Archive for the 'usurper' Category

The Installation of Foreign Agents Biden/Harris

©2021 DrKate

President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 is in effect.  We have a foreign-controlled installed occupant of the White House enabled by domestic enemies. There is incontrovertible truth that the 2020 American election was interfered with by foreign entities. It’s up to the military now to protect our Constitution.

Fraud happened at all levels and for all “down ticket” candidates, but the mainstream media has suppressed all the information from reaching the American people.

Under the Constitution, the military is the second-to-last option to defend our Nation, and we need to let them know that we have their back, when they exercise that responsibility to lawfully restore the civilian government.

Soldiers, barbed wire on top of walls and steel fencing, sealed off tunnels, buses, and entry/exit ID required can be used for multiple purposes and in many ways.  Why is the White House continuously dark?  Why is Kamala not living at the traditional VP’s residence?  And plenty of other “whys” !!!

An Important Poll

We know that the election fraud will be made public and then, if our Constitution is being protected by our military, swift changes will happen. The public has to be awakened, and when the “approval rate” of Biden is down to 20%, then people are more inclined to want military intervention.  So please, keep talking about the direction Biden is taking America–even democrats do not like what they see going on.  For once we all agree.

When election and other supporting fraud evidence is fully available to the public either through a compliant or forced mainstream media, which scenarios floated out there for coming possibilities seem most likely to you? Multiple choice.  Since we all want arrests of key officials, I am just assuming that will continue to happen.  Please feel free to discuss in comments!






The $21 Trillion Looting of America

©2017 DrKate

So we have this gigantic debt that doubled under the usurper Obama’s reign of terror–where did it come from?  The video below will astound you.  An accounting trick employed by every administration since at least Clinton.  The surprising hidden involvement of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the known Department of Defense (DOD) irregularities–announced by Donald Rumsfeld on September 10, 2001–are at the center of this theft.

What is behind this?

Notice the point in this video–the U.S. is NOT broke…if we could recover the money and STOP THE THEFT…we might have a chance.  Could this be one of the reasons people are pushing an Article V convention of states…to legalize this theft before it is uncovered?

Pray for our President, HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson–who has already uncovered huge fraud–and Defense Secretary Mattis that they may use the tools of the Almighty to find this fraud and return the funds to the American people.

Open thread!


Obama Seen Leaving White House Early

©2017 drkate

Ah, the empty chair…its all we ever needed to know about Obama…


Thanks, guys!

Only by Deception

©2017 drkate

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

waitingformediaThe long national nightmare known as Obama ruled America by deception from day one of his candidacy and will all the way up until January 20, 2017 at 12:00 noon.  From his failure to meet the basic constitutional qualification to hold the Presidency, to his  peace prize, to the dropping of 26,000 bombs all over the world just in 2016, to Obamacare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and more, there has been no truth, no honesty, and no respect for America or Americans.  Obama’s counterfeit  presidency has been an unmitigated disaster and has been entirely enabled by deception, in obvious collusion with the media.

In the days since the election, the democrats, Obama, Clinton, the media, social justice warriors (SJW), BLM, the CIA and every other alphabet agency have been playing a deception game, attempting to discredit the American people–aka President-elect Trump–casting doubt upon the election and his legitimacy.  The democrat effort has all been through deception, not a single grain of truth, and even with the shellacking they took from eight years of Obama, it has not exactly sunk in yet that they have and are lost.   In this mindset, the democrats will continue to be stupid and make mistakes!   Note to self: stock up on popcorn.

Trying to accuse Trump of engineering election fraud–something the democrats did themselves–they blamed the leaks on Russian hacking–two different things.  Notice that deception over the truth of the emails themselves, and the truth of Hillary’s criminal and insecure email server, terrible candidacy, and the absolute plan to deceive revealed. Watch how all of the deceptions of the last few months came together in the feigned outrage at things Trump did not say in his campaign at their last gasp on Friday, January 6, 2017– the counting of the Electoral College vote.

Their deception failed, and spectacularly with regular Americans watching this step in the journey to the Presidency of Donald J. Trump.  But the plan was still to somehow overturn the results of the November 8 vote and the electoral college reflecting the will of the people.


There is no doubt that God’s hand is in the exposure of the true character of not only the Obama years, but those previously.  The cartel, the globalists, and the United States government’s constant dealing in guns, drugs, and oil have wreaked intergenerational havoc on America and the world, overturned our Constitution, and disregarded the gifts of life, a brain and heart, and everything our Creator has bestowed upon us.

For example, the deception of “false flags” have been thoroughly vetted during the Obama years.  Eric Holder and Obama are the masters at this deception.  Why they hate the internet is because Americans have become educated to their deception.

Without discounting the terror and lives lost one iota, think about the timing of the Florida airport shooting, and the BLM kidnapping and torture of a special needs white man in Chicago and other recent attacks.  And the media’s shameless lies about it, now exposed again as deception regarding the #BLMKidnapping that happened in Obama’s “hometown”. Obama’s work has been under the cover of terror while he openly has dismantled our armed forces, institutions, and rule of law.  And no one has stopped them.

There will be plenty of actions over which to actually and historically convict Obama, Clinton and their regime of treason.  In their own words and deeds the story of betrayal will be told and acted upon.  The accomplices have much to worry about.



And the result?  Sleeping like a baby!!


