Posts Tagged 'Michelle Obama'

Obama-Biden Theme Song

©2012 drkate

Uh oh. Meds are wearing off


Happy campers

What about Black on Black Violence, Sharptobama?

©2012 drkate

Yes, now how many black people are killed by black people who Reverend Sharpton or Obama do something about?  Should Sharpton be arrested for inciting violence?

Right, Trayvon is going out for Tea and Skittles.  Hmm.  Has a fight club too, where he praises the white boy for kicking the black kid in the head.

What about the Chicago slum lord, Valerie Jarrett, serving as de-facto president while Obama naps in his TV room?  And Obama’s role in perpetuating dangerous, murderous housing conditions for black people in Chicago?

Its only a matter of time before real Americans who happen to be black wake up and see how these people are using them, and will throw them under the bus anytime they get a chance to.

The hypocrisy and racism of the Obama-Holder-Jarrett-black panther crowd is stunning. This is their plan for re-election? Keep your powder dry, Patriots!

Open thread.

The Foreign Student

©2012 drkate

On the whole, there has been no other reason to hide the real Obama from the American people other than he is a foreigner.  A foreign agent, a spy, a gigolo from another land…whatever, he is not an American.

Americans know Americans.  And he ain’t one of us.

Even those of us born in another country and naturalized here can tell pretty easily.  There is an accent, a mispronounced word, a mistaken phrase, bowing to foreign leaders, a look, the lack of appreciation.  Its easy to tell Obama is not an American, does not love America, could care less about Americans, and just wants a paycheck and all the perks of ‘leading’ the country, even though he knows he is leading us off a cliff.

Seal all the records.  Hide everything.  Use our own resources against us.  By himself, Obama is a nothing, a hoodlum, scofflaw, and a scoundrel.  He is the definition of ‘assisted living’.  He associates with flea-bitten hoodlum dogs with names like Piglosi, Frank-weiner, Hair of the dog Reid, Eric Holdup and George Soros Sore-ass.  He is surrounded by what he chooses to attract.  They are his ugly peeps.

Notice nobody confesses their ‘love’ for him without being bribed, coerced, or otherwise killed.  That’s why I love this website, and this photo describing Obama in a recent post:

Obama–or whatever his name is– is a crafty two-bit hoodlum, but nevertheless, is a nothing.

As for keeping track of the ass-hat tricks of the  wife, “Mrs”…Ed, Bigfoot, or Chewbacca, there is no better cite than Michelle’s Mirror, especially her recent post on “No Child’s Fat Behind”, with the ‘roll’ model in chief having a sack race sag race hiding the butt race in the White House.  Hmm, what class.

Don’t miss the film, Stanley Ann’s Baby…Pray for America coming to your neighborhood way in advance of Halloween.

Two bits of trash that need to be taken out of the White House!  😛

Scoundrels Revisited

©2011 drkate

Authors Note. I am republishing this article as the ‘Occupy Wall Street’  has diverted attention again from focusing on the FEDERAL RESERVE and the international bankers.  Planned as a diversion from the Obama cheaters, liars, and murderers, OWS has turned into a circus supported by cloward-piven types, “American Nazis“, the democrats, the media, and the democratic socialists who care for nothing but themselves.  Spoiled rotten by their parents, they are rightly called the ‘flea party‘.  But stopping the FED, the NWO, and Obamademocrats and rinos is deadly serious for our country..and it never hurts to look again at the origin of these scoundrels.

Mao Christmas Tree Ornament, Obama's White House 2009

. . . when Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution, Marx regarded it as far more than theory. He seized upon it as his “scientific” proof that there was no kingdom of Heaven, only the kingdom of Matter. Darwin had vindicated Marx in his rejection of Hegel’s [idealism]. Ignoring the fact that Darwin’s theory of evolution was just that a theory… Marx adapted Darwin’s ideas to the social classes of his day. . . Darwin’s theory of evolution being what it was, Marx reasoned that the social classes, like all matter, must always be in struggle with each other for survival and dominance.

More than a year ago I wrote a series of posts regarding the rise of liberal fascism in the United States.  Part of that work involved the examination of the role of science in the development of the ‘progressive‘  Marx-based ideology in the United States, and how social Darwinism undermined the Constitution beginning with President Woodrow Wilson.  But the misnomer here, perhaps the diversion, is that social Darwinism is Marxism.  Marx found Darwin’s work to be the ‘proof’ that the ideology he espoused–communism–was the true and necessary direction or evolution of society.

Darwin’s theory of evolution had no real scientific underpinning save a few observations. Evolution was seen as a materialistic process, a survival of the fittest over scarce resources. Thus conflict was the necessary ingredient of survival, and it was central to evolution.  When applied to communism, this ‘struggle’ or ‘conflict’ became a dialectic, or

any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict through ‘reason’. 

