Archive for the 'Bankrupt the left' Category

Killing the Plandemic Lies

©2022 DrKate

We are at war.

Remember, the plandemic was used to steal the 2020 election, and President Trump never conceded.

Installed was an incontinent old man without a brain, who reveals Obama and the deep state when his mask is removed.  The January 6 “unselect” committee, filled with pitiful democrats and pathetic ‘republicans’ Cheney and Kinsinger, is designed to keep the narrative going that the election was ‘fair and square’ and hiding the REAL insurrection which happened on November 3, 2020.

The cheating was caught in real time and they know it. The ‘secret’ Presidential records were obtained by this fairy tale committee…which show that President Trump did not walk away…and which reveal that the democrats are in deep doo doo.  Why you think so many D’s are “not running for re-election”?  Those scoundrels were “put into submission” and “allowed” to retire.  Pelosi can’t retire, but is running again despite what she said earlier, because she is running for her life and hopes to escape prosecution for her many illegalities, including setting up the January 6 event for which innocent Americans are being held as political prisoners.

Now to the real damage inflicted on the people of the United States.  As you watch the excellent video of Senator Johnson’s hearing on this plandemic, consider the number of people who are in fact guilty of crimes against humanity.  Nuremberg 2.0 anyone?

Do not give up, do not give in.  Resistance to tyranny is Obedience to God.

Clinton Lies, We All Die, and so does America

©2016 drkate

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone… John 8:7 KJV

There is absolutely nothing that is going to turn my vote away from Trump.  He has sacrificed his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor for us, for America.  I stand with him 1000%.  Clinton/Kaine have lost the election and have stooped to this degrading distraction to somehow try to turn this around.  This deliberate distraction comes right after the clown Kaine performance, and on the same day as the REAL information comes out through Wikileaks proving

  • Hillary’s complicit behavior in the slaughter of Christians in the middle east by ISIS
  • Hillary’s secret meetings and tape recordings with the Muslim Brotherhood (don’t forget the 20-year pillow talk with Huma)
  • Hillary’s participation as a board member of and Secretary of State when a French company was funding ISIS and paying taxes to them
  • Hillary’s acceptance of muslim refugees and ISIS members into the United States for payment to her foundation
  • Hillary’s speeches before Wall Street where she “dreams of a world without borders” and letting the insiders “fix” Wall Street from being caught looting America and paying off politicians
  • Hillary’s absolute disgust with America, Americans, and all women except for Huma
  • Hillary’s bribery of the Justice Department, FBI, CIA and political operatives masquerading as politicians

She has been a liar all her life and people have died.  BENGHAZI, ANYONE?


Those who are weak-kneed and have decided to disavow Trump, like Paul Ryan, the cucks, and the establishment GOP were never for Trump in the first place, and can go ahead and show their true colors and vote for the liar, cheat, thief, evil woman known as Clinton.  God certainly knows them and has reserved their place in hell, happening sooner rather than later.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

We true Americans are NOT BACKING DOWN.



This is GOD’S TIME.


soldier and flag

Open Thread Resource

©2015 drkate

“Return to Forever”–what an exquisite title!

Here’s an Open Thread round up of some news items that caught my attention recently with some accompanying music for your enjoyment.  Chick Corea is not for everyone, but hey, its my blog!    You can skip those annoying adds.  Some of these articles are from readers, so hat/tip to all!

Time to call Obama and Kerry What they Are: Traitors  Daniel Greenfield, Truth Revolt


Obama Waiting for America’s “We’re Done!” Moment  Judy Mcleod, Canada Free Press

It’s “JEB!PANZEE”!  Another Lame Cherry classic with excellent photoshop

Outrageous–Christian Pastor in Vermont Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail for Refusing to Marry Gay Coupleimho, the judge should be disbarred and thrown in jail.

Republican party openly takes a left turn, running from Trump The GOP’s unprincipled politicians all need to go!


He literally can’t be boughtWhat a novel concept!

The Elite would like to assassinate Donald TrumpWatch for it folks, its our signal.

Obama rewards anyone who kills American troops  “…I will stand with the Muslims…”

Lessons for the GOP  …the US public is on to the GOP and their collusion with all that is wrong in America they deserve re-election?

voters and gop

The eventual socialist hyperinflation  …when they run out of other peoples money.


The Obama VotersOh wait, did she wake up?

obama if you think i am stupid

Articles of Impeachment for Obama, an updateTime to lock him out of the people’s house!

Lock him out

Lock him out


The first black president, quite brilliantly, has built a quasi-reparations infrastructure perpetually fed by racial data that will outlast his administration.”  Some would prefer the use of the adjective “evil” over “quite brilliantly”.