More exposure…

  • The pedophile ring in DC was exposed through the stupidity of John Podesta falling for a phishing email and using the password of “password”.  With dummies like this anywhere near the seat of power, America loses!
  • The intelligence agencies have shown a direct trail to  and provide a way for Trump to drain that swamp, especially with the recent fiasco of of the supposed “Russian hacking
  • Schumer’s clowns will also now keep making mistakes and like the Podesta emails, they will be caught in the act of being themselves—hateful, arrogant, deceitful,  elite, and fundamentally un-American.

Looking for Justice

I for one am still looking for justice on Benghazi: Clinton, Panetta, Obama, Jarrett. They have no credibility to say anything:

It has been one distraction after another since Benghazi, which should have sunk Obama in 2012 and will still sink Hillary in upcoming years.  Neither should ever be able to hold public office in the United States–and that includes Mayor of NY, Hillary, where your Saudi benefactors nearly took the city down and killed four Americans on the eleventh anniversary of 911.  Fittingly you collapsed at ground zero on 9-11-16 in video footage we were never supposed to see.

President Trump will make sure Hillary is investigated and indicted.  But like with our enemies, he’s just not going to broadcast the way it will be done.  Remember, with Clinton it is always war. And war is always by deception.


The deception is not ever going to work again.

A question:  do you think Obama knows how much people do not like what he’s done to America?  Probably the better question is, does he even care?

“Additional Chances for Mischief”

©2016 drkate

Mr. Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, then forwarded the email to Mrs. Clinton’s inner-circle and added: “Additional chances for mischief.”

The email in question is the one from assistant attorney general Peter Kadzik to his friend John Podesta, providing inside information to the Clinton campaign as to the status the the Justice Department’s actions.  Kadzick is Justice’s “liaison” to Congress regarding the FBI study of Hillary Clinton’s emails, and is a Clinton insider.

Trump, campaigning in  Florida spoke about this and asked the audience: “…and these are the people who want to run our country?”


Whether it be the strategic releases of Wikileaks, a new American Revolution with, and/or the Hand of God, the veil has been lifted ever so slightly on the corruption that underlies the the utterly contemptuous, unconstitutional, and evil  “politics”  that have hijacked our government. The stench of this corruption is wide, deep, sour, hot.

I’m not sure any of us understand how serious, dire, dangerous, and urgent a situation we are in right now. The kind of information that is being exposed is something we were never supposed to see. It is exactly like a film produced by a twitter author pointing out that “the civilian film of Hillary collapsing was something we never would have seen if it hadn’t been for somebody catching it on an iphone.  And that the failure of the democrats to replace Clinton then was evidence they were going to rely on vote fraud for her (s)election.”

What kind of party puts a cadaver up for election??

Literally, she is “dead” to America because of her ability to be blackmailed by whoever has those emails.  Clinton’s server was every foreign government’s back door into the entire U.S. government. Even if she wanted to serve America, she couldn’t: this was her career, pay to play for all official and unofficial acts.

More Mischief: The Rinos Still Want Hillary

Republicans like Ryan all still want Hillary elected because they can spend all their time strutting around endlessly “investigating” Clinton, never getting anywhere, and giving her all she wants on her agenda.  Forget helping America, its ‘send me more money to stop Clinton’ for the next four years.  These so called congressman are irrelevant to America and should be swept away over the next four years in our strategic voting effort.

Clearly there is more opportunity for mischief before the election on Tuesday, and the elite are desperate.  We hope the house of cards falls inward.

While it may look like all of the corrupt are willing to let Hillary take the fall for everyone’s corruption, there will surely be no escape for the enablers.  Prepare for a rough weekend, but keep your eyes on the prize.  Prepare for voter theft, but know in your heart Mr. Trump will fight it because he will not roll over for election theft.

And at the same time as this danger is a tremendous opportunity  to “walk away”—what is that step in The Art of the Deal—and begin anew.  I do agree that after November 8 we will never be the same again.

The Shell Game: CIA, Swiss Banks, ISIS

©2016 drkate

This information is just the beginning expose. America is held hostage to this “game” being played by parties we can probably guess, but many unseen.  Its a long film, take it in pieces.

Here’s the eleven-minute version of “The Shellgame”, in diagrams

And how do Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and yes, the Clinton Foundation fit into this?

Like I said, just the beginning.

Open thread!

The Five Who Brought America to Her Knees

@2016 drkate



Each one of these so-called presidents contributed to where we are today, in particular, the  New World Order attack on America on September 11, 2001.  Notice what happened to America’s economy after 2001:


Carter, Brzenski, and the Iranian hostage deal; the first invasion of Iraq; the first World Trade Center bombing; Waco; Oklahoma City; 911; Bosnia; Afghanistan; the second invasion of Iraq; and the destabilization of Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen…oh and these are just a few.  Have our leaders been working for or against us?

And now we are at a turning point ourselves…you didn’t think it was going to be easy did you?


Our country is hanging by a thread now, and if Clinton is elected, you can be sure we are done.  After that only you, me, and other patriots know what will be required of us.  Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.  We must subdue evil.  Are you with us?


Trump in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania April 25, 2016

Open Thread!

Rubber Meets the Road for the RNC/GOPe: Cruz Ineligibility

©2016 drkate

It absolutely does not matter if “obama and the DNC did it”, the RNC/GOP globalists have now been caught running the same scam by running ineligible candidates for president (Cruz, Rubio, Jindal), and it will fail.  Yes, they can run who they want, but

  • can the delegates, who take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, vote to nominate a constitutionally ineligible candidate?
  • Can the RNC place Cruz’s name into nomination?

