is very simple.  The got the authority from the same source as the lads who gave me, a five-year-old, permission to steal the apples so many years ago.  I adjusted my fiver year old mind by thinking about the apples I was going to get.  You will commit all kinds of crimes against your fellow man for a paycheck.

IRS agents steal property, bank accounts, close businesses and never allow the taxpayer a day in court.  How can this be when the law which you swore to uphold says “if there is controversy of over twenty dollars, the right to trial by a Jury shall be preserved” (7th Amendment)?  You have no right to take any property without due process (5th Amendment).  What is due process?  The Supreme Court is not the authority on what due process is.  The Seventh Amendment tells us what due process is.  If you want more than twenty dollars from me, you must sue me at the common law and let a Jury of my peers decide if you can have my apples.

Now let’s get back to the Freedom Movement.  These are the people who know what the Constitution means and how it is being violated by the big fellows in black robes and the little fellows with IRS badges.  You little fellows took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution the same as the big fellows.  You don’t know anything about what the Constitution says except what the big fellows have told you.  Now you had better listen to someone else.  That someone else is a strong political force and their goal is to make you and the big boys leave our apples alone.

We will pay you some apples if you render proper and lawful services.  If our government performs its proper function we have no quarrel. WE pay our light bills, telephone bills and we pay for our roads when we buy gas.  We have no problem with Constitutional taxation, but, when you wish to steal from us to give low interest loans to our enemies, that changes the picture.  Millions have now pushed the mad button as they are charged unbelievable high interest and the Russians borrow our tax money at low rates.  Young people cannot buy a home so the carpenters are out of work.  Few can afford to buy a car so the auto worker is out of work.  The politicians too have joined the fellows in the black robes by passing laws in violation of the law which governs them.  They have given permission to steal apples so they can have apples to trade for votes at the next election.

Let there be no mistake as to the intent of the Freedom Movement.  It is a political force committed to government limited in its power by the law (Constitution).  We want our Congressmen, Senators, Presidents and Judges to obey the law.  If they obey the law we will pay lawful taxes.  When tax-consuming public servants ignore the law and give each other permission to steal my apples, they have gone too far.

You have been doing a good job recruiting people for the tax protest. Once these tax protestors get informed, they become part of the Freedom Movement.  Anyone in the Freedom Movement will spend ten dollars to keep you and your apple-stealing buddies from getting one dollar in illegal taxes. Your entire IRS code is null and void and you will soon see the day when those boys in the black robes are forced by their master to admit they were wrong.  They have been caught with the stolen apples by the owners.  What will the Grand Juries do when they investigate your activities?  Will they indict you for your crimes?  What will happen when the Grand Jury investigates the U.S. Supreme Court?  The Grand Jury is made up of twenty-three sovereign individuals who have the authority and the jurisdiction to investigate all public servants.  Have Supreme Court Justices protected the IRS from the authority and power of the Constitution?  If the Supreme Court has defended government from the Constitution, they are in violation of their oath.  Is the Constitution stronger today than when it was ratified by the States?  The Constitution is being destroyed by those it was designed to control and govern.  The Constitution is being mocked and spit upon by those who swore to uphold and defend it.

This Nation was founded by brave men. Our government was created by law which was to bind and control public servants.  The rights of ‘we the people’ were not given to us by our government.  Our rights are God-given and the only rights our government has are defined in the Constitution.  “We the people’ gave certain of our God-given rights to our government to protect, and if government goes through the fence and steals our apples, it becomes criminal.

Why am I saying all of this?  Remember, your medicine was a combination of different elements.  Ridicule, fear, satire, humor, truth, and logic were some of the ingredients.  I was recruited to become a tax protestor by the IRS and now I have graduated to the Freedom Movement.  Now it is my patriotic duty to help as many others to become informed as I possibly can.  To make all of that medicine work properly in your life, we must inform the people who get called for Grand Jury and Jury duty.  These are the people who will inject massive doses of fear into your mind if you do not take the cure.  If every angry individual in this country was registered to vote, and knew how much power they have on a Jury, we would have no more problems with the IRS or the Supreme Court.  All of these letters are designed to help other taxpayers to know their rights and how to protect them.  If the taxpayers learn how to protect each other, the cure of your mental problem will be a sure thing.

To close this session of treatment and therapy, let me remind you that I pay for all services rendered by government.  I refuse to pay for foreign aid, abortions, no-win wars, welfare fraud, and pay increases for Congressmen during recessions or depressions.  That is just part of the list; I will not burden you with the rest.  If the IRS is not audited as required by law, then you yourself should know that you are working for an illegal entity.  Are you a patriotic American or are you only interested in your paycheck?

