Archive for the 'Arms trafficking' Category

The 911 Marker

©2020 DrKate

America Arise!

My thoughts and prayers first are for all those lost on the day we were attacked and their precious families.

May we never forget those who someone thought were suitable collateral damage for their own evil…”another Pearl Harbor”; “insurance fraud”;” evidence destruction”; or another occult sacrifice, repeated again eleven years later in Benghazi

Nineteen years later, all is seen in a new light of knowledge and truth.  But today, let’s just remember. This post will be updated throughout the day, please add your own thoughts.




(1) Moment of silence on Air Force One on the way to Shanksville, PA



And, it is still all about the children!   No more deadly distractions and war!

Obama’s Project HAMMER

©2019 DrKate

Long before the FISA abuse, Obama’s Project Hammer–created by the CIA– spied on everyone, and was used to blackmail judges, congressman, businessmen, government officials, and military officers into doing what Obama wanted.  Ever wonder about Chief Justice John Roberts decision on Obamacare?  Now you know.

In fact, the FISA scandal was created “after the fact” to mask–and perhaps cover– the illegal surveillance that was underway long before the clowns decided to spy on the Trump campaign.  Remember, the first FISA warrant was issued in October, 2016, long after spying was occurring on the Trump campaign and associates.

The HAMMER was completely illegal. Sounds like life in prison for Clapper, Brennan, and we can hope, Obama.

If not this crime, there will be others!

“Additional Chances for Mischief”

©2016 drkate

Mr. Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, then forwarded the email to Mrs. Clinton’s inner-circle and added: “Additional chances for mischief.”

The email in question is the one from assistant attorney general Peter Kadzik to his friend John Podesta, providing inside information to the Clinton campaign as to the status the the Justice Department’s actions.  Kadzick is Justice’s “liaison” to Congress regarding the FBI study of Hillary Clinton’s emails, and is a Clinton insider.

Trump, campaigning in  Florida spoke about this and asked the audience: “…and these are the people who want to run our country?”


Whether it be the strategic releases of Wikileaks, a new American Revolution with, and/or the Hand of God, the veil has been lifted ever so slightly on the corruption that underlies the the utterly contemptuous, unconstitutional, and evil  “politics”  that have hijacked our government. The stench of this corruption is wide, deep, sour, hot.

I’m not sure any of us understand how serious, dire, dangerous, and urgent a situation we are in right now. The kind of information that is being exposed is something we were never supposed to see. It is exactly like a film produced by a twitter author pointing out that “the civilian film of Hillary collapsing was something we never would have seen if it hadn’t been for somebody catching it on an iphone.  And that the failure of the democrats to replace Clinton then was evidence they were going to rely on vote fraud for her (s)election.”

What kind of party puts a cadaver up for election??

Literally, she is “dead” to America because of her ability to be blackmailed by whoever has those emails.  Clinton’s server was every foreign government’s back door into the entire U.S. government. Even if she wanted to serve America, she couldn’t: this was her career, pay to play for all official and unofficial acts.

More Mischief: The Rinos Still Want Hillary

Republicans like Ryan all still want Hillary elected because they can spend all their time strutting around endlessly “investigating” Clinton, never getting anywhere, and giving her all she wants on her agenda.  Forget helping America, its ‘send me more money to stop Clinton’ for the next four years.  These so called congressman are irrelevant to America and should be swept away over the next four years in our strategic voting effort.

Clearly there is more opportunity for mischief before the election on Tuesday, and the elite are desperate.  We hope the house of cards falls inward.

While it may look like all of the corrupt are willing to let Hillary take the fall for everyone’s corruption, there will surely be no escape for the enablers.  Prepare for a rough weekend, but keep your eyes on the prize.  Prepare for voter theft, but know in your heart Mr. Trump will fight it because he will not roll over for election theft.

And at the same time as this danger is a tremendous opportunity  to “walk away”—what is that step in The Art of the Deal—and begin anew.  I do agree that after November 8 we will never be the same again.

Clinton Scandals Update

©2016 drkate

Well it looks like sick, collapsing Hillary has lasted a little while longer, long enough to prevent the Democrats from winning the election by substituting a more palatable and less embarassing candidate.  The sad reality is that Hillary Clinton does not care about the country, she just wants to die as the first woman president of the United States. To Clinton, Americans are deplorables, irredeemables, and basement dwellers, or democrat voters who are for the most part, stupid, according to Clinton.

Clinton clearly cheated at the first debate, has purchased all the media, and is actively planning on stealing the election from not just Donald Trump, but we the people.

And here are the top 13 findings of the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton emails:

Revelation One: Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Would Forward Classified Emails To Her Yahoo! Email, Clinton Email And Anthony Weiner Campaign Accounts To Print Out For Clinton. “Since Clinton did not have a classified email account herself, all classified material went to her in hard copy—a process overseen by her executive assistants, Joe McManus and, later, Alice Wells. … Abedin, for her part, found that it was difficult to print from the State Department email system, so she’d often forward emails to her Yahoo email, accounts, or even another account that she’d previously used to support the campaign activities of her husband, Anthony Weiner.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Two: Clinton Forwarded Emails From Her Private Email Account To Clinton Family Staff To Print Out For Her To Read. “And there was a lot to print: Clinton didn’t like reading long emails—the BlackBerry font was too small—so she’d often forward such staff to staff to print. Deluged by tasks and information, Abedin reported that she’d often print and pass along documents to Clinton ‘without reading them.’ The FBI also uncovered hundreds of emails sent to one of the Clinton family’s staff on the domain requesting that he print emails for her to read.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Three: Clinton’s Personal Aide Monica Hanley Would Send State Department Emails To Her Personal Gmail Account To Print For Clinton To Read Even While She Was Overseas. “And there was a lot to print: Clinton didn’t like reading long emails—the BlackBerry font was too small—so she’d often forward such staff to staff to print. … Printing problems dogged Clinton’s team as they traveled the world, too. While special Mobile Communications Teams would outfit hotel rooms overseas with computers hooked up to the State Department network for Abedin or Hanley to use, the FBI found, ‘it was not uncommon for [aide Monica] Hanley to use her personal Gmail account to print from the mobile DoS unclassified terminal because even though she was using a DoS computer, the DoS connection was unreliable.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Four: Clinton IT Aide Bryan Pagliano Went To Clinton Chief Of Staff Cheryl Mills Over Concerns On The Secret Email Server, But Mills “Dismissed The Worries, Saying Other Former Secretaries Of State Had Done The Same Thing.” “But not everyone at the State Department was pleased with the setup. At some point in the summer of 2009, two State IT specialists summoned Pagliano and asked whether he was aware of the domain. He said yes. When Pagliano relayed this to one of Clinton’s aides, that person, Pagliano told the FBI, had a ‘‘visceral’ reaction and didn’t want to know any more.’ Later in 2009 or early 2010, one of the same State Department employees asked Pagliano again about server, saying it might be a federal records-retention issue and asked him to relay that concern to Clinton’s ‘inner circle.’ Pagliano approached Cheryl Mills in her office and passed along the information. Mills dismissed the worries, saying other former secretaries of state had done the same thing.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Five: Top Clinton Aide Jake Sullivan Said “He Sometimes Used Gmail On Weekends Or While Traveling.” “[Sullivan] said he knew about records-retention rules, and so he didn’t delete anything from his email and he handed over his official papers when he left the State Department, but he also told the FBI he sometimes used Gmail on weekends or while traveling.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Six: Pagliano Did Not Install An Encryption System Onto The Private Email Server Because “He Figured There Wasn’t A Need For Encryption On A ‘Personal’ Server.” “[Pagliano] also never installed what was known as Transport Layer Security, which would have encrypted messages as they passed between the Clinton server and the State Department’s servers, telling the FBI that he figured there wasn’t a need for encryption on a ‘personal’ server.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Seven: Several State Department Staffers Had Their Personal Emails Hacked, With Email Settings Being Changed To Auto-Forward Incoming Mail To Other Accounts. “Yet across the department, email security concerns lingered through that spring of 2011. In February, several State Department employees had their personal Gmail and Yahoo accounts hacked after they responded to a ‘phishing’ email asking them to change their passwords. The hackers, unbeknownst to the employees, then changed the email settings to auto-forward copies of incoming mail to other accounts controlled by the intruders.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Eight: Clinton Aide Monica Hanley Transferred Clinton’s Emails Onto Apple Mail After She Switched Email Addresses. “The exposure of the email account encouraged Clinton’s aides to change the secretary of state’s address. Abedin selected, but the staff feared that they’d lose her existing emails when they changed addresses, so Monica Hanley retrieved an old MacBook laptop from Bill Clinton’s Harlem office and spent several days at her apartment transferring years of Hillary’s emails from the server files into Apple’s Mail program on the laptop.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Nine: Clinton “Didn’t Know How To Use A Desktop Computer.” “Yet something was going to have to change: Hillary Clinton, after all, didn’t know how to use a desktop computer.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Ten: Clinton Was Supposed To Work The Secure Fax Machine Herself, But Was So Technologically Un-Savvy She Relied On Staff To Operate The Machine. “Each secure room was also equipped with a secure fax, but while Clinton was supposed to pick up the faxes herself at home, she often struggled to use the technology and had to rely on staff for help operate the machines. As one aide described it, Clinton ‘wasn’t very tech savvy and would get frustrated with the process.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Eleven: All Clinton’s Emails Prior To March 18, 2009 Were Deleted When She Switched Email Accounts, Including All Emails From Her First Seven Weeks As Secretary Of State. “On March 18, 2009, Hillary Clinton stopped using her longstanding email,, and switched to a new account: When she switched accounts, all of her old email disappeared—including all of the email from her first seven weeks as secretary of state. To date, neither Clinton nor the FBI have located any of her email from that period.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Twelve: Many State Department Employees With Clinton’s Email Address “Didn’t Understand She Had A Private Server.” “While ‘at least a hundred, if not several hundred’ State employees had her address—emails from Hillary often arrived with just an ‘H’ in the ‘from’ field—and many of those employees, like Kennedy, were aware she used a personal email account, most didn’t understand she had a private server.” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Revelation Thirteen: Top Clinton Aide Jake Sullivan “Said He Would Regularly Review ‘Situation Reports From Around The World In An Unclassified Email.’” “As for what arrived via unclassified email, Sullivan and Abedin both said, repeatedly, that they didn’t question the judgment of people sending that information and relied upon senders to properly mark sensitive information. Sullivan said he would regularly review ‘situation reports from around the world in an unclassified email.’” (Garrett M. Graff, “What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server,” Politico, 9/30/16)

Open thread!


Walking Away from the Globalists and Clinton Cash

©2016 drkate

The globalists have terrorized the world for centuries, and like Satan, they know their time is short in formerpresthis world.  Expect everything to speed up and come in overwhelming hoards, like the invasion of Europe by the globalists’ army.

