Search Results for 'The Silver Bullet'

The Silver Bullet

©2010 drkate

It is often said that there is no ‘silver bullet’, no one pathway to stop a destructive element once it has begun.  But in the case of the U.S. ‘march to socialism’ and its own internal destruction, there IS a silver bullet:  it is Obama’s lack of eligibility.

What eligibility issue?

Those who haven’t already, wrap your mind around this:  the man has no authority whatsoever to do anything: nominate Supreme Court Justices, appoint czars, to spend our money, or to nationalize the auto, banking and health industries. He certainly has no authority to decide, all by himself, to nuke the oil blowout in the Gulf of Mexico and destroy us all.

Don’t send me another petition to stop this or that nomination or bill– focus on the source of the problem: he is illegally occupying the office of the Presidency. Don’t write me any more analyses of what is wrong with this psycho, he is illegally occupying the White House.

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Constitutional Accountability Project: Usurpation of the Presidency

©2010 drkate

(Author’s Note:  Permission to Cross post granted in full–please Patriots, help spread the word!)

A Constitutional Crisis

For the first time in its history, the United States government has knowingly allowed a constitutionally- ineligible individual to break into and occupy the White House.  All the branches of government have been involved, along with the media: the legislative branch by failing to do its constitutional duty; the judicial branch by thwarting any attempt to have the facts heard; the Executive branch by using taxpayer funds and the color of authority to defend the usurpation.

The media, in collaboration with private unelected officials and elected officials, have ensured a blackout of news and information on this most fundamental matter to the American public. The State governments also obliged the usurpation with a collective failure to ensure the integrity of the 2008 election.  In 2008, all Americans were disenfranchised as a result of this dereliction of duty, in certain cases with malice aforethought.

The natural born citizen clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 was written with the national security interests of the United States as its focus.  In order to ensure that the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces was loyal ONLY to the United States, the natural born citizen clause requires  the President to be born on United States soil, to two citizen parents; have 14 years residency in the United States, and be 35 years of age.  Mr. Obama fails the threshold test of being born to two U.S. citizen parents, as his father was a British National and Kenyan.

America in Distress

The violation of this particular clause of the Constitution, above all others, is the most serious ever in United States history, for it has allowed the invasion of the White House and our armed forces by a foreign power.  This should alarm every American. Nothing the federal government does at this point has authority of law inasmuch as its titular head is illegally occupying the White House.  We are extremely vulnerable to attack, blackmail, and extortion as a result of this egregious dereliction of duty. Congress’ duty to investigate the usurpation, and to have prevented it, is not a ministerial duty, it is an obligation. An on-going one.  They all know, and now cannot evade their responsibility.

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Stop Them Cold: The Usurpathon

©2010 drkate

Announcing The Usurpathon: A Rolling ‘Velvet Revolution’ to Remove the Usurper, et al

We’ve been running a marathon, and now we know fully who Obama/Soetoro is, who he is not, and what he is about. We also are aware that he is a tool of others–whose agenda is decisively anti-American, and that this program is in open, full swing against the American people.

America in Distress

Inspired by the agreement and comments generated in The Silver Bullet, and by an article on the Czechoslovakian Velvet Revolution, the hour has arrived…to Stop Them Cold.

A General Framework

The main focus of this effort is Obama’s lack of eligibility for the Presidency, and to boldly put forth that he is a usurper. Naming it ‘usurper’, and being prepared to say–verbally and with signage– ‘usurping is not racist, its illegal’,  is critical to defining the terms of the discussion, and reclaims the language.

We must offer a solution that is rooted in our Constitution:

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The ONLY Way to Defeat Obamacare Forever

©2011 drkate

…and the failure to use this tool shows the cowardice of everyone who says ‘they’re against it’ and politicians who promise its repeal.  It’s the silver bullet, his Achilles Heel:  Obama is not a natural born citizen and  does not have the constitutional authority to sign any bill into law.

Here’s Congressman Ron Paul with Judge Andrew Napolitano discussing the fundamental unconstitutionality of Obamacare, with which I agree.

To his credit, Dr. Paul introduced legislation  to prohibit the unconstitutional provisions of the bill from going into effect.  It was predictably rejected so more games could be played.  But nibbling halfheartedly around the edges, always with strings attached,  the republican political class prefers to play games and will not use their authority or power to stop  obamacare.

But its not just obamacare—the whole nation will suffer unspeakable harm as the illegal Obama is allowed to continue in office without so much as a peep from any of them on eligibility.  Lawrence Sellin describes the stupidity of the republicans’ 2012 election strategy in ignoring Obama’s lack of constitutional eligibility:

Americans understand that the Democrats are hopelessly corrupt and many are accomplices in Obama’s crimes.They do not understand, however, why the Republicans remain silent as the Obama Administration continues to drive the country towards the precipice. There are two reasons: (1) some Republicans facilitated Obama’s illegal nomination for the Presidency and, subsequently, have been complicit in the cover-up and (2) ignoring Obama’s crimes is part of the Republican 2012 campaign strategy.

