Archive for the 'buffoon barry' Category

Obama’s Criminal Espionage

©2017 drkate

On Sunday morning, the White House released a statement indicating that the president would ask the congressional committees investigating Russian hacking theories to add the question of “whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.”

nyt article on wiretaps

Yes, Obama did tap Trump’s phones.   And he’s done it before.

Of course you can imagine if the story was the other way around, and Trump tapped the phones or otherwise conducted surveillance on Clinton or Obama.  But unlike the entire Obama administration, President Trump does not think like a criminal.  Obama, however, misused the entire US surveillance apparatus to spy on and undermine candidate and now President Trump.

Remember, Trump was not supposed to win the election so Clinton would have kept all the paper trail of this criminal activity hidden.  But President Trump now owns all the records of the U.S. government, including the warrants used to get “court authority” to spy on Trump, Flynn, Sessions, and so many others.

The stories currently are three-fold: first, that Obama’s team tried to get a warrant from a regular, Article III federal court on Trump, and was told no by someone along the way (maybe the FBI), as the evidence was that weak or non-existent; second, Obama’s team then tried to circumvent the federal judiciary’s independent role by trying to mislabel the issue one of “foreign agents,” and tried to obtain a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act “courts”, and were again turned down, when the court saw Trump named (an extremely rare act of FISA court refusal of the government, suggesting the evidence was truly non-existent against Trump); and so, third, Obama circumvented both the regular command of the FBI and the regularly appointed federal courts, by placing the entire case as a FISA case (and apparently under Sally Yates at DOJ) as a “foreign” case, and then omitted Trump’s name from a surveillance warrant submitted to the FISA court, which the FISA court unwittingly granted, which Obama then misused to spy on Trump and many connected to Trump. Are these allegations true? We don’t know yet, but if any part of them are then Obama and/or his officials could face serious trouble.


The violence was a distraction fomented by the Clinton-Obama-Soros media

The paper trail is essential to determine if Obama lied to the FISA court to obtain the warrant…and it sounds like he did.  The other damning evidence is that the Obama administration in January 2017 authorized the “relaxing of rules on the disclosure” of information obtained through a FISA court.

FISA, 50 USC 1801, et seq., is a very limited method of obtaining surveillance authority. The reason for its strict limits is that FISA evades the regular federal court process, by not allowing regularly, Constitutionally appointed federal judges and their magistrates to authorize surveillance the Fourth Amendment would otherwise forbid. Instead, the Chief Justice handpicks the FISA court members, who have shown an exceptional deference to the executive branch. This is because FISA court members trust the government is only bringing them surveillance about pending terror attacks or “grave hostile” war-like attacks, as the FISA statute limits itself to. Thus, a FISA application can only be used in very limited circumstances.

Why do you think it has been non-stop “leaking” of and “spinning” information since even before Trump was elected?

As we deal with this explosive situation, remember the core issue. It is not run-of-the-mill political skulduggery (is there any other kind?). It is the criminal misuse of a critical national defensive capability. Liken it to using a military weapon against your political opponent, because that is the nearest and best analogy. If Obama ordered the military to intervene with Team Trump during the election, that would not be much different from using the intelligence powers to intervene.

Obama is the Deep State’s WEAKEST LINK–he will cause the entire leftist, marxist, globalist operation to fall.

And ironically, the more his treasonous staff tries to defend Obama, the more the finger points directly at him.  There is no “fail safe” operation to keep us from finding out every single truth about obama’s treasonous reign over America.  And all of his advisors, including sedition-queen Valerie Jarrett, are involved up to their eyeballs in misprision of felony and misprision of treason. is, so far, undisputed that there have been many leaks of classified information to damage Trump, and that the Obama administration took steps that could have made such leaks more likely. Those are serious allegations that the former administration is likely going to have to explain to Congress.

Trump is running a very sophisticated sting operation designed to oust the leakers, traitors, and seditious holdovers from the Obama administration.  This is a very dangerous undertaking but absolutely necessary for the survival of our country and the rule of law.  And this is why President Trump is getting so much push back…so many attacks.