In our own country, our fight is within our own system and our politicians on the “right” and “left” loot our country of our wealth, moral integrity, constitution, safety, liberty, and common sense.  No longer covert, they are right out in the open.  Their time is short now too.

Notice the intensity of the attacks on ordinary Americans, of all colors, gender.  Witnessing the false flag attacks that have killed and maimed Americans, “they” no longer care. It is life or death, liberty or slavery, the struggle between the flesh and the spirit.  And remember, we were born to be here at this time and each of us has a role, and a choice to make.  There are very few with “eyes to see and ears to hear” the message, all you can do is warn them, but warn them you must.

 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Ezekiel 33: 1-9 KJV

The spiritual battle that this is plays out right now in front of our eyes.  Heed the message well.

In case any of you missed it, Breitbart now offers a free viewing of Clinton Cash.  Heed the warning and act!  The writer and producer of this film is Steve Bannon, now with the Trump campaign for the final leg of this journey, which represents the end and also our new beginning.

And finally, here’s an old tune that has great relevance today!

Open Thread!





Clinton, Obama Condone the Murder of Americans

©2016 drkate

…and carry on as if nothing happened at all.

Not much comment except this picture. Pure evil, getting away with murder and smiling about it.

the fix is in



Open thread.

Infiltration: THE National Security Hazard

©2015 drkate

Remember the “outrage” over this cover of the New Yorker, how it “just couldn’t be true”?

Muslim in Chief

Muslim in Chief

Look where the U.S. flag is, look whose portrait is over the fireplace in the oval office.

And this photograph continues to show that Obama’s allegiance is with radical islam as he casually shows the muslim gang sign to other diplomats.

Obama muslim gang sign

US Obama Africa Summit

US Obama Africa Summit

So the New Yorker was right  A foreign agent whose allegiance is to our enemy infiltrated the highest office in the land with the full knowledge of the Congress, cabinet, and United States Supreme Court. And the media of course, that goes without saying.  The promise to ‘fundamentally change America’ meant “fundamentally destroy America”.  Terry Lakin caught Obama and exposed the military’s involvement in the cover-up of Obama’s usurpation of office.  Obama jailed and stripped him of his rank and pension because of it.

Such an assault on our country was not recognized by the general population until they began to feel it and see it, and their loved ones killed in war or by false flag events at home.  Although there were plenty of signs:


Our so called “leaders” left us wide open to enemy infiltration of and espionage on our entire government.  And to distract us, they destabilized  the middle east costing thousands of innocent lives.

So now there should be no outrage in exposing the true flag of Obama:

islam infiltrationobama

Who of this bank of candidates below will change this culture of corruption, including finding and firing the muslim infiltrators?  Do the elite think America will take any more assassinations so they can have their way?


No sense putting the democrats up here as all of them will simply carry on the terrorism of the Obama regime.

Open thread.

Open Thread Resource

©2015 drkate

“Return to Forever”–what an exquisite title!

Here’s an Open Thread round up of some news items that caught my attention recently with some accompanying music for your enjoyment.  Chick Corea is not for everyone, but hey, its my blog!    You can skip those annoying adds.  Some of these articles are from readers, so hat/tip to all!

Time to call Obama and Kerry What they Are: Traitors  Daniel Greenfield, Truth Revolt


Obama Waiting for America’s “We’re Done!” Moment  Judy Mcleod, Canada Free Press

It’s “JEB!PANZEE”!  Another Lame Cherry classic with excellent photoshop

Outrageous–Christian Pastor in Vermont Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail for Refusing to Marry Gay Coupleimho, the judge should be disbarred and thrown in jail.

Republican party openly takes a left turn, running from Trump The GOP’s unprincipled politicians all need to go!


He literally can’t be boughtWhat a novel concept!

The Elite would like to assassinate Donald TrumpWatch for it folks, its our signal.

Obama rewards anyone who kills American troops  “…I will stand with the Muslims…”

Lessons for the GOP  …the US public is on to the GOP and their collusion with all that is wrong in America they deserve re-election?

voters and gop

The eventual socialist hyperinflation  …when they run out of other peoples money.


The Obama VotersOh wait, did she wake up?

obama if you think i am stupid

Articles of Impeachment for Obama, an updateTime to lock him out of the people’s house!

Lock him out

Lock him out


The first black president, quite brilliantly, has built a quasi-reparations infrastructure perpetually fed by racial data that will outlast his administration.”  Some would prefer the use of the adjective “evil” over “quite brilliantly”.

The Racist-in-Chief

The Racist-in-Chief


This open thread will be up for a while, and as new articles come up I will update this post to include them, hopefully with an appropriate picture.





Jade Helm is Martial Law in Waiting

©2015 drkate

False_Flag_ConspiracyCardsThis blog, among many others, has covered the numerous false flags that have occurred in our country during the Obama regime…and in the process seen back through history of the number of times the American people have been treated as “collateral damage” in pursuit of an objective that is not ours.  In looking back, it was an unpleasant surprise to learn that false flagging is a characteristic of those who would enslave others for wealth and power. Just in the 20th century alone, there are dozens of events…all in deception and all leading to war.

