A Tribute to Texasdarlin

(Author’s Note. This blog will focus exclusively on the U.S. Constitution and the use of our founding documents to restore our Constitutional Republic.  My interest in the constitution, and my writings on the subject, were inspired and supported by Texasdarlin.  Please be patient as this is a new blog…and any assistance in setting this up is welcome!)

Welcome to drkatesview, through which I hope to continue the terrific work of the now temporarily on-break Texasdarlin Blog.  In fact, I would like to dedicate this first post to TexasDarlin and to all the readers of her blog.

I do not expect to fill the void of TDblog, no one really can, but I will attempt to keep up the discussion with the same respect and integrity she did in all her reporting.


Last May, 2008, TexasDarlin broke the story of the potentially forged Certificate of Live Birth, opening a whole line of questioning that Obama had thought no one knew.  Through the extensive work of Judah Benjamin, we all began to understand the entire concept of and background on ‘natural born citizen‘.  And then the Indonesian angle emerged.

Partly in response to this exclusive work and the pressure it engendered, as well as a published article in Colorado (h/t jbjd) regarding his birth in Kenya,  Obama was forced to admit on his website, Fightthesmears, that his father was in fact a British Citizen, and that Barack Obama was too.  TD and Judah Benjamin noted that based on  the  history of the definition of natural born citizen,   this admission was a disqualifying factor for POTUS.  I have asserted that:

Obama counted on Americans not knowing the facts of ‘natural born citizen’, thinking we would  overlook this feature.  TD did not.  Remember also at that time we all were still reeling from the theft of the vote from Hillary Clinton at the May 29, 2008 DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee.  Retrospectively, this looks like another brilliant diversionary move designed to keep the focus off of the ineligible Obama .

I find it significant that many of the legal cases on Obama’s eligibility had their theoretical and factual origin at Texasdarlin.  TD didn’t do the work for kudos, but no one truly has acknowledged that fact.  We are educated now on this subject precisely because of TD’s work.  And to this day, her work has been key to understanding the fraud perpetuated by Obama by refusing to prove his citizenship.  Thank you, TD and Judah Benjamin, for the incredible learning at your site that now vaults us to this point of knowledge.

One of TD’s last posts asked whether FactCheck.org actually did any fact-checking.  Here is why:  the astute commenter jbjd at TD discovered that FactCheck had actually posted something on their site that was first posted at TD, which image was then used in a legal case in an attempt to authenticate BO was born in HI.  It raises the issue of whether the original poster ‘planted’ the information at TD.  However, as jbjd points out,  by citing this information in a court case,  it exposes the fact that the only proof Obama has given to the American people of his citizenship is an internet posted COLB and newspaper announcement. From my own personal standpoint,

The only thing I can say is that Texasdarlin spoke and presented truth, and Factcheck is an oxymoron.

My hat is off to you, Texasdarlin, and to all your authors and readers for the excellent year and a half discussion of the most important issues of our lives, and in our Country’s history. I encourage everyone to download the pieces on TD’s entire blog, as they will be forever an archive for your children of what was going on in 2008 and beyond.

I want to extend an invitation to all to use this thread to let TD know of how she influenced your understanding and thinking, and to wish her well.

Thank you, Texasdarlin!

Thank you, Texasdarlin!

65 Responses to “A Tribute to Texasdarlin”

  1. 1 drkate August 15, 2009 at 12:53 am

    I am eternally grateful, TD, for your support and inspiration. You are welcome at any time to post here, long or short.

    It is great to know such a wonderful Patriot, and I know we will hear from you again.

    In the meantime, godspeed

    • 2 texasdarlin August 15, 2009 at 10:37 am

      Dr. Kate,

      I am thrilled to see you start your own blog. Your unique voice, research, and analysis deserve their own home in the blogosphere. I will visit often. Congratulations!

      Thank you for the tribute, but I must correct the record. There were many bloggers who “broke” the birth certificate story, including among others my friend from “across the aisle,” Pamela Geller. However, it’s true that Judah Benjamin’s research was groundbreaking in introducing the problems associated with multiple citizenship under Article II of the Constitution.

      In the final analysis, I came to believe that the COLB posted by Obama on the Internet may very likely reflect information on his original birth certificate. I have oscillated between believing it was forged, and believing it was real. I still don’t have a firm opinion either way.

