Search Results for 'HAARP'

HAARP Documentary

©2013 drkate

Here is some background information on the project known as HAARP, or High Altitude Auroral Research Program, that will be fundamental to future posts regarding weather modification, earthquake generation, drones, and Project Blue Beam.

There is much deception in our world right now, and this deception is critical to keeping the ‘sheeple’ confused, alarmed, and immobilized.  Angels still don’t play this harp…but someone is.

What do you suppose happens when you combine HAARP with chemtrails?  Where are the on-the-ground repeater antennas used for the reflection of HAARP signals?  Could such technology be used to disable drones?

HAARP Rings and Mordor

©2011 drkate

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…  😯

And we’re going to have to walk into Mordor to get to the bottom of this assault on our Country.

Open Thread!

The HAARP Weapon

©2011 drkate

Nikola Tesla

Somewhere along the line, technology in the service of mankind was usurped or hidden by unscrupulous men who wished to control others.  This is particularly true in the energy field, where the inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, for example, were either hidden from the public (so big oil would win), or were misused to create weapons of mass destruction.

A particularly destructive application of these early discoveries is to weather modification…not to increase rainfall for farmers but to dominate the battlespace of war. “Make mud, not war was the slogan of the military fighters over Vietnam who modified weather to soak the Ho Chi Minh trail, but even more drastic applications are contemplated by the military:

In 2025 US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to warfighting applications. Such a capability offers the warfighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible. It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures. The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map.

A high risk/high reward endeavor, weather modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom. While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril. From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns, to complete dominance of global communications and counter-space control, weather modification offers the warfighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.

HAARP Antena Array, Alaska

Weather modification through chemtrails, cloud seeding, and the application of microwaves to the ionosphere of the earth–the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)–have now become standard tools for inflicting domestic terror as well as inducing events across the globe. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and drought are some of the possible outcomes of using HAARP as a weapon which masks itself as a ‘natural disaster’.  Who benefits from its use?

Over America in the last year, we can see HAARP has been active. Taking a broad view of the midwest through the winter, spring and summer, for example, the experience was one of  intense crushing cold; high snowfall; sudden mountain snow pack runoff, above normal rainfall, a heat dome, flooding, tornadoes and dangerous humidity…all of these can be related to the documented HAARP and chemtrail activity over the same region over the same time period.

So, can a little weather modification really do all of this?  For those on the fence about this, take a look at Dutchsinse’s excellent article on weather modification and HAARP. Everything you need to know about HAARP is contained in this article.

Continue reading ‘The HAARP Weapon’

HAARP and Nuclear Power Plant Safety

©2011 drkate

There is currently a news blackout regarding a potential serious nuclear accident at the Ft. Calhoun nuclear power plant in Nebraska. As reported in the previous Geoengineering Disaster post, the plant had been shut down for refueling against the backdrop of extensive flooding caused by weather modification  weather and hydrologic geoengineering in the upper basin states.

Over the summer extensive storms appeared over I-29 near this nuclear power plant as well as road closures reported by Dutchsinse.  Dutch reports tornado activity produced by HAARP rings appearing over the midwest now moving toward the plant itself.

The entire disaster of tornados, flooding, extensive cold, snowpack and rain has pounded these states relentlessly and to produce maximum disaster. Never let a crisis go to waste…

I am certain this manipulation exists. Why else would the Huffnpuff write joyfully about this while ignoring nuclear disaster?  Let it get to Fukishima levels and then shut down all nuclear power?

It has now assaulted a nuclear power plant, with information blacked out. THIS MUST STOP.

Here is the series on what is going on at the plant:

Continue reading ‘HAARP and Nuclear Power Plant Safety’

The Global Warming Fraud

©2014 drkate

  • deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.
  • a particular instance of such deceit or trickery: mail fraud; election frauds.
  • any deception, trickery, or humbug: That diet book is a fraud and a waste of time.
  • a person who makes deceitful pretenses; sham; poseur.

I have thought for a long time, longer than the flawed ‘hockey stick data‘, that something was wrong with the ‘global warming’ theory.  Obviously studies in the field of paleoclimatology, including tree ring data, geologic formations such as varves, ocean temperatures, ice cores, atmospheric gases, paleo-stratigraphy, sunspots, and stromatolites, have provided clues as to past climates, and for example, the length of droughts.

But our ability to really understand the past, and to predict the future, is challenged by the relatively short time we have been studying these subjects in comparison with the age of the earth!

