Archive for the 'enemies within' Category

2022 State of the Union Address

©2022 DrKate

The 2022 State of the Union (SOTU) address was given by President Trump at CPAC on February 26, 2022 as required by Article II Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.  It was an address that he could not have given to the political class, who can’t handle the truth, but he could speak to the American people longing for the truth about what is going on.


“in times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” (Orwell, 1984)


A strong address to the American People.

The Installation of Foreign Agents Biden/Harris

©2021 DrKate

President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 is in effect.  We have a foreign-controlled installed occupant of the White House enabled by domestic enemies. There is incontrovertible truth that the 2020 American election was interfered with by foreign entities. It’s up to the military now to protect our Constitution.

Fraud happened at all levels and for all “down ticket” candidates, but the mainstream media has suppressed all the information from reaching the American people.

Under the Constitution, the military is the second-to-last option to defend our Nation, and we need to let them know that we have their back, when they exercise that responsibility to lawfully restore the civilian government.

Soldiers, barbed wire on top of walls and steel fencing, sealed off tunnels, buses, and entry/exit ID required can be used for multiple purposes and in many ways.  Why is the White House continuously dark?  Why is Kamala not living at the traditional VP’s residence?  And plenty of other “whys” !!!

An Important Poll

We know that the election fraud will be made public and then, if our Constitution is being protected by our military, swift changes will happen. The public has to be awakened, and when the “approval rate” of Biden is down to 20%, then people are more inclined to want military intervention.  So please, keep talking about the direction Biden is taking America–even democrats do not like what they see going on.  For once we all agree.

When election and other supporting fraud evidence is fully available to the public either through a compliant or forced mainstream media, which scenarios floated out there for coming possibilities seem most likely to you? Multiple choice.  Since we all want arrests of key officials, I am just assuming that will continue to happen.  Please feel free to discuss in comments!






A Cry from the Heart of God

@2020 DrKate

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph. 6:12

The Impeachment of the American Voter

©2019 DrKate

“Through this exercise, the American electorate has witnessed Washington’s entrenched political and media elites attempt to overturn their will. Next time we go to the polls, the people will ask, ‘When we exercise our vote next, will our choice again be attacked by the elites and the permanent government?’” ~Rep. Doug Collins

The first reason the Democrats, deep state, and GOP(e) are trying to remove our President is because he really represents and works for us, the American People.

In 2016, the American people had the audacity to elect, in Democrats’ eyes, the wrong person as president. That is the entire reason we are here. Democrats, and their allies in the media and the permanent federal bureaucracy, are furious at the American people. They cannot abide as president a man who promised American voters he would shake up Washington. The man who said he would work for them — the Forgotten Man and Woman — not the entrenched political elites.

And then there are the “1,000 points of corruption” being brought to light, exposed, tracked, financial networks eliminated, and the scourge of pedophilia, human trafficking, and child sacrifice exposed to be finally burned to the ground.

That mix of evil is what we face, is what has taken over our Republic, is what must be eliminated in order for us to survive as that Republic.  This IS the time, “now”, as these years have shown. And President Trump, with the Patriots which include us, are the ones for this time, this task.  2016 was never “just another four-year election”, and neither is 2020.

It’s 2019 and now that the rattlesnake’s nest has been exposed for the public to see, it is a very dangerous time for our country and We, the People.  The first six days of December [D 1-6] brought six mass shootings just as the Inspector Generals Report comes out on December 9.  It is sick that we know to expect these ‘false flags’ that result in death whenever an indictment, report on, or exposure of deep state members and corruption occurs. Nevertheless, stay the course.  The takedown will be an epic series of events going forward through 2020, alternating between corruption, election fraud, spygate, and, since they are all related,  indictments for both human trafficking and pedophilia.

Imagine if the same people who are pedophiles are the same people who comprise the corrupt deep state?  Would that make it easier for ‘the masses’ to understand why they are being arrested?

The People Strike Back

Listen to the audio of the Inspector General’s Report as read as soon as it comes out by signing up here:


They ALL Knew the Russia Story was FAKE

©2019 DrKate

John Podesta was talking about Trump being a Russian spy at the Democrat National Convention in July of 2016.  The FBI paramours had been to London as early as December 2015.  The FBI sent to and placed informants in the Trump campaign to spy and to entrap campaign workers. Obama’s CIA handler, John Brennan, made the physical and electronic arrangements.  Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Manfort’s partner Roger Stone, George Papadopolous–either willing or unwilling stooges, were used to entrap the Trump campaign.  Obama, Rice, McCain, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, Comey all met frequently in the Oval office to coordinate and cackle in their arrogance.

They were spying before they got the FISA warrant in October 2016, and used the FISA warrant, which they lied to get, to retroactively “cover” their months-long previous spying.

And they never thought she would lose.  They thought that all of their illegality would never be uncovered.

But they forgot about us regular Americans, knowing that our Country was on the brink of destruction from eight long years of the Obama cabal.  And as we have collectively seen the curtain being drawn back on the shocking corruption that IS our government, we have been awakened.

