Archive for the 'Threats' Category

“Additional Chances for Mischief”

©2016 drkate

Mr. Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, then forwarded the email to Mrs. Clinton’s inner-circle and added: “Additional chances for mischief.”

The email in question is the one from assistant attorney general Peter Kadzik to his friend John Podesta, providing inside information to the Clinton campaign as to the status the the Justice Department’s actions.  Kadzick is Justice’s “liaison” to Congress regarding the FBI study of Hillary Clinton’s emails, and is a Clinton insider.

Trump, campaigning in  Florida spoke about this and asked the audience: “…and these are the people who want to run our country?”


Whether it be the strategic releases of Wikileaks, a new American Revolution with, and/or the Hand of God, the veil has been lifted ever so slightly on the corruption that underlies the the utterly contemptuous, unconstitutional, and evil  “politics”  that have hijacked our government. The stench of this corruption is wide, deep, sour, hot.

I’m not sure any of us understand how serious, dire, dangerous, and urgent a situation we are in right now. The kind of information that is being exposed is something we were never supposed to see. It is exactly like a film produced by a twitter author pointing out that “the civilian film of Hillary collapsing was something we never would have seen if it hadn’t been for somebody catching it on an iphone.  And that the failure of the democrats to replace Clinton then was evidence they were going to rely on vote fraud for her (s)election.”

What kind of party puts a cadaver up for election??

Literally, she is “dead” to America because of her ability to be blackmailed by whoever has those emails.  Clinton’s server was every foreign government’s back door into the entire U.S. government. Even if she wanted to serve America, she couldn’t: this was her career, pay to play for all official and unofficial acts.

More Mischief: The Rinos Still Want Hillary

Republicans like Ryan all still want Hillary elected because they can spend all their time strutting around endlessly “investigating” Clinton, never getting anywhere, and giving her all she wants on her agenda.  Forget helping America, its ‘send me more money to stop Clinton’ for the next four years.  These so called congressman are irrelevant to America and should be swept away over the next four years in our strategic voting effort.

Clearly there is more opportunity for mischief before the election on Tuesday, and the elite are desperate.  We hope the house of cards falls inward.

While it may look like all of the corrupt are willing to let Hillary take the fall for everyone’s corruption, there will surely be no escape for the enablers.  Prepare for a rough weekend, but keep your eyes on the prize.  Prepare for voter theft, but know in your heart Mr. Trump will fight it because he will not roll over for election theft.

And at the same time as this danger is a tremendous opportunity  to “walk away”—what is that step in The Art of the Deal—and begin anew.  I do agree that after November 8 we will never be the same again.

The Agenda and the Muslim Brotherhood

©2015 drkate

Its never too late to watch this again.

Now add the Muslim threat to America brought on by Obama’s loyalty to them over the United States, and you have the final chapter.  The Muslims–ISIS, Al Queda, etc., are inventions of the cartel, used as tools to bring down civilization (h/t QL).

Open thread!

Communist Party Endorses Clinton, Democrats

©2015 drkate

The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.  (read here.)

We already knew that Obama is a card-carrying member of the Communist party, with an affection for radical islamocommunist or islamofascist movements.  And we learned in the 1950’s that the socialist candidate for president dropped his bid because he felt that the Democrat party had turned to socialism and would carry the agenda forward.  And Hillary Clinton could very well be worse than Obama, finishing off the nation. Still old candidates and old ideas, the ‘trash bin of history’ ideas..

communists and clinton

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have job programs for everyone but Americans…

jobs for isis

Anyone ever wonder why Congress behaves as a bunch of inbred, insane, individuals? Its because they are!

Open thread!

Democrats Own Him

©2014 drkate

How would you like to be in a position to tell your grandchildren you supported the man who ruined America?  Who, while she was down, kicked and maimed, invaded and ridiculed her, and stole all her wealth for his personal gain?  Who paraded an example of lawlessness throughout the world, and sent our soldiers to their deaths with both hands tied behind their backs?  Do you think your grandchildren will thank you or revile you?

Well get used to it democrats, YOU OWN OBAMA!  😆   🙄

Remember, the man is slipping mentally.

But I bet the dems blame anyone else but themselves for the mess he’s created.


democrats own him

(h/t FoxyLadi)

Open season thread on the imposter!