What chemtrails?

What chemtrails?

Then the chemtrails and haarp came into view, with the consequent realization that climate was being manipulated through aerosol spraying and electromagnetic disruption of the ionosphere.  So we really don’t know whether there is global cooling or warming…about all we know is that the information we are receiving through the mainstream media and the likes of “ozone man Al Gore” has an ulterior motive–taxation, global control, ‘justice’, you name it, anything but climate. And just as inconveniently, why are the so-called environmentalists and EPA ignoring the chemtrail elephant in the living room?    Is the global warming hoax a cover up for chemtrails?

In his recently released book Cold Sun, John L. Casey documents–with considerable real evidence–the coming cold period that will engulf the world.

A sobering look at the Earth’s future, Cold Sun predicts worldwide, crop-destroying freezing weather and resultant food shortages. This will be followed by riots in the United States and abroad, social, political and economic upheaval in all nations and significant loss of life. In this work, Casey explains in easy-to-understand layman’s terms the historic and potentially catastrophic changes now taking place within the Sun that will cause this global turmoil. He details the global effects of the last ‘solar hibernation’ that occurred between 1793 and 1830, and how it brought decades of destructive cold and a world wide food crisis to the planet. Importantly, he provides a heavily researched and well-referenced set of 33 reasons for believing that global warming ended years ago and that the new cold era has begun.

Below is a video ( h/t typistjan) of the author discussing his work, with several additional references below.  Take some time to study these items and ask yourself, are you prepared for this eventuality?

And some additional references:

Open thread!

Geoengineering Weather

©2013 drkate

Chemtrails over South Dakota

Chemtrails over South Dakota

This essay begins with a question:  is “global warming”, aka “climate change” a diversion from weather modification by geoengineering, including HAARPchemtrails, and microwave pulses?  Heralded by the ‘hockey stick‘ imagery of a world climate gone awry by man-made causes such as farting cows, smokestacks, auto emissions, breathing, deforestation, and economic growth of developed countries, are we so caught up in the confusion that we are ignoring the basic facts of weather modification that has been underway in this country since at least the Vietnam War?  And a second question:  why is the environmental community ignoring the significant impacts of weather modification as a part of its concern with “climate change’?

According to the Center for Research on Globalization,

The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification, and has been doing so for at least half a century. Previously classified under such names as “Project Cirrus” (1947) and “Project Popeye” (1966), weather modification is no longer a secret practice. In fact, a bill (S517) was sponsored in 2005 by Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a Republican, “to establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.” This bill did not become law. Yet, there is reason to believe that various government institutions are carrying out numerous legal and illegal weather experiments without informing the public.

It seems to me as obvious as the nose on your face: there is something causing the increase in severity of storms, droughts, hurricanes, typhoons, and earthquake-generated tsunamis, and it ain’t cow farts.

Those citizen journalists who have documented the HAARP rings, microwave pulses, and chemtrails are on target with the geoengineering of global climate as the man-made source of ‘global climate change’  and have received the same treatment as others who have dared to tell the truth about any number of hazards that are intentionally created to do harm to citizens.  Somebody wants to make money and have total control through manipulating climate.

No longer a secret then, we know what they are spraying, why they are spraying, and the additional tools that are used to manipulate the human environment and inject trouble into our very breathing space. While each one of these tools is dangerous in itself, the combined use of HAARP, chemtrails, and nanotechnology is wreaking havoc across America.  When you artificially heat the atmosphere, change its electrical properties, and send vibrational pulses into the earth, what is unleashed is something that cannot now be controlled or predicted.

Do you think God created man to manipulate everything that is fundamental to life, like water, air, soil, and plant life?

The following video is one of the best to be made so far on the actual origin and mechanics of HAARP, and how it is used to modify weather although its origins had the initial intent as a part of  our national defense systems.  It is a long film; my advice is to take it in pieces as it is well worth the view and the graphics show you how even large earthquakes can be generated by a technology that was made to manipulate the atmosphere.

And my final question after all of this is, how dare they?

Open thread!