I would also add that they hide behind racism and political correctness to essentially cloak their objectives, which are to keep Obama in power.  None of them really want to win.

The only way to defeat Obamacare is for the candidates and Congress to call out Obama.  By what authority did he sign this legislation?  By the  “duties vested in the President”, which he took by force and deception?

Obama usurped the authority of the presidency–took power that he was not entitled to and does not belong to him.  He has no right to use that authority for any reason including signing “obamacare into law”.

Obamacare is wholly invalid because Obama is invalid.  It’s that simple, republican candidates.

The WTF? Campaign

©2011 drkate

What the F***?  The usurpers are running again?

The primary reason the Obama-nation campaign is a what the f*** campaign is this:

…and this, this, and this.

I don’t know, maybe he made up “WT F***” like a sort of  ‘Hail Mary’ pass (when he wants to be Christian) because he knows at least ten states will not allow him on the ballot, and neither will tens of millions of people.

The Obamas started their 2012 campaign with the disgusting rally on the coffins of American citizens.  To the Obrats–Barack, Michelle, and Jarett, “Winning the Future”  makes it about America versus the Obamas, a paradigm tainted with death, harassment, ridicule, and ruination if you do not comply agree.

Continue reading ‘The WTF? Campaign’

“Disability”: A Second Look at the 25th Amendment

©2010 drkate

The recent series of  “Insider Reports” discussing the disarray at the White House and Obama’s  mental state in part led Lyndon LaRouche to start pointing to the 25th Amendment as a way to remove Obama, based on his ‘mental disability’.

Initially intrigued by this idea, it suddenly became clear that this is another diversion from Obama’s lack of eligibility–which is his true disability under the 25th Amendment. It would be far easier to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Obama based on his eligibility disability than to prove his mental disability. Therefore it is worth a review again of the text and applications of the 25th Amendment to be clear on the definition of ‘disability’ as a tool to advance this Constitutional method of removing Obama.

The 25th Amendment

The Twenty-fifth Amendment was an effort to resolve some of the continuing issues revolving about the office of the President; that is, what happens upon the death, removal, or resignation of the President and what is the course to follow if for some reason the President becomes disabled to such a degree that he cannot fulfill his responsibilities?

Continue reading ‘“Disability”: A Second Look at the 25th Amendment’

The Siege Begins

©2010 drkate

…all the great soldiers, who cannot get older, they’re asking after you…

Out from the depths, out of every seam on the sidewalk, from every neglected corner, from the ether we come–filled with the mission of thousands, and the intention of millions to begin the usurpathon–the  siege and removal of the Obama administration.

An advance force are we, bringing the warnings, the evidence, the constitutional strategies for stopping the illegal occupation of the White House.  We have the intent of focusing on the only tool we have left to defeat Obama and his agenda–the Silver Bullet, his Achilles heel–his lack of constitutional eligibility.

Make no mistake, Soebarkah is an instrument of the New World Order and is intent upon implementing their agenda.  They chose the easily manipulated, drug addicted narcissist and made a calculated risk that no one would notice he was not an American.  They should have chosen the ‘all American girl’ Clinton, who would have done the same thing, I am convinced, only more subtly.  And there wouldn’t be a ‘silver bullet‘ or natural born citizenship Achilles heel through which to stop this takeover.

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“We shouldn’t be playing any games with this man”

©2010 drkate

The General has that one right.

Another General speaks up for Lt Col Terry Lakin.  Does anyone think he is playing a game? (Note, yes, he gets ‘native’ wrong, but the focus is correct)

Do you think this man, a retired Army Officer, is playing a game?

Continue reading ‘“We shouldn’t be playing any games with this man”’

DrKate’s Platoon Takes the Hill

© 2010 drkate

The Mission on the Hill

Initiating action to Stop Them Cold, drkates Platoon (h/t LC) heads to Washington in early September to take the Hill with a surprise greeting:



Focusing squarely on Obama’s ineligibility, we will press returning Congressmen to obey their oath of office to defend and uphold the Constitution for the United States by investigating and removing him from office. Further, we will demand the investigation and indictment of Nancy Pelosi for documented election fraud, and remind Congressmen and their staff of Title 18 U.S.C., Misprision of Felony, and their obligation to report criminal activity they have witnessed.

