Archive for the 'Erasing Obama' Category

Vote for the Statesman

©2018 DrKate

Now that you are awake, and in a position to really educate others, understand that all of your votes from now on are strategic, with a heavy dose of realizing the dire situation our Country faces.  The serious insurrection of the left from obama-clinton-bush left-overs buried within all levels of government, the media, the financiers, and all other form of edomites in this nation and on this earth.

Contemplating the dire situation our Country faces, with ‘elections’ coming up, some manner of separating the wheat from the chaff is essential.  General guidelines, perhaps, that help to discern specific issues.

Red Beckman’s Walls in our Minds is one of those sources.  Here is a list of ten differences between what we have now —politicians— and what we need, Statesmen and Stateswomen:

A Statesman loves the Constitution.

A Politician   hates the Constitution.


A Statesman enforces the Constitution.

A Politician violates the Constitution.


A Statesman uses truth to keep power in the hands of the people.

A Politician uses lies to gain power over the people.


A Statesman‘s primary concern is to secure freedom for future generations.

A Politician’s primary concern is to get elected or re-elected.


A Statesman will not play politics with the people’s money.

A Politician will buy votes with tax money.


A Statesman knows the people must control government.

A Politician believes that government should control people.


A Statesman knows the people must limit government’s power to tax.

A Politician believes government should have unlimited power to tax.


A Statesman gives his allegiance to the people and country.

A Politician gives his allegiance to government.


A Statesman will demand a balanced budget.

A Politician will spend money stolen from future generations (deficit spending).


A Statesman will cause peace.

A Politician will cause wars.

Pretty stark comparisons, but I bet you all can think of a thousand ways in which your so-called representatives and candidates on the trail do and do not fit these categories. All candidates must be held up to these ten points of light.

A statesman shows you that he is through ACTIONS, not words.  Democrats demand words…”say you’re against Nazi’s!!!” A statesman deports the last remaining SS officer in the U.S..

Importantly, “A Statesman will cause peace”.  Who wants war?  Who wants peace, and ACTS on it?  Think North Korea.  Who would have been served by war with them?  Who wants war on the streets, like the communist brown shirt thugs known as Antifa?

Think, discern, remember, watch.  It is our responsibility now to back up what we said and acted on in 2016, which is we will vote for the Statesman who tells the truth.

Once you “live” looking for the Statesman or Stateswoman, you can see clearly. And remember it may take time, and we need to keep “control” of the House and Senate, with no room to “spare” on principle.

Make your elected official into a statesman…if possible, but hold them to that standard!

VOTE 2018!

Don’t Think Party, Think MAGA!

©2017 drkate

By now it should be evident that there is only ONE political party in the United States and it has been to their advantage to set up a false “republican vs democrat” paradigm which has now been fully exposed as a lie.  The Constitution was written by moral people and it was intended to be a document for moral men.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. -John Adams, 1798
This uniparty disdains us, they abhor everyday Americans, and their lens and filter is all about votes.  They don’t care about illegals, they just want their votes.  They don’t care about DACA, they want the votes and our money to pay for them before we figure out how we’re being taken.

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”  George Washington Farewell Address | Saturday, September 17, 1796

Our task is now to remove as much of the swamp as we can through our votes in 2018.  That’s every republican in the House and those republicans senators up for election. PLEASE. We absolutely have a responsibility as citizens of this great nation to take her back from the thiefs.

You know the republicans can rig elections just like the democrats.  How was it that Paul Ryan won in some kind of landslide in 2015, as unpopular as he is?

Now that Trump has stated and IS the leader of the republican party, Ryan and McConnell are no longer the news, or the sought after word.  Because they have shown themselves to be absolute tools of the elite.  McConnell likes to think he is being “gentlemanly” by not changing the Senate rules so that Trump’s agenda can be implemented.  Well “nice guys” finish last, and he is a fool if he thinks the Democrats wouldn’t change the rules in a minute if they could.

We are in a war with the elite, and all war is by deception.  Notice yet how you are being deceived?

No excuses. No retreat. No regrets.  And no surrender.  OUR TIME IS NOW!



Turning Point 2016

©2016 drkate

Whether you are aware of it or not, 2016 has been a defining moment for our country and our spiritual foundation moving forward.  Preferably you already know that nothing but God’s hand enabled by our prayers allowed us to slip out the window of our false captivity.  We didn’t have the hackers, the media, the money, the colleges or academies or political positions, but pried the window open and left, unaccounted for by all of the elite and politicians.

I have posted this picture many times as an acknowledgement of our struggling against burial and defeating certain death:


I took that picture standing there in 2010 awed by the energy expressed and relief of awakening conveyed.  And imagine as we have all awakened in these last eight years, that we see the chemtrails too.  Alas, the danger is not over…even in the picture there is a lot of “un-burying” to do, and then to stand on your own two feet.

It is our obligation to warn others in all things where we can and with what we know or see.  And there are many many more places than here where those words of wisdom, insight and analysis speak more clearly.  But inform we must in whatever way we can, even a few thoughts scratched out on a napkin…don’t sit on what you know and we can all move forward.

So enjoy this year end review, and then answer a question below–

What were your worst and best moments of 2016?  Was there a turning point?

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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