“Smart Dust”

©2013 drkate

Chemtrails in South Dakota

Chemtrails over South Dakota

The disturbing links between Morgellon’s Disease and the occurrence of chemtrails is world-wide and yet not reported by mainstream media outlets.  Recently I came across the video below which linked the fibers found in Morgellon’s disease patients to spiderweb-like deposits across the landscape.  The ‘fibers’ may be an earlier version of what appears to be emerging as a new monitoring technology again delivered through the air:

Smartdust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals. They are usually operated on a computer network wirelessly and are distributed over some area to perform tasks, usually sensing through radio-frequency identification. Without an antenna of much greater size the range of tiny smart dust communication devices is measured in a few millimeters and they may be vulnerable to electromagnetic disablement and destruction by microwave exposure.

The thousands of tiny computers contained in such ‘smart dust‘ or fibers, and perhaps manifesting as snow–will scavenge power from their surroundings and are smaller than a snowflake.

Now imagine how these ‘sensors’ interact with HAARP.

Looks like wearing a hat, mask, earplugs, long sleeves and pants, socks, shoes, and sunglasses might be necessary now someday…  😯

I keep thinking of the Bible verse:

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. (Matthew 24:22 KJV)

The genuine gift of ingenuity of mankind has been perverted and used to destroy itself–that is how Satan has operated and he wants us dead. Except for the Love and Grace of God for His children, no flesh would be saved.

Open Thread.

On the 11th Anniversary of Osama Bin Ladin’s Death, Obama vows to end the war in Afghanistan, again.

©2012 drkate

Since most of the world knows that Osama Bin Ladin was already dead before Obama killed him again, and his death kept a secret for some ‘future use’  when needed by a politician, it behooves us to discuss the significance of his death and its use by the politicos who love sending other people’s children off to war to get their legs blown off. (h/t SLA)

Let’s revisit why we know Bin Ladin was already dead by the time Obama claimed to kill his corpse again.  First, George W Bush gave it away in 2004 when he suddenly switched from “Wanted, Dead or Alive” to “I’m really not that concerned about Osama anymore”.

Zbig creating Osama Bin Ladin

Notice his body language, the blinking eyes, the failure to make eye contact, and the twisted mouth…all indicators that he is lying.  And, if Bush wasn’t that concerned about him anymore, why did he keep our soldiers in Afghanistan fighting and dying for nothing?  Bin Ladin was used as a pretext for passing the Patriot Act, the war in Iraq, and the development of the Department of Homeland Security and expansion of the government’s spying powers.  These wars were an excuse the drain the U.S. treasury of taxpayer dollars, too,necessitating more government borrowing and spending.    All this time, Bush and Congress kept up the foreign aid to those who supported our enemies.

Since Al Queda was created by the CIA and was still useful as a bogeyman,  remember in 2004 Bush had to release another fake tape of Bin Ladin threating America in order to ‘win’ the election against John Kerry–himself cheating against Bush while being outed as a totally false Vietnam medal-winner.  I remember many suggesting the ‘American Al Queda’ actually looked like Karl Rove…certainly it was a Karl Rove scheme aided and abetted by Osama’s creators, the CIA.  The new bogeyman was Saddam Hussein…as America moved money and soldiers to Iraq and forgot about Afghanistan.

Here are the coalition deaths by year in Afghanistan.  Notice the number of deaths have increased dramatically since Bush said ‘he didn’t care about Osama’, and even more dramatically since Obama took office.

Year US UK Other Total
2001 12 0 0 12
2002 49 3 18 70
2003 48 0 10 58
2004 52 1 7 60
2005 99 1 31 131
2006 98 39 54 191
2007 117 42 73 232
2008 155 51 89 295
2009 317 108 96 521
2010 499 103 109 711
2011 418 46 102 566
2012 93 16 31 140
Total 1957 410 620 2987

The number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq since 2003 is 4,480…in 2003 486 soldiers lost their lives and in 2007, 904 lost their lives. Bush and Cheney lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the United States spent billions and lost hundreds of millions of dollars there.

So much for the anti-war left.

2007 Bhutto Video

Before she was murdered, Benazir Bhutto also asserted that Bin Ladin was  killed in 2003 and buried in an unmarked grave:

Is this one of the reasons she was murdered?

The Hoax, Again.

Flagging in the polls and forced to release a hastily forged birth certificate, Obama had no choice to play the Osama card.  He probably needed permission from daddy Bush to do so, who was hoping to save it for use by Jebbie Bush as a ploy to steal the 2012 election.  But the story, matched by an already-in-waiting ‘public demonstration’ of gleeful murder in front of the White House that evening, was another hoax.  To wit:

Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for political gain and to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily manipulated in the run up to the 2012 election. Here are ten facts that prove the Bin Laden fable is a contrived hoax….