      However, I have consistently maintained that Obama is hiding information related to his background, and most likely that involves a newer birth certificate in the name of his Indonesian father, Soetoro. I also believe that he has made a concerted effort to hide other facts of his and his family’s life. We may never know the extent of that deception.

      Today, I believe that it’s ultimately most important to focus on the job POTUS is doing now because this is what presents an urgent threat to our Republic. I believe that Obama’s roots going back to his parents are marxist in origin, and all of his mentors and close friends since birth — from Frank Marshall Davis in his youth to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, to William Ayers — and the list goes on & on — reinforced these deeply rooted radical views. I do believe Obama sees himself more a citizen of the world than a patriot of America. I fear that his loyalties ARE split, and in that sense Judah Benjamin’s theories come full circle.

      I do hope and intend to write and blog again. It’s just not clear to me at this time what form that will take.

      Regardless, I will always cherish my friendship with you, Dr. Kate, and with everyone who contributed in major and minor ways to the TD Blog.

      Peace out —


      • 3 drkate August 15, 2009 at 4:18 pm

        TD, I am grateful to you and look forward to your next incarnation as a supreme reporter and analyst! Your graciousness in sharing the honor with others on exposing the BC and other information is just typical of you as a person, but what I wrote “is my story, and I’m stickin’ with it!” lol. Thank you.

        I don’t expect to fill your shoes ever, and that is not the point of me doing a new blog. Just a need to completely focus on this constitution is my goal.

        Please come on in whenever you want!

  2. 4 jbjd August 15, 2009 at 12:58 am

    I am testing to determine whether comments are in moderation. I need to send something I want you to see before posting.

  3. 6 Tenacity August 15, 2009 at 1:10 am

    I’m excited for you in your new venture as a host. I am looking forward to what interesting works will be found here. I too am sad to see even a temporary absence of TD, but glad to know you have a venue for your most excellent articles. You are bookmarked!

  4. 7 Tony Stark August 15, 2009 at 1:22 am

    Nice start, drkate. You’ve got very big shoes to fill!

  5. 11 Tenacity August 15, 2009 at 1:24 am

    btw, if you don’t have your copy of WordPress For Dummies yet, don’t hesitate. 😎

  6. 12 Tenacity August 15, 2009 at 1:32 am

    Hey, for any of you that have recently acquired the Constitution bug, here’s a great class to get started with:

  7. 14 jbjd August 15, 2009 at 2:04 am

    drkate, how wonderful you set up your own shop. It’s about time. Now, as if you did not have sufficient work to perfect your start-up, I have a request. Could you please post a list of those excellent research resources you posted on td’s blog, for example, THAT BOOK ABOUT THE FEDERAL RESERVE, WHICH LED ME TO A 45-MINUTE LECTURE ON YOUTUBE? At the risk of sounding ‘preachy,’ what we don’t know about how our Constitutional republic works, we need to learn, fast. Otherwise, those who know more than us, will keep making our decisions.

  8. 16 Ali (Alikat/Alleycat) August 15, 2009 at 2:34 am

    Congratulations in celebration of your blog Dr. Kate! And thank you Dr. Kate for carrying the torch in TD’s absence. I always loved that Statue of Liberty banner on TD’s site — the lit torch, we follow the light. (I do miss that banner ((as well as the “count our vote” banner — love it, rally the troops)) — perhaps TD would not mind to share it with you — sister sites!)

    Dr. Kate, what a wonderful tribute to TD, and of course Judah, for opening Pandora’s box and exposing the hidden truth. Thank you TD, thank you Judah.

  9. 18 sandstone August 15, 2009 at 5:06 am

    Dr. Kate:

    Bravo for continuing TD’s work. I was wondering how I was going to fill the void with her blog on hiatus. You’ve given us the answer.

    Thank you!

  10. 19 SteveinvA August 15, 2009 at 5:46 am

    Hi DrKate, I have enjooyed your articles and comments on TD and I am looking forward to reading your posts on your new blog.

  11. 20 sirmrks August 15, 2009 at 7:50 am

    I will be checking in regularly.

    birthers unite against the evil one.

  12. 21 Renee August 15, 2009 at 8:47 am

    Cheers DrKate ! So thrilled to see you here ! Awwww, you are so sweet to send TD roses ! Gave me a tear. This will be an awesome site Kate, I am sure of it ! You go girl.

