Archive for February, 2016

“We want an American”

©2016 drkate

The war on the American people by the GOP, RNC, and Democrat elite continues, with the latest treachery on the part of the two ineligible candidatesThe very fact that the RNC/GOP let these two run is the damning statement on them all that they do not care one whit for the Constitution.  They would rather run a foreigner with foreign allegiances than an American.  All of the RNC and GOP elite should be removed from their respective positions in the party.

On Ted Cruz:

All of this explains why Senator Ted Cruz has no legal U.S. citizenship documentation of any kind. He is not a “natural born” – “native born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States. Because someone must be one of the three in order to be a legal citizen of the United States, Senator Ted Cruz cannot possibly be a “legal U.S. citizen” of any form.

And on Rubio:

Of course, Senator Marco Rubio is also “ineligible,” as a “native born citizen at birth” by virtue of 14th Amendment “anchor baby” policies only.

The not-so secret pact these two ineligibles demonstrated in their juvenile gang attacks on Donald Trump during a break in the last “debate” is shown by their handshake behind the back of Trump:


cruz rubio handshake


What greater illustration of their treachery…and didn’t they even think about the symbolism of a handshake behind the back?  LOL.   No, they just don’t care and the elite are desperate and that desperation is being exposed by mistakes like this.

How these two ineligibles behave is exactly demonstrating the elite war against Americans, and within the GOP, the GOP elite war on conservatives.  Every GOP President since Ronald Reagan has contributed to the destruction of conservatives and elimination of any “insurgency”.  Despite what the voters are saying and demonstrating, they have dug their heels in and are desperate to defeat Trump by changing the rules and ushering in a brokered convention.  Their brokered convention does not name Rubio, it names Romney.

So the party elite apparently know Cruz cannot be elected and have thrown their hat in with Rubio. according to this excellent article (h/t jj):

Today when we hear Marco Rubio saying: “Donald Trump will not be our party’s nominee, because it would mean the end of the republican party“, Rubio is not being dramatic.  He is simply relaying the same message from the party apparatus as they tell him exactly what needs to be done.

Yesterday, four times -and most notably on the debate stage- RNC Head Reince Preibus said: “the candidates are applying to join the republican party and gain the benefit of the national party apparatus“.   Think about this very carefully.  The key takeaway is the RNC now saying all the candidates are outside the party, and the party will determine who leads it.  The candidates are mere applicants to the group for the position of nominee.

And then came the “endorsement that rocked the political world”: Chris Christie, because Chris Christie knows all the inside information about how the GOPe and RNC planned to control the 2016 nomination process.  As detailed here and here:

It cannot be overstated how significant the concerns of the RNC/GOPe must be.  They must be apoplectic, heck, beyond apoplectic, with a realization that Christie was not who they thought him to be all along.  We can be certain the RNC/GOPe phones and emails are still in full meltdown mode.

Listen to what Christie says and the questions asked:

voters and gopAfter March 15, the RNC rules require that the winner takes all in each state’s primary.  And if the trend continues,  the mask “face” of the GOP will be changed forever.  YOu can already tell even the liberal pundits ask Trump if this is a “hostile” takeover of the GOP.  In a way it is because the GOP has been so hostile to conservatives.  I still think the GOP will try to push Trump out by forcing or suggesting an independent run.  Its not too early to call these GOP hacks and let them know that they are done unless they get on board with Americans.

We want an American to lead our country, not some metro-sexual pansy and patsy for the global elite.  And remember that putting America first right now is nothing short of a spiritual battle that demands our attention, participation, and discernment.  And when you realize that is true, then you know that no one, even Satan, can kill Donald Trump without God’s permission.



Open Thread.

Media Thrilled With Trump’s S.C. Victory!

©2016 drkate


trump wins

Well, I guess the South Carolina firewall failed, and the Trump margin was so big that it overcame the e-fraud, robocalls, and millions of dollars spent by the establishment republicans to stop Trump.  Bush was finally eliminated as a contender, at least up front.

LC believes the next strategy will to be to keep K-sick (for easier pronunciation), Rubio, and Cruz alive.  The hope Cruz will take Texas, K-sick will take Ohio and Michigan, and Rubio taking Florida. And then the brokered convention with Rubio on top and Bush as VP.  Crazy, yes?  But for the establishment, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Meanwhile, and before the work really begins, let’s savor some Trump moments!

