Archive for the 'President Trump' Category

2020 Election Fraud: An Act of War?

©2021 DrKate

For the first time in our history of contested elections, beginning in 1796 with the contest between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, several of the states’ electoral college votes have been awarded to the wrong candidate and landed in the hands of the far left and most likely foreign countries.  In a farewell address to the Nation, George Washington warned of the power and rivalry of political parties, and their likelihood of usurping the power of the people and our Constitution:

“They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community,” he said in his Farewell Address. “They are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterward the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

The now provable fraud in Arizona and Georgia, with Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania not far away from that conclusion, if also enabled by foreign actors, is an act of war against the people of the United States.  This coup was facilitated by the democrats and republicans, a handful of corporations, and the CIA, China, Italy, and other foreign countries.  We have another usurper in Biden/Harris, and they are foreign assets placed in the highest position of our land–the Presidency.

Remember how they stole this election:  through a pandemic, mail-in voting, local corruption, and electronic manipulation.  Who would pay people enough for them to risk jail time to steal an election?

Let’s start with this discussion with the Professor below.  There are some great analogies for “how” this election was rigged for Joe Biden…”think of it this way, you have a set speed (target) you want to reach…”

For those who missed the Arizona Senate hearing with the forensic audit team, here is the full video from RSBN network:

President Trump’s Executive Order on Election Interference

“What advantages are there when you know your enemy’s plans?”

President Trump anticipated election fraud in 2018 and in 2020 and let it happen so it could be tracked and the cheating methods  identified. Then in 2020, with the methods identified, every bit of fraud was tracked, identified, and now shown to the public, including the electronic “packages” sent back and forth between the states and foreign countries that Mike Lindell has documented. THIS WAS THE GREATEST STING OPERATION IN UNITED STATES HISTORY.

President Trump’s Executive Order 13848, Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election was signed by the President on September 12, 2018.  Key provisions are highlighted below:

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States…In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

The specific targets of the E.O. were to determine:

(i) the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and

(ii) if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.

The Consequences of Election Theft

The blocking and seizing of assets of identified foreign entities and their domestic enablers, sanctions, and prohibitions on business activity…

What do we have here?  At least three foreign countries; several governors, secretaries-of-state, and election boards; Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg; the mainstream media including FOX…all the whiners, celebrities, and the equal opportunity republicans and democrats.

As an interesting example of this behind the scenes seizure of assets is the fact that the Democrats have been unable to find the funds to enact the usual legal tricks and bribes to stop the forensic examination of the election.  All remaining deep state assets will be deployed–Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the rogue FBI and CIA–as the election theft is exposed, the enablers identified, and the cities and towns burn.

The Coup

Thus Biden, the democrats, the mainstream media, corporations, foreign countries implemented a coup over the United States–a hostile take over of our country.  Look at the many traitors within.  Since the moment the Trump’s came down the escalator the establishment was working against them. We are in a state of war and have been for what turns out to be many years. President Trump just pointed it out for all of us to see.

I believe that we are currently operating under the Law of War, and specifically the DoD Law of War Manual – June 2015 Updated Dec 2016Think about the 10 square-mile area that is the District of Columbia, over which the federal government under the 1871 Act has its only and sole jurisdiction.  The Biden administration and a lawless Congress stole the election and staged an ‘insurrection’ whose primary actors were the FBI using useful idiots to frame Trump supporters.  They then used the National Guard to lock down this 10-square mile area while they installed the corrupt Biden administration’s “nominees”, including judges.   According the the Law of War Manual, the Biden Administration, Congress, the courts, and the agencies are  ‘captured operations’, and are the belligerents.  Section 11.1 of the Law of War Manual set out the conditions under which the occupation by a belligerent is addressed.  This for another long post…

But who really is in charge?

What you see right now should scare the s^^t out of you, and quicken your resolve to take back out country before it is lost forever.  We the People have “forgotten how to play” this animated contest of liberty called living in America as Americans. As Thomas Jefferson reminded us,

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

1776-Again. Independence

©2021 DrKate 

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” ~George Orwell

We have already crossed the Delaware River, long before many awoke.  Determined now to restore our Republic in exercising the revolutionary right articulated in the Declaration of Independence.

washington delaware

Shots have been fired.


The enemy have been identified.

Trump Revolution


largest us flag

The largest American flag hangs off of Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. Each of the stars is 17 feet tall. It takes a crew of 15 to unroll it.

The President’s Florida speech on July 3, with fireworks, can be viewed on Rumble with RSBN.

The Declaration of Independence

WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
          We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.
          He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good.
          He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. 
          He has refused to pass other Laws for the Accommodation of large Districts of People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation in the Legislature, a Right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only.
          He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the Depository of their public Records, for the sole Purpose of fatiguing them into Compliance with his Measures.
          He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People.
          He has refused for a long Time, after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from without, and Convulsions within. 
          He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
          He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.
          He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and Payment of their Salaries.
          He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their Substance.
          He has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our Legislatures.
          He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
          He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
          For quartering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us:
          For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
          For cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World:
          For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
          For depriving us, in many Cases, of the Benefits of Trial by Jury:
          For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended Offences:
          For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary Government, and enlarging its Boundaries, so as to render it at once an Example and fit Instrument for introducing the same absolute Rule into these Colonies:
          For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
          For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever.
          He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
          He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People.
          He is, at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation.
          He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
          He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
          In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a free People.
          Nor have we been wanting in Attentions to our British Brethren. We have warned them from Time to Time of Attempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable Jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settlement here. We have appealed to their native Justice and Magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these Usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our Connections and Correspondence. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends.
          We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Signed by Order and in Behalf of the Congress,
JOHN HANCOCK, President.

The FAUCI-Deep State Exposure

©2021 DrKate

What an amazing time to be alive! 

One of the most amazing, indeed historic gifts President Donald J. Trump gave to America was to step aside and allow the democrats, the deep state, the enemy of the people to think they can take the White House, so that the entire cabal can be exposed to the American public, and then finally taken down.  What other way was there to avoid the sure bloodshed and destruction they* had planned for us? 

Yes President Trump won the 2020 election.  That will be properly proven by the states and people, exercising their rightful sovereign authority under the U.S. Constitution regarding the control over federal elections within the states.

But for now, the Great Reveal continues to happen astounding many as the “dots get connected” in our understanding. For example, there are many reports of the fake Biden–who is totally showing America how anti-American, corrupt, and bankrupt Democrats and the deep state are. But if you look closely at other figures that have been brought before America and God, some other interesting anomalies unfold.  The wizards behind the many curtains continue to be revealed.

From Nicholas Veniamin, observe the following:

anthony fauci

This is the REAL Anthony Fauci in 2014.

The 2021 image is a lookalike, double or clone.

Study the differences between the ears, nose, jaw line and the head crown, carefully.

The real Anthony Fauci is either in custody, in GITMO prison or executed for Crimes Against Humanity; TREASON.

The Military are using a lookalike to play out Anthony Fauci’s role to show the public the reality of how corrupt this man was, by creating viruses, serving special interest groups to poison, control, enslave the world and to enrich themselves.

