Archive for the 'corruption' Category

2022 State of the Union Address

©2022 DrKate

The 2022 State of the Union (SOTU) address was given by President Trump at CPAC on February 26, 2022 as required by Article II Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.  It was an address that he could not have given to the political class, who can’t handle the truth, but he could speak to the American people longing for the truth about what is going on.


“in times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” (Orwell, 1984)


A strong address to the American People.

Democrat Election Interference 2016-2020

©2019 DrKate

The clear record of election interference by the Democrats from at least 2016 to the present on its face puts to rest forever any accusations against President Trump.

In fact, the election interference’s tool is to project onto the President the crimes that the democrats have committed, such as bribery, election meddling with foreign governments, graft, sedition, and the treason of weaponizing the U.S. intelligence community against the people and government of the United States.  The democrats have acted with malice aforethought, and I personally believe it is on-going.

  • Democrat: Election Interference 2016:  “Russia, Russia, Russia”  aka  “Crossfire Hurricane”; now FISAGATE
  • Election Interference 2018:  The Mueller Investigation; now Durham’s criminal investigation
  • Election Interference 2020:   Impeachment

In 2016, how stupid to you have to be to lose a rigged election? But let’s put it another way: a group of Patriots were able to discern that election interference switches votes from a 3rd party candidate (Jill Stein) to the Democrat, and prevented that switch in key counties across the United States!

For 2018 election influence, to paint the President as ‘under suspicion’, Mueller dragged his investigation far beyond when he knew, in September 2017, that the Russia collusion charge was false and the Steele Dossier bogus.  But also for 2018, knowing the Mueller piece was going to drag on, did the group of Patriots let election fraud happen and observe and track it, in preparation for voter ID in 2020?

For 2020, the goal and effort of democrats is impeachment, and to drag that out as long as possible.  Imagine the shock of the lefties when they got up on the morning after impeachment and saw that Trump was still President…LOL.  But, the impeachment over the Ukraine phone call…how stupid could the democrats be to once again highlight their own corruption in Ukraine?  The Bidens, Pelosi, Kerry, Clinton, Obama…and a cast of thousands!

  • The trial in the Senate, if there is one, and the number of Republican “defections” is the next play.  We already know that there are so many rinos in the Senate that if they could vote in private that they would vote to convict over nothing, just like the House.

The bottom line is that the democrats are doing everything they can to prevent the exposure of their election interference, money laundering, bribery, blackmail, spying; and the rip off of the American people.

It is our revolutionary right to change this government to one that does not abuse its citizens.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


The Attack on the Executive

©2019 DrKate

The weakening of the Executive Branch of Government—aka the attack on President Trump–is part of the assault upon our Constitutional Republic brought to us by the leftists occupying both the judiciary and legislative branches of government.  Recall the Obama-Clinton-Biden regimes which apologized for America, bowed to our enemies, and sold America out as they laughed all the way to the bank.

Enjoy this very instructive discussion by Attorney General Bill Barr.  A long but worthwhile view!

The unraveling of the deep state, and the democrats’ corruption is right around the corner.  Imagine, people have been lied to their whole lives…it is going to be a shock even for those who are awake.


Democrats’ Descent into Hell

©2019 DrKate

This demise of the democrats is a painful, infuriating, and maddening scene to experience but the chaos is the sure sign of the fall.  Exposed for the raw savages that they are, anything that is about death, violence, and thuggery surrounds them, they wear it like a badge. They are no longer ‘liberals’, ‘democrats’, or Americans.  The face they show us today is nearly demonic.

All-out assault against the duly elected President of the United States.
We have never experienced anything like this in our history.
Treason & sedition at the highest levels of office throughout many departments [F + D].
Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).
Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party prevent-limit ‘sheep (you)’ from learning the TRUTH.
Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party retain-control of NARRATIVE (control over you).
House D’s in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).
Senate D’s in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).
Fear of prosecution?
Fear of the public learning the TRUTH?
Fear of losing POWER?
Bribes, blackmail, threats, etc. all being deployed.


Do NOT let them intimidate or silence you.  Do not let them ever forget what they now stand for.  SHAME!



©2018 DrKate

It’s time.  The indictments are in place.  Many top-level corrupt agents in the ABC agencies have been removed, and the remaining corrupt individuals have been identified, isolated, and investigated.  GITMO has been staffed and rennovated to accommodate more individuals.  The Supreme Court has been secured, with the Chief Justice Roberts now identified as the one who appointed all of the corrupt FISA judges who enabled the spying on private citizens and the launching of a fake, seditious, “investigation” that knowingly interfered with a U.S. election and attempted to take a sitting President down and out of office.  The Congressional leakers have been identified both in the Senate and the House, and unbeknownst to them, they have been monitored and under investigation for two years.

The Senate is secure 53-47, and mittens Romney neutered so he cannot stop America’s progress as another “songbird mccain” or flakey Flake.  Rod Rosenstein will have to resign when the FISA documents are un-redacted, revealing his role as the deep state’s plant in the DOJ.  Mueller is exposed and soon to be out of a job, ending his career as one of the most corrupt FBI officials ever, second only to Jim Comey. Military assets are in place.

President Trump retweeted this picture yesterday:


Has our President every tweeted anything that is false?

While these idiots have been out publicly trashing Americans, Trump, and lying about all things American; while the deep state has been viciously trying to start WWIII, or any war, and while Soros has been paying thugs using children as shields to rush our border making it like Gaza on our southern border, they have unwittingly sealing their own fate by demonstrating their treason.

Now the avalanche hits…of the most destructive kind (D5), which will gouge the political landscape that has been developed under our feet while we fell asleep as Americans.

Remain extremely vigilant as the evil ones will do anything to stop this from happening, including murdering Americans and anyone in their way.  They are like a cornered animal which is extremely dangerous!

God Bless America.


Epic Trolling

©2018 DrKate

We have expected and experienced censorship for a long time, but perhaps never so blatant as now.  What is different this time is that we have information about who the official censors are, the “elite”, and the network of fake news, which is the enemy of the people. And we are finding that they are blatantly admitting what they are doing,  like the media who now just openly make stuff up for consumption and headlines.

What the media is not reporting on is the overwhelming number of arrests of the pedophiles, human trafficking networks, drug cartels, and money laundering operations that have been mopped up under the leadership of President Trump and AG Sessions.  Together there are more than 45,000 sealed indictments awaiting a multitude of criminals, including citizens acting as foreign agents for enemies of the United States.

The evil underbelly of what is going on underneath all this corruption is something we may never fully know or understand, but it certainly involves more than politics.  And there is epic symbolism that portrays the 4-D chess underway at the highest levels.  They are talking to and battling each other.

Dow plunges 666 points — worst day since Brexit February 2018

and the epic Trump headline:

Pentagon says Trump’s military parade postponed until 2019 amid reports costs jumped 666% August 2018

The costs of the parade didn’t change, but maybe the costs of incarceration and housing those evil-doers who are subjects of those 45,000 indictments have?

And finally, the next epic troll, while talking about censorship of conservative (all) voices, ” we’re going to have to put up with fake news media, because, who knows, they could be next…”


On Military Tribunals

©2018 DrKate

“If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses.” 

~Hillary Clinton to staff after Matt Lauer questions at Commander in Chief forum October 2016

I wonder what kind of crime Hillary knew she committed that could result in death by hanging? Could it be treason?

The only crime defined in the Constitution is treason:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted. Article III Section 3, U.S. Constitution

“The Congress shall have the power to declare the punishment of treason”:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

And don’t forget the crime of Misprision of Treason, or Misprision of Felony—having knowledge that treason was underway, but failing the affirmative duty to report it to a court.  Jail time and a fine for knowing and not saying anything.

Fast forward to today, more than a year later.  In January 2018, after more than a year of investigations, Clinton is rapidly seeing her fortune and fortunes fade.

And the treason has unfolded even more: Uranium One, the seditious and treasonous attack on Trump and his family led by Clinton and her minions in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and DNC…not to mention Benghazi, ISIS, the Arab Spring, Haiti, child trafficking satanic sacrifice, and pedophilia.  These are serious crimes against Americans, and crimes against humanity, and crimes that violate human rights world wide.

So let me ask you a question:

  • Do you think that Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, or Podesta are going to stand in a civilian court of law with corrupt judges and jurists?

I don’t.  They would easily buy the judge off and jurors, or threaten them with their lives.  That’s how the Clinton’s and Obama’s play.  Trump had to find a way in which these officials can be held accountable for their treasonous, destructive, seditious behavior.


Trump’s Executive Order on Human Rights Violations & Corruption

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.  ~President Trump, December 21, 2017, Executive Order

The crimes against our country and humanity committed by Obama and Clinton, as well as actors in their world-wide network, are the target of Trump’s Executive Order of December 21, 2017.  The acts of Clinton and cabal can be seen as waging war against these United States through maladministration, misappropriation of funds, bribes, kickbacks, and blackmail.

Describing these crimes as a threat to national security, foreign policy, and the economy of the U.S. and declaring a national emergency paves the way for the use of Military Intelligence (not the alphabet agencies) and military tribunals.

Military Detention  and Trial of U.S. Citizens

Can the President detain U.S. citizens and try them under a military tribunal?  The law on the subject seems to suggest so.  The detention of US Citizens  can occur if they can be considered as belligerents under law:

By universal agreement and practice, the law of war draws a distinction between the armed forces and the peaceful populations of belligerent nations and also between those who are lawful and unlawful combatants.  Lawful combatants are subject to capture and detention as prisoners of war by opposing military forces.  Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals for acts which render their belligerency unlawful.

In a military court of justice, military law applies and in this sense, the “constitutional rights” enjoyed by civilians in a civilian court do not exist for those in a military tribunal–they lose their constitutional protections.  Although the Nuremberg tribunals allowed each defendant to hire their own lawyer, it is customary for military lawyers to handle the defense and prosecution.  The jury in a military court is made up of military officers.

Clinton would lose…her constitutional rights; a civilian attorney(?); a civilian jury; a civilian judge likely corrupted by politics and owing their appointment to a political process, and the fawning media who would “spin” the language of the system.  Only facts prevail, not politics.

The point is that Clinton et al’s belligerency–sedition, treason, murder, bribery, pay-to-play schemes, theft, and graft will only be held responsible and accountable through a military tribunal.  The Clinton-Obama-Bush cartel, their agency minions, and their media enablers committed crimes against the United States.  They should be punished in a military court of law.


Hey Democrats! Prove you care about Americans and build the wall!

©2018 DrKate

An essay in support of the #FakeNewsAwards: FAKE NEWS’ CONSTANT LYING

The bold and bald-faced lies spread by Fake News include, among many, that:

  • Democrats know what the Constitution is
  • Democrats know/take seriously their oath of office
  • Democrats actually care about and work for the American people

Their behavior, statements, and now exposed corruption should shock every American because for decades, these people have stolen the wealth of the nation–people, natural resources, money, liberty and the truth! Witness this clown Maxine Waters, who lies continuously about President Trump, and who loudly and without a scintilla of evidence calls for the use of the 25th Amendment to oust President Trump because he is supposedly a racist. If she even knew what the 25th Amendment was she’d understand her call for its use is both irrelevant and just plain stupid.The only person who could have been removed using the 25th Amendment was Barack Obama.

