Archive for the 'invasion' Category

Total Infiltration

©2020 DrKate

Well, the Communists did go underground and are still here. They cut their hair and became the politicians and ‘educators’…

See the bright line now?



Lessons from the Shutdown

©2019 DrKate

Arrests are glorious, but conviction is the key.

The recent partial government shutdown over the failure to fund the border wall may have been a type of “Good” Government Shutdown” that was discussed by the President over a year ago, written about here, and discussed in the video below.  Remember the partial shutdown would not have happened if former Speaker Paul Ryan had managed to get the appropriations bills passed when the Republicans had the House.

Rather than seeing the reopening of government for three weeks as a cave-in to democrats, this video prompts you to take the “long view”–which is the level that President Trump is operating on–and understand the information that has been collected during this period, and the background information he now has to begin downsizing government during the next “good government shutdown”.  This is another way of draining the swamp, by eliminating its enablers and operatives in government agencies.

But when the TSA federal agents or others called in sick, they went AWOL, both a signal to get rid of certain individuals but also whether the federal government should be staffing the TSA or privatizing it at some places?  So, how many airline crashes would you allow to harm citizens before you reopened the government without the wall funding? Compassion has a place in leadership even with a grander plan.

Another value of taking the long game view of this is central to securing the conviction of the criminals who have been publicly identified–Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Huma, Obama, Yates, Strozk, McCabe…and a cast of thousands.  Arrests are glorious, but conviction is the key.

How do you catch corruption, indeed treason,  when the agencies that are involved in investigating and prosecuting it, and the judges giving the opinions, are corrupt to the core themselves?  Over 30 people have been fired and allowed to or forced to be retired from the highest echelons of the FBI and DOJ.  The President has filled over 80 vacancies in the judiciary system, two Supreme Court positions, and just submitted 51 more names for judicial appointments, nearly 1/3 of the judiciary.  The more than 180 positions were left open by Obama for Clinton; now President Trump has the job–and the Senate–and is getting it done, despite the delay tactics.

Everything our President does is strategic, and to be sure his (our) enemies are throwing everything at him (us) that they have.  By working a strategy that is at time excruciatingly long to us, Trump both exposes our enemies publicly but also forces them to expend their ammunition—the tricks they have up their sleeve to derail our President’s plans to wrest control of our country away from the globalists.

Time to force their hand.

What is their next “ammo” to expend?

  • the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg? (aka, some believe she is already dead or close to it…if so, can they just let her go in peace?!?)
  • no wall funding (again)?
  • the fight and delay over the next Supreme Court nominee?  (Dems have tee-ed up abortion, Catholics, race, hate in preparation)
  • tanking of the economy? What if you learned that Trump is actually in charge?

Regarding the next Supreme Court nominee, it is critical to understand they need to delay any new Supreme Court  confirmation until January 2020, when they can invoke the “Biden Rule” that prevents such deliberation during a presidential election year. So they must prop up Ruth Bader Ginsberg so she can be at the SOTU.

Let’s look at the border wall, the “physical barrier” that works which we have funded construction of for foreign countries all over the world but not ours. You know what that means, right?  It is more lucrative for our Congress to launder US taxpayer money through other countries than in the U.S. because our wages are higher. But I digress.

The key issue that no one wants to discuss is that President Trump can declare a national emergency right now and use the military personnel, budget and expertise to rapidly build the wall.   The invoking of a declaration of national emergency is not an executive order that can be challenged in the lower courts.  Any challenge goes immediately to the US Supreme Court, and the facts and law are on America’s side.

But what they don’t want to talk about is the issue of Posse Comitatus , which prohibits the use of US military forces–except the marines–to enforce domestic laws within the United States.  It can only be suspended “under conditions of rebellion or invasion”–like what is occuring at our southern border.  Trump could use the declaration of a national emergency to waive Posse Comitatus and Habeus Corpus, enabling the military to enforce our immigration law at the border, or declare Martial Law as required to address our border security which would also activate the National Guard.

The larger strategy, long-term view is essential to our ability not to be temporarily blindsided by emotions of “he’s caving!”, when we should search for the larger strategic goal and remain calm.  Only then can we know both if and when to act, rather than acting-out.  Its part of the Art of War, and, the Art of the Deal.



Obama’s Criminal Espionage

©2017 drkate

On Sunday morning, the White House released a statement indicating that the president would ask the congressional committees investigating Russian hacking theories to add the question of “whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.”

nyt article on wiretaps

Yes, Obama did tap Trump’s phones.   And he’s done it before.

Of course you can imagine if the story was the other way around, and Trump tapped the phones or otherwise conducted surveillance on Clinton or Obama.  But unlike the entire Obama administration, President Trump does not think like a criminal.  Obama, however, misused the entire US surveillance apparatus to spy on and undermine candidate and now President Trump.

Remember, Trump was not supposed to win the election so Clinton would have kept all the paper trail of this criminal activity hidden.  But President Trump now owns all the records of the U.S. government, including the warrants used to get “court authority” to spy on Trump, Flynn, Sessions, and so many others.

The stories currently are three-fold: first, that Obama’s team tried to get a warrant from a regular, Article III federal court on Trump, and was told no by someone along the way (maybe the FBI), as the evidence was that weak or non-existent; second, Obama’s team then tried to circumvent the federal judiciary’s independent role by trying to mislabel the issue one of “foreign agents,” and tried to obtain a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act “courts”, and were again turned down, when the court saw Trump named (an extremely rare act of FISA court refusal of the government, suggesting the evidence was truly non-existent against Trump); and so, third, Obama circumvented both the regular command of the FBI and the regularly appointed federal courts, by placing the entire case as a FISA case (and apparently under Sally Yates at DOJ) as a “foreign” case, and then omitted Trump’s name from a surveillance warrant submitted to the FISA court, which the FISA court unwittingly granted, which Obama then misused to spy on Trump and many connected to Trump. Are these allegations true? We don’t know yet, but if any part of them are then Obama and/or his officials could face serious trouble.


The violence was a distraction fomented by the Clinton-Obama-Soros media

The paper trail is essential to determine if Obama lied to the FISA court to obtain the warrant…and it sounds like he did.  The other damning evidence is that the Obama administration in January 2017 authorized the “relaxing of rules on the disclosure” of information obtained through a FISA court.

FISA, 50 USC 1801, et seq., is a very limited method of obtaining surveillance authority. The reason for its strict limits is that FISA evades the regular federal court process, by not allowing regularly, Constitutionally appointed federal judges and their magistrates to authorize surveillance the Fourth Amendment would otherwise forbid. Instead, the Chief Justice handpicks the FISA court members, who have shown an exceptional deference to the executive branch. This is because FISA court members trust the government is only bringing them surveillance about pending terror attacks or “grave hostile” war-like attacks, as the FISA statute limits itself to. Thus, a FISA application can only be used in very limited circumstances.

Why do you think it has been non-stop “leaking” of and “spinning” information since even before Trump was elected?

As we deal with this explosive situation, remember the core issue. It is not run-of-the-mill political skulduggery (is there any other kind?). It is the criminal misuse of a critical national defensive capability. Liken it to using a military weapon against your political opponent, because that is the nearest and best analogy. If Obama ordered the military to intervene with Team Trump during the election, that would not be much different from using the intelligence powers to intervene.

Obama is the Deep State’s WEAKEST LINK–he will cause the entire leftist, marxist, globalist operation to fall.

And ironically, the more his treasonous staff tries to defend Obama, the more the finger points directly at him.  There is no “fail safe” operation to keep us from finding out every single truth about obama’s treasonous reign over America.  And all of his advisors, including sedition-queen Valerie Jarrett, are involved up to their eyeballs in misprision of felony and misprision of treason. is, so far, undisputed that there have been many leaks of classified information to damage Trump, and that the Obama administration took steps that could have made such leaks more likely. Those are serious allegations that the former administration is likely going to have to explain to Congress.

