Archive for March, 2012

Obama Can’t Hide Anymore

©2012 drkate

The usurper thought he could hide his true intentions, identity, and idiocy from the American people, but he has failed miserably.  When one is so arrogant as to be transparent in his hatred of America, Americans and in particular, white people, one’s own shit eventually lands on one’s own head.  Obama could never have made it without assistance, and those who have enabled this treachery are also now exposed and subject to criminal charges due to their mistake in releasing this menace upon America.

Let’s make a list:

  • Obama was always a foreign student, took scholarship money and had his way paved for him…it is doubtful he wrote his own papers or got any grades for authentic work. By his own word, he was a foreign student. He told the postman.  We don’t need the Occidental records, his Columbia Records, or his Harvard records.  We know he is the worst kind of user.
  • Obama’s life has been a fiction of all the radical elements in America– the Weathermen Underground, aka Bill Ayers and the countless other jailed criminals who blew up federal buildings and killed policemen for fun,  counterfeited hundreds if not thousands of fraudulent identities, arranged marriages of convenience, and created false selective service registrations and birth certificates –the latter a particularly specialized known practice of the WU as they wandered around graveyards and hung out at vital statistics offices around the country in the 1970’s
  • Obama is very likely CIA sponsored, backed and covered for.
  • Obama is a muslim practicing taqiyya 
  • Obama is a foreigner and may never have been a U.S. citizen–by his own admittance his father was born british–and thus so was he–became Kenyan, and Obama was adopted by and became an Indonesian citizen.  He never had a U.S. passport–otherwise Lt. Quarles Harris would still be alive.  We don’t need to see the passport records, we already know.
  • Obama is betraying America through all of his actions–whether its giving secrets of our allies to his muslim brothers; killing our servicemen by illegally sending them into war and then disarming them; whispering on an open mic about his very obvious and treasonous plans to destabilize our own defenses
  • Obama is a serial liar who will stop at nothing to hide the truth about a gimmick meant to distract Americans from his fraudulent identity
  • Obama’s election strategy for 2012 will be to run against America–SCOTUS, Congress, Republicans, women, conservatives, white people, wall street–using the race card, false flags, and healthcare warfare, hoping to declare martial law when his thug supporters have caused enough flashmobs, murder and mayhem on American streets
  • Obama is loathed.  Americans want to see him on trial for his crimes; his handlers probably want him out of the picture in a dramatic way that ensures their control.

The establishment republicans, the democrats, and the Congress are entirely complicit in this attack on America and do not have my consent to continue.  They must all resign and be replaced starting now.  Start your recall proceedings in each state now, and don’t forget to include the judicial cowards.

Obama and his entire crowd are “merchants of despair”:

Who would you deport?  Who would you prosecute, fine, and jail?  Who should pay the ultimate price for the betrayal of America?

Consent of the Governed

©2012 drkate

Nothing is going to happen in this country until we the people realize that it is we who have failed the Constitution; the Constitution has not failed us.  Our chances of restoring our Republic are very slim without that realization. ~Red Beckman,  February 2012

Our Founders created a government that was based upon several basic principles, among them morality, honesty, integrity, truth and justice.  We cannot have a just government without a moral government.  Our Constitution was created for a moral people…when was the last time, if ever, that you saw a politician acting morally and in the best interests of the people? Well, we elected them.

The recent discussion and history of Obama’s new Executive Order on the peacetime declaration of martial law is an illustrative example of how long we have been asleep at the wheel.  As it turns out, the basic elements of this executive order began in the administration of John F. Kennedy, and every President since then has reauthorized it or added to it.  Now with a clear and present danger in our White House, it takes on far more menacing meaning–as we know Obama will use it if he feels his election chances are threatened.

But realistically, we could also go back to Executive Order 1, signed by Abraham Lincoln when there arguably was no Congress–the South had walked out–declaring a permanent state of emergency which has existed since that time. Hence the gold fringe on the U.S. flag in our courthouses and many federal buildings.  Each president that has come along has failed to rescind this or subsequent Executive Orders, which have gradually taken over as the means of governance–by executive fiat.

This post, which has been long in coming, delves into the aspect of our Constitution which requires the consent of the governed, and poses some reasons why and examples of our relinquishment of our responsibility to give or deny consent to the various actions of the government we created.  Our failure to live up to our responsibilities has allowed untold suffering and the death of millions–of our own citizens and of the world–at the hands of unscrupulous men and women.  Of course these unscrupulous people with monied roots in the ‘families’ and secret societies that have caused trouble for the world wasted no time in taking over key institutions–our education system, government, the courts, the churches, the media, entertainment, the sciences, and now fully the means of production–agriculture, food, medicine, water, and industry.

Have we awakened in time? Do we have the numbers? And whether we do or not, do we have a responsibility to right our Country and bring back Constitutional governance?  We’ve never not had that responsibility!