Trouble for Birther Obama

©2014 drkate

obama-texasDoes anyone remember who the original birther was?  Why, it was that great usurper himself, Barry Soetoro Obama.  He, McCatskill and Clinton sponsored Senate Resolution 511 paving the way for the constitutionally-ineligible John McCain to run for President in 2008…and in doing so made sure that McCain could never raise the issue against Obama.  It was a ‘gentleman’s agreement between thieves.

Well, more people keep dying  by Obama’s multi-million dollar effort to buy off or threaten judges, to create the standing barrier against Americans challenging his eligibility, and to continue to wreak havoc on America as only a foreign agent can.  The infamous 2011 forged birth certificate, completed just in time to attempt to nullify Jerome Corsi’s work, had to be covered up again with the re-killing of Osama Bin Ladin.

Obama has a trail of dead people behind him, those who conveniently had to die to cover up the lie of his very existence and identity.  History will not be kind to this man-child, nor to those who stupidly enabled him and defend him still.

And now, the latest death of Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii Department of Health Director, is being exposed as occurring under very suspicious circumstances–in plane sight.  Look at and examine this video and the articles in this blog to quickly catch up to speed on this very deadly game being played by whoever is in the White House.

What do YOU see?

Open thread on the usurper!  😡

The Stooge Follies

©2013 drkate

Off his rocker?

Off his rocker?

Obama is so immature that he stomps his feet, gets all vindictive, and directs the National Park Service to hurt as many Americans as possible…just because America wants to put some constraints on his tempestuous, traitorous behavior.  Shutting down everything American as he sends millions of dollars to his Muslim buddies around the world.  This man and his administration hates America so much that he is willing to kill, to lie, to deceive to get his way.  The buffoonery knows no end with the stooge in charge at the White House.

How Obama continues to hurt America:

Closing national monuments to veterans

Cancer treatments–cancelled

Therapy dogs not allowed to see patients

Priests threatened with arrest if they minister to servicemen during the shutdown

Blocking roads so that Americans can’t even take pictures of Mt. Rushmore from outside the park

The CIA, NSA, and FBI warning they can’t spy on protect Americans in the shutdown

And the treasonous media complies with the brat and blames the Tea Party.

Barack Hussein Obama is mentally ill.  Time to invoke the 25th Amendment–and remove him  from office.

Open thread on all things Obama: buffoonery, debauchery, and stooges

“No Guns for Negroes”

©2013 drkate

This is the legacy of the democrats and Obama.

Hiding in plain site, and repeating history.

Open thread.

Murder by Government

©2013 drkate


(video h/t Jan)

Now is NOT the time to succumb to this pressure.  De-fund and de-fang this government!

Remember who is actually running the guns and missiles–it’s the government, not the citizens.

Open Thread.

DNC Takes Off Without Obama

©2012 drkate

As the DNC takes off without Obama, the empty chair

Article II activists are busy letting everyone know that the Democrats have a problem, and so will every secretary of state if they certify Obama as eligible to be placed on their state’s ballot. Misprision of Felony is in everyone’s future, notwithstanding the poor job the judiciary did in ‘protecting’ Obama by violating the law.

The Article II SuperPac sent its CPD letter out early this week, followed by another terrific full page ad in the Washington Times. Meanwhile, attorney Larry Klayman sent a letter to Bob Bauer–Obama’s forger in chief–warning him of certifying Obama as eligible when there is no proof that he is…suggesting that charges of election fraud are forthcoming. And the Patriot’s Union has a great initiative underway that everyone can participate in…

And while you’re at it letting everyone know about Obama’s Achilles Heel, take a moment to caption this photo!

Open thread!  🙂

Killing to Win–Update

©2012 drkate

Update:  Who is the Colorado shooter?

A government operation?


The only thing shocking in this, is Janet Napolitano and the host of Obama psycho creators expected more of these “too much reality” delusional orbs to be acting out, and they have not. Tavistock and flouride have kept the lid on, even if Obama was viewing the American Tea Party as this Joker group and why ABC and the media have been given talking points to point all in that Sarah Palin direction. The Tea Party people though have God as their anchor point, while the Obama voters drift with his messiah, and the filtered few James Holmes just prey on others in small quantity.~ Lame Cherry

The liar

There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind right now that the cabal-backed Obama regime will stop at nothing to win the 2012 election.  The deliberate murder of innocent Americans is just part of the plan and is only masked by the way in which it is accomplished.  Whether its from deliberately poisoning the Gulf of Mexico, “breitbarting” dozens of individuals, letting terrorists into the United States to bomb airplanes or Times Square, sending our soldiers into kill zones with bean bags as weapons, shooting up people in a grocery store parking lot or a theater,  or allowing guns to walk to Mexico and back.  This is a murderous regime that doesn’t even pretend to hide it any more.