The criminals in DC have run their course and now are exposed.  They will keep making mistakes, and eventually they will surrender.

After all, if all you’ve got is media lies, insults, and crazy-mongering, you’ve already lost.



Clinton, Obama Condone the Murder of Americans

©2016 drkate

…and carry on as if nothing happened at all.

Not much comment except this picture. Pure evil, getting away with murder and smiling about it.

the fix is in



Open thread.


©2015 drkate

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.  ~John F. Kennedy

voters and gop

The one-party “two party” system is over.  Millions abandon the GOP and the Dems, finally having seen the deceit, lies, and propaganda of “republicans vs democrats”.

Its time to be an American.  No retreat, no regrets, no surrender.

Open thread!

Are they Surprised that Someone Actually LOVES AMERICA?

©2015 drkate

(…h/t, LC…)


“{whining}…no but wait, America is NOT great….waaaaa!!!”  ~Main stream media, democrats, republicans; Obama, Jarrett, Michelle, in response to Donald Trump’s thunderous unexpected arrival in 2015.

It is certainly interesting to observe the absurd reaction of the media, the politicos, and especially the establishment republicans to Donald Trump’s candidacy.  They are in a position of having defend their fear, hatred, and loathing of America and everything that makes her great, including rugged individualism.

The left has systematically been tearing America down with guilt, fear, and lies for so long, that when someone comes along who remembers who we are as America and where we have been as Americans they can’t handle the truth.

“The Donald” is who he is as a billionaire in part because of the opportunities of America in addition to his personal motivation, ambition and skills as an individual, and his family upbringing.  He is a magnet to many who are fed-up with the endemic, fatal corruption of the D.C. district of criminals. He is not politically correct but he sure is right on target– Songbird McCain, illegal immigration, how money buys the decisions of presidents, and…much more to come.

I like the fact that he cannot be bought and that his first priority is America and Americans.  And I greatly appreciate that he’s pissing off the entire establishment and the elite.  But I think that the elite are not done with  us yet, and they will eventually realize that riots will erupt–with us going after them—if they assassinate Trump.

Will They* Crash the Economy to Defeat the People?

Of course.  The big prediction is for October, as observed this is a favorite time for the elites to wreak havoc on the U.S. economy.  Just before winter.  It will be a controlled demolition, enough to enslave but not enough to wipe all of us out.  Will they do this to try to wipe out Donald Trump?

Satan, and those ruled by him, knows his time is running short.  He and his minions have dominated the earth and our country for too long, and as the people slowly wake up to the true reality of the enslavement of the world by Satan’s chosen, evil wants to be so rooted that we are consumed by its ravages and unable to extract ourselves.

What Do We Have to Lose?

Actually, what more can we lose since everything is gone now.  There is absolutely nothing to gain from playing the same game with these politicos who run our lives…when you’re the frog in the pot of boiling water, do you think you can cut a deal or somehow you’ll escape?

There is nothing to lose by supporting someone like Donald Trump now, and supporting the idea and fact that its ok to tell the truth and to call it like you see it.  There is no more time for political correctness or hiding in your safe cocoon.

Time to break all the seals holding you down.

Open Thread.




Communist Party Endorses Clinton, Democrats

©2015 drkate

The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.  (read here.)

We already knew that Obama is a card-carrying member of the Communist party, with an affection for radical islamocommunist or islamofascist movements.  And we learned in the 1950’s that the socialist candidate for president dropped his bid because he felt that the Democrat party had turned to socialism and would carry the agenda forward.  And Hillary Clinton could very well be worse than Obama, finishing off the nation. Still old candidates and old ideas, the ‘trash bin of history’ ideas..

communists and clinton

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have job programs for everyone but Americans…

jobs for isis

Anyone ever wonder why Congress behaves as a bunch of inbred, insane, individuals? Its because they are!

Open thread!

Christmas or Holiday?

©drkate 2014

Gee, we’ve just finished ‘black Friday’ and already the commercial rush for Christmas is on.  Or not.

Or is it the politically correct, cultural Marxist  “holiday rush”?


christmastree holiday tree

Open thread!


