Archive for the 'Tea Party' Category

Media Thrilled With Trump’s S.C. Victory!

©2016 drkate


trump wins

Well, I guess the South Carolina firewall failed, and the Trump margin was so big that it overcame the e-fraud, robocalls, and millions of dollars spent by the establishment republicans to stop Trump.  Bush was finally eliminated as a contender, at least up front.

LC believes the next strategy will to be to keep K-sick (for easier pronunciation), Rubio, and Cruz alive.  The hope Cruz will take Texas, K-sick will take Ohio and Michigan, and Rubio taking Florida. And then the brokered convention with Rubio on top and Bush as VP.  Crazy, yes?  But for the establishment, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Meanwhile, and before the work really begins, let’s savor some Trump moments!

Our friends Diamond and Silk with “our man, Donald J. Trump”


diamond and silk

After the win in South Carolina, backstage

Trump family backstage

The Atlanta crowd:



Eric and Donald J. Trump on their way to Nevada!

Eric and the Don

Latest Nevada poll:

NV caucus



Open Thread!


A Federal Model of Lawlessness

©2014 drkate

I was struck by these words describing our situation in America, with a foreign agent acting as president, and the full capitulation of the government:

So the issue of the Birther forgeries was literally an operation coming from the operatives inside the Obama camp in their hired contractors. Just as Mockingbird was active in the JFK conspiracies, the same back fire was lit in the Birther issue in those forgeries. Inflame an issue with enough ludicrous forgeries, rough up Lt. Col. Terry Lakin for having an Asian wife, and allow the psychotic to act out with full protection of the police state, and the masses will never gell to impeach Obama, as the fight will be turned to how deranged the Patriots are…

Notice how the fundamental constitutional issue of natural born citizenship, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 got marginalized by the intentional creation of the “Birther forgeries” and then ridicule “Birthers’, who were nothing more than Americans who know that the Constitution is supposed to rule.   And we knew from the constitution and a few other places by doing our own research of the unconstitutionality of the man calling himself Obama without ever discussing the birth certificate. Elections had to be stolen, especially in 2012, and will be in 2016 for the same reason.

That basic violation of the Constitution throws a lot out the window, and perhaps that is the basic reason for the lawlessness of this administration and the tumble trickle-down effect on federal, state, and local agencies of government.  At one of the highest level in our government—the Executive–the laws of the United States are not implemented, whole branches of government are ignored or cut-out of decision-making, free speech is ignored or punished, and wholesale assaults on the freedoms which are guaranteed by our Constitution regularly occur with the very foundation of governance undermined and ultimately replaced.

Both the Judiciary and Congress have taken over control of certain areas, and left others alone,  which benefit their financial and political interests.  The common motivator is money and power–things of the human sphere–even if within their system there are fierce internal rivalries. They think they can buy a Stairway to Heaven, or rule the world, or even save themselves from certain change, wayyyyy beyond “global warming”.

…Sound Familiar?

The example set at the federal level is that you can violate the law and get away with it…thinking Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, that Congress won’t pay attention to it or will give it lip service, and that free speech is not respected nor is the public opinion.   For the first time in history the federal government has outwardly declared war on the citizens, at least the ones who call themselves patriots, veterans, Christians, constitutionalists, and… (name your favorite traditional American Organization here…)

Use this thread to check out your state, county, and local level governments and their ability to follow the rule of law.  How are they governed?  Who are they actually governed by?  How are our institutions changing?

How deep does it go?

America Arise!

America Arise!


Open thread, in addition to the request above!




Show Me the CAFR!

©2012 drkate

It’s not ‘tax and spend’ anymore, its ‘tax and keep’.

For a lengthy and detailed discussion of the extent, origin, and depth of the CAFR theft, and some tools to address this issue, see HERE.  This video is worth the view even if you have to look at it in segments.

Remember, if there is a runaway freight train and  you are out of resources to stop it, throw a log on the tracks.  Tie them up in administrative and procedural details.  Use their own tools against them. And, its time to starve the beast.