Try to wrap your arms around this America:  Americans are expendable, collateral damage, useless chattel to be herded into a corner and enslaved, jailed, shot, poisoned, or blown up.  For the boys like Obama, Holder, Jarrett, and Naps Napolitano, the ends justify all means.  And the end they seek is the end of America—a fundamental change where hope and change masked the intent to bind us in rope and chains.

While not excusing previous administrations of their false flag events, Obama’s murder false flag record is growing:

  • The Gulf of Mexico oil disaster
  • Airplane crash that killed the entire Polish government
  • Ft. Hood shooting
  • Giffords shooting in Arizona
  • The Occupy Wall Street movement
  • Bin Ladin’s re-killing
  • Deliberate flooding of the Missouri River in 2011
  • Assassination of mideast leaders, including the recent assassination of top officials in Syria’s government
  • Assassination of Andrew Breitbart
  • Fast & Furious
  • Drone porn
  • The Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting
  • etc., etc., etc.–a chilling display of  murder

That Eric Holder is Obama’s right hand conspirator in this effort is in perfect sync with Holder’s  involvement in the Oklahoma City bombing, the first WTC bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the Elian Gonzales fiasco.  None of this is by accident.  Beginning with the usurpation of the Presidency, the foreigner in the White House is actively waging war against Americans.  Stepping on the bodies of Americans is the only way he can lift his sorry ass.

Invariably, each of these false flags is designed to divert attention from one of two things:  (1) the destruction of the Constitution (free markets, free speech, 2nd Amendment), or (2) his birth narrative and foreign origin.  Does anyone think it just coincidental that the shooting in Colorado happened four days after Sheriff Arpaio’s latest press conference, where Obama’s so-called birth certificate was exposed as a definite forgery  or just a few days after the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of the U.S. Government was exposed?

Obama will make a personal inspection of the scene visit to Colorado to renew his call for destruction of the Second Amendment pay his respects to the victims.  This is like his drone porn–he has to go to the scene of a murder with blood dripping from his teeth and hands… something he is glad to see.  Watch his expression at the scene or when he speaks–it will be cold,calculating and without compassion.  Never let a good crisis go to waste.

The Colorado Shooting: Who Paid for the $20,000 in Military-Grade Equipment?

It is very likely that the Colorado shooting was a false flag event…and by discussing it as such does not diminish the tragedy of the losses suffered there.

While the cabal was expecting most Americans to go into a period of  grief counseling for those who lost their lives on July 20, some took a look at the suspicious reports immediately surfacing from the tragedy which indicates this was most likely a staged event.

  • First, we have the set-up or planting the idea.
  • Then, in an area usually crawling with police, there were none there in the area (h/t Tenacity)
  • Next we have the stories that he was a loner and this was ‘out of character’
  • But there was a witness, and it looks like he had accomplices
  • How did a poor Ph.D. student who had trouble finding work get $20,000 dollars of military-grade equipment, including guns, tear gas, gas masks, body armor, and sophisticated devices to booby-trap his apartment?
  • Was the shooter a part of the Black Bloc/Occupy Wall Street crowd?

“The Case for a Well-Armed Citizenry”

Why didn’t anyone go after the shooter in the theater?  Why didn’t anyone fight backAurora’s strict gun control laws  prevent the concealed carry of  weapons and provide strict registration requirements, but this did not prevent the shooter from legally buying guns and using them.

I cannot help but think, if one person in that audience was carrying a gun with them, that person could have saved lives. Unfortunately – despite what some of the Left have said – this tragedy is an example of the importance of our Second Amendment Rights.~CNS News

While Obama/Holder/Naps/Hillary will push for gun control, and the UN small arms treaty is up for HRC’s signature, the shooting in Colorado just reinforces the need for an armed citizenry.  History is replete with examples of the millions of people killed by their governments upon the confiscation of hand guns and passage of laws banning them.