1) Before last Sunday’s raid, every intelligence analyst, geopolitical commentator or head of state worth their salt was on record as stating that Osama Bin Laden was already dead, and that he probably died many years ago, from veteran CIA officer Robert Baer, to former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to former FBI head of counterterrorism Dale Watson. In addition, back in 2002 Alex Jones was told directly by two separate high level sources that Bin Laden was already dead and that his death would be announced at the most politically opportune moment. Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under five different Presidents, serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under the Nixon, Ford and Carter, told the Alex Jones Show last week that Bin Laden died of marfan syndrome shortly after he was visited by CIA physicians at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001.

2) The official narrative of how the raid unfolded completely collapsed within days of its announcement. First there had been a 40 minute shootout, then there was no shootout and just one man was armed, first Bin Laden was armed then he was not, first Bin Laden used his wife as a human shield and then he did not. First the compound was described as a “$1 million dollar mansion” then it turned out to be a rubbish-strewn dilapidated compound that was worth less than a quarter of that. Almost every single aspect of the official narrative has changed since Obama first described the raid last Sunday as the White House struggles to keep its story straight.

3) The alleged body of Bin Laden was hastily dumped in the sea to prevent any proper procedure of identification. The White House claimed this was in accordance with normal Islamic burial rituals, however numerous Muslim scholars all over the globe disputed this claim, pointing out that Muslims can only be buried at sea if they die at sea. While the White House claimed that Bin Laden’s death on May 1st was proven by DNA and facial recognition evidence, such proof was never released for public scrutiny and the Obama administration refused to release photos of Bin Laden’s dead body, suggesting a cover-up.

4) Despite the fact that the White House released “situation room” photos which purported to show Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest of Obama’s security staff watching the raid which killed Bin Laden live, it was later admitted by CIA director Leon Panetta that Obama could not have seen the raid because the live feed was cut off before the Navy SEALS entered the compound. The photos were described by many as having “historical significance,” forming a “captivating” record of Obama’s greatest success and being the “defining moment” of his Presidency. One image showed Hillary Clinton with her hand over her mouth as if witnessing an anxious or crucial moment in the raid. Media reports at the time claimed that the photos represented the moment when “The leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.” However, the photos were staged as a PR stunt for public consumption, nobody in the photos ever saw Bin Laden killed live, nor did they see the Navy SEALS even enter the compound.

5) As even mainstream journalists began to cast suspicion on the official narrative behind the raid, the media reported that Al-Qaeda itself had confirmed every detail of Obama’s address the the nation. However, the conduit for such a claim was in fact an organization called SITE, which is a notorious Pentagon propaganda front run by the daughter of an Israeli spy that has been caught on numerous occasions releasing fake cartoonish “Al-Qaeda” videos at the most politically expedient times for both the Bush and Obama administrations. The SITE organization is nothing more than a contractor for the U.S. government, receiving some $500,000 a year annually from Uncle Sam, and yet the corporate media instantly swallowed and regurgitated the claim that “Al-Qaeda” had confirmed the official story after SITE directed them to an anonymous posting on an Islamic website.

6) Almost every single neighbor that lived near the alleged Bin Laden compound in Abbottabad that was interviewed by news reporters said with absolute certainty that they had never seen Bin Laden and that they knew of no evidence whatsoever to suggest he lived there. Since the town is a staging ground for the Pakistani military, which has a training facility situated virtually a stone’s throw away from the alleged Bin Laden compound, residents were required to show ID when they moved into the area. Pakistani troops and anti-terror police in the town refused to confirm that Bin Laden had lived in the house. Barack Obama himself admitted to 60 Minutes that the White House was only 55/45 sure that Osama lived there before the raid and this uncertainty prompted concerns that the US Navy SEALS sent in could have targeted a “prince from Dubai” or some other individual that was not Bin Laden.