I personally travel between #4 and #5 in the diagram above.  I am disgusted by and furious at the underlying human misery, child trafficking and sacrifice, the pedophilia, and pure evil that underlies the motives of this den of thieves who are surrounded by “hollywood ‘stars'”–the glamorous pedos.

We won’t as a country or personally get to #6 above until we defeat the corruption and clean out our government.  Our efforts must be directed to steadily, over the next decade, removing the selfish, game playing politicians and replace them with American statesmen and stateswomen.

In part his began with the supposed “hacking” of the DNC email servers.  But there was no hacking—it was an inside job where Seth Rich downloaded evidence of corruption and gave the flash drive to Wikileaks, Julian Assange, who released them.  Now that Assange has been arrested and extradited to the United States for activity that he undertook in 2010, he gets to tell the whole story.  Hillary wanted to drone him; and they will stop at nothing I presume to try to kill him now.

Remember they tried to kill Trump and destroy his family…just because he loves America and we the people elected him as our President.  And they will assault all of us continuously until we defeat them, which we will with God’s help.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country!

The Democrat Plan to Destroy the Constitution

©2019 DrKate

First, they try to win back the Presidency.  How?

Here is the theory—the democrats have moved so far left that they cannot get votes from Americans.  So they hatch a strategy:

  • Retain open borders, stall any border enforcement, demonize border control as ‘racism’.
  • Illegals bused or flown to sanctuary cities
  • Drivers licenses–“Motor Voter” registration for illegals, aka Pelosi’s “newcomers”. Did you know BHO started “motor voter” in Chicago?
  • Other voter registration “drives”–payments?
  • Each blue state is pushing this “national popular vote”, where the Electoral College vote will go to the winner of the popular vote…which is then heavily influenced by illegal voters.  The Electoral College and its directions are in the Constitution, imho cannot be changed by states deciding how to allocate their rights.  This is a national election.
  • Lower the voting age–great more uninformed minds to be influenced by their rabid and uninformed parents, teevee, and social media to vote for the dummiecrat.  Will not pass the Senate firewall
  • And in Congress, allow the infiltration and takeover of by radical elements to destroy our institutions

And from our friend Q:

The real reason they want OPEN BORDERS.
Follow the MAPS.


Did you know that Hillary Clinton LOST the 2016 election by 2 million votes?

Did you know that Trump has eliminated “catch and release”?? Now illegals are “caught and returned” to Mexico to wait for their processing and  they don’t get in to the United States.

This is do or die time for our country, Patriots.  Keep ALERT, speak the truth, “say brave things”, and stay the course!









Vote for the Statesman

©2018 DrKate

Now that you are awake, and in a position to really educate others, understand that all of your votes from now on are strategic, with a heavy dose of realizing the dire situation our Country faces.  The serious insurrection of the left from obama-clinton-bush left-overs buried within all levels of government, the media, the financiers, and all other form of edomites in this nation and on this earth.

Contemplating the dire situation our Country faces, with ‘elections’ coming up, some manner of separating the wheat from the chaff is essential.  General guidelines, perhaps, that help to discern specific issues.

Red Beckman’s Walls in our Minds is one of those sources.  Here is a list of ten differences between what we have now —politicians— and what we need, Statesmen and Stateswomen:

A Statesman loves the Constitution.

A Politician   hates the Constitution.


A Statesman enforces the Constitution.

A Politician violates the Constitution.


A Statesman uses truth to keep power in the hands of the people.

A Politician uses lies to gain power over the people.


A Statesman‘s primary concern is to secure freedom for future generations.

A Politician’s primary concern is to get elected or re-elected.


A Statesman will not play politics with the people’s money.

A Politician will buy votes with tax money.


A Statesman knows the people must control government.

A Politician believes that government should control people.


A Statesman knows the people must limit government’s power to tax.

A Politician believes government should have unlimited power to tax.


A Statesman gives his allegiance to the people and country.

A Politician gives his allegiance to government.


A Statesman will demand a balanced budget.

A Politician will spend money stolen from future generations (deficit spending).


A Statesman will cause peace.

A Politician will cause wars.

Pretty stark comparisons, but I bet you all can think of a thousand ways in which your so-called representatives and candidates on the trail do and do not fit these categories. All candidates must be held up to these ten points of light.

A statesman shows you that he is through ACTIONS, not words.  Democrats demand words…”say you’re against Nazi’s!!!” A statesman deports the last remaining SS officer in the U.S..

Importantly, “A Statesman will cause peace”.  Who wants war?  Who wants peace, and ACTS on it?  Think North Korea.  Who would have been served by war with them?  Who wants war on the streets, like the communist brown shirt thugs known as Antifa?

Think, discern, remember, watch.  It is our responsibility now to back up what we said and acted on in 2016, which is we will vote for the Statesman who tells the truth.

Once you “live” looking for the Statesman or Stateswoman, you can see clearly. And remember it may take time, and we need to keep “control” of the House and Senate, with no room to “spare” on principle.

Make your elected official into a statesman…if possible, but hold them to that standard!

VOTE 2018!

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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