Trump is running a very sophisticated sting operation designed to oust the leakers, traitors, and seditious holdovers from the Obama administration.  This is a very dangerous undertaking but absolutely necessary for the survival of our country and the rule of law.  And this is why President Trump is getting so much push back…so many attacks.

The criminals in DC have run their course and now are exposed.  They will keep making mistakes, and eventually they will surrender.

After all, if all you’ve got is media lies, insults, and crazy-mongering, you’ve already lost.



Democrats, Progressives Fall into the Dustbin of History

©2016 drkate

The fallout from the 2016 election for Clinton, democrats, and progressives shows a stunning collapse of the left progressive ideology because of its sheer irrelevance to our constitutional republic. In fact, the notions of the left are an insidious attack on our constitution, a continuing degradation and humiliation of the founders and all our country men’s efforts before us.

The left’s vision of the constitution as a living document, for example, and the “creation” of man-made “rights” is intertwined with the full belief in evolution, or the removal of God from the life of the individual and the nation.  Such a view stunts our own intellectual growth, as if to “study” life with man-made science and “insight”  is to know it.  No wonder the left has no appreciation for the sanctity and protection of life! In the ideology of the left, we become removed from our humanity and God’s creation, and we can’t see its connection to the 5,000 year leap known as the Constitution for the United States.

The video below captures the absolute bankruptcy of the left as we follow the Democrat/Progressive “The Young Turks” on the night of November 8, 2016:

Please review and comment below!


Clinton Lies, We All Die, and so does America

©2016 drkate

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone… John 8:7 KJV

There is absolutely nothing that is going to turn my vote away from Trump.  He has sacrificed his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor for us, for America.  I stand with him 1000%.  Clinton/Kaine have lost the election and have stooped to this degrading distraction to somehow try to turn this around.  This deliberate distraction comes right after the clown Kaine performance, and on the same day as the REAL information comes out through Wikileaks proving

  • Hillary’s complicit behavior in the slaughter of Christians in the middle east by ISIS
  • Hillary’s secret meetings and tape recordings with the Muslim Brotherhood (don’t forget the 20-year pillow talk with Huma)
  • Hillary’s participation as a board member of and Secretary of State when a French company was funding ISIS and paying taxes to them
  • Hillary’s acceptance of muslim refugees and ISIS members into the United States for payment to her foundation
  • Hillary’s speeches before Wall Street where she “dreams of a world without borders” and letting the insiders “fix” Wall Street from being caught looting America and paying off politicians
  • Hillary’s absolute disgust with America, Americans, and all women except for Huma
  • Hillary’s bribery of the Justice Department, FBI, CIA and political operatives masquerading as politicians

She has been a liar all her life and people have died.  BENGHAZI, ANYONE?


Those who are weak-kneed and have decided to disavow Trump, like Paul Ryan, the cucks, and the establishment GOP were never for Trump in the first place, and can go ahead and show their true colors and vote for the liar, cheat, thief, evil woman known as Clinton.  God certainly knows them and has reserved their place in hell, happening sooner rather than later.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

We true Americans are NOT BACKING DOWN.



This is GOD’S TIME.


soldier and flag

Walking Away from the Globalists and Clinton Cash

©2016 drkate

The globalists have terrorized the world for centuries, and like Satan, they know their time is short in formerpresthis world.  Expect everything to speed up and come in overwhelming hoards, like the invasion of Europe by the globalists’ army.

In our own country, our fight is within our own system and our politicians on the “right” and “left” loot our country of our wealth, moral integrity, constitution, safety, liberty, and common sense.  No longer covert, they are right out in the open.  Their time is short now too.

Notice the intensity of the attacks on ordinary Americans, of all colors, gender.  Witnessing the false flag attacks that have killed and maimed Americans, “they” no longer care. It is life or death, liberty or slavery, the struggle between the flesh and the spirit.  And remember, we were born to be here at this time and each of us has a role, and a choice to make.  There are very few with “eyes to see and ears to hear” the message, all you can do is warn them, but warn them you must.

 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Ezekiel 33: 1-9 KJV

The spiritual battle that this is plays out right now in front of our eyes.  Heed the message well.

In case any of you missed it, Breitbart now offers a free viewing of Clinton Cash.  Heed the warning and act!  The writer and producer of this film is Steve Bannon, now with the Trump campaign for the final leg of this journey, which represents the end and also our new beginning.

And finally, here’s an old tune that has great relevance today!

Open Thread!





Paul Ryan’s “Death to America”

©2016 drkate

Immigration without assimilation is invasion.

It is hard to comprehend the obtuseness of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the People’s house, except when you realize that he, along with many others, don’t give a whit about America.  He cares about his power, his money, and his “right” to define “who we are” as Americans.  He might as well be King George.

When he says that Trump’s plan to protect America by temporarily banning of Muslims from countries affected by terrorism–the entire Middle East and most of Africa, by the way– is “not who we are”, and threatens to sue Trump if he strengthens our borders, he is on the wrong side of history and an enemy of the American people.

How about your kids, Paul Ryan, being exposed to rape?  Why do you send your kids to a Catholic school that bans muslims but allow the rest of American children to be unprotected?  Why do you have a wall around your house but oppose securing America’s borders?



Paul Ryan’s anti-American viewpoint is encouraging a culture of rape and murder of Americans.  His policies condone it.  His obtuseness prevents him from hearing Americans.

Paul Ryan does not deserve the honor of serving as Speaker of the House.  He has proven himself to be as out of touch with America as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Scoundrels gather at the gates of hell and open them to hurt America.

dump-ryan-575x288Ryan’s primary challenger, Paul Nehlen, recognizes this danger and is calling it out.  It is an uphill climb for him but his message is beginning to resonate as more people pay attention to the race.  When Americans realize their betrayal by republicans, it will no longer be acceptable to just cave to rogues like “Pauline” Ryan.  If we allow it, Paul Ryan and a host of other GOP elite will undermine President Trump’s agenda.


Paul Ryan has lost whatever moral authority he had to “lead”.  The American people will not be lead off a cliff by this wax-in-his-ears counterfeit politician.  We don’t need any more munsters around America.



Open thread.

Trump Open Thread May 26, 2016

©2016 drkate

Donald Trump visits Montana today…

Flathead Lake, Western MT.

Flathead Lake and Mission Mountains, looking east,  Western Montana, 3/2016






Live from central Montana, 4 pm mountain, RSBN:

Thousands saw Trump in Billings!

billings rally


Open Thread!


The Globalist Army: Islamic Jihadists

©2016 drkate

It is becoming very clear that the globalists have created their own army–the rabid, drugged, evil Islamic jihadists.  Let’s just call it what it is—the globalists are using Islam as the weapon to take whole civilizations down.

Understand that the pilot of the recently crashed Egypt Airlines plane was “ready to die” for Allah.

The European Union, the destabilization of middle eastern countries, and the resultant mass migration mass invasion of Europe and eventually the United States is the mechanism whereby the globalists enact their agenda–by force and terror.

Here is an interesting discussion where the  Taqiyya-practicing Moslem Mayor of London, who stuffed his wife in a burqa after he was elected, trying to justify muslim domination through the burqa as “freedom of choice”, or “freedom of religion”.

For their own protection, European nations should immediately exit the EU.

It is a matter of life and death.


©2015 drkate

When you really boil it down, Obama’s bizarre insistence on flooding us with refugees from an area of the world that is a hotbed for jihadists – and home to a religion that is completely incompatible with western values comes down to three possibilities: 1. Obama really is “dumb” 2. Obama is insane 3. Obama is deliberately destroying our nation.

I’m going with all of the above, with the added caveat that number three needs to include the question, “and at whose behest?” (still another subject for a future column).

chessboardThe placement of foreign national Barack Soetoro Obama into the White House in 2008 had as its intended purpose the use of the U.S. military, technology, people, and wealth to destabilize the Middle East, America, and the world.