Our friends Diamond and Silk with “our man, Donald J. Trump”


diamond and silk

After the win in South Carolina, backstage

Trump family backstage

The Atlanta crowd:



Eric and Donald J. Trump on their way to Nevada!

Eric and the Don

Latest Nevada poll:

NV caucus



Open Thread!


On Voting “American”

©2016 drkate

The choice in 2016 is pretty clear as many more Americans have awakened since the onslaught of the criminal Obama regime…America lives or dies with this election.

To be certain and clear, the demise of our country has been underway for a long time, and the Constitutional Republic has not been kept, as Ben Franklin warned…we are fast approaching, of not already there, with mob rule democracy manipulated by the global elite. And the global elite have always been the enemy of the people, liberty, and a free society.  Their effort is now overt and reaching a crescendo as they are desperate to accomplish their mission before we figure it out and mobilize to stop it and wipe it out.

But everyone has experienced exponential growth in terms of awareness—of the men and women behind the scenes, of the current puppets on their strings.  The media have been so deliciously unmasked, the Congress completely exposed, and the republican-democrat-liberal-conservative paradigm so devastated that it will never recover.

Who was it who said, “if the people ever found out what we are doing, we’d be hung immediately.  Well guess what: we’ve found out.

But even though we have grown in knowledge, we are not nearly as organized as we need to be on every level.  It is useful to remember that there are plenty of actions and preparations still yet to make. We are working all on so many levels for the liberty and principles that enshrine us as a people.  And we need more time.

It is also a time when God may have raised up someone do do His work. That man is merely a tool.  But the stark reality is that America deserves no gifts or breaks because we have betrayed and strayed so badly.  An “election” means nothing in that context, and doesn’t relieve anyone their ultimate allegiance.

So “America living” in 2016 means that we elect someone who will act in a capacity to run interference for us, as Americans, to give the true Americans time to get right with God, prepare, and continue to work on the things that help create our country anew as we are bound to.  Some call it our “revolutionary right”:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-

I would say this is our American mandate.

So the American vote now is for someone who is going to give us that time by running interference for us with those powers.  In the context we are in now, the elite, the U.S. government, Obama,  and their network are at war with the American people. Planned or not, that viscous war is coming to fruition in the attacks on Donald Trump, but it is most certainly aimed at the American people.

Avoiding End Times Deception

But remember that Donald Trump is not and can never be anything more than a man.  He is not God, or our personal savior and he is not the answer to “everything”.  In my view he is inspired by God to be available to do His work, and with regard to America.  We still have a lot to do!  But I am cognizant of the actual battle we are in, which is spiritual.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

And in the machinations of the “principalities” against us, our time is one of great deception, and too many willing targets of  subversion.  There will be lots of false gods and prophets..

And then if any many shall say to you, Lo here is Christ, or lo he is here, believe him not:  For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.  Mark 12:21-22

So what is Satan going to do now that his time is short?  He is preparing an army against us and it is right out in the open, no longer hidden. Satan is the father of lies, confusion, fear, and chaos.

Vote American

Voting American means NOT voting for people who will bring America down through illegal immigration, taxes, minded political corruption that enslave and diminish us.  The republican, democrat candidates, the media, they all drip with hatred for America, generating chaos and harm.  Such hatred mocks the fundamental inspiration that motivated our Founders–the Holy Spirit.

Within the context of this guidance and aware of the spiritual context today, an easy criteria to use for discernment of our “choices” for president is how many of the elite and their network have focused their attack on one person–Donald Trump.  He openly exposes them and Satan is they are steaming mad about that.  And in their childish anger they expose their agenda, which is to destroy America.

And remember Jefferson’s advice:

“Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Clear as day, today, in my view.  Vote American!

Open thread!

Cruz Standing on a Lie

©2016 drkate

UpdateSign the Petition to Stop Ted Cruz!

Not so fast, Ted Cruz.

Absolutely nothing can change the fact that you are constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of president or vice president of the United States. And you know that a court would declare you ineligible, so as a chicken you “debate” the issue, pretending to be the canadian-cuban constitutional lawyer.

Every day that Ted Cruz stands for president of the United States he is lying to the American public about his eligibility to stand for the office.  He is arrogantly daring all of us to sue him.  In that, he is just like Obama.



In the lie of Ted Cruz, American votes are stolen.

Hey Rubio.  You’d better watch yourself too. Is that you I see in the background of the album cover?



Open thread.



February 2016

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