Al of the accelerated events  of the Obama regime point toward the imposition of martial law, using a false flag event as the trigger.  Jade Helm has put in place the military and civilian forces that will enable martial law to definitely be triggered by our own government using someone, a foreign country, or an event of mass destruction to enable the military to round up civilians.

jade-helmThe name Jade Helm itself gives away the potential false flag event to be blamed on “domestic terrorists”–i.e., Christians, patriots, constitutionalists, and those who believe in the Second Amendment. JADE stands for Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution, and HELM stands for Homeland Extermination of Local Militants.  Will Canada help the U.S. enforce martial law?

But wait!  There’s an ISIS camp just across the border!  And North Korea or Russia Putin with EMP plans!  Will they attack?

It is of utmost importance to talk about, write about, and communicate about Jade Helm with everyone you can.  We must keep our eyes out for the false flags that are triggering events and make sure we resist any attempt to implement martial law.  Remember from history:

What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? ~ The Gulag Archipelago

The time is drawing near.  Where do you stand?

Open thread.


Communist Party Endorses Clinton, Democrats

©2015 drkate

The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.  (read here.)

We already knew that Obama is a card-carrying member of the Communist party, with an affection for radical islamocommunist or islamofascist movements.  And we learned in the 1950’s that the socialist candidate for president dropped his bid because he felt that the Democrat party had turned to socialism and would carry the agenda forward.  And Hillary Clinton could very well be worse than Obama, finishing off the nation. Still old candidates and old ideas, the ‘trash bin of history’ ideas..

communists and clinton

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have job programs for everyone but Americans…

jobs for isis

Anyone ever wonder why Congress behaves as a bunch of inbred, insane, individuals? Its because they are!

Open thread!


©2014 drkate

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Benjamin Franklin

Think about the last six years of the Obama administration and its “lurching” from one planned catastrophe and false flag to the next.  Intimidation by false flag, the looting of America and Americans, IRS, EPA, DOJ, CIA, FBI, DHS targeting of individuals, schools, and whole communities, and the role of the White House and/or Department of Justice in nearly every suspicious murder afflicting high-profile reporters, political figures, state officials, international political figures, and even Hollywood actors, adds up.  Each of those murders were of people who knew something about the truth of the overthrow of the united States and the false identity of the man calling himself “Obama” and his parental lineage.

In my view, we are counting down now to the great reckoning, the punishment, the thrashing of all those who would plunder, pillage, and destroy God’s people and this earth.  Time is almost irrelevant…but I am confident that these transgressions will not be tolerated any more.

It is easy to see those who are doing Satan’s work, the characteristics are clear:

  • Statements and pronouncements are based on lies.  You know what they say about lies, right? Say a lie often enough and people begin to believe it; the “big lie” (e.g., Obama’s claim of constitutional eligibility) is easier to believe than the small lie.  Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44).
  • Refusing to see the truth, to learn, to read. Like the Congress debating obamacare, or like any other bill that has been passed in both state and national legislatures, nobody cares to read the things they are voting on.  Yet so many people have an opinion on things they haven’t studied or understand. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6);  willful ignorance, no love for the truth (Thessalonians 2:10)
  • Practicing Deception.  This is in large part the “practice” of the trade of being a lawyer.  Twisting words and concepts..Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered (Luke 11:52)
  • “Demonizing” Opponents.  Good and descriptive word, eh?  The things that are said against people who oppose any regime, or a lie told by a politician, do indeed attack on personal levels, levy charges and accusations, name-call, and otherwise try to ruin the credibility of that individual or group. In other countries, and sometimes in our country, if these techniques do not work people are just murdered.  Jesus said that during the end times his people will be killed who speak His name” (Matthew 10:22), but those who endure to the end will be saved.
  • Making War.  All wars are based on lies and deception, and most often they are power plays among the elite using us regular people as ‘collateral damage’ that is irrelevant to them.  How many millions were starved by Stalin?  How many Americans died in the Civil War, which was touted as about “slavery” when the true cause was an economic war between barons?  Remember that the states had every right under our constitution to secede from the Union, and the North did not have the right to force a union back at the point of a gun.  There will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet (Matthew 24:6).

These are just a few characteristics that make it clear that the individuals and organizations practicing these techniques are doing the work of Satan.  You can call it the “new world order”, but I call it Satan’s work, accomplished by Satan’s chosen.  Think of who they are:  the international financiers, the politicians, Monsanto and other like-minded corporations affecting the very lives and of individuals, government agencies run amok, the military industrial complex, all the King’s and Queen’s men, Hollywood “stars”, the media moguls, and the lefties.  The Churches have failed to inform their flocks of these truths, they have been deceived, and many no longer serve God.

What is clear is that as the end times begin, that so much truth will be exposed and that Satan’s chosen will also “come out of the closet” for all to see.  Many will intentionally remain ignorant because they don’t want to see the truth.  The lies will spread like topsy and the faces of sin exposed.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”~Plato

Take your stand in the light, persevere, remain steadfast and true, know God.



Open thread!

Who Needs Ebola When We Already Have OBOLA?

©2014 drkate

EbolaHysteria-cartoon362Well so now we have our “October surprise”…nothing more than the usual distractions to incite fear, confusions, and mayhem while the voting machines are fixed to ensure the democrats retain control of the Senate and the establishment republicans continue to posture “against Obama”.

This article is not to diminish the ravages of a disease that has infected Africa–with an origin in the Marburg virus–or the role of Bill Gates, military biological weapons laboratories stationed around the world, the CIA, and others who would use the disaster to launch their own agendas.  And contrary to some people’s statements, one can’t blame muslims for everything, especially when they are working in collaboration with others.