 Neither time nor the severity of the moment allows for us to sit and watch and pretend to live above it all.  Not anymore. The determination of those who control this administration, and the willingness of this president to assist in their desired outcome has finally awoken us.  The defeat of Barack Obama is the most important thing I can do with the time I have left.  I do not say that as a boast.  I do not say that to somehow elevate my own sense of importance.  I say that as a man blessed to have lived in this country for many decades and in that time, the prosperity that time has given to me is worthy of many lifetimes.  What I owe to this country demands I do what I can to save it. ~Wall Street Insider

A First Casualty:  Our THREE Votes

We designed the system so that we would be the true masters of government, not the other way around.  A dangerous servant our government has now become as it encroaches on our lives in every possible manner, replacing individual liberty with collectivism, and enacting the subversion of our individual rights through coercion.  Enshrined in our Constitution, and in particular, the Bill of Rights is the principle that consent of the governed is required for the government to take any action.  We have three votes, not just one as the powers would have us believe.  Our election, grand jury, and petite jury votes.

As shown in the diagram below, any time the government wants to propose a rule that impacts individuals, it has to seek consent of the governed.  If it wants to prosecute someone for violating one of those rules, it must bring that rule and its proposed action before a jury and a grand jury.  There we get to decide if it is a valid law in the first instance, and if a person has violated that rule.  Corrupt judges will suggest to a jury that they are not to decide the law, only the facts of the case.  That didn’t work out for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase, now did it, where he was  impeached (but not convicted) for instructing a jury that they couldn’t decide on the law itself.

This failure to understand our power has had serious consequences.  All you need to do is look at the prosecution of individuals under the law that never was–the unconstitutional sixteenth amendment–and the congressionally created Internal Revenue Service (IRS) used to ‘enforce’ an unconstitutional law.

The people who have been prosecuted under this unconstitutional law have been sent to jail by juries–not by government,  by the people on the juries who either failed to recognize they have a right to judge the law itself or bought the judge’s illegal directions that they were only to judge the facts of the trial.  Using the diagram above, if IRS wants to prosecute you, they must take this to a jury, where you decide whether the law is valid and whether the individual should be prosecuted.  And under the Seventh Amendment, once that jury decides you are not guilty of violating an unconstitutional law, no court of the U.S. can overrule the jury’s decision, nor can any federal judge:

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

The true intention of the Constitution–to recognize our individual sovereignty, is no where more evident than in the Seventh Amendment.  But our sovereignty and individual rights are totally ignored by the judicial system.

A grand jury should be utilized when dealing with the implementation of any agency-created law against any individual…you have a right to ask for a jury trial at all times and should never subject yourself to the whims of an individual judge. Important places to begin to use jury trials include actions taken by federal fish agencies under the Endangered Species Act, where fines for the ‘take’ of fish, for example, can range from $25,000 to over $75,000 per fish.  When the government creates the problem, such as in the Klamath Basin, federal agents should not be allowed to trespass on individual property, ‘find’ a dead fish, and prosecute or jail an individual.

We the people deal with common law; the judges and attorneys deal with case law, administrative procedures, contract law, and equity…we must bring back common law courts to every jurisdiction in our country.  It is time to flood the system with jury trial actions.

Some applications.

  • The Arizona ballot challenge suit in Pima County requested a jury trial and is the only eligibility case to my knowledge that would be heard before a jury. Once the information on Obama’s failure to qualify as a natural born citizen reaches the jury, any jury would decide he cannot be on the ballot.  Can a federal court overturn that decision?  I would argue no, not under the Seventh Amendment. DNC Chair Wasserman-Schultz will be sued for fraud, and that should be heard by a jury…its the only way to ensure that the democrats can’t bribe or threaten a judge to rule in their favor.
  • What about Oklahoma’s anti-sharia statute?  How can a single federal judge overturn the will of the people?  Actions should be taken to bring that decision back to the local level and tried by a jury of Oklahomans.  The United States government and its agents try to block our access to juries at every turn.
  • What about excessive EPA regulation, or the regulation of your garden or of a farmer’s market?  Why are we sending individuals to jail for growing and selling tomatoes? Or producing and selling raw milk?  What ‘law’ permits this, and what is the constitutional authority?
  • What about the molesting of children by the Transportation Security Agency?

By allowing the jury system to fall, and by neglecting our responsibilities as citizens, we ourselves destroy our cultural heritage. We have given our consent to government to do what it wants.  It is time to  get informed, get ready, use a jury whenever you can, and find out how to get on a grand jury.

A Major Cause of Distress:  We have Abandoned the Almighty

The enemies of America are now gathering.  2008 was the calling.  We have abandoned the Almighty.  My greatest fear is He may now have abandoned us.  In our foolish neglect of the great gift of freedom that is the United  States, perhaps that is exactly what is deserved.  And yet, I refuse to simply accept that.~ Wall Street Insider

The relentless march of socialism, anti-Americanism, and communism has been and is at its core a march against God…as it has been since the gracing of this world with his only begotten son, Yeshua, Jesus.  Yes we can talk about the ‘social scientists‘, and Darwin; the progressives, Marx, and Stalin; the left, radical islam, and the muslim brotherhood, even the Jesuits, and chronicle their precise killing and ideological influences.  What they all have in common is the absence of God; they are man-oriented; they are all satanic.  By turning off our ears, shutting our eyes, glorifying  our wealth or graven images, and by fearing government more than our Creator-God, we have lost the ability of discernment.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul Genesis 2: 7

To Whom, then, will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.  Lift up your eyes on high,and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power, not one faileth Isaiah 40: 25-26 

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God (2 Thess. 2: 3,4)

And with all the deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thess. 2: 10-12)

And the moment of our distress has then a spiritual root; a cause, where we have lost our way and failed to discern our responsibilities to God, our Country and ourselves; being content with distractions including our arguments over ‘concepts’, the right versus left, the liberal versus conservative.  And our delusion has caused us to believe in the false promise of security in exchange for our God-given, unalienable rights and our responsibility to safe-guard them; to believe in simple men who have no interest but their own, in a party or team rather than in the truth.

