Archive for the 'Bribery' Category

Democrat Election Interference 2016-2020

©2019 DrKate

The clear record of election interference by the Democrats from at least 2016 to the present on its face puts to rest forever any accusations against President Trump.

In fact, the election interference’s tool is to project onto the President the crimes that the democrats have committed, such as bribery, election meddling with foreign governments, graft, sedition, and the treason of weaponizing the U.S. intelligence community against the people and government of the United States.  The democrats have acted with malice aforethought, and I personally believe it is on-going.

  • Democrat: Election Interference 2016:  “Russia, Russia, Russia”  aka  “Crossfire Hurricane”; now FISAGATE
  • Election Interference 2018:  The Mueller Investigation; now Durham’s criminal investigation
  • Election Interference 2020:   Impeachment

In 2016, how stupid to you have to be to lose a rigged election? But let’s put it another way: a group of Patriots were able to discern that election interference switches votes from a 3rd party candidate (Jill Stein) to the Democrat, and prevented that switch in key counties across the United States!

For 2018 election influence, to paint the President as ‘under suspicion’, Mueller dragged his investigation far beyond when he knew, in September 2017, that the Russia collusion charge was false and the Steele Dossier bogus.  But also for 2018, knowing the Mueller piece was going to drag on, did the group of Patriots let election fraud happen and observe and track it, in preparation for voter ID in 2020?

For 2020, the goal and effort of democrats is impeachment, and to drag that out as long as possible.  Imagine the shock of the lefties when they got up on the morning after impeachment and saw that Trump was still President…LOL.  But, the impeachment over the Ukraine phone call…how stupid could the democrats be to once again highlight their own corruption in Ukraine?  The Bidens, Pelosi, Kerry, Clinton, Obama…and a cast of thousands!

  • The trial in the Senate, if there is one, and the number of Republican “defections” is the next play.  We already know that there are so many rinos in the Senate that if they could vote in private that they would vote to convict over nothing, just like the House.

The bottom line is that the democrats are doing everything they can to prevent the exposure of their election interference, money laundering, bribery, blackmail, spying; and the rip off of the American people.

It is our revolutionary right to change this government to one that does not abuse its citizens.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Obama’s Criminal Espionage

©2017 drkate

On Sunday morning, the White House released a statement indicating that the president would ask the congressional committees investigating Russian hacking theories to add the question of “whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.”

nyt article on wiretaps

Yes, Obama did tap Trump’s phones.   And he’s done it before.

Of course you can imagine if the story was the other way around, and Trump tapped the phones or otherwise conducted surveillance on Clinton or Obama.  But unlike the entire Obama administration, President Trump does not think like a criminal.  Obama, however, misused the entire US surveillance apparatus to spy on and undermine candidate and now President Trump.

Remember, Trump was not supposed to win the election so Clinton would have kept all the paper trail of this criminal activity hidden.  But President Trump now owns all the records of the U.S. government, including the warrants used to get “court authority” to spy on Trump, Flynn, Sessions, and so many others.

The stories currently are three-fold: first, that Obama’s team tried to get a warrant from a regular, Article III federal court on Trump, and was told no by someone along the way (maybe the FBI), as the evidence was that weak or non-existent; second, Obama’s team then tried to circumvent the federal judiciary’s independent role by trying to mislabel the issue one of “foreign agents,” and tried to obtain a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act “courts”, and were again turned down, when the court saw Trump named (an extremely rare act of FISA court refusal of the government, suggesting the evidence was truly non-existent against Trump); and so, third, Obama circumvented both the regular command of the FBI and the regularly appointed federal courts, by placing the entire case as a FISA case (and apparently under Sally Yates at DOJ) as a “foreign” case, and then omitted Trump’s name from a surveillance warrant submitted to the FISA court, which the FISA court unwittingly granted, which Obama then misused to spy on Trump and many connected to Trump. Are these allegations true? We don’t know yet, but if any part of them are then Obama and/or his officials could face serious trouble.


The violence was a distraction fomented by the Clinton-Obama-Soros media

The paper trail is essential to determine if Obama lied to the FISA court to obtain the warrant…and it sounds like he did.  The other damning evidence is that the Obama administration in January 2017 authorized the “relaxing of rules on the disclosure” of information obtained through a FISA court.

FISA, 50 USC 1801, et seq., is a very limited method of obtaining surveillance authority. The reason for its strict limits is that FISA evades the regular federal court process, by not allowing regularly, Constitutionally appointed federal judges and their magistrates to authorize surveillance the Fourth Amendment would otherwise forbid. Instead, the Chief Justice handpicks the FISA court members, who have shown an exceptional deference to the executive branch. This is because FISA court members trust the government is only bringing them surveillance about pending terror attacks or “grave hostile” war-like attacks, as the FISA statute limits itself to. Thus, a FISA application can only be used in very limited circumstances.

Why do you think it has been non-stop “leaking” of and “spinning” information since even before Trump was elected?

As we deal with this explosive situation, remember the core issue. It is not run-of-the-mill political skulduggery (is there any other kind?). It is the criminal misuse of a critical national defensive capability. Liken it to using a military weapon against your political opponent, because that is the nearest and best analogy. If Obama ordered the military to intervene with Team Trump during the election, that would not be much different from using the intelligence powers to intervene.