Hey!  Should the Fake News Awards also be handed out to all of the fake news surrounding Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the office considering  his  unknown identity, citizenship, birthplace, loyalty and sealed records?  And Congress the judiciary’s intentional failure to address Obama’s unconstitutionality basically enabled the coup of 2008 to continue until 2017.  And we are still fighting it!

Alternatively she thinks the President should be impeached for being racist. Does she even know what impeachment means, and did she forget who was impeached for a serious charge, aka lying under oath? Methinks thou dost protest too much!

The President tweeted, and Secretary of Homeland Security confirmed, that  tough language was used in the meeting, but not the language that “Dicky Durbin” made up.

Notice he tries to get the Secretary to repeat the language supposedly used–which she didn’t. Notice also that Durbin revealed information from a negotiation with the President of the United States as to what the President requested up front–$20 billion to build the wall in one year.Who would negotiate with anyone that blabs all the contents of the negotiation? Somebody who knows he’s already lost?

I bet that Durbin uses this to try to spin some other tale of holding hostages of the dreamers, and others for $20 billion to build the wall.  The democrats think that because they operate by extortion using taxpayer money, that everybody else does too. Surprise! We don’t!

The democrats and the press use flat out lies, apparently not new for Durbin, to change the narrative…to threaten the entire government shut down over some stupid stuff and attempt to pin it on imaginary words said.  The focus on those made-up words draws attention from the key issue at the moment…build the wall and deal with DACA.  Remember the ball is now in Congress’ hands…so making up an excuse to torpedo negotiations and the lying Fake News media will spread every lie as a propaganda tactic.  Why?

Are you awake yet?

The true embarrassment for Durbin is that because of his lying about negotiations, and the handful of other democrats’ with additional republican flakes “proposal” on DACA without the wall, any possible  DACA deal is now is likely dead. The democrats have failed again, and will try to shut down the government over something they made up and just refuse to do.  The democrats must “owe” that $20 billion to lobbyists for deals they’ve already made or planned to make, because if it goes to illegal immigrants, for sure its not getting there…it actually is going to a vast array of entities that essentially launder money.

But what else is happening that are they trying to divert from?

  • Notice that at least some of the increase and discussion in the press is about the Clinton’s and Haiti and, well why does it remain impoverished and still devastated after an earthquake that happened over a decade ago given the $6 billion raised?
  • Notice  that Haiti also includes uranium deposits mined by Hillary’s brother in a lucrative contract.
  • Notice the 11-count indictment of a transportation company for bribery, money laundering and other crimes linked to the Uranium 1 sell-out by the Clinton’s and the Obama administration.
  • Notice that all of the above characters, plus others including FBI, CIA, DoS, are increasingly seen by the general public to have authorized and been involved in working with foreign interests to undermine and force the impeachment of the President of the United States.
  • Notice how many Senators and Congressmen are retiring in 2018 or not running for reelection? Could it have anything to do with the taxpayer-funded slush fund for bad behavior? Or how about Trump’s Executive Order on corruption and human trafficking?
  • How about those 9,000+ sealed indictments and the strategy behind their release?
  • How many will be caught up in the Executive Order on corruption, human trafficking, and human rights violations…like those senators and congressmen that mysteriously have huge net worth increases or private slush funds?  Think Obama, Clinton, McCain, Pelosi…who else is screaming loudest right now?
  • How many reporters leaking  State Secrets are caught up in this?

Just a reminder:

This election year, 2018, will be a tough one for democrats and their media, Hollywood, and foreign money sources allies. They painted themselves in a brightly-painted box of anti-American, pro-illegal, sharia-law, communism colors which give them no ideas for America.  The steady drip and roll-out of investigation results, unsealing of indictments, prosecution through criminal or military trials

And it will be tough on failed anti-Trump candidates in republican states…aka Mitt Romney and other never-Trumpers.  Watch never-Trumpers Mike Lee, Jason Chavetz, Evan McMullin aka Egg McMuffin, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and Ted Cruz (?) rush to endorse him.

But they are and will be fighting back, the media must stop abusing its power from inciting hatred and violence based on lies, slander, and propaganda. That simple-minded talk is what is generating  rage at the truth of regular ordinary American citizens everywhere.

Now is the edge where Satan’s Chosen act out. Our purpose is to subdue evil.  P R A Y

The Storm that Saved America

©2017 DrKate

(Authors Note. A very long and detailed post, lots of information, not explained properly I am sure but this needs to go out now!)

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.  ~President Trump, December 21, 2017, Executive Order

As it becomes more and more obvious that the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative was made up by democrats to cover up not only Clinton’s loss, but the incredible corruption of the Obama administration, perhaps the significance of the photo above will now hit home.  Surrounded by the top military commanders and their spouses in the White House, President Trump asked the reporters, “do you know what this is?”  and, when they didn’t know, said “maybe its the calm before the storm…”

While everyone thought North Korea or other military adventures were in store, little did they realize, little did any of us realize that this would be the storm that saved America.

This discussion and analysis is made possible by many people–key citizen analysts who have brought their best to to the tasks on Twitter, blogs, videos, and the recently (October 2017) formed discussion boards involving an intelligence source named “Q.”  The information that is presented in these postings is confirmed by actual events, announcements, some stories covered in the press or not covered, intentionally, and curiously are confirmed and sometimes foreshadowed in tweets and statements of the POTUS.  I am going to try to pass on the incredible work of these others, with a few of my own thoughts, and hope to do this work justice in what follows.  My hat is off to all.

Warning.  What follows is the red pill.

“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” – Morpheus, The Matrix

Part I.  Setting the Stage, the Election, and the President

What would you say if you knew that our POTUS knew before the election the incredible depth of corruption within our government and depravity of certain individuals, and that they would use everything, even the power of the government intelligence to try to stop him?  What if he knew that they were going to try to set him up for a Russia scandal?  What if he already knew about Uranium One, Clinton, and DNC election rigging?  What if he knew they would try to infiltrate his campaign? What if he already knew that human trafficking, missing children, war, and pedophilia were the underbelly of this corruption that has taken over our country?

But what if he didn’t know how deep the rabbit hole goes?  How would he find out? Think about the following events in that context.

    • Hires Paul Manafort, a known collaborator with Ukraine, money laundering, connections with Russia, and already being watched, then lets him go after three months
    • Tweets about how great Trump would get along with Russia…that encourages Clinton and the cabal to start accusing him of being friendly with Russia
    • Lets Don Jr, Manafort, and Kuchner meet with a known Russian agent, where nothing happened but when the story “broke”, allowed the democrats and Clinton to further accuse him of collaborating with Russia

Now up to the election, think about what was going on:  the FBI’s ultimately failed/fake “investigation” of Clinton’s email fraud; the granting of immunity to Huma, Cheryl Mills, and others while allowing the destruction of their computers; the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting;  the unsworn interview of Clinton, where she was allowed to have her lawyers with her and couldn’t recall a thing about anything; the breach of the DNC computers–local but planted blamed it on Russia— and embarassing leak of email-challenged Podesta, Clinton, and DNC information by Wikileaks; the murder of Seth Rich, DNC staffer; and the discovery of Weiner’s laptop with 650,000 emails in a file called “insurance policy”, the file that contained such vile things that “it made DC cops cry“.

What if, based on the Podesta emails and the contents of Weiner’s laptop, you became aware of outright pedophilia  and the signs of such, like pizza slices?  And then knew of Clinton’s covering up of the State Department pedophilia, the Haiti Clinton operation, and the Clinton Foundation’s connection with child and human trafficking? What if you knew there was an international connection with this all?

The emails presented by Wikileaks also show the “pay to play” arrangements, the blurred lines between the state department and the Clinton Foundation funding, the meetings with the Rothchilds, the Saudis, and Soros.  The sheer corruption is breathtaking.  But how deep is that rabbit hole?

Do you think there were/are patriots working inside the Obama administration that knew of this corruption–with some dying because of it–but were unable to come forward because the corrupt officials of the Obama administration prevented it?

The Election

On November 8, 2016, Americans soundly elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  He won it the hard way, and earned it by securing a place in the hearts of Americans. The Democrats, Obama, the rinos never thought Clinton would lose and are shocked.

President-elect Trump gets to work building his administration.  On November 16, National Security Agency(NSA) Director Admiral Mike Rogers visits Trump tower without “permission” from Obama.  Think about these events:

  • The next day, November 17, Trump moves his transition headquarters to Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey.  The NSA knows all because it records us all.
  • Later in November, Trump tweets “wow, I just found out that my phones in Trump Tower were “wiretapped”.
  • Selective release of tidbits of the fake Trump Dossier…by Clinton, McCain and other republicans, Obama..and excessive press coverage.
  • The outright accusation that Russia hacked the election in favor of Donald Trump
  • accusations that Trump was the source of the leaked emails to wikileaks
  • The leaking of contents of the fake Russian dossier by Clinton and others after the election
  • The publication of the fake Russian dossier in early January, days before Trump’s inauguration

Unbeknownst to all, especially the press, the Office of the  Inspector General announces on January 12, 2017 that the IG will undertake a review of the FBI and Department of Justice’s actions during the 2016 election and possible political interference with decision-making processes.  Read this document, and take note of the last sentence, which reads:

Finally, if circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.

The President

So President Trump takes office and the democrats and rinos are still after him, calling him an illegitimate president because of “muh Russia” narrative.  Consider the following events

  • Flynn is fired
  • Comey leaks confidential information to the press, lies to Congress, and is fired…begging for a special counsel to investigate Trump for obstruction of justice, the fake Russian dossier, and Russia collaboration with Trump. Democrats delighted.  Trump reminds Comey that he’d better hope there are no “tapes” of their conversation before he leaks to the press.
  • Many many leaks of confidential information make their way to the press and to Congress, some obvious leakers fired.
    • Surprise:  Trump announces to the press that “the leaks are real, the news is fake”.  The barium meals begin. Fake news seeded to suspected leakers to find them within the administration and in the press
    • Surprise:  AG Sessions, DNI Director Dan Coates, and Assistant AG Rosenstein announce the beginning of a task force to investigate and prosecute the leakers, which includes intelligence agencies, Congress, and the press
  • Trump works at Mar-a-Lago for 10 days while White House is cleaned and “renovated”
  • Congress calls for a Special Counsel, Trump agrees.
  • Sessions recuses himself only from matters regarding Clinton and the 2016 election
  • Bob Mueller hired as Special Counsel

It appears that Trump is headed for impeachment or at least a mighty fall, right?  But I ask you,

  • what better way to keep your enemies thinking that you are being investigated than by hiring a known democrat, and staffing that investigation with known partisan FBI and DOJ officials, and
  • do you think if Jeff Sessions was involved in doing this investigation it would have been viewed as worthless and completely partisan?

Does this look like a man who is worried?  Are you now beginning to understand that there is a master strategist at the helm of our country?  That he may know more than anyone gives him credit for?