Secretary of State Clinton and now Kerry implemented that strategy with the help of Muslim insiders hired by the administration and Clinton herself. Obama employed the radical jihadists strategy– as his mentor designed and administrations before him set the stage for–to overthrow stable governments with radical Islamic jihad and replace them with sharia law.

Then they used America’s military, economic, and propaganda arsenal, and cooked the intelligence, to completely destroy cities and murder hundreds of thousands, forcing invasion migration on European nations through which the radical Islamist jihadists and their support networks infiltrate Europe.  Again, don’t believe your eyes, just believe them when they say the migrants are “widows and orphans”.   Using our tax dollars and agents resources  like George Soros to fund the destabilization forces, weapons, disguises, and institutional fronts, the seeming “revolutions” are in fact staged overthrows.  The ultimate false flag.

Their “cover” is to hide behind the “Islam is peaceful” rhetoric, couching any dissent as “religious intolerance” or “not American”, thus minimizing the threat that is posed to America by Obama and his cadre of radicals and international financiers.

He promised fundamental transformation, he asked Americans to help him change “the greatest country in the world”. But of course he was not honest about what kind of change: he delivered destruction, destabilization, and death to so many, trying to render  our God, our Constitution, our lives meaningless.


I say trying because Obama and the international financiers have not been successful, and we know they won’t be.  And if you are an American, a thinking human being, you know exactly what I mean.  And if you are a Christian, you know this to be true even more and perhaps now see your own role in this witnessing.

Now a round-up of perspectives on recent events, including the root of all this evil.

And towards the end of the following video, Trump says what we all know to be true right now–

It is important that we understand that  even with this on-going slaughter, there is the “gift” that this exposure of Obama and the global cabal using has awakened and alerted the citizenry to our necessary next steps.

As they say, the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

Open thread.

Jade Helm is Martial Law in Waiting

©2015 drkate

False_Flag_ConspiracyCardsThis blog, among many others, has covered the numerous false flags that have occurred in our country during the Obama regime…and in the process seen back through history of the number of times the American people have been treated as “collateral damage” in pursuit of an objective that is not ours.  In looking back, it was an unpleasant surprise to learn that false flagging is a characteristic of those who would enslave others for wealth and power. Just in the 20th century alone, there are dozens of events…all in deception and all leading to war.

Al of the accelerated events  of the Obama regime point toward the imposition of martial law, using a false flag event as the trigger.  Jade Helm has put in place the military and civilian forces that will enable martial law to definitely be triggered by our own government using someone, a foreign country, or an event of mass destruction to enable the military to round up civilians.

jade-helmThe name Jade Helm itself gives away the potential false flag event to be blamed on “domestic terrorists”–i.e., Christians, patriots, constitutionalists, and those who believe in the Second Amendment. JADE stands for Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution, and HELM stands for Homeland Extermination of Local Militants.  Will Canada help the U.S. enforce martial law?

But wait!  There’s an ISIS camp just across the border!  And North Korea or Russia Putin with EMP plans!  Will they attack?

It is of utmost importance to talk about, write about, and communicate about Jade Helm with everyone you can.  We must keep our eyes out for the false flags that are triggering events and make sure we resist any attempt to implement martial law.  Remember from history:

What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? ~ The Gulag Archipelago

The time is drawing near.  Where do you stand?

Open thread.


Old Ideas, Old Candidates

©2015 drkate



…and, is anyone excited by the republican candidates?  🙄

Open thread, and a question:  what’s your best guess for 2016?

Who Needs Ebola When We Already Have OBOLA?

©2014 drkate

EbolaHysteria-cartoon362Well so now we have our “October surprise”…nothing more than the usual distractions to incite fear, confusions, and mayhem while the voting machines are fixed to ensure the democrats retain control of the Senate and the establishment republicans continue to posture “against Obama”.

This article is not to diminish the ravages of a disease that has infected Africa–with an origin in the Marburg virus–or the role of Bill Gates, military biological weapons laboratories stationed around the world, the CIA, and others who would use the disaster to launch their own agendas.  And contrary to some people’s statements, one can’t blame muslims for everything, especially when they are working in collaboration with others.

What this article does point out is that the intentional incompetence of the Obama administration is to release nothing but terror on American citizens and our country as a whole.  The perfect storm came into being in 2008 with his selection as the false pResident of the White House, of the D.C. 10-mile square area known as the headquarters of the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., a foreign corporation.  Planned over a long period of time, the dumbed down, brain dead, drugged out, blind followers of all things socialist—the democrats, the guilt-complexed whites, the 60’s-70’s hippies and other haters of America–lick the boots of their captors and drag everyone else down with them.

Obama, or rather OBOLA, is the real virus infecting us all.  He is a foreign agent that destabilizes, much like a virus which our bodies reject, and overwhelms us with multiple symptoms, sores, headaches, vomiting, and general malaise.  And to add insult to injury, Obama appoints a political hack to be his Obobla ebola czar, who will use nothing but his influence and taxpayer funded salary to somehow do the “politics of Obola”…blaming the outbreak on Texas, republicans, white folks, anyone but what it really is—the new world order’s agenda of depopulation, doubling nicely as an October surprise to distract from election day shenanigans.

And, of course this could be a ploy to get US troops on the ground in Africa, for, guess what…oil and diamonds. (h/t tj)

What do you want to bet this ‘disaster’  and scare for America disappears after the November election?

Keep your eyes open, your brain alert, and your vitamin C at the ready.

Open thread on the American disease known as “Obola”


Obama, Holder, and Race Wars

©2014 drkate

David Horowitz, a former democrat, has it right:  Obama’s White House is hell on earth.  He has no qualms about truthfully linking the democrats with the disaster of Obama.  Every single disaster that has come upon our country since the election theft of 2008 has been brought to you by his own hand and handlers such as Susan Rice, Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton.  Arming jihadists who murder Christians.  Half-heartedly defending anything American, in fact, showing his disdain for our Constitution, Congress, and the people of this country on a daily basis.  That Congress is complicit is not a matter of them being scared of this thing in the White House–they are part of it hook, line, and sinker. And so democrats “distance” themselves from Obama?  Ha, not a chance.  Only for the sake of this upcoming election.  And the lawlessness has descended into our state houses, county governments, even city and town governments.

Interesting that the same attorneys who handled Trayvon Martin’s case are in Ferguson, eh?  And no matter what the circumstances, “outraged citizens” are bussed in from everywhere else to man the protest.  Too bad for them, when martial law comes down, they will be the first to be executed.

Open thread.


At Knife’s Edge

©2014 drkate

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1Peter 5:8)

The watchmen have been noticing and sounding the alarm for some time now.  And like the water beginning to boil with the frog in the pot now mortally wounded, we have waited too long to turn off the flame without taking major, possibly violent, revolutionary action.  Those of us who can see, and have ears that can hear, know of Satan’s chosen and their machinations, of the counterfeits that arise now and surround us, of the moral decay wrought by all the former ‘pillars’ of society…our churches, schools, professors, politicians, teachers, and preachers.

Anything goes, now, there is no rule of law.  We can call it the “cartel”, the “illuminati”, the “system”, the “new world order”, and other names, but what it all has in common is a foundation of lies based upon Satan, the father of lies.  There are the scoffers, who have never believed, reveling in their cute attacks and false statements, unaware of their fate in the eternal lake of fire.  And there are those who are finishing our nation with their complicity with the agents of Satan sitting on the throne of ‘government’.

Cumulatively, we are on the edge of a razor-sharp division of all of humanity.  The wheat and the tares have grown together, and the harvest now awaits.  Look—do you feel the blade, the edge of the sickle, yet?

How will you respond?  Will you deny Him?

Our efforts now should not rely totally on the things of man, but should find root in the things of God.  Impeachment, arrest, exposure, election, the courts…will not solve the spiritual challenge and battle we fight at knife’s edge.  Yes, work them…and create the record of resistance that we know must be placed.  But do not rely on them.