Yes, concealed carry laws are about trust.  Law abiding citizens trust other law abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons responsibly.  And just as 71-year-old Samuel Williams did what he saw as his duty in the Ocala Internet Café, perhaps saving the lives and property of a dozen or more innocent victims, if he had been seated in the front row of the theater in Aurora, Colorado we might not be mourning so many deaths today.

Make no mistake–Obama will kill to win.

Lock him out, lock him up

A Legend in His Own Mind

©2012 drkate

Legend. In intelligence and espionage, a false biography or cover story, supplied mostly to illegals and sleepers, enabling them to live undetected within a foreign country. A legend may include a false trail created to cover a false or notional biography.

Millions know this man-child's life is a complete lie

Barrack Obama has something to cry about.  A legend in his own mind, a legend by the CIA, his tale is coming apart at the seams.  He is no longer able to live in America undetected, with a background so nefarious, so much of a big lie, that no one at first dared to believe it.  It is entirely plausible, in fact completely possible, that Barack Obama is a man that never was–pure fiction, created out of whole cloth.  No records can be fixed enough in time found on the man, and anyone who has gotten even close is now either dead, in jail, in a psych ward, or a bought off false-patriot.

There are many who have alluded to Obama’s likely CIA origin…how else are we to explain the conspiracy of silence that confronts our serious questions, proper legal actions, millions of letters to the elected cowards of our system trying to raise the issue of Obama’s ineligibility for office?  While I once thought Obama was the trojan horse, I now think that 911 was the trojan horse–if we could believe that a group of muslims did that damage, we would believe anything, including the fact that a foreigner now sits in the White House and the entire Constitution is on its head.  Remember that the entire Al Queda apparatus was also a legend creation of the CIA.

As we have discussed in several posts on this blog, America was betrayed long ago by the bankers and international financiers whose main objective was to control the money of every society. In accomplishing their goals, they are the ones who brought us wars, political assassinations, the sinking of the Titanic and Lusitania, and propped up dictators on both sides of every single war that has befallen this earth.

Sixty years later, the same Wall Street bankers and oil magnates who supported Hitler and eventually needed to get rid of the Frankenstein monster they had created, faced a similar problem. Now the CFR conspirators were pushing hard to impose the New World Order upon the American people, and for this final, decisive phase of their plan, they need in the White House a psychopath — a Hitler, a Stalin, a Castro — who cannot sway or hesitate when the time comes for him to take the drastic decisions that this moment will require.

Obama was recruited by Brzezinski, as one of the major jobs of any Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member is to recruit agents:

Barack Hussein Obama was perfect for the job. In the first place, he was a pot-smoking nonentity lacking in principles and ethics, not very clever and with an immense ego and ambition. As an added bonus, he exhibited the traits of the psychopathic behavior, a requisite for that type of job. Consequently, the CFR conspirators contacted the CIA, an organization they control, and ordered their secret agents in the Agency to create for their new recruit what in intelligence and espionage is called a “legend.”


CFR agents at the CIA proceeded to create a man that never was in order to sell it to the self-righteous, naive and gullible American public. To this effect, they falsified Barry Soetoro’s documents, including his birth certificate, social security card, school and university records, and places of residence. Of course, things like high school and college records are very difficult to falsify, because eventually somebody is going to check them against the original documents. Consequently, they froze Obama’s records to keep them out of the hands of researchers.


Probably one of the reasons that tipped the balance in Obama’s favor was that he was not born in America, and he profoundly hated everything American, particularly its Constitution and culture.

The knowing liar

The article from which I quote, Obama: The Man Who Never Was, (h/t Lame Cherry) is ruthlessly efficient in demonstrating how Obama can never be impeached, and is not necessarily a manchurian candidate, in the ‘classic’ sense.  He never took the oath of office; he initially never lied about his birthplace–Kenya–although now he is caught up in the lie about Hawaii; he has never cited the pledge of allegiance properly.  He can be prosecuted once he leaves office, if he ever leaves, but the entire crowd of cowardly politicians, the judiciary, the media are just as treasonous in their ignorance as those who outwardly commit assassinations and conspire to overthrow a country.


In desperation to throw law enforcement in the name of Sheriff Joe Arpaio off his trail, Obama’s lawyers now claim his birth certificate is not relevant to his eligibility–because no state requires that proof specifically for his candidacy. Sort of a nice way to side-step it beinga forgery, eh? To pull this stunt now is what they had planned all along–convince the gullible Americans that being ‘born in the USA’ was the only significant factor in determining eligibility, and now force us to take his word for it. We Constitutionalists warned all of those who would latch on to, or choose to ignore, the birth certificate!  “Natural born citizen’ does not mean ‘born in the USA’.