The state of the art Military operation that has been in the planning for the past 20 years that is currently undertaking, is now in control of the mainstream media of slowly dripping truths of information to help the public slowly wake up to many decades of corruption and lies, and shift human consciousness so that we are able to evolve as a human race.

President Donald J. Trump once said in an interview, “I believe I have a chance to drain the swamp!”


Indeed, the Storm has arrived.  And yes, Fauci has a role in the use of children by the elite and by ‘medicine’.


protecting children

The Great Reveal

©2021 DrKate

The secret people and secret plans they have to destroy humanity, with America in the cross hairs, is being slowly revealed to the people of the United States and of the world.  While many would have preferred direct, immediate action, it has been necessary to gradually reveal the truth to the people.  Much of what we will not see in this reveal is too earth-shattering for most…do you really want to understand and see the details of the evil that these people are committing daily, especially to our children?

It won’t be long now.

trump won

Battle Hymn of the Republic

©2021 DrKate

The battle is ON.

Hold the line.

Pray for the children!

The Installation of Foreign Agents Biden/Harris

©2021 DrKate

President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 is in effect.  We have a foreign-controlled installed occupant of the White House enabled by domestic enemies. There is incontrovertible truth that the 2020 American election was interfered with by foreign entities. It’s up to the military now to protect our Constitution.

Fraud happened at all levels and for all “down ticket” candidates, but the mainstream media has suppressed all the information from reaching the American people.

Under the Constitution, the military is the second-to-last option to defend our Nation, and we need to let them know that we have their back, when they exercise that responsibility to lawfully restore the civilian government.

Soldiers, barbed wire on top of walls and steel fencing, sealed off tunnels, buses, and entry/exit ID required can be used for multiple purposes and in many ways.  Why is the White House continuously dark?  Why is Kamala not living at the traditional VP’s residence?  And plenty of other “whys” !!!

An Important Poll

We know that the election fraud will be made public and then, if our Constitution is being protected by our military, swift changes will happen. The public has to be awakened, and when the “approval rate” of Biden is down to 20%, then people are more inclined to want military intervention.  So please, keep talking about the direction Biden is taking America–even democrats do not like what they see going on.  For once we all agree.

When election and other supporting fraud evidence is fully available to the public either through a compliant or forced mainstream media, which scenarios floated out there for coming possibilities seem most likely to you? Multiple choice.  Since we all want arrests of key officials, I am just assuming that will continue to happen.  Please feel free to discuss in comments!






Rebirth of the Republic

©2021 DrKate

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)


Our journey to retake the Republic continues, and by now you should know that this is serious war.  The stakes for America and Americans could not be higher, and this is happening world-wide.  If you have lost faith and are throwing in the towel, then you had no faith to begin with and can dispense reading this article.  For the rest, “now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country”, originally spoken by Patrick Henry.  Now is not the time to shrink from our responsibilities as citizens of these United States of America.

Much has been revealed in these last four years that have actually sharpened our understanding of the planned destruction of our Republic and its methods. The Spiritual war is at the heart of all strife in our Country and the world right now.  Because Satan knows his time is short, we have seen the escalation of tactics into more blatant use of violence and raw political power to force the subjection of America to a luciferian cabal, now well-infiltrated into our entire system.  This is a battle to the end, and GOD WINS.

On January 20, 2021, the entire world witnessed the completion of the coup on the United States with the installation of Joe Biden as the fraudulent president of a now-defunct U.S. corporation. At the moment Biden was “certified” by Congress, and inaugurated, the United States ceased to exist as a lawful government.  But it was horrifying, heartbreaking, maddening, and frightening to the core.  National Guardsmen turned their backs on his motorcade. Many did not watch the spectacle, but there were a few interesting tidbits:

  • Biden was sworn in at 11:48 am instead of 12:00 noon.  President Trump’s term expired at 12:00 noon.
  • Since there is no lawful government at this time because the election was knowingly stolen, the military is authorized by the insurrection act and its constitutional duty to take control of the government until a lawful civilian government can be restored.  The Insurrection Act reportedly has already been signed by President Trump, and it was probably invoked during that interval as President.
  • The “nuclear football” was not transferred to Biden and it went with Trump when he left Andrews Air force base.
  • The military did not offer Biden a military plane for Andrews AFB, he had to charter a private plane.
  • Charlie Ward, a resident of Spain, said he saw the inauguration on his television set 7 hours before it actually happened, calling into question what we all saw on our TV sets and youtube videos?
  • The 17 gold-fringed flags at Trump’s farewell speech and the gold-fringed flag at pedoJoe’s “inauguration” have always signified military control.  For a long time President Trump was surrounded by American flags without the gold fringe.  Pay attention to wrinkled flags and their meaning, whether gold-fringed or not.
  • The Pentagon has already denied Biden access to key national security information and military operations data.  Biden and the media screaming about an “outbreak of COVID” is a signal that they aren’t getting the military’s data on that.  Remember the national emergency declarations still in place?  The military is in charge.
  • The military has 65,000 troops including Marines in the DC area and the fences are locked from the outside.  When the troops “leave”, there will be many left behind.  The military is also staged in the halls of the Capitol and will remain on duty to ‘protect Congress’.  Interesting that Congress feels that they are “secure” now, away from us lowly American citizens…but they still have to show ID to get in AND out.
  • When the military is in charge, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is responsible for staffing the civilian government agencies through the “Continuity of Government” defense department regulations.

But for one moment on the 20th, the cabal that installed Biden and who also control Congress, the agencies, and the media, were all in one place–including Obama, the Clintons, and the “republicans”.   Surrounded by the U.S. military.  Knowing what you know, and in the context of an actual insurrection where the Congress took away the vote of the American public and usurped the institutions of government, what an opportunity it was to arrest them all in once place, with no civilian casualties.  Think about alternative uses of the FEMA camps other than putting Americans in them.

But something happened to change the planplease watch this video. Whatever it was that happened or was threatened to happen it was designed to hurt Americans, not Trump.  The risk of that was unacceptable.

Hence Proverbs 19:21 opened and closes our discussion. God’s purpose will be accomplished.

2021: The New 1776

©2021 DrKate

Hardened and steeled by the fires and awakenings of the last four years?  Ready?

Done in 30

We have already crossed the rubicon, the Delaware River.  Remember, “we are Americans and we will cross an icy river on Christmas to kill you in your sleep…”  Operations are on-going.

The war for our Nation is on…history in the making, we are here as witnesses and participants in this great journey of liberty.



Where we go one, we go all.

“All They* Have Left is to Prolong the Game”

@2020 DrKate

Listen and consider the following and return to the discussion below…

Some key words and phrases I heard in this video, recorded a little over a year ago, included : “ascension”, “a great awakening”, and “nothing can stop what is coming”.  And what I see unfolding today appears to put us closer to that endpoint, rightfully described as the end of the old world as we know it.  And this can only be brought about by the full disclosure of the entire corrupt, evil network; how the American vote was stolen; and the foreign agents acting as elected, administrative, and judicial officials that are subverting the Constitution.

Consider what we already knew about elections and many other forms of deceit, violence and theft;  knew or forgot about the Constitution, but which everyone had to be shown, like the U.S. Supreme Court shockingly dismissing the Texas case on STANDING! The easiest way to duck an issue as pointed out by Justices Thomas and Alito.  But wait…how do you wake up the American public? Game theory, anyone?  Imagine you knew what the game was and knew exactly what was necessary to stop it?