Magical Thinking and the Democrats

©2014 drkate

Another classic from Bill Whittle….enjoy!


Open thread!

Who Needs Ebola When We Already Have OBOLA?

©2014 drkate

EbolaHysteria-cartoon362Well so now we have our “October surprise”…nothing more than the usual distractions to incite fear, confusions, and mayhem while the voting machines are fixed to ensure the democrats retain control of the Senate and the establishment republicans continue to posture “against Obama”.

This article is not to diminish the ravages of a disease that has infected Africa–with an origin in the Marburg virus–or the role of Bill Gates, military biological weapons laboratories stationed around the world, the CIA, and others who would use the disaster to launch their own agendas.  And contrary to some people’s statements, one can’t blame muslims for everything, especially when they are working in collaboration with others.

What this article does point out is that the intentional incompetence of the Obama administration is to release nothing but terror on American citizens and our country as a whole.  The perfect storm came into being in 2008 with his selection as the false pResident of the White House, of the D.C. 10-mile square area known as the headquarters of the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., a foreign corporation.  Planned over a long period of time, the dumbed down, brain dead, drugged out, blind followers of all things socialist—the democrats, the guilt-complexed whites, the 60’s-70’s hippies and other haters of America–lick the boots of their captors and drag everyone else down with them.

Obama, or rather OBOLA, is the real virus infecting us all.  He is a foreign agent that destabilizes, much like a virus which our bodies reject, and overwhelms us with multiple symptoms, sores, headaches, vomiting, and general malaise.  And to add insult to injury, Obama appoints a political hack to be his Obobla ebola czar, who will use nothing but his influence and taxpayer funded salary to somehow do the “politics of Obola”…blaming the outbreak on Texas, republicans, white folks, anyone but what it really is—the new world order’s agenda of depopulation, doubling nicely as an October surprise to distract from election day shenanigans.

And, of course this could be a ploy to get US troops on the ground in Africa, for, guess what…oil and diamonds. (h/t tj)

What do you want to bet this ‘disaster’  and scare for America disappears after the November election?

Keep your eyes open, your brain alert, and your vitamin C at the ready.

Open thread on the American disease known as “Obola”


American Twilight Zone

©2014 drkate

Who needs imagination?


rod sterling


Open thread on all things in the twilight zone!

Death by China–Full Video

©2014 drkate

This is right up Barry Birther Chin’s alley…and our Congress is facilitating this massive transfer of wealth and power to China.  How long can we afford to remain blind to what is happening in our country?  Hey, even democrats will not be able to find a job unless it is licking the boots of their captors. (h/t QL)

The recommendation to ‘write to Congress” seems like a lame effort given our current Congress, republicans and democrats alike.  In fact, it appears that the GOP is set to fast track the new world odor order soon:

On Jan. 9, 2013, in a little-noticed press release, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., together with ranking member Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich, announced they were introducing “fast track” trade promotion authority legislation as a prelude to bringing up the TPP for expected passage in the near future.
Baucus, of course, is headed to China as the new US Ambassador.  Thanks Max.  Death by China and Death by Obamacare.

 Between the  WTO, NAFTA, the other trade treaties the US has with other countries, will there be any work at all left in the USA?  Or, will we end up like the 3rd world countries, hunting through the trash for a piece of stale bread?  Or, maybe that’s what the FEMA camps will be, Work Camps. Or, maybe the ghost cities in China are for American prisoners. (h/t typistjan)

Open Thread

Message from America to Obama

©2014 drkate

C’mon Obots,  join the rest of America!  😛

Why is it that the socialists and communists are the most unpopular leaders in history?  😛

A majority of Americans now disapprove of Obama.  😛

Lock him out

Lock him out

Open thread on the usurper in the White House!   😆

The Stooge Follies

©2013 drkate

Off his rocker?

Off his rocker?

Obama is so immature that he stomps his feet, gets all vindictive, and directs the National Park Service to hurt as many Americans as possible…just because America wants to put some constraints on his tempestuous, traitorous behavior.  Shutting down everything American as he sends millions of dollars to his Muslim buddies around the world.  This man and his administration hates America so much that he is willing to kill, to lie, to deceive to get his way.  The buffoonery knows no end with the stooge in charge at the White House.