Obama is the Deep State’s WEAKEST LINK–he will cause the entire leftist, marxist, globalist operation to fall.

And ironically, the more his treasonous staff tries to defend Obama, the more the finger points directly at him.  There is no “fail safe” operation to keep us from finding out every single truth about obama’s treasonous reign over America.  And all of his advisors, including sedition-queen Valerie Jarrett, are involved up to their eyeballs in misprision of felony and misprision of treason. is, so far, undisputed that there have been many leaks of classified information to damage Trump, and that the Obama administration took steps that could have made such leaks more likely. Those are serious allegations that the former administration is likely going to have to explain to Congress.

Trump is running a very sophisticated sting operation designed to oust the leakers, traitors, and seditious holdovers from the Obama administration.  This is a very dangerous undertaking but absolutely necessary for the survival of our country and the rule of law.  And this is why President Trump is getting so much push back…so many attacks.

The criminals in DC have run their course and now are exposed.  They will keep making mistakes, and eventually they will surrender.

After all, if all you’ve got is media lies, insults, and crazy-mongering, you’ve already lost.



The Long National Obama Nightmare Almost Over

@2016 drkate

When President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon, he began with the statement “the long national nightmare is over”.

America’s nightmare with the Obama presidency is almost over, but there are days and days in which he can cause trouble, like the riots underway right now across the United States.  Of course Obama wouldn’t come out and act like a president to calm his radicals down—because Obama is a nightmare and would rather see America go down in flames than rescue itself from his abyss.

The press—long an enabler of Obama and the Clinton regime–continue their assault on President-elect Trump, discounting the paid riots underway and blaming the divisiveness on Trump, not on decades of democrat decadence that led to the unraveling of America and at the feet of America’s nightmare, Barack Hussein Obama.

Already the election of Donald Trump has avoided World War III, which was certain if Hillary Clinton had been elected. Praise God!

By God’s hand alone and through the work of many patriots across America known and called by Him, the people won this first battle, a big one.  We cannot ever fall asleep again, and even as we revel in President Elect Trump’s victory, let us remind ourselves we are rebuilding our country and saving its foundation.  Time to take the long view.

In the meantime, some reflection through photos old and new:

If you like



While this blog is not done with Obama yet, we begin saying good bye right now.


Here are some interesting perspectives:

“In the ring” remarks

The last harvest moon of 2016, and won’t be seen again for another forty years.



The 2016 election WAS a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  And a gift from God.

For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required Luke 12:48

Hillary, Blackmail, and America

©2016 drkate

Update below.

In this surveillance age for electronic tracks as emails, texts,phone calls and yes, pillow talk, one purpose of collecting this kind of  information is find things, events, or secrets that can be used for bribery, extortion and blackmail.   Regarding the tip of the iceberg information we have on Clinton right now, any news is bad news for America.  Our enemies already have this and much more information and can use it to control Clinton.

There is a ton of money involved in selling or keeping this information.  The initial crime goes right back to Hillary, although Huma and Anthony Weiner are convenient fall guys but, may also be spies and-or blackmailers.

The timing of the FBI’s not finished yet reopening of Hillary’s email investigation is interesting. Cynical enough to Practiced in listening for and looking at what is behind every element of timing I note the following:

The strong likelihood that all of Clinton’s emails are stored somewhere and by someone, possibly others including foreign countries, means that their contents are up for sale to the highest bidder or for use in blackmail purposes.  Who would really control the White House and our military?

A Hillary Clinton administration would be run by those who have the information to blackmail  and thus control her. Our nation would be lost to our enemies and the globalist interests.

Simultaneously the exposure of  the corrupt Obama/Clinton administration,the failure of  of Jim Comey’s wilful ignorance of evidence of wrongdoing and failure to prosecute, and  Loretta Lynch pleading the fifth and meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac, what do we expect from the reopening of the Clinton FBI case:

  • Her “full exoneration” on all charges?
  • Will they pretend to investigate to stop the public perception that everything is rigged in her favor?
  • Will they downplay and say “she’s already been cleared”?
  • Who got to Comey?  His own FBI agents? Or has Comey read the tea leaves and knows Trump’s election will bring his own investigation?
  • If she wins the election and if the fraud is not challenged, will the House/Senate choose the president/vice president?  Does this fit the desperate NeverTrumpers GOPe plan?

Update: Judge Jeanine doesn’t mince any words here critical and suspicious of the FBI:

Much discernment is needed…which is the real distraction, or set of distractions?  Look through it all and stick with the things that say “Clinton”…how does a compromised FBI ever conduct another investigation?

Pillow Talk

“It came out that Huma Abedin knows all about Hillary’s private illegal emails. Huma’s PR husband, Anthony Weiner, will tell the world.” Trump, August 3 2016

weinerclownNational security compromised by pillow talk…hey and on more than one pillow as the source of the FBI’s reopening of the Clinton email scandal investigation involving Benghazi and secret server related subjects,  The link was found on cell phone devices seized from Huma and Anthony Wiener  in an “unrelated” FBI investigation into Anthony Wiener’s underage contacts.

At best these new email finds, in combination with other Wikileaks, state, and FBI emails, could indicate espionage, treason, or an obvious intention not to turn over emails under subpoena, a felony.

Hillary Clinton will never be for America. She is owned by everyone who has that “disappeared information” and it will be used to control her, and thus control the destiny of America.



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