But remember the Trump’s Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018, and the report on 2020 election monitoring due by December 18, 2020.  Think about the planning  and actions that underlie the President’s statement that “we caught them all”.  Their final act was to steal the election, which is the same old game they have been playing for a long time.  This time, that game ends.

I have complete confidence that President Trump will remain so until January 20, 2025.  He may appear “eclipsed” on December 14, but it is still not over yet.  Remember, ‘nothing can stop what is coming’. Donald Trump is our catalyst at this time.  He understands life and death matters. Our Founders were knew what it meant when they declared

-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–

Hold the line and keep the faith.  We are blessed to live in such extraordinary times, and are duty-bound to support our President and Country by exercising our Revolutionary Right.  Time to become American!


The Revolution will be Live

Information warfare. Keep your eyes open. Watch the military.

P.S. Biden is still toast.

America’s Vote Stolen

©2020 DrKate

The vote of more than 71+ million Americans, reflecting the will, intent, and preference of the American people was stolen on November 3, 2020.  Everyone regardless of party should be pretty damn pissed off.

This was an in-your-face blatant and continued attempt to overthrow a duly-elected President and the government of the United States of America.  Are we going to stand for it?  President Trump is NOT going to stand for the destruction of our Constitution.

Stealing a national election is an act of war.

The Kraken has been released in combination with General Michael Flynn’s full pardon by President Trump today.

Enjoy the following, a good rundown on the evidence:

“Armor Up and Stay in the Fight!”

©2020 DrKate

Thank you Mark Taylor…

Every Patriot in this Country should be fully aware of an disgusted with how Americans, America, our Constitution,  and our President have been treated by the media, the elite of both parties, the deep state, and federal employees buried deeply within our agencies. It has been sabotage and insurrection all along!  We all should  FINALLY be at point 5 in the Great Awakening:

Unlike the militant anti-American left that riots when they are mad however, the anger we feel right now will be channeled as you now realize how the elite of both parties, the deep state, and others have controlled our “elections” for a very long time, and they will not let go without a fight.  In fact our work is just beginning.  Are you ready to take your country back?  Armor up. Do NOT fall for the gaslighting, fake ‘calls’,  despair, doubt, and drama, even from our ‘own side’. We will not be baited into fighting them in the streets.

President Trump has been warning Americans for months about the fraud in the 2020 election, and if you think he doesn’t have a plan that is already in place to ‘catch them all’ at it,  well you haven’t been paying attention.  The 2018 election theft was monitored so as to identify the players and cheating mechanisms.  For 2020, the refined sting operation monitoring plan was in place, and strategic legal resources are being deployed.  Remember the National Guard is deployed in twelve major cities to ‘assist’ with the 2020 elections and any unrest, and they supplement other National Guard and U.S. Military deployed because of COVID. We will not succumb to the fear mongering or doubt.

What ‘they’ fear is a fully informed, awake, American public.  President Trump has kept the communication lines open and now has exposed, for everyone to see the deadly corruption that has invaded our Country.Now realize that we all were born to be here at this precise time–respect that placement in history and act!

Are you ready to take your country back?

Stay the course!

Once in a Blue Moon

©2020 DrKate

When the knowledge and understanding come screaming forward…

When you emerge from the tunnel of darkness to see the light shining brightly

When you know it was worth all the pain

When you finally are able to move forward…

Resist the ‘Great Reset’!



Have a blessed day, take the newness forward!  Don’t lose that number!




“We will win this To[get]her”

©2020 DrKate

Photo Update:  The President of the United States is Home and Red October is still on.

Red October is now coming into view, where we now begin to see that ‘the hunters  have become the hunted‘.

Finally all the foundational work of the President and military has been finished, the picture complete, at the ready. “It’s about time”, and, “ENOUGH”…President Trump said at his last fantastic rally at an airport hangar with the majestic Air Force One in the background…

And just like that the virus is unleashed on the President and First Lady.

By now you must know that this is war, and everyone knows who is ultimately behind this last murderous attempt to stop justice from being served, to prevent the appointment of a SCOTUS Justice, and to inflict more chaos on Americans.

The President is still in charge, and is confronting the problems that we must do as a Nation to rid ourselves of this scourge of corruption.  Listen carefully.


The President of the United States is Home.

Out of the Shadows

©2020 DrKate

On this Glorious Day where He has Risen and defeated death, we are reminded of our own responsibility to protect His great creation of all.  Let this be a day where we reflect, continue our great awakening, and now move forward to take this world over and rid her of the darkness and evil that abounds.

Are you awake yet?


Merry Christmas 2019!

Blessings to you and yours on this wonderful day and season, where we are reminded, that because of HIM, we have already won the war.



A Letter from the President

©2019 DrKate

On the eve of the destruction of the democrat party as we know it—through its vote on impeachment–President Trump delivers a warning to Speaker Pelosi for all democrats.

The behavior of the democrats now requires each of them to resign immediately and face charges for using their power to wage war against the American people and our President.

Read the rest of the letter here:  Letter-from-President-Trump-final

The Attack on the Executive

©2019 DrKate

The weakening of the Executive Branch of Government—aka the attack on President Trump–is part of the assault upon our Constitutional Republic brought to us by the leftists occupying both the judiciary and legislative branches of government.  Recall the Obama-Clinton-Biden regimes which apologized for America, bowed to our enemies, and sold America out as they laughed all the way to the bank.

Enjoy this very instructive discussion by Attorney General Bill Barr.  A long but worthwhile view!

The unraveling of the deep state, and the democrats’ corruption is right around the corner.  Imagine, people have been lied to their whole lives…it is going to be a shock even for those who are awake.


Justice and Spygate

©2019 DrKate

Arrests are satisfying; but convictions are better.

So I remind myself whenever “running out of patience” with the time it has taken to carefully, legally, methodologically, unwind this terrible weaponization of our “intelligence” agencies directly against the President and the American people by extension.

This has been an on-going coup throughout Trump’s candidacy, election, and time as President.  Trump is an outsider, and the increasing pitch of attacks on him shows the desperation with which the two parties—two wings of the same bird—plus their media hacks will literally stop at nothing to prevent their exposure, arrest, prosecution, and conviction. The use of the criminal justice system or Military Tribunals depends on the nature of the crime.

Obama foolishly left more than 150 federal judicial positions open for Hillary’s expected-because-it-was-rigged win and it has taken two years for Trump to achieve filling most of those positions, plus two Supreme Court positions.  The prosecution and conviction of all depends on a court that follows the Constitution– the original intent and role of the Judiciary, and existing law. And in our Country, at every level, it is now about restoring law and order. President Trump knows that and God Bless him always.

Don’t forget all the firings, allowed “resignations”, and the ‘not seeking re-election’

A criminal or military court?

Sedition is defined as “conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.”

Treason is a “violation of allegiance toward one’s country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one’s country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.”

Insurrection, which is “a violent uprising against an authority or government” may apply to Antifa and allies?

What if the forces at work inside and against this country right now are a combination of all of the above?

