Archive for the 'freedom' Category

“…all the Great Soldiers who cannot get older, they’re asking after you…”

©2021 DrKate

Salutations and in Memory

With Gratitude


The Installation of Foreign Agents Biden/Harris

©2021 DrKate

President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 is in effect.  We have a foreign-controlled installed occupant of the White House enabled by domestic enemies. There is incontrovertible truth that the 2020 American election was interfered with by foreign entities. It’s up to the military now to protect our Constitution.

Fraud happened at all levels and for all “down ticket” candidates, but the mainstream media has suppressed all the information from reaching the American people.

Under the Constitution, the military is the second-to-last option to defend our Nation, and we need to let them know that we have their back, when they exercise that responsibility to lawfully restore the civilian government.

Soldiers, barbed wire on top of walls and steel fencing, sealed off tunnels, buses, and entry/exit ID required can be used for multiple purposes and in many ways.  Why is the White House continuously dark?  Why is Kamala not living at the traditional VP’s residence?  And plenty of other “whys” !!!

An Important Poll

We know that the election fraud will be made public and then, if our Constitution is being protected by our military, swift changes will happen. The public has to be awakened, and when the “approval rate” of Biden is down to 20%, then people are more inclined to want military intervention.  So please, keep talking about the direction Biden is taking America–even democrats do not like what they see going on.  For once we all agree.

When election and other supporting fraud evidence is fully available to the public either through a compliant or forced mainstream media, which scenarios floated out there for coming possibilities seem most likely to you? Multiple choice.  Since we all want arrests of key officials, I am just assuming that will continue to happen.  Please feel free to discuss in comments!






In Grateful Memory 2018

@2018 DrKate

“…all the great soldiers, who cannot get older, they’re asking after you…”


Day is done, Gone the sun,
From the lake, From the hill,
From the sky.
All is well, Safely rest,
God is nigh.

We are the land of the free because of the brave…can we earn their respect by doing our part for liberty?




The MSM Fake News Awards!

©2018 DrKate

Americans are joyfully anticipating the first ever ” MSM Fake News Awards” to be held on January 17, 2018 and presided over by our POTUS Donald John Trump.  For nearly 50 years, the Mockingbird press has had their propaganda shills on air 24/7 to remind us of what and how we are to think about everything.

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski criticized President Donald Trump on Wednesday for undermining the media’s message by creating his own facts, adding that the “job” of the media is to “control exactly what people think”.

Remember there was just one magic bullet that killed JFK, that the Vietnam war started with an attack on the US in the Gulf of Tonkin, that the USS Liberty report was a conspiracy theory, that Obama was eligible for the presidency and a Christian, that Hollywood is the true measure and represents reality in America.

And for longer than that, Americans have been waiting for the truth.  In fact we are so sick of the propaganda that we flocked to the truth teller in 2016 because speaking the truth now has become an act of revolution.  And once you know the truth, it does really set you free, particularly the ability to think for yourself and look clearly at the facts.  And to know fully that none of the mainstream media–including FOX–is particularly enthused about telling the truth about anything.  Lying has become so routine, so much of the “new normal”, that its steady drone intentionally puts our minds to sleep….precisely when we need to be awake, watching, and ready to act.

We’ve become complacent in allowing politicians to make meaningless words and gestures seem like they’re “doing something”.  We’ve allowed the steady drone of lie to squander our brains with useless drivel about things that mean nothing.


The Fake News Awards will be spectacular this year because they will be based on year-long investigations that have been underway by the Trump administration that have blown the fake news out of the water.

Think about this…the “muh Russia” conspiracy which set forth the preposterous lie that Trump had coordinated with Russia to steal the election. Now we know who actually DID coordinate with foreign agents to try to destroy Trump, the Republicans, and Americans…and the collusion is very close to treason, a crime punishable by death.  Here are the real criminals so far…

Russian Collusion and the Fake Dossier

Add John McCain, Adam Shiff and others to the pack of lies that were engineered by our intelligence agencies, and fed through the MSM, to attempt to bring down a lawfully-elected President of the United States.

This is the brilliant plan by POTUS and AG Sessions to direct the Special Counsel to uncover the real liars and leakers behind the fake news of Trump-Russia collusion.

The entire FBI and DOJ were weaponized by the Obama administration and used against Americans.  The agencies must be purged with only true American patriots remaining.


And what are we NOT being told about the people’s revolution in Iran?  The media have blocked out any news from there and media giants like Twitter, Google, Facebook, and Instagram have complied with the Mullahs demands to shut down social media and the internet. In response, POTUS redirected U.S. Military satellites so as to provide the Iranian people with a means to communicate with the outside world and to put pressure on the regime.

The Leakers

Remember that both Trump and Attorney General Sessions warned the media and government establishment, including congress, that there was an active leak investigation underway to stop the leaking of classified information which endangers our country.

The leaks are real; the news is fake.

An elaborate sting operation has been underway where the Trump administration is finding, outing, and firing those leakers.

So this thread is dedicated to the outrageous FAKE NEWS–whatever its source–.  Please paste in your comments, great cartoons, or other articles and let’s develop a list of the propaganda and lies that we now see as colossal fake news!  Here’s a start:

Now do you know why POTUS tweets?


Visitors from the Past

©2017 DrKate



Open Thread!