The Racist-in-Chief

The Racist-in-Chief


This open thread will be up for a while, and as new articles come up I will update this post to include them, hopefully with an appropriate picture.






©2014 drkate

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Benjamin Franklin

Think about the last six years of the Obama administration and its “lurching” from one planned catastrophe and false flag to the next.  Intimidation by false flag, the looting of America and Americans, IRS, EPA, DOJ, CIA, FBI, DHS targeting of individuals, schools, and whole communities, and the role of the White House and/or Department of Justice in nearly every suspicious murder afflicting high-profile reporters, political figures, state officials, international political figures, and even Hollywood actors, adds up.  Each of those murders were of people who knew something about the truth of the overthrow of the united States and the false identity of the man calling himself “Obama” and his parental lineage.

In my view, we are counting down now to the great reckoning, the punishment, the thrashing of all those who would plunder, pillage, and destroy God’s people and this earth.  Time is almost irrelevant…but I am confident that these transgressions will not be tolerated any more.

It is easy to see those who are doing Satan’s work, the characteristics are clear:

  • Statements and pronouncements are based on lies.  You know what they say about lies, right? Say a lie often enough and people begin to believe it; the “big lie” (e.g., Obama’s claim of constitutional eligibility) is easier to believe than the small lie.  Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44).
  • Refusing to see the truth, to learn, to read. Like the Congress debating obamacare, or like any other bill that has been passed in both state and national legislatures, nobody cares to read the things they are voting on.  Yet so many people have an opinion on things they haven’t studied or understand. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6);  willful ignorance, no love for the truth (Thessalonians 2:10)
  • Practicing Deception.  This is in large part the “practice” of the trade of being a lawyer.  Twisting words and concepts..Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered (Luke 11:52)
  • “Demonizing” Opponents.  Good and descriptive word, eh?  The things that are said against people who oppose any regime, or a lie told by a politician, do indeed attack on personal levels, levy charges and accusations, name-call, and otherwise try to ruin the credibility of that individual or group. In other countries, and sometimes in our country, if these techniques do not work people are just murdered.  Jesus said that during the end times his people will be killed who speak His name” (Matthew 10:22), but those who endure to the end will be saved.
  • Making War.  All wars are based on lies and deception, and most often they are power plays among the elite using us regular people as ‘collateral damage’ that is irrelevant to them.  How many millions were starved by Stalin?  How many Americans died in the Civil War, which was touted as about “slavery” when the true cause was an economic war between barons?  Remember that the states had every right under our constitution to secede from the Union, and the North did not have the right to force a union back at the point of a gun.  There will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet (Matthew 24:6).

These are just a few characteristics that make it clear that the individuals and organizations practicing these techniques are doing the work of Satan.  You can call it the “new world order”, but I call it Satan’s work, accomplished by Satan’s chosen.  Think of who they are:  the international financiers, the politicians, Monsanto and other like-minded corporations affecting the very lives and of individuals, government agencies run amok, the military industrial complex, all the King’s and Queen’s men, Hollywood “stars”, the media moguls, and the lefties.  The Churches have failed to inform their flocks of these truths, they have been deceived, and many no longer serve God.

What is clear is that as the end times begin, that so much truth will be exposed and that Satan’s chosen will also “come out of the closet” for all to see.  Many will intentionally remain ignorant because they don’t want to see the truth.  The lies will spread like topsy and the faces of sin exposed.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”~Plato

Take your stand in the light, persevere, remain steadfast and true, know God.



Open thread!

The Long Road Home

©2014 drkate

Ah yes, we can age date ourselves…

Everything has changed since then, grateful that I’ve finally awakened to the truth of where we are now as humanity, as children of God, as responsible Americans.  How the powers that be tried, and failed, to squish us all.  A friend of mine remarks that “they should have waited another 2o years, then it would have been easier for them…”

Make no mistake, they have taken out the best of us, some never to return, others afraid to be seen or tracked, others drowning in debt, strife, the struggle of multiple jobs, and the stress that kills.  For many, whatever is left of a ‘career’ now eeks out lemonade from a pile of lemons left by their dust.

Me?  I am on the road again making another transition…collecting a new self and renewing an age-old struggle, with now my role perfectly clear.  I made myself available to Him and through His grace a new dawn.

I will post as I can…please keep us all up-to-date with this Open Thread!

(Of course, some feelings never change…)


Lock him out

Lock him out

Freedom, Wealth Creation, and Virtue

©2014 drkate

An excellent discussion by the Virtual Presidency of  Bill Whittle, on re-branding Conservatism.

Hint: its not pepsi.

Winning by not playing in their sandbox.

Open Thread!

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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