Remember this exchange?  “The Law of Armed Conflict

Now you can think about time in different way….it has taken this long to rebuild the system so that justice can prevail. We await the public release of the now-finished DOJ  Inspector General’s report on FISA abuses.

Why justice must come shown in the video below.  Right now those who will be brought to justice are experiencing the pain of the public knowing their crimes against our Country and President.


A Sober Look at the Adversary–Update Part 2


So after the eighteenth year on, we are still getting to the bottom of what happened that day at ground zero, in the belly of the beast.  How could an airplane and fire bring down these impenetrable towers?

The true extent and long-term impacts of September 11 itself and after-event illnesses and deaths resulting from the debris and cleanup is unknown. with now-known explosives, and radiation are unknown.

In my life those early milestones began with the assassination of JFK and now I witness with understanding and context, and knowledge of where and how to look.  Consider that our country has been subverted, and we are at a critical moment in our nation’s history.

“This isn’t just another four year election.” America or communism? And the cultural and spiritual war being waged right now through the media, news print, Hollywood, the party banter, and congressional-senate scandals, employs the use of projection ascribe to Americans those devastating actions to which they have been associated.

The video below is the latest from Amazing Polly, I think you will enjoy an introduction to the network, which is a lot deeper and more amazingly intertwined than we know.  Plan to take the time, or take your time as you can, on this long, short “introduction”.  This artist has created invaluable information that is amazing to Polly, and will amaze you too.


Update: Subverted Part 2


John 8:32


Obama’s Project HAMMER

©2019 DrKate

Long before the FISA abuse, Obama’s Project Hammer–created by the CIA– spied on everyone, and was used to blackmail judges, congressman, businessmen, government officials, and military officers into doing what Obama wanted.  Ever wonder about Chief Justice John Roberts decision on Obamacare?  Now you know.

In fact, the FISA scandal was created “after the fact” to mask–and perhaps cover– the illegal surveillance that was underway long before the clowns decided to spy on the Trump campaign.  Remember, the first FISA warrant was issued in October, 2016, long after spying was occurring on the Trump campaign and associates.

The HAMMER was completely illegal. Sounds like life in prison for Clapper, Brennan, and we can hope, Obama.

If not this crime, there will be others!

Lessons from the Shutdown

©2019 DrKate

Arrests are glorious, but conviction is the key.

The recent partial government shutdown over the failure to fund the border wall may have been a type of “Good” Government Shutdown” that was discussed by the President over a year ago, written about here, and discussed in the video below.  Remember the partial shutdown would not have happened if former Speaker Paul Ryan had managed to get the appropriations bills passed when the Republicans had the House.

Rather than seeing the reopening of government for three weeks as a cave-in to democrats, this video prompts you to take the “long view”–which is the level that President Trump is operating on–and understand the information that has been collected during this period, and the background information he now has to begin downsizing government during the next “good government shutdown”.  This is another way of draining the swamp, by eliminating its enablers and operatives in government agencies.

But when the TSA federal agents or others called in sick, they went AWOL, both a signal to get rid of certain individuals but also whether the federal government should be staffing the TSA or privatizing it at some places?  So, how many airline crashes would you allow to harm citizens before you reopened the government without the wall funding? Compassion has a place in leadership even with a grander plan.

Another value of taking the long game view of this is central to securing the conviction of the criminals who have been publicly identified–Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Huma, Obama, Yates, Strozk, McCabe…and a cast of thousands.  Arrests are glorious, but conviction is the key.

How do you catch corruption, indeed treason,  when the agencies that are involved in investigating and prosecuting it, and the judges giving the opinions, are corrupt to the core themselves?  Over 30 people have been fired and allowed to or forced to be retired from the highest echelons of the FBI and DOJ.  The President has filled over 80 vacancies in the judiciary system, two Supreme Court positions, and just submitted 51 more names for judicial appointments, nearly 1/3 of the judiciary.  The more than 180 positions were left open by Obama for Clinton; now President Trump has the job–and the Senate–and is getting it done, despite the delay tactics.

Everything our President does is strategic, and to be sure his (our) enemies are throwing everything at him (us) that they have.  By working a strategy that is at time excruciatingly long to us, Trump both exposes our enemies publicly but also forces them to expend their ammunition—the tricks they have up their sleeve to derail our President’s plans to wrest control of our country away from the globalists.

Time to force their hand.

What is their next “ammo” to expend?

  • the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg? (aka, some believe she is already dead or close to it…if so, can they just let her go in peace?!?)
  • no wall funding (again)?
  • the fight and delay over the next Supreme Court nominee?  (Dems have tee-ed up abortion, Catholics, race, hate in preparation)
  • tanking of the economy? What if you learned that Trump is actually in charge?

Regarding the next Supreme Court nominee, it is critical to understand they need to delay any new Supreme Court  confirmation until January 2020, when they can invoke the “Biden Rule” that prevents such deliberation during a presidential election year. So they must prop up Ruth Bader Ginsberg so she can be at the SOTU.

Let’s look at the border wall, the “physical barrier” that works which we have funded construction of for foreign countries all over the world but not ours. You know what that means, right?  It is more lucrative for our Congress to launder US taxpayer money through other countries than in the U.S. because our wages are higher. But I digress.

The key issue that no one wants to discuss is that President Trump can declare a national emergency right now and use the military personnel, budget and expertise to rapidly build the wall.   The invoking of a declaration of national emergency is not an executive order that can be challenged in the lower courts.  Any challenge goes immediately to the US Supreme Court, and the facts and law are on America’s side.

But what they don’t want to talk about is the issue of Posse Comitatus , which prohibits the use of US military forces–except the marines–to enforce domestic laws within the United States.  It can only be suspended “under conditions of rebellion or invasion”–like what is occuring at our southern border.  Trump could use the declaration of a national emergency to waive Posse Comitatus and Habeus Corpus, enabling the military to enforce our immigration law at the border, or declare Martial Law as required to address our border security which would also activate the National Guard.

The larger strategy, long-term view is essential to our ability not to be temporarily blindsided by emotions of “he’s caving!”, when we should search for the larger strategic goal and remain calm.  Only then can we know both if and when to act, rather than acting-out.  Its part of the Art of War, and, the Art of the Deal.




©2018 DrKate

It’s time.  The indictments are in place.  Many top-level corrupt agents in the ABC agencies have been removed, and the remaining corrupt individuals have been identified, isolated, and investigated.  GITMO has been staffed and rennovated to accommodate more individuals.  The Supreme Court has been secured, with the Chief Justice Roberts now identified as the one who appointed all of the corrupt FISA judges who enabled the spying on private citizens and the launching of a fake, seditious, “investigation” that knowingly interfered with a U.S. election and attempted to take a sitting President down and out of office.  The Congressional leakers have been identified both in the Senate and the House, and unbeknownst to them, they have been monitored and under investigation for two years.

The Senate is secure 53-47, and mittens Romney neutered so he cannot stop America’s progress as another “songbird mccain” or flakey Flake.  Rod Rosenstein will have to resign when the FISA documents are un-redacted, revealing his role as the deep state’s plant in the DOJ.  Mueller is exposed and soon to be out of a job, ending his career as one of the most corrupt FBI officials ever, second only to Jim Comey. Military assets are in place.

President Trump retweeted this picture yesterday:


Has our President every tweeted anything that is false?