Hope this letter will help speed your recovery.


Rise America

Obama’s Socialist Economy

©2012 drkate

I have no faith that the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn Obamacare, especially since Elena Kagan will not recuse herself from the decision.  That said, we MUST take the Senate to ensure its continued defeat by Congress. More importantly, we must make sure our states are prepared to nullify Obamacare at all levels, and put law enforcement on notice.

The disaster of Obama’s economic wrecking ball comes full force force forward, as he tries to distract us with race in Florida.  America does not have a racial problem, America has an Obama problem.  All you have to know is hate-monger Al Sharpton is on the scene.

Destroyer in Chief

(photo h/t Jan)

Still working on a major post, so consider this another open thread!

Letters to the IRS

©2012 drkate

As has been documented here, here, and here, ‘federal income taxes’ are illegal and have always been unconstitutional.The underlying ‘law’, the Sixteenth Amendment, never was legally ratified, although it was declared so by federal god Philander Knox just at the time the linked Federal Reserve Act was passed.  It is unconstitutional and cannot be made so, no matter how many IRS agents come to your door.  The only tax allowable was specified in the Constitution under Article I, Section 8:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Proof of Illegality of 16th Amendment

But the federal god, seeking to replace the true God with itself and ways to deceive you, has terrorized Americans since 1913 by the actions of the Internal Revenue Service thugs agents, along with a complicit judiciary which is paid by these income taxes (read: conflict of interest).  Right about now millions of citizens are worrying about those taxes and the consequences of refusing to allow this law that never was to have an effect on their lives. Why do you suppose the 1040 form finishes with a statement that income taxes are voluntary?

But the word ‘voluntary’ means something different to the federal god. ‘Voluntary’ according to the federal god is ‘pay them or we kill you‘.  Is this state-sponsored terrorism?

Well here is a refreshing book, now up for reprinting, entitled Do Unto the I.R.S. as They Would do Unto You!, by Red Beckman.  Following is the first of a series of letters to the IRS upon receiving a notice of an audit, which reminds them of the Constitution.

Dear Mr., Mrs., or Ms. IRS Agent:

I am in receipt of your letter.  You are demanding I submit to illegal search and seizure of my books and records in your office.

You perhaps are the most fortunate of all IRS agents to have been assigned to my audit.  You have a serious personal problem which needs to be diagnosed and treated.  You are in very good hands because this taxpayer is well informed and trained to help people with your kind of problem.  Be assured you will receive my help without charge as a humanitarian service.  The people of these United States of America are big-hearted and love to help others who are less fortunate than themselves. I am just another American with deep compassion for those who have problems.  One who cares for others will not measure rewards in dollar and cents but rather in deep inner warmth and satisfaction.  Your diagnosis, treatment and therapy will not be calculated in dollars and cents.

I want to make sure you understand where my concern is coming from and you will not be billed for my services.  You should be lying on a couch because there may be some shock when you read the next par of this letter.  Hold yourself together because your malady is curable.  It is probably as serious as cancer but will respond to treatment very readily if you will cooperate.  I hope you have not become too frighted by what you have just read, but diagnosis is the first step in the process of recovery from any health problem.  Learning about a problem such as yours will probably be the most difficult moment of your life.  I will be as compassionate and helpful as possible as your difficulty is explained to you.

Your problem is a mental disorder which is very serious and unless treated successfully is quite often fatal.  Records are available which clearly show millions have died because of mental illness such as you have.  The Gestapo of Hitler’s Germany and the KGB of Stalin’s Russia were seriously afflicted with the same problem.  The Gestapo and KGB personnel did not accept a proper diagnosis or treatment and the result has been untold suffering, misery and death.

You are becoming very angry at this point, but please remain on the couch and hold yourself together.  The agents who worked for the Gestapo reacted the same way when told of their mental problems and they refused to be treated and cured.  You too may refuse to recognize your mental problem, but as you read on, it should become quite clear the alternative is rather hazardous.  Many of the Gestapo agents who were still alive in 1945 were tried and hung at Nuremburg, Germany, for crimes they committed.  You are more fortunate because the therapy and cure of your illness will be far less painful than if your sickness is left untreated.  Your anger should be tempered with a small twinge of fear at this point.  If you will be honest with yourself for just a moment, it will be most helpful to me and yourself as well.  Did you feel that twinge?  A little taste of fear as you read these last few lines?

