Archive for the 'Red Pill' Category

Come Together

©2020 DrKate

Remember, we have a common enemy…evil…and its time for us to come together and reject this artificial division of Americans perpetuated by those whose corruption is now exposed.

From our friend and Patriot, Red Beckman, RIP, in 1997:  “Why the Militia?”

When WE, THE PEOPLE, lost control of our Presidents, Congressmen, Senators, Judges, and other tax-consuming public servants, they became unruly, careless, lazy, irresponsible, arrogant, rebellious, wasteful, inefficient, obnoxious, domineering, abrasive, violent, malicious, unfaithful, unpatriotic, abusive, inept, incompetent, dishonest, deceitful, spiteful, repulsive, diabolical, disrespectful, counterproductive, vicious, parasitic, shameless, contemptible, villainous, tricky, unstable, crude, harsh, callous, infernal, dangerous, uncooperative, unresponsive, corrupt, lawless, dictatorial, expensive—and they wonder–

  • Why the Militia?…and
  • Why Trump?
  • Why the digital soldiers?
  • Why Q?


Tough Love

©2018 DrKate

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”~George Orwell

It’s time for some tough love.

All of our lives we have been subject to a grinding propaganda by an invisible, counterfeit “government” whose

aim is the conquest of us: of our political consciousness, our sense of the world, our ability to think independently, to separate truth from lies.”

And it has taken its toll…friends, colleagues, family, schools, churches, and playgrounds. While the topics of discussion politely veer away from any substantive look at what has happened in our country to all of us, occasionally the issues arise but only in the most extreme form…insults, lies, screaming, sometimes violence and always hate.  This was all by design.

But now spiraling out of control,  some ask “is this a moral war?” “is it a civil war?”…showing the perch upon which they live in judgement of the rest of us unsophisticated, intellectually-bereft human beings. On social media, they are blind to their own hypocrisy…to the extent of willingly supporting revenge, or assassination, or disruption of any kind. A form of mental illness loosely called ‘trump derangement syndrome”.  But it might really be something much deeper, destabilizing, and explosive.

If two years later people are still unable to comprehend the reality of our constitutionally-derived electoral college system –every President of the United States has been elected by the electoral college which is based on the vote of the people in each state–what will happen to them when the democrats lose the midterms?  They have destroyed themselves!

The only thing you can do is tell the truth about it all, everything you know.  Inform the “normies”…regular people…about what is really going on in identifying, investigating, exposing, and ultimately prosecuting the deep state.

On all levels, we are in spiritual warfare with wickedness in high places, manifested also in the stark support of a constitutional republic OR a communistic, socialized mob rule “democracy”.

This is the long game, and we are playing for keeps.  Know your God. Know your Constitution. Remember, we are Americans.

Trump is the opportunity, will you rise to it?

Use this thread to post the best articles you can which clearly describe WTF is going on now, who the actors are, the connections, what we observe. Let this thread be a source of information you can use with those people who need to be “red pilled”.  Here’s an example of a graphic that can be slowly introduced, looking “globally” at Obama’s role…not the ass himself:


He Meant It.

©2018 DrKate

Think about this, listen carefully.

Then understand what is going on.

This alone has the evil on the run or in hiding, getting arrested and exposed with increasing, devastating frequency. Hollywood, corporate America, your Congressmen and women, “icons”, all about something else than America.  All domestic enemies.  Military tribunals, anyone?

We, the People arise and take our rightful place in this revolution!

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty…Jefferson 1834

The Storm that Saved America

©2017 DrKate

(Authors Note. A very long and detailed post, lots of information, not explained properly I am sure but this needs to go out now!)

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.  ~President Trump, December 21, 2017, Executive Order

As it becomes more and more obvious that the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative was made up by democrats to cover up not only Clinton’s loss, but the incredible corruption of the Obama administration, perhaps the significance of the photo above will now hit home.  Surrounded by the top military commanders and their spouses in the White House, President Trump asked the reporters, “do you know what this is?”  and, when they didn’t know, said “maybe its the calm before the storm…”

While everyone thought North Korea or other military adventures were in store, little did they realize, little did any of us realize that this would be the storm that saved America.

This discussion and analysis is made possible by many people–key citizen analysts who have brought their best to to the tasks on Twitter, blogs, videos, and the recently (October 2017) formed discussion boards involving an intelligence source named “Q.”  The information that is presented in these postings is confirmed by actual events, announcements, some stories covered in the press or not covered, intentionally, and curiously are confirmed and sometimes foreshadowed in tweets and statements of the POTUS.  I am going to try to pass on the incredible work of these others, with a few of my own thoughts, and hope to do this work justice in what follows.  My hat is off to all.