We know what natural born citizen means, and birth place is not the only determinant of that characteristic of Article II.  Our cowardly Congress has failed to live up to that constitutional definition, and failed to properly disqualify Obama from that office despite numerous opportunities to do so.  Those empty-headed men and women in black robes won’t hear the issue and delight in disparaging Americans. This is treason. Servando Gonzales:

The true guilty parties are the Congress, the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice and the sycophantic mainstream press for having relinquished their obligations to uphold the Constitution and address the legitimacy of the man currently residing in the White House.

The republicans don’t want to raise this issue, they just want to win the presidency so they can sweep it under the rug, hiding their own complicity in this matter.  And it goes further back than Obama…think 911, think of what the CIA has gathered on each of the members of Congress.

And if Congress is so inept because the CIA has ‘the goods’ on them, what are they doing in office in the first place.  Why do we keep electing these people?

It is time to call it what it is.  Why continue to support this government?  Why continue to elect traitors, or let the media lie?  Boycott all of their advertisers, turn your backs on them wholly.  We don’t need permission from any court of law–treasonous court of law–to begin to exert our God-given rights.

What don’t they want us to see?

©2012 drkate

The race card is a distraction.  And it looks like they’ve succeeded, again.

Cruising the internet in the last few days there are hundreds of articles on Trayvon Martin case, interracial violence, the history of racial relations in the United States,and the general level of violence existing in America.  This blog also took the time to discuss black-on-black violence.

If there was one article that knocked me back out of this focus on race, it was American Thinker’s article on Obama and the End of the Progressive Era, spurring conversations with friends reminding me of the distractions the left always provides to hide their true agenda.  While everyone is talking about the race card failing, and it being worn out, it actually has successfully diverted our attention again.

So what don’t they want us to focus on?

  • Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation of the illegality of Obama…the first law enforcement investigation to prove what we’ve known for a long time–that everything about Obama is fake.  The Arizona legislature is still holding up the eligibility bill, and our attention has been taken away from existing Arizona law (A.R.S. 16 311(B)) which requires Obama to submit a notarized form swearing he meets the qualifications of the office for which he is running…to wit, on December 13, 2007, Obama signed a form which falsely swore he was a natural born citizen.  Governor Jan Brewer was then the AZ Secretary of State.  The citizen petition that will bypass Governor Brewer has been signed by more than 1,000 people, and is headed to the Secretary of State and the AG, but the AG is now under criminal investigation.
  • Related to Obama’s lack of eligibility, several Indiana democrats were charged with voter fraud that occurred in 2008, where they forged hundreds of signatures to get Obama on the ballot.  Yes, the forging was ‘equal’ in that they did this for Clinton and Edwards, but you know who the real forging was for–Obama.  Just like the passport case.
  • Again related to Obama’s lack of constitutional eligibility, the document proving he was born in Kenya and came to the United States as an infant in August 1961 was uncovered in the Boston Public Library by the Daily Pen.
  • The ‘FED’ bought 61% of the U.S. Debt, in otherwords, WE bought the debt created by the politicians.  This is Bernacke’s  ‘quantitative easing installment no 3’ (QE 3).  This guarantees that illegal income taxes and other taxes will have to rise, further enslaving Americans…i.e, gas prices, electricity, food–all inflation based because ‘we’ bought the debt created by the politicians.
  • The SCOTUS discussion of Obamacare, where it was fairly clear that the Justices have a problem with the lack of constitutionality of the entire bill, particularly the mandate.  Obama’s reversal of his attack on Clinton’s health care plan and Obama’s threatening the Supreme Court on ‘judicial activism’ or overturning a ‘democratically passed’ bill by the supermajority left in Congress–and against the will of the American people
  • Obama’s threat to the Supreme Court over Obamacare
  • The pressure on Syria and the now funding and arming of the Syrian muslim brotherhood rebels
  • The Muslim Brotherhood running its financier candidate for President in Egypt, despite promises not to run a candidate, and the ‘shock’ of the Obama administration which armed and trained them
  • The civil war in Libya and the US involvement in Kaddafi’s murder
  • Obama’s ‘hot mic’ treason confession to the Russian president, which further masks Obama’s intent to steal the 2012 election
  • The fact of Republicans once again making a deal so that they run a nobody who (a) has no chance to beat Obama, or is (b) exactly the same as Obama, still controlled by the FED and international financiers, giving Americans once again the choice between the ‘lesser of two evils’
  • Obama accusing the republicans of that which he is a proponent of–social darwinism (that was bold)