Can you imagine that the fate of our country is in the hands of one man, nine ‘justices’, and a handful of proud, conceited, misguided, and ungodly politicians…when we had it within our hands to withhold our consent for these atrocities committed in our name?  The Wall Street Insider grasps this possible ending as he struggles with his own role in enabling ‘obamacare’ to bring our Country to the brink of destruction:

May God grant these nine people the wisdom to remove the oppression contained within that foul document so appropriately called “Obamacare”.  Never should its manifestation been allowed.  Never should I and others have even remotely considered it may be of benefit to Americans struggling without health care coverage.  A Trojan Horse of false idealism and we opened the gates to it and now a battle for the soul of America is underway.  It is shameful how little attention I paid to it then.  Such a stupid and pretentious man I was.  Perhaps I still am.

It is long past time to withdraw our consent, for any of this business.  No to incumbents and to ‘business as usual’.  No to unconstitutional laws.  No to the ‘justices’ who deliver no justice.  No to the media which lies.  No to the federal reserve and the complicit congress. NO to a usurper who has taken what is not his.  No to the anti-Americans who would destroy us.*  They forevermore must now earn our consent.


He Sees Nothing

©2012 drkate

Pardon my language, but Obama is somebody who likes to go around pooping in people’s nests and then flying away.  Just like wading into the dispute about a cop doing his duty in protecting one of his college flunkies buddies, he wades into the death  of a teenager (never a white teen, of course, or hispanic or asian) without information, gives the go-ahead for foments violence, and then leaves for another part of the world…to poop in their nest.

Tiny tot Obama playing soldier

Here’s Obama pooping on our troops and the South Koreans…look at how he doesn’t know what he’s looking at and can’t even use a pair of binoculars.  Where is his other hand, in his pocket?

Not only is this man ineligible for this position by birth and citizenship (which he can’t prove), he is simply unfit for command period. He thoroughly disgusts me and should be revolting to every thinking American.  He has no idea how much he is reviled, how much of a fool he shows himself to be, every single day of his life.

His chickens lies are coming home to roost poop in his nest very soon.

Open thread.

Going Backwards

©2012 Renee

Thanks to guest author Renee, of WTPOTUS Research Blog, let’s begin a conversation about this subject, lest we unwittingly go backwards, as Obama and his thugs would have us…

I am trying to absorb the latest news.Trayvon Martin, a black 17 year old teen has been shot and killed by a crime watch sort of guy by the name of George Zimmerman who by the way is a half Hispanic and half white male, not white, as some news or voices would lead us all to believe. Now George has a bit of history of policing his neighborhood and calling authorities when he thinks he finds a suspicious character about. He may be a bit over the top but who knows with all of the spin. There is also a witness to this incident, another neighbor who rightly has fears about getting involved in this story. This witness saw Martin on top of Zimmerman pounding away while calling 911. Martin has a recent suspension at school but as a minor (17) further info on him is not allowed.

Now, I also see here Al Sharpton weighing in, Black Panthers puffing chests out, Trayvon accessories being sold (vultures for a buck), Jesse Jackson Jr. saying blacks are under attack and the Miami Heat team all don hoodies now ? Really ? Obama says if he had a son he would look like Martin? So, who cares ? He has much more to focus on right ? Black Panthers utube shows the neighbors not joining into the circus, and ran the group out of their hood that decided to try a press circus in their streets. What a mess. This looks like racial dividing again to me. I live in a very nice, mixed neighborhood, and for what it is worth, would probably be concerned if I saw a person in a hoodie walking our streets late at night. His race would not be clear in the dark, but the hoodie walking around at night would be noticed.

I have children, and if someone wanted tea and candy late at night, I would get up off my couch and run them to the store, or just say no, wouldn’t most of you do the same ? For THEIR safety ? Most of us think of that angle. So, not making excuses for anyone here, the facts tell a different story for me as a parent. I view parents that let their children go out into the streets alone at night as a big part of this problem. The parents of kids in the streets at night must take their share of the blame, and this goes for whatever color. I look at class and not color. This color angle has been all used up. That color divide thing AGAIN ? I am not buying. As I said, we have all colors on my street. My best neighbors are black, I made their kids a snowman cake at Christmas but did not make one for the rude, white neighbors across the street, and I have a mixed family like many in America so racist does not fly in my home. I hate race baiters. I hate racial divides. I have never seen this sort of trouble making in my country before and I am from the south.

That Jim Crow spewing ? Get over it. WHEN was that again ? Way before my time or even my mother’s. Can’t some find anything better to CROW about ? Very lame, playing that victim drum is over, sorry. I have black and hispanic friends and they are great people. A lot of them drive cars much better then mine, dress better then my family and hold down very respectable jobs. We can openly talk about this and they are sick of welfare career people, young mothers popping out kids with no fathers for a free ride and the general excuses for the condition of their lives. Again, it is about class, not color. I never see my neighbor’s kids roaming our streets after dark. They are hard working, clean, honest citizens. They are not living a life of excuses but have tackled life and worked very, very hard to try to do better. Just like most of us.

