Archive for the 'sharia' Category

Satan’s Chosen

©2018 DrKate

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Ep. 6:12 KJV

How many times have you looked at this verse and knew, “on some level”, that our battles of today are spiritual in nature?  But did you really comprehend that it is Satan himself that we are fighting?  That is, not politics or political systems, but Satan and his minions.  All wars are derived from this ‘spiritual wickedness in high places’.

Who stands behind “the rulers of darkness of this world”, this “spiritual wickedness in high places”?   Who is behind the slaughter of innocents via abortion, pedophilia, human trafficking, organ harvesting and sale, spirit cooking, war, and corruption? It is Satan who works through his chosen people, now on parade as they are being exposed.  Clintons, Obamas, Hollywood, CEOs, Congress, political fixers like the Podesta brothers, Spirit Cooking, abortion practitioners, Soros, Rothschilds, the House of Saud, news personalities, the illuminati…too numerous to count.

We are not alone in our thinking here.  Viewed through this lens, it is important to understand that what we see as political battles of the most serious kind are in actuality the war of Satan on God’s plan for us…

A very clear and consistent portrait of Satan is painted in the Old Testament: he is the enemy of God and the adversary of man. He seeks power and recognition for himself, arrogantly resisting and rebelling against God. He is rebellious, evil, cunning, and unteachable. He persists with his devious work. In his ambition and efforts to further his own position, he willingly sacrifices mankind and indeed all creation. He may approach us as an ally, but sooner or later he is unmasked as our adversary, a deadly foe.


The Illuminati consist of…some of the world’s richest families including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Windsors. While they pay lip service to religion, they worship Lucifer. Their agents control the world’s media, education, business and politics. These agents may think they are only pursuing success, but success literally means serving the devil. Prisoners of their wealth, the Illuminati prefer hatred and destruction to Love. Understandably, they can’t go public with this. They pretend to be moral while working behind the scenes to degrade and enslave humanity in a “new world order.”


Hiroshima, Dresden, Auschwitz, Cambodia and Rwanda were sacrifices to their god Lucifer. They are responsible for the two World Wars, the Depression and the Cold War. Sept. 11, the War on Terror and the Iraq War are their latest achievements. We imagine they want unlimited power and wealth but these are by-products. The Illuminati is motivated by hatred of God and humanity. ~Henry Makow

The purpose of the New World Order, of course, is to flaunt God’s will and to enslave human kind, by any means necessary.  Through physical war, cultural violence and disruption, “education”, deliberate disease manufacture and distribution, political discourse, shaming, the false divides between parties, genders, people, classes…endless.  They murder our leaders, doctors who defy Big Pharma, and ensnare our children.  Hollywood obsesses with sex, murder, violence, bodily functions, pedophilia, homosexuality, making it the “new normal”.

Brace yourselves for the House investigation of Planned Parenthood.

Who are they?

The descendants of  Esau, Ishmael, the Edomites…are Satan’s chosen.  They worship him.  But they will be destroyed by God, and then we on earth shall have peace.

Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom..behold I have made the small among the heathen, thou are greatly despised…the pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, though that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?  Though thou exalut thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring the down, saith the Lord.  Obadiah 1-4

Know the signs and the symbols…don’t just think the Super Bowl half-time show is “lousy”–it is satanic.  Satan is the father of confusion, of lies, of destruction.  Who speaks of this, versus, who speaks of love, creativity, clarity, of God?

In the meantime, if you watch any of the award shows with Hollywood–remember they are of Satan and the symbolism is all there.

The Golden Globes?  How about “The Greatest Pedo Show on Earth”?

Our Way Out

The thing that the satanists hate the most is God–speaking his name and reviving the spiritual  and practical awareness of Him.  And in this, we must stop the slaughter of innocents as the highest priority!

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of god that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fire darts of the wicked.  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…Ephesians 6: 13-17


Respect Yourself

©2017 drkate

A question:  do you think the people represented by the flag below respect themselves?



Open thread, while I prepare a new post!