  13. 22 Newssleuth August 15, 2009 at 9:41 am

    Boy, you are quick Dr Kate, but what else did we expect?

  14. 23 Fernley Girl August 15, 2009 at 9:55 am

    TY for providing us with a home away from home. Another request. A library with all the essays you wrote about the Constitution and had originally posted at TD’s.

  15. 24 itooktheredpill August 15, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Dr. Kate,

    Thank you for this wonderful tribute to TD! Her blog was truly ground-breaking. I loved how TD’s blog brought together people from all different political backgrounds – Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, etc.

    What’s ironic is that Obama was supposed to be the one to bring everyone together. In a bizarre way, he did… he made people of all backgrounds wake up and realize what has been happening in our government over the last 100 years, and how we’ve literally reached the tipping point where we will completely lose our Constitutional Republic if we don’t push back NOW.

    And people are uniting and pushing back. It’s obvious from the tea parties and town halls across the nation. Even some of the people who voted for “CHANGE” have woken up and realized that they were fooled… the “Change” they wanted was an improved economy, openness, transparency, accountability, and an end to racism. They now realize that they have gotten the exact opposite… socialism and a worsened economy, secret meetings, no transparency, no accountability, and false claims of racism against anyone who criticizes this administration.

    Thank you for being an important part of this awakening and revival of our Constitutional Republic!

    – Red Pill

    P.S. I have an idea regarding a “community” blog that I’d like to share with you. Please leave a comment for me on my blog and I will contact you back.

    P.P.S. Will you add me to your blog roll? Thanks!

    • 25 itooktheredpill August 15, 2009 at 3:23 pm

      I think it is important for each of us to have our own blogs to express our own personal viewpoints, but also a “community” blog where we can come together (and link back to our personal blog posts when appropriate).

      We’re all familiar with the terms POTUS and TOTUS, but how about WTPOTUS?

      “We the People of the United States”.

      This is purely experimental at this point, but try posting a comment at http://wtpotus.wordpress.com/

      I don’t really have the time to handle comment moderation the way that TD did it on her blog, but I’m thinking we could assemble a group of “trusted administrators” (people who have a long track record of contributing to TD’s blog) and let that group handle the Obamabot trolls. Reasoned dissent would be welcomed, but foul-mouth insults would be deleted and the commenter banned.

      What do you think?

      – Red Pill

  16. 26 Ga.Peach August 15, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    Thank you drkate. What a wonderful tribute to texasdarlin. It is comforting to know we still have a safe harbor.

    Just in case you haven’t heard of this site, there are hundreds of Constitutional papers, documents, letters of our Founding Fathers, etc. at http://www.wallbuilders.com They have some truly amazing fact-finding docs.

    God bless you. Thank you sooo much.

    God Bless the United States of America

  17. 27 tsimitpo August 15, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Dr. Kate, I’m so excited you decided to start this blog.

    Just as Mark Levin is one of my favorite radio hosts because of his focus on Constitutional law, you’ve been among my favorites of the contributing authors on TD’s blog due to your passion regarding the Constitution as well.

    But it’s not just that – what I’ve really appreciated about your posts is that it always seems you have your finger on the pulse of middle America (even though I’m on the “left” coast, LOL!).

    I look forward to having this blog to lean on for a place of sanity and stability as we head into what looks like possibly the vortex of some tenuous times for our country.

  18. 28 perception of truth August 15, 2009 at 12:32 pm

    Welcome to your new home DRkate!
    Like everything in moving things will take some time to get everything just so. I’ll check in daily and add my own bit of “unreasoned” wisdom when appropriate. Glad to see you found a place to hang your “shingle”.
    Looking forward to reading your outstanding articles.
    Take care and Blessed Be.

  19. 29 J. Finis Davis August 15, 2009 at 1:00 pm

    Dear Dr. Kate:

    Thanks for setting up a site for those of us who have followed Texas Darlin.

    One of our problems in America is the separation of people from the government itself.

    I do not believe the Founders intended this giant gulf of separation to exist, especially since they rebelled against the concept of a KING.

    I believe the Founders intended the People to have close up contact with the People’s government.

    The First Amendment guarantees many rights including the right to “petition” the government for IMMEDIATE redress of grievances.

    During the Civil War, average citizens went to the White House and had personal meetings with Abraham Lincoln.