Open Thread


The Show-Off

©drkate 2014

So far the guy has done nothing but show off, or try to, as he only shows the world what a sorry excuse he is, even for a pretender.  Its not the resident who has the power, it’s those silent cartel backers who are now desperate to keep control as events move beyond their control.  As we Americans refuse to be provoked, we keep our powder dry until the time is right.  Learn from this video…



Open thread!



Democrats Own Him

©2014 drkate

How would you like to be in a position to tell your grandchildren you supported the man who ruined America?  Who, while she was down, kicked and maimed, invaded and ridiculed her, and stole all her wealth for his personal gain?  Who paraded an example of lawlessness throughout the world, and sent our soldiers to their deaths with both hands tied behind their backs?  Do you think your grandchildren will thank you or revile you?

Well get used to it democrats, YOU OWN OBAMA!  😆   🙄

Remember, the man is slipping mentally.

But I bet the dems blame anyone else but themselves for the mess he’s created.


democrats own him

(h/t FoxyLadi)

Open season thread on the imposter!


The Navy’s LAWS

©2014 drkate

World War III will be a  guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation. ~McClure

Update: Even better theories here than video below, though not discounting the tons of information presented in the video.  the plane is not down, not vaporized, someone’s got it and going to use it against the U.S.–and it may be our own government’s false flag, again.

Update IIPatent greed?

The media, governments, the military-industrial complex, the alien financiers—all full of deception so we never know what is going on.  The following is the best theory to date for the “missing” plane.  Video h/t/ Tenacity…relevant information discussed in the video linked below.

U.S. Navy to use laser weapons on ships by 2014

Russia tests new topol weapon after NATO summit

Navy announces deployment of LAWS the day before the Malaysian plane goes down

IBM executive, 20 highly skilled technical workers on missing plane; will their deaths help competitors?

U.S. Navy ships in the South China sea, routine patrols for quite a while now

Taking down western economies…Fukishima…metal fatigue, world infrastructure destruction, Alaska Airlines, other jets suffering metal fatigue as a result of radiation exposure

The latest dead banker—BITCOIN–Singapore  beginning of the fall of bitcoin, the alternative economy vs the London and other international financiers…

The Kuala Lampur war crimes tribunal…Ukraine “plumbing for pipelines”

Ah yes, George Soros in Ukraine and in southeast Asia

Oil and the UkraineAgainOr not.

Rothschilds and Goldsmiths…London Financiers. Windsors.  Baby George is a Goldsmith on both sides…mineral rights and property owned by the Queen, the plan is to destroy the entire biosphere.  We the people of the world are just collateral damage.

Open thread on the deception rampant world wide.  😯

The Truth Is

©2014 drkate

h/t  The Reality Zone

Other truths:

Let’s have an open thread on all the truths we have discovered in the last five years.  Load it up here with references, this will be a post for history’s sake!

Obama Disabilities and the 25th Amendment

©2013 drkate

Gun Runner

Gun Runner

Long before the current manifestations of Obama’s incompetence, debauchery, and danger to America, this blog and a few others pointed out that under the 25th Amendment, Obama is disabled and therefore unable to serve in office.  His principle form of disability in the first instance was, and remains, his ineligibility to hold the office because he is not a natural born citizen.  Article II, Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution requires that the President be born in the United States to two parents who are American citizens.

Obama set the stage for deceit by sponsoring a non-binding resolution (S.R. 535) that proclaimed John McCain eligible for the presidency even though McCain was not eligible because he was born off-base in a civilian hospital in Cologne, Panama.  McCain could not challenge Obama’s eligibility as he himself was ineligible.  And through voter fraud in 2008, the bought media, and the relentless use of race and gender to divide America, Obama coasted through the 12th Amendment procedure in the joint session of Congress to declare himself the pResident.  Not a whimper was heard from any of the so-called constitutionalists or conservatives, and every member of the Senate and House and every Secretary of State of the 50 States refused to do their duty and verify Obama’s eligibility.

Oh, yeah, I forgot…they all said “it wasn’t my job”…

We  all know that we were betrayed by the bench–the judiciary and the high powered attorneys–who twisted and made up reasons why the Constitution would not be followed.  American citizens spent thousands of dollars, risked their lives and livelihoods, were murdered, and were thrown in federal prison for daring to point out this most fundamental disability of the man who calls himself “Barack Hussein Obama”.

The failure of the judiciary and the unlawful lawmakers to follow the Constitution did not deter the investigations of Obama’s disability one iota.  Now we know that:

  • Obama’s birth certificate–produced on the White House website–is a 100% forgery
  • Obama’s Selective Service Registration is also 100% fraudulent
  • There is no evidence that he actually attended Columbia University
  • His real name is Barry Soetoro, and that he lost his law license because he failed to disclose his other names
  • Obama is a muslim and has lied about it consistently
  • Obama is at best a dual citizen (Britain, Indonesia) and never declared U.S. citizenship
  • ….

Yes it is possible to name more than a dozen characteristics of Obama that disable him from serving in any capacity of the federal government.  The penalty for selective service fraud alone is the inability to serve in the executive branch of government.  We know nothing about this guy who claims to be pResident…except that he is a tool of someone else.  He was the ultimate Trojan Candidate, and someone admitted the Trojan Horse.  His skin color and the enabling network became the condom shield through which he began immediately to screw America by fundamentally transforming the greatest country in the world.

Delusions, Narcissism, and Mental Illness



Never having worked a day in his life, the boy wonder began to fiddle while the world burned.  He has shown delight in an agenda that eviscerates our military and that degrades conservatives, and loves to participate in drone killing of women and children.  He has no problem invading other countries, threatening them, letting Americans die, and creating chaos at home and abroad.  He spends money recklessly to flaunt it in America’s face as we continue to spiral economically out of control.  Author John DeMayo notes:

Had a young Barry Soetoro been taught humility—instead of foolish pride—the boy who became King would have known better than to assume all his days would be full of accolades. Then again, maybe he is not capable of knowing the difference.
The serial lying and fraud goes beyond the observed diagnosis of narcissism, it is now bordering on the real possibility that Barack Obama is mentally ill.  Barack Obama is a failure, and now his signature death of America legislation–Obamacare just highlights his total incompetence and yes, continued disability to serve in the office he now occupies.  DeMayo again:
...Obama has never had to face failure in his life. Adversity perhaps, but not failure. President Obama has spent his life running away from his failures by seeking temporary and risky pleasures that fed his fragile ego and gratified his desire to be happy: Exotic travel, drugs, homosexual encounters, Islam. All collide with common man causes and a playboy appetite; all disturbing and conflicted excesses; all difficult for anyone to make sense of..
DeMayo believes Obama is a high-function mentally ill persona who is starting to show himself as all of his failures come forward:
…the high functioning mentally ill, live out on a constant limb, running between depression and excess to an occasional stop on a splintered branch called anxiety. A paramount fear of abandonment guides them to execute direct attacks against the things they wish to preserve and keep most. They are prolific liars and masterful agitators.
fuckerobamaNow, with democrats publicly turning on him, Obama is frightened and angry, and now more dangerous than ever.  He will seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with him before he can move on.  A good example is his purge of military leadership—over 200 officers who have counseled him to drop his war plans for Syria, to stop supporting terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood, and who question everything from his rules of engagement (aka the tie one hand behind our soldiers back plan) to the betrayal at Benghazi.
The problem is, each day that goes on he becomes more dangerous:
Each day this man is allowed to continue to re-invent the laws designed to restrict his behavior, America becomes more dangerous; weaker and more divided. Each day Obama is disappointed becomes another day he attacks those that continue to hold our nation together, even if they are on his team.
Impeachment, Arrest, or the 25th Amendment?
Which brings me back to the 25th Amendment.  Because Congress has been incapacitated–with the National Security Agency probably having every one of them compromised–we can neither expect impeachment or arrest.  The conditions that invoke the 25th Amendment are no less challenging: either the President or a majority of his cabinet must move to replace him. Sections 3 and 4 of the 25th Amendment read:

Section 3.