But the only reasoned outcome of a debate between communism and capitalism is that capitalism fails and gives way eventually to communism…through materialism, survival of the fittest, through conflict.

Continue reading ‘Scoundrels Revisited’

Blowing the 2012 Elections

©2011 drkate

As expected, the Republicans end up with an incredibly weak field of candidates, all of whom will lose to Barack Obama Carter.  It is a field stacked with globalists, rinos, so-called Tea Party champions, and  Bush-controlled zombies.  There is one constitutionalist in the pack, hardly noticed if even tolerated, who, if he doesn’t distinguish and explain himself, has no chance of winning the republican nomination. None of them will touch the constitutional issue of Hussein’s constitutional ineligibility.

My own feeling is that Ron Paul’s monetary knowledge and platform is what is behind everyone ignoring him…and I do believe TPTB will never let Paul get to the presidency.

For political expediency the republicans would rather keep running against Obama after his re-election to ensure their power base. For them, the Constitution, the economy, the people of America be damned.

Woo-hoo!  We get to ‘choose’ between two globalists–Obama the usurper, and the republican sell-outs.  The infiltration is deep and overwhelming.

So why is the Tea Party now blasting one globalist (Romney) and supporting another (Perry)?  Or Cain?  Or Gingrich?  In my view because the Tea Party was taken over by the rinos –e.g., ‘Freedom Works’–they are now going to do the bidding of destroying whatever the republican field is ensuring a defeat in 2012.

Another round of Obama and America is completely dead.

Is it now time to let the ‘globalists’ have their republican president,  but work to unite to ensure the defeat of Obama?  Will this work?  How about this?  Given the globalists control, what is our best tactic for the next year?

Its true.  “You can’t always get what you want…but if you try somehow, you get what you need”.

Obama’s Falling Apart

©2011 drkate

Both Barack[/Barry/Soebarkah/Harrison/Steve] and Michelle Obama are falling apart at the seams in appearance, dress, and behavior by the minute.  And the regime itself is under fire from within its ranks, its flanks, and from direct opposition. The exposure of the true ‘Obamas’ evokes an unpleasant visceral reaction. Like bile.

Just look at the coverage of Obama:

Oh, and gunrunner, missile runner, money laundering, influencing testimony of federal witnesses, corruption at the DOJ.  Are his handlers abandoning or unleashing him?

And for Michelle…?

Michelle Obama never had any respect for America in the first place, scowling recently at the Ground Zero 911 memorial service. It shows in her facial expressions, demeanor, dress habits, and attitude.

No better site exists to chronicle  this ‘first’ lady than Michelle’s MirrorPhotos impeccably tailored to the subject of the post, it is interesting to see the archive that chronicles what appears to me to be consistently bad behavior…stemming, imho, from hatred, racism, and ignorance.

Here’s Michelle being her truly disrespectful and despicable self:


Shameful, disrespectful, clueless


©2011 drkate

Mao Christmas Tree Ornament, Obama's White House 2009

. . . when Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution, Marx regarded it as far more than theory. He seized upon it as his “scientific” proof that there was no kingdom of Heaven, only the kingdom of Matter. Darwin had vindicated Marx in his rejection of Hegel’s [idealism]. Ignoring the fact that Darwin’s theory of evolution was just that a theory… Marx adapted Darwin’s ideas to the social classes of his day. . . Darwin’s theory of evolution being what it was, Marx reasoned that the social classes, like all matter, must always be in struggle with each other for survival and dominance.

More than a year ago I wrote a series of posts regarding the rise of liberal fascism in the United States.  Part of that work involved the examination of the role of science in the development of the ‘progressive‘  Marx-based ideology in the United States, and how social Darwinism undermined the Constitution beginning with President Woodrow Wilson.  But the misnomer here, perhaps the diversion, is that social Darwinism is Marxism.  Marx found Darwin’s work to be the ‘proof’ that the ideology he espoused–communism–was the true and necessary direction or evolution of society.

Darwin’s theory of evolution had no real scientific underpinning save a few observations. Evolution was seen as a materialistic process, a survival of the fittest over scarce resources. Thus conflict was the necessary ingredient of survival, and it was central to evolution.  When applied to communism, this ‘struggle’ or ‘conflict’ became a dialectic, or

any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict through ‘reason’. 

But the only reasoned outcome of a debate between communism and capitalism is that capitalism fails and gives way eventually to communism…through materialism, survival of the fittest, through conflict.