    With the growth of layers and layers of government, we the People hzve been “strong-armed” away from Power just like a full-back uses his free hand to fight off an oncoming tackler.

    Is there any precedent to short circuit all the B.S. to directly appeal to a sitting Supreme Court Judge as an ordinary citizen for IMMEDIATE action in a consitutional crisis?

    This game needs the use of a different precedent if one does exists?

    Surely, in the days of walking and horses, some American citizen went to Washington to make a direct appeal to a Supreme Court Judge on some anti-King principle to preserve his rights and freedoms.

    The layers of BS make this deliberately slow and are contrary to the intent of the Framers who clearly wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to empower the People.

    The 200-year old system presently does not wish to empower the People and is at odds with everything the Framers intended.

    How do we “short-circuit” the process?

    How do we get “close and personal” to our government again?

    The representatives are getting some taste of this People intimacy back home in these town hall meetings but the Supreme Court is aloof and does not come in contact with the People at all.

    Since they don’t come to us, how do we go to them?

    Again, is there a precedent or example of an ordinary “smuck” citizen seeking emergency relief from the highest court in the land?

    If we could find such a direct avenue, the gap between governing and governed would quickly shorten to our favor.


  20. 30 reps August 15, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    dr.kate: Congrats on your new blog…your blog has moved into 1st place in my “Favorites” file just above the TDblog.

    I often wondered why you didn’t have your own blog but it is understandable when you had such a comfortable home at TD’s.

    Thanks for taking “the torch” from TD.

    • 31 drkate August 15, 2009 at 4:45 pm

      reps, thank you for your welcome here….

      I have to say if I “took the torch” from TD, it would be too much for me to handle! Seriously, I don’t expect to be able to fill the void created by the temporary closing of the blog…

      so thank you for the kudos, and how about prayers for the survival of this one? 🙂

  21. 32 DiamondTiger August 15, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    DOC! You little devil! What an awesome tribute to one of the groundbreaking bloggers of the resistance.

    I am so happy you decided to start your own blog as your voice and your research are an integral component of the 2nd American Revolution and cannot be lost!

    Thanks for stepping out on the limb, and I will visit often!!!

  22. 33 alforhill50 August 15, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    drkate, TD, love to you both. So glad you are giving us a forum to keep discussing our opinions and ideas since TD will be mosing along somewhere else for awhile. Hurry back TD. I lost my beloved mother on July 20th. She was 85 yrs young. She fell and hit her head and with congestive heart failure, it was too much. The hospital sent her home to die unbeknown to us at the time. I fear if Obam care makes it through my mother’s death will be easy compared to the “writing off” of our elderly parents. Both mine are gone now, but I am getting on up there myself. Fiftyish—. Take care TD whereever you go whatever you do. Hurry back.

  23. 34 finneganswig August 15, 2009 at 3:02 pm

    Thanks for doing this, DrKate. Much appreciated.

  24. 35 queenfisher August 15, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    Wellll, Dr. Kate — I salute you. I have truly enjoyed your insight as much as TD’s and look forward to listening in from time to time. I am one of those old people that this administration is trying to get rid of as quickly as possible with the “death squads”. Good luck to them as I am one tenacious old bat. Thanks — I hope to visit often and also hope that TD visits often.

  25. 36 shiloh1kb August 15, 2009 at 4:50 pm

    dr kate, Even though we will miss TD, I just want to say thank you for providing a place that still is familiar with so many that have been commenting and contributing with TD, and for the quiet ones like me to come and continue to read and learn. It’s like home…I don’t mean to exclude any of the other wonderful sites that I also visit that have great insight to what is happening in our beloved Country…kudos.

  26. 37 alforhill50 August 15, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    drkate, I posted a commment earlier today. I went into moderation so I left your blog for awhile. When I came back to it, my post was not there. Is there a problem?

  27. 38 alforhill50 August 15, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    nevermind DK. I see it now.

  28. 39 Rosemary Woodhouse August 15, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    I am grateful to you, drKate for filling the void that TD’s hiatus will leave.

    The primary reason I was and remain grateful to TD is that her blog brought patriots from both sides of the aisle together as unhyphenated, patriotic, loyal Americans.

    Best of luck, drKate and of course, TD.

  29. 40 Al August 15, 2009 at 7:43 pm

    Best wishes, Dr. Kate!

  30. 41 thedametruth August 15, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    Kate, what a wonderful tribute to TD, and congratulations for starting a terrific new blog!