Cruz knows he’s ineligible for the presidency….and many count on the democrats, particularly Representative Alan Grayson to file a lawsuit against Ted Cruz based on his constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

But remember, the democrats are the party of Obama, who was/is ineligible….anyone think the dems will raise the issue of Obama in their suit against Cruz?  Or will they use it as leverage on a pResident Cruz?  My guess is on the latter–its good leverage on someone you want to control forever.

Natural Born Citizen Basics

  1. NBC is a National Security Safeguard. The natural born citizen clause in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution was designed as a national security safeguard to prevent the foreign takeover of our Nation and military.  It applies only to the president and the vice president.  It is about having a Commander in Chief and President who has sole allegiance to the United States.
  2. Circumstances at Birth determine natural born citizen status.
    1. One must be born on the soil of the United States.  This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for natural born citizen status
    2. One must be born of two citizen parents, those parent citizens being under the jurisdiction of the United States.

About 85% of Americans are natural born citizens and meet this three-legged stool test, shown below for Marco Rubio.  This applies also to Bobby Jindal.


Ted Cruz has only one leg of the three-legged stool:  “Mother a U.S. Citizen”.  Cruz was

  1. Born on Canadian soil, not U.S. soil
  2. Mother was a U.S. citizen subject to the jurisdiction of the United States
  3. Father was a Cuban citizen, subject to the jurisdiction of Cuba, not the United States.

Can’t “make” a Natural Born Citizen through Statute

The essence of natural born is that you don’t need any act of law, or statute to be born with the status of a natural born citizen.  You can become a citizen through a statute, but never a natural born citizen.  Regarding Cruz, all this business about “well his mother was an American citizen” indicates an attempt to statutorily make Cruz a natural born citizen.  But as you can see from the above diagram, having a U.S. mother is only one of the legs of a three-legged stool.

Also, if you were born somewhere else–i.e., Canada–you were not under the jurisdiction of the United States at birth, despite the mother’s citizenship status.  Cruz was born under multiple jurisdictions, and therefore has multiple allegiances

Here’s how you can become a U.S. Citizen:

  • Statutory
  • Naturalization

Again, it is not possible to “make” a natural born citizen out of statutory law.  A dual citizen may not be president.

You know this really should be the end of the story and simple to understand, since so many have been working on this since 2008!  Our experience with Obama shows the damage that a person with no allegiance to America can do.  Now we have the Cruzers, still blindly following “what they’ve been told” to stupidly promote Ted Cruz, and thus the final nail in the coffin of America.


No to the North American Union!

Open thread.


Che Obamas

©2016 drkate

Although this is probably photoshopped, its quite perfect, isn’t it?


(h/t Citizen Wells, first comment on this excellent post!)

Don’t forget we were warned about these folks…

7.21.08 Blitt Obama.indd


Eh, too much said already!

Open Thread.

“We want an American”

©2016 drkate

The war on the American people by the GOP, RNC, and Democrat elite continues, with the latest treachery on the part of the two ineligible candidatesThe very fact that the RNC/GOP let these two run is the damning statement on them all that they do not care one whit for the Constitution.  They would rather run a foreigner with foreign allegiances than an American.  All of the RNC and GOP elite should be removed from their respective positions in the party.

On Ted Cruz:

All of this explains why Senator Ted Cruz has no legal U.S. citizenship documentation of any kind. He is not a “natural born” – “native born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States. Because someone must be one of the three in order to be a legal citizen of the United States, Senator Ted Cruz cannot possibly be a “legal U.S. citizen” of any form.

And on Rubio:

Of course, Senator Marco Rubio is also “ineligible,” as a “native born citizen at birth” by virtue of 14th Amendment “anchor baby” policies only.

The not-so secret pact these two ineligibles demonstrated in their juvenile gang attacks on Donald Trump during a break in the last “debate” is shown by their handshake behind the back of Trump:


cruz rubio handshake


What greater illustration of their treachery…and didn’t they even think about the symbolism of a handshake behind the back?  LOL.   No, they just don’t care and the elite are desperate and that desperation is being exposed by mistakes like this.

How these two ineligibles behave is exactly demonstrating the elite war against Americans, and within the GOP, the GOP elite war on conservatives.  Every GOP President since Ronald Reagan has contributed to the destruction of conservatives and elimination of any “insurgency”.  Despite what the voters are saying and demonstrating, they have dug their heels in and are desperate to defeat Trump by changing the rules and ushering in a brokered convention.  Their brokered convention does not name Rubio, it names Romney.

So the party elite apparently know Cruz cannot be elected and have thrown their hat in with Rubio. according to this excellent article (h/t jj):

Today when we hear Marco Rubio saying: “Donald Trump will not be our party’s nominee, because it would mean the end of the republican party“, Rubio is not being dramatic.  He is simply relaying the same message from the party apparatus as they tell him exactly what needs to be done.

Yesterday, four times -and most notably on the debate stage- RNC Head Reince Preibus said: “the candidates are applying to join the republican party and gain the benefit of the national party apparatus“.   Think about this very carefully.  The key takeaway is the RNC now saying all the candidates are outside the party, and the party will determine who leads it.  The candidates are mere applicants to the group for the position of nominee.

And then came the “endorsement that rocked the political world”: Chris Christie, because Chris Christie knows all the inside information about how the GOPe and RNC planned to control the 2016 nomination process.  As detailed here and here:

It cannot be overstated how significant the concerns of the RNC/GOPe must be.  They must be apoplectic, heck, beyond apoplectic, with a realization that Christie was not who they thought him to be all along.  We can be certain the RNC/GOPe phones and emails are still in full meltdown mode.