7) The videos released by the White House this past weekend which purport to show Osama Bin Laden making Al-Qaeda tapes in October-November 2010 are almost identical to footage first released by Pentagon front group SITE nearly four years ago. Remember, a May 2010 Washington Post story reported how the CIA had admitted to making fake Bin Laden videos. Despite the White House’s insistence that the footage of Bin Laden is recent, he looks younger and healthier than tapes released almost a decade ago, having apparently dyed his beard black. A separate video that purports to show Bin Laden in his compound flicking through satellite TV channels depicts a much older looking man with a gray beard. Analysts have pointed out that the man has different shaped ears to real Osama pictures from back in 2001. A doctor has also pointed out the fact that the man in the tapes released Saturday has no problem moving his left arm, whereas video from 2001 clearly illustrates how Bin Laden was unable to move his left upper extremity because of a permanent injury probably related to damage to the peripheral nerves. Why the cameraman would film the back of Bin Laden’s head as he watches television is also dubious. Residents in the town of Abbottabad claim the man in the “television” video is not Osama, with one individual claiming that the man labeled by the White House as being Bin Laden is actually his neighbor, a man named Akhbar Han.

The Navy Seals who accomplished the raid on someone in Pakistan were murdered to hide the evidence, just as the body was dropped into the ocean.

The Usurper’s Re-Election Strategy

After safely instigating black on white murderous rampages across the country, and his OWS spring assault, Obama sneaks into Afghanistan to both brag about Bin Ladin’s death and to announce an ‘end to the Afghanistan war’.  Obama releases a commercial trying to reap the credit for whatever operation was used to kill Bin Ladin’s corpse..Romney crys ‘foul’–when they all know Osama was already dead.  (note: Betcha Mitt wanted to use Osama for himself, or save it when he was in political trouble.  Sorry mittens, that card has been played.)  This after months of Obama trashing our soldiers, tying their hands behind their backs so they can’t win the war, and despising America in the usual fashion.  Obama tries to claim credit as ‘the most important moment in my lifetime’ for killing Bin Ladin’s corpse.

Now Obama “pledges‘ (wink wink oink oink) to end the war in Afghanistan, already having promised that in 2008…he was against the war before he was for it.

Political Advantages of Keeping Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

There are many reasons Obama, Bush and Congress have betrayed and killed Americans in these so called ‘wars’, which were never legal wars.  In fact, too many reasons to list here…but I can think of a few:

  • Oil, oil, and oil, including pipelines
  • Drugs, guns, and smuggling of both
  • Killing American soldiers, wounding thousands, and killing the morale of the troops (remember the conviction of Lakin at Christmas-time 2010?)
  • Impoverishing America and wearing America’s spirit down
  • Distraction from the assault on the home front by Obama’s brownshirts (OWS, IRS, BATF, TSA, CIA, FBI)
  • The permanent ruination of the American economy and socialist take-over of industries
  • The geo-engineering attack on America, including floods, earthquakes, HAARP, chemtrails, and tornados
  • The development of the police state.
  • The NDAA–keep the wars going so all the provisions of NDAA, including the detention of Americans, are ‘in effect in time of war’
  • Military false-flag exercises with Chinese and Russian troops
  • Theft of the 2012 election and republican collaboration to that effect

Well Mr. Usurper, we are not fooled and see right through your transparent effort to boost your flagging, failing self and your utter stupidity in blowing wide open the NWO plans for our demise.  And Dick Morris, by the way, is trying to convince republicans to stay home and not vote because ‘obama will lose in a landslide’.  Yeah right… we know you are covering because Obama has to flip 30-40 million votes to win, which when he does, you republicans can blame it on the people staying home and not voting.  Yawn.  🙄

Obama’s hit list is a mile long and growing every day.  He just wants to chalk up all of America in his column, and plans on a second term to do us in.  We wait your next move, but you won’t know ours.

Geoengineering Disaster

©2011 drkate

Geoengineering. The deliberate large scale artificial modification of the earth, watersheds, oceans, and atmosphere.

the biggest greenhouse gas is water vapor!

Look up any definition of geoengineering and you will be bombarded with fuzzy and warm reasons why as a field it is only aimed at reducing the effects of man-made climate change, or ‘benignly’ increasing rainfall by cloud seeding in arid areas.

But as readers of this blog have pointed out, ‘geoengineering’ as chemtrails, HAARP, the explosion of the BP rig in the Gulf of Mexico, earthquake generation, tornado activity, and now the flooding of the entire mid-west via the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers are simply activities that create or have magnified disaster.  The ‘crisis’ created allows the government the ‘opportunity’ to step in and take over.

What is developing in the midwest from the Dakotas to Missouri is a deliberate food disaster of epic proportions, and it originates in the manipulation of the hydrologic cycle in the upper basin states. Crops cannot be planted because it is too wet from rain, and those crops already underway in the lower basin states are underwater and long gone.