My problem with all of this is that it is all spin, distraction and racial dividing. I refuse to go there. With an administration that has way too many problems, covered up information, soaring unemployment, billions missing from our coffers, corruption and daily murders, I find this nothing more then a distraction. I find the people adding fuel to this fire to be tools, trouble makers, used. Like an old straw in the street. I find that sad. Simple people being stirred up for what ? Why ? Because it is fun for some to play with the common class ? I could care less what color our leaders are. I care about WHAT they are. I was interested when a black man came along. Something different sounded good, but not this kind of different. I liked it that our country had diversity, but that blend is being shoved backwards in time and I do not like that one bit. I hope this investigation gets to the facts. I hope people can see past the manipulation. They have much bigger problems now though like how to save for a tank of over priced gas, how to keep food on the table and raise their families, how to find out the truth about the screams of theft and fraud in government. Yes, these are just a few of our REAL issues, do not be used as a tool, diversion or idiot. Come on, use common sense. It never fails us as humans.

Let’s focus where we should be focused, as all of us have much to lose if we do not. We have a fake birth certificate to work through, theft in the trillions and other countries laughing at our current situation. Last time I checked, racial crime was opposite to what is being thrown out there. I think whites are actually around 90% of the victims of race crimes, that said I think race crimes against blacks are somewhere around 132k and those crimes against whites at appx. 1 million, so again I am not buying this garbage. I need to look again and check those numbers. So WHO are the actual victims here again ? Do not buy into this stirring. Use common sense, and do not become another tool. It does nothing for our country, lives or families. We are all Americans first and part of the human race.

Enough is enough. I am sad that this boy is now gone as well as many others of all colors, but then again, my neighbors and myself would have just said no, or gotten off of the couch. I bet Martin’s mom wishes now she would have too, but now she has no chance to do it over. It is done now. It cannot be corrected by her now. This mother will carry this sadness and grief with her for the rest of her days. Like so many parents that have lost their children too. All colors…. It is another sad story. Not the first nor the last, but see it for the sad story that it is and not more.

Obama’s Socialist Economy

©2012 drkate

I have no faith that the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn Obamacare, especially since Elena Kagan will not recuse herself from the decision.  That said, we MUST take the Senate to ensure its continued defeat by Congress. More importantly, we must make sure our states are prepared to nullify Obamacare at all levels, and put law enforcement on notice.

The disaster of Obama’s economic wrecking ball comes full force force forward, as he tries to distract us with race in Florida.  America does not have a racial problem, America has an Obama problem.  All you have to know is hate-monger Al Sharpton is on the scene.

Destroyer in Chief

(photo h/t Jan)

Still working on a major post, so consider this another open thread!

“If you really want to hear our views…

©2012 drkate

…you haven’t done nothing…”

The Whore of Babylon

A new post coming up shortly…in the meantime, consider this an open thread and caption contest!

Totalitariansim as the ‘Collective Good’

©2012 drkate

In a previous post, we discussed the concepts of the individual vs the collective, determining  the uniqueness of America as representing and protecting the rights of the individual.   The American constitution protects against democracy, or ‘mob rule’, where the rights of the individual are overridden by the ‘majority’.  One could say that democracy is totalitarianism, where the rights of the individual are sacrificed for the whole.

A common ridiculous argument of the anti-American, flat earth eligibility deniers is that “60 million people” confirmed that Obama is a ‘natural born citizen’.  This is a not so subtle message underlying the socialist democrats enabling the usurper Obama.

Is collectivism the ‘highest morality‘ of human society?

Caption Contest-Wookies!

©drkate 2012

Since we started talking about taxes again…wordpress has been kind of acting up.  I thought I’d give them a break and offer instead a caption contest for the First Wookies.

First, the model wookie:

Now the first and second imposter wookies:

Are they related? Whose first? Whose second? 😯

Don’t forget we have this model for reference as well:

After your caption, this is an open thread!   😛

Letters to the IRS

©2012 drkate

As has been documented here, here, and here, ‘federal income taxes’ are illegal and have always been unconstitutional.The underlying ‘law’, the Sixteenth Amendment, never was legally ratified, although it was declared so by federal god Philander Knox just at the time the linked Federal Reserve Act was passed.  It is unconstitutional and cannot be made so, no matter how many IRS agents come to your door.  The only tax allowable was specified in the Constitution under Article I, Section 8:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Proof of Illegality of 16th Amendment

But the federal god, seeking to replace the true God with itself and ways to deceive you, has terrorized Americans since 1913 by the actions of the Internal Revenue Service thugs agents, along with a complicit judiciary which is paid by these income taxes (read: conflict of interest).  Right about now millions of citizens are worrying about those taxes and the consequences of refusing to allow this law that never was to have an effect on their lives. Why do you suppose the 1040 form finishes with a statement that income taxes are voluntary?

But the word ‘voluntary’ means something different to the federal god. ‘Voluntary’ according to the federal god is ‘pay them or we kill you‘.  Is this state-sponsored terrorism?

Well here is a refreshing book, now up for reprinting, entitled Do Unto the I.R.S. as They Would do Unto You!, by Red Beckman.  Following is the first of a series of letters to the IRS upon receiving a notice of an audit, which reminds them of the Constitution.