Listen to what Christie says and the questions asked:

voters and gopAfter March 15, the RNC rules require that the winner takes all in each state’s primary.  And if the trend continues,  the mask “face” of the GOP will be changed forever.  YOu can already tell even the liberal pundits ask Trump if this is a “hostile” takeover of the GOP.  In a way it is because the GOP has been so hostile to conservatives.  I still think the GOP will try to push Trump out by forcing or suggesting an independent run.  Its not too early to call these GOP hacks and let them know that they are done unless they get on board with Americans.

We want an American to lead our country, not some metro-sexual pansy and patsy for the global elite.  And remember that putting America first right now is nothing short of a spiritual battle that demands our attention, participation, and discernment.  And when you realize that is true, then you know that no one, even Satan, can kill Donald Trump without God’s permission.



Open Thread.

Cruz Standing on a Lie

©2016 drkate

UpdateSign the Petition to Stop Ted Cruz!

Not so fast, Ted Cruz.

Absolutely nothing can change the fact that you are constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of president or vice president of the United States. And you know that a court would declare you ineligible, so as a chicken you “debate” the issue, pretending to be the canadian-cuban constitutional lawyer.

Every day that Ted Cruz stands for president of the United States he is lying to the American public about his eligibility to stand for the office.  He is arrogantly daring all of us to sue him.  In that, he is just like Obama.



In the lie of Ted Cruz, American votes are stolen.

Hey Rubio.  You’d better watch yourself too. Is that you I see in the background of the album cover?



Open thread.



Cruz and Obama

©2016 drkate

One of the worst assaults on our Constitution was the usurpation of the presidency by Barack Obama.  This blog “cut its teeth” on that issue and gleaned over one million views between 2008 and 2011.  There were prices to pay for political views I can attest.

But the man went on to do what we knew he would–dismantling, weakening, bankrupting, and dividing America.  Our Founders wanted to prevent that from happening to us and that is why the natural born citizen clause was placed in the constitution—IN PLAIN LANGUAGE verified by so many constitutional scholars and easily available for the public.

Based on his ineligibility, everything that Obama has done could literally be undone legally by the next president.  But not if the ineligible Ted Cruz is elected or even nominated for President.

Jus soli,  Jus sanguine.  Of the land, of American parents.

Again, thanks to the strength, principles, and independence of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz has now finally exposed himself as the constitutional hypocrite that he is with respect to the qualifications that apply only to the President and Vice President–the natural born citizen requirement of Article II of our Constitution.  Listen to his “defense” of himself below:

Ted Cruz’s defense of himself is whiny, untrue, and defensive.  He tries to make up something about natural born citizenship—that the parents had to be born in the US–to go after Trump’s mother.  And by defending himself in the way he does, he trivializes the constitution, degrades Trump, and mocks the Constitution.

Just like Obama, and just like those nasty obots we found on so many other blogs.  And he’s attempting to fire back.

But once again, and exactly in a matter-of-fact manner, Trump nails Cruz again in his eligibility problem.  And then he talks about Cruz’s (hypocrisy) of railing against the “establishment” and the “cartel” when he is part of and owned by it.  All starting about 30 minutes in:

Trump has absolutely honed the issue, forced the media to bring it up, and is simply telling the truth to Americans, real Americans, about the danger of Ted Cruz.  Imagine if America could have had this discussion in 2008? But of course all the parties prevented it.

So Ted Cruz is willing to violate the Constitution in order to become President.  And willing to lie about it, and have his supporters go after anyone who mentions it.  Just like Obama.

If Cruz is so un-American regarding this basic fact of the Constitution, while claiming to be a Tea Party hero, what does he think of trade and shariaWho are his associates?

If Ted Cruz is elected, it just makes Obama’s legacy of unconstitutional destruction legit.

Voting for Cruz is voting once again for the foreigner Obama.

Wake up (again) before its too late!

Open Thread




Political Party Follies

©2015 drkate

One of the major ways in which Obama was able to usurp the presidency of the United States is through the actions of the political parties, republican and democrat.  The parties have been given the authority by us and our self-serving Congress to identify, vet, and place candidates for the highest office of the land.  That America has had Obama, and now the republicans run three ineligibles–Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal –proves that both the democrat and republican parties obviously don’t operate by the Constitution.

Political parties were viewed as a scourge to liberty by our Founders, something to be avoided.  The existence of political parties…

… serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.  ~George Washington Farewell Address

We certainly know that voting just by political party does absolutely nothing for the well being of America or Americans.  We know that both parties, and their constitutionally-ineligible stealth presidential candidates, are all for immigration and amnesty and will ultimately lose to Hillary Clinton.  The architects behind Cruz want the North American Union, Rubio already looks like he’s walking to the tune of someone else, and Bush is left twisting in the wind.

But recent challenges to Cruz and Rubio’s eligibility for the New Hampshire ballot, filed appropriately in state court, were thrown out because of the lack of jurisdiction, because the political parties choose the candidates who get on the ballot.

The political parties in America have no constitutionally-derived authority to have any say over the proper vetting of a presidential candidate, or who that candidate is.  Once again, WE have let them get away with this as obviously politicians cannot be trusted to “self-police” or actually follow the law.

Ours is a moral failing, coming from the rejection of God and our founding principles.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, time to get prepared.