    It’s good to see you all, Commenters, as I always enjoyed your very salient input over at TD!

    Best In Solidarity,

    The Dame Truth

  31. 42 Juliet16 August 15, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    Hi, Dr. Kate,

    First of all, thanks for the great tribute to TD. I guess a lot has already been said by others ahead of me, here, so I won’t repeat everything…maybe I’ll just say:

    What he said.

  32. 43 Juliet16 August 15, 2009 at 8:27 pm

    Dr. Kate,

    OOPS! I apologize for the possible duplicate posts?

    I didn’t realize that one of my keys was submitting / releasing comments before I actually intended to submit them. So I apologize if i have posted too many duplicates (accidentally) above.

    Anyway, all I meant to say is thanks for the well-deserved tribute to TD (what will we do without her? I am already missing her and I’m already looking forward to her return soon). But what absolutely terrific news that you will be continuing with your own work here on your this new blog!

    You can count on me to be a very frequent visitor…

    Anyway I hope you are continuing with some radio shows as well and that you will let us know if you have any shows or guest appearances coming up.

    Well, that’s all for now… I look forward to your new venture here!


  33. 44 RICHARD August 15, 2009 at 8:53 pm







  34. 45 NewEnglandPatriot August 15, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    What I found really exciting about TD’s blog was that people from Democrat, Republican and Independent backgrounds all came together to uphold our Constitution. That is what we need to keep doing. The Framers did not like political parties; George Washington cautioned against them in his farewell address for good reason. Political divisions have driven our nation to the brink, which is where we are now…and millions of us have come together to save her if we can.

    Dr. Kate, I have read your articles at TD and heard you on BlogTalkRadio, and your knowledge always enlightens me. Obama’s deception has given rise to a new “patriot movement” throughout the country and constitutional scholars who are teaching the rest of us. We all need to become scholars in our own way and teach everyone we can. Americans need to know their Constitution in order to protect their freedoms. It’s probably something that most of us never thought about much before.

    Thank you for all of your hard work.

  35. 46 Quantum Leap August 15, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    It was fun reading your account of TD from way back when.

    And so, here we are. No real reform, no real cost savings, no leadership, lots of new debt, at least one industry expecting a big payout for its support, at least one President expecting a big payback for his brand, and at least one country picking up the tab as the most expensive political theater in world history, serving the most expensive political celebrity of our time, goes on, and on, and on…hotmail august 15th

  36. 47 Quantum Leap August 15, 2009 at 10:29 pm

    Will the U tubes come up. You’ll love this new one. test test Gee the font is tiny.

  37. 48 song August 15, 2009 at 11:17 pm

    Here I am as well Dr. Kate! Sorry I don’t say much, but that’s just the way I am.

    I appreciate what you wrote about TD. I have followed her work since the time you wrote about as well as the groundbreaking work by Judah Benjamin which to this day has been the guidepost for legal arguments should those in the legal profession care to read them. Just goes to show us all, that One person can make a difference. So keep the faith dear Dr. Kate..

    and now, here we are. Awake. Alert. Aware.

  38. 49 Mary August 16, 2009 at 3:15 am

    Dr. Kate,

    Thanks for the lovely tribute to TD. Don’t worry about filling her shoes. Your own moccasins leave a clear, inviting imprint.

    Best wishes on your blog.


  39. 50 dkw August 16, 2009 at 3:55 am

    Thank you DrKate for giving us a home away from home. I hated to see us to get a seperated. You have all become a family to me. You will do a excellent job here DrKate. If there is anything you need for us to do I’m sure we will try and help in whatever way possible. Dont hesitate to ask. But again thank you for holding us together. You are most excellent.

  40. 51 Proudin NC August 16, 2009 at 11:21 am

    WOOT! Congrats on the blog drkate, your excellent works need a place to call home!!!

  41. 52 Jan August 16, 2009 at 12:04 pm

    Oh! I feel so much better now!

    I didn’t know I had an addiction to TD until it was taken away. But now I can come here and get a “fix” of something similar. 🙂

    Dr. Kate, I think you are underselling yourself a bit. I first learned of TD blog from Douglas Gibbs’ BTR show where you had called in. He said TD was where you posted or that you were from TD blog or something like that. Since you and TD blog had come highly recommended from him I decided to check you out. At least, I thought it was you I was checking out: for a while there I thought YOU were Texas Darlin’! Then I figured out you and TD were different people but I thought you were sort of equal partners on the blog. It did take a while to get things straight. (Remember, I had come in late.) I am not saying this to take away from TD herself in any way. She deserves every good thing you and others have said about her.