While these idiots have been out publicly trashing Americans, Trump, and lying about all things American; while the deep state has been viciously trying to start WWIII, or any war, and while Soros has been paying thugs using children as shields to rush our border making it like Gaza on our southern border, they have unwittingly sealing their own fate by demonstrating their treason.

Now the avalanche hits…of the most destructive kind (D5), which will gouge the political landscape that has been developed under our feet while we fell asleep as Americans.

Remain extremely vigilant as the evil ones will do anything to stop this from happening, including murdering Americans and anyone in their way.  They are like a cornered animal which is extremely dangerous!

God Bless America.


Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving November 22, 2018

A defining moment of my life, even more so as I look back 55 years later, was the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  He was murdered because he dared to speak out about, and vowed to change, the secretive, deadly “intelligence” apparatus that was taking over our country and now has been firmly rooted in our politicians, universities, grade schools, our political system, our economy, and our society.

Now, these are the things that occupy me as we struggle for liberty and the return to Constitutional government.  Make no mistake, however, this is God’s time, and with his grace, the forces of evil in this country will be vanquished.

A Litany of Thanksgiving

Today, I make my Sacrament of Thanksgiving

I begin with the simple things of my days:

Fresh air to breathe,

Cool water to drink,

The taste of food,

The protection of house and clothes,

The comforts of home.

For all these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day!


I bring to mind all of the warmth of humankind that I have known:

My Mother’s arms,

The strength of my father,

The playmates of my childhood,

The wonderful stories brought to me from the lives of many who have talked of days gone by when fairies and giants and all kinds of magic held sway;

The tears I have shed, the tears I have seen;

The excitement of laughter and the twinkle in the eye with its reminder that life is   good.

For all of these I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I finger one by one the messages of hope that awaited me at the crossroads:

The smile of approval from those who held in their hands the reins of my security;

The tightening of the grip in the simple handshake when I feared the step before me in the darkness;

The whisper in my heart when the temptation was fiercest and the claims of appetite were not to be denied;

The crucial word said, the simple sentence from an open page when my decision hung in the balance.

For all these , I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I pass before me the main springs of my heritage:

The fruits of the labors of countless generations who have lived before me, without whom my own life would have no meaning;

The seers who saw visions and dreamed dreams;

The prophets who sensed a truth greater than mind could grasp and whose words could only find fulfillment in the years which they would never see;

The workers whose sweat has watered the trees, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations;

The pilgrims who set their sails for lands beyond all horizons, whose courage made paths into new worlds and far off places;

The saviors whose blood was shed with a recklessness that only a dream could inspire and God command.

For all of these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I linger over the meaning of my own life and the commitment to which I give the loyalty of my heart and mind:

The little purposes in which I have shared with my loves, my desires, my gifts;

The restlessness which bottoms all I do with its stark insistence that I have never done my best, I have never dared to reach for the highest;

The big hope that never quite deserts me, that I and my kind will study war no more, that love and tenderness and all of the inner graces of Almight affection will cover the life of the children of God as waters cover the sea.


All these and more than mind can think and heart can feel,

I make as my sacrament of Thanksgiving to Thee,

Our Creator, in humbleness of mind and simplicity of heart.

~ A poem by Howard Thurman, Thanksgiving 1959~

America Calling–and its 3 am

©2018 DrKate

There should be no question in anyone’s mind right now that the leftist’s planned takeover of America—meticulously plotted by Obama and Clinton– is NOW, unless we vote their asses out of office permanently.  Remember this is not a one-time deal:  Americans must continue to vote out the traitors over the next 10 years, at least, if we are to clean up the system and restore America.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance

And we must never forget this!  Look what happened to our country with decades of people not paying attention, or just voting blindly!

Let us not waste our God-given opportunity to continue the restoration of our Country enabled by the election of Donald J. Trump.



And just in time, President Trump travels to Missoula, Montana!




Open thread for VOTING AMERICA


Vote for the Statesman

©2018 DrKate

Now that you are awake, and in a position to really educate others, understand that all of your votes from now on are strategic, with a heavy dose of realizing the dire situation our Country faces.  The serious insurrection of the left from obama-clinton-bush left-overs buried within all levels of government, the media, the financiers, and all other form of edomites in this nation and on this earth.

Contemplating the dire situation our Country faces, with ‘elections’ coming up, some manner of separating the wheat from the chaff is essential.  General guidelines, perhaps, that help to discern specific issues.

Red Beckman’s Walls in our Minds is one of those sources.  Here is a list of ten differences between what we have now —politicians— and what we need, Statesmen and Stateswomen:

A Statesman loves the Constitution.

A Politician   hates the Constitution.


A Statesman enforces the Constitution.

A Politician violates the Constitution.


A Statesman uses truth to keep power in the hands of the people.

A Politician uses lies to gain power over the people.


A Statesman‘s primary concern is to secure freedom for future generations.

A Politician’s primary concern is to get elected or re-elected.


A Statesman will not play politics with the people’s money.

A Politician will buy votes with tax money.


A Statesman knows the people must control government.

A Politician believes that government should control people.


A Statesman knows the people must limit government’s power to tax.

A Politician believes government should have unlimited power to tax.


A Statesman gives his allegiance to the people and country.

A Politician gives his allegiance to government.


A Statesman will demand a balanced budget.

A Politician will spend money stolen from future generations (deficit spending).


A Statesman will cause peace.

A Politician will cause wars.

Pretty stark comparisons, but I bet you all can think of a thousand ways in which your so-called representatives and candidates on the trail do and do not fit these categories. All candidates must be held up to these ten points of light.

A statesman shows you that he is through ACTIONS, not words.  Democrats demand words…”say you’re against Nazi’s!!!” A statesman deports the last remaining SS officer in the U.S..

Importantly, “A Statesman will cause peace”.  Who wants war?  Who wants peace, and ACTS on it?  Think North Korea.  Who would have been served by war with them?  Who wants war on the streets, like the communist brown shirt thugs known as Antifa?

Think, discern, remember, watch.  It is our responsibility now to back up what we said and acted on in 2016, which is we will vote for the Statesman who tells the truth.

Once you “live” looking for the Statesman or Stateswoman, you can see clearly. And remember it may take time, and we need to keep “control” of the House and Senate, with no room to “spare” on principle.

Make your elected official into a statesman…if possible, but hold them to that standard!

VOTE 2018!

The Real Intelligence Community Comes Forward

©2018 DrKate

h/t @BillMitchell

Listen and learn.  Then please distribute!

This post is pinned to the top of the blog for a while.

Epic Trolling

©2018 DrKate

We have expected and experienced censorship for a long time, but perhaps never so blatant as now.  What is different this time is that we have information about who the official censors are, the “elite”, and the network of fake news, which is the enemy of the people. And we are finding that they are blatantly admitting what they are doing,  like the media who now just openly make stuff up for consumption and headlines.

What the media is not reporting on is the overwhelming number of arrests of the pedophiles, human trafficking networks, drug cartels, and money laundering operations that have been mopped up under the leadership of President Trump and AG Sessions.  Together there are more than 45,000 sealed indictments awaiting a multitude of criminals, including citizens acting as foreign agents for enemies of the United States.