Yes, you did, and I am encouraged because it indicates that with therapy we can bring dormant parts of your mind back to life and health.  Fear must become a very active ingredient in your thinking process in the days of treatment which lie ahead.  Your letter that notified me of your intent to audit my tax returns would create fear in the hears of most taxpayers.  You are paid very high wages to capitalize on the fear which the IRS generates.  Now fear is coming home to roost in your life and mind.  The process of therapy and cure will be very rapid if I can generate a lot of fear in your mind.  Fear on the backs of IRS agents will help cure this Nation’s problems as well as the mental afflictions of each agent.

Yes this Nation is plagued by high interest, high unemployment, high taxes, inflation, and low productivity.  Our tax-consuming public servants lied to us about Vietnam, Pearl Harbor, Korea, the energy shortage, Watergate, and Social Security.  These problems were created by people suffering from the same malady as yourself.  All of these national problems will go away if we can cure you and your fellow IRS agents of your mental illness. Tyrannies are not created by one despot such as Hitler or Stalin. They are brought about by people.  The one at the top is riding the shoulders of mental cripples such as you.  Hitler was put into the history books by people who committed crimes against their fellow man in the name of government.

We would not have a terrorist organization called the IRS if no one would work for such an outlaw gang.  You, as an IRS agent, created trouble and misery for taxpayers.  Every time you demanded an audit of a taxpayer’s books, it generated stress and mental anguish.  You were the cause of sleepless nights, tension, loss of appetite, and you are using mental gymnastics to excuse your part in this terrible crime.  This letter is written to expose your excuses as being nothing more than mental dishonesty.  You were willing to sell your soul for a paycheck but you are personally and individually responsible for your own actions.  You must answer for your crimes as surely as the war criminals at Nuremburg.  Hitler got most of the blame for WWII but it was people like yourself who pulled the trigger.  History would indicate Hitler’s instructions and orders were wrong but the people blindly obeyed because they were mentally and intellectually weak.  There would never have been a World War II if the individuals involved had been guided by a personal sense of right and wrong.

Who gave Hitler the authority to order the deaths of millions?  At the Nuremburg war crimes trials those who had followed the orders of the Nazi government were found guilty of terrible crimes against their fellow man.  They followed orders which were not right and not lawful.  Neither Hitler nor the Nazi government had any right whatsoever to order the abuse, murder, or harassment of any individual.  Any government which perpetuates such crimes against mankind is a criminal government and such governments are created by people with mental problems.  An evil or criminal government is the result when individuals follow the orders of evil men  rather than their own conscience.

You, as an IRS agent, have been committing crimes against your fellow Americans. Your mind has taken an awful beating as you have weighed a paycheck against your conscience…

~to be continued~

This letter continues offering the IRS agent advice, and then tells the truth about the violation of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution as the IRS swoops down on your income or threatens your livelihood with audits.

Please listen to the exciting conclusion of this letter to the IRS and commentary on Wednesday’ Night’s Revolution Radio!

Rise America


©2012 drkate

Let me count the ways that we, the American people, are expendable.

  • Andrew Breitbart  RIP March 1, 2012
  • The truth about Barrack Hussein Obama
  • Dead American soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas
  • 3,000 American citizens on 911
  • Theft of trillions of dollars from United States citizens and America since 1913, but most recently 1980’s, 1990’s, 2001-2012
  • 4,800 American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq
  • 312 Americans including children in Oklahoma City
  • 50 Americans in Waco, Texas
  • How many dead in Serbia and Kosovo at whose hands?
  • Dozens of individuals inexplicably ‘suicided’ or victims of unsolved and uninvestigated murders
  • 48,600 American soldiers in Vietnam
  • Thousands due to improper actions of our own government  resulting in American deaths in WWII

Just when you think you’ve got a handle or perspective on these historical events, you are confronted with something that shakes you to the foundation, and reminds you again of how much danger we are in right now. The big lie is harder to believe than a little lie.

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” – J. Edgar Hoover, quote found here

Data-Mining Enterprises

Mockingbird flashing its wings

For the love of money and power, the mockingbird has been effectively deployed to dupe Americans into looking the other way while our finances and very existence are ‘data-mined’ for absolute control.  Wirelessly… enter the Inslaw Affair

PROMIS/TECH software could be as simple as just a keystroke program.  On all corporate and government systems, the first thing that anybody enters on the machine is their ID and password.   All the program on the chip would have to do is to record the first 25 keystrokes after any period of inactivity on the machine.  With the capability of getting the ID and password of key people in an organization – the DBA, the RACF security person, the payroll person, the Key men in a corporations, an intruder could do anything….