Dear Mr., Mrs., or Ms. IRS Agent:

I am in receipt of your letter.  You are demanding I submit to illegal search and seizure of my books and records in your office.

You perhaps are the most fortunate of all IRS agents to have been assigned to my audit.  You have a serious personal problem which needs to be diagnosed and treated.  You are in very good hands because this taxpayer is well informed and trained to help people with your kind of problem.  Be assured you will receive my help without charge as a humanitarian service.  The people of these United States of America are big-hearted and love to help others who are less fortunate than themselves. I am just another American with deep compassion for those who have problems.  One who cares for others will not measure rewards in dollar and cents but rather in deep inner warmth and satisfaction.  Your diagnosis, treatment and therapy will not be calculated in dollars and cents.

I want to make sure you understand where my concern is coming from and you will not be billed for my services.  You should be lying on a couch because there may be some shock when you read the next par of this letter.  Hold yourself together because your malady is curable.  It is probably as serious as cancer but will respond to treatment very readily if you will cooperate.  I hope you have not become too frighted by what you have just read, but diagnosis is the first step in the process of recovery from any health problem.  Learning about a problem such as yours will probably be the most difficult moment of your life.  I will be as compassionate and helpful as possible as your difficulty is explained to you.

Your problem is a mental disorder which is very serious and unless treated successfully is quite often fatal.  Records are available which clearly show millions have died because of mental illness such as you have.  The Gestapo of Hitler’s Germany and the KGB of Stalin’s Russia were seriously afflicted with the same problem.  The Gestapo and KGB personnel did not accept a proper diagnosis or treatment and the result has been untold suffering, misery and death.

You are becoming very angry at this point, but please remain on the couch and hold yourself together.  The agents who worked for the Gestapo reacted the same way when told of their mental problems and they refused to be treated and cured.  You too may refuse to recognize your mental problem, but as you read on, it should become quite clear the alternative is rather hazardous.  Many of the Gestapo agents who were still alive in 1945 were tried and hung at Nuremburg, Germany, for crimes they committed.  You are more fortunate because the therapy and cure of your illness will be far less painful than if your sickness is left untreated.  Your anger should be tempered with a small twinge of fear at this point.  If you will be honest with yourself for just a moment, it will be most helpful to me and yourself as well.  Did you feel that twinge?  A little taste of fear as you read these last few lines?

Yes, you did, and I am encouraged because it indicates that with therapy we can bring dormant parts of your mind back to life and health.  Fear must become a very active ingredient in your thinking process in the days of treatment which lie ahead.  Your letter that notified me of your intent to audit my tax returns would create fear in the hears of most taxpayers.  You are paid very high wages to capitalize on the fear which the IRS generates.  Now fear is coming home to roost in your life and mind.  The process of therapy and cure will be very rapid if I can generate a lot of fear in your mind.  Fear on the backs of IRS agents will help cure this Nation’s problems as well as the mental afflictions of each agent.

Yes this Nation is plagued by high interest, high unemployment, high taxes, inflation, and low productivity.  Our tax-consuming public servants lied to us about Vietnam, Pearl Harbor, Korea, the energy shortage, Watergate, and Social Security.  These problems were created by people suffering from the same malady as yourself.  All of these national problems will go away if we can cure you and your fellow IRS agents of your mental illness. Tyrannies are not created by one despot such as Hitler or Stalin. They are brought about by people.  The one at the top is riding the shoulders of mental cripples such as you.  Hitler was put into the history books by people who committed crimes against their fellow man in the name of government.

We would not have a terrorist organization called the IRS if no one would work for such an outlaw gang.  You, as an IRS agent, created trouble and misery for taxpayers.  Every time you demanded an audit of a taxpayer’s books, it generated stress and mental anguish.  You were the cause of sleepless nights, tension, loss of appetite, and you are using mental gymnastics to excuse your part in this terrible crime.  This letter is written to expose your excuses as being nothing more than mental dishonesty.  You were willing to sell your soul for a paycheck but you are personally and individually responsible for your own actions.  You must answer for your crimes as surely as the war criminals at Nuremburg.  Hitler got most of the blame for WWII but it was people like yourself who pulled the trigger.  History would indicate Hitler’s instructions and orders were wrong but the people blindly obeyed because they were mentally and intellectually weak.  There would never have been a World War II if the individuals involved had been guided by a personal sense of right and wrong.

Who gave Hitler the authority to order the deaths of millions?  At the Nuremburg war crimes trials those who had followed the orders of the Nazi government were found guilty of terrible crimes against their fellow man.  They followed orders which were not right and not lawful.  Neither Hitler nor the Nazi government had any right whatsoever to order the abuse, murder, or harassment of any individual.  Any government which perpetuates such crimes against mankind is a criminal government and such governments are created by people with mental problems.  An evil or criminal government is the result when individuals follow the orders of evil men  rather than their own conscience.

You, as an IRS agent, have been committing crimes against your fellow Americans. Your mind has taken an awful beating as you have weighed a paycheck against your conscience…

~to be continued~

This letter continues offering the IRS agent advice, and then tells the truth about the violation of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution as the IRS swoops down on your income or threatens your livelihood with audits.

Please listen to the exciting conclusion of this letter to the IRS and commentary on Wednesday’ Night’s Revolution Radio!

Rise America

Coincidence or Pattern?