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4.

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

If the Vice President or any of Obama’s cabinet members expect to have any political future that does not include the gallows or a firing squad–for violating their oath of office and participating in treason against these United States– they might want to think about saving their own faces through this action.  If the republicans or democrats in Congress expect to have a future free of constant shame for having enabled this usurper to ruin America, they might want to save face by moving to remove Obama because he is unable to serve as President.
No, we constitutionalists, patriots and Americans are not going to forget what the political class has done to the once great America, but they can start correcting the error now.  Their final judgment is before God–whether they believe or not–and their destination is the eternal lake of fire.
7.21.08 Blitt Obama.indd

The Friends of John McBama

©2013 drkate

These are John McCain’s freedom fighters rebels.  His goal is regime change.

These are Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry’s “we have to bomb Syria to find out who the rebels are

These are Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian/Libyan/Turkish/Saudi operatives, his Al Queda friends, the ones who he will ‘draw a red line’ for.

These are the fighters against Christians.  Remember Kosovo?  Serbia?  “Paving the way for radical islamic jihad, one nation at a time.”

These are the people responsible for the use of chemical weapons.

These are the lies that experienced liars spout.  WMD’s?  What WMD’s?  Kerry is repeating Colin Powell’s lies to the world.

We all bleed the same color.  RED

American blood spilled for decidedly un-American causes.

American blood spilled in a war against Christianity…a war against our very foundation.

Here they are–the Syrian rebels posted this picture on their FACEBOOK page of how they feel about the U.S. Congress–vote for war or you will die.

From the Facebook page of the al-Aqsa Islamic Brigades:


h/t Weasel Zippers

Open Thread

Itching for War

©2013 drkate

Obama's Benghazi Flag

Obama’s Benghazi Flag

For a guy who supposedly won the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama sure likes the thought of killing more people in the Middle East.  Harsh?  Well, we need look no further than Benghazi to know that the objectives of this administration are the destabilization not only of the Middle East, but of America too.  More of our young men and women–who should be protecting the homeland from both domestic and foreign enemies–sent into harms way to fulfill a political agenda, wrapped in ‘humanitarian concerns’.

Remember the Obama administration has been arming jihadidsts all over the world, which is what the Libyan Benghazi mission was all about.  Weapons shipped to the Syrian rebels through Libya, or Turkey  have killed now over 60,000 innocents.  How many do you suppose were Christians?

The Constitution, in tatters already due to an imposter in the White House, the federal reserve, and a spineless Congress made up of politicians that call themselves democrats or republicans, won’t see the light of day regarding Syria as Obama won’t ask for Congressional authority.  He will piggy-back on Bush’s Iraq War resolution—which he did to justify the Libya murders–and seize the power to bomb Syria…with or without the United Nations.

The Chemical False Flag Attack

Blame the chemical attack on Assad, and invade.  That’s the plan.  Use the media to invent public support, ridicule the requirement to abide by the Constitution, and justify the invasion.  What a bunch of immoral morons that are running this country.  Stooping to false flags to achieve their murderous agenda

And why would Assad release chemical weapons when he knows it would bring world rebuke?  No, it was the rebels who overran the chemical weapons storage facility in Aleppo and began their attacks in December.  The UN concluded from investigation then that the U.S.-backed  Syrian rebels had used sarin gas.   And if the rebels are using gas on the very civilians it wants to rule, they would happily stage a chemical attack on their own soldiers just to win the Libya-style UN bombardment.

And maybe then they can drag Bashir Assad through the streets and murder him like Ghaddafi.

Will this be the start of World War III?  Or is this ‘wars and rumors of war‘?  All these things must happen though, before our Lord returns.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Recapturing Control of the Ship of State

©2013 drkate

Pirates dressed in the attire of the controllers of the Ship of State…time to act.  This interview with G Edward Griffin is well worth the time (h/t QL). This is one of the rare interviews where Alex Jones lets his guest speak.

Open thread on what we need to do to recapture our country!

August 4, 1964: Gulf of Tonkin False Flag

©2013 drkate

…leading to 68,000 deaths in a war somebody wanted…a generation of leaders lost with turncoats taking their place.

In the absence of independent journalism, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution — the closest thing there ever was to a declaration of war against North Vietnam — sailed through Congress on Aug. 7. (Two courageous senators, Wayne Morse of Oregon and Ernest Gruening of Alaska, provided the only “no” votes.) The resolution authorized the president “to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.” ~FAIR 1997

Almost 50 years later, it is simply a well-known fact that democrat Lyndon Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident to dramatically escalate American involvement in a war against Vietnam, and unconstitutionally used this resolution as a declaration of war.   Although all wars could be said ‘started’ by one interest or another, at least in the 20th Century it was the second Congressionally  undeclared war following Korea, where the Executive trumped Congress.  Today, it is ‘routine’ that a president proceed without a declaration of war–dem or rep doesn’t matter.

That routine was established just shortly after the trauma of  Kennedy’s assassination, as we approach that 50th anniversary too. Johnson as president would go on to oversee the “Great Gatsby Society”, the Civil Rights Act, the removal of the Bible from the classroom.  Recall that Senator Johnson was the man who introduced the 501-C tax exempt status for Churches and other organizations about a decade earlier.

It was known quickly that no North Vietnamese ships had been in the vicinity, and no U.S. ships had been attacked. After the fraudulent second attack, LBJ capitalized on initial reports and ordered the bombing of four torpedo boat bases, and an oil-storage facility in Vinh.

Though LBJ knew there was no second battle, he kept this information secret and beat the drums of war. Soon thereafter the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was approved by the U.S. Congress, which gave LBJ the go to initiate a war against North Vietnam.

In their own words, MacNamara and LBJ discussed how to move this through Senate committees and selected people.  MacNamara would later admit that the Gulf of Tonkin event was a false flag never happened, but he was at the time no stranger to false flags and had proposed Operation Northwoods to JFK in 1962, who rejected it.

There will be as much disinformation released about or forgotten by the media in the anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin event as the release of the JFK papers and records in 2014.  If you are strong in your principles and understanding, you will stand against this disinformation and see instead the motives of those behind it.  Maybe then we will catch all the ‘assassins’ who have plagued our Constitution and principles.

Fast Forward to August 4. 2013

The State Department and everyone else ordered a ‘precautionary’ stand down for U.S. Embassies in the middle east and region-wide travel alerts for all Americans because of an unspecified threat from Al Qaeda. Knowing what we do about the CIA’s connection with and use of Al Qaeda and other jihadi operatives (think Brezenski), and with Snowden having access to all those communications and intelligence it raises the question as to what is being planned behind this alert “quick look over there” event…on the anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin false flag.  A war with Syria?  A false flag in the United States instead?  The anniversary of the JFK assassination and the release of documents into a public some of who are quite aware of what is going on?  Benghazi, IRS, and birther Hussein’s identity?

Or, is a distraction needed so we to forget the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a complete fabrication that got us into someone’s profit enterprise  war?

It seems incredulous but it is sadly true, that the powers in charge of our government now, as in 1964, have something to distract from or another agenda going forward.  The difference is that they haven’t wiped out all of the thinking people yet and we are here to expose anything that looks like a false flag.  No one wishes for war.

What are *they up to?

Open Thread.

April Fools

©2013 drkate

Faker in Chief

Faker in Chief

Obama is so desperate to hang onto power that his false flags are openly broadcast and evident to all but the most obtuse.  A cold-blooded killer, he has no worries about setting them up to murder Americans.  You can bet when he’s involved, he will go to a ‘memorial service’ at the site.  Think Gabby Giffords (Judge John Roll’s murder), Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston. Think Andrew Breitbart, too, although Obama’s memorial would have been too obvious, and the dozens of people murdered during this regime’s reign.