Notice some other important events:

The President’s first overseas trip was to Saudi Arabia. He didn’t bow to the King and Melania did not wear a head covering.  Why Saudi Arabia? What was initiated at that time regarding efforts to combat terrorism?  What happened eight months later?

North Korea attention. Trump’s defense of America against North Korea is a high priority. What has been festering in North Korea?  And why has it been ignored? What is the relationship of North Korea to Iran?  How does North Korea relate to the deal involving Uranium One?  How did North Korea acquire the advanced technology for its missile systems during the term of the Obama administration? Did Obama defund/destroy NASA and transfer technology to SpaceX, Google, and Apple?

    The Mueller Investigation & Jeff Sessions

Q asks a question: how do you capture a dangerous animal?

Answer: isolate, investigate, remove, prosecute.

Mueller, with the help of FBI General Counsel James Baker, developed a small team of agents to serve on a task force to investigate Trump.  While on that task force they are isolated and prevented from doing anymore damage.

NSA knows all, and the behavior of all of these people is investigated by the Inspector General and the AG’s special task force to capture leakers.  Phone calls, texts, and other information were silently investigated while this anti-trump FBI-DOJ task force tried to find something, anything on President Trump. They couldn’t and didn’t find anything, but the long arm of the law found them. They “caught” Manafort on actions long before the Trump campaign, and then “caught”, rather trapped, General Flynn on perfectly normal activities.

While Mueller’s investigation was ongoing, remember that the Inspector General’s investigation, the FBI-DOJ Leak task force were also hard at work.  All the investigations are linked, and once the FBI-DOJ conspirators were “dragged into the light“, the Attorney General announces the re-opening of all the FBI compromised “investigations”, including:

  • The 33,000 Clinton deleted emails (do you think the NSA actually has them?)
  • Uranium One
  • Project Cassandra  Obama stopped a DEA/FBI investigation of Hezbolla’s drug trafficking and money laundering connections in the U.S. and world-wide.

Bear in mind that these investigations have been on-going for a year, but only now is the information being publicly released.  Thus the announced investigations are well underway with enough air-tight evidence to now publicly speak about them…and the removal of these officials and their prosecution is the only way to begin to start restoring the rule of law in the United States.  The rogue three letter agencies were weaponized against conservatives, Americans, and the duly elected President of the United States.

As this information has been uncovered and largely due to citizen journalists, with facts slowly dripping out, the bad actors themselves like James Comey and Sally Yates betray their panic in twitter posts…as well as “signaling” to their fellow conspirators.

Conspirators (so far)

What we see here is a planned, coordinated conspiracy to remove an elected & inaugurated POTUS from office in the early days of a new Presidency. This was directed by Obama & Clinton & executed by corrupt officials at the FBI & DOJ. That is what will be revealed as a result of the Mueller and Inspector General investigations.  And Trump has been telling us all along what is happening.

As I have posted in my remarks in the last several posts, there has been a gigantic sting operation on-going as the news has constantly berated Trump and belittled Americans with nonsense.  That is the mockingbird press, of course, doing the work of the deep state to keep us asleep precisely when we need to be awake.

Are you awake yet?

Part II:  But What About the Children?

The most difficult thing about this post for me is this upcoming section.  This post has been in the workings for several days, always late at night or early early morning.  It has been hard to wrap my head around that which follows and I am sure I don’t see it all.   In a word, we are talking about EVIL…that which follows, and follows from Satan.  Deep within our minds and hearts we understand the presence of this, and on the “surface” we get glimpses of it in the news.

Here’s whats in the mix:

  • Billions of dollars associated with three sides of a triangle:  Rothschild/Rockefeller;  the House of Saud, principally Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, and George Soros.  Each are responsible for the different moving parts that control a world-wide “new world order” that already exists now.
  • War, disasters, invasions, disease, and death
  • Human trafficking, especially the children
  • Pedophilia networks, world-wide
  • Mass shooting events/false flags
  • Election fraud
  • Organ harvesting–Planned Parenthood
  • Drugs, guns, weapons of mass destruction–biological, radiological, chemical
  • Satanic cults and sacrifice
  • The CIA and the Vatican

It is all together linked. All the Presidents from Bush I to Obama created and cemented this network, and have bribed, blackmailed, or murdered thousands of people in judgeship, government, financial institutions, hollywood, religious figures, the media, schools and colleges, the police, federal agencies, and the military.  When needed, gangs like MS13 are the hired guns, kidnappers, and peddlers of poisonous drugs to our children.

Back to our discussion of “Q”, the various clues that were dropped by Q (“breadcrumbs”), and then confirmed by POTUS tweets by events in the news—Hollywood pedos, Clinton, FBI-Special Counsel investigation, the agency corruption, the Saudi arrests, the death of Jacob Rothchild–all have been profoundly amazing and indicate something big is going on in our country right now.  Even with these intelligence drops of information, everyone has asked for more transparency in what IS going on.  Someone then asked Q, “What About the Children?”.

Over 460,000 children have gone missing in the United States as of 2016.  If you can see that all this is connected to the children and trafficking–the money, drugs, pedophilia, government control, degradation of institutions, morals, attack on Christianity, and society–and that Clinton, Obama, the Bushs’, Soros, the Rothchilds, the House of Saud, and the corporations are all a part of this, having enlisted governments and puppets all over the world, you wonder if it will ever be addressed or uncovered.  And then you know that the corruption is so deep that exposing it could cause our entire government to collapse.

The rabbit hole, now fully exposed. Are you awake?

In the context of more transparency, and the children, on December 21, 2017, we get this:

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

Read the text of this order here.

This is a national emergency and the U.S. military will be involved not only in intelligence gathering, but imprisonment and trial. Think Guantanamo Bay and military tribunals. Gee, who visited GITMO on the day the Executive Order was issued with 1,000 marines in tow?

This order will freeze the assets of anyone receiving money from or donating to the listed entities in the Appendix to the Executive Order, and allows the Treasury Secretary, Secretary of State, and Attorney General to add people to this list.  Are Clinton and Soros’ assets being seized now?  Take a look:

Where is George Soros?  Did he really have a heart attack, or is that a cover story for being captured the very same day that the Atlanta airport was shut down for ten (10) hours?  What three executives in Canada–home of the Clinton Foundation’s branch that worked to transfer our uranium to Russia, and launder the money to the Clinton’s that was made on that deal–were detained at the Toronto airport and flown to Cuba by military escort on December 26?

What else is happening since October, and specifically since this EO was issued?  CEO’s resigning in record numbers.  Why? Is there a world wide pedophilia and human trafficking network?  What about blood harvesting and organ trafficking from children, aborted fetuses, war zone orphans and natural disaster locations like Haiti?

An interesting photo was posted by the U.S. Department of Defense on Christmas eve via their twitter account–Washington crossing the Potomac on Christmas eve.  A day later, in a Christmas tweet, POTUS stated that he was glad to be leading the charge to restore our country and to defend Christianity, our values and beliefs.

Beginning on December 25, the rounding up of these individuals has begun.  On the evening of December 26, flights from the airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Atlanta have been forced to turn around because of “unauthorized persons” on board…aka trying to escape?  The planes have been parked away from the terminals while passengers are interviewed and perhaps told to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) while the “unauthorized persons” are removed from the flight and detained.  Three California airports were shut down last night for several hours.

The storm that President Trump spoke about has arrived and the cabal is being rounded up.  There will be trials, convictions and long jail sentences, captured as the common war criminals they are and housed in GITMO or Leavenworth.  Want to find out more?  Look here for the latest Q posts and analysis!

  • Praise God from whom all blessings flow
  • Praise Him all creatures here below
  • Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host
  • Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost   Amen

Stay WOKE, our country, our future, and our children depend on it!




Patriotism, Prosperity, and Pride

©2017 DrKate

In a vital and important speech in Pensacola, the messenger delivered a map of the strategy to take America back from the globalists and their inside agents who have robbed America of her wealth, infrastructure, people…our country.  Listen carefully for what is revealed about government, the ‘deep seats’, and the sickness inside that resists progress and change so as to protect their control over our country.  And those that are resisting the change are the same ones who sold out our country for their financial gain.

As I write this late in the Rocky Mountains, a military exercise is underway in the Washington, D.C. area, supposedly simulating an emergency response.  And I got to thinking about the now 4,000 sealed indictments across the country, the gigantic sting operation underway to nab the network of corruption, including within the depths of our three-letter-agencies, of the Clinton-Obama-Soros network, and the likely physical presence of Obama and his loyalists right there in D.C.  Some of those loyalists I would expect are in the military and police units.

The leaks and stories coming out now about the criminal DOJ and FBI employees at the highest level,and their wives or mistresses’ criminal behavior and all true, are gently preparing the nation for what is to come.  Because what is there is so awful and corrupt we would not accept it was true otherwise.  What has been uncovered is the deepest network of corruption this country has ever faced, and it is very, very dangerous. Think about it especially in relation to the connection of all of these people to satanism, pedophilia, child trafficking, terrorism, arms, drugs, and gangs. And then add treason and the media as the fifth column…do you see how dangerous this time is?  It is all connected and much can be tied back 17 years.

We complain, “but where are the arrests?”.  What we’re hearing now is just the tip of the iceberg I am sure…so preparing the public but also strategic, in the proper order, closing escape routes, watching the money.

We can be sure that there is no more time to remain silent, or on the fence about anything, and we must call it out. President Trump has shown us how to do it, and demonstrates it in his speech. Watch for how he artfully describes precisely who we face…who will not stop until they are stopped.  In totality, the betrayal is stunning.


The “Good” Government Shutdown

©2017 drkate

Mr. Trump tweeted: “The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We…” he continued, “either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good “shutdown” in September to fix mess!”

This is essentially why the GOP healthcare plan cannot fully repeal Obamacare right now, its just a fact.  This is the reason for the three-staged approach to undoing the damage that Obama did. Why President Trump tweets is to tell the truth to Americans about the status of health care, unfiltered by the media, the republicans, and the democrats.

Remember the democrats, or whoever wrote it, designed it that way, so it would be almost impossible to get rid of it once it passed and operated for a few years, aka, the stolen elections of 2008 and 2012. But there is a reason why that bill was 2,000 pages long and ballooned to 4,000.

But because the republicans are playing within the system, they will only change the rules if their masters funders allow them to, never mind what the American electorate wants through our intervention in electing President Trump. The Obama-weaponized agencies have “gone underground to keep communicating with the public”, aka, to continue to fuel the seditious left, liberal agenda in all things government so as to perpetuate the tyranny of government upon America. The highly-placed Obama-Clinton political allies, now “burrowed” as staff everywhere continue the system where government is weaponized against the people.

This is NOT the government We the People created, but the attack has been underway for a very long time…since the beginning. Yes we can be accused of being asleep at the wheel for decades, but we do not shoulder all the blame as those in the dark have worked furiously for decades to blind, distract, and dumb us down as much as possible without being noticed–through the culture.  It was the classic plan to overthrow the constitution that we have read about for decades but only a few have connected it with reality.

Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges our predisposition not to change things:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed

But we are at the point where our government no longer serves us.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

Americans Intervene to Rescue the Republic

In this excruciating time since the assault of the Obama regime on America, Americans have intervened by electing conservatives…many of whom turned out to be part of the uniparty as Americans’ collective understanding of the “system” grew in leaps and bounds.  Even with our understanding of gross election fraud across the country, and within the 2016 rigged election, we still prevailed in electing Donald Trump but were helped tremendously by the candidate and democrats mistakes.

But is now time for the second intervention, and that brings us right back to The Good Government Shutdown–the peaceful, non-violent, organized transition of the entire government back to the control of the people. It should happen at our request as as directed, and that is our revolutionary right described in the Founders’ own language above.  Let’s  envision a perfect shutdown.  It would all be for the good of the country.

  1. The Resign and Replace Program. All of the democrats and republicans that occupy the legislative branch of the government must voluntarily resign their seats over a three year period. This will be done in an organized fashion with the longest serving members of both houses resigning first.Elections for a replacement will be held in each state of the resigning member.
  2. Shutdown of the federal government including Congress and all non-essential agencies opening again under a gradual workforce reduction program and streamlined functions that reflect the purposes of government to provide for the common defense and to implement the eighteen (18) enumerated powers. The graduated closing of federal agencies over time is required as the federal bureaucracy or administrative state must be dismantled as it interferes with governance.
  3. Special Shoutout to all Obamacare Related federal bureaucrats– all of you are required to resign immediately.  This includes the IRS-related employees.

This will cause all kinds of gnashing of teeth about those poor overpaid federal employees, having to use their own retirement, savings and find healthcare. But they have no choice as we, their employers, demand it.

Remember, the Russian government changed overnight in 1991.  It is possible, but a shutdown may be required.


The Dominoes

©2017 drkate

As we wait for the inevitable unmasking of the deep state leakers, one story keeps bubbling up about a young man who was gunned down at 2:30 am on a D.C. street in July 2016. That man also happened to be a DNC staffer and his name was Seth Rich.

While all the media are dismissing this as a routine mugging, they also seem to be working overtime at a fevered pitch to distract from the story as in “methinks thou dost protest too much”.

Was Seth Rich just walking in a bad neighborhood, a victim of a random robbery by a coward who shot him in the back and didn’t steal anything, or was he assassinated because he knew something?

(Note: I have written this article twice and at each of the times the article completely disappeared from my editing window. I am taking breaks in between writing this to save what I can.)

Was Seth Rich the leaker of the DNC emails which unmasked the Clinton campaign pay to play, fraud against Bernie Sanders in the primary, voter fraud, the Donna Brazille leak, and Podesta-pedophilia?  Wikileaks has hinted at this loudly as well as others. And there is a reward posted for information leading to the arrest of the murderer. Apparently his job at the DNC involved computer work and specifically setting up Clinton primary voting places that did not match the Secretary of State’s addresses for primary locations (sorry, enlarge your screen by pressing cntrl + or use a magnifying glass):

Billions of dollars are at stake, huge voter fraud, Clinton and Obama pay-to-play schemes, and, by chance, are Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the whole Pakistani access to 20 House members’ US intelligence information a part of the entire scandal going down in D.C.?

Here is an interesting video that suggests that the death of Seth Rich is an event that could tumble the whole set of dominoes known as the DNC, Clinton, democrats, and media who have been caught in a web of deceit of extraordinary malice and depth. Importantly, this video suggests that 1/3 of Congress is implicated in the crimes linked to the DNC leaks, the fake Russia-Trump story, and other seditious acts of Democrats done to cover up the serious crime that is now being exposed.

The first half of the video is what is relevant to this story:

Clinton’s Meltdown and James Comey

Hillary Clinton never expected to lose the election but absolutely knew the consequences if she did not win:

If that fucking bastard wins, we’ll all hang from nooses”

Many people were likely involved in scheme to get Clinton into the White House, and if Seth Rich was the leaker who had to be made an example of, Clinton is right for once in her life. It’s spelled  m-u-r-d-e-r.

So the Blame-Russia hacked, Trump-Russia collaboration plan was hatched within 24 hours of the November 8, 2016 election.

Thus, Clinton asset Jim Comey had to be put to work to enable the Russia-Trump conspiracy to have traction.  Why is it that Comey would tell Trump in private three times that he is not under investigation, but refuse to say it publicly?   Comey was “as deep in the swamp as they come”, as is documented in this excellent article from Kevin Jackson (h/t Heather) with this excerpt showing just how dangerous this swamp is and how strategic President Trump had to be leading up to Comey’s dismissal:

He is a deep-water Swamp Denizen who has been highly paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama. He has been central to trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration from the start. He is as dirty as they come in DC. Comey had highest-level cover (the FBI no less) and was deep into an effort to eliminate Trump. Trump had to move hard, fast, and at exactly the right time to cut the head off the snake without getting bitten by the snake or being finished by the other swamp denizens. Notice that the President fired Comey when Comey was 3,000 miles away from his office. Comey had no inkling he was being cut, and that all his files, computers, and everything in his office were seized by his boss Sessions and the justice department. This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical.

Of note in the article is the discussion of when and why General Flynn was fired…in the article it was stated that Trump knew he was being used by the Democrats.  But could it be that Flynn was intentionally put in position by Trump for this purpose, to out the swamp before draining it?

In relation to the discussion of Comey’s role in covering up the  HSBC scandal, drkatesrevolutionradio, Walls in our Minds, interviewed Robert Mazure, the infiltrator who busted the fraud that Comey covered up, letting the bank off with a fine.

Of course the President did not let anyone know that he was going to fire Comey, which led to endless speculation that this or that staffer were being fired…all to the President’s advantage as it becomes ever so clear every day that the media is also paid to cover up this disgraceful corruption.

With Comey gone, the dominoes will be in free fall, although there are still a few treasonous people inside the FBI that must be identified.

But wait, there is more. What happened to Trey Gowdy’s investigators on the Clinton Foundation?

So get the popcorn, but keep your sidearm handy.



Clinton and the Democrats Lose Their Shield

©2017 drkate

…but not without major damage to any case against Hillary Rodham Clinton, in my opinion.  James Comey fell on his sword, ruined his whole career with the nasty taste of partisanship, and damaged the FBI ONLY to protect Hillary Clinton.  Comey politicized and thus tainted Clinton’s investigation and conviction.  He will forever be linked by his actions to Clinton’s narrative that she lost the 2016 election because of him, although she was clearly losing prior to Comey’s second letter to Congress.

Comey was an agent of Clinton and Obama, and folks, don’t worry, he doesn’t need to worry about a job.  He does, however, need to worry about his life, as he can now be called as a witness under oath in any action against Clinton as well as the Obama regime. We already know what happens to witnesses.  The photo on the left was taken the day that Bill Clinton fired his AG, the day before Vince Foster was found suicided murdered in Marcy Park.

The Deputy Attorney General’s letter spelled it out clearly.  Take a look (h/t TCT):

Why do you think they sequester juries during a major criminal trial?  So they don’t hear the damn FBI Director concluding on a mound of evidence that there was no reason to indict her.

Ok, with that said, I am glad Comey has finally been fired, in the classic Trump tradition–reminding the whole world that the FBI Director told him he was not under investigation (h/t TCT):

So now everyone who says Trump is still under investigation is a liar, like Clown Schumer claiming that Comey’s firing is a cover-up for the “on-going” investigation of Trump and Russia.  No the truth is, and Comey revealed it as well as Feinstein, that there is no evidence linking Trump and Russia.

Note that the FBI had found links between Russia and the Clinton campaign as well as some democrats like Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Chuck Schumer.  But Comey was sure dragging his feet on releasing the FIB Russia investigation, wasn’t he? Especially when Sally Yates was able to just lie and get away with it with no FBI counter or investigation of her.

Take a look at at partial list of at least ten (10) crimes the FBI did not investigate during Comey’s tenure:

1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again.

2. Shortly after the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, the FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency, Bloomberg reported, retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found).

3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban — but didn’t intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented. 

4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller’s business and personal travel. 

What about the Clinton Foundation, pedophilia cover-ups at the State Department, arms trafficking in the Middle East and also on the US-Mexico border?

Comey was acting as a lone wolf with a lot of power.  Was he the chief leaker, identified after months of the sting operation?  Or was this too planned? And here are some other interesting questions:

  • Was Comey given a second chance in a Trump administration to do the right thing and help untangle the mess of 2016 and Clinton crimes?
  • Does Trump know everything now about what actually did happen in 2016, including the wiretapping, the Obama regime’s last efforts to sabotage Trump and help Clinton,  the identity of all the Senators and Congressmen/women, and all agency personnel that were part of the scam?
  • Does Trump now know how that whole machinery of the government through the FBI was used only to advance the destructive revolutionary objectives of the Obama administration?

As to timing, there has to be just enough rope let out, of course, but also an investigation had to be done, and it appears it was with former and Deputy AG’s interviewed.  Here’s what also impeded the timing:

  • Democrats’ delay on appointments, particularly Betsy DeVos, where Senator Sessions’ vote was needed in the Senate because two republicans, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, voted against her.  Sessions was needed until that vote was held. Vice President Pence had to break the tie in the Senate because no democrats voted for her.  Sessions’ confirmation hearings were held for a few days in January 2017.  The second delay in hearings and confirmations were for the Deputy Attorney General spot, Rod Rosenstein.
  • Sessions’ Recusal from Russia Investigation.  There are conflicting stories as to whether his recusal was manipulated or approved by the President. Ostensibly the democrats demanded his recusal because at the time it was thought Trump was the target of the Russia investigation. But we now know that the target was really the democrats.
  • The Sting.  I personally think they had to run the operation to find all the leakers and who at the top was directing this.  And I don’t know if that process is done. Also what I don’t know is whether Comey’s stay in the Trump administration was part of the plan to bring down the politicization of the intelligence agencies.
  • World events and the emergence of Trump’s foreign policy.  As Trump said, “its complicated business folks”…and with a grateful and watchful eye here. Trust but verify, right?

So we turn the next page in the textbook, “Draining the Swamp”.  Pay attention, take notes, President Trump is showing us how to do this even in our own back yards. How many volumes will the President create in eight years?  Can’t wait for the chapter on “The Good Shutdown”.

You know it took decades to create this, but like a businessman Trump can “see” the organization of the government and can know the roots of the corruption.  When can you cut off a branch, and when and how do you go after a root, or in our case, the trunk of this counterfeit tree?

Obama’s Criminal Espionage

©2017 drkate

On Sunday morning, the White House released a statement indicating that the president would ask the congressional committees investigating Russian hacking theories to add the question of “whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.”

nyt article on wiretaps

Yes, Obama did tap Trump’s phones.   And he’s done it before.

Of course you can imagine if the story was the other way around, and Trump tapped the phones or otherwise conducted surveillance on Clinton or Obama.  But unlike the entire Obama administration, President Trump does not think like a criminal.  Obama, however, misused the entire US surveillance apparatus to spy on and undermine candidate and now President Trump.