The Anti-Christ Exposed

Don’t forget that all of this is trying to hide the fact that ‘anti-christ’ thinking has been exposed–in the luciferian bankers and politicians, the ‘left’, the muslims, the ‘progressives’, and all those lying wonders we have been warned about.  It may not be one individual at all, but a whole way of being mastered by multiple entities and individuals.  Which means we are completely vulnerable to deception by great ‘lying wonders’ produced by all of them–earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, even UFO’s–a Nazi technology.

All roads still lead back to Rome, the Jesuits, and the luciferian army which is having a field day with our confusion.  It is intentional.

Keep your eyes and ears wide open lest we fall to the temptation of minutiae which means nothing in the larger scale of things.  We ARE in the end-times, keep your focus on the true God.

What else are we missing and not supposed to see?

What about Black on Black Violence, Sharptobama?

©2012 drkate

Yes, now how many black people are killed by black people who Reverend Sharpton or Obama do something about?  Should Sharpton be arrested for inciting violence?

Right, Trayvon is going out for Tea and Skittles.  Hmm.  Has a fight club too, where he praises the white boy for kicking the black kid in the head.

What about the Chicago slum lord, Valerie Jarrett, serving as de-facto president while Obama naps in his TV room?  And Obama’s role in perpetuating dangerous, murderous housing conditions for black people in Chicago?

Its only a matter of time before real Americans who happen to be black wake up and see how these people are using them, and will throw them under the bus anytime they get a chance to.

The hypocrisy and racism of the Obama-Holder-Jarrett-black panther crowd is stunning. This is their plan for re-election? Keep your powder dry, Patriots!

Open thread.

Obama Can’t Hide Anymore

©2012 drkate

The usurper thought he could hide his true intentions, identity, and idiocy from the American people, but he has failed miserably.  When one is so arrogant as to be transparent in his hatred of America, Americans and in particular, white people, one’s own shit eventually lands on one’s own head.  Obama could never have made it without assistance, and those who have enabled this treachery are also now exposed and subject to criminal charges due to their mistake in releasing this menace upon America.

Let’s make a list:

  • Obama was always a foreign student, took scholarship money and had his way paved for him…it is doubtful he wrote his own papers or got any grades for authentic work. By his own word, he was a foreign student. He told the postman.  We don’t need the Occidental records, his Columbia Records, or his Harvard records.  We know he is the worst kind of user.
  • Obama’s life has been a fiction of all the radical elements in America– the Weathermen Underground, aka Bill Ayers and the countless other jailed criminals who blew up federal buildings and killed policemen for fun,  counterfeited hundreds if not thousands of fraudulent identities, arranged marriages of convenience, and created false selective service registrations and birth certificates –the latter a particularly specialized known practice of the WU as they wandered around graveyards and hung out at vital statistics offices around the country in the 1970’s
  • Obama is very likely CIA sponsored, backed and covered for.
  • Obama is a muslim practicing taqiyya 
  • Obama is a foreigner and may never have been a U.S. citizen–by his own admittance his father was born british–and thus so was he–became Kenyan, and Obama was adopted by and became an Indonesian citizen.  He never had a U.S. passport–otherwise Lt. Quarles Harris would still be alive.  We don’t need to see the passport records, we already know.
  • Obama is betraying America through all of his actions–whether its giving secrets of our allies to his muslim brothers; killing our servicemen by illegally sending them into war and then disarming them; whispering on an open mic about his very obvious and treasonous plans to destabilize our own defenses
  • Obama is a serial liar who will stop at nothing to hide the truth about a gimmick meant to distract Americans from his fraudulent identity
  • Obama’s election strategy for 2012 will be to run against America–SCOTUS, Congress, Republicans, women, conservatives, white people, wall street–using the race card, false flags, and healthcare warfare, hoping to declare martial law when his thug supporters have caused enough flashmobs, murder and mayhem on American streets
  • Obama is loathed.  Americans want to see him on trial for his crimes; his handlers probably want him out of the picture in a dramatic way that ensures their control.