The Face of the Democrats

Recognize the signs and similar tools.



“…Against all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic…”

©2016 drkate

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen. 1:28 KJV

One of the challenges we face as Americans going forward is acknowledging and dealing with the fact that America faces more domestic enemies than foreign enemies.  And remember, we–meaning you and I–have been defined as domestic enemies when it is our government that acts as a true domestic enemy.  This is the left’s common tactic–accuse others of what you yourself are and are doing.

As we think about the protection of our republic, and the Christian principles upon which we are founded, the word “subdue” comes to mind.  We must subdue the insurrection underway in our country.

Oaths of Office

This is the military oath of office, also applicable to federal employees, senators and congressmen when they begin their service:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___, that I make this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of [grade] in the Army/Air National Guard of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ on which I am about to enter, so help me God

If you are a naturalized citizen of the United States, this is your oath at naturalization:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God

How many of you have taken one of these oaths or know of others who have?

The President’s oath of office:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” (so help me God)

Of course the President must meet other constitutional criteria including the natural born citizenship requirement of Article II §1 Clause 5.

All of the oaths of office and for citizenship require the following:

  • allegiance to the United States Constitution,
  • renunciation of allegiance to any foreign country to which the immigrant has had previous allegiances
  • defense of the Constitution against enemies “foreign and domestic”

We have to recover what our concept of citizenship is in a constitutional republic.  And we must also begin to hold elected officials and employees accountable to our constitution, not socialism.  From the linked article, Republican and Democratic Elites Moving America Towards Socialism:

“There has been this movement really for 80 years in our history, of socialization…in terms of introducing the tools and mechanisms and practices of socialism into our economy, into our thinking, into our culture” West said. “Even on the right side of the spectrum there is very little consciousness that there’s anything else or that there ever was anything else. “

The Maps of Subversion

The maps shown in this segment of the post demonstrate the physical location of most of our domestic enemies.  Not coincidentally, they align with the large cities inside the heartland and the coasts, happen to be democrat, and are aligned with the most consistently reported vote fraud.  These maps outline a strategy for a counter effort to remove this socialist threat from America.

First, the election result:


Look at the map in this video below–we are surrounded by domestic enemies who have also now been infiltrated by foreign enemies, hiding in their midst.  Some are more vocal and obvious than others, and some are killers.  They happen to be where the democrats are concentrated, at least for now.

From the two maps below, the top map gray area is where Trump won, county by county, and the blue area is where Hillary won.  In the blue areas as shown by the second map are democrats, high rates of crime,  high election fraud by officials and machines, illegals and dead people voting, and voting felons in Virginia.


The oaths of office require every elected official and federal employee to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  They are obligated to deal with crime, election fraud, and the use of public funds to promote a foreign or communist agenda.  Here are examples of the misuse of public funds: forcing children to pray to Allah…allowing judges and congressman to swear on the Koran to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  We must enforce the law, including misprision of treason or felony.

Does the oath of office mean anything?  Let’s hold their feet to the fire, because it is still our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor at stake.

The Five Who Brought America to Her Knees

@2016 drkate



Each one of these so-called presidents contributed to where we are today, in particular, the  New World Order attack on America on September 11, 2001.  Notice what happened to America’s economy after 2001:


Carter, Brzenski, and the Iranian hostage deal; the first invasion of Iraq; the first World Trade Center bombing; Waco; Oklahoma City; 911; Bosnia; Afghanistan; the second invasion of Iraq; and the destabilization of Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen…oh and these are just a few.  Have our leaders been working for or against us?

And now we are at a turning point ourselves…you didn’t think it was going to be easy did you?


Our country is hanging by a thread now, and if Clinton is elected, you can be sure we are done.  After that only you, me, and other patriots know what will be required of us.  Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.  We must subdue evil.  Are you with us?


Trump in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania April 25, 2016

Open Thread!

Che Obamas

©2016 drkate

Although this is probably photoshopped, its quite perfect, isn’t it?