The falseness of these events where Americans are murdered is shown by all the actors that show up to pretend they were gravely wounded–like the guy who faked losing his legs at the Boston Marathon, identified as a faker through videos of his actual loss of limbs in Afghanistan and his putting on a prosthetic at the site of the bombing in Boston.  Do you actually think that a man with both his legs blown off would be conscious and holding a tourniquet on his own leg?

And like magic, the media go on a feeding frenzy pointing out the suspect who was never involved in the plot in the first place, pointing away from the obvious involvement of  Obama’s hit squad–Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Naps Napolitano, Blackwater security, and dozens of other ‘lessor players’.  Of course, Obama is just using CIA assets who have been brainwashed in the MKUltra program, or hit with a drug like scopolomine.

An article posted here over a year ago identified the hallmarks of a false flag:

  • Staging events, or having staged against him—blamed on fake Tea Party, muslims, other candidate’s supporters, or others– that directly threaten or injure him or his family, solely to win a sympathy vote or ‘guilt’ vote.  Remember his trip to see his ‘dying grandmother’ in the fall of 2008.  Obama is willing to kill those around him or even injure himself in order to gain an edge on abject rejection in 2012.
  • Staging the “OWS” movement
  • Allowing/inviting/staging/provoking an attack against the American homeland
  • Creating new tensions in the middle east or other parts of the world
  • Causing agencies of the US (TSA, BATF, FBI, military, CIA) to become aggressive in limiting Americans’ movement, possessions, access to power, water or food
  • Price manipulation
  • Communications disruption
  • Creating a fake third party of democrats

And we add to the list

  • Broadcasting false flag events in advance, like Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing
  • Lying about false flags that went awry, i.e. Benghazi

Here is something possibly scheduled for April 28–a facebook posting on a nuclear event in Lost Angeles.  Now that this is out the city will be changed or the event scheduled for another time:

Do some digging on this please!  😯

What should our focus be on now?

  • Benghazi cover up
  • 2012 Election theft
  • Obamacare failure–and the republicans’ continued funding of Obamacare despite their feigned outrage for it
  • Obama’s continued lack of eligibility
  • Treason
  • (what ever happened to) Gunrunner
  • new aid to the Syrian rebels as Assad accuses the US of backing Al Queda in Syria
  • Continued bankruptcy of America by the federal reserve

…and the list goes on…

The mockingbird media–even the ones who are supposedly ‘exposing’ all of this, have their own agenda too.  Is it to stifle revolt, or to incite premature revolt of the American people?  Think carefully about who you trust right now.

The false flaggers will answer to God, and it won’t be pretty.  Got your place in the lake of fire yet?

Spiritual wickedness in high places, indeed.

Open Thread.

HAARP Documentary

©2013 drkate

Here is some background information on the project known as HAARP, or High Altitude Auroral Research Program, that will be fundamental to future posts regarding weather modification, earthquake generation, drones, and Project Blue Beam.

There is much deception in our world right now, and this deception is critical to keeping the ‘sheeple’ confused, alarmed, and immobilized.  Angels still don’t play this harp…but someone is.

What do you suppose happens when you combine HAARP with chemtrails?  Where are the on-the-ground repeater antennas used for the reflection of HAARP signals?  Could such technology be used to disable drones?

American Affirmative Duty

©2013 drkate

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

A prescient article in Canada Free Press by E.K. Robinson asks the fundamental question of our day as we look to what is next:

Why are we pretending? Pretending that elections in 2014 might change things, that elections in 2016 could too?

Indeed,why are we pretending that we need more research to ‘really’ know what is going on? Or who Obama ‘really is’? Or that the so-called republicans and so-called democrats are really the same party?  Or that the theft of our nation has been going on since at least 1871?

david-and-goliath-2With lightening speed those of us ‘behind’ in our learning caught up pretty quickly in the last five years, often learning about the ‘old timers’ who have been awake for many years longer than we have.  This is a good thing, and, there comes a time when all this learning must be put into action.  As I review my own learning it seems I have crossed new thresholds as an ‘innocent’ study of the Constitution in 2009 produced over 700 articles where the initial topic of Obama’s usurpation turned into a full-fledged ‘seeing the forest from the trees’.  In 2013 I am in a profoundly different place on many levels.

What now is my affirmative duty as an American? I think you would agree that it is almost impossible to ‘sit still’ with the information you now have…it is true that we must keep educating but have we run out of time for the willingly blind or fence sitters to ‘wake up’?  throwing pearls after swine..those who are not listening cannot or will not…they have been deceived sometimes willingly.

As we complete the second month of the new year,  I am inspired, as are perhaps you, to reflect, learn, and make a plan for my own work in doing my job as an American, exercising the revolutionary right we have as in our Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

Why-The-MilitiaThe States right now might just as well be are colonies of the federal government, which has abandoned the restraints that We the People set out in our revolutionary founding. The Second Amendment was designed for this moment, when the government became tyrannical, stationed troops in the homeland, and taxed the without representation.  Is it any wonder that it is under attack, as the last bastion of our defense, and that they will kill to ensure it happens?

Americans who are alert have exercised restraint; it is those who are unaware that squander the moment.  While governments should not overturn for any light reason, the Declaration reminds us of our weaknesses:

… all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

As we deeply reflect on the status of our Nation and the government that has come to control it, its deep roots and multiple tools, does anyone have any question in their mind about what is our duty from hereon out?  Do we need any more debates, analyses, evidence about Obama and the entire government’s complicity in the takeover by a foreign ‘agent’? How about on the role of the banksters and international financiers, debt, government growth, taxes, or slavery of citizens?  How about the growth of the police state surrounding us?

We face a Constitutional Crisis unknown except at our founding. What is our Affirmative Duty as Americans  knowing what we do about our government?

Unfortunately we cannot count on the police or local law enforcement to help, they only have to enforce the law and don’t have an affirmative duty to protect an individual.

Time and history would assert that it is our Constitutional duty now to act in the affirmative defense of our Constitutional Republic through the dismantling the illegal government that exists right now and establishing new Guards for our future security.

Uncharted Territory

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.~Albert Einstein

The_Thinker-webAs far as the problems confronting us as Americans, our advantage is we now know the ‘thinking that was used to create the kind of problems we face’. We have their names, organizations, connections, and what they control. We know what their tools are, including these horrific false flags involving the murder of Americans here and abroad. It is a sobering understanding in the context of what our duty is as Americans today.  Our enemies are ruthless and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

And we outnumber them. We are ‘armed’ with a lot more than a weapon in our own defense, and now suddenly, our offense. Think about and gather from that.  Each one of us that are awake has a gift to give to this struggle, and our affirmative duty individually is to find it and use it.  In our lifetimes this is uncharted territory that involves a combination of pushing back, nullifying on a personal, community and state-wide level, and creating new Guards for our future security.

But as we do step up, I believe we have a duty as Americans to do so with certain guidelines:

  • Check your ego at the door.  If you can’t lead without being acknowledged as ‘the leader’, then step down.  Your personal ego has nothing to do with rescuing our Nation.  This is not about you, it is about God, and Country, and Family…in that order.
  • Stop the scare-mongering.  Does fear mongering with all the ‘insiders’ get you new ratings?  Lots of visitors to your radio, TV show or blog?  Then stop it.  Think about how fear mongering stifles action, thought, reasoned dialogue, developing of plans, and creates confusion.  Satan is the father of lies, confusion, and fear.  Fear is what satan wants, because it paralyzes.  The opposite of fear is FAITH.
  • Stop the game-playing.  So you’re a politician and think you’ve got the upper hand because you are one?  So you think you’re smarter than the average bear?  Prove it.  Dare to show your humanity, be creative in solving problems, not creating new ones or new classes of victims.  Be creative, not destructive.  If you are creating destruction, you’ve only proven how stupid, obtuse, and uninformed you are.  Get over yourself.