The evil underbelly of what is going on underneath all this corruption is something we may never fully know or understand, but it certainly involves more than politics.  And there is epic symbolism that portrays the 4-D chess underway at the highest levels.  They are talking to and battling each other.

Dow plunges 666 points — worst day since Brexit February 2018

and the epic Trump headline:

Pentagon says Trump’s military parade postponed until 2019 amid reports costs jumped 666% August 2018

The costs of the parade didn’t change, but maybe the costs of incarceration and housing those evil-doers who are subjects of those 45,000 indictments have?

And finally, the next epic troll, while talking about censorship of conservative (all) voices, ” we’re going to have to put up with fake news media, because, who knows, they could be next…”


A Browbeating

©2018 DrKate

So, Canada charges American farmers a 270% tariff on dairy products sent to Canada.

Who wouldn’t lose his eyebrows when confronted with the truth?  LOL





(p.s. after the G7 summit and the eyebrow fiasco, we hear tariffs on overseas eyebrows will be immediately enacted!!!)

He Meant It.

©2018 DrKate

Think about this, listen carefully.

Then understand what is going on.

This alone has the evil on the run or in hiding, getting arrested and exposed with increasing, devastating frequency. Hollywood, corporate America, your Congressmen and women, “icons”, all about something else than America.  All domestic enemies.  Military tribunals, anyone?

We, the People arise and take our rightful place in this revolution!

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty…Jefferson 1834

The Storm that Saved America

©2017 DrKate

(Authors Note. A very long and detailed post, lots of information, not explained properly I am sure but this needs to go out now!)

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.  ~President Trump, December 21, 2017, Executive Order

As it becomes more and more obvious that the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative was made up by democrats to cover up not only Clinton’s loss, but the incredible corruption of the Obama administration, perhaps the significance of the photo above will now hit home.  Surrounded by the top military commanders and their spouses in the White House, President Trump asked the reporters, “do you know what this is?”  and, when they didn’t know, said “maybe its the calm before the storm…”

While everyone thought North Korea or other military adventures were in store, little did they realize, little did any of us realize that this would be the storm that saved America.

This discussion and analysis is made possible by many people–key citizen analysts who have brought their best to to the tasks on Twitter, blogs, videos, and the recently (October 2017) formed discussion boards involving an intelligence source named “Q.”  The information that is presented in these postings is confirmed by actual events, announcements, some stories covered in the press or not covered, intentionally, and curiously are confirmed and sometimes foreshadowed in tweets and statements of the POTUS.  I am going to try to pass on the incredible work of these others, with a few of my own thoughts, and hope to do this work justice in what follows.  My hat is off to all.

Warning.  What follows is the red pill.

“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” – Morpheus, The Matrix

Part I.  Setting the Stage, the Election, and the President

What would you say if you knew that our POTUS knew before the election the incredible depth of corruption within our government and depravity of certain individuals, and that they would use everything, even the power of the government intelligence to try to stop him?  What if he knew that they were going to try to set him up for a Russia scandal?  What if he already knew about Uranium One, Clinton, and DNC election rigging?  What if he knew they would try to infiltrate his campaign? What if he already knew that human trafficking, missing children, war, and pedophilia were the underbelly of this corruption that has taken over our country?

But what if he didn’t know how deep the rabbit hole goes?  How would he find out? Think about the following events in that context.

    • Hires Paul Manafort, a known collaborator with Ukraine, money laundering, connections with Russia, and already being watched, then lets him go after three months
    • Tweets about how great Trump would get along with Russia…that encourages Clinton and the cabal to start accusing him of being friendly with Russia
    • Lets Don Jr, Manafort, and Kuchner meet with a known Russian agent, where nothing happened but when the story “broke”, allowed the democrats and Clinton to further accuse him of collaborating with Russia

Now up to the election, think about what was going on:  the FBI’s ultimately failed/fake “investigation” of Clinton’s email fraud; the granting of immunity to Huma, Cheryl Mills, and others while allowing the destruction of their computers; the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting;  the unsworn interview of Clinton, where she was allowed to have her lawyers with her and couldn’t recall a thing about anything; the breach of the DNC computers–local but planted blamed it on Russia— and embarassing leak of email-challenged Podesta, Clinton, and DNC information by Wikileaks; the murder of Seth Rich, DNC staffer; and the discovery of Weiner’s laptop with 650,000 emails in a file called “insurance policy”, the file that contained such vile things that “it made DC cops cry“.

What if, based on the Podesta emails and the contents of Weiner’s laptop, you became aware of outright pedophilia  and the signs of such, like pizza slices?  And then knew of Clinton’s covering up of the State Department pedophilia, the Haiti Clinton operation, and the Clinton Foundation’s connection with child and human trafficking? What if you knew there was an international connection with this all?

The emails presented by Wikileaks also show the “pay to play” arrangements, the blurred lines between the state department and the Clinton Foundation funding, the meetings with the Rothchilds, the Saudis, and Soros.  The sheer corruption is breathtaking.  But how deep is that rabbit hole?

Do you think there were/are patriots working inside the Obama administration that knew of this corruption–with some dying because of it–but were unable to come forward because the corrupt officials of the Obama administration prevented it?

The Election

On November 8, 2016, Americans soundly elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  He won it the hard way, and earned it by securing a place in the hearts of Americans. The Democrats, Obama, the rinos never thought Clinton would lose and are shocked.

President-elect Trump gets to work building his administration.  On November 16, National Security Agency(NSA) Director Admiral Mike Rogers visits Trump tower without “permission” from Obama.  Think about these events:

  • The next day, November 17, Trump moves his transition headquarters to Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey.  The NSA knows all because it records us all.
  • Later in November, Trump tweets “wow, I just found out that my phones in Trump Tower were “wiretapped”.
  • Selective release of tidbits of the fake Trump Dossier…by Clinton, McCain and other republicans, Obama..and excessive press coverage.
  • The outright accusation that Russia hacked the election in favor of Donald Trump
  • accusations that Trump was the source of the leaked emails to wikileaks
  • The leaking of contents of the fake Russian dossier by Clinton and others after the election
  • The publication of the fake Russian dossier in early January, days before Trump’s inauguration

Unbeknownst to all, especially the press, the Office of the  Inspector General announces on January 12, 2017 that the IG will undertake a review of the FBI and Department of Justice’s actions during the 2016 election and possible political interference with decision-making processes.  Read this document, and take note of the last sentence, which reads:

Finally, if circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.