Note to Boehner and Obama:  don’t talk to me about the budget and the fiscal cliff…show me the CAFR!  😡 😯


Open Thread.

Constitutional Heroes to Gather in Phoenix

©2012 drkate

The Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots will be hosting a gathering in Phoenix on September 22 with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, former Lt. Col. Dr. Terry Lakin, and singer/songwriter/Patriot Pat Boone.  Other speakers include Investigator Mike Zullo, filmaker Bettina Viviano, and author Tom Ballantyne.

The event will be held at the Celebrity Theater and tickets may be purchased directly from the Theater.  The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

View the event at the Terry Lakin Action Fund, and please click here to download a printable flyer to pass around.

This post asks for your help in fundraising for this event by purchasing tickets whether or not you are able to come.  Several Tea Party Patriots have purchased tickets for the Arizona Congressional Delegation, including Senators John McCain and Kyle, as well as candidates running for office.  Many of you have heard these politicians’ less than honest answers regarding Obama’s constitutional eligibility, and well, McCain threw the election to Obama anyway.  But your Senators and Representatives should be aware of this event!


By the way, Terry Lakin’s book “Officer’s Oath” is an extremely interesting personal story of the sacrifices made in defense of our Constitution by Dr. Terry Lakin.  It is a must read for every Patriot who wants to know how a real military Officer behaves.


Open Thread!

Americans v. Usurper

©2012 drkate

Sheriff Arpaio answers audience questions March 31, 2012

I walked into the crowded room to find hundreds of people closely listening to the words of Mike Zullo, Cold Case Posse Investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona.  The listening was so intent you could hear a pin drop. I made the hours long drive in order to sign a petition, for Arizona residents, and to hear the latest report from the Cold Case Posse.

Petition Requesting a RESOLUTION as per ARS 41-121-1

For Arizona Residents Only.

To: The Arizona State Senate; The Arizona State House; Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett

Petition Requesting a RESOLUTION as per ARS 41-121-1. The Secretary of State shall: Receive bills and resolutions from the legislature, and perform such other duties as devolve upon the Secretary of State by resolution of the two houses or either of them.

Hundreds crowd Cold Case Posse meeting

We the undersigned Arizona citizens are requesting that the Arizona House, and / or the Arizona Senate pass a RESOLUTION directing Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett to send a certified letter to Democratic National Committee Chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, requesting that she produce certified source documents that are satisfactory to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office that positively identify the U.S. natural born citizenship and the Selective Service System Registration of Barack Hussein Obama II, With the recent findings of the MCSO Cold-Case Posse, there is probable cause to believe that Barack Hussein Obama II’s Selective Service System Registration Form and his State of Hawaii Certification of Live Birth Form are criminal forgeries, it is imperative to determine Barack Hussein Obama II’s status regarding his eligibility to be placed on the 2012 Arizona ballot.

Methodically, Mike Zullo briefed the audience on many of the facets of this now criminal investigation into the production of Obama’s false documentation, which he used to cheat and lie his way into the White House in 2008 with full democratic party cover.  They intend to cover for him again, that is, unless the Sheriff and American citizens have their say.

Zullo discussed several factors on the forged selective service registration form that have not been shared widely, including the necessary manipulation of the “8” in “80” in order for the upside down stamp from a ‘2008’ official stamp to actually look like “80” instead of an upside down ‘8’.  This selective service registration form must have been one of those ‘forgotten’ forms to fill the record, because it had to use a 2008 stamp…meaning that this form was placed in the file in 2008, not 1980 as claimed.

Several long-time constitutional activists have been in Arizona for the last week, where Lord Monkton–who warned Americans of the global warming scam– and other individuals have visited with and been interviewed by Sheriff Arpaio.  While the criminal investigation is underway in the United States, the investigation will soon have international fronts opening up.  Other countries, who surely see the danger America is in from this criminal usurper, may be of assistance as they are threatened by the illegal actions of Obama as well. How can you sign treaties with a criminal usurper who can’t represent the United States?