The establishment republicans, the democrats, and the Congress are entirely complicit in this attack on America and do not have my consent to continue.  They must all resign and be replaced starting now.  Start your recall proceedings in each state now, and don’t forget to include the judicial cowards.

Obama and his entire crowd are “merchants of despair”:

Who would you deport?  Who would you prosecute, fine, and jail?  Who should pay the ultimate price for the betrayal of America?

Following Orders–Udate

©2012 drkate

Nothing on his desk.

Nothing in his head or on his mind.

The usurper, used to overthrow the Constitution by a crowd of Nazis.

Photo h/t Jan

Notice his new spiffy Nazi armband (h/t Durus)

Do we need any more evidence of who this man-child is, occupying our land?

For those of you who questioned the ‘authenticity’ of this Nazi armband ‘photo’, and didn’t care to appreciate the symbolism, perhaps this photo will do the trick (h/t Bill):

Something stinks..Obutt and the obots, front and center!

Open thread!

Why the Militia?

©2012 drkate

After the Georgia court’s decision, why not the militia?

Malihi is a traitor and has blatantly violated his OATH OF OFFICE, if you ever signed one. I call for his resignation from the bench. You are unworthy sir and have betrayed our constitution, our republic and the PEOPLE who are your employers. You are a de facto government agent, incapable of making an impartial finding of fact or determination of law…a disgrace. When a man is incapable of putting his own personal interest, even under duress, beneath that of his oath of office, then he must recuse or resign. You fail to do the first and now it is time you did the latter. (~h/t reader Tenacity)

As reader Troy points out, however, Malihi left the door wide open for the case to go up to the U.S. Supreme Court, knowingly or not.  When it gets before SCOTUS, we do expect them to rule in the Obutt’s favor, because to do otherwise would convict Chief Justice Roberts of treason for knowingly swearing in a usurper.  That will be our signal.

In 1789, Thomas Jefferson warned that the judiciary, if given too much power, might ruin our Republic and destroy our rights:

“…the Federal Judiciary: an irresponsible body, working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one…it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we are separated…”

Like Judge Carter, Judge Malihi woke up one recent morning with a bloody horse’s head in his bed, and decided to save his life and his paycheck instead of uphold the law and rule properly in favor of the Constitution for the united States of America.  The state and citizens of Georgia were unmercifully threatened…and promised nuclear power plants (aka union jobs)….if….

Waking up to corruption in America is nothing new, and after years of battling the most corrupt administration in our history, led by a usurper, we find the judiciary, and the 99% of attorneys and law schools in this country, are corrupt to the core…intent upon destroying our republic.  Appeals of course are possible, and I suppose if the GA Secretary of State has not found a horse head yet in his bed, he could ignore Malihi’s  administrative ruling…but this is the power of a usurper and his accomplices to ruin our country.

If the source of your wealth and power has been a gullible public, you will not want someone interfering with your racket.  Politicians are criminals who use deceit and deception to separate great numbers of people from their money and power.  Bureaucrats are people who trade in their conscience for the security of a paycheck and benefits  Beneficiaries of government are those who trade their votes for goodies promised by the politicians.  The major media are the communicators who lie for a living.

The Militia is a Constitutional Defense ForceA well regulated Militia is necessary to the security of a free State.

The Militia are a threat to Obama and all those who gave us this $14 trillion dollar debt, over one hundred thousand dead in no-win Korean, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the terrorist IHS, DHS, Department of Justice and the attacks of 911. Thinking Americans know those who believe political propaganda are the most dangerous people in the world.


At various show times over the next few weeks, drkates Revolution Radio will be reading excerpts from Red Beckman’s “Why the Militia”.  These shows will likely be recorded at odd hours–due to my schedule–but will be available as archived material for your review.

With Red Beckman’s permission, Drkatesview is also pleased to offer “Why the Militia” at special discounted rates.  A reader suggested that each of us adopt our local sheriffs and give them a copy of this book.  If you are interested in purchasing a copy, kindly let me know in the comments or email me at Purchase prices are based on the number of books you buy, and range from $4-$8 plus postage.

In the meantime, lets use this thread to discuss some pro-active actions we can take at our state levels to begin to start nullifying unlawful federal actions.  Georgia’s ‘lack of courage is not enough to stop any of us in our tracks.  We true Patriots love America too much to let her fall by the hands of tyrants. Think strategy!

Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed: for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~Joshua 1:9

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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