Remember, Trump was not supposed to win the election so Clinton would have kept all the paper trail of this criminal activity hidden.  But President Trump now owns all the records of the U.S. government, including the warrants used to get “court authority” to spy on Trump, Flynn, Sessions, and so many others.

The stories currently are three-fold: first, that Obama’s team tried to get a warrant from a regular, Article III federal court on Trump, and was told no by someone along the way (maybe the FBI), as the evidence was that weak or non-existent; second, Obama’s team then tried to circumvent the federal judiciary’s independent role by trying to mislabel the issue one of “foreign agents,” and tried to obtain a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act “courts”, and were again turned down, when the court saw Trump named (an extremely rare act of FISA court refusal of the government, suggesting the evidence was truly non-existent against Trump); and so, third, Obama circumvented both the regular command of the FBI and the regularly appointed federal courts, by placing the entire case as a FISA case (and apparently under Sally Yates at DOJ) as a “foreign” case, and then omitted Trump’s name from a surveillance warrant submitted to the FISA court, which the FISA court unwittingly granted, which Obama then misused to spy on Trump and many connected to Trump. Are these allegations true? We don’t know yet, but if any part of them are then Obama and/or his officials could face serious trouble.


The violence was a distraction fomented by the Clinton-Obama-Soros media

The paper trail is essential to determine if Obama lied to the FISA court to obtain the warrant…and it sounds like he did.  The other damning evidence is that the Obama administration in January 2017 authorized the “relaxing of rules on the disclosure” of information obtained through a FISA court.

FISA, 50 USC 1801, et seq., is a very limited method of obtaining surveillance authority. The reason for its strict limits is that FISA evades the regular federal court process, by not allowing regularly, Constitutionally appointed federal judges and their magistrates to authorize surveillance the Fourth Amendment would otherwise forbid. Instead, the Chief Justice handpicks the FISA court members, who have shown an exceptional deference to the executive branch. This is because FISA court members trust the government is only bringing them surveillance about pending terror attacks or “grave hostile” war-like attacks, as the FISA statute limits itself to. Thus, a FISA application can only be used in very limited circumstances.

Why do you think it has been non-stop “leaking” of and “spinning” information since even before Trump was elected?

As we deal with this explosive situation, remember the core issue. It is not run-of-the-mill political skulduggery (is there any other kind?). It is the criminal misuse of a critical national defensive capability. Liken it to using a military weapon against your political opponent, because that is the nearest and best analogy. If Obama ordered the military to intervene with Team Trump during the election, that would not be much different from using the intelligence powers to intervene.

Obama is the Deep State’s WEAKEST LINK–he will cause the entire leftist, marxist, globalist operation to fall.

And ironically, the more his treasonous staff tries to defend Obama, the more the finger points directly at him.  There is no “fail safe” operation to keep us from finding out every single truth about obama’s treasonous reign over America.  And all of his advisors, including sedition-queen Valerie Jarrett, are involved up to their eyeballs in misprision of felony and misprision of treason. is, so far, undisputed that there have been many leaks of classified information to damage Trump, and that the Obama administration took steps that could have made such leaks more likely. Those are serious allegations that the former administration is likely going to have to explain to Congress.

Trump is running a very sophisticated sting operation designed to oust the leakers, traitors, and seditious holdovers from the Obama administration.  This is a very dangerous undertaking but absolutely necessary for the survival of our country and the rule of law.  And this is why President Trump is getting so much push back…so many attacks.

The criminals in DC have run their course and now are exposed.  They will keep making mistakes, and eventually they will surrender.

After all, if all you’ve got is media lies, insults, and crazy-mongering, you’ve already lost.



This DID Happen

©2017 drkate

The date is July 21, 2008Notice what’s in the fireplace, and who’s picture is over it.

7.21.08 Blitt Obama.indd

What part of this hasn’t come true?

It’s Over for the Press.

@2017 drkate

Trump’s presser today…

…and, if you don’t have time to view the video, here’s a summary:



Only by Deception

©2017 drkate

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

waitingformediaThe long national nightmare known as Obama ruled America by deception from day one of his candidacy and will all the way up until January 20, 2017 at 12:00 noon.  From his failure to meet the basic constitutional qualification to hold the Presidency, to his  peace prize, to the dropping of 26,000 bombs all over the world just in 2016, to Obamacare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and more, there has been no truth, no honesty, and no respect for America or Americans.  Obama’s counterfeit  presidency has been an unmitigated disaster and has been entirely enabled by deception, in obvious collusion with the media.

In the days since the election, the democrats, Obama, Clinton, the media, social justice warriors (SJW), BLM, the CIA and every other alphabet agency have been playing a deception game, attempting to discredit the American people–aka President-elect Trump–casting doubt upon the election and his legitimacy.  The democrat effort has all been through deception, not a single grain of truth, and even with the shellacking they took from eight years of Obama, it has not exactly sunk in yet that they have and are lost.   In this mindset, the democrats will continue to be stupid and make mistakes!   Note to self: stock up on popcorn.

Trying to accuse Trump of engineering election fraud–something the democrats did themselves–they blamed the leaks on Russian hacking–two different things.  Notice that deception over the truth of the emails themselves, and the truth of Hillary’s criminal and insecure email server, terrible candidacy, and the absolute plan to deceive revealed. Watch how all of the deceptions of the last few months came together in the feigned outrage at things Trump did not say in his campaign at their last gasp on Friday, January 6, 2017– the counting of the Electoral College vote.

Their deception failed, and spectacularly with regular Americans watching this step in the journey to the Presidency of Donald J. Trump.  But the plan was still to somehow overturn the results of the November 8 vote and the electoral college reflecting the will of the people.


There is no doubt that God’s hand is in the exposure of the true character of not only the Obama years, but those previously.  The cartel, the globalists, and the United States government’s constant dealing in guns, drugs, and oil have wreaked intergenerational havoc on America and the world, overturned our Constitution, and disregarded the gifts of life, a brain and heart, and everything our Creator has bestowed upon us.

For example, the deception of “false flags” have been thoroughly vetted during the Obama years.  Eric Holder and Obama are the masters at this deception.  Why they hate the internet is because Americans have become educated to their deception.

Without discounting the terror and lives lost one iota, think about the timing of the Florida airport shooting, and the BLM kidnapping and torture of a special needs white man in Chicago and other recent attacks.  And the media’s shameless lies about it, now exposed again as deception regarding the #BLMKidnapping that happened in Obama’s “hometown”. Obama’s work has been under the cover of terror while he openly has dismantled our armed forces, institutions, and rule of law.  And no one has stopped them.

There will be plenty of actions over which to actually and historically convict Obama, Clinton and their regime of treason.  In their own words and deeds the story of betrayal will be told and acted upon.  The accomplices have much to worry about.



And the result?  Sleeping like a baby!!


More exposure…

  • The pedophile ring in DC was exposed through the stupidity of John Podesta falling for a phishing email and using the password of “password”.  With dummies like this anywhere near the seat of power, America loses!
  • The intelligence agencies have shown a direct trail to  and provide a way for Trump to drain that swamp, especially with the recent fiasco of of the supposed “Russian hacking
  • Schumer’s clowns will also now keep making mistakes and like the Podesta emails, they will be caught in the act of being themselves—hateful, arrogant, deceitful,  elite, and fundamentally un-American.

Looking for Justice

I for one am still looking for justice on Benghazi: Clinton, Panetta, Obama, Jarrett. They have no credibility to say anything:

It has been one distraction after another since Benghazi, which should have sunk Obama in 2012 and will still sink Hillary in upcoming years.  Neither should ever be able to hold public office in the United States–and that includes Mayor of NY, Hillary, where your Saudi benefactors nearly took the city down and killed four Americans on the eleventh anniversary of 911.  Fittingly you collapsed at ground zero on 9-11-16 in video footage we were never supposed to see.

President Trump will make sure Hillary is investigated and indicted.  But like with our enemies, he’s just not going to broadcast the way it will be done.  Remember, with Clinton it is always war. And war is always by deception.


The deception is not ever going to work again.

A question:  do you think Obama knows how much people do not like what he’s done to America?  Probably the better question is, does he even care?

“…Against all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic…”

©2016 drkate

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen. 1:28 KJV

One of the challenges we face as Americans going forward is acknowledging and dealing with the fact that America faces more domestic enemies than foreign enemies.  And remember, we–meaning you and I–have been defined as domestic enemies when it is our government that acts as a true domestic enemy.  This is the left’s common tactic–accuse others of what you yourself are and are doing.

As we think about the protection of our republic, and the Christian principles upon which we are founded, the word “subdue” comes to mind.  We must subdue the insurrection underway in our country.

Oaths of Office

This is the military oath of office, also applicable to federal employees, senators and congressmen when they begin their service:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___, that I make this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of [grade] in the Army/Air National Guard of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ on which I am about to enter, so help me God

If you are a naturalized citizen of the United States, this is your oath at naturalization:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God

How many of you have taken one of these oaths or know of others who have?

The President’s oath of office:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” (so help me God)

Of course the President must meet other constitutional criteria including the natural born citizenship requirement of Article II §1 Clause 5.

All of the oaths of office and for citizenship require the following:

  • allegiance to the United States Constitution,
  • renunciation of allegiance to any foreign country to which the immigrant has had previous allegiances
  • defense of the Constitution against enemies “foreign and domestic”

We have to recover what our concept of citizenship is in a constitutional republic.  And we must also begin to hold elected officials and employees accountable to our constitution, not socialism.  From the linked article, Republican and Democratic Elites Moving America Towards Socialism:

“There has been this movement really for 80 years in our history, of socialization…in terms of introducing the tools and mechanisms and practices of socialism into our economy, into our thinking, into our culture” West said. “Even on the right side of the spectrum there is very little consciousness that there’s anything else or that there ever was anything else. “

The Maps of Subversion

The maps shown in this segment of the post demonstrate the physical location of most of our domestic enemies.  Not coincidentally, they align with the large cities inside the heartland and the coasts, happen to be democrat, and are aligned with the most consistently reported vote fraud.  These maps outline a strategy for a counter effort to remove this socialist threat from America.

First, the election result:


Look at the map in this video below–we are surrounded by domestic enemies who have also now been infiltrated by foreign enemies, hiding in their midst.  Some are more vocal and obvious than others, and some are killers.  They happen to be where the democrats are concentrated, at least for now.

From the two maps below, the top map gray area is where Trump won, county by county, and the blue area is where Hillary won.  In the blue areas as shown by the second map are democrats, high rates of crime,  high election fraud by officials and machines, illegals and dead people voting, and voting felons in Virginia.


The oaths of office require every elected official and federal employee to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  They are obligated to deal with crime, election fraud, and the use of public funds to promote a foreign or communist agenda.  Here are examples of the misuse of public funds: forcing children to pray to Allah…allowing judges and congressman to swear on the Koran to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  We must enforce the law, including misprision of treason or felony.

Does the oath of office mean anything?  Let’s hold their feet to the fire, because it is still our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor at stake.

The American Imperative

©2016 drkate

Trump at Gettysburg, delivering a statement for America:

The media and the establishment response…


America’s enemies revealed, the American presidential choice clear.