What this article does point out is that the intentional incompetence of the Obama administration is to release nothing but terror on American citizens and our country as a whole.  The perfect storm came into being in 2008 with his selection as the false pResident of the White House, of the D.C. 10-mile square area known as the headquarters of the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., a foreign corporation.  Planned over a long period of time, the dumbed down, brain dead, drugged out, blind followers of all things socialist—the democrats, the guilt-complexed whites, the 60’s-70’s hippies and other haters of America–lick the boots of their captors and drag everyone else down with them.

Obama, or rather OBOLA, is the real virus infecting us all.  He is a foreign agent that destabilizes, much like a virus which our bodies reject, and overwhelms us with multiple symptoms, sores, headaches, vomiting, and general malaise.  And to add insult to injury, Obama appoints a political hack to be his Obobla ebola czar, who will use nothing but his influence and taxpayer funded salary to somehow do the “politics of Obola”…blaming the outbreak on Texas, republicans, white folks, anyone but what it really is—the new world order’s agenda of depopulation, doubling nicely as an October surprise to distract from election day shenanigans.

And, of course this could be a ploy to get US troops on the ground in Africa, for, guess what…oil and diamonds. (h/t tj)

What do you want to bet this ‘disaster’  and scare for America disappears after the November election?

Keep your eyes open, your brain alert, and your vitamin C at the ready.

Open thread on the American disease known as “Obola”


American Twilight Zone

©2014 drkate

Who needs imagination?


rod sterling


Open thread on all things in the twilight zone!

Don’t Believe Al Queda? Here, Try ISIS!

©2014 drkate

(h/t Citizens Newswire)

…the ISIS kids have knowledge of things that require you to have education, modern technical skills, a little bit of decency, structure, conformity to societal norms and somewhat transparent connection to the outside world. What are these things and what are some of the surreal oddities surrounding ISIS? ~Bernie Suarez

After the obvious re-killing of  Tim Ossman Osama bin Ladin to cover up his birth certificate fraud, and the cover up of the Benghazi murders and arming of radical jihadists, and after he mistakenly said  “Al Queda is on the run” , the Obama crowd and his handlers had to create some other crisis to scare, scare, scare us all into submission to death.  After all, when Americans saw right through the  planned Obama invasion of our southern border and started arming themselves and their communities, and  after more shooting false flags, something had to be created to distract and scare-monger people so some sort of military engagement was demanded.

The now transparently criminal Obama and his handlers had to create another boogey-man because people don’t believe the Al Queda threat anymore.  After all, who really did bring down the twin towers?

In an excellent, must read article, Bernie Suarez lays out the 10 Signs that ISIS is a Scripted Psyop:

  1. Professional Camera, Editing Software and Skills
  2. Professional Image Editing Software and Skills
  3. Internet Connection, Video Uploading Capabilities, and Social Media Accounts
  4. ISIS Intelligence Operation Apparently Far Superior to CIA/Mossad
  5. Super Secret Database Holding the Secret Names and Identities of Their Members
  6. Anti Surveillance Technology- Able to Avoid All Existing Surveillance
  7. Endless Secret Water, Food, Farming and Meals Supply
  8. All American Timing! – Common Enemies, Lucky Gift
  9. Complete Ongoing Immunity and Hidden Identities
  10. Untraceable Money and Endless Spending

And I would add, weapons, weapons, weapons, undoubtedly all American-made and laundered through those arms trafficking channels used by Ms. Hillary and Eric Holdup.

Oh, and of course, all the faux moral outrage belatedly expressed  by Congress, and the usual McCain/Graham calls for war against Russia.  Quick, look over there!

Open season thread on the IMPOSTER!



…ps…kicks are free for the imposter!

Footprints and Fig Leaves

@2014 drkate

So it was a video, eh?

Obama's Benghazi Flag

Obama’s Benghazi Flag


In a stunning, must read article called “The Benghazi Brief–The Entire Story of Operation Zero Footprint in Libya and Why Further Benghazi Committee Hearings are Futile…” author Sundance exposes the covert arms smuggling operations underway in Libya long before the disaster of 9/11/12 that resulted in the deaths of four Americans under the “watch” of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  The operation was designed to transfer weapons, including missiles, to the Libyan rebels for the purpose of regime change murdering Ghaddafi and ushering in the jihadists as was the hallmark of Ms. “What difference does it make” Clinton’s so called “Arab Jihadi Spring.”  The operation was designed to leave no U.S. footprint…although the U.S. House and Senate “Gang of Eight” plus John McCain, as well as other key officials knew what the plan was.  Sometime after “Operation Zero Footprint” was underway, a second covert operation began to supply weapons to the Syrian rebels–ISIS–for the purpose of regime change in Syria with the planned use of the Libya operation as a model to transmit arms to Syrian rebels through Turkey.

obama-hillary-holding-hands-wh-photoOperation “Fig Leaf”  went into full gear after the murder of four Americans by Obama and Clinton’s foreign follies, with Ambassador Rice’s laughable and tragic attempt to blame the deaths of Americans on some stupid video,Clinton’s “concussion” and plane crash in Iran (as usual with pallets of money involved), making excuses for Obama’s absence while Viceroy Jarrett ordered the military to stand down, the firing of Paetreus, and the theft of the 2012 election following suit.  The fig leaf operation is still in effect…as the ISIS rebels that Obama and Clinton armed through operation zero footprint are now the same people the U.S. is bombing in Iraq, with Obama planning a long campaign.

The author of this article’s notes are telling…

The primary reason for outlining this brief is to deliver a greater understanding of why things happened the way they did in the post 9/11/12 attack media frenzy.