All the laws, executive orders, bad legislation, ignorance, threats, and drones have no intrinsic value or worth except by those who want to control what they cannot.  The authors of these actions have no idea that they are cutting their own throats.  We have no obligation to follow them whatsoever: they have lost the consent of the people.  And they have no idea what judgment they will bring upon themselves.  All they know, like Satan, is that their time is short.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.– King James Bible “Authorized Version”, Pure Cambridge Edition

Think small cells, neighborhoods, preparation; read, learn, understand; local action; be the Watchmen.  When we’ve had visible leaders, they* have killed them…

Ezekiel 33:6 – But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take [any] person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.
Jeremiah 51:12 – Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Open Thread.

More False Flag “Shootings” Expected

©2013 drkate

In the wake of Obama’s assault on law-abiding American citizens and the Second Amendment–which is in my view another act of war against these United States–the Obama/Biden team plan to take a tour around the country to rally lawlessness support for his unconstitutional actions.

In actuality, Obama is making himself available for a false flag scuffing event–and if that doesn’t work, will direct that another false flag like Sandy Hook  be ginned up to anger the sheeple known as Obama supporters and Congress to force the demand for gun control.

Don’t take the bait.  Keep your powder dry and stay alert.  Obama and his handlers are no longer afraid of putting this right in our faces and daring us to act.  Remember what Obama is diverting attention from:  Benghazi, 2012 election theft, and of course, his ineligibility/foreign-agent status and all the fraud that keeps him in the White House.

We already know that the despicable follow in each other’s foot steps.


(photo h/t Elena)

Open thread.

“Rumblings of Dictatorship”

©2013 drkate

And there’s Benghazi, Breitbart, Aaron Swartz, and other knowers; Sandy Hook, Aurora, and Clackamas; election theft, martial law the so called fiscal cliff, and gun control…chemtrails, flouride, and the flu…

Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

What are your plans for 2013?

…Open Thread…

Why Spray the Skies?

©2012 drkate

And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. Revelation 8:11 (KJV)

G. Edward Griffin’s excellent film entitled ‘What in World are they Spraying” educated us all to the deadly toxins that are being sprayed into the atmosphere as those stripes across the sky called ‘chemtrails’, or ‘persistent contrails’.  It is geoengineering disaster for us all.

Now comes the follow up film called “Why in the World are they Spraying” that begins to fill in the picture…and its all about world domination.

Who is doing the spraying? This is Satan’s design, and Satan’s confusion.

Does this fit Scripture’s description of ‘Wormwood’?  How are chemtrails one of the signs of the end times? Do the chemtrails poison the food, so it becomes bitter like the plant wormwood?

Open thread!

Obama Tells Muslims He is With Them

©2012 drkate
h/t The Birthers and Breitbart

The only things visible are the crescent moon and a star.

“I will stand with the Muslims”…Against America. The foreign agent revealed

Open thread.

Killing to Win–Update

©2012 drkate

Update:  Who is the Colorado shooter?

A government operation?


The only thing shocking in this, is Janet Napolitano and the host of Obama psycho creators expected more of these “too much reality” delusional orbs to be acting out, and they have not. Tavistock and flouride have kept the lid on, even if Obama was viewing the American Tea Party as this Joker group and why ABC and the media have been given talking points to point all in that Sarah Palin direction. The Tea Party people though have God as their anchor point, while the Obama voters drift with his messiah, and the filtered few James Holmes just prey on others in small quantity.~ Lame Cherry

The liar

There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind right now that the cabal-backed Obama regime will stop at nothing to win the 2012 election.  The deliberate murder of innocent Americans is just part of the plan and is only masked by the way in which it is accomplished.  Whether its from deliberately poisoning the Gulf of Mexico, “breitbarting” dozens of individuals, letting terrorists into the United States to bomb airplanes or Times Square, sending our soldiers into kill zones with bean bags as weapons, shooting up people in a grocery store parking lot or a theater,  or allowing guns to walk to Mexico and back.  This is a murderous regime that doesn’t even pretend to hide it any more.

Try to wrap your arms around this America:  Americans are expendable, collateral damage, useless chattel to be herded into a corner and enslaved, jailed, shot, poisoned, or blown up.  For the boys like Obama, Holder, Jarrett, and Naps Napolitano, the ends justify all means.  And the end they seek is the end of America—a fundamental change where hope and change masked the intent to bind us in rope and chains.

While not excusing previous administrations of their false flag events, Obama’s murder false flag record is growing:

  • The Gulf of Mexico oil disaster
  • Airplane crash that killed the entire Polish government
  • Ft. Hood shooting
  • Giffords shooting in Arizona
  • The Occupy Wall Street movement
  • Bin Ladin’s re-killing
  • Deliberate flooding of the Missouri River in 2011
  • Assassination of mideast leaders, including the recent assassination of top officials in Syria’s government
  • Assassination of Andrew Breitbart
  • Fast & Furious
  • Drone porn
  • The Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting
  • etc., etc., etc.–a chilling display of  murder

That Eric Holder is Obama’s right hand conspirator in this effort is in perfect sync with Holder’s  involvement in the Oklahoma City bombing, the first WTC bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the Elian Gonzales fiasco.  None of this is by accident.  Beginning with the usurpation of the Presidency, the foreigner in the White House is actively waging war against Americans.  Stepping on the bodies of Americans is the only way he can lift his sorry ass.

Invariably, each of these false flags is designed to divert attention from one of two things:  (1) the destruction of the Constitution (free markets, free speech, 2nd Amendment), or (2) his birth narrative and foreign origin.  Does anyone think it just coincidental that the shooting in Colorado happened four days after Sheriff Arpaio’s latest press conference, where Obama’s so-called birth certificate was exposed as a definite forgery  or just a few days after the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of the U.S. Government was exposed?

Obama will make a personal inspection of the scene visit to Colorado to renew his call for destruction of the Second Amendment pay his respects to the victims.  This is like his drone porn–he has to go to the scene of a murder with blood dripping from his teeth and hands… something he is glad to see.  Watch his expression at the scene or when he speaks–it will be cold,calculating and without compassion.  Never let a good crisis go to waste.

The Colorado Shooting: Who Paid for the $20,000 in Military-Grade Equipment?

It is very likely that the Colorado shooting was a false flag event…and by discussing it as such does not diminish the tragedy of the losses suffered there.

While the cabal was expecting most Americans to go into a period of  grief counseling for those who lost their lives on July 20, some took a look at the suspicious reports immediately surfacing from the tragedy which indicates this was most likely a staged event.

  • First, we have the set-up or planting the idea.
  • Then, in an area usually crawling with police, there were none there in the area (h/t Tenacity)
  • Next we have the stories that he was a loner and this was ‘out of character’
  • But there was a witness, and it looks like he had accomplices
  • How did a poor Ph.D. student who had trouble finding work get $20,000 dollars of military-grade equipment, including guns, tear gas, gas masks, body armor, and sophisticated devices to booby-trap his apartment?
  • Was the shooter a part of the Black Bloc/Occupy Wall Street crowd?

“The Case for a Well-Armed Citizenry”

Why didn’t anyone go after the shooter in the theater?  Why didn’t anyone fight backAurora’s strict gun control laws  prevent the concealed carry of  weapons and provide strict registration requirements, but this did not prevent the shooter from legally buying guns and using them.

I cannot help but think, if one person in that audience was carrying a gun with them, that person could have saved lives. Unfortunately – despite what some of the Left have said – this tragedy is an example of the importance of our Second Amendment Rights.~CNS News

While Obama/Holder/Naps/Hillary will push for gun control, and the UN small arms treaty is up for HRC’s signature, the shooting in Colorado just reinforces the need for an armed citizenry.  History is replete with examples of the millions of people killed by their governments upon the confiscation of hand guns and passage of laws banning them.

Yes, concealed carry laws are about trust.  Law abiding citizens trust other law abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons responsibly.  And just as 71-year-old Samuel Williams did what he saw as his duty in the Ocala Internet Café, perhaps saving the lives and property of a dozen or more innocent victims, if he had been seated in the front row of the theater in Aurora, Colorado we might not be mourning so many deaths today.