Warning.  What follows is the red pill.

“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” – Morpheus, The Matrix

Part I.  Setting the Stage, the Election, and the President

What would you say if you knew that our POTUS knew before the election the incredible depth of corruption within our government and depravity of certain individuals, and that they would use everything, even the power of the government intelligence to try to stop him?  What if he knew that they were going to try to set him up for a Russia scandal?  What if he already knew about Uranium One, Clinton, and DNC election rigging?  What if he knew they would try to infiltrate his campaign? What if he already knew that human trafficking, missing children, war, and pedophilia were the underbelly of this corruption that has taken over our country?

But what if he didn’t know how deep the rabbit hole goes?  How would he find out? Think about the following events in that context.

    • Hires Paul Manafort, a known collaborator with Ukraine, money laundering, connections with Russia, and already being watched, then lets him go after three months
    • Tweets about how great Trump would get along with Russia…that encourages Clinton and the cabal to start accusing him of being friendly with Russia
    • Lets Don Jr, Manafort, and Kuchner meet with a known Russian agent, where nothing happened but when the story “broke”, allowed the democrats and Clinton to further accuse him of collaborating with Russia

Now up to the election, think about what was going on:  the FBI’s ultimately failed/fake “investigation” of Clinton’s email fraud; the granting of immunity to Huma, Cheryl Mills, and others while allowing the destruction of their computers; the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting;  the unsworn interview of Clinton, where she was allowed to have her lawyers with her and couldn’t recall a thing about anything; the breach of the DNC computers–local but planted blamed it on Russia— and embarassing leak of email-challenged Podesta, Clinton, and DNC information by Wikileaks; the murder of Seth Rich, DNC staffer; and the discovery of Weiner’s laptop with 650,000 emails in a file called “insurance policy”, the file that contained such vile things that “it made DC cops cry“.

What if, based on the Podesta emails and the contents of Weiner’s laptop, you became aware of outright pedophilia  and the signs of such, like pizza slices?  And then knew of Clinton’s covering up of the State Department pedophilia, the Haiti Clinton operation, and the Clinton Foundation’s connection with child and human trafficking? What if you knew there was an international connection with this all?

The emails presented by Wikileaks also show the “pay to play” arrangements, the blurred lines between the state department and the Clinton Foundation funding, the meetings with the Rothchilds, the Saudis, and Soros.  The sheer corruption is breathtaking.  But how deep is that rabbit hole?

Do you think there were/are patriots working inside the Obama administration that knew of this corruption–with some dying because of it–but were unable to come forward because the corrupt officials of the Obama administration prevented it?

The Election

On November 8, 2016, Americans soundly elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  He won it the hard way, and earned it by securing a place in the hearts of Americans. The Democrats, Obama, the rinos never thought Clinton would lose and are shocked.

President-elect Trump gets to work building his administration.  On November 16, National Security Agency(NSA) Director Admiral Mike Rogers visits Trump tower without “permission” from Obama.  Think about these events:

  • The next day, November 17, Trump moves his transition headquarters to Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey.  The NSA knows all because it records us all.
  • Later in November, Trump tweets “wow, I just found out that my phones in Trump Tower were “wiretapped”.
  • Selective release of tidbits of the fake Trump Dossier…by Clinton, McCain and other republicans, Obama..and excessive press coverage.
  • The outright accusation that Russia hacked the election in favor of Donald Trump
  • accusations that Trump was the source of the leaked emails to wikileaks
  • The leaking of contents of the fake Russian dossier by Clinton and others after the election
  • The publication of the fake Russian dossier in early January, days before Trump’s inauguration

Unbeknownst to all, especially the press, the Office of the  Inspector General announces on January 12, 2017 that the IG will undertake a review of the FBI and Department of Justice’s actions during the 2016 election and possible political interference with decision-making processes.  Read this document, and take note of the last sentence, which reads:

Finally, if circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.