If you understand what took place from March 2011 through the night of the attack itself all of the contradictions reconcile, and most of the questions become answered.


Ultimately the leadership within the State Department, The CIA, and the White House are responsible for the outcomes of policy.


Ultimately the Trey Gowdy select committee will find there is no venue to discuss intelligence operations with public sunlight…. There is a matter of an unidentified State Dept $6 billion contractor fund missing from Hillary’s term as Secretary of State;  that might bear investigation.  However, beyond those smaller questions there is little if anything to gain.

As well as the questions posed in the comments to the post:

There is something that I don’t understand. You were able to get all of this information and put the puzzle together and publish this piece out into the universe for all to read. But somehow, Trey Gowdy’s investigation can’t dig into this because of the secret covert nature of the operation? “…no venue to discuss Intelligence operations in public sunlight.” But it is all right here. It already is public.


Great question.. This is an incredible piece of information and makes clear to me so many unanswered questions. As you questioned, if Sundance knows this, why not Trey Gowdy or is Gowdy part of the scheme now?


Americans remember Benghazi, and all the other insults to and injuries of the American people brought on by this murderous regime.

figleaf obama

Open Thread.




Democrats Own Him

©2014 drkate

How would you like to be in a position to tell your grandchildren you supported the man who ruined America?  Who, while she was down, kicked and maimed, invaded and ridiculed her, and stole all her wealth for his personal gain?  Who paraded an example of lawlessness throughout the world, and sent our soldiers to their deaths with both hands tied behind their backs?  Do you think your grandchildren will thank you or revile you?

Well get used to it democrats, YOU OWN OBAMA!  😆   🙄

Remember, the man is slipping mentally.

But I bet the dems blame anyone else but themselves for the mess he’s created.


democrats own him

(h/t FoxyLadi)

Open season thread on the imposter!


The Truth Is

©2014 drkate

h/t  The Reality Zone

Other truths:

Let’s have an open thread on all the truths we have discovered in the last five years.  Load it up here with references, this will be a post for history’s sake!

Breaking the “Obamatrance”

©2013 drkate

The following video is an excellent expose on Obama, who is pegged as “‘the most dangerous weapon against all people” that exists today.  h/t QL

Every generation needs a revolution, and we are certainly there.  If the power elite can keep us divided as ‘republicans’ or ‘democrats’, ‘right’ or ‘left’, they will prevent our awakening.  Let us pray that 2014 ushers in the year where our bondage is broken–for good.

Open thread

Obama Disabilities and the 25th Amendment

©2013 drkate

Gun Runner

Gun Runner

Long before the current manifestations of Obama’s incompetence, debauchery, and danger to America, this blog and a few others pointed out that under the 25th Amendment, Obama is disabled and therefore unable to serve in office.  His principle form of disability in the first instance was, and remains, his ineligibility to hold the office because he is not a natural born citizen.  Article II, Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution requires that the President be born in the United States to two parents who are American citizens.

Obama set the stage for deceit by sponsoring a non-binding resolution (S.R. 535) that proclaimed John McCain eligible for the presidency even though McCain was not eligible because he was born off-base in a civilian hospital in Cologne, Panama.  McCain could not challenge Obama’s eligibility as he himself was ineligible.  And through voter fraud in 2008, the bought media, and the relentless use of race and gender to divide America, Obama coasted through the 12th Amendment procedure in the joint session of Congress to declare himself the pResident.  Not a whimper was heard from any of the so-called constitutionalists or conservatives, and every member of the Senate and House and every Secretary of State of the 50 States refused to do their duty and verify Obama’s eligibility.

Oh, yeah, I forgot…they all said “it wasn’t my job”…

We  all know that we were betrayed by the bench–the judiciary and the high powered attorneys–who twisted and made up reasons why the Constitution would not be followed.  American citizens spent thousands of dollars, risked their lives and livelihoods, were murdered, and were thrown in federal prison for daring to point out this most fundamental disability of the man who calls himself “Barack Hussein Obama”.

The failure of the judiciary and the unlawful lawmakers to follow the Constitution did not deter the investigations of Obama’s disability one iota.  Now we know that:

  • Obama’s birth certificate–produced on the White House website–is a 100% forgery
  • Obama’s Selective Service Registration is also 100% fraudulent
  • There is no evidence that he actually attended Columbia University
  • His real name is Barry Soetoro, and that he lost his law license because he failed to disclose his other names
  • Obama is a muslim and has lied about it consistently
  • Obama is at best a dual citizen (Britain, Indonesia) and never declared U.S. citizenship
  • ….

Yes it is possible to name more than a dozen characteristics of Obama that disable him from serving in any capacity of the federal government.  The penalty for selective service fraud alone is the inability to serve in the executive branch of government.  We know nothing about this guy who claims to be pResident…except that he is a tool of someone else.  He was the ultimate Trojan Candidate, and someone admitted the Trojan Horse.  His skin color and the enabling network became the condom shield through which he began immediately to screw America by fundamentally transforming the greatest country in the world.