How Obama continues to hurt America:

Closing national monuments to veterans

Cancer treatments–cancelled

Therapy dogs not allowed to see patients

Priests threatened with arrest if they minister to servicemen during the shutdown

Blocking roads so that Americans can’t even take pictures of Mt. Rushmore from outside the park

The CIA, NSA, and FBI warning they can’t spy on protect Americans in the shutdown

And the treasonous media complies with the brat and blames the Tea Party.

Barack Hussein Obama is mentally ill.  Time to invoke the 25th Amendment–and remove him  from office.

Open thread on all things Obama: buffoonery, debauchery, and stooges

The Friends of John McBama

©2013 drkate

These are John McCain’s freedom fighters rebels.  His goal is regime change.

These are Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry’s “we have to bomb Syria to find out who the rebels are

These are Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian/Libyan/Turkish/Saudi operatives, his Al Queda friends, the ones who he will ‘draw a red line’ for.

These are the fighters against Christians.  Remember Kosovo?  Serbia?  “Paving the way for radical islamic jihad, one nation at a time.”

These are the people responsible for the use of chemical weapons.

These are the lies that experienced liars spout.  WMD’s?  What WMD’s?  Kerry is repeating Colin Powell’s lies to the world.

We all bleed the same color.  RED

American blood spilled for decidedly un-American causes.

American blood spilled in a war against Christianity…a war against our very foundation.

Here they are–the Syrian rebels posted this picture on their FACEBOOK page of how they feel about the U.S. Congress–vote for war or you will die.

From the Facebook page of the al-Aqsa Islamic Brigades:


h/t Weasel Zippers

Open Thread

The Hope and Change

Pass it on!

Here is an earlier post written at the 912 rally in DC:

“Hope and Change?  Nah…its more like Rope and Chains, get it?” ~speaker, 912 March on Washington

The CSPAN coverage of the 912 Rally (yes, I know I am shamelessly plugging it once again) included the speakers, one of whom uttered the above gem about ‘hope and change’.

This is a pictorial essay in support of this keen observation and a commentary on the great American awakening.

The first awakening probably happened when Barack Obama met Joe the Plumber:

When America found out about 'redistribution of wealth'

When America found out about ‘redistribution of wealth’

what change!

what change?

but we voted them in, didn't we?

but we voted them in, didn’t we?



Satire sometimes tells the truth

Satire sometimes tells the truth

To the one obot I saw at the march, I said, “how’s that hopey-changey thing goin’ for ya?”, and snapped this photo:


smart, or smart ass?

smart, or smart ass?

"I create two shovel-ready projects a day!"

“I create two shovel-ready projects a day!”

Obama-Biden Theme Song

©2012 drkate

Uh oh. Meds are wearing off


Happy campers

The Petty Tyrant

©2012 drkate

No wonder Obama is mad at middle America.  Everything we have was earned with hard work, taking risks, failing, and starting over again. On the contrary, Obama hasn’t earned anything; what he has is undeserved and he is not man enough to admit it.

Bill Whittle nails it:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.~ T. Roosevelt, 1910

Obama was never in the arena, never in the ring.  For that he is jealous of Americans and America.  His petty tyrant games are designed to punish America for her successes.

You Didn’t Win That Election, Obama

©2012 drkate

The ‘gift that keeps on giving‘…

Photo h/t Reality Zone Unfiltered News

Open Thread!

What about Black on Black Violence, Sharptobama?

©2012 drkate

Yes, now how many black people are killed by black people who Reverend Sharpton or Obama do something about?  Should Sharpton be arrested for inciting violence?

Right, Trayvon is going out for Tea and Skittles.  Hmm.  Has a fight club too, where he praises the white boy for kicking the black kid in the head.

What about the Chicago slum lord, Valerie Jarrett, serving as de-facto president while Obama naps in his TV room?  And Obama’s role in perpetuating dangerous, murderous housing conditions for black people in Chicago?

