Archive for December 1st, 2011

Conservatives and the Constitution

©2011 drkate

How can you be a conservative and never mention the Constitution?

The Tea Party is all for limited spending, small government, and supposedly states rights, and only mentions the Constitution in the context of a ‘balanced budget amendment’, which ignores the true danger of calling a Constitutional Convention, and ignores the fact that if Congress was acting according to its limited enumerated powers, we would not need to alter the Constitution to control members of Congress.  And the Tea Party endorses everyone but the one who makes the Constitution a center-piece of his campaign, and refuses to address the usurpation of the Presidency by Obama and the democrats.

And we continue to allow Congress to determine what the Constitution means, and their unelected and irresponsible staffers, always protecting covering their collective asses on allowing the criminal usurpation of our government. Commander Kerchner writes:

To attorney Jack Maskell, of the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the master of the false premise in his efforts to protect Obama in his writings for Congress:

Adjectives mean something.  A “Citizen at Birth” is not logically identically equal to a “natural born Citizen at Birth”. Barack Obama may be a ‘Citizen of the United States’  but he is not a ‘natural born Citizen of the United States’ and does not meet the constitutional standards as to who can be the President and Commander in Chief of our military:  The natural born Citizen clause in our Constitution is a national security clause inserted into our Constitution by John Jay and George WashingtonThe natural born Citizen clause is still important and worth protecting. 

How is it possible to claim yourself  to be a “Patriot”, and not be demanding a return to constitutional governance?  Yes, of course we know there has been a concerted effort to destroy American principles and mis-educate, but even those of us who are awake seem paralyzed…between time, if you will, between the past and the future.  Our present circumstances demand we take action at all levels, we look for leaders and it always ends up with the person you see in the mirror.

We need a plan and must be willing to take that long march back to the Constitution…as much as the progressives have shown their willingness to be patient in their quest to destroy America, we must show equal tenacity in our return to sanity and the sanctity of the Constitution.  We all must lead.


(From Red Beckman, “Walls in our Mind”, Segment 5)

If you are an adult American; If you have been educated in a government school; If you are a member of an organized, IRS approved, corporate church; If you watch CBS, NBC, ABC television news and read a daily paper, you probably didn’t know there are two kinds of patriotism.  The two distinct forms of patriotism are totally opposed to each other and can never peacefully coexist.

True patriotism is people giving their allegiance to their country.  False patriotism is people giving their allegiance to a government.  In the last segment, we addressed the fact that the junk heaps of history are the final resting place of many governments.  Nations continue to exist even after many changes of government.  The Romanian dictator, who was executed on Christmas Day 1989, was a very powerful man until the army switched allegiance.  Politicians cannot control a government unless they have the allegiance of a nation’s people. This is why politicians try to convince people that nation and government are one and the same.

In an earlier segment you read that our present government is not our lawful government. Registered voters sitting on Grand Juries and Trial (Petit) Juries have given their allegiance to politician controlled government. Politician created laws, statutes, codes, regulations, opinions, acts and decisions not in the best interest of our country, are being enforced by voters on juries.  Our lawful government was subverted and changed because jurors gave their allegiance to government, rather than their country.

A true patriot is one who is guided by truth and facts (knowledge). A false patriot is controlled by the lies which he has believed. In segment one, we defined the difference between believing and knowing. We have been taught, all our lives, that our government was to be controlled by majority vote. The true patriot knows that politicians can control majorities with false information.  Politicians tell lies the majority want to believe. This is what party politics is all about. The party that promises the most goodies, from the public treasury, will usually find the most believers (voters). Remember, it was a majority vote that put Adolph Hitler into office as chancellor of Germany. Hitler was a powerful politician because there were far  more false patriots than true patriots.

False patriotism is a source of power, for politicians, in the United States of America. Deficit spending, confiscatory taxation, inflation, deflation and no-win wars, is the price we pay for misdirected patriotism. Viet Nam and Korea were politicians’ wars, which would not have happened if our lawful government had been functioning.  Over one hundred thousand of our best young men were denied their freedom to live, love, propagate, work, retire and die a natural death.  Both Korea and Viet Nam wars were the result of false patriotism.  Those two wars made false patriots rich but our country was damaged severely. Those politician caused wars were not in the best interests of the United States of America. We have Americans who believe they are free because politicians told them they are free. The dead and maimed, from Viet Nam and Korea, are the evidence that proves we are not free.

True patriots know the federal individual income tax is an unconstitutional tax which was created to control people. Fear is the weapon used by tax collectors, when you have a politician controlled government. Thousands of Americans have committed suicide because of IRS-psycho-terrorism.  The KGB were famous for their activities and they murdered great numbers.  The IRS is more scientific and subtle. If they can mentally damage an individual and cause an individual to take their own life, it becomes the perfect crime. It is for sure there will be no prosecution of the responsible IRS agents. A government judge, government prosecutor and twelve false patriots on a jury are not going to find an IRS agent guilty of anything. The psychological damage caused by fear can be more deadly than a bullet between the eyes.  Fear on the backs of a nation’s creative and productive people is not in the best interests of the people and nation.

A true patriot will not be terrorized by the IRS. Many true patriots have been sent to prison by false patriots, sitting on juries in tax prosecutions. Most victims of such prosecutions, use jail time to become better educated and better Americans. It was false patriots in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia who arrested, and many times, executed true patriots. The Gestapo, KGB and the IRS were created, by politicians, to control people’s minds.  People, who give their allegiance to government, will not protect themselves or their neighbor from the IRS because they believe the IRS is a necessary evil.

In a later segment, there will be more said about the unconstitutional income tax.  Hopefully you have noticed how everything you have read to this point is focused on what we have stored in our minds.  Minds that have become disabled by belief, of false information, may need shock treatments.  Stay tuned, there is more to come.

For many, the journey to awareness began will Russo’s film, “From Freedom to Fascism”, also captured on this site’s video links.

December 2011

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