Posts Tagged 'presidency'

‘Houston, We Have a Problem’

©2011 drkate

The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. ~John Adams

So it is not a matter of if the American people take their government back, its a matter of when.  The matter of how… not to be broadcast here so the spiders that weave a net around the words of liberty and freedom can anticipate our every move. The democrats, Obama, the socialists, the bilderbergers, the NWO…have now just stepped into what they think is a nice warm bath.

Over the last three years, another American revolution has been effected…the usurpation by Obama and the political class’ stumbles have exposed so many of the lies that have bound us for so long that American constitutional awareness will never go back to sleep.  In our hearts and minds, we understand so much more than we ever thought we would…and it paints a disturbing picture of a cabal of criminals who have overthrown our Constitutional Republic.

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. ~Abraham Lincoln

To a certain extent the regime of Obama and the 20th century rulers will collapse of its own weakness, moral bankruptcy, and corruption. As their treachery is fully exposed by the stories the mockingbird media promote,  each day brings a new revelation of this fundamental truth.

But there may not be enough time to just ‘let it fall’…especially if we are without protection. Each day that goes by shows that the government is in open rebellion against the Constitution and the American people…I have called it a war of aggression by the U.S. government against us and will do so again until it is clear what we are up against.  This is not ‘politics’; we are fighting for our lives and the life of our Republic. Humanity’s beacon for what is possible—known as the American Republic–is dimming and obscured.

I assert that it is our duty to help this unconstitutional system collapse under its own weight.  It is our revolutionary right to call it out, cull out the anti-Americans, and change it.

Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God~Thomas Jefferson

It is a measure of the deep trouble we are in when even quoting Jefferson’s statement lands you on the DHS ‘domestic terrorist’ or ‘no fly’ list; destroys your computer; attacks your blog; robs you of your employment, or takes your life.

Houston America, we have a problem.

Continue reading ‘‘Houston, We Have a Problem’’

Bilderberg Political Pawns

©2011 drkate

Perry is a globalist not much different than Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney or Herman Cain. There is so much more I could write about Perry’s governorship, but it would take a book. Texan Robert Morrow states, “Rick Perry is a Trojan Horse of statism cloaked in Tea Party rhetoric and Bible Buzzwords.” ~Newswithviews

The narrative is building; the negative stories ‘disappeared’ or spun favorably; debates are delayed for proper entry of the new one; the necessary bribes identified…

…and its Rick Perry for President!!!

All the republicans fall in line; select democrats ‘believe they can work with him’, Obama calls him a ‘long time friend’…

Find out who Rick Perry is. (h/t Drew)

Make no mistake, the Bilderbergers and their stooge individuals/organizations know Obama is going down, no matter how much voter fraud and republican party complicity they can create.  They have chosen a humiliating fall for Obama  only because it will distract Americans and Congress in sorting out or covering up the mess while they continue the behind-the-scenes placement of their puppets into government.

So they will be looking for someone to replace Obama on the republican ticket. Rick Perry fits the bilderberger bill.  Kelleigh Nelson writes: (h/t Jan)

Gov. Rick Perry may not be the spider, but he certainly has become one of the strands in the web of international conspiracy for those who see a stealth plan to merge the United States with Canada and Mexico.

There is no conspiracy about the Texas-Oklahoma transportation corridor and the globalist’s intent to capture the people of Canada, Mexico and the United States.  Perry has also allowed Agenda 21 to creep into Texas schools, state and county environmental, land use and resource management plans, and the state’s protection of private property rights.

As the 2012 election looms we are focused on removing Obama from office, the ballot, and the white house; and making sure Article II is not violated by the republicans nominating a non-NBC for the president or vice-president. Is it likely that we will be able to have viable Constitutional presidential candidate in 2012? In 2016?

The Bilderbergers know and fear the American awakening…but they are still in control, and have the power to squeeze the American public by preventing a true Constitutional candidate from becoming President.

What are the strategic implications of this reality?

Name Change for Obama Found in British Columbia?

©2011 drkate

The Error in Chief

On June 3, Steven Pidgeon gave a terrific interview on Trunews, discussing new and important information contained in his book, The Obama Error.  This is worth listening to the entire hour discussion.  Some important tidbits:

  • Pidgeon found at the Consulate in British Columbia, just over the US-Canada border, a record of a name change from  “Barak Mounir Ubayd” to “Barack Hussein Obama” in 1982.
  • Believes Obama was educated at Patrice Lumbuma University in Moscow, echoing Pastor Manning’s research;
  • Mentions Nazi, Stalinist-Marxist, and fascist as descriptors of Obama
  • Predicts Obama will throw the NWO under the bus as the Caliph.

h/t Drew for the interview and Debbie G for the Video!

Continue reading ‘Name Change for Obama Found in British Columbia?’

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