Archive for the 'Alt-left' Category

2020 Election Fraud: An Act of War?

©2021 DrKate

For the first time in our history of contested elections, beginning in 1796 with the contest between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, several of the states’ electoral college votes have been awarded to the wrong candidate and landed in the hands of the far left and most likely foreign countries.  In a farewell address to the Nation, George Washington warned of the power and rivalry of political parties, and their likelihood of usurping the power of the people and our Constitution:

“They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community,” he said in his Farewell Address. “They are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterward the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

The now provable fraud in Arizona and Georgia, with Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania not far away from that conclusion, if also enabled by foreign actors, is an act of war against the people of the United States.  This coup was facilitated by the democrats and republicans, a handful of corporations, and the CIA, China, Italy, and other foreign countries.  We have another usurper in Biden/Harris, and they are foreign assets placed in the highest position of our land–the Presidency.

Remember how they stole this election:  through a pandemic, mail-in voting, local corruption, and electronic manipulation.  Who would pay people enough for them to risk jail time to steal an election?

Let’s start with this discussion with the Professor below.  There are some great analogies for “how” this election was rigged for Joe Biden…”think of it this way, you have a set speed (target) you want to reach…”

For those who missed the Arizona Senate hearing with the forensic audit team, here is the full video from RSBN network:

President Trump’s Executive Order on Election Interference

“What advantages are there when you know your enemy’s plans?”

President Trump anticipated election fraud in 2018 and in 2020 and let it happen so it could be tracked and the cheating methods  identified. Then in 2020, with the methods identified, every bit of fraud was tracked, identified, and now shown to the public, including the electronic “packages” sent back and forth between the states and foreign countries that Mike Lindell has documented. THIS WAS THE GREATEST STING OPERATION IN UNITED STATES HISTORY.

President Trump’s Executive Order 13848, Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election was signed by the President on September 12, 2018.  Key provisions are highlighted below:

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States…In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

The specific targets of the E.O. were to determine:

(i) the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and

(ii) if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.

The Consequences of Election Theft

The blocking and seizing of assets of identified foreign entities and their domestic enablers, sanctions, and prohibitions on business activity…

What do we have here?  At least three foreign countries; several governors, secretaries-of-state, and election boards; Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg; the mainstream media including FOX…all the whiners, celebrities, and the equal opportunity republicans and democrats.

As an interesting example of this behind the scenes seizure of assets is the fact that the Democrats have been unable to find the funds to enact the usual legal tricks and bribes to stop the forensic examination of the election.  All remaining deep state assets will be deployed–Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the rogue FBI and CIA–as the election theft is exposed, the enablers identified, and the cities and towns burn.

The Coup

Thus Biden, the democrats, the mainstream media, corporations, foreign countries implemented a coup over the United States–a hostile take over of our country.  Look at the many traitors within.  Since the moment the Trump’s came down the escalator the establishment was working against them. We are in a state of war and have been for what turns out to be many years. President Trump just pointed it out for all of us to see.

I believe that we are currently operating under the Law of War, and specifically the DoD Law of War Manual – June 2015 Updated Dec 2016Think about the 10 square-mile area that is the District of Columbia, over which the federal government under the 1871 Act has its only and sole jurisdiction.  The Biden administration and a lawless Congress stole the election and staged an ‘insurrection’ whose primary actors were the FBI using useful idiots to frame Trump supporters.  They then used the National Guard to lock down this 10-square mile area while they installed the corrupt Biden administration’s “nominees”, including judges.   According the the Law of War Manual, the Biden Administration, Congress, the courts, and the agencies are  ‘captured operations’, and are the belligerents.  Section 11.1 of the Law of War Manual set out the conditions under which the occupation by a belligerent is addressed.  This for another long post…

But who really is in charge?