If you control the U.S. government – by controlling the people in key government positions and most importantly – controlling the investigative arms of the government, then you are well on your way to controlling the world – right? 

Enter Systematics

In case you aren’t familiar with Systematics, Inc., they are pioneers in core banking technology. The company was founded, in Little Rock, and is at the core of some of the biggest controversies and conspiracies in American political history. With regard to his disinformative theory on Vince Foster’s death – which is not without some value – J. Orlin Grabbe wrote the following on Systematics:

“Systematics has had close ties to the NSA and CIA ever since its founding, sources say, as a money-shuffler for covert operations. It is no secret that there were billions of dollars moving around in ‘black’ accounts–from buying and selling arms to the Contras, Iran, Iraq, Angola and other countries to paying CIA operatives and laundering money from clandestine CIA drug dealing. Having taken over the complete computer rooms in scores of small U.S. banks as an ‘outsource’ supplier of data processing, Systematics was in a unique position to manage that covert money flow. Sources say the money was moved at the end of every day disguised as a routine bank-to-bank balancing transaction…”

Vince Foster oversaw the covert money-laundering operations of Systematics…who were represented by Hillary Clinton at the Arkansas-based Rose Law Firm.

According to this report,

“Systematics’ money-laundering role for the intelligence community might help explain why Jackson Stephens tried to take over Washington-based Financial General Bankshares in 1978 on behalf of Arab backers of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. BCCI’s links to global corruption and intelligence operations has been well documented, though many mysteries remain.

Of course, there are also the Saudi Arabian ambassador guards that didn’t hear a gunshot, on the night that Vince Foster was shot in the head, in the park across the street from the ambassador’s residence.

But, in terms of vetting Barrack Obama, my interest is in the new found connection to the man once reported to have helped Obama get into Harvard: Khalid al-Mansour. As Mr. Percy Sutton reported, Khalid al-Mansour was advisor to Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, pictured here along with Barrack Obama’s cousin-in-law, Abdullah Al Ahmadi:

Abdullah Al Ahmadi installed the systematics computer system into Saudi Arabia’s central bank.

The Tip of the Iceberg

String a series of seemingly unconnected events and articles together lands us in a place where we can now understand why there is no action on the part of republicans or democrats to expose the fraud of Barrack Hussein Obama.

  • There is the game plan to isolate, demonize, and destroy anyone who wants to find his true identity, OCTPAW, the “Obama Conspiracy Psychological Assault Weapon”.  We have all been affected by this and most have been driven away from discussing this issue.
  • Then there is the Congressional Research Service’s doubling down on linguistic torts, an excellent series by the Post-Email on the obfuscation of Obama’s lack of eligibility and the excuses used by the judiciary, Congress, the media and so many others to thwart the efforts of Americans to find the truth.
  • And then there are the databases that exist…the promises that are kept among the elite to control the world.

Sometime ago I wrote a post that drove several readers away from this blog…it was about a conspiracy of silence related to all things about the truth for Americans about Obama, but also major events that have occurred in our lifetimes.  I still miss those readers, and thought that perhaps I had gone too far in connecting dots going back to Bush I all the way up to the other monster Obama.  Occasionally my posts discuss candidly the Federal Reserve, the Sixteenth Amendment, and the New World Order.

And then I find out that investigations were underway regarding this financial theft from America, when the Twin Towers fell on the accountants who were involved in the investigation, the fraudulent treasury notes and palates of gold bars in the basement, and that the Office of Naval Intelligence –which was also investigating the theft of monies– was targeted by the ‘plane’ missile at the Pentagon.  And I am back to square one.

We are in more danger than we think right now, and it looks like we may never find the truth about Obama.  It is because the lie is so big and involves so many..and TPTB are accelerating their time table because we are connecting the dots.  It is hard to believe that our own government–bought off by the banksters in 1913–would stoop so low as to make its citizens lives and the truth expendable, truly expendable.

Take it Seriously–Before its Too Late

No one should be paying income taxes now, perhaps a national strike–or more– is in our future. Work hard for Ron Paul, expose election fraud, and work harder to expose the fraud that is the republican-democrat paradigm sham.  But your eyes should be wide open with the Good Book and scripture in your hands.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus ~Rev 22:20


The Sixteenth Amendment and the Federal Reserve

©2012 drkate

It is no coincidence that the two major actions which have undermined the Constitution and taken control away from the people occurred during the same year, and that they are intricately related.  The Federal Reserve Act established a central banking system in the United States–not controlled by the federal government–but designed to control the federal government. The Act was passed by Congress on December 23, 1913 and  illegally granted authority to a banking cartel to issue Federal Reserve notes as legal tender.