    Really, I am just trying to say that I believe you will do a fine job!


  42. 54 IndieJones August 16, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    Thank you for hosting this blog.
    I’ve always admired your comments and articles on TD.
    I hope you don’t feel too much like a ‘Substitute Teacher’ in your new role. lol

  43. 55 mslas4hillary August 17, 2009 at 3:00 am

    Here’s an interesting statistic that I hope someone relays to texasdarlin’… TD blog is the second highest rated blog on the pumasphere meaning it gets the second most hits, ratings, views etc. the first is pumapac which is federally funded so congrats to TD! I look forward to this new blog, drkate and look forward to texasdarlin’s return!

  44. 56 d2i August 17, 2009 at 11:19 am

    The most powerful thing about TD’s blog, IMHO, was the community of bloggers. I agree with I Took the Red Pill b/c that it’s the community that welled up around TD’s blog and protected the posters and its members. It’s a fabulous group of posters.

    And now, Dr. Kate, you are providing a safe haven for all of us. I can’t begin to tell you what this means to me. I was lost the few other times TD took pause, but now, after a year and a half of coming to know so many awesome posters, I fear I’d go through serious withdrawal. Now, I won’t have to worry about that. You’ve been bookmarked.

    And TD, you’re the best! Hurry back. We’re going to miss you, your profound intellect, your integrity, honesty and forthrightness. Until then, may good health be with you.

    • 57 drkate August 17, 2009 at 12:51 pm

      Thank you so much d2i….i miss TD already so much! Her community of writers and readers is hard to match. But I take comfort in a least a few coming here….even if a narrow topic… let me know if you would like to post here!

  45. 58 dkw August 17, 2009 at 11:48 am

    I agree d2i, I would hate to see everyone leave and go elsewhere. There’s to many great contributors.

  46. 59 susan h August 17, 2009 at 12:07 pm

    Dear Dr. Kate: I just found your new blog. As a daily reader and frequent commenter on TD blog, I thank you so much for bringing us together. Your articles are wonderful and I am wondering if you have a legal background as you seem to grasp constitutional issues so beautifully. In fact, I remember being on the bus reading your article re: Obama and the Trojan Horse, and I was SOOOO engrossed in it that I literally forgot to get off the bus and ended up going 20 blocks out of my way! Until this election I never realized how important our constitution is (wasn’t that always something republicans made issues of, not democrats?) But election 2008 changed so many things and so many people and for good or bad, many of us do not see things as we did. I have said this before, and it bears repeating, the biggest con of 2008 was not Bernard Madoff, it was Barack Obama. The articles you have presented, along with those of Bud White, TD, Judah Benjamin and others remain sources of inspiration for all of us here. Thank you for your hard work, research, dedication and careful presentation of constitutional issues. I will be coming here often and reading with eager interest.

    • 60 drkate August 17, 2009 at 12:53 pm

      Thanks Susan H, for coming by here….and your story about the Trojan Candidate…I’ll tell you my hair stood up on the back of my neck for months after I wrote that article. How awful to see his background coming out now as he seriously tries to hurt America.

      If you would like to post anything here, just let me know!

  47. 61 Dee August 19, 2009 at 2:58 pm

    drkate, Thanks for picking up TD’s blog. I did not post often but read it everyday. I’m glad to see there will still be a connection. I appreciate all that you and TD have done to keep us informed. Thank you. I will be visiting here daily.

  48. 62 azgo August 20, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Roses are red, violets are blue,
    I would like to thank Texasdarlin too!
    And as for you, drkate,
    You are more than great!
    Thanks for a place of freedom of speech,
    And may your thoughts have a far lasting reach!

  49. 63 foxyladi14 September 15, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    let me add my thanks to the rest.DrKate.
    as much as i miss T,D, this will be a place to visit and learn from every day.
    God bless and hugs

  1. 1 THE END GAME « drkatesview Trackback on September 27, 2009 at 2:55 pm
  2. 2 Texasdarlin Returns! « drkatesview Trackback on January 3, 2010 at 11:47 pm
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August 2009

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Since 8/15/09


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