Its only a matter of time before real Americans who happen to be black wake up and see how these people are using them, and will throw them under the bus anytime they get a chance to.

The hypocrisy and racism of the Obama-Holder-Jarrett-black panther crowd is stunning. This is their plan for re-election? Keep your powder dry, Patriots!

Open thread.

Obama Can’t Hide Anymore

©2012 drkate

The usurper thought he could hide his true intentions, identity, and idiocy from the American people, but he has failed miserably.  When one is so arrogant as to be transparent in his hatred of America, Americans and in particular, white people, one’s own shit eventually lands on one’s own head.  Obama could never have made it without assistance, and those who have enabled this treachery are also now exposed and subject to criminal charges due to their mistake in releasing this menace upon America.

Let’s make a list:

  • Obama was always a foreign student, took scholarship money and had his way paved for him…it is doubtful he wrote his own papers or got any grades for authentic work. By his own word, he was a foreign student. He told the postman.  We don’t need the Occidental records, his Columbia Records, or his Harvard records.  We know he is the worst kind of user.
  • Obama’s life has been a fiction of all the radical elements in America– the Weathermen Underground, aka Bill Ayers and the countless other jailed criminals who blew up federal buildings and killed policemen for fun,  counterfeited hundreds if not thousands of fraudulent identities, arranged marriages of convenience, and created false selective service registrations and birth certificates –the latter a particularly specialized known practice of the WU as they wandered around graveyards and hung out at vital statistics offices around the country in the 1970’s
  • Obama is very likely CIA sponsored, backed and covered for.
  • Obama is a muslim practicing taqiyya 
  • Obama is a foreigner and may never have been a U.S. citizen–by his own admittance his father was born british–and thus so was he–became Kenyan, and Obama was adopted by and became an Indonesian citizen.  He never had a U.S. passport–otherwise Lt. Quarles Harris would still be alive.  We don’t need to see the passport records, we already know.
  • Obama is betraying America through all of his actions–whether its giving secrets of our allies to his muslim brothers; killing our servicemen by illegally sending them into war and then disarming them; whispering on an open mic about his very obvious and treasonous plans to destabilize our own defenses
  • Obama is a serial liar who will stop at nothing to hide the truth about a gimmick meant to distract Americans from his fraudulent identity
  • Obama’s election strategy for 2012 will be to run against America–SCOTUS, Congress, Republicans, women, conservatives, white people, wall street–using the race card, false flags, and healthcare warfare, hoping to declare martial law when his thug supporters have caused enough flashmobs, murder and mayhem on American streets
  • Obama is loathed.  Americans want to see him on trial for his crimes; his handlers probably want him out of the picture in a dramatic way that ensures their control.

The establishment republicans, the democrats, and the Congress are entirely complicit in this attack on America and do not have my consent to continue.  They must all resign and be replaced starting now.  Start your recall proceedings in each state now, and don’t forget to include the judicial cowards.

Obama and his entire crowd are “merchants of despair”:

Who would you deport?  Who would you prosecute, fine, and jail?  Who should pay the ultimate price for the betrayal of America?

He Sees Nothing

©2012 drkate

Pardon my language, but Obama is somebody who likes to go around pooping in people’s nests and then flying away.  Just like wading into the dispute about a cop doing his duty in protecting one of his college flunkies buddies, he wades into the death  of a teenager (never a white teen, of course, or hispanic or asian) without information, gives the go-ahead for foments violence, and then leaves for another part of the world…to poop in their nest.

Tiny tot Obama playing soldier

Here’s Obama pooping on our troops and the South Koreans…look at how he doesn’t know what he’s looking at and can’t even use a pair of binoculars.  Where is his other hand, in his pocket?

Not only is this man ineligible for this position by birth and citizenship (which he can’t prove), he is simply unfit for command period. He thoroughly disgusts me and should be revolting to every thinking American.  He has no idea how much he is reviled, how much of a fool he shows himself to be, every single day of his life.

His chickens lies are coming home to roost poop in his nest very soon.

Open thread.