Now we know who our enemies are. And we have the man who walked right into the lion’s den. A chance at freedom in a system long gone, with the Constitutional remnant–us–called now to rise to the occasion.

This time we must follow the road not taken, it is the only way.

Election Fraud Conditioning, the Proper Response

We all have known for years of on-going election fraud.  The extent of the Clinton campaign involvement with names in the polling and collusion with the media is as deep as the emerging Clinton Foundation network spanning government, corporate, and international pay for play to the CF gain. Soros’ “rent a thug” program and “rent a vote” machines are still around.

  • Definitely is a good thing to be alert to voter fraud in all its forms.  This means long shifts and eyes alert now and forever.  DOCUMENTATION IS KEY. It sounds like we will have to vote in record numbers to overcome the preplanned, placed fraud numbers. The ultimate in Trump’s “element of surprise”?
  • Definitely not a good thing to do about known voter fraud is to invite federal oversight or cancellation of election  Elections for national offices are state matters, don’t invite the White House through any petition.
  • Document your vote, ask for a paper ballot, supervise/observe the vote counting and the certification of the vote by the local official.
  • There are legal ways to challenge the vote.  Donald Trump will not abandon the American voter and is sure to challenge any outcome that appears to have been stolen. We have to fight for our Country, and we have in Trump the man that will stand.

Revelations of the widespread corruption and depth of voter fraud can be manipulated to depress the vote. “If its so rigged, why even vote?”  Your job is to get beyond that point with everyone you know who may be feeling discouraged.  Not only do we know what is going on, we are going to defeat it.

T R U M P   2 0 1 6

Starting WW III to “Win” the Presidency

©2016 drkate

I had an opportunity to drive among the Larch trees, a long but easy drive on a late fall day through western Montana, with our Country on my mind.  Here is the essay on the discourse enabled through the day.

Shall I not visit them for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? Jer. 9-2-9 KJV

Starting World War III–TREASON

If it isn’t enough to have that fool Obama poking the Russian bear, bombing Syrian troops, civilians, and  Russia, and funding the terrorists to provoke a World War, we have Hillary Clinton campaigning and using the full weight of all her criminality adding fuel to the fire.  Clinton accidentally deliberately leaked vital national defense information regarding nuclear weapons, as if to beg a strike.  THIS IS TREASON.

Article III Section 3 of the U.S.Constitution defines Treason as  specific acts  such as “levy war against the states”, “adhering to their Enemies”,  and “giving them Aid and Comfort” and provides Congress the power to declare punishment”

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The total picture of Hillary Clinton’s treason includes many specific acts of treason against the United States, The final straw for me was the third debate. Just in the last eight years, she has armed, aided and abetted our enemies, both foreign and domestic. She has acted as a despot and has used her government positions to greatly benefit herself and the expense of America.

The deliberate leak is tantamount to  a specific act that invites war against the United States from foreign and domestic enemies.

18 U.S.C. § 2381 specified the Congress’  punishment:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Death, imprisonment for not less than five years, a fine of not less than $10,000, and forbidden from holding any office under the United States.




The Clinton Foundation, shown in the above diagram h/t twitter, combined with Hillary’s deceptively deliberate installation of an insecure server in her private home, use of multiple insecure mobile devices, destruction of evidence, and potentially leak of information causing the exposure and death of U.S. intelligence or military personnel meets the criterion of Treason. The Clintons were the gateway to the entire U.S. government for our enemies.

Donald Trump is correct: Hillary should not be allowed to run for office.

The Accomplices to Treason

Because she has been allowed to run for office amidst this treason further acts to expose each and everyone of Hillary Clinton’s enablers in this crime of treason:

The media who deliberately make up preposterous, slanderous stories, lie about and distort the truth with an agenda that is at best hostile to the American people.  These include both networks and members of the mainstream media, government officials at all levels  and in every branch of government, judges, Congress, K Street and foreign lobbyists, both political parties, and many more known and unknown.

I guess they must have chosen to all go down together as a group in this exposure of these connections

What is both glorious and terrifying in this rarefied 2016 election has been the explosion of Truth.  through the courage of us all inspired by  the campaign by Donald Trump for America.  It is literally America/Donald Trump versus foreign and domestic interests that are actually not aligned with America.  They are serving a different god agenda.

poster elites

(h/t Twitter)

There are potential known racketeering offenses here, but many individuals have made war against the states of the United States.  There is video evidence of collusion. The most stunning part of this is the  accomplices to and perpetrators of Treason that accompany the Clinton network don’t seem to realize that the American people know what has happened and are not falling for their cover up.

The Responsible American Action

Even in the context of promised vote rigging, there is only one choice before you.Remember that is your vote, but our country.

We have a criminal running for president in Hillary Clinton who is a danger to our National security.  Whether her probable illnesses are keeping her off the campaign trail now, I would hope that there is a national security aspect to her sequestration so she shuts the f*** up about her national security and military secrets.

Obama, Biden, Bill Clinton, Warren should get back to work, shut up about the guy who follows him with nuclear codes, get the heck out of sight, and sit down, respectively. They are all knowingly abetting the felonies and Treason of Hillary Clinton. Misprision of Felony, anyone?

The responsible American action is to do everything possible to stop the corrupt and criminal enterprise running politicians and officers in all branches of government.

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (18 U.S.C. § 4)

We cannot retreat, there will be no surrender, and there are no regrets.

What do we have to lose?

Jeremiah 9 2-9

Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men.

And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the Lord.

Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.

And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.

Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.

Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, I will melt them, and try them; for how shall I do for the daughter of my people?

Their tongue is as an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in heart he layeth his wait.

Shall I not visit them for these things? saith the Lord: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?



Clinton Scandals Update

©2016 drkate

Well it looks like sick, collapsing Hillary has lasted a little while longer, long enough to prevent the Democrats from winning the election by substituting a more palatable and less embarassing candidate.  The sad reality is that Hillary Clinton does not care about the country, she just wants to die as the first woman president of the United States. To Clinton, Americans are deplorables, irredeemables, and basement dwellers, or democrat voters who are for the most part, stupid, according to Clinton.

Clinton clearly cheated at the first debate, has purchased all the media, and is actively planning on stealing the election from not just Donald Trump, but we the people.

And here are the top 13 findings of the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton emails:

Revelation One: Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Would Forward Classified Emails To Her Yahoo! Email, Clinton Email And Anthony Weiner Campaign Accounts To Print Out For Clinton. “Since Clinton did not have a classified email account herself, all classified material went to her in hard copy—a process overseen by her executive assistants, Joe McManus and, later, Alice Wells. … Abedin, for her part, found that it was difficult to print from the State Department email system, so she’d often forward emails to her Yahoo email, accounts, or even another account that she’d previously used to support the campaign activities of her husband, Anthony Weiner.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Two: Clinton Forwarded Emails From Her Private Email Account To Clinton Family Staff To Print Out For Her To Read. “And there was a lot to print: Clinton didn’t like reading long emails—the BlackBerry font was too small—so she’d often forward such staff to staff to print. Deluged by tasks and information, Abedin reported that she’d often print and pass along documents to Clinton ‘without reading them.’ The FBI also uncovered hundreds of emails sent to one of the Clinton family’s staff on the domain requesting that he print emails for her to read.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Three: Clinton’s Personal Aide Monica Hanley Would Send State Department Emails To Her Personal Gmail Account To Print For Clinton To Read Even While She Was Overseas. “And there was a lot to print: Clinton didn’t like reading long emails—the BlackBerry font was too small—so she’d often forward such staff to staff to print. … Printing problems dogged Clinton’s team as they traveled the world, too. While special Mobile Communications Teams would outfit hotel rooms overseas with computers hooked up to the State Department network for Abedin or Hanley to use, the FBI found, ‘it was not uncommon for [aide Monica] Hanley to use her personal Gmail account to print from the mobile DoS unclassified terminal because even though she was using a DoS computer, the DoS connection was unreliable.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Four: Clinton IT Aide Bryan Pagliano Went To Clinton Chief Of Staff Cheryl Mills Over Concerns On The Secret Email Server, But Mills “Dismissed The Worries, Saying Other Former Secretaries Of State Had Done The Same Thing.” “But not everyone at the State Department was pleased with the setup. At some point in the summer of 2009, two State IT specialists summoned Pagliano and asked whether he was aware of the domain. He said yes. When Pagliano relayed this to one of Clinton’s aides, that person, Pagliano told the FBI, had a ‘‘visceral’ reaction and didn’t want to know any more.’ Later in 2009 or early 2010, one of the same State Department employees asked Pagliano again about server, saying it might be a federal records-retention issue and asked him to relay that concern to Clinton’s ‘inner circle.’ Pagliano approached Cheryl Mills in her office and passed along the information. Mills dismissed the worries, saying other former secretaries of state had done the same thing.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Five: Top Clinton Aide Jake Sullivan Said “He Sometimes Used Gmail On Weekends Or While Traveling.” “[Sullivan] said he knew about records-retention rules, and so he didn’t delete anything from his email and he handed over his official papers when he left the State Department, but he also told the FBI he sometimes used Gmail on weekends or while traveling.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Six: Pagliano Did Not Install An Encryption System Onto The Private Email Server Because “He Figured There Wasn’t A Need For Encryption On A ‘Personal’ Server.” “[Pagliano] also never installed what was known as Transport Layer Security, which would have encrypted messages as they passed between the Clinton server and the State Department’s servers, telling the FBI that he figured there wasn’t a need for encryption on a ‘personal’ server.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Seven: Several State Department Staffers Had Their Personal Emails Hacked, With Email Settings Being Changed To Auto-Forward Incoming Mail To Other Accounts. “Yet across the department, email security concerns lingered through that spring of 2011. In February, several State Department employees had their personal Gmail and Yahoo accounts hacked after they responded to a ‘phishing’ email asking them to change their passwords. The hackers, unbeknownst to the employees, then changed the email settings to auto-forward copies of incoming mail to other accounts controlled by the intruders.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Eight: Clinton Aide Monica Hanley Transferred Clinton’s Emails Onto Apple Mail After She Switched Email Addresses. “The exposure of the email account encouraged Clinton’s aides to change the secretary of state’s address. Abedin selected, but the staff feared that they’d lose her existing emails when they changed addresses, so Monica Hanley retrieved an old MacBook laptop from Bill Clinton’s Harlem office and spent several days at her apartment transferring years of Hillary’s emails from the server files into Apple’s Mail program on the laptop.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Nine: Clinton “Didn’t Know How To Use A Desktop Computer.” “Yet something was going to have to change: Hillary Clinton, after all, didn’t know how to use a desktop computer.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Ten: Clinton Was Supposed To Work The Secure Fax Machine Herself, But Was So Technologically Un-Savvy She Relied On Staff To Operate The Machine. “Each secure room was also equipped with a secure fax, but while Clinton was supposed to pick up the faxes herself at home, she often struggled to use the technology and had to rely on staff for help operate the machines. As one aide described it, Clinton ‘wasn’t very tech savvy and would get frustrated with the process.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Eleven: All Clinton’s Emails Prior To March 18, 2009 Were Deleted When She Switched Email Accounts, Including All Emails From Her First Seven Weeks As Secretary Of State. “On March 18, 2009, Hillary Clinton stopped using her longstanding email,, and switched to a new account: When she switched accounts, all of her old email disappeared—including all of the email from her first seven weeks as secretary of state. To date, neither Clinton nor the FBI have located any of her email from that period.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Twelve: Many State Department Employees With Clinton’s Email Address “Didn’t Understand She Had A Private Server.” “While ‘at least a hundred, if not several hundred’ State employees had her address—emails from Hillary often arrived with just an ‘H’ in the ‘from’ field—and many of those employees, like Kennedy, were aware she used a personal email account, most didn’t understand she had a private server.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Thirteen: Top Clinton Aide Jake Sullivan “Said He Would Regularly Review ‘Situation Reports From Around The World In An Unclassified Email.’” “As for what arrived via unclassified email, Sullivan and Abedin both said, repeatedly, that they didn’t question the judgment of people sending that information and relied upon senders to properly mark sensitive information. Sullivan said he would regularly review ‘situation reports from around the world in an unclassified email.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Open thread!