The crisis of Garrison Dam non-releases, in North Dakota, is an issue I will write in depth about in coming posts. As Lame Cherry points out, and as news reports confirm, the Army Corps of Engineers admits that it did not make room for expected high runoff [enhanced by cloudseeding and chemtrails].  But did the Army admit the reason? No.

But I know, and its for the birds.  I wonder who ordered the large scale use of the dams to conduct sediment movement  studies across a seven state region for birds and fish instead of protecting the cities and farmland from floods?

And that’s not all.  The airspace above a nuclear power plant in Nebraska threatened by flooding is closed, and there are rumors of a radiation leak.

In the next few days I will be posting some articles on the major geoengineering threats facing our nation and propose a series of strategies to address them.

A  heads up and open thread!

The Truth Matters

©2011 drkate

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercises their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.  This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.  ~Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Wilson Cary Nicholas September 1803

With gratitude to Obama Release Your Records, another fine video with Dr. Terry Lakin from The Birther Report:

Study. Observe. Prepare.

Juggling Cover-Ups

©2011 drkate

Epic Failure and Not a NBC

As reported in previous posts and predicted on other blogs, the Soetoro/Obama NWO/CIA handlers are having a hard time keeping all of their cover-up stories straight. Glaring inconsistencies keep falling out of the White House like sewage flowing from a broken, overflowing lagoon.  He cannot shake his illegality, nor his destructive agenda for America, nor the fact that he is a puppet, and too much now has to be covered up.

To simplify, let me start this story at the end. Ultimately, the fact that Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Chicago newspapers, judges, and others have been complicit proves they know that Mr. Obama is ineligible to be President of the United States of America. ~The Chicago Precedent

Let’s add Congress, the Supreme Court, and the military.

Lack of Constitutional Eligibility

The only defense to the truth is a bold lie. ~The Chicago Precedent

Obama has failed to dispose of his lack of eligibility, so he must continue to cover it up.  He now owns a fraudulent on-line image which he presented on national TV as his ‘real birth certificate’…nothing like committing perjury and a felony with a few million witnesses.

Obama and his handlers  know they have lost the eligibility battle. Obama is a dual citizen and may not even be an American citizen.  Until he releases his information all we have is his ‘word’, which is worth nothing.  Obama is a creature of foreign allegiances.

birth certificate no brainer

The ‘cover up’ of his lack of eligibility has had multiple elements and phases.  First it was the creation of a strawman–the birth certificate (read: place of birth)–that ignored any discussion of the term ‘natural born citizen’ and its active, relevant definition that includes two citizen parents.  Obama produced two forged electronic images, hid all of his records, and used the US Justice Department to defend his usurpation.

Then, Obama manipulated the federal courts to create the precedent of ‘standing’ that prevented the examination and discovery of documents that would disclose anything about him and thus disprove his eligibility.  In a most insightful article called The Chicago Precedent, the author observes the following:

Continue reading ‘Juggling Cover-Ups’

Cover-Up by False Flags?

©2011 drkate

Guileful. adjective–full of guile; characterized by cunning, deceit, or treachery; guilty; marked by skill in deception

Soetoro/Obama’s  demeanor at the press club dinner has been described as “guileful” by this author,  who observed

that he [Soetoro/Obama] had simply gone from denying the obvious truth that he was foreign born, and was now merging a lie with a serious purposeful criminal action…

That the electronic image  of the LFBC is a fake surely shows his deception, but no matter—the point was to avoid having to produce a document that could be physically and forensically analyzed.  Everything now is a cover-up operation for his exposed illegality.

caught in a lie

Make no mistake: this is now a clear pattern which appears every time we are close to fully exposing, and now catching this usurper criminal.  Each time this happens we see the depth of the corruption and multiple threads of the usurpation…which allowed arranged for Soetoro/Obama to break into Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice show with the false flag announcement of Bin Ladin’s death removal from ice storage and disposal at sea as a CIA asset with military honors  in accordance with Islamic custom so no one will ever know a thing.  Just like the electronic LFCOLB…they probably buried the original with ‘bin ladin’. 😛

The depth of the treachery involved in the usurper’s actions involved the diversion away from other key events of the day so no one would focus on the fact that Soetoro has just confirmed he is not a natural born citizen. Soetoro/Obama’ handlers have resorted to false flags when necessary…the ‘re-killing’ of Bin Ladin is one such false flag to further his criminal aims for our Nation. In addition to diverting attention away from his illegal occupation of the White House, one aim  of this event was to divert attention away from the  Soetoro/Obama-directed NATO assassination attempt on Ghaddafi.