Open Thread!


©2015 drkate

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.  ~John F. Kennedy

voters and gop

The one-party “two party” system is over.  Millions abandon the GOP and the Dems, finally having seen the deceit, lies, and propaganda of “republicans vs democrats”.

Its time to be an American.  No retreat, no regrets, no surrender.

Open thread!

Hysterical Obama Defends Radical Muslims against U.S. States

©2015 drkate


After the gate was left open for the invasion of young, strong mostly Muslim men of fighting age into Europe, after the deal had already been cut to send these invader “refugees” into western countries, and after the Paris massacre, Obama decries as “hysterical” the move of several U.S. Governors to prevent the unvetted refugee invaders from coming into their states.  From Obama’s fomenting mouth:

“Apparently they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America.” The US does not make good decisions “based on hysteria or an exaggeration of risks”, he added.

How many widows and orphans have you seen invading Europe?  How many widows and orphans came with the young non-christian men who arrived in Louisiana?

Obama lashes out when he’s caught, and here he accuses Americans of being “afraid” of women and children.  No Obama, we are wary of the radical jihadists you are importing to our country under the guise of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees.  The problem is, where are the women and children?

The “refugees” have no papers and the invasion and destabilization is planned.

In another article, Obama described the Paris attacks as “a setback“–for who, and what???

So who is actually the hysterical one?  I think its Obama because his “change you can believe in” mantra is being exposed for what it is: the destruction of America by any means possible:  through economic hardship; regulations; eviscerating our military; through invasion; and through the well-documented establishment of Al Queda and ISIS by intelligence agencies of the United States, Israeli Mossad, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others.

When you have Muslims, Christians, and Assad’s troops fighting together to protect a biblical city from ISIS, then you know ISIS stinks to high heaven.

Obama has created chaos, nothing more, nothing less, but with intention to destabilize. It was his plan all along.  Voting  for Obama–out of knowledge or ignorance–puts the blood of millions on those hands.  And severe judgment is sure to follow.

Let’s put it this way.  The Ark door is closing, and they’re not getting in.

Open thread.

Open Thread Resource

©2015 drkate

“Return to Forever”–what an exquisite title!

Here’s an Open Thread round up of some news items that caught my attention recently with some accompanying music for your enjoyment.  Chick Corea is not for everyone, but hey, its my blog!    You can skip those annoying adds.  Some of these articles are from readers, so hat/tip to all!

Time to call Obama and Kerry What they Are: Traitors  Daniel Greenfield, Truth Revolt


Obama Waiting for America’s “We’re Done!” Moment  Judy Mcleod, Canada Free Press

It’s “JEB!PANZEE”!  Another Lame Cherry classic with excellent photoshop

Outrageous–Christian Pastor in Vermont Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail for Refusing to Marry Gay Coupleimho, the judge should be disbarred and thrown in jail.

Republican party openly takes a left turn, running from Trump The GOP’s unprincipled politicians all need to go!


He literally can’t be boughtWhat a novel concept!

The Elite would like to assassinate Donald TrumpWatch for it folks, its our signal.

Obama rewards anyone who kills American troops  “…I will stand with the Muslims…”

Lessons for the GOP  …the US public is on to the GOP and their collusion with all that is wrong in America they deserve re-election?

voters and gop

The eventual socialist hyperinflation  …when they run out of other peoples money.


The Obama VotersOh wait, did she wake up?

obama if you think i am stupid

Articles of Impeachment for Obama, an updateTime to lock him out of the people’s house!

Lock him out

Lock him out


The first black president, quite brilliantly, has built a quasi-reparations infrastructure perpetually fed by racial data that will outlast his administration.”  Some would prefer the use of the adjective “evil” over “quite brilliantly”.

The Racist-in-Chief

The Racist-in-Chief


This open thread will be up for a while, and as new articles come up I will update this post to include them, hopefully with an appropriate picture.





Sharia and Communism

©2105 drkate

Is Islam really separate from jihad?   h/t QL

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Open Thread.


Equal Opportunity Usurpation

©2015 drkate

The reason why Ted Cruz must be declared eligible is because if he isn’t eligible then neither is the criminal impostor in the White House.

The republicans, never having been known for having a spine or truly standing up as conservatives now fancy themselves as equal-opportunity usurpers, a la Barack Obama.  Since 2008 the American people, elected state and federal cowards officials have had ample fact-based information regarding Obama’s ineligibility, though they tried mightily to scrub any historical, legal, factual, and documented proof of the requirements of Article II, Section 2, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution, case law, and the proof of forgery and deceit in the placement of Obama in the White House.

obama foreign policyAs if that information weren’t enough to show that Obama has no loyalty to the United States, we have his behavior over the last six years and current efforts to aid and abet our mortal enemies negotiate deals with hostile regimes.  Obama and the U.S. government have spent millions of dollars defending a fraud.

Now along come the republican wanna-be-Obamas:  Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindhal, Gary Johnson, Rick Santorum, and John McCain, heck lets include Schwartzeneger as well, throwing their usurpation hat into the ring.  The new motto of all of them is “we have to destroy the constitution to save it”.  What do you want to bet that all of these so-called candidates support an Article V convention that would eliminate the Natural Born Citizen requirement…a requirement enacted into the constitution by the founders to prevent invasion of the White House and control of our military by a foreign national?