Who Will Replace Clinton on the Dem Ticket?

©2016 drkate

On a day when we should be mourning Americans murdered on September 11, 2001 on that same day in 2012 in Benghazi, the democrats, Obama, and the Clintons made it all about them, again.  Fifteen years after 9-11 and four after the Benghazi murders the questions we have about who, what, where, and when are burning a hole in America’s heart.  But instead of a memorial, and a renewed focus on the 28 pages, the Bush-Clinton-Soros-Saudi Arabia-terrorist connections to these events, we have to witness an obviously sick Hillary Clinton being dragged into her secret service van unconscious!

The campaign of Clinton has been a deplorable display of her huge ego “entitled” to the presidency, the democrat’s incompetence, and the media shilling…she was well enough to cough her way out of difficult questions and insult Americans to take money Friday. And the media is more than happy to decry the conspiracy theories about her failing health. But the lies all crashed like the twin towers on September 11, 2016, and how fitting that a video captured the lie.  She can now blame the discovery of her serious health issues on a video…although we have known for a long time that something was wrong with her.

The symptoms…falling, coughing, hand gestures, swallowing disorder, and now Friday’s diagnosis of what is likely aspiration pneumonia–common to Parkinson’s disease victims–have all been laid out in videos and discussion forums which have resulted in the firing of at least one doctor for its disclosure.

Quick guide to symptoms we have seen:

It is interesting to note that in 2008, when we knew there was something wrong with Obama and his eligibility, that a book on Parkinson’s disease was found open on Barack Obama’s desk.  This lead to speculation that Obama was suffering from the disease…but now we know it was more likely that he was reading up on Clinton’s vulnerabilities, to be released if she pursued his “birther” problem.

If some of the signs we have seen in Hillary of Parkinson’s disease are those signs that appear as a result of medication, like the coughing spells or swallowing problems, then Miss Hillary has been sick for a long, long time.  The stint as Secretary of State likely only enhanced her disease due to the stress and traveling.  Were today’s “blue sunglasses” designed to avoid seizures? Is she also epileptic?

There is no slam of the disabled in this post whatsoever.  FDR was in a wheelchair, so is Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas.  But a question: even if Hillary was up front about her medical issues, and sitting in a wheelchair, could she handle the job of President of the United States?  Who would actually be running the country?

Emergency Meeting to Replace Clinton

Gateway Pundit is reporting that the democrats may call an emergency meeting to consider replacing Hillary Clinton on the ticket.  Lame Cherry has been suggesting this for a long time as the democrats, Clinton’s doctors, and her family could be accused of elder abuse and malpractice. But Clinton herself is not without blame as her ego and lust for power overrides her interest in serving America.

My own view is that everyone knew Clinton was sick but thought she could hang on to be elected and then die shortly after the November election or within a few months of taking office.  If the former, the House of Representatives led by Paul Ryan would choose the president; if the latter Tim Kaine would assume the responsibilities and pick be forced to take someone that will keep the elite agenda going.

On the other hand, perhaps this is just another part of the strategy to avoid debating Donald Trump and staying out of the limelight until the November election?  Or is it to replace her with Joe Biden who was always Obama’s preferred choice?  Could this be used to cancel or postpone the election?  Is this a last ditch effort to try to get Hillary elected on the sympathy vote?

And perhaps more to the point: is Clinton running for President in order to avoid criminal charges?  I don’t think for a minute that if elected President there would be any investigation of her or the Clinton Foundation.  Sure, the “republicans” will pursue “investigations”, but they will go nowhere and just serve up more theater.

Or, will she be replaced by a double?  Check out these photos taken approximately 3 hours apart today…Clinton at 911 ceremony and a few hours later, outside her daughter’s apartment:


Rehydrated and recovering nicely in three hours? Twenty pounds lighter in 3 hours?


Is this Hillary’s new double?


So let’s have a couple of polls:


Follow up questions…will the Dems play the “woman card”?  Would Bernie Sanders, who was bought off nicely, agree to stand in?  If he does, will he be assassinated?

Open thread for outside the box thinking…what are the elites up to?

Lyin’ Clinton-Cruz 2020!

©2016 drkate

Two snakes in the grass that deserve each other. But I have to admit that is a ‘catchy’ and truthful campaign title for a couple of the most profound lying politicians in the world!

Good bye to you both!

Oh by the way, Ted, you will never be eligible for the presidency, your senate seat is now at risk and you will have no supreme court appointment.  When you raise your hand to take an oath, who will ever believe you again?

Chris Christie on Lyin’ Ted


Ted Cruz made some powerful enemies last night!


Please use this open thread to document remarks on the distrusTED Cruz!  Already many say it was the longest political suicide note evah.



Clinton, Obama Condone the Murder of Americans

©2016 drkate

…and carry on as if nothing happened at all.

Not much comment except this picture. Pure evil, getting away with murder and smiling about it.

the fix is in



Open thread.

Trump Open Thread May 26, 2016

©2016 drkate

Donald Trump visits Montana today…

Flathead Lake, Western MT.

Flathead Lake and Mission Mountains, looking east,  Western Montana, 3/2016






Live from central Montana, 4 pm mountain, RSBN:

Thousands saw Trump in Billings!

billings rally


Open Thread!


The Interview

©2015 drkate

Even more information on the “story” of 911…we are getting much, much closer to the identities and cover up.  This interview is worth every second.

Open thread


Are they Surprised that Someone Actually LOVES AMERICA?

©2015 drkate

(…h/t, LC…)


“{whining}…no but wait, America is NOT great….waaaaa!!!”  ~Main stream media, democrats, republicans; Obama, Jarrett, Michelle, in response to Donald Trump’s thunderous unexpected arrival in 2015.

It is certainly interesting to observe the absurd reaction of the media, the politicos, and especially the establishment republicans to Donald Trump’s candidacy.  They are in a position of having defend their fear, hatred, and loathing of America and everything that makes her great, including rugged individualism.

The left has systematically been tearing America down with guilt, fear, and lies for so long, that when someone comes along who remembers who we are as America and where we have been as Americans they can’t handle the truth.

“The Donald” is who he is as a billionaire in part because of the opportunities of America in addition to his personal motivation, ambition and skills as an individual, and his family upbringing.  He is a magnet to many who are fed-up with the endemic, fatal corruption of the D.C. district of criminals. He is not politically correct but he sure is right on target– Songbird McCain, illegal immigration, how money buys the decisions of presidents, and…much more to come.

I like the fact that he cannot be bought and that his first priority is America and Americans.  And I greatly appreciate that he’s pissing off the entire establishment and the elite.  But I think that the elite are not done with  us yet, and they will eventually realize that riots will erupt–with us going after them—if they assassinate Trump.

Will They* Crash the Economy to Defeat the People?

Of course.  The big prediction is for October, as observed this is a favorite time for the elites to wreak havoc on the U.S. economy.  Just before winter.  It will be a controlled demolition, enough to enslave but not enough to wipe all of us out.  Will they do this to try to wipe out Donald Trump?

Satan, and those ruled by him, knows his time is running short.  He and his minions have dominated the earth and our country for too long, and as the people slowly wake up to the true reality of the enslavement of the world by Satan’s chosen, evil wants to be so rooted that we are consumed by its ravages and unable to extract ourselves.

What Do We Have to Lose?

Actually, what more can we lose since everything is gone now.  There is absolutely nothing to gain from playing the same game with these politicos who run our lives…when you’re the frog in the pot of boiling water, do you think you can cut a deal or somehow you’ll escape?

There is nothing to lose by supporting someone like Donald Trump now, and supporting the idea and fact that its ok to tell the truth and to call it like you see it.  There is no more time for political correctness or hiding in your safe cocoon.

Time to break all the seals holding you down.

Open Thread.




Toppling the Ten Commandments

©2015 drkate

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 KJV

An Essay

For over a year this blog has occasionally published articles regarding various aspects of the spiritual battle that is referred to in the passage above.  With this vantage, one sees how how Satan, as god-small g- of this earth, has maneuvered all the peoples of the earth to follow him.  Most conspicuously is the ‘false god’ known as the federal god–which now is all-seeking-hearing-knowing in pretending to imitate the true God.  Most people now are more afraid of the federal government god than of the true God.

God's Ten

God’s Ten

So we are sent signs in the form of wars, false flags, asteroids, earthquakes…and sometimes they are have to be more blatant to register in people’s minds, like the toppling of a stone engraved with the Ten Commandments near the Supreme Court.

Actually we now know this attack on the Christian foundation of our nation and its laws has been underway for a long time.  In the Nation’s very Capitol, in the seat of the ‘highest court in the land’, references on the Supreme Court building murals to the Ten Commandments have been replaced by the Ten Amendments through the National Park Service with typically little media attention.

The federal god is a counterfeit to the real god, and in this world has supplanted the real God; man’s law has replaced natural law and God’s law. Of the monument toppled near the Supreme Court, the director said

…he spoke with the monument’s engineer, who said it would have taken leverage and a “herculean amount of strength” to wrench the stone off its base and bend a steel reinforcing rod so the monument could fall forward.

Who could have done that undetected?

Satan, and Satan’s chosen are the only ones who could have brought our America to the calamity it is in today.  In a snap of a finger, all the principles, morals, Christian foundations are tossed away like so much trash.
We are to beware of deception in these days, and of false gods appearing.  Satan cannot create so he has to counterfeit—even as to the signs of the end times.  Discernment is the most desperately needed tool, and when present, is a gift.
Satan knows his time is short.  Events are accelerating, and we are the witnesses.

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. Matthew 24:22 KJV

Open thread…

Eventually, Establishment R’s Will Go Bush

©2015 drkate

…and the rest of us will be bushwhacked once again.  A third ineligible entered the race in Rick Santorum, and I agree, the ineligibles are there as cover for Obama/Soetoro who is literally acting as pResident.  All we need is Jindhal to enter and all the so-called “conservative republicans” or “tea party favorites” will all be ineligible.