Just down the block, we will reserve our best signs for the usurper himself, reminding him that we know he is a usurper, that he is committing treason, and that we demand he leave our White House.  The misprision signs will certainly be visible to White House staff.  (Photo h/t Dora)

Judges can be impeached too

And just up the hill a little way, we will reserve a special event for the fools on the hill Justices at the Supreme Court. 😛

(note to self: always take a shower after writing about these traitors  😮 )

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Calling All Patriots–Stop the Treason Campaign

©2010 drkate

Captain Neil B. Turner, U.S. Army Ret., reminds us all of the stakes we are facing at this moment:

“We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.” -Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959


For over two years now, millions of Americans have become aware of the usurpation brought to the United States in 2008 with the handy work of communists masquerading as corrupt democrats and republicans.  And many of those now see that the usurpation has been part of a long plan to eviscerate America, and comprehend the timing that led the ‘masters’ to decide it was time to move now.  They are in open rebellion right now, rushing to get all the pieces in place for our downfall before we wake up.

I will express my dismay that the Tea Party patriots, the Oath Keepers, conservative Americans, concerned Americans, conservative radio show hosts and commentators, and the so called conservative, constitutional republicans have failed to stand up to this usurpation.  As a result, each of these movements has taken on petition campaigns to stop this bill or that nominee, offered to ‘stand in’ if there is martial law imposed, or made millions writing scathing critiques, all of which  actually legitimizes Obama’s fundamental illegality.

Misprision of felony, anyone?

Every day Obama is in office is an act of treason.

Continue reading ‘Calling All Patriots–Stop the Treason Campaign’

With Malice Aforethought

©2010 drkate

The phrase ‘with malice aforethought’ is a technical element of murder, and is a ‘state of mind’ that is necessary to intentionally produce great bodily harm.

No joke, its absolute

As a legal concept, malice is defined as

  • The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another;
  • A desire to harm others or to see others suffer, with synonyms despitefulness, ill will, malevolence, maliciousness, malignancy, malignity, meanness, nastiness, and many others.

“Aforethought” is the deliberation, consideration, and planning before the action is taken in preparation for a future condition.

Applying this to the deliberate destruction of the Constitution for the United States, is there any question that the enemies of America have proceeded with malice aforethought in this quest?

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The Transparent Despot

© 2010 drkate

The Despot

We have in Obama personally, and in the government itself, a classic example of a despot, and despotism.


  • A master; a lord; especially, an absolute or irresponsible ruler or sovereign.
  • One who rules regardless of a constitution or laws; a tyrant.
  • Colloquially, ‘despot’ has been applied pejoratively to a person, particularity a head of state or government, who abuses his power and authority to oppress his people, subjects or subordinates. In this sense, it is similar to the pejorative connotations that have likewise arisen with the term ‘tyrant‘. ‘Dictator’ also has developed nearly similar pejorative connotations, though ‘despot’ and ‘tyrant’ tend to stress cruelty and even enjoyment therefrom, while ‘dictator’ tends to imply more harshness or unfair implementation of law.

The element of cruelty applies particularly well to Obama, whose hatred for all things American is evident in every policy action, every maladministration of public affairs, every inaction, appointment, and Executive Order he signs.

The only silver lining is that this despot’s agenda and actions are now so obvious that they are easy targets to use.  For the now-exposed agenda offers an opportunity to lay the foundation for the wholesale removal of the current government and its corrupt judiciary, and its replacement by a Constitutional government.

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Removing the Usurper

© 2010 drkate

America in Distress

A most organized, targeted, citizen-based effort to force the removal of the usurper S/Obama will be launched very soon, beginning with an on-line meeting of the Stop Them Cold group.

There are other extremely worthwhile efforts underway which continue to need our support. This ‘Stop Them Cold’ effort will be unique in that all aspects and points of fraud, deceit, and deception will be ‘day-lighted’ for all to see.  And in a most poignant and shocking way, one that will embarrass those who continue to make excuses for violating the law.

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Judges Impeach Themselves

©2010 drkate

America in Distress

In a not unexpected decision, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court’s ruling in Kerchner v Obama et al, denying the appeal and refusing to consider the facts of the case, based on Article III standing and the political question. The case will now go to the Supreme Court.

What was unexpected was the charge against Attorney Apuzzo that this was a ‘frivolous appeal’ (but not tfrivolous facts). But in that charge, the Judges reveal their (willful) inability to read the case and understand it, and thus impeach themselves as competent arbitrators of the law.  To wit:

…the Court found that “Appellants had ample notice that this appeal had no merit. They should have been aware that we rejected almost identical claims in Berg, as have courts in other jurisdictions.”

No, the claims were not ‘almost identical’, they were not even similar at all, as explained here, here, and here.  Moreover, the timing of the filing of the  Kerchner v. Obama case enabled the proper presentation of the facts before the Court, whereas all the other cases were not yet ripe for consideration.

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