This article tells the truth about it:

But, Cruz has taken the position that ‘natural born’ means he can change his citizenship at age 44 (he will be 45 in December) and magically turn himself into a natural born citizen. Well, Ted, it doesn’t work that way. Natural born means when you’re born. This doesn’t seem to matter to Cruz or some of his ardent supporters….the reporter asked one of Cruz’s supporters about his eligibility. The woman replied, “We don’t care. We want him as president.” Does that make her any different than the ethically bankrupt who have supported the fraudulent stealing of the office of president by Soetoro? It does not. That Cruz supporter is just as willing to crap on the Constitution as Barry’s supporters.

In my opinion, all of these false candidates are designed to distract us from who will be the final nominee–Jeb Bush.  And to that extent, their claims of being patriotic and for the people are all 100% false–no matter how much you like them.  Even Rand Paul, who actually is a NBC, is covering for Bush.  Remember how he threw his support behind Mitt Romney just as his father was gaining real traction.

What about Hillary Clinton?  “So full of scandal that she doesn’t have a chance, you say”?  That’s the point, people are deadened to scandal, so they don’t care if on her watch thousands of people were murdered, a U.S. Ambassador was sodomized and brutally murdered, and of course billions of dollars disappeared.  It is now totally possible for the democrats to simply laugh away the scandals as “republicans once again just trying to damage her”.  And Elizabeth Warren?  Ms. Pocahontas is just another distraction, trying to sound so bad-ass about banks.  R i g h t …

Don’t spend your money on any of them, save it and prepare yourselves and families for what’s ahead.  We don’t have a choice.  Do your voting, but write in your choice.  At the local level, develop those write in candidates—. Be part of the solution, don’t perpetuate the problem.

Its time for all of us to get straight and in line with the true God, not the false, counterfeit government god or these false “candidates”.  Remember this is the time when all the false prophets appear, singing the siren song to lull you to sleep.  If you have learned anything from these pages and this blog since 2009, you know that is is time to now disengage from this nonsense.


Open thread.

Obama Grants Amnesty to Himself

©2014 drkate

Under the cover of 5 million other illegal aliens living in this country, Obama granted amnesty to himself on November 20, 2014.

There go all the lawsuits, including Larry Klayman’s lawsuit requesting Obama’s deportation.  And the failure of Sheriff Joe to put his information up front, like he promised, means all of his “work” has been misrepresented and was not put forth in a timely manner.  Whatever he and Zullo “had” doesn’t mean squat now.  Interesting that Sheriff Joe now wants to file a lawsuit on Obama’s executive amnesty, with Larry Klayman, and no mention of Obama’s illegal alien status.  The “Joe” is playing right into the distraction campaign. Like others, this is a cover up the amnesty debacle with some other action that was long overdue.

Forging a selective service card, for example, eliminates any possibility that the forger can hold ANY executive office in the government of the United States.  The proof was there, but all the attorneys focused on hitting individual, low level employees with fraud, gabbing headlines and funding from otherwise sincere people who put their faith in attorneys claiming to have a smoking gun.

And Congress?  Don’t even get me started. Their excuse for not impeaching Obama now of course is a lame one…”have you met Joe Biden?”  That was Trey Gowdy’s line which is another cute trick and deception.

We have already won the battle against Satan and his minions; its just now a matter of how many millions will die before Satan is finally thrown in the lake of fire.


lake of fire


With a hat tip to QL, lets have an open thread on the “Lawless pResident”



American Twilight Zone

©2014 drkate

Who needs imagination?


rod sterling


Open thread on all things in the twilight zone!

Footprints and Fig Leaves

@2014 drkate

So it was a video, eh?

Obama's Benghazi Flag

Obama’s Benghazi Flag


In a stunning, must read article called “The Benghazi Brief–The Entire Story of Operation Zero Footprint in Libya and Why Further Benghazi Committee Hearings are Futile…” author Sundance exposes the covert arms smuggling operations underway in Libya long before the disaster of 9/11/12 that resulted in the deaths of four Americans under the “watch” of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  The operation was designed to transfer weapons, including missiles, to the Libyan rebels for the purpose of regime change murdering Ghaddafi and ushering in the jihadists as was the hallmark of Ms. “What difference does it make” Clinton’s so called “Arab Jihadi Spring.”  The operation was designed to leave no U.S. footprint…although the U.S. House and Senate “Gang of Eight” plus John McCain, as well as other key officials knew what the plan was.  Sometime after “Operation Zero Footprint” was underway, a second covert operation began to supply weapons to the Syrian rebels–ISIS–for the purpose of regime change in Syria with the planned use of the Libya operation as a model to transmit arms to Syrian rebels through Turkey.

obama-hillary-holding-hands-wh-photoOperation “Fig Leaf”  went into full gear after the murder of four Americans by Obama and Clinton’s foreign follies, with Ambassador Rice’s laughable and tragic attempt to blame the deaths of Americans on some stupid video,Clinton’s “concussion” and plane crash in Iran (as usual with pallets of money involved), making excuses for Obama’s absence while Viceroy Jarrett ordered the military to stand down, the firing of Paetreus, and the theft of the 2012 election following suit.  The fig leaf operation is still in effect…as the ISIS rebels that Obama and Clinton armed through operation zero footprint are now the same people the U.S. is bombing in Iraq, with Obama planning a long campaign.

The author of this article’s notes are telling…

The primary reason for outlining this brief is to deliver a greater understanding of why things happened the way they did in the post 9/11/12 attack media frenzy.

If you understand what took place from March 2011 through the night of the attack itself all of the contradictions reconcile, and most of the questions become answered.