(h/t Citizen Wells, first comment on this excellent post!)

Don’t forget we were warned about these folks…

7.21.08 Blitt Obama.indd


Eh, too much said already!

Open Thread.

Cruz and Obama

©2016 drkate

One of the worst assaults on our Constitution was the usurpation of the presidency by Barack Obama.  This blog “cut its teeth” on that issue and gleaned over one million views between 2008 and 2011.  There were prices to pay for political views I can attest.

But the man went on to do what we knew he would–dismantling, weakening, bankrupting, and dividing America.  Our Founders wanted to prevent that from happening to us and that is why the natural born citizen clause was placed in the constitution—IN PLAIN LANGUAGE verified by so many constitutional scholars and easily available for the public.

Based on his ineligibility, everything that Obama has done could literally be undone legally by the next president.  But not if the ineligible Ted Cruz is elected or even nominated for President.

Jus soli,  Jus sanguine.  Of the land, of American parents.

Again, thanks to the strength, principles, and independence of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz has now finally exposed himself as the constitutional hypocrite that he is with respect to the qualifications that apply only to the President and Vice President–the natural born citizen requirement of Article II of our Constitution.  Listen to his “defense” of himself below:

Ted Cruz’s defense of himself is whiny, untrue, and defensive.  He tries to make up something about natural born citizenship—that the parents had to be born in the US–to go after Trump’s mother.  And by defending himself in the way he does, he trivializes the constitution, degrades Trump, and mocks the Constitution.

Just like Obama, and just like those nasty obots we found on so many other blogs.  And he’s attempting to fire back.

But once again, and exactly in a matter-of-fact manner, Trump nails Cruz again in his eligibility problem.  And then he talks about Cruz’s (hypocrisy) of railing against the “establishment” and the “cartel” when he is part of and owned by it.  All starting about 30 minutes in:

Trump has absolutely honed the issue, forced the media to bring it up, and is simply telling the truth to Americans, real Americans, about the danger of Ted Cruz.  Imagine if America could have had this discussion in 2008? But of course all the parties prevented it.

So Ted Cruz is willing to violate the Constitution in order to become President.  And willing to lie about it, and have his supporters go after anyone who mentions it.  Just like Obama.

If Cruz is so un-American regarding this basic fact of the Constitution, while claiming to be a Tea Party hero, what does he think of trade and shariaWho are his associates?

If Ted Cruz is elected, it just makes Obama’s legacy of unconstitutional destruction legit.

Voting for Cruz is voting once again for the foreigner Obama.

Wake up (again) before its too late!

Open Thread




Hysterical Obama Defends Radical Muslims against U.S. States

©2015 drkate


After the gate was left open for the invasion of young, strong mostly Muslim men of fighting age into Europe, after the deal had already been cut to send these invader “refugees” into western countries, and after the Paris massacre, Obama decries as “hysterical” the move of several U.S. Governors to prevent the unvetted refugee invaders from coming into their states.  From Obama’s fomenting mouth:

“Apparently they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America.” The US does not make good decisions “based on hysteria or an exaggeration of risks”, he added.

How many widows and orphans have you seen invading Europe?  How many widows and orphans came with the young non-christian men who arrived in Louisiana?

Obama lashes out when he’s caught, and here he accuses Americans of being “afraid” of women and children.  No Obama, we are wary of the radical jihadists you are importing to our country under the guise of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees.  The problem is, where are the women and children?

The “refugees” have no papers and the invasion and destabilization is planned.

In another article, Obama described the Paris attacks as “a setback“–for who, and what???

So who is actually the hysterical one?  I think its Obama because his “change you can believe in” mantra is being exposed for what it is: the destruction of America by any means possible:  through economic hardship; regulations; eviscerating our military; through invasion; and through the well-documented establishment of Al Queda and ISIS by intelligence agencies of the United States, Israeli Mossad, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others.

When you have Muslims, Christians, and Assad’s troops fighting together to protect a biblical city from ISIS, then you know ISIS stinks to high heaven.

