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Questions for a Constitutional Convention

©2013 drkate

Of all the so called ‘Patriot Actions’ the one that is most disturbing to me is the call for a Constitutional Convention.  Over the last several years many have proposed new amendments to the Constitution, including some of the major provisions such as the qualifications for the office of the president, and other amendments that require Congress to follow the same rules as citizens of the United States and a balanced budget amendment.

What we don’t hear, even from the patriots, is the need to eliminate illegal amendments–those not ratified properly by the states– such as the 14th, 16th, and 17th amendments.  Nor do we hear calls for the restoration of the original 13th Amendment, which would have prevented lawyers (titles of nobility such as ‘esquire) to serve in government.  And of course, nobody talks about enforcing the existing constitution, which for example would eliminate the need for a ‘balanced budget amendment’ because Congress would have to stay within its enumerated powers.

So the lawyers and lobbyists across the country are pushing for a Constitutional Convention, glaringly a ‘con’ as in ‘con con’.  Remember this is the same group of people who were barred from serving in government by the original 13th amendment, which ‘disappeared’ from the Constitution  after the war of 1812.  The British burned the White House and the effort was to eliminate the records, research, and proceedings that produced the Declaration of Independence and the first Constitutional Convention which produced the Constitution for the United States.

The lawyers and legal profession, and its gaggle of judges, would go on to essentially ‘gut’ the Constitution’s provisions by developing the Administrative Procedures Act  (APA) and other “legal tools” to prevent we the people from even knowing the strength of the Constitution’s provisions and the protection of our  God-given rights enshrined therein.   The APA essentially makes it impossible to gut excessive agency development, for example, the EPA, and allows a suit only on the grounds that it violates the APA, not the Constitution’s limits on executive power. If the lawyers were barred initially from serving in the government, what are they doing now rewriting the constitution?

What will Disappear in the New Constitution? 

Photo of Ayers taken on September 11, 2001

Photo of Ayers taken on September 11, 2001

You can believe that our founding on God’s law–common law–will be eliminated.  This is the dream of all the marxist dems and all the republicans, now clearly just one part of the cabal that dislikes the American people and disrespects our founding documents, calls our founding fathers ‘terrorists’, and claims that our constitution is fatally flawed.  This propaganda has been spread to the general population through government schools (Common Core, anyone?), and now through our churches which have completed the ‘falling away’ as  2 Thessalonians 2:3 predicted.  And here we have Pastors saying that the American people do not deserve liberty anymore.  We can point fingers at everyone else as to who is responsible for this debacle, but when you point one finger at anyone three point back at you.

If our founding principles disappear, then all we have is a counterfeit.  That suits satan’s purposes just fine.  As long as we don’t remember God, or Jesus the Christ, our the founding principles of common law within the ten commandments, then confusion and lies will reign.  That’s the plan.

Questions for a Constitutional Convention

Is a Constitutional Convention an appropriate tool to renew the foundations of liberty in America?  Here are some questions for consideration that will help you decide!

  1. What will a Constitutional Convention cover?  What rules will limit the scope and coverage of a Constitutional Convention?
  2. How are the delegates to the Constitutional Convention selected?  Who selects them?
  3. What choice do ‘we the people’ have in selecting Convention Delegates and what assurance do the people have that these delegates will be truly representative of the people?
  4. Why are Constitutional Convention proponents mostly lawyers?
  5. Do people know that a Constitutional Convention has as much power as a joint session of Congress?
  6. Will the Constitutional Convention rewrite the constitution?
  7. How can we prevent the Constitutional Convention from rewriting the Constitution?
  8. It is known that the Obama regime has already drafted a new Constitution, its ready to go.  What will prevent Obama’s constitution from replacing our constitution?
  9. The original 13th Amendment prohibited lawyers (anyone who took a title such as “Esquire”) from serving in government.  Why is it that mostly lawyers are promoting a Constitutional Convention, and shouldn’t they be barred from participating?
  10. What provisions, or where is the law, that provides for a state to rescind its call for a Constitutional Convention?
  11. Will a Constitutional Convention be able to rescind or remove the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments, which were not properly ratified by the States?
  12. The Constitution is based on Common Law.  The lawyers have corrupted this and believe the Constitution is ‘case law’.  Will the Constitutional Convention return us to Common Law?
  13. Most attorneys ignored Article II of the constitution  which confirms that Obama is not constitutionally eligible to serve as president, saying it was  ‘a matter of interpretation’.  Who are they to now rewrite the Constitution?
  14. How can a constitutional convention defeat the liberal agenda when the call to revise the constitution is a call from the left, liberal, lawyers???