The President

So President Trump takes office and the democrats and rinos are still after him, calling him an illegitimate president because of “muh Russia” narrative.  Consider the following events

  • Flynn is fired
  • Comey leaks confidential information to the press, lies to Congress, and is fired…begging for a special counsel to investigate Trump for obstruction of justice, the fake Russian dossier, and Russia collaboration with Trump. Democrats delighted.  Trump reminds Comey that he’d better hope there are no “tapes” of their conversation before he leaks to the press.
  • Many many leaks of confidential information make their way to the press and to Congress, some obvious leakers fired.
    • Surprise:  Trump announces to the press that “the leaks are real, the news is fake”.  The barium meals begin. Fake news seeded to suspected leakers to find them within the administration and in the press
    • Surprise:  AG Sessions, DNI Director Dan Coates, and Assistant AG Rosenstein announce the beginning of a task force to investigate and prosecute the leakers, which includes intelligence agencies, Congress, and the press
  • Trump works at Mar-a-Lago for 10 days while White House is cleaned and “renovated”
  • Congress calls for a Special Counsel, Trump agrees.
  • Sessions recuses himself only from matters regarding Clinton and the 2016 election
  • Bob Mueller hired as Special Counsel

It appears that Trump is headed for impeachment or at least a mighty fall, right?  But I ask you,

  • what better way to keep your enemies thinking that you are being investigated than by hiring a known democrat, and staffing that investigation with known partisan FBI and DOJ officials, and
  • do you think if Jeff Sessions was involved in doing this investigation it would have been viewed as worthless and completely partisan?

Does this look like a man who is worried?  Are you now beginning to understand that there is a master strategist at the helm of our country?  That he may know more than anyone gives him credit for?

Notice some other important events:

The President’s first overseas trip was to Saudi Arabia. He didn’t bow to the King and Melania did not wear a head covering.  Why Saudi Arabia? What was initiated at that time regarding efforts to combat terrorism?  What happened eight months later?

North Korea attention. Trump’s defense of America against North Korea is a high priority. What has been festering in North Korea?  And why has it been ignored? What is the relationship of North Korea to Iran?  How does North Korea relate to the deal involving Uranium One?  How did North Korea acquire the advanced technology for its missile systems during the term of the Obama administration? Did Obama defund/destroy NASA and transfer technology to SpaceX, Google, and Apple?

    The Mueller Investigation & Jeff Sessions

Q asks a question: how do you capture a dangerous animal?

Answer: isolate, investigate, remove, prosecute.

Mueller, with the help of FBI General Counsel James Baker, developed a small team of agents to serve on a task force to investigate Trump.  While on that task force they are isolated and prevented from doing anymore damage.

NSA knows all, and the behavior of all of these people is investigated by the Inspector General and the AG’s special task force to capture leakers.  Phone calls, texts, and other information were silently investigated while this anti-trump FBI-DOJ task force tried to find something, anything on President Trump. They couldn’t and didn’t find anything, but the long arm of the law found them. They “caught” Manafort on actions long before the Trump campaign, and then “caught”, rather trapped, General Flynn on perfectly normal activities.

While Mueller’s investigation was ongoing, remember that the Inspector General’s investigation, the FBI-DOJ Leak task force were also hard at work.  All the investigations are linked, and once the FBI-DOJ conspirators were “dragged into the light“, the Attorney General announces the re-opening of all the FBI compromised “investigations”, including:

  • The 33,000 Clinton deleted emails (do you think the NSA actually has them?)
  • Uranium One
  • Project Cassandra  Obama stopped a DEA/FBI investigation of Hezbolla’s drug trafficking and money laundering connections in the U.S. and world-wide.

Bear in mind that these investigations have been on-going for a year, but only now is the information being publicly released.  Thus the announced investigations are well underway with enough air-tight evidence to now publicly speak about them…and the removal of these officials and their prosecution is the only way to begin to start restoring the rule of law in the United States.  The rogue three letter agencies were weaponized against conservatives, Americans, and the duly elected President of the United States.

As this information has been uncovered and largely due to citizen journalists, with facts slowly dripping out, the bad actors themselves like James Comey and Sally Yates betray their panic in twitter posts…as well as “signaling” to their fellow conspirators.

Conspirators (so far)

What we see here is a planned, coordinated conspiracy to remove an elected & inaugurated POTUS from office in the early days of a new Presidency. This was directed by Obama & Clinton & executed by corrupt officials at the FBI & DOJ. That is what will be revealed as a result of the Mueller and Inspector General investigations.  And Trump has been telling us all along what is happening.

As I have posted in my remarks in the last several posts, there has been a gigantic sting operation on-going as the news has constantly berated Trump and belittled Americans with nonsense.  That is the mockingbird press, of course, doing the work of the deep state to keep us asleep precisely when we need to be awake.

Are you awake yet?

Part II:  But What About the Children?

The most difficult thing about this post for me is this upcoming section.  This post has been in the workings for several days, always late at night or early early morning.  It has been hard to wrap my head around that which follows and I am sure I don’t see it all.   In a word, we are talking about EVIL…that which follows, and follows from Satan.  Deep within our minds and hearts we understand the presence of this, and on the “surface” we get glimpses of it in the news.

Here’s whats in the mix:

  • Billions of dollars associated with three sides of a triangle:  Rothschild/Rockefeller;  the House of Saud, principally Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, and George Soros.  Each are responsible for the different moving parts that control a world-wide “new world order” that already exists now.
  • War, disasters, invasions, disease, and death
  • Human trafficking, especially the children
  • Pedophilia networks, world-wide
  • Mass shooting events/false flags
  • Election fraud
  • Organ harvesting–Planned Parenthood
  • Drugs, guns, weapons of mass destruction–biological, radiological, chemical
  • Satanic cults and sacrifice
  • The CIA and the Vatican

It is all together linked. All the Presidents from Bush I to Obama created and cemented this network, and have bribed, blackmailed, or murdered thousands of people in judgeship, government, financial institutions, hollywood, religious figures, the media, schools and colleges, the police, federal agencies, and the military.  When needed, gangs like MS13 are the hired guns, kidnappers, and peddlers of poisonous drugs to our children.

Back to our discussion of “Q”, the various clues that were dropped by Q (“breadcrumbs”), and then confirmed by POTUS tweets by events in the news—Hollywood pedos, Clinton, FBI-Special Counsel investigation, the agency corruption, the Saudi arrests, the death of Jacob Rothchild–all have been profoundly amazing and indicate something big is going on in our country right now.  Even with these intelligence drops of information, everyone has asked for more transparency in what IS going on.  Someone then asked Q, “What About the Children?”.

Over 460,000 children have gone missing in the United States as of 2016.  If you can see that all this is connected to the children and trafficking–the money, drugs, pedophilia, government control, degradation of institutions, morals, attack on Christianity, and society–and that Clinton, Obama, the Bushs’, Soros, the Rothchilds, the House of Saud, and the corporations are all a part of this, having enlisted governments and puppets all over the world, you wonder if it will ever be addressed or uncovered.  And then you know that the corruption is so deep that exposing it could cause our entire government to collapse.

The rabbit hole, now fully exposed. Are you awake?

In the context of more transparency, and the children, on December 21, 2017, we get this:

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

Read the text of this order here.

This is a national emergency and the U.S. military will be involved not only in intelligence gathering, but imprisonment and trial. Think Guantanamo Bay and military tribunals. Gee, who visited GITMO on the day the Executive Order was issued with 1,000 marines in tow?

This order will freeze the assets of anyone receiving money from or donating to the listed entities in the Appendix to the Executive Order, and allows the Treasury Secretary, Secretary of State, and Attorney General to add people to this list.  Are Clinton and Soros’ assets being seized now?  Take a look:

Where is George Soros?  Did he really have a heart attack, or is that a cover story for being captured the very same day that the Atlanta airport was shut down for ten (10) hours?  What three executives in Canada–home of the Clinton Foundation’s branch that worked to transfer our uranium to Russia, and launder the money to the Clinton’s that was made on that deal–were detained at the Toronto airport and flown to Cuba by military escort on December 26?

