Archive for July 10th, 2012

Knowing and Believing

©2012 drkate

…a lesson shared…

There is a separation that occurs when all of the illusions, excuses, and lies are stripped away, laid bare, exposed; and the Truth opens up and blinding light shines in. And belief becomes knowing. At first startled and reactive, initial reactions can only be called temporary insanity. For the Truth has been there, the belief in tact and strong.  But the Truth is not seen until you know.

Knower: 1. To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.2. To regard as true beyond doubt 3. To have a practical understanding of, as through experience; be skilled in 4. To have fixed in the mind 5. To have experience of 6. To perceive as familiar; recognize; To be acquainted with 7. To be able to distinguish; recognize as distinct; 8. To discern the character or nature of

Believer: 1.To trust what one has heard or seen; To accept as true or real 2. To credit with veracity 3. To expect or suppose; think; To have firm faith, especially religious faith.4. To have faith, confidence, or trust 5. To have confidence in the truth or value of something 6. To have an opinion; think

This is important in our day–if we are to chart the next path we must know, see, and seek the Truth.

We believe we live in a Constitutional Republic; how much more do we need to have happen to know that that Republic has been overthrown? We believe we may have been responsible in large part for the fall of our Republic.  When will we know it and repent for this great loss? We know that Obama is ineligible for the presidency; Congress, the media, and the obots only believe he is eligible.

In matters of the spirit, of faith and the spiritual, there are many who say they are believers.  But do you really know?  The Disciples were believers, but had continuous doubt, until they saw Jesus risen from the dead in Galilee.  They all died as martyrs as his witnesses on earth.  And then there are examples , like  the Centurion, of belief and faith so great that it led to knowing  Jesus’ grace and mercy would be shown upon asking.

It has been said many times that America would not know how far adrift our Nation has become until there was some great economic collapse, something so dreadful that it would force coming face to face with that truth, with ourselves, and with the role we have played in bringing us to this point.  It is our rebellious nature that has caused us to layer ourselves with every possible excuse and to keep away the inevitable as life and events unfold as we were told… while we continue being busy making other plans.

In the journey that has been this blog thus far, all the historical research and learning  has done is  to now show me how much unlearning was necessary to develop my present awareness and understanding.  As I lamented but could not believe the losses suffered I searched for the truth and a thread of that truth led directly to me.  My responsibility, reflecting over actions and reactions, paths directed seemingly for this moment now.  Facing the very worst of those fears, when the final illusion acting as a reprieve is gone, I become a knower.

The personal, moral, political, spiritual worldly revolution of all time is underway.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

…end of lesson…

Open Thread!

July 2012

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