Make no mistake–Obama will kill to win.

Lock him out, lock him up

Knowing and Believing

©2012 drkate

…a lesson shared…

There is a separation that occurs when all of the illusions, excuses, and lies are stripped away, laid bare, exposed; and the Truth opens up and blinding light shines in. And belief becomes knowing. At first startled and reactive, initial reactions can only be called temporary insanity. For the Truth has been there, the belief in tact and strong.  But the Truth is not seen until you know.

Knower: 1. To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.2. To regard as true beyond doubt 3. To have a practical understanding of, as through experience; be skilled in 4. To have fixed in the mind 5. To have experience of 6. To perceive as familiar; recognize; To be acquainted with 7. To be able to distinguish; recognize as distinct; 8. To discern the character or nature of

Believer: 1.To trust what one has heard or seen; To accept as true or real 2. To credit with veracity 3. To expect or suppose; think; To have firm faith, especially religious faith.4. To have faith, confidence, or trust 5. To have confidence in the truth or value of something 6. To have an opinion; think

This is important in our day–if we are to chart the next path we must know, see, and seek the Truth.

We believe we live in a Constitutional Republic; how much more do we need to have happen to know that that Republic has been overthrown? We believe we may have been responsible in large part for the fall of our Republic.  When will we know it and repent for this great loss? We know that Obama is ineligible for the presidency; Congress, the media, and the obots only believe he is eligible.

In matters of the spirit, of faith and the spiritual, there are many who say they are believers.  But do you really know?  The Disciples were believers, but had continuous doubt, until they saw Jesus risen from the dead in Galilee.  They all died as martyrs as his witnesses on earth.  And then there are examples , like  the Centurion, of belief and faith so great that it led to knowing  Jesus’ grace and mercy would be shown upon asking.

It has been said many times that America would not know how far adrift our Nation has become until there was some great economic collapse, something so dreadful that it would force coming face to face with that truth, with ourselves, and with the role we have played in bringing us to this point.  It is our rebellious nature that has caused us to layer ourselves with every possible excuse and to keep away the inevitable as life and events unfold as we were told… while we continue being busy making other plans.

In the journey that has been this blog thus far, all the historical research and learning  has done is  to now show me how much unlearning was necessary to develop my present awareness and understanding.  As I lamented but could not believe the losses suffered I searched for the truth and a thread of that truth led directly to me.  My responsibility, reflecting over actions and reactions, paths directed seemingly for this moment now.  Facing the very worst of those fears, when the final illusion acting as a reprieve is gone, I become a knower.

The personal, moral, political, spiritual worldly revolution of all time is underway.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

…end of lesson…

Open Thread!

Holder’s Terror Games

©2011 drkate

Important Update and Research Request.  The Supreme Court ruled that the mandate is unconstitutional, but said other parts of the bill survive.  The law had no severability clause, which was removed, so that any provision of the law that is ruled unconstitutional voids the entire law itself.   So as of this moment, Obamacare is dead in my opinion.  Please folks do some research today to find out about this and post your results here.  Revolution Radio tonight will have full coverage.

Looks like its going to be a bad day for Eric Holdup and Barack Soetoro/Obama. 😛

Update 2:  House votes Holder in criminal contempt of Congress, 255-67

The Terror Pattern

This post is about the continuing story of Eric Holder’s on-going campaign to create terror within the United States, and comes as the intent of Fast and Furious  now becomes perfectly clear.  The Holder-Obama plan was to create terror on the southwestern border of the United States traced to American guns sold in American gun stores.  The universal abhorrence of  violence and bloodshed would have enabled the introduction and passage of stricter gun control legislation. We have heard of this  strategy before:

This stunning story about Eric Holder and the Oklahoma City bombing is reported  here, with the following excerpt from that report:

…the Oklahoma City bombing had aspects of being an FBI sting operation that went out of control. Holder had authorized the FBI to provide explosives to Nichols and McVeigh, then lost track of both the explosives and their targets. McVeigh went on to detonate some of the explosives outside the federal building, an act that was designed to help anti-terrorism legislation pass Congress. But an additional case of explosives was unaccounted for. (emphasis added)

Now that we know what happened despite AG Holder’s obfuscation,  Fast and Furious was clearly designed to create terror to ‘help pass  gun control legislation  and the NDAA , the then- pending but now passed  onerous totalitarian anti-liberty legislation that diet-coke Romney supports, Ron Paul completely opposes, and Obama threatens to use. So, the pattern is to create and arm the terrorist, create chaos and murder, then pass anti gun or anti-terror legislation so long as there is a ‘war’ on drugs or ‘war’ on terror.  The end result is always a military/police state. This is lawless, unconscionable, and terrorist behavior out of the unscrupulous AG Holder (aka Eric Hold-up), aided and abetted by Obama that is covered by lies, for which people have died, and lots of them.

The Obama administration’s war on Arizona was in part designed to shield the administration from the illegal activities of Holder’s BATF and the entire fast and furious scheme.  I am sure if they could have found a way to blame Sheriff Arpaio for the gun walking they would have.  They may still blame him.  Also,  if the gun shop owners who had been directed by ATF to sell the guns to known criminals hadn’t come forward, you can believe that they would have been fingered for the violence, even though they ‘signed agreements’ purporting to shield them.

The State Department and Obama’s  Executive Privilege

But wait, there’s more.  Hillary Clinton is said to have been a mastermind behind Fast and Furious as well, and there is suspicion that the State Department sold grenades and other military equipment to another mexican drug cartel.  But association with criminals, guns, and war crimes is nothing new for Ms. Clinton as her State Department has overseen the overthrow of middle-eastern governments (aka, ‘the arab spring’) and their replacement with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s claim of Executive Privilege drags his ass squarely into the middle of Fast and Furious, where his ‘under the radar’ promise of work on gun control to Sarah Brady connects the dots directly to Holder and the operation itself.   This bold use of Executive Privilege is Obama daring Congress to come after them both…and its a dare that will work as Congress is so compromised it cannot take this any further than a contempt vote.

Congressional Black Caucus to Stage a Race Tantrum

Staging a Race Tantrum

Causing a political scene is as usual, Mad Maxine Waters, who plans to lead the Congressional Black Caucus out of the House chambers when the vote on Holder is taken.  Calling it an election year political stunt, it is great theater–along with this ridiculous statement by another CBC member.  Remember race, gender, and class are the tickets to the Demoncrats party.  Trouble is, too many are not taking the bait and won’t be switched by this nonsense.

“Illegal” does not equal “racist”, you idiots.

Larger than this incompetent is the plan disclosed in this video, found in context here.  The war on liberty and financial freedom has been underway for a long time, before our founding as a Nation; with the same tactics being used over and over again.  And now they kill us in huge amounts, like OKC and 9-11; the chemtrails, vaccines, economic system, and the means of food production. Planned ‘incompetence’ as represented by people like Eric Holdup,  purchased by the global elite and placed inside governments all over the world, now has a firm grip on America. We are not fighting the Constitution; this global cabal is, and everyone is disposable.

What kind of retaliation do you think these felons have in store for America?

Holder and Obama’s New Diggs

Know Your Enemy

©2012 drkate

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Our days are filled with the unveiling of evil it seems…the veiled deception practiced for centuries now lifting while  more and more people, systems, and events are exposed as being part of the network which has defrauded, murdered, and enslaved  humanity.  We know many of these people by name now, and see how history has been re-written.  In these pages we also have unearthed the same network that has relentlessly tried to destroy our Constitution and is perilously close to accomplishing the mission.  It was only a matter of time before we could comprehend the depth of the moment and our place and responsibility in history (h/t QL):

From the UK-based The Fuel Project (h/t QL),  a  video has been produced that makes a serious effort to put the big picture together.  The series “Know Your Enemy” is shown in the full length feature video below;  for those of you who would like to view segments of the video, they can be found here.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised…Luke 4:18 KJV

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