What else is happening since October, and specifically since this EO was issued?  CEO’s resigning in record numbers.  Why? Is there a world wide pedophilia and human trafficking network?  What about blood harvesting and organ trafficking from children, aborted fetuses, war zone orphans and natural disaster locations like Haiti?

An interesting photo was posted by the U.S. Department of Defense on Christmas eve via their twitter account–Washington crossing the Potomac on Christmas eve.  A day later, in a Christmas tweet, POTUS stated that he was glad to be leading the charge to restore our country and to defend Christianity, our values and beliefs.

Beginning on December 25, the rounding up of these individuals has begun.  On the evening of December 26, flights from the airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Atlanta have been forced to turn around because of “unauthorized persons” on board…aka trying to escape?  The planes have been parked away from the terminals while passengers are interviewed and perhaps told to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) while the “unauthorized persons” are removed from the flight and detained.  Three California airports were shut down last night for several hours.

The storm that President Trump spoke about has arrived and the cabal is being rounded up.  There will be trials, convictions and long jail sentences, captured as the common war criminals they are and housed in GITMO or Leavenworth.  Want to find out more?  Look here for the latest Q posts and analysis!

  • Praise God from whom all blessings flow
  • Praise Him all creatures here below
  • Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host
  • Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost   Amen

Stay WOKE, our country, our future, and our children depend on it!




Patriotism, Prosperity, and Pride

©2017 DrKate

In a vital and important speech in Pensacola, the messenger delivered a map of the strategy to take America back from the globalists and their inside agents who have robbed America of her wealth, infrastructure, people…our country.  Listen carefully for what is revealed about government, the ‘deep seats’, and the sickness inside that resists progress and change so as to protect their control over our country.  And those that are resisting the change are the same ones who sold out our country for their financial gain.

As I write this late in the Rocky Mountains, a military exercise is underway in the Washington, D.C. area, supposedly simulating an emergency response.  And I got to thinking about the now 4,000 sealed indictments across the country, the gigantic sting operation underway to nab the network of corruption, including within the depths of our three-letter-agencies, of the Clinton-Obama-Soros network, and the likely physical presence of Obama and his loyalists right there in D.C.  Some of those loyalists I would expect are in the military and police units.

The leaks and stories coming out now about the criminal DOJ and FBI employees at the highest level,and their wives or mistresses’ criminal behavior and all true, are gently preparing the nation for what is to come.  Because what is there is so awful and corrupt we would not accept it was true otherwise.  What has been uncovered is the deepest network of corruption this country has ever faced, and it is very, very dangerous. Think about it especially in relation to the connection of all of these people to satanism, pedophilia, child trafficking, terrorism, arms, drugs, and gangs. And then add treason and the media as the fifth column…do you see how dangerous this time is?  It is all connected and much can be tied back 17 years.

We complain, “but where are the arrests?”.  What we’re hearing now is just the tip of the iceberg I am sure…so preparing the public but also strategic, in the proper order, closing escape routes, watching the money.

We can be sure that there is no more time to remain silent, or on the fence about anything, and we must call it out. President Trump has shown us how to do it, and demonstrates it in his speech. Watch for how he artfully describes precisely who we face…who will not stop until they are stopped.  In totality, the betrayal is stunning.


Caption Contest, Anyone?

©2017 DrKate

What a time to be alive!  And to be awake!

What’s our President thinking????



This photo was taken at the Al Smith dinner, in which Trump absolutely took the gloves off and went after Hillary and the elites.

What if Trump knew everything about Hillary’s crimes before he even became President?

Open thread!

Thanksgiving 2017

©2017 drkate

For the Glory of God!


A Litany of Thanksgiving

Today, I make my Sacrament of Thanksgiving

I begin with the simple things of my days:

Fresh air to breathe,

Cool water to drink,

The taste of food,

The protection of house and clothes,

The comforts of home.

For all these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day!


I bring to mind all of the warmth of humankind that I have known:

My Mother’s arms,

The strength of my father,

The playmates of my childhood,

The wonderful stories brought to me from the lives of many who have talked of days gone by when fairies and giants and all kinds of magic held sway;

The tears I have shed, the tears I have seen;

The excitement of laughter and the twinkle in the eye with its reminder that life is   good.

For all of these I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I finger one by one the messages of hope that awaited me at the crossroads:

The smile of approval from those who held in their hands the reins of my security;

The tightening of the grip in the simple handshake when I feared the step before me in the darkness;

The whisper in my heart when the temptation was fiercest and the claims of appetite were not to be denied;

The crucial word said, the simple sentence from an open page when my decision hung in the balance.

For all these , I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I pass before me the main springs of my heritage:

The fruits of the labors of countless generations who have lived before me, without whom my own life would have no meaning;

The seers who saw visions and dreamed dreams;

The prophets who sensed a truth greater than mind could grasp and whose words could only find fulfillment in the years which they would never see;

The workers whose sweat has watered the trees, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations;

The pilgrims who set their sails for lands beyond all horizons, whose courage made paths into new worlds and far off places;

The saviors whose blood was shed with a recklessness that only a dream could inspire and God command.

For all of these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I linger over the meaning of my own life and the commitment to which I give the loyalty of my heart and mind:

The little purposes in which I have shared with my loves, my desires, my gifts;

The restlessness which bottoms all I do with its stark insistence that I have never done my best, I have never dared to reach for the highest;

The big hope that never quite deserts me, that I and my kind will study war no more, that love and tenderness and all of the inner graces of Almight affection will cover the life of the children of God as waters cover the sea.


All these and more than mind can think and heart can feel,

I make as my sacrament of Thanksgiving to Thee,

Our Creator, in humbleness of mind and simplicity of heart.

~ A poem by Howard Thurman, Thanksgiving 1959~

The $21 Trillion Looting of America

©2017 DrKate

So we have this gigantic debt that doubled under the usurper Obama’s reign of terror–where did it come from?  The video below will astound you.  An accounting trick employed by every administration since at least Clinton.  The surprising hidden involvement of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the known Department of Defense (DOD) irregularities–announced by Donald Rumsfeld on September 10, 2001–are at the center of this theft.

What is behind this?

Notice the point in this video–the U.S. is NOT broke…if we could recover the money and STOP THE THEFT…we might have a chance.  Could this be one of the reasons people are pushing an Article V convention of states…to legalize this theft before it is uncovered?

Pray for our President, HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson–who has already uncovered huge fraud–and Defense Secretary Mattis that they may use the tools of the Almighty to find this fraud and return the funds to the American people.

Open thread!


Media Driving Anti-American Narrative

©2017 drkate

As a part of his terrific Arizona rally, President Trump once again told the truth to Americans about the mainstream media:  they do not like America or want her–us–to succeed.  The press is full of contempt and scorn for all that is America and Americans.

The only people who are giving a platform to hate and violence, anti-American sentiment, racism, and fascism are the media.  This is as serious as it gets, folks.  The media is practicing sedition through propaganda and lies.  And. we. all. know. it.

Enjoy, and listen carefully:

So the media  melted down again, and I went to the store for more popcorn.

May 2024

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