Delusions, Narcissism, and Mental Illness



Never having worked a day in his life, the boy wonder began to fiddle while the world burned.  He has shown delight in an agenda that eviscerates our military and that degrades conservatives, and loves to participate in drone killing of women and children.  He has no problem invading other countries, threatening them, letting Americans die, and creating chaos at home and abroad.  He spends money recklessly to flaunt it in America’s face as we continue to spiral economically out of control.  Author John DeMayo notes:

Had a young Barry Soetoro been taught humility—instead of foolish pride—the boy who became King would have known better than to assume all his days would be full of accolades. Then again, maybe he is not capable of knowing the difference.
The serial lying and fraud goes beyond the observed diagnosis of narcissism, it is now bordering on the real possibility that Barack Obama is mentally ill.  Barack Obama is a failure, and now his signature death of America legislation–Obamacare just highlights his total incompetence and yes, continued disability to serve in the office he now occupies.  DeMayo again:
...Obama has never had to face failure in his life. Adversity perhaps, but not failure. President Obama has spent his life running away from his failures by seeking temporary and risky pleasures that fed his fragile ego and gratified his desire to be happy: Exotic travel, drugs, homosexual encounters, Islam. All collide with common man causes and a playboy appetite; all disturbing and conflicted excesses; all difficult for anyone to make sense of..
DeMayo believes Obama is a high-function mentally ill persona who is starting to show himself as all of his failures come forward:
…the high functioning mentally ill, live out on a constant limb, running between depression and excess to an occasional stop on a splintered branch called anxiety. A paramount fear of abandonment guides them to execute direct attacks against the things they wish to preserve and keep most. They are prolific liars and masterful agitators.
fuckerobamaNow, with democrats publicly turning on him, Obama is frightened and angry, and now more dangerous than ever.  He will seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with him before he can move on.  A good example is his purge of military leadership—over 200 officers who have counseled him to drop his war plans for Syria, to stop supporting terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood, and who question everything from his rules of engagement (aka the tie one hand behind our soldiers back plan) to the betrayal at Benghazi.
The problem is, each day that goes on he becomes more dangerous:
Each day this man is allowed to continue to re-invent the laws designed to restrict his behavior, America becomes more dangerous; weaker and more divided. Each day Obama is disappointed becomes another day he attacks those that continue to hold our nation together, even if they are on his team.
Impeachment, Arrest, or the 25th Amendment?
Which brings me back to the 25th Amendment.  Because Congress has been incapacitated–with the National Security Agency probably having every one of them compromised–we can neither expect impeachment or arrest.  The conditions that invoke the 25th Amendment are no less challenging: either the President or a majority of his cabinet must move to replace him. Sections 3 and 4 of the 25th Amendment read:

Section 3.

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4.

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

If the Vice President or any of Obama’s cabinet members expect to have any political future that does not include the gallows or a firing squad–for violating their oath of office and participating in treason against these United States– they might want to think about saving their own faces through this action.  If the republicans or democrats in Congress expect to have a future free of constant shame for having enabled this usurper to ruin America, they might want to save face by moving to remove Obama because he is unable to serve as President.
No, we constitutionalists, patriots and Americans are not going to forget what the political class has done to the once great America, but they can start correcting the error now.  Their final judgment is before God–whether they believe or not–and their destination is the eternal lake of fire.
7.21.08 Blitt Obama.indd

Images Open Thread

©2013 drkate

Sometimes a picture says more than anything can.  And of course a photograph can spur much analysis.

The thread idea comes hat tip to QL, long time reader (thank you!  🙂 )  as we Remember Benghazi


Easy impeachment arrest even for compromised ‘elected cowards’ known as senators and representatives.

If these individuals are so compromised by NSA data, they should not hold office. But the reality is that these people have no spine and will not uphold their oath of office. Time again for the misprision of felony notices under Title 18?


And Satan is the god small g of this world.  As the Father of lies, confusion, and deceit, that is how he operates.  He can’t create anything, so he must counterfeit everything.  And there are signs of his control all over the world…

Angela Merkel Poster

Angela Merkel Poster

Got Satan?

And now the Pope says that you can get to heaven without believing in God or Christ.  This is an abomination that makes desolation (Daniel 12:11), Satan’s work accomplished through the Church.


The New World Order is about those individuals who accepted Satan’s temptation of  all the kingdoms and riches of the world which Christ refused.  And the spiritual battle that encompasses us is the long-standing one of good versus evil, now manifested so close to home


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12 KJV)

When it is a spiritual battle, where do you go first, and who do you take direction from?

Open thread!

The Friends of John McBama

©2013 drkate

These are John McCain’s freedom fighters rebels.  His goal is regime change.

These are Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry’s “we have to bomb Syria to find out who the rebels are

These are Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian/Libyan/Turkish/Saudi operatives, his Al Queda friends, the ones who he will ‘draw a red line’ for.

These are the fighters against Christians.  Remember Kosovo?  Serbia?  “Paving the way for radical islamic jihad, one nation at a time.”

These are the people responsible for the use of chemical weapons.

These are the lies that experienced liars spout.  WMD’s?  What WMD’s?  Kerry is repeating Colin Powell’s lies to the world.

We all bleed the same color.  RED

American blood spilled for decidedly un-American causes.

American blood spilled in a war against Christianity…a war against our very foundation.

Here they are–the Syrian rebels posted this picture on their FACEBOOK page of how they feel about the U.S. Congress–vote for war or you will die.

From the Facebook page of the al-Aqsa Islamic Brigades:


h/t Weasel Zippers

Open Thread

Itching for War

©2013 drkate

Obama's Benghazi Flag

Obama’s Benghazi Flag

For a guy who supposedly won the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama sure likes the thought of killing more people in the Middle East.  Harsh?  Well, we need look no further than Benghazi to know that the objectives of this administration are the destabilization not only of the Middle East, but of America too.  More of our young men and women–who should be protecting the homeland from both domestic and foreign enemies–sent into harms way to fulfill a political agenda, wrapped in ‘humanitarian concerns’.