©2012 drkate

Mockingbird as agent of deception

For many people, there are no coincidences, only patterns of actions that betray the larger picture.  I must say that since beginning this blog in August 2009 I have come to see it all as a pattern, with no coincidence; the trouble has been deciphering the pattern, or which pattern is playing.  And how they combine or are separate.

There is a much larger evil that has become evident in the usurpation of the presidency by Hussein-Obama-Soetoro-Soebarkha.  It is not just a usurpation, but it is the culmination of centuries of world domination sought by the privileged few.  And even that large pattern has its umbrella in the works of satan to pollute and destroy God’s children, God’s world.  Confusion reigns as does darkness.

The tip of the spear which sparked my development was the anointment of Obama as pResident of the U.S. in 2009, and all the criminality that led up to it.  As we peeled back the layers of this bad dog, we found the larger sinister forces at work conspiring for world control.  We stumbled across the connections with  the federal reserve; past assassinations, with the World Trade Center attacks in 1993 and 2001; with Carter, Brzezinski, Kissinger, Nixon, the Clintons, the Bush clan–all just investigating the usurpation of the presidency by Hussein-Obama.

As it turns out, the usurpation was planned long ago; the powers that be were just waiting for the moment when Americans would be so dumbed down and exhausted that we would vote for Obama ‘to prove we were not racist’.  In my opinion, they waited too long to install ‘the black guy’, as America had moved past racism a long time ago.  Oh yes the race card worked for a while, but it did not deter true Americans from seeking the truth about Obama-Hussein.  For each time we get close to the full exposure of this agent of terror, something terrifying happens to Americans or America.  To wit:

  • HRC says Obama is not American: out comes the gender and race card, unleashed ferociously, with the lame stream media, obutt supporters, your family and neighbors accusing you of being racist; sadly we find that HRC and Obama collaborated to keep the focus off Obama’s illegitimacy
  • Larry Sinclair on his affair with Obama:   Donald Young is murdered in December 2008;
  • Legitimate American concerns expressed through proper channels are summarily dismissed without so much as a peek at the merits of the case, or alternatively, judges take nothing and rule on everything.
  • Obama in Hawaii to strong arm the HI democrat party:  Granny Dunham dies.
  • The release of the fraudulent electronic version of Obama’s ‘LFBC’:  Bin Ladin is murdered again; The Navy Seals knowledgeable about the so-called Bin Ladin ‘raid’ are taken out when their helicopter crashes;
  • A democrat operative taken out because he saw something about Obama that would blow his cover
  • Breitbart murdered on the day of Sheriff Arpaio’s report

The luciferians behind this destruction never expected Americans to figure this out, and each murder, assassination, worldly diversion is designed to keep us from focusing on the illegality of Obama…the one place where removing the person would expose the whole conspiracy against America and the world.  Our constitution specifies who can be in that office of the president, and we have no legitimate president right now.  The millions in bribes, threats, the sacrificing of our entire worth…has followed his usurpation.  That’s a lot of work, money, and blood invested in keeping the illusion alive.

Satan is the god of confusion and liars.

If any of us on this blog or others that focus on Obama’s destruction and identity are taken out, you know where to look.

Protected: Satan, Agenda 21, and the New World Order

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Carnival Barky

©2012 drkate

The Chief Carnival Barker, Barrack Hussein Soetoro Soebarka Obama talks about what a distraction it is to focus on the fact that he has no legal identity in the United States.  So much of a distraction it prevents him from completely annihilating our country as quickly as he wants to.

This classic video was re-released by the White House on March 1, 2012, the day Sheriff Joe Arapio’s law enforcement investigation proved what Carnival Barky has been afraid of all along:

  • Obama cannot prove he was born in the United States because he can’t produce documents to prove it. Hence, we do not know his legal identity, nor can we say he ws born in the United States…

Hence, Obama’s nominating petition in each and every state is defective

  • Obama was not born to citizen parents

Hence, Obama has not proven he is an Article II ‘natural born citizen’ because he has not proven place of birth and citizen parents.

  • Obama is not eligible for the office of the president

Lock him out, lock him up

In each and every county, and in each and every state, the papers that the Democrats are putting forward–and Obama is signing–that proffer him as the candidate of the Party are defective.  The Democrats are committing fraud in each state right now. These are very simple points to hammer on, and now you have law enforcement to back you up.  What about the Sheriffs in your county…do they have the courage to stand up for the Constitution and to actually live their oath of office?

Head on down to your local democrat party office with a few signs letting them know you know they are committing fraud.  Write a few letters to the editor with these simple facts.  Put out a flyer or postcard, a poster or road sign: its time to challenge them on every single corner of every street in this nation.  If you can’t do that, support the Obama Ballot Challenge and the educational efforts of the Article II SuperPac. Yes, its been a long road, and yes, we’re asking again for your support.

Mouthpiece of 2012 democrat fraud

Create the record so that all of history and time, and our Creator will know, that we opposed the usurpation of the United States Constitution by the jackals, jackasses, and carnival barkers of the left wing sociopathic communist new world order odors of the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Update on Arizona Ballot Challenge

Plaintiff in the Pima County Ballot Challenge, Kenneth Allen, submitted a brief in opposition to the Arizona Democrat party’s motion to dismiss his challenge that is sure to make headlines and has already made the democrats steaming mad…so mad they have moved to strike the brief itself.  While it is expected that the judge in the case will dismiss it as all others before him, it is worth reviewing the standard democrat arguments and Plaintiff Allen’s challenges to them so as to ‘try your hand’ at using these arguments yourself.