Continue reading ‘Cover-Up by False Flags?’

Chess Moves by the CIA

©2011 drkate

Ever the felonious protector of the lawless, the CIA pulls out another last ditch effort to rescue Soetoro-Obama from his rapidly devolving cover.

Tim Osman  Osama bin Ladin is dead.  Again?  And buried at sea?  ROFLMAO.  Are Obama supporters that stupid?  Hmm, no body to inspect and probably with full military honors.  😯

Remember we are dealing with Brzezinski’s tools here–terror, intelligence agencies, a totus, and the european monied interests.  Plus jihad,  money, guns, drugs and war that are the staples of the new world order.

This is clearly ‘opium for the masses‘…a chance for the media to  to revisit reuse the 911 terror so more Tavistock techniques can be applied to the American public.  Temporarily throwing people back into a state of shock, not realizing that this announcement is meant not to provide relief, but to encourage people to numbly fall back to sleep…zzzz…zzzz

Alright then, Mr. Soetoro-Obama, bring our troops home from Afghanistan since you  President Bush the CIA moved got the target we  America’s sons and daughters went into to get.  Oh, and leave Paetreus there as its the CIA’s war anyway in Afghanistan.

Continue reading ‘Chess Moves by the CIA’

False Flag Obama?

©2011 drkate

Miscreant of the NWO

The NWO seems to have a bag full of distractions to keep their hand-picked usurper safe and unexposed in the White House as long as they can.  It is quite easy to see that every time his constitutional disability is exposed that some event turns American eyes away from the fundamental problem of his usurpation.  There is much at stake with losing Obama, but there will be a point where the NWO decides Obama has exposed them, their agenda, and their network enough.


Now would be one of those times.

The NWO’s options have always included the false flag attack, with little concern as to who might die.  A false flag would help them cover Obama except for the fact that Americans would see the strategy right away.

For example, any mass attack inside the United States now–even on the heels of events in Egypt–will be seen absolutely as a way for Obama to ‘look presidential’, boost his dismal poll ratings,  distract Americans from his fundamental constitutional ineligibility or the fact that Terry Lakin sits in Leavenworth.   Just like any attempt before the 2010 elections would have been viewed the same way.

The people are on to Obama, his NWO backers, and the coordination evident in so many attacks on Americans in the last two years. The tendency of the Obama administration and NWO backers to take the attackers side is not lost upon Americans.

Encounters with New World Order

Usurper caught in a lie

Obama himself itself is an encounter with the New World Order.  One goal of the obrat’s handlers is to keep him in place so as to accomplish their complete destruction of American sovereignty, national boundaries and the economy. The one thing they must keep hidden is his true identity and his lack of eligibility.  If he has to go, the NWO will use the latter as an excuse in order to avoid divulging his true identity….that would reveal the entire network and plan.

Continue reading ‘False Flag Obama?’

Unacceptable Risk

©2010 drkate

The national security  of the United States is the primary reason the Founders specified the ‘natural born Citizen’ criterion for the position of President–to prevent the foreign invasion of the White House and our Armed Forces.

With Obama, we have no Commander in Chief, no President.  He is a foreigner  who is not watching out for our safety. Here is Commander Kerchner’s take on the risk that Congress is taking on all of our behalf by failing to address eligibility: Politics and Eligibility

Our military is spread across the globe with rules of engagement that tie their hands behind their backs and terrorist attacks against our citizens and military are increasing–inside our country. And just last week, a most likely foreign missile was launched from a sub or platform off our own coast which is a serious matter and an omen that our homeland defenses are in a shambles.

Continue reading ‘Unacceptable Risk’

Tyrant Obama’s Triumphant Return

©2010 drkate

“Usurper flees the Country”  was the original title of this post.

…and yes, we are talking about the United States of America, and the usurper is Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama.  High-tailing it–along with 450 of his closest friends co-conspirators–to Indonesia with an extended visit to India on November 4th.  Indonesia has no extradition treaty with the United States.

But after discussing this turn of events with Patriot Papoose, my view is revised.  Obama doesn’t give a rats ass about the expected repudiation of his whole being loss of the house and senate–his trip is intended to send a very different message than the FU he is deliberately giving to America.

Continue reading ‘Tyrant Obama’s Triumphant Return’

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Since 8/15/09


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