Recognizing Domestic Enemies

©2016 drkate

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ~Cicero

3dflags_usa0001-0002aIn a recent post, the Oath of Office for federal legislators, the President, and the military were put forth with an emphasis on the DOMESTIC enemies that are undermining our Republic from within.  That was followed up with a post on how the left, now fatally wounded, is headed for the dustbin of history as all totalitarian, evil regimes and ideologies have. As it turns out, the left is America’s domestic enemy.

It is important now to understand how cultural marxism–the attack on our society and institutions through culture–has worked to undermine our Republic and sow the seeds of internal destruction.  Although there have likely been many coups we are unaware of, the Clinton-Obama coup was about the most complete coup in our Nation’s history…that was thwarted by any number of crucial events and people, in my view orchestrated by God.  No one else could have organized this exposure, the events, the mistakes, and the light of the 2016 election!

The democrats knew they had rigged the election, that is why they were so calm and all the polls were so close, as if to set us all up for a loss to Clinton.  what surprised them was “the monster vote” which they could not measure—it was all of us who came out to vote and overwhelmed the known cheating.  This explains their failure to accept the results, but they can’t flat out admit they had rigged it in the first place.

election-2016-redBut now we have this, and its been building…every single incident of shooting and terrorism like the North Dakota Access Pipeline standoff is terror within America by domestic enemies funded by international source  It is both subtle and overt, they don’t care anymore.

But more than this display of ignorance is the inciting of violence and disruption through statements of so called congressional “leaders” and presidents, Hollywood, politicians, the media and the elite, openly hostile and calling nearly all Americans racist.  We have to recognize this is the domestic enemy and they enter our living rooms every evening and on our radios all day long to promote propaganda.

It is still a most dangerous time in America.

I think President-Elect Trump recognizes both foreign and domestic enemies in the cabinet positions to date.  Three Generals occupy key posts, including Homeland Security. Think of the military oath of office they abide by.  The three Generals

While the usual suspects decry the presences of too many military members in high positions, I think it acknowledges that there is a domestic enemy waging insurrection against America within the United States.  And thanks to Obama, we now have radical islamists staging coordinated attacks inside our boundaries.

We do need the military now, even on the domestic front.  To protect us, not harm us as Obama and Clinton intended.  Still though, it is a very dangerous time in America.

General "Mad Dog" Mattis, Secretary of Defense

General “Mad Dog” Mattis, Secretary of Defense


General John Kelly. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security

General John Kelly. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security


Lt. General Mike Flynn, National Security Advisor

Lt. General Mike Flynn, National Security Advisor

Black Lives Matter, Soros misfits and thugs, media propagandists, inciters of violence, and ridiculous “alt left” bloggers who would destabilize and destroy America within?  Time to make some choices.

Open thread




Thanksgiving 2016

©2016 drkate


Since 2011 I’ve published this writing by Howard Thurman on Thanksgiving…and read it at gatherings more times than I can count.  This year an added gratefulness for our national “election” results….we simply used our system to outvote the fraud.

Did we dodge a bullet, or just buy a little more time?

Have a joyous, thoughtful, grateful, and reflective Thanksgiving.  Heal and rest from it all, no politics.

A Litany of Thanksgiving

Today, I make my Sacrament of Thanksgiving

I begin with the simple things of my days:

Fresh air to breathe,

Cool water to drink,

The taste of food,

The protection of house and clothes,

The comforts of home.

For all these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day!


I bring to mind all of the warmth of humankind that I have known:

My Mother’s arms,

The strength of my father,

The playmates of my childhood,

The wonderful stories brought to me from the lives of many who have talked of days gone by when fairies and giants and all kinds of magic held sway;

The tears I have shed, the tears I have seen;

The excitement of laughter and the twinkle in the eye with its reminder that life is   good.

For all of these I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I finger one by one the messages of hope that awaited me at the crossroads:

The smile of approval from those who held in their hands the reins of my security;

The tightening of the grip in the simple handshake when I feared the step before me in the darkness;

The whisper in my heart when the temptation was fiercest and the claims of appetite were not to be denied;

The crucial word said, the simple sentence from an open page when my decision hung in the balance.

For all these , I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I pass before me the main springs of my heritage:

The fruits of the labors of countless generations who have lived before me, without whom my own life would have no meaning;

The seers who saw visions and dreamed dreams;

The prophets who sensed a truth greater than mind could grasp and whose words could only find fulfillment in the years which they would never see;

The workers whose sweat has watered the trees, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations;

The pilgrims who set their sails for lands beyond all horizons, whose courage made paths into new worlds and far off places;

The saviors whose blood was shed with a recklessness that only a dream could inspire and God command.

For all of these, I make an act of Thanksgiving this day.


I linger over the meaning of my own life and the commitment to which I give the loyalty of my heart and mind:

The little purposes in which I have shared with my loves, my desires, my gifts;

The restlessness which bottoms all I do with its stark insistence that I have never done my best, I have never dared to reach for the highest;

The big hope that never quite deserts me, that I and my kind will study war no more, that love and tenderness and all of the inner graces of Almight affection will cover the life of the children of God as waters cover the sea.


All these and more than mind can think and heart can feel,

I make as my sacrament of Thanksgiving to Thee,

Our Creator, in humbleness of mind and simplicity of heart.

~ A poem by Howard Thurman, Thanksgiving 1959~


If you don’t have religious liberty, you don’t have liberty

©2016 drkate

I am preparing a post essay that I hope you will enjoy…discussing the time we are in today.  Please accept this video in the meantime…

Open thread!

May 2024

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Since 8/15/09


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