Remember the Obama administration has been arming jihadidsts all over the world, which is what the Libyan Benghazi mission was all about.  Weapons shipped to the Syrian rebels through Libya, or Turkey  have killed now over 60,000 innocents.  How many do you suppose were Christians?

The Constitution, in tatters already due to an imposter in the White House, the federal reserve, and a spineless Congress made up of politicians that call themselves democrats or republicans, won’t see the light of day regarding Syria as Obama won’t ask for Congressional authority.  He will piggy-back on Bush’s Iraq War resolution—which he did to justify the Libya murders–and seize the power to bomb Syria…with or without the United Nations.

The Chemical False Flag Attack

Blame the chemical attack on Assad, and invade.  That’s the plan.  Use the media to invent public support, ridicule the requirement to abide by the Constitution, and justify the invasion.  What a bunch of immoral morons that are running this country.  Stooping to false flags to achieve their murderous agenda

And why would Assad release chemical weapons when he knows it would bring world rebuke?  No, it was the rebels who overran the chemical weapons storage facility in Aleppo and began their attacks in December.  The UN concluded from investigation then that the U.S.-backed  Syrian rebels had used sarin gas.   And if the rebels are using gas on the very civilians it wants to rule, they would happily stage a chemical attack on their own soldiers just to win the Libya-style UN bombardment.

And maybe then they can drag Bashir Assad through the streets and murder him like Ghaddafi.

Will this be the start of World War III?  Or is this ‘wars and rumors of war‘?  All these things must happen though, before our Lord returns.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Guns, Oil, and Drugs

©2013 drkate

The World on the NWO Chessboard

The World on the NWO Chessboard

Forget anything you hear about the democrats or republicans, or the current ‘leaders’ of the U.S. government, spreading ‘democracy’ around the world.  It’s all a hoax as we were hijacked a long time ago and have been supporting a false god…counterfeit god known as the elite’s quest for money and control based on Guns, Oil, and Drugs.

The illegality of three plants–coca, cannabis,and the opium poppy–creates the worlds largest black marketplace of over one trillion dollars annually of untaxed cash dollars, supplying the ‘shadow masters’ with funds to corrupt financial and civil institutions, to acquire industries, own media, buy governments, fund terrorism, and bankroll wars.

The treasure of American blood has been coldly wasted to fight wars over drugs–Vietnam, Kosovo, Afghanistan to name just a few–where the financiers of war play both sides of the coin.  Gun and missile running, perfected on the American side by G.H. W. Bush, Eric Holder, the Clintons, the Obamas…with invaluable assistance from the CIA serve to make money and  destroy civilizations. These are the boys and girls who succumbed to the temptations offered by Satan.

…the behind the scenes collaboration between governments, intelligence agencies, big business, drug traffickers, and ‘terrorists’ has lined the pockets of the elite on one hand, while on the other profoundly contributing to the destruction of sovereign nation-states in favor of more efficient economic units, but without such messy things as the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.  Dealing their cards from the darkness, the Shadow Masters create ‘reality’, inventing the good guys and the bad buys, playing a rigged game for power, profit, and our future.~Shadow Masters

Listen to this incredible interview, in two parts:

Part 2:


Open Thread.

What Difference did She Make?

©2013 drkate

Is the world a safer place?  Or are more American arms falling into the hands of terrorists?

Benghazi. Benghazi. Benghazi. Benghazi.

Name one thing this Secretary of State did for America…

Open Thread.

Obama’s International Gun and Missile Running

©drkate 2012

Part I:  Foundations

Gun Runner

Gun Runner

Trafficking in weapons is one of the criminal characteristics of the Obama regime. We have suspected known that the Benghazi murders had something to do with American weapons delivered to Libyan rebels.  But whether Ambassador Stevens was retrieving them, setting up a transfer of the same weapons to Syrian rebels via Turkey, was a target of a hostage plot, or had uncovered Obama’s involvement and had to be eliminated –won’t be known until the final layer is peeled off the onion.

Whatever the truth of this ‘international fast and furious’, the Benghazi terror had something to do with the 2012 election and keeping focus off Obama’s ineligibility and performance.  But the murder of four Americans almost blew the whole cover off the core weapons operation and necessitated the outright and overt theft of the 2012 election.

How did Al Queda in Benghazi get a ‘smart bomb’?  Was Obama afraid the stinger missiles he supplied them would be used to shoot down rescue aircraft, blowing his cover?  Where did the Syrian rebels get SAMS?

The Mockingbird aspect of this has been the endless cover stories designed to scatter the focus…the film, a demonstration, terrorism, al queda or an off-shoot; the generals and clandestine affairs…the fake closed door hearing and feigned outrage…the blaming of Qatar…then crickets….oh the fiscal cliff, the punishment, banning, or retirement of the so-called conservatives… The number of generals dismissed and murders we don’t know about could be large.  Something big happened in Benghazi that caused a major ‘change of plans’.

Gunrunner-Obama’s team includes Eric Holder Holdup–weapons dealing since 1993– Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, the CIA, Janet Napolitano, and  Leon Panetta.  They have stepped into the shoes and operations of those before them, with a suitcase full of tools, deceptions, poisons, weapons, money and drugs at their disposal.

Where did this all begin?

Consider this a Black Ops Open Thread.

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Since 8/15/09


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