The President

So President Trump takes office and the democrats and rinos are still after him, calling him an illegitimate president because of “muh Russia” narrative.  Consider the following events

  • Flynn is fired
  • Comey leaks confidential information to the press, lies to Congress, and is fired…begging for a special counsel to investigate Trump for obstruction of justice, the fake Russian dossier, and Russia collaboration with Trump. Democrats delighted.  Trump reminds Comey that he’d better hope there are no “tapes” of their conversation before he leaks to the press.
  • Many many leaks of confidential information make their way to the press and to Congress, some obvious leakers fired.
    • Surprise:  Trump announces to the press that “the leaks are real, the news is fake”.  The barium meals begin. Fake news seeded to suspected leakers to find them within the administration and in the press
    • Surprise:  AG Sessions, DNI Director Dan Coates, and Assistant AG Rosenstein announce the beginning of a task force to investigate and prosecute the leakers, which includes intelligence agencies, Congress, and the press
  • Trump works at Mar-a-Lago for 10 days while White House is cleaned and “renovated”
  • Congress calls for a Special Counsel, Trump agrees.
  • Sessions recuses himself only from matters regarding Clinton and the 2016 election
  • Bob Mueller hired as Special Counsel

It appears that Trump is headed for impeachment or at least a mighty fall, right?  But I ask you,

  • what better way to keep your enemies thinking that you are being investigated than by hiring a known democrat, and staffing that investigation with known partisan FBI and DOJ officials, and
  • do you think if Jeff Sessions was involved in doing this investigation it would have been viewed as worthless and completely partisan?

Does this look like a man who is worried?  Are you now beginning to understand that there is a master strategist at the helm of our country?  That he may know more than anyone gives him credit for?

Notice some other important events:

The President’s first overseas trip was to Saudi Arabia. He didn’t bow to the King and Melania did not wear a head covering.  Why Saudi Arabia? What was initiated at that time regarding efforts to combat terrorism?  What happened eight months later?

North Korea attention. Trump’s defense of America against North Korea is a high priority. What has been festering in North Korea?  And why has it been ignored? What is the relationship of North Korea to Iran?  How does North Korea relate to the deal involving Uranium One?  How did North Korea acquire the advanced technology for its missile systems during the term of the Obama administration? Did Obama defund/destroy NASA and transfer technology to SpaceX, Google, and Apple?

    The Mueller Investigation & Jeff Sessions

Q asks a question: how do you capture a dangerous animal?

Answer: isolate, investigate, remove, prosecute.

Mueller, with the help of FBI General Counsel James Baker, developed a small team of agents to serve on a task force to investigate Trump.  While on that task force they are isolated and prevented from doing anymore damage.

NSA knows all, and the behavior of all of these people is investigated by the Inspector General and the AG’s special task force to capture leakers.  Phone calls, texts, and other information were silently investigated while this anti-trump FBI-DOJ task force tried to find something, anything on President Trump. They couldn’t and didn’t find anything, but the long arm of the law found them. They “caught” Manafort on actions long before the Trump campaign, and then “caught”, rather trapped, General Flynn on perfectly normal activities.

While Mueller’s investigation was ongoing, remember that the Inspector General’s investigation, the FBI-DOJ Leak task force were also hard at work.  All the investigations are linked, and once the FBI-DOJ conspirators were “dragged into the light“, the Attorney General announces the re-opening of all the FBI compromised “investigations”, including:

  • The 33,000 Clinton deleted emails (do you think the NSA actually has them?)
  • Uranium One
  • Project Cassandra  Obama stopped a DEA/FBI investigation of Hezbolla’s drug trafficking and money laundering connections in the U.S. and world-wide.

Bear in mind that these investigations have been on-going for a year, but only now is the information being publicly released.  Thus the announced investigations are well underway with enough air-tight evidence to now publicly speak about them…and the removal of these officials and their prosecution is the only way to begin to start restoring the rule of law in the United States.  The rogue three letter agencies were weaponized against conservatives, Americans, and the duly elected President of the United States.

As this information has been uncovered and largely due to citizen journalists, with facts slowly dripping out, the bad actors themselves like James Comey and Sally Yates betray their panic in twitter posts…as well as “signaling” to their fellow conspirators.

Conspirators (so far)

What we see here is a planned, coordinated conspiracy to remove an elected & inaugurated POTUS from office in the early days of a new Presidency. This was directed by Obama & Clinton & executed by corrupt officials at the FBI & DOJ. That is what will be revealed as a result of the Mueller and Inspector General investigations.  And Trump has been telling us all along what is happening.

As I have posted in my remarks in the last several posts, there has been a gigantic sting operation on-going as the news has constantly berated Trump and belittled Americans with nonsense.  That is the mockingbird press, of course, doing the work of the deep state to keep us asleep precisely when we need to be awake.

Are you awake yet?

Part II:  But What About the Children?