See how cleverly that shift has been played?  You can hear them saying

“…you conservatives and tea party people  didn’t really mean it on eligibility, did you?  what about your own guys…?”

All of this is choreographed to produce a ton of candidates, some as above, and others, as below, are all about protecting ultimately Jeb Bush, who I believe is the establishment’s choice.

Here are the eligible (so far) on the republican side:

  • Chris Christy
  • Rand Paul
  • Carly Fiorina
  • Ben Carson
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Scott Walker
  • Rick Perry
  • Jeb Bush

See how much “noise” Cruz, Rubio, and Santorum will add to the mix?  If they are the “true conservatives” they will be associated with ineligible candidates and the “moderates” will win.  I consider Rand a wildcard, just personal opinion.

So consider that it is our duty as Americans to vote, and that the “lesser of two evils” is still evil, that republican-democrat differences are a myth, but that “moderate republicans” are more blatantly democrats…and that until there is a written ballot again the machines will always be suspect.

I’ve prepared the following poll, then, from just the eligibles,  which you should take and look at the results, and then continue reading below.


Ok, so the republican nominees for President and Vice President will fall somewhere with the top two or three, if we leave this poll up long enough. But think about how the establishment republicans will make it fall to Bush?  What help will they get from the democrats?

I assert its time to seriously consider a write-in candidate for President and Vice President.  Remember the bottom line is we are talking about electoral vote, so its tops 13 states that control the electoral vote.  At a senatorial level Lisa Murkowski beat out the tea party favorite and primary winner with a write in ballot.  So we find the right candidates, print out the labels, and get them distributed everywhere.

So I am a dreamer, that is for sure.  But there is no reason on the local level and state level to start using this tool and stop re-electing the cowards and scoundrels.

Especially if the republican choice is Bush with, most likely, the “conservative ineligible”!!!

Open thread.


Jade Helm is Martial Law in Waiting

©2015 drkate

False_Flag_ConspiracyCardsThis blog, among many others, has covered the numerous false flags that have occurred in our country during the Obama regime…and in the process seen back through history of the number of times the American people have been treated as “collateral damage” in pursuit of an objective that is not ours.  In looking back, it was an unpleasant surprise to learn that false flagging is a characteristic of those who would enslave others for wealth and power. Just in the 20th century alone, there are dozens of events…all in deception and all leading to war.

Al of the accelerated events  of the Obama regime point toward the imposition of martial law, using a false flag event as the trigger.  Jade Helm has put in place the military and civilian forces that will enable martial law to definitely be triggered by our own government using someone, a foreign country, or an event of mass destruction to enable the military to round up civilians.

jade-helmThe name Jade Helm itself gives away the potential false flag event to be blamed on “domestic terrorists”–i.e., Christians, patriots, constitutionalists, and those who believe in the Second Amendment. JADE stands for Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution, and HELM stands for Homeland Extermination of Local Militants.  Will Canada help the U.S. enforce martial law?

But wait!  There’s an ISIS camp just across the border!  And North Korea or Russia Putin with EMP plans!  Will they attack?

It is of utmost importance to talk about, write about, and communicate about Jade Helm with everyone you can.  We must keep our eyes out for the false flags that are triggering events and make sure we resist any attempt to implement martial law.  Remember from history:

What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? ~ The Gulag Archipelago

The time is drawing near.  Where do you stand?

Open thread.


Equal Opportunity Usurpation

©2015 drkate

The reason why Ted Cruz must be declared eligible is because if he isn’t eligible then neither is the criminal impostor in the White House.

The republicans, never having been known for having a spine or truly standing up as conservatives now fancy themselves as equal-opportunity usurpers, a la Barack Obama.  Since 2008 the American people, elected state and federal cowards officials have had ample fact-based information regarding Obama’s ineligibility, though they tried mightily to scrub any historical, legal, factual, and documented proof of the requirements of Article II, Section 2, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution, case law, and the proof of forgery and deceit in the placement of Obama in the White House.

obama foreign policyAs if that information weren’t enough to show that Obama has no loyalty to the United States, we have his behavior over the last six years and current efforts to aid and abet our mortal enemies negotiate deals with hostile regimes.  Obama and the U.S. government have spent millions of dollars defending a fraud.

Now along come the republican wanna-be-Obamas:  Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindhal, Gary Johnson, Rick Santorum, and John McCain, heck lets include Schwartzeneger as well, throwing their usurpation hat into the ring.  The new motto of all of them is “we have to destroy the constitution to save it”.  What do you want to bet that all of these so-called candidates support an Article V convention that would eliminate the Natural Born Citizen requirement…a requirement enacted into the constitution by the founders to prevent invasion of the White House and control of our military by a foreign national?

This article tells the truth about it:

But, Cruz has taken the position that ‘natural born’ means he can change his citizenship at age 44 (he will be 45 in December) and magically turn himself into a natural born citizen. Well, Ted, it doesn’t work that way. Natural born means when you’re born. This doesn’t seem to matter to Cruz or some of his ardent supporters….the reporter asked one of Cruz’s supporters about his eligibility. The woman replied, “We don’t care. We want him as president.” Does that make her any different than the ethically bankrupt who have supported the fraudulent stealing of the office of president by Soetoro? It does not. That Cruz supporter is just as willing to crap on the Constitution as Barry’s supporters.

In my opinion, all of these false candidates are designed to distract us from who will be the final nominee–Jeb Bush.  And to that extent, their claims of being patriotic and for the people are all 100% false–no matter how much you like them.  Even Rand Paul, who actually is a NBC, is covering for Bush.  Remember how he threw his support behind Mitt Romney just as his father was gaining real traction.

What about Hillary Clinton?  “So full of scandal that she doesn’t have a chance, you say”?  That’s the point, people are deadened to scandal, so they don’t care if on her watch thousands of people were murdered, a U.S. Ambassador was sodomized and brutally murdered, and of course billions of dollars disappeared.  It is now totally possible for the democrats to simply laugh away the scandals as “republicans once again just trying to damage her”.  And Elizabeth Warren?  Ms. Pocahontas is just another distraction, trying to sound so bad-ass about banks.  R i g h t …

Don’t spend your money on any of them, save it and prepare yourselves and families for what’s ahead.  We don’t have a choice.  Do your voting, but write in your choice.  At the local level, develop those write in candidates—. Be part of the solution, don’t perpetuate the problem.

Its time for all of us to get straight and in line with the true God, not the false, counterfeit government god or these false “candidates”.  Remember this is the time when all the false prophets appear, singing the siren song to lull you to sleep.  If you have learned anything from these pages and this blog since 2009, you know that is is time to now disengage from this nonsense.


Open thread.

The Agenda and the Muslim Brotherhood

©2015 drkate

Its never too late to watch this again.

Now add the Muslim threat to America brought on by Obama’s loyalty to them over the United States, and you have the final chapter.  The Muslims–ISIS, Al Queda, etc., are inventions of the cartel, used as tools to bring down civilization (h/t QL).

Open thread!

Communist Party Endorses Clinton, Democrats

©2015 drkate

The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.  (read here.)

We already knew that Obama is a card-carrying member of the Communist party, with an affection for radical islamocommunist or islamofascist movements.  And we learned in the 1950’s that the socialist candidate for president dropped his bid because he felt that the Democrat party had turned to socialism and would carry the agenda forward.  And Hillary Clinton could very well be worse than Obama, finishing off the nation. Still old candidates and old ideas, the ‘trash bin of history’ ideas..

communists and clinton

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have job programs for everyone but Americans…

jobs for isis

Anyone ever wonder why Congress behaves as a bunch of inbred, insane, individuals? Its because they are!

Open thread!


©2014 drkate

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Benjamin Franklin

Think about the last six years of the Obama administration and its “lurching” from one planned catastrophe and false flag to the next.  Intimidation by false flag, the looting of America and Americans, IRS, EPA, DOJ, CIA, FBI, DHS targeting of individuals, schools, and whole communities, and the role of the White House and/or Department of Justice in nearly every suspicious murder afflicting high-profile reporters, political figures, state officials, international political figures, and even Hollywood actors, adds up.  Each of those murders were of people who knew something about the truth of the overthrow of the united States and the false identity of the man calling himself “Obama” and his parental lineage.

In my view, we are counting down now to the great reckoning, the punishment, the thrashing of all those who would plunder, pillage, and destroy God’s people and this earth.  Time is almost irrelevant…but I am confident that these transgressions will not be tolerated any more.

It is easy to see those who are doing Satan’s work, the characteristics are clear:

  • Statements and pronouncements are based on lies.  You know what they say about lies, right? Say a lie often enough and people begin to believe it; the “big lie” (e.g., Obama’s claim of constitutional eligibility) is easier to believe than the small lie.  Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44).
  • Refusing to see the truth, to learn, to read. Like the Congress debating obamacare, or like any other bill that has been passed in both state and national legislatures, nobody cares to read the things they are voting on.  Yet so many people have an opinion on things they haven’t studied or understand. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6);  willful ignorance, no love for the truth (Thessalonians 2:10)
  • Practicing Deception.  This is in large part the “practice” of the trade of being a lawyer.  Twisting words and concepts..Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered (Luke 11:52)
  • “Demonizing” Opponents.  Good and descriptive word, eh?  The things that are said against people who oppose any regime, or a lie told by a politician, do indeed attack on personal levels, levy charges and accusations, name-call, and otherwise try to ruin the credibility of that individual or group. In other countries, and sometimes in our country, if these techniques do not work people are just murdered.  Jesus said that during the end times his people will be killed who speak His name” (Matthew 10:22), but those who endure to the end will be saved.
  • Making War.  All wars are based on lies and deception, and most often they are power plays among the elite using us regular people as ‘collateral damage’ that is irrelevant to them.  How many millions were starved by Stalin?  How many Americans died in the Civil War, which was touted as about “slavery” when the true cause was an economic war between barons?  Remember that the states had every right under our constitution to secede from the Union, and the North did not have the right to force a union back at the point of a gun.  There will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet (Matthew 24:6).

These are just a few characteristics that make it clear that the individuals and organizations practicing these techniques are doing the work of Satan.  You can call it the “new world order”, but I call it Satan’s work, accomplished by Satan’s chosen.  Think of who they are:  the international financiers, the politicians, Monsanto and other like-minded corporations affecting the very lives and of individuals, government agencies run amok, the military industrial complex, all the King’s and Queen’s men, Hollywood “stars”, the media moguls, and the lefties.  The Churches have failed to inform their flocks of these truths, they have been deceived, and many no longer serve God.

What is clear is that as the end times begin, that so much truth will be exposed and that Satan’s chosen will also “come out of the closet” for all to see.  Many will intentionally remain ignorant because they don’t want to see the truth.  The lies will spread like topsy and the faces of sin exposed.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”~Plato

Take your stand in the light, persevere, remain steadfast and true, know God.



Open thread!

Christmas or Holiday?

©drkate 2014

Gee, we’ve just finished ‘black Friday’ and already the commercial rush for Christmas is on.  Or not.

Or is it the politically correct, cultural Marxist  “holiday rush”?


christmastree holiday tree

Open thread!


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