Obama has created chaos, nothing more, nothing less, but with intention to destabilize. It was his plan all along.  Voting  for Obama–out of knowledge or ignorance–puts the blood of millions on those hands.  And severe judgment is sure to follow.

Let’s put it this way.  The Ark door is closing, and they’re not getting in.

Open thread.

“Like Playing with a Pigeon”

©2015 drkate

…There is a Russian joke currently making the rounds in Moscow. Russia’s Putin arrives back in the Kremlin after his September New York meeting with President Obama on Syria and other topics. A trusted aide asks how the talk with Obama went. Putin tells his aide that, in a bid to lower the temperature and calm the nerves before turning to grave topics like the wars in Syria and Ukraine, the Russian president proposed they first sit down to a game of chess…continued….

A couple of articles in this journal caught my eye (h/t Drew) regarding the contrast between the speeches of Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin at the U.N., complete with relevant and revealing video footage of the meetings.

The United States has been accused of using  non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to institute regime change in the middle east.  Those would be “US-Congress financed NGOs like National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, and the George Soros Open Society Foundations.

Putin tells his aide what it’s like playing chess with Obama. “It’s like playing with a pigeon. First it knocks over all the pieces, then it shits on the board and finally struts around like it won.”



Open Thread!

Infiltration: THE National Security Hazard

©2015 drkate

Remember the “outrage” over this cover of the New Yorker, how it “just couldn’t be true”?

Muslim in Chief

Muslim in Chief

Look where the U.S. flag is, look whose portrait is over the fireplace in the oval office.

And this photograph continues to show that Obama’s allegiance is with radical islam as he casually shows the muslim gang sign to other diplomats.

Obama muslim gang sign

US Obama Africa Summit

US Obama Africa Summit

So the New Yorker was right  A foreign agent whose allegiance is to our enemy infiltrated the highest office in the land with the full knowledge of the Congress, cabinet, and United States Supreme Court. And the media of course, that goes without saying.  The promise to ‘fundamentally change America’ meant “fundamentally destroy America”.  Terry Lakin caught Obama and exposed the military’s involvement in the cover-up of Obama’s usurpation of office.  Obama jailed and stripped him of his rank and pension because of it.

Such an assault on our country was not recognized by the general population until they began to feel it and see it, and their loved ones killed in war or by false flag events at home.  Although there were plenty of signs:


Our so called “leaders” left us wide open to enemy infiltration of and espionage on our entire government.  And to distract us, they destabilized  the middle east costing thousands of innocent lives.

So now there should be no outrage in exposing the true flag of Obama:

islam infiltrationobama

Who of this bank of candidates below will change this culture of corruption, including finding and firing the muslim infiltrators?  Do the elite think America will take any more assassinations so they can have their way?


No sense putting the democrats up here as all of them will simply carry on the terrorism of the Obama regime.

Open thread.

Sharia and Communism

©2105 drkate

Is Islam really separate from jihad?   h/t QL

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Open Thread.


The Agenda and the Muslim Brotherhood

©2015 drkate

Its never too late to watch this again.

Now add the Muslim threat to America brought on by Obama’s loyalty to them over the United States, and you have the final chapter.  The Muslims–ISIS, Al Queda, etc., are inventions of the cartel, used as tools to bring down civilization (h/t QL).

Open thread!

Communist Party Endorses Clinton, Democrats

©2015 drkate

The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.  (read here.)

We already knew that Obama is a card-carrying member of the Communist party, with an affection for radical islamocommunist or islamofascist movements.  And we learned in the 1950’s that the socialist candidate for president dropped his bid because he felt that the Democrat party had turned to socialism and would carry the agenda forward.  And Hillary Clinton could very well be worse than Obama, finishing off the nation. Still old candidates and old ideas, the ‘trash bin of history’ ideas..

communists and clinton

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have job programs for everyone but Americans…

jobs for isis

Anyone ever wonder why Congress behaves as a bunch of inbred, insane, individuals? Its because they are!