Plaintiff Allen’s introduction to his argument opposing defendant AZDems motion to dismiss:

Comes now Plaintiff Kenneth L. Allen in opposition to Defendant Arizona Democratic Party (“the Party”) Motion to Dismiss on the grounds that Defendant cannot guarantee to the Plaintiff nor the citizens of Pima County that it will not commit fraud as it certifies that candidate Barack H. Obama is constitutionally eligible for the office of President of the United States. 

Typically, the democrats cite disparagingly the “49 cases that have been dismissed resolving forever the discussion the Obama’s eligibility:

Exhibit A (listing 49 federal cases and 3S state cases rejecting arguments made by “birthers” in one form or another. Motion to Dismiss, Az Democrats

Plaintiff Allen’s response:

VII. Defendants Erroneously Rely on Case Law that is Irrelevant to this Complaint.

Defendants, in a footnote (fn3 p 2), erroneously claim that candidate Obama’s eligibility for president has been addressed already by a series of cases across the country, cases which have never argued the merits of candidate Obama’s status as a natural born citizen, and cases which have never addressed specifically a ballot challenge. Defendants compare apples to oranges. Contrary to Defendants haughty claim, there is no legal authority or court in the country that has ruled on or definitively stated that candidate Obama meets the constitutional qualifications for the presidency

Defendants proffer Obama’s birth certificate released by the White House as proof positive of Obama’s birth in the United States, making it a central part of the case.   Plaintiff Allen’s response:

VIII. Defendants “Make Up” a Definition of Natural Born Citizen that Conflicts with Existing Case Law, cannot be supported by the facts and Cite No legal authority for their Definition.

While erroneously relying on case law that does not address the merits of the definition of natural born citizen, Defendants make up a definition by stating that candidate Obama is a ‘natural born citizen’ because he was born in the United States (Hawaii) to an American citizen mother, that is, a single citizen parent (Defendants at 2, 1-7). Defendants proffer Exhibit A, a purported copy of candidate Obama’s birth certificate, as proof of his birth in the United States.

Plaintiff asks this Court to take judicial notice of the March 1, 2012 findings of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio which state that there is probable cause that the Hawaii birth certificate proffered as evidence that candidate Obama was born in the United States to a U.S. citizen mother is a forgery and thus a fraudulent document . Defendants cannot definitively state that candidate Obama was born anywhere in the United States, which is just one of the characteristics of a natural born citizen.

Defendants also erroneously interpret Minor v Happersett and include the Fourteenth Amendment as necessary to the discussion of the term natural born citizen (fn6 p 5). The Fourteenth Amendment is not relevant to the discussion of natural born citizen as it concerns only the requirements to be a citizen of the United States; did not refer to or modify Article II; and never once mentions ‘natural born citizen’.

The purported Birth Certificate of candidate Obama (Exhibit (A) has been proven to be fraudulent through investigation of Sheriff Joe Arapaio. Because the defendants have brought the argument about the birth certificate here they should provide all documents for inspection and have made this issue relevant in this case.

The Arizona Democrats step in the pile big time…making up out of thin air their own definition of natural born citizen, and relying on fraudulent documents to do so.  They also erroneously try to use the case of Wong Kim Ark–long a standard bulwark of the flat-earth eligibility deniers–and the Fourteenth Amendment to argue for the illegitimate Carnival Barky:

XII.  Defendants Erroneously suggest the Fourteenth Amendment grants ‘natural born citizen’ status to candidate Obama.

 Defendant erroneously focuses on the case of Wong Kim Ark (69 U.S. 649 (1898)) and the term ‘citizen’, failing to recognize that the case is completely separate from and did not decide that Wong Kim Ark was a ‘natural born citizen’.  Wong Kim Ark became a citizen, not a  natural born citizen, of the United States.[1] Defendants also claim that candidate Obama is a natural born citizen based on his birth in the United States, a statement that is now without merit in light of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arapio’s report (id note 2). 

[1] Wong Kim Ark’s children would be natural born citizens of the United States if Wong Kim Ark married an American citizen.

Finishing the party off in grand style, Plaintiff Allen reasonably concludes:

Because Defendant cannot prove that candidate Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States as required by the Constitution, and cannot prove he was born in the United States,  this case should proceed on the merits of the questions initially asked of this Court. Absent this case, Defendant is likely to commit fraud on this Plaintiff, the citizens of Pima County, state and county officials of Arizona, and the citizens of Arizona by failing to conclusively validate the Party’s candidate for the president.

It is important to note for this case, as probably in others, the Democrats argue that they have exclusive privilege to select their candidate for president–irrespective of whether that candidate is eligible or not.  In this case, the Democrats argued that even with that right, the Plaintiff should bring in all other counties in Arizona to the dispute.  Challenging their authority, the Plaintiff retorts:

IX. Defendants claim a right to choose the Party’s candidate—irrespective of qualifications—to place on the Arizona ballot.