Continue reading ‘Scoundrels’

Amending the Constitution by Fiat

©2011 drkate

As the cover story for the so-called ‘bin-ladin’ kill begins to unravel and the BBC actually asks, in a headline now removed, “why isn’t there more Muslim reaction to the death of bin ladin?”, America is coming to grips with its first clear view of a false flag operation designed to draw attention away from Obama’s illegitimacy as President.  It mirrors his life.

Pam Geller has an outstanding article at WND discussing the release of Obama’s electronic LFCOLB in the context of BHO Sr.’s immigration files, Corsi’s new book, and the relentless pressure from Donald Trump.  Obama had to release whatever he could to cover up the fact of his father’s citizenship, but also that at the time of Obama jr’s birth,  he was already married  and the marriage to Ann Dunham may have been a sham to extend his visa stay in the U.S., which expired in August 1961.  Her bottom line from her analysis:

That would make the president illegitimate. In 1787, illegitimate children had different rights. There is no way the founders of this great nation intended for an illegitimate child of a foreign bigamist to attain the highest, most powerful position in the new land.

caught in a lie

If this is true, is it an attempt to drop his father from the equation trying to play on the ‘single unwed mother’ theme? The requirements for President in 2011 are the same as  in 1787… born of two citizen parents  in the United States.  Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen, whether he is an illegitimate child or not.

How to account for the statements of Michelle Obama about Obama’s mother being single…or is this disinformation planted three years ago? and from the latest electronic image of Barky’s LFCOLB which bears no seal and no signature of the father.

Continue reading ‘Amending the Constitution by Fiat’

The Obamas and Cocaine

©2011 drkate

Usurper caught in a lie

Barack and Michelle Obama are having so much fun in the White House, thinking they have hoodwinked Americans, that they no longer cover up their cocaine use.  In this video, at about the 18 minute mark (although clearly visible throughout her talk) Michelle’s cocaine use becomes evident as she doesn’t even notice the drippy nose until it reaches her lips (h/t evergreen).  Please note, and with care, there may be a virus inside this video at that mark as reported by some viewers here. Watch her behavior before she speaks as she ‘takes a deep breath’ through her nostrils. 🙄

It appears to me that the only time Michelle Obama looks like she doesn’t have death, persecution, or evil game playing  on her mind is when she is on cocaine.  The rest of the time she just scowls ugly.  What do you want to bet that no one in that White House had to go through the mandatory drug testing that is required of all federal employees?

Here is a snippet of her unselfish remarks at this event:

…which is how I came to this issue thinking about the challenges I face and then looking at a military spouse who is shouldering the exact same burden…

…So the thing I had to think about is if I’m feeling sorry for myself in my role with all that I’m juggling, just imagine if I were in their position, with the pressures and the challenges and the uncertainty.  But they do it proudly.  And that’s the thing that we’ve learned.

Continue reading ‘The Obamas and Cocaine’


©2011 drkate

The World on the NWO Chessboard

Obama tipped his hand too early regarding the assassination of Federal Judge John Roll…swooping into frame the event according to his handlers’ making:

  • The target was clearly, only, singularly Giffords
  • Sheriff democrat Dupe Nik, calling Arizona a ‘mecca’ for violence and racial hatred (aka, SB 1070)
  • Profiling ad nausea the white shooter
  • Within minutes of the shooting, an ‘FBI agent on the ground reporting that Giffords was dead’
  • Blaming Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and those who question Obama’s eligibility birth place
  • Timing the shooting to chill the repeal of Obamacare in the House

The audacity violence of getting in Arizona’s face about this event, as if Arizona is the reason why everyone ‘has to heal’, while openly making war upon this state, openly lying about Giffords, and turning a memorial into a campaign rally is despicable and threatening.

Barky and Bigfoot decided to start their campaign on the coffins of American citizens.  Get the message?

Chicago in the White House

By now we are familiar with the Obama strategy–create diversions on one side of the country to cover up the real crime going on somewhere else.  Like, for example, the appointment of his crony  Daley to be chief of staff.

Daley served as Commerce Department secretary during the Clinton administration and has worked as an executive at JPMorgan Chase for the last several years. He is the brother of outgoing Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley

Continue reading ‘CRIME, INC.’

Dare to Caption This!

©2010 drkate

😯  and speechless.

Anybody missing curtains  or tablecloths ?

Caption This!

©2010 drkate

Clueless and Disrespectful

©2009 drkate

This is one of those WTF?  times.  😡

Here’s Michelle on her way to award a posthumous Medal of Honor to the family of  U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti.  In a cocktail dress???  (h/t Cynthia Yockey)


I view this as disrespectful. Michelle Obama has no class, no clue, and is an embarrassment to the United States.  She should be banned from military funerals and awards until she–or whoever dresses her–gets that clue.

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Since 8/15/09


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