What you see right now should scare the s^^t out of you, and quicken your resolve to take back out country before it is lost forever.  We the People have “forgotten how to play” this animated contest of liberty called living in America as Americans. As Thomas Jefferson reminded us,

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

Living the “Insurance Policy”

©2019 DrKate

The constant harassment of President Trump–and by proxy, ALL Americans–is the “insurance policy” that the corrupt deep state politicians, the lame stream media, and intelligence agencies had planned all along…if Hillary lost the 2016 election, if the disruption and attacks by Antifa didn’t work, and if the Mueller Report failed to “get him”.  We Americans are living this every single day with the constant onslaught of attacks, and it will get worse as we move into the 2020 election.

The Mueller report was a bust and the democrats are so mad they are absolutely losing it.  The deep state will do anything to keep Trump from being reelected in 2020.  By anything, I do mean mass murder, massive illegal immigration, theft of our children, pedophilia, pedovores,  abortion without limits, and otherwise constant assault on our morals, values, and sensibilities. Think about the 3000+ people murdered on 9/11…do you think they* care how many of us die in pursuit of their objectives?

It’s not a “republican or democrat” thing at all, because the deep state establishment republicans are all on board with this.  When the Republicans had the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, why didn’t they act on illegal immigration, infrastructure, or deleting Obamacare? Yes, a few rotten rinos did spoil the whole bunch.

Then came the Trump…aka, the Second American Revolution:

The big tech companies–aka Google, Facebook (DARPA), Youtube, et al, have already indicated they will try to disrupt the 2020 election “to make sure that no one like Trump is ever elected again“.  They disdain you, me, and us, the American People.

Our Nation is at stake.  And The Patriots are working 24/7/365 to take our Nation back from these thugs….who take their orders from Soros, the Communist Party, Alinsky, and Cloward-Piven strategists.

The Thug Army

The deep state thug armies and “Obama brown shirts” used to terrify Americans–and the world– are:

    • Radical islamic muslims and its radical political ideology—“disguised” as “religion”…giving all our politicians an excuse to call our fear “bigotry”.  Jihad is being waged culturally, through immigration (civilization), terror, and through religion (“chrislam”)
    • MS 13–El Salvador-origin gangs responsible for absolutely horrific, brutal, murders, widely suspected of murdering Seth Rich, the man who got the Podesta/DNC emails and gave them to Wikileaks
    • Antifa— these are the “anti fascist” activists who are in fact fascists themselves.  They are described the the media as “right wing” thugs–but they are the leftists and they live by violence.  Ask Andy Ngo, a gay Asian reporter attacked and injured in Portland, Oregon last week.

The origin of the leftist mobs?  See the video below on the Weather Underground.  All their members cut their hair, put on a suit and tie, and now have infiltrated our education system, Congress, Hollywood, agencies, and Silicon Valley high tech.  They are not Americans, and importantly, what keeps them walking free today?  Did you know Bill Clinton “pardoned” some of the worst of these thugs?

Watch, listen, and learn.  They are still here today.


©2018 DrKate

It’s time.  The indictments are in place.  Many top-level corrupt agents in the ABC agencies have been removed, and the remaining corrupt individuals have been identified, isolated, and investigated.  GITMO has been staffed and rennovated to accommodate more individuals.  The Supreme Court has been secured, with the Chief Justice Roberts now identified as the one who appointed all of the corrupt FISA judges who enabled the spying on private citizens and the launching of a fake, seditious, “investigation” that knowingly interfered with a U.S. election and attempted to take a sitting President down and out of office.  The Congressional leakers have been identified both in the Senate and the House, and unbeknownst to them, they have been monitored and under investigation for two years.

The Senate is secure 53-47, and mittens Romney neutered so he cannot stop America’s progress as another “songbird mccain” or flakey Flake.  Rod Rosenstein will have to resign when the FISA documents are un-redacted, revealing his role as the deep state’s plant in the DOJ.  Mueller is exposed and soon to be out of a job, ending his career as one of the most corrupt FBI officials ever, second only to Jim Comey. Military assets are in place.