“If you really want to hear our views…

©2012 drkate

…you haven’t done nothing…”

The Whore of Babylon

A new post coming up shortly…in the meantime, consider this an open thread and caption contest!

Democrats and Racism

©2011 drkate

Ok democrats. YOUR party is responsible for:

  • Jim Crow laws
  • Violence and attacks on the Civil Rights movement
  • Segregation
  • Destruction of the black family
  • Deplorable housing projects, like Obama’s Chicago
  • Chronic unemployment in the black community
  • Murder of black children through ‘abortion’
  • Voting for the unqualified, ineligible, lazy, racist, usurper Obama just because he is ‘black’
  • Infiltration of the muslim brotherhood into all agencies of the American government
  • Inciting violence based on race

Can you prove to America you are not racists?  I doubt it.  And don’t ask that colon, Powell, to hold it up for you.

Caption Contest!

©2011 drkate

I love Michelle Obama’s Mirror…!  Talk about ‘capturing’ the First “Lady” in all her glory!  (h/t Attilla’s Daughter)

Now…try captioning this photo captured by Michelle’s Mirror as BO & MO await the Queen at a State Dinner…

…and then look here to find out what Michelle’s Mirror said!  🙂

Caption contest and open thread!

Does it Prove he’s a Natural Born American Citizen? Nope.

©2011 drkate

In fact, the latest long form creation proves that Obama is not a natural born citizen.

A Commander in Chief would have taken care of his men in uniform. A Commander in Chief would not allow harm to come to his men if he could easily prevent it. A real commander would not have allowed LTC Terry Lakin to go to prison for simply asking to see 18 months ago what Obama released today.  Obama is a disgrace to the office of the Presidency.  He is unfit for command.  Obama should resign~Commander Charles F. Kerchner

unconstitutional and a liar

So you ‘had it all along’ and let Lt. Col. Terry Lakin go to jail?

And is this latest piece of crap the best you can do, barky? 🙄  Your latest forgery still is not an official document because it does not have a seal on it.

No questions regarding Obama’s eligibility for the Presidency have been answered by this latest release of another forged document.  The arrogant prickly pear thinks he’s fooled America again.

It was only a matter of time before Obama paid for another forged birth certificate.  Obviously the obots, the media, and the intellectually dishonest are having a happy time with this, although none of them will say it is a valid long-form certificate.  A forgery is a forgery is a forgery.  He still won’t have it forensically analyzed so the plan is to have people noodle around for months on this latest forged birth certificate.

No doubt this is an effort to have us discuss and dispute Jerome Corsi’s book so it has minimal impact on Obama’s re-election plans, and to once again focus on the birth certificate rather than obama’s fundamental fatal flaw: he was born a brit and will forever be a brit.

Continue reading ‘Does it Prove he’s a Natural Born American Citizen? Nope.’

Barbarism of Buffoons

©2011 drkate


The treasonous, impeachable language for the illegal Obama administration’s ‘action’ in Libya is this statement:

…Libya was thoroughly debated and authorized by the international community…

Clinton, Gates, Obama, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff know they are violating the Constitution of the United States and the War Powers Act of 1973, but they don’t care.  They don’t know who they are fighting, who they are supporting, and if this was a ‘humanitarian mission’ the United States would have rescued many countries–even those that don’t have oil or water.  Either can be used as a weapon of or reason for war.

Continue reading ‘Barbarism of Buffoons’

The Usurper Declares War on the United States

©2011 drkate

Drugged up and reliant on his teleprompter, Obama the usurper failed once again to give any indication he knows WTF is going on, what his responsibilities are, and what our Country is about.

In his measly speech attempting to justify  his war on Libya–having failed to secure the requisite authority ahead of time– the only thing Obama made clear is that he is declaring war on the United States, our Constitution, and our institutions.

Take a look at this accurate analysis of Obama’s abject failure.

Continue reading ‘The Usurper Declares War on the United States’

Sunday Captions and Open Thread

©2011 drkate

This one (h/t Jan) hardly needs a caption, as its pretty clear:

But give it a try!

Here’s one of my favorites…I already have about a dozen captions…

Continue reading ‘Sunday Captions and Open Thread’

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