Constitutional activists George Miller (Obama Ballot Challenge), Tony Dolz (CA candidate), Gary Wilmot (Article II Superpac) in Arizona

The audience was very concerned about the next steps, particularly in light of the petition being signed and our collective knowledge that the DNC will ignore this request even from a state legislature, or would sue in Federal Court to prevent states from controlling their own elections.  Several audience members suggested a grand jury be called to investigate–the Sheriff may have access to a sitting grand jury in Maricopa County. Since a Grand Jury indictment or presentment is required to charge anyone with a capital or infamous crime (felony), pursuing a Grand Jury presentment seems properAny seated Grand Jury should be able to consider the evidence as being probable cause for an official criminal charge within their respective jurisdiction. (h/t Tenacity)

Please continue to support the Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse.  By the way, the Sheriff told me that if he had won the recent megamillions lottery, he’d be running for President!   Now there is one candidate who would have the testicular fortitude to challenge Obama on his credentials to even run for the office! 🙂

The Investigators

Open thread!

Establishment Republicans Betray America

©2012 drkate

So the establishment whinos–i mean Rinos–along with daddy Bush, the Tea Party and Freedomworks, are setting up America for another FAIL–i.e., either electing Romney the fool, or re-electing the usurper Obama.

Let’s play this again:

Playing around with Newt Gingrich, Sick Rantorum, and Herman Cain is just a game.  We will get the ineligible Rubio as Vice President, the muslim-judge- appointing failure of Chris Christie, or Jebby-boy Bush in a ‘brokered convention’ of establishment whinos, dressed up as the tea party.

If you are going to be for America, you need to be for the Constitution, not ‘conservatives’.  Are there any more ‘conservatives’, anyway?  If I hear one more person comparing who supports Gingrich vs Romney as to ‘who is the conservative’, when they all cite the traitors to America, well then all I can do is shake my head.

We deserve the leaderless traitors if we can’t even have to courage to see the truth and act on it.

What are your plans–personally, politically, in your community– for defeating the establishment republicans (i.e., the obamacrats)?

The Politicians’ Betrayal of America

©2012 drkate

They are about to find out that ignorance is not bliss, it is instead the betrayal of America. 

Vote for America, not a Politician

The true intention of the GOP, their candidates, their minions, and their so-called “Tea Party”–yes, Tea Party, the GOP now owns you– have become so clear in the last two years–they all want the current corrupt system to remain the same.  Aside from the corruption, the blindness, and the ignorance, I conclude they’ve forgotten entirely what this Country is supposed to be about, and who makes a true leader.  Its like rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic.

Here is a reminder of the kind of person a true Constitutionalist, a true Conservative  and a true American should vote for.

A Statesman loves the Constitution
A Politician hates (or is afraid of) the Constitution
A Statesman enforces the Constitution.
A Politician violates the Constitution.
A Statesman uses truth to keep power in the hands of the people.
A Politician uses lies to gain power over the people.
A Statesman‘s primary concern is to secure freedom for future generations.
A Politician’s primary concern is to get elected or re-elected.
A Statesman will not play politics with the people’s money.
A Politician will buy votes with tax money.
A Statesman knows the people must control government.
A Politician believes that government should control people.
A Statesman knows the people must limit government’s power to tax.
A Politician believes government should have unlimited power to tax.
A Statesman gives his allegiance to the people and country.
A Politician gives his allegiance to government.
A Statesman will demand a balanced budget.
A Politician will spend money stolen from future generations(deficit spending).
A Statesman will cause peace.
A Politician will cause wars.

Do NOT tell me you are a ‘constitutional conservative’ and vote for Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Huntsman, or Bachman.  They are wolves in elephant’s clothing.  Ah yes, Miss Tea Party Bachman voted for the NDAA…so I guess you’ll have your Tea Party organization inside the FEMA camps?

The conservatives who have found themselves in intentional ignorance are about to find out that their actions betray their children, the future, and America.

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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