This allowed the U.S. government to borrow these notes–money–to grow beyond the boundaries of the Constitution, and pay them back to the central banking cartel with interest.  Where would the money come from to pay back the banking cartel?

“Income taxes”, aka, the non-ratified Sixteenth Amendment.

Notice the burst of ‘federal spending’ outside the Constitutional limits–for example, creating agencies, expanding the military operations overseas, creating laws outside of the eighteen enumerated powers that expanded the government after 1913.  The government borrowed money from the FED, and earmarked Americans’ personal income to pay it back. Declaring bankruptcy in 1932, the ‘social security scheme tax’ was implemented–and promised to Americans as a safety net in their retired years. We’ve all paid into it but the politicians stole it…my mother until her last day paid taxes on that social security ‘income’ that was in fact derived from taxes on her income all the years she worked.

The book, “The Law that Never Was”, researched and written by Red Beckman and Bill Benson, provides the historic documentation that the Sixteenth Amendment was not legally ratified. This book is being offered free to the 50,000 commenter on drkatesview.

In a series of “letters to the IRS” taken from the book “Do Unto the IRS As They Would Do Unto You!”, the author advises a misdirected IRS agent attempting to collect illegal income taxes to do the research himself to verify the non-existence of the Sixteenth Amendment:

  • Read the Congressional Record to check the intent of Congress in 1909.  Who was to be taxed–the rich, the middle class, or th epoor?
  • Find the resolution passed by the Congress.  Try to find a bill passed by the Congress.
  • Get Senate Document 240 (Library of Congress 1931–Serial set 9346)
  • Look at the legislative journals for the 48 states.  Why did the 48 states suspend their rules in their consideration of the Sixteenth Amendment?
  • Did the state legislatures pass resolutions or did they pass bills?
  • Check to see if these resolutions are binding
  • Find out why the proclamation by the Secretary of State is labeled PRIVATE LAW
  • Where is the President’s signature?
  • Can a law be passed without the President’s signature?

The Freedom Law School is offering a $300,000 reward to anyone who can prove the Sixteenth Amendment was legally ratified.  If you are instead more concerned about how to deal with any current “IRS Problems” this site provides some excellent resources and guidance.

As advised by Joe Bannister on Revolution Radio’s “Walls in our Minds” recent broadcast, it is important to understand the realities of challenging this illegality thrust upon America in the last 99 years.  The awakening of the people to this fraud is why the ‘NWO’ and alien financiers are so hell-bent on controlling the world through destabilization and defeating America as we speak, as these words are written.  Notice the only candidate to mention the Sixteenth Amendment and the income tax is Dr. Ron Paul–who understands the sound money system which our country was built on, and to which our Republic must return.

When the word of the income tax fraud began to be spread via public meetings in the early 1980’s, IRS agents would show up at these public meeting places and record the license plates of attendees…with the inevitable IRS notice of audit sent along shortly thereafter.  How astounding to find in the ‘confidential’ IRS Tax Audit Guide for Special Agents the following notes:

“An individual taxpayer may refuse to exhibit his books and records for examination on the grounds that compelling him to do so might violate his right against self incrimination under the Fifth Amendment and constitute an illegal search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment”.

Looking for Balls

©2012 drkate

Well, the republicans don’t have any, and the democrats never had them. But these two can’t seem to stop looking for them…

did they really roll down the hill?

(h/t Jan)

If you’d like to add a caption, by all means be my guest! 😆

In the meantime, here are some excellent interviews and events that took place this week:

  • Joe Bannister, retired IRS agent, along with Terry Dodd and Red Beckmann, discuss “The Law that Never Was”–the Sixteenth Amendment–on drkates Revolution Radio February 16, 2012. Pay attention to the questions that are asked, and answered, such as ‘what is income’? Check out these two websites for more information on one of the greatest hoaxes played on Americans since the founding of our country.  DON’T FORGET…that a free hard copy of Red Beckman’s “The Law that Never Was” will be given to the person with the 50,000th comment on DrKatesview! 
  • Obama ballot access challenges were filed in Arizona and Pennsylvania this week by two well-known patriots.  Please be sure to support these efforts at the legal fund established to defray costs of these suits as the Article II SuperPac, and check in on the efforts at the Obama Ballot Access Challenge site.
  • Georgia Superior Court asked to overrule the GA SOS and the judge-less Maliki’s erroneous decision

You see boys above, real Patriots do have balls, we don’t need to go looking for them.  The establishment will not have an easy time of it, as the Revolution will not be televised.

Have fun!

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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