What is going on in your part of the country on a Constitutional Convention?  Where do citizens, legislators, Pastors, and attorneys stand on this issue in your state?

He’s Still Ineligible

©2013 drkate

Though the headlines may have died down on Mr. Obama’s occupancy of the White House, millions of Americans know he is still ineligible to serve as POTUS.  America was warned many times about this imposter, and now wrings its hands in wonder: why doesn’t Mr. Obama even like America?  My first encounter with the breach of Article II was engendered because I could not believe that I was hearing such hatred for America from the Obamas.  And now its all confirmed, despite the deniers who still are rankled under the collar because they know ‘birther Obama’ (h/t LC) is the greatest fraud to have been perpetuated on America.  And he is sewing the seeds of and enabling our destruction.  All foretold.

The benefit of this fiasco is now we can truly see who our Senators and Representatives are….who are sounding articulate but refuse to discuss their own ineligibility (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio anyone?), or the constitutionalists like Ron Paul who also refused to address this issue when he had a chance.  We know Congress actually conspired to prevent this issue from ever seeing the light of day despite tens of millions of inquiries in the last five years.

With a usurper in office (even if he is a Jinn), our government does not exist…it has no actual authority. Who needs to follow ‘the law’ when those who make them aren’t?  The ‘separation of powers’ is defunct, with each branch of government and its agencies operating outside the Constitution.  While we know the media has been ‘bought’ for a long time, Obama makes it ‘transparent’ that it is fully a state-run propaganda machine.

h/t Birther Report

Open thread!


©2012 drkate

This is the reality my children of what a regime does when it is desperate in falling behind Mitt Romney who is surging past election theft by Obama.

Chicago Machine

This article, and the blog in general, has been accurate about many events and has discussed “Obama’s Playbook” of false flag happenings designed to guilt, intimidate or otherwise threaten Americans to vote against their interests and instead elect the usurper Obama again.  All Obama needs to do is to keep the vote margin small and he can either ‘flip’ Romney’s votes or challenge the vote count and refuse to vacate the White House.  Obama is desperate to incite riots, to murder, to invite an attack on the homeland under the color of a false flag, or to have any excuse to challenge the validity of a Romney victory.  Notice that our so-called ‘friends’ in the alternative media are hyping this possibility up as a way to continue to depress the republican vote.  Hillbuzz calls these fear mongerers the “Tokyo Roses” of the right.

The proof in point?  “Shots fired at Denver Obama Campaign Office“–screams the headline on October 10, 2012.  The shots happened in broad daylight and mysteriously no camera caught the shooter, no suspects are in custody, and no bullet casings or shells can be found.  And the new excuse for Obama’s dismal debate performance in Denver–instead of altitude-will be some ‘intelligence’ received that ‘his life was in danger’.

Don’t forget that the ‘lack of security around Obama’ is already being set up with the Secret Service agent found drunk and passed out on a Florida sidewalk and the hooker scandal a few months ago.


But let’s also be clear:  the perfect time for a scuffing of Obama event to happen is right before a debate, where maximum sympathy can be gained and anger directed at Mitt Romney and the republicans, ergo, ‘the right wing’.  But it will be the democrats, the Chicago Machine, or Obama’s handlers that will organize it.  Real Americans do not condone these kinds of actions.

We want Obama out of the White House.

Lock him out

Please spread this article FAR AND WIDE. Alert everyone you know!

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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