Open thread!

Democrats Own Him

©2014 drkate

How would you like to be in a position to tell your grandchildren you supported the man who ruined America?  Who, while she was down, kicked and maimed, invaded and ridiculed her, and stole all her wealth for his personal gain?  Who paraded an example of lawlessness throughout the world, and sent our soldiers to their deaths with both hands tied behind their backs?  Do you think your grandchildren will thank you or revile you?

Well get used to it democrats, YOU OWN OBAMA!  😆   🙄

Remember, the man is slipping mentally.

But I bet the dems blame anyone else but themselves for the mess he’s created.


democrats own him

(h/t FoxyLadi)

Open season thread on the imposter!



@2014 drkate

Infiltration ! (h/t QL)  😯

The effect of willful blindness on the morale of the US intelligence community:

Open thread!

Obama Disabilities and the 25th Amendment

©2013 drkate

Gun Runner

Gun Runner

Long before the current manifestations of Obama’s incompetence, debauchery, and danger to America, this blog and a few others pointed out that under the 25th Amendment, Obama is disabled and therefore unable to serve in office.  His principle form of disability in the first instance was, and remains, his ineligibility to hold the office because he is not a natural born citizen.  Article II, Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution requires that the President be born in the United States to two parents who are American citizens.

Obama set the stage for deceit by sponsoring a non-binding resolution (S.R. 535) that proclaimed John McCain eligible for the presidency even though McCain was not eligible because he was born off-base in a civilian hospital in Cologne, Panama.  McCain could not challenge Obama’s eligibility as he himself was ineligible.  And through voter fraud in 2008, the bought media, and the relentless use of race and gender to divide America, Obama coasted through the 12th Amendment procedure in the joint session of Congress to declare himself the pResident.  Not a whimper was heard from any of the so-called constitutionalists or conservatives, and every member of the Senate and House and every Secretary of State of the 50 States refused to do their duty and verify Obama’s eligibility.

Oh, yeah, I forgot…they all said “it wasn’t my job”…

We  all know that we were betrayed by the bench–the judiciary and the high powered attorneys–who twisted and made up reasons why the Constitution would not be followed.  American citizens spent thousands of dollars, risked their lives and livelihoods, were murdered, and were thrown in federal prison for daring to point out this most fundamental disability of the man who calls himself “Barack Hussein Obama”.

The failure of the judiciary and the unlawful lawmakers to follow the Constitution did not deter the investigations of Obama’s disability one iota.  Now we know that:

  • Obama’s birth certificate–produced on the White House website–is a 100% forgery
  • Obama’s Selective Service Registration is also 100% fraudulent
  • There is no evidence that he actually attended Columbia University
  • His real name is Barry Soetoro, and that he lost his law license because he failed to disclose his other names
  • Obama is a muslim and has lied about it consistently
  • Obama is at best a dual citizen (Britain, Indonesia) and never declared U.S. citizenship
  • ….

Yes it is possible to name more than a dozen characteristics of Obama that disable him from serving in any capacity of the federal government.  The penalty for selective service fraud alone is the inability to serve in the executive branch of government.  We know nothing about this guy who claims to be pResident…except that he is a tool of someone else.  He was the ultimate Trojan Candidate, and someone admitted the Trojan Horse.  His skin color and the enabling network became the condom shield through which he began immediately to screw America by fundamentally transforming the greatest country in the world.

Delusions, Narcissism, and Mental Illness



Never having worked a day in his life, the boy wonder began to fiddle while the world burned.  He has shown delight in an agenda that eviscerates our military and that degrades conservatives, and loves to participate in drone killing of women and children.  He has no problem invading other countries, threatening them, letting Americans die, and creating chaos at home and abroad.  He spends money recklessly to flaunt it in America’s face as we continue to spiral economically out of control.  Author John DeMayo notes:

Had a young Barry Soetoro been taught humility—instead of foolish pride—the boy who became King would have known better than to assume all his days would be full of accolades. Then again, maybe he is not capable of knowing the difference.
The serial lying and fraud goes beyond the observed diagnosis of narcissism, it is now bordering on the real possibility that Barack Obama is mentally ill.  Barack Obama is a failure, and now his signature death of America legislation–Obamacare just highlights his total incompetence and yes, continued disability to serve in the office he now occupies.  DeMayo again:
...Obama has never had to face failure in his life. Adversity perhaps, but not failure. President Obama has spent his life running away from his failures by seeking temporary and risky pleasures that fed his fragile ego and gratified his desire to be happy: Exotic travel, drugs, homosexual encounters, Islam. All collide with common man causes and a playboy appetite; all disturbing and conflicted excesses; all difficult for anyone to make sense of..
DeMayo believes Obama is a high-function mentally ill persona who is starting to show himself as all of his failures come forward:
…the high functioning mentally ill, live out on a constant limb, running between depression and excess to an occasional stop on a splintered branch called anxiety. A paramount fear of abandonment guides them to execute direct attacks against the things they wish to preserve and keep most. They are prolific liars and masterful agitators.
fuckerobamaNow, with democrats publicly turning on him, Obama is frightened and angry, and now more dangerous than ever.  He will seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with him before he can move on.  A good example is his purge of military leadership—over 200 officers who have counseled him to drop his war plans for Syria, to stop supporting terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood, and who question everything from his rules of engagement (aka the tie one hand behind our soldiers back plan) to the betrayal at Benghazi.
The problem is, each day that goes on he becomes more dangerous:
Each day this man is allowed to continue to re-invent the laws designed to restrict his behavior, America becomes more dangerous; weaker and more divided. Each day Obama is disappointed becomes another day he attacks those that continue to hold our nation together, even if they are on his team.
Impeachment, Arrest, or the 25th Amendment?
Which brings me back to the 25th Amendment.  Because Congress has been incapacitated–with the National Security Agency probably having every one of them compromised–we can neither expect impeachment or arrest.  The conditions that invoke the 25th Amendment are no less challenging: either the President or a majority of his cabinet must move to replace him. Sections 3 and 4 of the 25th Amendment read:

Section 3.

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4.

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

If the Vice President or any of Obama’s cabinet members expect to have any political future that does not include the gallows or a firing squad–for violating their oath of office and participating in treason against these United States– they might want to think about saving their own faces through this action.  If the republicans or democrats in Congress expect to have a future free of constant shame for having enabled this usurper to ruin America, they might want to save face by moving to remove Obama because he is unable to serve as President.
No, we constitutionalists, patriots and Americans are not going to forget what the political class has done to the once great America, but they can start correcting the error now.  Their final judgment is before God–whether they believe or not–and their destination is the eternal lake of fire.
7.21.08 Blitt Obama.indd

Talk to the Tail

©2012 drkate

Just a note to tell you what I think of the fraudulent election and the continued marxist administration…I offer you an earlier caption contest at drkatesview.  The winning slogan was “talk to the butt”  h/t Logistics Monster…

Talk to the Butt.

Never too late for more captions, however, so consider this a continued open thread in the spirit of the Gadsen Flag!

Death of the Democrats Dream

©2011 drkate

Obama went too far in exposing the true moral bankruptcy of the American left and the progressive agenda–the destruction of the American Constitution and sovereignty. The democratic brand is finished.

Take a further look at why the democrats/progressives/left are wrong. How could any American administration align itself with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Islamic Cultural Terrorism

©2011 drkate

No Sharia in America

Political correctness is one of the ways the Obamas scammed their way into the White House…and it was employed with a vengeance to label anyone who questioned Obama as a ‘racist’.

Indeed the efforts to create as ‘hate speech’ any criticism of Obama is the same tool being used by organizations such as CAIR to create  as hate speech the criticism of Islam.

We should not hesitate to expose this threat to our country and call out the cowards who hide behind political correctness to advance their anti-human and anti-American agenda.

Take heed (h/t Attilas Daughter).

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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