Ultimately the leadership within the State Department, The CIA, and the White House are responsible for the outcomes of policy.


Ultimately the Trey Gowdy select committee will find there is no venue to discuss intelligence operations with public sunlight…. There is a matter of an unidentified State Dept $6 billion contractor fund missing from Hillary’s term as Secretary of State;  that might bear investigation.  However, beyond those smaller questions there is little if anything to gain.

As well as the questions posed in the comments to the post:

There is something that I don’t understand. You were able to get all of this information and put the puzzle together and publish this piece out into the universe for all to read. But somehow, Trey Gowdy’s investigation can’t dig into this because of the secret covert nature of the operation? “…no venue to discuss Intelligence operations in public sunlight.” But it is all right here. It already is public.


Great question.. This is an incredible piece of information and makes clear to me so many unanswered questions. As you questioned, if Sundance knows this, why not Trey Gowdy or is Gowdy part of the scheme now?


Americans remember Benghazi, and all the other insults to and injuries of the American people brought on by this murderous regime.

figleaf obama

Open Thread.




The Show-Off

©drkate 2014

So far the guy has done nothing but show off, or try to, as he only shows the world what a sorry excuse he is, even for a pretender.  Its not the resident who has the power, it’s those silent cartel backers who are now desperate to keep control as events move beyond their control.  As we Americans refuse to be provoked, we keep our powder dry until the time is right.  Learn from this video…



Open thread!



Democrats Own Him

©2014 drkate

How would you like to be in a position to tell your grandchildren you supported the man who ruined America?  Who, while she was down, kicked and maimed, invaded and ridiculed her, and stole all her wealth for his personal gain?  Who paraded an example of lawlessness throughout the world, and sent our soldiers to their deaths with both hands tied behind their backs?  Do you think your grandchildren will thank you or revile you?

Well get used to it democrats, YOU OWN OBAMA!  😆   🙄

Remember, the man is slipping mentally.

But I bet the dems blame anyone else but themselves for the mess he’s created.


democrats own him

(h/t FoxyLadi)

Open season thread on the imposter!


A Federal Model of Lawlessness

©2014 drkate

I was struck by these words describing our situation in America, with a foreign agent acting as president, and the full capitulation of the government:

So the issue of the Birther forgeries was literally an operation coming from the operatives inside the Obama camp in their hired contractors. Just as Mockingbird was active in the JFK conspiracies, the same back fire was lit in the Birther issue in those forgeries. Inflame an issue with enough ludicrous forgeries, rough up Lt. Col. Terry Lakin for having an Asian wife, and allow the psychotic to act out with full protection of the police state, and the masses will never gell to impeach Obama, as the fight will be turned to how deranged the Patriots are…

Notice how the fundamental constitutional issue of natural born citizenship, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 got marginalized by the intentional creation of the “Birther forgeries” and then ridicule “Birthers’, who were nothing more than Americans who know that the Constitution is supposed to rule.   And we knew from the constitution and a few other places by doing our own research of the unconstitutionality of the man calling himself Obama without ever discussing the birth certificate. Elections had to be stolen, especially in 2012, and will be in 2016 for the same reason.

That basic violation of the Constitution throws a lot out the window, and perhaps that is the basic reason for the lawlessness of this administration and the tumble trickle-down effect on federal, state, and local agencies of government.  At one of the highest level in our government—the Executive–the laws of the United States are not implemented, whole branches of government are ignored or cut-out of decision-making, free speech is ignored or punished, and wholesale assaults on the freedoms which are guaranteed by our Constitution regularly occur with the very foundation of governance undermined and ultimately replaced.

Both the Judiciary and Congress have taken over control of certain areas, and left others alone,  which benefit their financial and political interests.  The common motivator is money and power–things of the human sphere–even if within their system there are fierce internal rivalries. They think they can buy a Stairway to Heaven, or rule the world, or even save themselves from certain change, wayyyyy beyond “global warming”.

…Sound Familiar?

The example set at the federal level is that you can violate the law and get away with it…thinking Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, that Congress won’t pay attention to it or will give it lip service, and that free speech is not respected nor is the public opinion.   For the first time in history the federal government has outwardly declared war on the citizens, at least the ones who call themselves patriots, veterans, Christians, constitutionalists, and… (name your favorite traditional American Organization here…)

Use this thread to check out your state, county, and local level governments and their ability to follow the rule of law.  How are they governed?  Who are they actually governed by?  How are our institutions changing?

How deep does it go?

America Arise!

America Arise!


Open thread, in addition to the request above!




The Blind Man

©2014 drkate

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Ephesians 6:12 KJV

Mr. Personality disorder to a “T”


Open season thread on the usurper in chief!


The Truth Is

©2014 drkate

h/t  The Reality Zone

Other truths:

Let’s have an open thread on all the truths we have discovered in the last five years.  Load it up here with references, this will be a post for history’s sake!

Trouble for Birther Obama

©2014 drkate

obama-texasDoes anyone remember who the original birther was?  Why, it was that great usurper himself, Barry Soetoro Obama.  He, McCatskill and Clinton sponsored Senate Resolution 511 paving the way for the constitutionally-ineligible John McCain to run for President in 2008…and in doing so made sure that McCain could never raise the issue against Obama.  It was a ‘gentleman’s agreement between thieves.