The most difficult thing about this post for me is this upcoming section.  This post has been in the workings for several days, always late at night or early early morning.  It has been hard to wrap my head around that which follows and I am sure I don’t see it all.   In a word, we are talking about EVIL…that which follows, and follows from Satan.  Deep within our minds and hearts we understand the presence of this, and on the “surface” we get glimpses of it in the news.

Here’s whats in the mix:

  • Billions of dollars associated with three sides of a triangle:  Rothschild/Rockefeller;  the House of Saud, principally Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, and George Soros.  Each are responsible for the different moving parts that control a world-wide “new world order” that already exists now.
  • War, disasters, invasions, disease, and death
  • Human trafficking, especially the children
  • Pedophilia networks, world-wide
  • Mass shooting events/false flags
  • Election fraud
  • Organ harvesting–Planned Parenthood
  • Drugs, guns, weapons of mass destruction–biological, radiological, chemical
  • Satanic cults and sacrifice
  • The CIA and the Vatican

It is all together linked. All the Presidents from Bush I to Obama created and cemented this network, and have bribed, blackmailed, or murdered thousands of people in judgeship, government, financial institutions, hollywood, religious figures, the media, schools and colleges, the police, federal agencies, and the military.  When needed, gangs like MS13 are the hired guns, kidnappers, and peddlers of poisonous drugs to our children.

Back to our discussion of “Q”, the various clues that were dropped by Q (“breadcrumbs”), and then confirmed by POTUS tweets by events in the news—Hollywood pedos, Clinton, FBI-Special Counsel investigation, the agency corruption, the Saudi arrests, the death of Jacob Rothchild–all have been profoundly amazing and indicate something big is going on in our country right now.  Even with these intelligence drops of information, everyone has asked for more transparency in what IS going on.  Someone then asked Q, “What About the Children?”.

Over 460,000 children have gone missing in the United States as of 2016.  If you can see that all this is connected to the children and trafficking–the money, drugs, pedophilia, government control, degradation of institutions, morals, attack on Christianity, and society–and that Clinton, Obama, the Bushs’, Soros, the Rothchilds, the House of Saud, and the corporations are all a part of this, having enlisted governments and puppets all over the world, you wonder if it will ever be addressed or uncovered.  And then you know that the corruption is so deep that exposing it could cause our entire government to collapse.

The rabbit hole, now fully exposed. Are you awake?

In the context of more transparency, and the children, on December 21, 2017, we get this:

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

Read the text of this order here.

This is a national emergency and the U.S. military will be involved not only in intelligence gathering, but imprisonment and trial. Think Guantanamo Bay and military tribunals. Gee, who visited GITMO on the day the Executive Order was issued with 1,000 marines in tow?

This order will freeze the assets of anyone receiving money from or donating to the listed entities in the Appendix to the Executive Order, and allows the Treasury Secretary, Secretary of State, and Attorney General to add people to this list.  Are Clinton and Soros’ assets being seized now?  Take a look:

Where is George Soros?  Did he really have a heart attack, or is that a cover story for being captured the very same day that the Atlanta airport was shut down for ten (10) hours?  What three executives in Canada–home of the Clinton Foundation’s branch that worked to transfer our uranium to Russia, and launder the money to the Clinton’s that was made on that deal–were detained at the Toronto airport and flown to Cuba by military escort on December 26?

What else is happening since October, and specifically since this EO was issued?  CEO’s resigning in record numbers.  Why? Is there a world wide pedophilia and human trafficking network?  What about blood harvesting and organ trafficking from children, aborted fetuses, war zone orphans and natural disaster locations like Haiti?

An interesting photo was posted by the U.S. Department of Defense on Christmas eve via their twitter account–Washington crossing the Potomac on Christmas eve.  A day later, in a Christmas tweet, POTUS stated that he was glad to be leading the charge to restore our country and to defend Christianity, our values and beliefs.

Beginning on December 25, the rounding up of these individuals has begun.  On the evening of December 26, flights from the airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Atlanta have been forced to turn around because of “unauthorized persons” on board…aka trying to escape?  The planes have been parked away from the terminals while passengers are interviewed and perhaps told to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) while the “unauthorized persons” are removed from the flight and detained.  Three California airports were shut down last night for several hours.

The storm that President Trump spoke about has arrived and the cabal is being rounded up.  There will be trials, convictions and long jail sentences, captured as the common war criminals they are and housed in GITMO or Leavenworth.  Want to find out more?  Look here for the latest Q posts and analysis!

  • Praise God from whom all blessings flow
  • Praise Him all creatures here below
  • Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host
  • Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost   Amen

Stay WOKE, our country, our future, and our children depend on it!




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