President Trump retweeted this picture yesterday:


Has our President every tweeted anything that is false?

While these idiots have been out publicly trashing Americans, Trump, and lying about all things American; while the deep state has been viciously trying to start WWIII, or any war, and while Soros has been paying thugs using children as shields to rush our border making it like Gaza on our southern border, they have unwittingly sealing their own fate by demonstrating their treason.

Now the avalanche hits…of the most destructive kind (D5), which will gouge the political landscape that has been developed under our feet while we fell asleep as Americans.

Remain extremely vigilant as the evil ones will do anything to stop this from happening, including murdering Americans and anyone in their way.  They are like a cornered animal which is extremely dangerous!

God Bless America.


Electoral Extermination of Democrats by 2020

©2018 DrKate

By now it should be very clear to everyone that the Democrats must be removed from power en masse if we are to have any hope of reestablishing our republic and restoring the rule of law.  America simply cannot afford to have this treacherous group of traitors having anything to do with government or the future of Country, our children, our Nation.   When you have the democrats in congress protecting pedophiles, rapists, MS13 gang members, illegal immigrants, and abortion, all the while screaming about “ripping children away from their parents”, there is literally nothing left to salvage in this group gone awry.

President Donald Trump says that Democrats are responsible for a ‘massive child smuggling industry’ in the United States that is making human traffickers a steep profit.The president says that ‘traffickers are making a fortune’ and its all thanks to loopholes he says are the fault of Democrats that exist in the immigration system.  ‘It’s a whole big con job,’ the president charged in a Cabinet meeting. ‘They’ve let it happen.’

I agree.  The refugee business is a racket and there is HUGE money in trafficking.  Ask the Clintons. Ask Hollywood, Weinstein, Allison Mack, DeNiro, Spacey, Podesta.  Like Hollywood, the Washington D.C elite are infected with the same lust for children, power, and adrenochrome–a by product of adrenaline.

Think about this–children are kidnapped or sold by parents to coyotes–smugglers, traffickers, drug transporters–who then sell them to pedophiles or the elite.  How do you think Peter Fonda knows about cages full of kids exposed to and being raped by pedophiles?

Of all the serious corruption this bothers me the most.

The democrats are all now pure hatred and TDS (trump derangement syndrome).   Watch what happens with this ‘separation of families, children’ issue at the border.  The democrats don’t give a rats ass about the children.  When confronted with the law that shows that democrats put this immigration policy in place under Bill Clinton, they say, “we want to keep the focus on Trump”.  It is seditious behavior, and that’s all they’ve got going into 2018 and 2020.

Aren’t you tired of this constant trashing of America?  When they trash President Trump, they trash all of us, including the Nation.  And in doing so, they are finishing the nation.


To restore the rule of law in America, democrats must never be trusted with power again.  It is our responsibility as American citizens to ensure the security and liberty of our Nation!

Fifty years is a good start!  Until they come to their senses and become Americans.




The Obama/Clinton Plan to Overthrow the United States

@2018 DrKate

What we are finding now in the investigations is that Obama’s coup in 2008 was part of a long term plan to overthrow the United States in a 16-year period.  We know that both of Obama’s “elections” were handed to him by vote fraud, and we know that Clinton couldn’t win even with planned vote fraud.

Murder, lies, and deceit.  Now the standard fare for Democrats!

Antifa—the brown shirts

Colleges & Universities–the incubator of revolutionary thought

Hollywood–glorifying deviance and the $$

Planned Parenthood–getting the blood and baby parts for the elite

Red Cross–human trafficking

Google–creating Hillary, Obama and other thieves private server network through North Korea?

By the way, what will happen to the FBI, DOJ, justices, and all political appointments that were made planting the seeds of destruction in our government?

Open thread



Respect Yourself

©2017 drkate

A question:  do you think the people represented by the flag below respect themselves?



Open thread, while I prepare a new post!

The Face of the Democrats

Recognize the signs and similar tools.



May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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