Well, more people keep dying  by Obama’s multi-million dollar effort to buy off or threaten judges, to create the standing barrier against Americans challenging his eligibility, and to continue to wreak havoc on America as only a foreign agent can.  The infamous 2011 forged birth certificate, completed just in time to attempt to nullify Jerome Corsi’s work, had to be covered up again with the re-killing of Osama Bin Ladin.

Obama has a trail of dead people behind him, those who conveniently had to die to cover up the lie of his very existence and identity.  History will not be kind to this man-child, nor to those who stupidly enabled him and defend him still.

And now, the latest death of Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii Department of Health Director, is being exposed as occurring under very suspicious circumstances–in plane sight.  Look at and examine this video and the articles in this blog to quickly catch up to speed on this very deadly game being played by whoever is in the White House.

What do YOU see?

Open thread on the usurper!  😡

The Disgrace

©2014 drkate

h/t NNN via weaselzippers


1.the loss of respect, honor, or esteem; ignominy; shame: the disgrace of criminals.
2.a person, act, or thing that causes shame, reproach, or dishonor or is dishonorable or shameful.
3.the state of being out of favor; exclusion from favor, confidence, or trust: courtiers and ministers in disgrace.
verb (used with object), dis·graced, dis·grac·ing. bring or reflect shame or reproach upon: to be disgraced by cowardice. dismiss with discredit; put out of grace or favor; rebuke or humiliate: to be disgraced at court.

stonerpresThe Stoner pResident

Ecclesiasticus 22:1
A slothful man is compared to a filthy stone, and every one will hiss him out to his disgrace.

national disgrace

Open Thread

Group Psychology as a Weapon

©2014 drkate

(h/t Tenacity)

The World on the NWO Chessboard

The World on the NWO Chessboard

We come back to familiar roots of deception:  Woodrow Wilson, the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Dulles brothers, Kissinger, Brzezinski, the Bush boys, McCain, the Clintons, and the latest stooge–Obama…and why even if we remove every Congressman and Senator, we will be in the same spot as we are now.  There is no real ‘bringing America back’ until we unseat the real power behind the throne(s).  We have much in common with the peoples around the world who are subject to these same forces.

This film asserts that we can use these same tactics for good–

Study these writings

Walter Lippman, “Public Opinion

George Creel, ran Wilson’s “Committee on Public Relations“…to “make the world safe for democracy”

Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, “Propaganda”

Gustav Le Bon, “The Crowd


Open Thread.


@2014 drkate

Infiltration ! (h/t QL)  😯

The effect of willful blindness on the morale of the US intelligence community:

Open thread!

Death by China–Full Video

©2014 drkate

This is right up Barry Birther Chin’s alley…and our Congress is facilitating this massive transfer of wealth and power to China.  How long can we afford to remain blind to what is happening in our country?  Hey, even democrats will not be able to find a job unless it is licking the boots of their captors. (h/t QL)

The recommendation to ‘write to Congress” seems like a lame effort given our current Congress, republicans and democrats alike.  In fact, it appears that the GOP is set to fast track the new world odor order soon:

On Jan. 9, 2013, in a little-noticed press release, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., together with ranking member Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich, announced they were introducing “fast track” trade promotion authority legislation as a prelude to bringing up the TPP for expected passage in the near future.
Baucus, of course, is headed to China as the new US Ambassador.  Thanks Max.  Death by China and Death by Obamacare.

 Between the  WTO, NAFTA, the other trade treaties the US has with other countries, will there be any work at all left in the USA?  Or, will we end up like the 3rd world countries, hunting through the trash for a piece of stale bread?  Or, maybe that’s what the FEMA camps will be, Work Camps. Or, maybe the ghost cities in China are for American prisoners. (h/t typistjan)

Open Thread

Message from America to Obama

©2014 drkate

C’mon Obots,  join the rest of America!  😛

Why is it that the socialists and communists are the most unpopular leaders in history?  😛

A majority of Americans now disapprove of Obama.  😛

Lock him out

Lock him out

Open thread on the usurper in the White House!   😆

Breaking the “Obamatrance”

©2013 drkate

The following video is an excellent expose on Obama, who is pegged as “‘the most dangerous weapon against all people” that exists today.  h/t QL

Every generation needs a revolution, and we are certainly there.  If the power elite can keep us divided as ‘republicans’ or ‘democrats’, ‘right’ or ‘left’, they will prevent our awakening.  Let us pray that 2014 ushers in the year where our bondage is broken–for good.

Open thread

The Stooge Follies

©2013 drkate

Off his rocker?

Off his rocker?

Obama is so immature that he stomps his feet, gets all vindictive, and directs the National Park Service to hurt as many Americans as possible…just because America wants to put some constraints on his tempestuous, traitorous behavior.  Shutting down everything American as he sends millions of dollars to his Muslim buddies around the world.  This man and his administration hates America so much that he is willing to kill, to lie, to deceive to get his way.  The buffoonery knows no end with the stooge in charge at the White House.

How Obama continues to hurt America:

Closing national monuments to veterans

Cancer treatments–cancelled

Therapy dogs not allowed to see patients

Priests threatened with arrest if they minister to servicemen during the shutdown

Blocking roads so that Americans can’t even take pictures of Mt. Rushmore from outside the park

The CIA, NSA, and FBI warning they can’t spy on protect Americans in the shutdown

And the treasonous media complies with the brat and blames the Tea Party.

Barack Hussein Obama is mentally ill.  Time to invoke the 25th Amendment–and remove him  from office.

Open thread on all things Obama: buffoonery, debauchery, and stooges

You Really Should Go Home

©2013 drkate

Open Thread!

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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