 Defendants ask this Court to dismiss this ballot challenge because it has the right to choose the Party’s candidate whether it has proof of the candidate’s eligibility or not. By stating this, the Party represents that it is representing candidate Obama’s efforts to secure a place on the Arizona ballot. Plaintiff opposes Defendant’s motion to dismiss because Plaintiff does not believe that the Party has a right to defraud the citizens of Arizona by putting forth a candidate that does not meet the qualifications of the office sought.  Defendants have offered no proof of candidate Obama’s constitutional qualifications for the office, rely on patently fraudulent documentation (fn 5 p 5), and demonstrate disrespect of the Plaintiff and the voters of Arizona who have a right to vote for a constitutionally eligible candidate.  Defendants also demonstrate spurious disrespect for Constitution of the United States (fn 3, 4 p 2).

What the Plaintiff is pointing out to all of us is how much information we have already and that we don’t need to be lawyers to start taking them on.  This is a citizen complaint, written by ordinary citizens. Get copies of these documents from the Obama Ballot Challenge site, there is a lot of good material to use in your own letters and documents.  You will be well-versed in how the democrats use smoke and mirrors to deceive, and how to break them into so many shards of glass.

Rise America

Obama of Unknown Legal Identity

©2012 drkate

With thanks to the Surprise Arizona Tea Party Patriots, and to Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
All the king’ s horses, and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again

While the professionalism of law enforcement was on display in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s March 1 press conference, the unprofessional lame stream media was painfully on display as they stamped their feet, whined, tried to divert attention from the topic at hand, and showed their biased juvenile anger that their messiah has been proven to be a complete unknown, most importantly of unknown legal identity.

  • Unknown birth place
  • Unknown citizenship
  • Unknown origin

The knowing liar

The entire obutt charade falls apart in an hour and twenty minutes on the now proven forgery and fraud–proven by the first law enforcement entity with the balls to take this on. The media asks itself the question as they try to get Sheriff Joe to say it for them–“is Obama living a lie?”  Whatever reporter asked that question is probably soon to be fired for being so obvious.  It was a trick that didn’t work, boys and girls of the so called ‘media’.  Fast forward if you’d like to the last 45 minutes or so for the question and answer session where the sheer idiocy of the flat-earth eligibility deniers is on display. Sheriff Arpaio’s report can be downloaded here.

What, no headlines in U.S. News, Faux, CNN, CBS, or ABC?  Perhaps they didn’t want to make their misprision of felony and covering for the Obutt so obvious.  Instead, we are treated to the murder death of Andrew Breitbart, the FED crashing silver and gold prices, coordinated with Rush Limbaugh calling someone a slut and Obutt’s meddling, voter fraud, and the Obutt’s plans to preemptively strike Iran–telegraphing his intentions through lecturing us against doing what he plans to do anyway.

From the video of the press conference, I’ve picked up several points:

  • Affadavits have been submitted stating Obama was introduced as a foreign student by Billy-the-cia-terrorrst-Ayers’ mother in Chicago in the 1980’s
  • Sheriff Joe knows the computer type and its location where the fraudulent BC was stored twenty minutes before it was uploaded to the White House computer system
  • The August 1-7 1961 INS records showing who came to Hawaii during that time period are missing from the National Archives with no explanation.  That is the only week in 1961 that is missing from the National Archives.
  • A person of interest has been identified in the forgery of the LFBC

The investigation is on-going, so while the kings men try to put Humpty Dumpty together again, or start a war, or wage tornado warfare on Americans, relentlessly Patriots make their march on they who would dare control us.

Criminal fraud and forgery have been committed. The press knows, the Congress knows, the people know.  The banksters know that we know.  GHW Bush, chief Nazi of them all, knows that we know.

What comes next? Pink undies? 😛

Obama's Enablers

Eligibility Cold Case Posse Report-Open Thread

©2012 drkate

The long-awaited report by Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Obutt’s lack of eligibility will be broadcast live for your viewing on Thursday, March 1, 2012 beginning at 3 pm EST.  World Net Daily will be offering a free copy of the report, sign up below!



Phoenix, Ariz – Article II Super PAC is joining World Net Daily (WND) and the Western Center for Journalism to live stream the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse Investigative Report of Barack H. Obama initiated following a request from Tea Party members from Surprise, Arizona. The Maricopa County Cold Case Posse is made up of retired career law enforcement officials, legal professionals and skilled investigators.

The seven month long investigative report will be released to the public on March 1, 2012 and Vattelevision, Article II Super PAC’s multi-media team, will be working with WND to bring it “live” to the citizens throughout America and the world.

WND will be providing an Executive Summary of the report and to be certain to receive it we encourage people to go to WND and sign up.

Helen Tansey, Director of Article II Super PAC said “We are thrilled to be joining WND, America’s leading independent news source who has stayed on top of this story and kept all of us readers informed since the investigation first launched.”

Tansey went onto say “no official source ever vetted Obama prior to the 2008 election, but just a mere political party. Well, that’s not good enough. The people deserve to know those who are seeking access to our ballots meet the qualifications laid out under Article II of the US Constitution, and for the first time an official law enforcement entity is doing what should have been done long ago.”

 The time of the press conference on March 1, 2012 will be announced by WND when finalized.

The live-stream can be watched live online at WND, Western Center for Journalism and Article II Super PAC.

Live-stream can be accessed at the front-page and here,


The WND TV live-streaming event is also made possible through the support of the Western Center for Journalism and Article II Super PAC.

Open thread!

March 2012

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